Strange Exception - Batch Update

Apr 19, 2007

Can anyone help me understand what this means:

Code Snippet

java.sql.BatchUpdateException: The IOBuffer.process operation returned an unknown packet type:0. Index:41. End:83.TDS_DONEINPROC(-1) TDS_DONEPROC(-2) TDS_DONE(-3) TDS_COLMETADATA(-127)
at Source)

I'm trying to do a very simple batch update.

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Strange Null Exception

Jan 1, 2007

Using vb express and sql express.

I add selected rows from table1 to table2 have all the code working for that. When updating the changes I noticed that for somereason the CustomerID field was autoincrementing. Can't have that. Changed the properties to autoincrement false. Now I get an exception saying cannot add null to column. Problem is, the field is not null. When i copy the row the "CustomerID" value is 2. For some reason it is not seeing this field.

The CustomeID field is not a key. I don't want it set to autoincrement as it is in a table set on the many side of a one to many relation. The field is not set to read only. If I do set it to autoincrement it sees the field fine and updates the table with autoincrementing numbers.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Sqljdbc Exception While Execute Batch Statement (Seems BUG)

Mar 17, 2008

The following exception is thrown with sqljdbc.jar (not with jtds0.9.jar) New request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor.
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$1ConnectionCommand.doExecute(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingConnection.rollback(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.rollback(

While using the query :

if not exists ( select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('aaa') and name = 'aaa_pk')create unique nonclustered index aaa_pkon aaa(id)using Statement.executeBatch()at conection.commit()

Sample Code

conn = getConnection();

// create the statement and execute the query
Statement stmt = null;
stmt = conn.createStatement();
for ( String sql : sqlList )
stmt.addBatch( sql );

results = stmt.executeBatch();
conn.commit(); //throws the exception
catch ( SQLException e )
catch ( SQLException e1 )
throw new DataSourceException( e1 );
throw new DataSourceException( "Error executing sql: %1", e, sqlList.toString() );

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Strange SqlBulkCopy Exception With SQL Server 2005

Dec 10, 2006


Wondering if anyone can help with a strange exception thrown while using the SqlBulkCopy class. I am using the class to transfer records from a DataTable in memory (approx 11,000 rows) into a SQL Server 2005 table.

Initially, the WriteToServer method was timing out a la KB913177 (, however I downloaded the hotfix, which eliminated this issue.

Now, I get a new exception thrown, as follows:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: OLE DB provider 'STREAM' for linked server '(null)' returned invalid data for column '[!BulkInsert].Power_Avg'.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternal()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteRowSourceToServer(Int32 columnCount)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DataTable table, DataRowState rowState)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DataTable table)

I can't see anything wrong with the data I have. The column "Power_Avg" is of type "float". When forming the DataTable, I cast my data to float expcilitly in C#.

Other things to know:

I am using SQL Server Express (2005)
This same code works fine with SQL Server 2000 (MSDE)
My code makes all modifications inside a single transaction of type "Snapshot" (I have activated SNAPSHOT READ COMMITTED in the database)
I have not activated MARS in the connection

Any ideas / suggestions?



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Batch Update

Aug 12, 2007

Hai, i would like to do Bulk update to avoid the round trip to the database.
Means, In my UI im dsiplaying all the employee details who are related to one particular dept. Now i want to update the bonus to all the employees based on their category. UI changes are refelected in the Datatable(.NET). Finally the datatable changes i would like to update in the Database.
how can i do that..
sample code pls.
im very very new to sql

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SQLBulkCopy Vs. Batch Update

Apr 17, 2007

I have a collection of around 16000 records, and have been trying to find the best way to update the information in the DB. I have done alot of reading about both BulkCopy and Batch Update, but haven't come to any clear solutions as to which performs better. I am not doing any inserting, just getting a dataset from the DB, changing the values, them want to update the Db again. Thanks for any help. Mick 

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Batch Update Of A SQL Table

Jul 1, 2007

Can anyone help a beginner with some T-SQL which runs as a scheduled stored procedure to update a table with is then accessed via an ASP web application.
 I have a table called Loans which contains a calculated column which will indicate in days if a loan item is late and also each row has a charges column to reflect a charge for late returns.
In a seperate table I have a charge per day for late returns.  I read this into a variable @LateCharges
I'd like to consutruct some T-SQL to scan through the Loans table and for every row where Status is not 'Returned' I woule like it to update the charges column based on the DaysLate column*@Latecharges
Any help much appreciated.

