Strange Problem While Reading Records..

Nov 1, 2007

Hello all,

I have few data in excel files .. I have to export the data to an sql server database ..

I tried using and import/export wizard from the sql server .. the problem is :

My excel has a field called PCode it contains alphanumeric data .. the rows which has alphanumeric data return "" where as if the Pcode is only numeric 4546 it takes it ..

Here is the structure of the Target Sql Server Table

and here is the Excel file

Can u figure out what am I missing?

imp0steur a.k.a { Zuhaiß }™

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XML Source Not Reading Any Records

Sep 19, 2006

The problem started off as:
I have a webservice written in VB.NET that simply returns a System.Data.Dataset. I want to use the dataset in SSIS.

So i decided to do this:
Save the returned dataset returned by the WS to an XML file. so it is sitting there, and looks like a fully valid XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xs:element name="NewDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:UseCurrentLocale="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="Table">
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="SourceRecord" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="CombinedTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">
<Table diffgr:id="Table1" msdata:rowOrder="0">

I then use the XML source connection to connect to it. It sees all of the columns correctly, but when i run and put a watch on it, or try to output the results to a .csv file, no records come through.

Any ideas on why there aren't any rows comming through?
i'm using SQL2005 with no SP1

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Reading Records From Excel File

Nov 1, 2006

Hi all,

Whilst reading in records from an excel source via the SQL command method I've stumbled across a problem.

my SQL query takes in all records where the date column is not NULL, this ensures that only populated rows are obtained. If the date is in a format that is incorrect i'd really like the whole data flow to fail. However... What seems to happen is that any rows with a fault in the date column are just missed out and not pulled through the pipeline. I have tried changing the error output from fail component to ignore error and redirect row but nothing seems to catch it.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this may be the case?

Many thanks,


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Reading Records In A Flat File

Nov 29, 2006


I am making my first attempt at creating a script for a Script Task. The script needs to do the following;

1. find the length of each record in a single fixed width flat file
-file location; C:LearningSettlementDataTestSC15_CopiesSingleFile
-file name; CDNSC.CDNSC.SC0015.111062006 (no file extension)
2. if a record is found that is longer than 384 characters;
a. copy the record out to a text file
-file name; ErrantRecords.txt
b. delete record from the flat file where the record length is > 384.

If I can get this to work on a single file, I want to implement it with multiple files. I would imagine that using a ForEachLoop container with the script task 'inside' would be the way to go for multiple files. I have a connection manager set up for the single file and a MultiFlatFile connection manager set up for the whole collection of files. All of the files have the same schema. I don't know if the connection managers are going to be useful to me with what I'm trying to do, but I have them set up.

If you have some input on where I can find resources on how to do this, or have some code to pass along, please share.

Thank you for your help!


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Strange Records Returned By Inner Join

Apr 23, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I got a problem with the records returned by inner join query. It is weird as in table a I with records r1, and in table b with records r2 (r1>r2), but the returned record number r3 is greater than r1? That is so strange. As the reasonable records returned should be less than r1?(inner join on attribute a). What probably is the cause of the problem? I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you very much.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Strange, Very Strange (BIDS)

Jul 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I€™m suffering a queer behaviour when I use BIDS. Concretely, when I open a dtsx from my project (it has 10 packages) many times Sequence Container and Data Flow tasks are invisible. I mean, its lines are not visible at all whereas its titles are. I mean, what you see is just a white box€¦

Then, I€™m gonna Data Flow layer and I have to do double-clik over the tasks and are visible but on Control Flow I don€™t see how to solve.

Curiously in our development and production server such behaviour doesn€™t happen (we are accessing by mean Terminal Server from our workstations)

How odd!. Everything is fine except this.

I want to remark you that such project has been copied from the server, this is, these packages are been built on the server

Thanks for your thougts or ideas,

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Make Single Records From Multiple Records Based On Different Fields Of Different Records?

Mar 20, 2014

writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29

output should be ......

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29

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Deleting Old Records Is Blocking Updating Latest Records On Highly Transactional Table

Mar 18, 2014

I have a situation where deleting old records is blocking updating latest records on highly transactional table and getting timeout errors from application.

In details, I have one table called Tran_table1 in OLTP database. This Tran_table1 is highly transactional table, it will receive data for insert/update continuously

While archiving 2 years old records from Tran_table1 into Tran_table1_archive in batches(using DELETE OUTPUT INTO clause), if there is any UPDATEs on Tran_table1,these updates are getting blocked and result is timeout errors in application.

