select round (sum(indexvalue)/count (*), 1) -- this line is result of round (109.45) shows 109.4 that is incorrect from t --why round function doesn't work correctly in this select
select round (109.45, 1) -- but this line results 109.5 that is correct
Can somebody please help me with the implementation of a logic in round off to the left of a decimal point. Something like this in excel "=ROUND(x/12*31%,-2)" is to be implemented in SSIS. The Round function in the derived column is not permitting -2 for the length parameter. Please help
The table lists the values for X in the formula and the respective result calculated by Excel. I would want SSIS to give the same results like excel is giving. Please help me to make it work.
Can somebody please help me with the implementation of a logic in round off to the left of a decimal point. Something like this in excel "=ROUND(x/12*31%,-2)" is to be implemented in SSIS. The Round function in the derived column is not permitting -2 for the length parameter. Please help
The table lists the values for X in the formula and the respective result calculated by Excel. I would want SSIS to give the same results like excel is giving. Please help me to make it work.
Hi, I came upon a strange behavior of Format function in report, which I'm unable to explain.
I have some double value, which I want to format. E.g. the value is in db field "Users" and is 303870
1) If I set a Value property for the field to =Fields!Users.Value or CDec(=Fields!Users.Value) //the value is already double so the CDec has no effect
and Format property for the field to =Format(me.Value,"#,#") or =Format(Fields!Users.Value,"#,#") than the number which is visible in the report is 3303,873870 ???
2) If I put in the Value property =Format(Fields!Users.Value,"#,#")
and the Format property is empty than the output is ok 303,870, however this is not desired, because the value is than handled as string
3) If I put in the Value property =Fields!Users.Value
and into Format property =Format(CStr(me.Value),"#,#") than the output is ok again.
As I understand, the Format should be same as in VB (I am actually C# programmer, not very familiar with VB) so I tried to use Format in VB on double value, and the output was as expected (e.g. 303,870), but when I used to a string I got only the style (e.g. #,#).
So I wonder, the ReportingServices Format function works correctly only with string input? But why than works the example 2)? Or do I have somewhere a mistake?
We recently moved our servers from one domain to another. Now, we can't grant Windows users access to any databases. We CAN create the user IDs successfully via Enterprise Manager, and get a corresponding row in MASTER..SYSXLOGINS, but can't click on the Database Access tab in the SQL Server Login Properties dialog and grant accesss to any databases. When we try to do so, we get error 15401, "Windows user or group xxx not found". The underlying call is to MASTER..SP_GRANTDBACCESS, and running that via Query Analyzer returns the same error (naturally)
Looking through the code of SP_GRANTDBACCESS, I've determined that what is failing is a call to the undocumented TSQL function GET_SID. This proc takes two parameters, the first is either G<nt group name> or U<nt user name> and the second is NULL in the call in SP_GRANTDBACCESS. If I execute
SELECT GET_SID('U<valid user>', NULL)
it returns NULL, however, if I run
SELECT SUSER_SID(<valid user>)
then I get the Windows SID of whatever valid user name I supply.
We have 3 servers in question, namely production, development and test. We noticed the problem on production. Curiously enough, development and test worked fine.
NOW THE PLOT THICKENS. If I run this query on the dev box....
...the first function returned the SID, BUT THE SECOND FUNCTION DID NOT!!! How could that be? Clearly GET_SID was working inside of SP_GRANTDBACCESS, but not as a discrete call. So I went into the master database and added code to print out the SID returned by GET_SID to the proc. Lo and behold, SP_GRANTDBACCESS promptly failed with a 15401 error. It continues to get 15401s now, even after I returned it to the original code. What gives? Now my dev box has the same error production has, and all I did was recompile SP_GRANTDBACCESS a couple of times. FWIW, I did *not* ever make any changes to SP_GRANTDBACCESS on production.
Why doesn't GET_SID() work outside of SP_GRANTDBACCESS? Why did recompiling SP_GRANTDBACCESS break it permanently?
It almost seems like the query compiler can't correctly link a call to GET_SID to the correct function in some DLL, except I thought that the compiled code didn't survive a restart, and all TSQL procs were recompiled the first time they were called after a restart. If that's the case, then the compiler is - or at least was - producing a functioning compiled version of SP_GRANTDBACCESS after every restart.