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Use Batch File To Update SQL

Apr 15, 2004

Ok.. I thought I could do this but I can't get this to work.. I need to create a batch file to run an sql update statement.. This is simple but I can't get it to wortk.. How do I do it?

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Update Command Exception

Apr 15, 2008

i make form to update some data in table
the code:protected void Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AinShams;Integrated Security=True");
con.Open();SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
int iid = int.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedValue);string name2 = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text;
string des2 = txt_dsc.Text;string loc2 = txt_loc.Text;
int act=-1;if (active_check.Checked == true)
act = 1;
act = 0;
}int yearsc = int.Parse(txt_yc.Text);
int pr = -1;if (prep_ck.Checked == true)
pr = 1;
pr = 0;
cmd.CommandText = "update Faculties set FacultyName=" +name2+ ",FacultyDescription=" + des2 + ",FacultyLocation=" + loc2 + ",FacultyActive='" + act + "',FacultyYearsCount='" + yearsc + "',FacultyIsPrep='" + pr + "' where FacultyId='" + iid + "'";
//cmd.CommandText = "update Faculties set FacultyName=@name,FacultyDescription=@des,FacultyLocation=@loc,FacultyActive=@act,FacultyYearsCount=@years,FacultyIsPrep=@p where FacultyId=@iid";
// cmd.CommandText = "update Faculties set FacultyDescription=" + des2 + " where FacultyId='" + iid + "'";
//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(@name, name);
//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(@des, des);
//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(@loc, loc );
//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(@act, act);
//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(@years, yearsc);
//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(@p , pr);
//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(@iid, iid );
but it give mw exception:
Server Error in '/try' Application.

Invalid column name 'sara'.Invalid column name 'mayada'.Invalid column name 'mmmmmm'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'sara'.Invalid column name 'mayada'.Invalid column name 'mmmmmm'.Source Error:

The source code that generated this unhandled exception can only be shown when compiled in debug mode. To enable this, please follow one of the below steps, then request the URL:1. Add a "Debug=true" directive at the top of the file that generated the error. Example:  <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>or:2) Add the following section to the configuration file of your application:<configuration>   <system.web>       <compilation debug="true"/>   </system.web></configuration>Note that this second technique will cause all files within a given application to be compiled in debug mode. The first technique will cause only that particular file to be compiled in debug mode.Important: Running applications in debug mode does incur a memory/performance overhead. You should make sure that an application has debugging disabled before deploying into production scenario. Stack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'sara'.
Invalid column name 'mayada'.
Invalid column name 'mmmmmm'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +180
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +68
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +199
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +2411
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) +196
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) +380
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +115
Manage_Faculties22.Update_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) +879
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +75
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +97
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +4886

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.1433; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.1433
when i click the update button this error appear
sara mayada mmmmm the data i enter in the form
what couse this error please?
Thanx in advance

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Batch Update In Stored Procedure

Feb 26, 2004

The following code is a part of my stored procedure MySP. I would like to update Users table with input variable @userIDs which has the following format:

101, 102, 103

I got the error message:

Syntax error converting the varchar value '101, 102, 103' to a column of data type int.

Obviously, UserID has datatype int. How can I write this SP?

@userIDs varchar(100)


UPDATE Users SET IsActive = 1 WHERE UserID IN (@userIDs)

IF @@ERROR <> 0


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Checking For Unique Constraints During A Batch Update

Jan 28, 2004

hello .
i have a grid for a table that gets updated with recordset.updatebatch
for a multi-user application.

the problem is that some of the table fields have to be unique

now imagine the next situation.

user A opens the form
user B opens the form
user A writes '1000' in the unique field
user A saves the recordset with updatebatch

user B writes '1000' in the unique field
user B saves the recordset with updatebatch

now there will be two records with the field '1000' !

how can i avoid this ?
i cannot check for unique during the update event of the grid
because it should check during the time it is saving and not
when it is just entering data without having updated the recordset

thanks !