Is there any SQL Server hints to avoid blocking ..

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SQL Server 2008 :: Parent Records Ordering And Display Child Records Next To It?

Sep 7, 2015

declare @table table (
ParentID INT,
ChildID INT,
Value float
SELECT 1,1,1.2


This case ParentID - Child 1 ,1 & 2,2 and 3,3 records are called as parent where as null , 1 is child whoose parent is 1 similarly null,2 records are child whoose parent is 2 , .....

Now my requirement is to display parent records with value ascending and display next child records to the corresponding parent and parent records are sorted ascending

--Final output should be

PatentID ChildID VALUE
33 1.12
null3 56.7
null3 43.6
11 1.2
null1 4.8
null1 4.6
22 1.8
null1 1.4

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Data Flow Task To Delete Records And Then Insert Records In Transaction

Aug 6, 2007


I have been trying to solve the locking problem from past couple of days. Please help mee!!

I have a SSIS package in which 2 data flow tasks. 1st data flow task deletes records from a 5 tables and the 2nd data flow task should insert records into 1 of the five tables after the success of 1st data flow task. This scenario runs in Transacation.

The above scenrio in the 2nd data flow task hangs in runtime. It does not complete. with sp_who2 command i could see that there is an intent share lock(LK_M_IS) on the table and the status is SUSPENDED.

I dont know how to come out of this locking. Please help.

Thanks ,

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HOW To Select A Matrix (cross Join) With Empty Records To Retrieve The Same Amount Of Records For Each Cell

Nov 2, 2006


Im searching for a solution to set all matrix row or cell the same height.
it schoud looks like this example:

This is a simple matrix

test a

text b

text c

text d

text e

text f

text g

This is a matrix with all the same row-height.

test a

text b


text c


text d

text e

text f

text g



Thx you a lot

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Reading An Excel Doc

Jul 16, 2007

hi guys, Can anyone advise me how how to read an excel doc i have stored locally? I need to be able to start the read from say row number 6 and finish the read once i get to a row that contains a pre-determined  word signifying the end of processing. I intend to store the parsed data in an array that will be used as the data source for a gridview or repeater object on another asp page. I'm using 2.0 and C# by the way. thanks in advance for any help!!! 

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DataReader Not Reading

Jan 13, 2004

Why won't this dataReader read?

Dim objCon2 As New SqlConnection()
objCon2.ConnectionString = "a standard connection string"

Dim objCommand As SqlCommand
objCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, objCon2)
Dim objReader As SqlDataReader
objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader()

Label1.Text = objReader("email")

strSQL is a select command which I've checked (using SQL Query analyzer) does return data. I know the connection string is valid (and I presume if it wasn't that it'd fail on, which it doesn't).

So why oh why do I get this error on the last line (and yes, there is an "email" field in the contents of the reader)

System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.

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Help With Reading Database.

Jun 29, 2005

I have this code that I hacked together from someone else's example.  I kind of understand how it works.  I just don't know if it will and i am not in a location right now to check.  I was wondering if I did this correctly first, second how can it improve and should i do something different.  Basically i just want to check the password in a database. I am passing the username and password to this function from another functioprivate bool authUser(string UserName, string Password){ string connectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DBConnectionString"];  SqlConnection DBConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);  bool result = false; SqlCommand checkCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT password FROM Users WHERE userName='" + Password + "', DBConnection) SqlDataReader checkDataReader = checkCommand.ExecuteReader();
 if(checkDataReader.GetString(0) == Password) {  result = true; } else {  result = false; } checkDataReader.Close(); DBConnection.Close();
 return result;}Thank you Buddy Lindsey

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Reading Transaction Log

May 30, 2001

Does anyone know how to read transaction log besides trace and profiler. The current situation is some one in our org. deleted an item and I'm trying to find out who and when.

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Reading Log File

Feb 9, 2000

I have some records that have been deleted. I need to find out who did it and to do that I need to read the logs. Are there any utilities that will allow me to read login 7.0? How about 6.5?