I am trying to add a simple case statement to a stored procedure oruser defined function. However when I try and save thefunction/procedure I get 2 syntax errors. Running the query in queryanalyser works fine and a result is given with no syntax errors. Ibelieve its something to do with the spaces in the field names. Not mychoice as its an existing system I have to work around. Any helpgreatly appreciatedSQL QueryDECLARE @pfid VARCHAR(100)SET @pfid = '000101'SELECTCaseWHEN GetDate()BETWEEN gg_shop_product.sale_start AND gg_shop_product.sale_endTHEN((((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."Unit Cost" *Navision_Codes."Navision QTY"))/((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)) * 100WHEN dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" = 0Then '100'WHEN gg_shop_product.list_price > 0 THEN((((gg_shop_product.List_Price /100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."UnitCost"*dbo.Navision_Codes."NavisionQTY"))/((gg_shop_product.List_Price/100)/ 1.175)) * 100END as 'Margin'from gg_shop_product INNER JOINgg_shop_variant ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_variant.pf_id LEFT OUTER JOINgg_shop_cost_prices ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_cost_prices.pf_id INNER JOINNavision_Codes ON gg_shop_variant.sku = Navision_Codes.skuINNER JOIN NAVISION_Cost_Prices ON Navision_Codes."Navision No" =Navision_Cost_Prices.NoWHERE gg_shop_product.pf_id = @pfidUser Defined Function (Errors Line 11 & 15)CREATE FUNCTION dbo.get_Margin(@pfid VARCHAR(100), @dtNow DATETIME)RETURNS DECIMAL ASBEGINDECLARE @Return as DECIMALSET @Return = (SELECTCaseWHEN @dtNowBETWEEN gg_shop_product.sale_start AND gg_shop_product.sale_endTHEN((((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)-(dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" *Navision_Codes."Navision QTY"))/((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)) * 100WHEN dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" = 0Then '100'WHEN gg_shop_product.list_price > 0 THEN((((gg_shop_product.List_Price /100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."UnitCost"*dbo.Navision_Codes."NavisionQTY"))/((gg_shop_product.List_Price/100)/ 1.175)) * 100END as 'Margin'from gg_shop_product INNER JOINgg_shop_variant ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_variant.pf_id LEFT OUTER JOINgg_shop_cost_prices ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_cost_prices.pf_id INNER JOINNavision_Codes ON gg_shop_variant.sku = Navision_Codes.skuINNER JOIN NAVISION_Cost_Prices ON Navision_Codes."Navision No" =Navision_Cost_Prices.NoWHERE gg_shop_product.pf_id = @pfid)RETURN @ReturnEND
Anybody noticed that SQL Server rounds up if the value is half waybetween two rounded values, but C#'s Decimal.Round(Decimal,Int32)rounds to nearest even number?[color=blue]>From MSDN: "When d is exactly halfway between two rounded values, the[/color]result is the rounded value that has an even digit in the far rightdecimal position. For example, when rounded to two decimals, the value2.345 becomes 2.34 and the value 2.355 becomes 2.36. This process isknown as rounding toward even, or rounding to nearest."I perform the same calculation sometimes on the web server in C# andsometimes at the database in T-SQL, but want to get the same resultfrom both calculations. Could anybody offer any strategies for dealingwith this?Thanks ~ Matt
I want to do a simple thing but it seems to be behaving not as i am expectingI want to round number either up or down....e.g: 4.3 should round to 4 4.7 should round to 5when i use the round function like this: 83/17=4.88round( 83/17 , 0 ) it gives the answer as 4....when i was expecting it to be 5.... i know there is a ceiling function...but depending on the value of the division sometimes i want it to round up and sometimes round down. how can i do this? hope this makes sense. thanks
Has anyone been experiencing problems with rounding to 2 decimal places in SQL 7? I have a bunch of queries that generate web reports. Under 6.5 everything was fine. Now under 7.0 any number that needs to be rounded to 2 decimals is actually giving me several decimal places.
Here is a simplified version of what I am doing: DECLARE @x real DECLARE @y real SELECT @x = 223.1 SELECT @y = 59.7
SELECT ROUND((@x/@y),2)
Result should be 3.74. But instead I am getting 3.7400000000000002
If anybody has heard if Microsoft has declared this as a known bug please let me know.
if if i have time as 1:15 min means it has to show 1:15,if i have 1:20 min it has too be rounded and it has to show 1:30 min. can any one give me query for this thanks in anvance
There is a filed in a table of type decimal(12, 8)
when running a select query on this table for this field i.e. select field1 from table1
the data is shown like: 102.12500000 104.12500000
And therefore the report shows the same figure.
How do I get this field to show up in the report as 4 decimal places. i.e. 102.1250 104.1250
Tried the properties of the cell to format the text into a number but there is only 2 decimal places there. Even tried the expression by using Rnd(field1). This does not seem to do what I am after.
How do I write sql syntax to round the last digit. For example, 12.152 should be 12.15. My current sql syntax does not round the last digit as follows:
Select tblARInvoiceDetail.UnitPrice * tblARInvoiceDetail.Quantity AS ChargeBeforeDiscount FROM tblARInvoices INNER JOIN tblARInvoiceDetail ON tblARInvoices.ARInvoiceID = tblARInvoiceDetail.ARInvoiceID
The tblARInvoiceDetail.UnitPrice column is numeric;length 9;precision 18 The Quantity column is integer;length 4; precision 10;scale 0
I am using sql statement to save data in SQL SERVER but even i did not apply any round function it is automatically rounding up. e.g. 3.56 when i see it in database it is 4 how can i avoid this rounding? I am using MS Access as front end.
I have already summed the values and this below query sum the values and returns zero if there are no values. How can I roundoff the values for these columns.
I understand that when you use ROUND(8.5,1), I would get 9 but no matter how hard I try, I get 8.
I had this code that suppose to get the round of a quotient. I wanted to update a number of records by converting them via multiplication and/or division.
UPDATE Length SET inchTOcm = inchTOcm*2.5, metricTOton = ROUND(metricTOton/1.1,1);
supposing the original value of inchTOcm are in inch and in metricTOton are in metric ton.
There is a value in the metricTOton that when I divide it with 1.1, it's 345.81818. However, when I round it, it displays 345 instead of 346.
Is there wrong? How can I do this without using the CASE statement?