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Database Change In Batch Update SQL Script

Oct 31, 2007

I used "OLE DB Command"(row by row) for update but because i found that very very slow i decided to try batch update. I check what is for insert and what is for update and those things that are for update i save to temp table. Then i run this:
update [ODS].[dbo].[Adres]
[MutatieDatumEinde] = stAdres.MutatieDatumEinde,
[StraatNaam] = stAdres.StraatNaam,
[HuisNummer] = stAdres.HuisNummer,
[HuisNummerToevoeging] = stAdres.HuisNummerToevoeging,
[Postkode] = stAdres.Postkode,
[Plaats] = stAdres.Plaats,
[Land] = stAdres.Land,
[IndicatiePTTAdresStandaard] = stAdres.IndicatiePTTAdresStandaard,
[KodeHerkomstAdres] = stAdres.KodeHerkomstAdres,
[VervalDatum] = stAdres.VervalDatum,
[BronODS] = stAdres.BronODS
[ODS].[dbo].[Adres] oAdres
inner join [M2O_Stage].[dbo].[ODS_Adres] stAdres
on oAdres.InstNr = stAdres.InstNr and
oAdres.TypeAdres = stAdres.TypeAdres and
oAdres.MutatieDatumAanvang = stAdres.MutatieDatumAanvang
where stAdres.IsInsert = '0'

I run this as an "execute sql task". Everything is running as it should and speed is incomparable, but.. i have problem to make this generic... what i mean is.. db names will change.
How can i make db names dynamic here ?

p.s. i just got idea .. i could probably make dynamic sql statement in script component and then run it there... but does anyone have a better idea ?

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Create Batch File That Will Run Update Statement And Schedule It To Run?

Oct 7, 2013

Is there a way to create a Batch file that will run an Update Statement and schedule it to run?I've used bcp to extract data to a txt file before, but i'm not sure if an Update can be performed.I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition so i don't have Server Agent available.

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Dec 10, 2007

Hi all ,

We had a SQL server (2005) that was performing very bad . We thought of doing an UPDATE STATISTICS thinking that the response times would increase.


Ex : Stored procedures that took 2 minutes are running for 22 minutes now. Queris that ran for 17 seconds are running for 14 minutes now.

Anybody faced this kind of issue earlier ? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,


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Strange Performance Issue With UPDATE FROM

Jun 26, 2007

Hello!I have this piece of SQL code:UPDATE aSET Field1 = c.Field1FROM aINNER JOIN b ON a.GUID1 = b.GUID1INNER JOIN c ON b.GUID2 = c.GUID2WHERE c.Type = 1AND @date BETWEEN b.DateFrom AND b.DateToThis query takes hours to complete.Now while trying to find out what's causing the poor performance (itsurely looks simple enough!) I've rewritten it to use temp tables:SELECT a.GUID1, a.Field1, c.Type, b.DateFrom, b.DateTo INTO #temptableFROM aINNER JOIN b ON a.GUID1 = b.GUID1INNER JOIN c ON b.GUID2 = c.GUID2WHERE c.Type = 1AND @date BETWEEN b.DateFrom AND b.DateToUPDATE a SET Field1 = subsel.Field1FROM (SELECT * FROM #temptable) AS subselWHERE subsel.GUID1 = a.GUID1Now it completes in 10 seconds.My question is why? Am I wrong in saying that the two batches aboveproduce same results? Is there something I've missed about the UPDATEFROM syntax? Why would the first query perform THAT poorly?Table sizes:a: 24k rowsb: 268k rowsc: 260k rowsGUIDs are of type uniqueidentifier.Any answers appreciated!Regards,// Richard

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Strange Update Performance Using ODBC

Apr 23, 2008

Hi All,

Not sure if this question belongs in this area or the server area but I'll start here. Here is my problem. We have an C/C++ app that was originally written for SQL 2000 and uses DBLibrary. We have converted it to SQL 2005 and are using ODBC/Native client to access the SQL 2005 database. This all works great. So we were doing some performance testing and we noticed that our update performance seems slower in the SQL 2005/ODBC case than it did in the SQL 2000/DBLibrary case. Inserts and queries all perform great, in fact the inserts are significantly faster in the SQL 2005/ODBC case which is good. We are using Array inserts/updates/queries wherever possible as this is faster obviously. In our update case, it takes 1.14 seconds to update 2000 rows in table in the SQL 2005/ODBC case, while SQL 2000/DBLibrary case takes .39 seconds to the exact same thing. The table in question is a 12 column table with all integer columns, with an index on the first three columns.