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Reading The Transaction Log In SQL 7.0

Dec 22, 1999

Here is I think an interesting question
is there a way to read or access the transaction log of a
database in SQL server 7.0

Hoping someone has a solution :-)

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Reading The Transaction Log

Nov 2, 1999

We are having continual problems with our transaction log filling up on one of our major applications.
Does anyone know of a way or tool to read the transaction log? We want to determine what is causing this problem.


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Reading The Transaction Log

Jul 12, 1999

Is there a way, in SQL 7.0 to print out or view what's in the Transaction Log? In 6.5 you could view the table syslogs, but I don't see any documentation anywhere on how to do this in 7.0.

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Reading Xml In A Sql Table

Apr 8, 2005

I receive in a table a field which is an xml string
like below


Is there a way read this field with a select statement? I need to strip out the entryid value in a trigger

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Reading SQL 6.5 Databases

Aug 23, 2001

I received a SQL Server 6.5 database (.dat file) on a removeable drive. I'm currently running 7.0. Is there any way to read/import/link to this data without installing 6.5. And if I have to install 6.5 how do I get the system to see the database?

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Reading MS-SQL Transaction Log

May 24, 2002

Hello people;

Somebody knows some utility where I can read the Transaction Log Sql 2000 ?



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Reading A Ini File In DTS

Jun 10, 2002


How can I read an ini file entry and pass this parameter to a stored procedure which will be run in a DTS Package?

Thanks for the input


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Reading DTS Packages

Sep 19, 2001

Anyone know a way to read DTS packages? I have inherited a DTS package, saved in SQL, and am trying to find a way to read the steps without having to view every single step through the GUI.

Thanks in advance.

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Reading ClientProcessID

Sep 1, 2006


I need to know that how can we read ClientProcessID (älso use used in SQL Profiler).


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Reading Results Into .NET

May 20, 2008

Hi. I want to write a function to retrieve all records from a "Parts" table so that I can read these records in .NET.

SqlDataReader reader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()

while( reader.Read() )
int x = reader["id"];
string partName = reader["name"];

// Do stuff with data here //

My question: How should the function be written?

Should I create a PROCEDURE and just call a SELECT statement?

SELECT part_id as 'id', part_name as 'name' FROM parts

Or should I create a FUNCTION that returns a TABLE? If so, is this the correct syntax?

RETURN (SELECT part_id as 'id', part_name as 'name' FROM parts)

Thanks for reading

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Reading XML Element

Jun 9, 2014

The requirement is to read XML element from database column.The column looks like

<ClMetadataDataContract xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<NameLine1>David Jones</NameLine1>


I have also tries OPENXML but no luck

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Reading Log File

Jun 22, 2008

How do I view the SQL 2005 transaction log file(.ldf)?

Is there a built-in utility?

Thank you

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Reading A File

Jun 24, 2008

I am storing one text file on the server.This text file contains some mobile numbers.The file look like

Here I need to read this text file row by row mobile number and then insert these mobile numbers into a table by using sql procedure or sql trigger or any other method or coding. Is it is possible or not?
If so then anybody can help me!


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Reading ID From XML File???

Jul 13, 2006

Hello friends...

We have sql server 2000 and i need to read one perticular xml and from that i want ID field stored in one it possible by query analyzer to read xml and stored ID in table...I have only path of that xml file...


select ID from ("D:XMLFolder*.xml)

that i want

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SP Is Not Reading The Table Name?

Aug 23, 2006

-- drop proc SP_Trio_Popul_Stg_Tbls1
CREATE PROC [dbo].[SP_Trio_Popul_Stg_Tbls1] @tableName varchar(20) AS
-- alter PROC [dbo].[SP_Trio_Popul_Stg_Tbls1] @tableName varchar(20) AS

declare @sql varchar (20)

set @sql = 'INSERT INTO dbo.Name_Pharse_Stg_Tbl1 (nm_last)
SELECT nm_name FROM dbo.' + quotename(@tableName)

print @sql
exec (@sql)

exec SP_Trio_Popul_Stg_Tbls1 '00485'
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Name'.

im trying to run this SP but im getting an error. Can you help me to fix it?


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Reading From A Xl Sheet

Jul 17, 2007

Hi All,

I would like to know if i can read data from xl sheet using a stored procedure?

Thanks in advance


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Recommend Some Reading

Jul 25, 2007

I've been a developer for 20 some years, but never learned the design steps of a complex database. Can you give me a book or 2 to bring me up to speed with the latest database design and data modeling techniques?


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