So my question is this. Is there something different about Array Updates in SQL 2005 ? I've looked thru the list of hot fixes available since SQL 2005 SP2 and haven't seen anything that directly mentions Updates so I'm hesitant to go off and start applying the hot fixes to our server to see if the behavior changes. It seems strange to me that Array Inserts would be very fast, but Updates wouldn't be. I've checked the ODBC Data Source and we aren't doing anything fancy there. I'm not actually even sure if this problem is client side or server side as I said earlier.

If anyone has any ideas or thoughts that would be great since this is really bugging me.

Here is a sample of what our C code is doing. This is simplied and I've removed a lot of our own code but these are the SQL calls that we are making in order so maybe can see something wrong I'm doing.

//----Sample Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pSQL = "Update bob set VV=? where VI=?" // not done this way actually in our code but just to show the update text

status = SQLPrepare ( hS, (UCHAR *)pSQL, SQL_NTS );

// Called twice with nCol = 1 and then with nCol = 2
status = SQLSetParam (
cType, // cType = 5 = SQL_C_LONG
sqlType, // sqlType = 4 = SQL_INTEGER
38, // size needed in case the column is numeric or decimal
p16Data, // Pointer to my array of data

SQLSetStmtAttr(hS, SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE, (SQLPOINTER)numrows, 0); // numrows = 2000


status = SQLExecute (hS);

SQLParamOptions(hS, 1, NULL);

//----Sample Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Strange Behaviour Of UPDATE STATISTICS.

Dec 10, 2007

Hi all ,

We had a SQL server (2005) that was performing very bad . We thought of doing an UPDATE STATISTICS thinking that the response times would increase.


Ex : Stored procedures that took 2 minutes are running for 22 minutes now. Queris that ran for 17 seconds are running for 14 minutes now.

Anybody faced this kind of issue earlier ? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,


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Batch Script To Create ODBC And Update Registry Datasource Key - Help!

Feb 21, 2008

I have create a batch file, that creates an ODBC then updates the application datasource key in the registry to the new system dsn name.

The problem is that the new DSN doesn't work when i try and connect the application...but if i had manually created the odbc source the app connects as expected... i have checked the registry and there is no difference between the two dsns created...but the application throws IM002[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified after i have also changed the applications registry key to point to the new database.

Now the interesting things to note are that when i re-create the odbc to the old server and database (sql 2000) by batch file it works fine. The new ODBC is linking to a sql 2005 database, but it is still using the 2000 drivers and when i manually created it, it worked also.

Another interesting thing is that if i go into the odbc dsn and click configure, go through and test the connection it works fine... after i close this i then retry the application and it opens correctly...

I need this to be automated with no manual intervention, as this will be added to a large group of users login scripts!

Any help greatly appreciated.

My batch file code is as below:

ODBCCONF.exe CONFIGSYSDSN "SQL Server" "DSN=RMS Live 2005 | SERVER=d-db99sql2005| Trusted_Connection=Yes | Database=RMS-Livedb"

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'((System.Exception)($exception)).Message' Threw An Exception Of Type 'System.NotSupportedException'

Jan 16, 2008

Greetings everyone, I am attempting to build my first application using Microsofts Sql databases. It is a Windows Mobile application so I am using Sql Server Compact 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2. When I try and insert a new row into one of my tables, the app throws the error message shown in the title of this topic.
'((System.Exception)($exception)).Message' threw an exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException'

My table has 4 columns (i have since changed my FavoriteAccount datatype from bit to Integer)

Account type will either be "Checking" or "Savings" when a new row is added, the user will select what they want from a combo box.

Next is a snap shot of my startup form.

Where it says "Favorite Account: None" in the top panel, I am using a link label. When a user clicks "None" it will go to a account creation wizard, and set the first account as it's primary/favorite. As more accounts are added the user can select which will be his/her primary/favorite. For now I am just creating a sample account when the label is clicked in an attempt to get something working. Below is the code used.

private void lnkFavoriteAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


FinancesDataSet.BankAccountRow account = this.financesDataSet.BankAccount.NewBankAccountRow();

account.Name = "MyBank Checking Account";

account.AccountType = "Checking";

account.Balance = Convert.ToDecimal("15.03");

account.FavoriteAccount = 1;//datatype is an integer, I have changed it since I took the screenshot.

//The next three lines where added while I was trying to get this to work.
//I don't know if I really need them or not, I receive the error regardless if these are here or not.





the refreshDatabase() code is here:

private void refreshDatabase()



//Aquire a count of accounts the user has

int numAccounts = financesDataSet.BankAccount.Count;

//Loop through each account and see which one is the primary.

for (int num = 0; num != numAccounts; num++)

//Works ok in frmMain_Load, but when my lnkFavoriteAccount_click calls this, it throws the error.

if (this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].FavoriteAccount == 1)

//Display the primary account on our home page. User can click the link label & be taken to their account register.

this.lnkFavoriteAccount.Text = this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].Name.ToString();

this.lnkFavoriteFunds.Text = this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].Balance.ToString();





and my form_load code

private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)




So, when I click on the lnkFavoriteAccount label, and my new row gets added, the app stops at the following line in my DataSet.Designer


public byte FavoriteAccount {

get {

try {

return ((byte)(this[this.tableBankAccount.FavoriteAccountColumn]));


catch (global:ystem.InvalidCastException e) {
//Stops at the following line, this error was caused by 'if (this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].FavoriteAccount == 1)'

throw new global:ystem.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'FavoriteAccount' in table 'BankAccount' is DBNull.", e);



set {

this[this.tableBankAccount.FavoriteAccountColumn] = value;



I have no idea what I am doing wrong, all of the code I used I retreived from Microsofts help documentation included with VS2008. I have tried used my TableAdapter.Insert() method and it still failed when it got to

if (this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].FavoriteAccount == 1)

in my refreshDatabase() method it still failed.

When I look, the data has been added into the database, it's just when I try to retreive it now, it bails on me. Am I retreiving the information wrong?

Thanks for any help you guys can offer.


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Exception Error - Incorrect Syntax Near '('. Inline UPDATE Command

May 4, 2007

Here's the code I've used to try and update a new user's IP Address to a Table called Customer who's key field in the UserId:
Getting the Exception Error   "Incorrect Syntax near'('. "                 Any ideas?
protected void ContinueButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get the ip address and put it into the customer table - (the instance of this user now exists)
MembershipUser _membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(); //This gets the active user if there is someone logged in...
Guid UserId = (Guid)_membershipUser.ProviderUserKey; //This gets the userId for the currently logged in user
string IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress.ToString();//This gets the IPAddress of the currently logged in user
string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ToString();
using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con =new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs))
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Customer SET(IP_Address = @IP_Address) WHERE (UserId = @UserId)";
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserId", System.Data.SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = UserId;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IP_Address", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char, 15).Value = IPAddress;

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The Script Threw An Exception: Exception Of Type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' Was Thrown.

Jan 31, 2007


I got an strange problem with one of my packages.

When running the package in VisualStudio it runs properly, but if I let this package run as part of an SQL-Server Agent job, I got the message "The script threw an exception: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." on my log and the package ends up with an error.

Both times it is exactly the same package on the same server, so I don't know how the debug or even if there is anything I need to debug?



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Passing Parameters To Batch File And Executing Batch File Loop

Aug 7, 2007


I need to take a variable from a tabel in SQL Server pass to a Batch file and execute the batch file. Right now I can exec the batch file with XP_CMDSHELL but how can I pass the variable to the batch file and loop through all the variables.

Please help


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SQLCMD Batch File With Script In Batch File

Dec 5, 2006

I am using the following batch file to execute a script that creates a db and all its objects in the local sql express:

sqlcmd -S (local)SQLExpress -i C:CreateDB.sql

This works fine, but I'm wondering if there's an easy way to put the script in the batch file, so users don't have to worry about putting the script in the C drive. I tried getting rid of the i parameter and pasting the script from the sql file into the batch file, but it didn't work.



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Strange, Very Strange (BIDS)

Jul 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I€™m suffering a queer behaviour when I use BIDS. Concretely, when I open a dtsx from my project (it has 10 packages) many times Sequence Container and Data Flow tasks are invisible. I mean, its lines are not visible at all whereas its titles are. I mean, what you see is just a white box€¦

Then, I€™m gonna Data Flow layer and I have to do double-clik over the tasks and are visible but on Control Flow I don€™t see how to solve.

Curiously in our development and production server such behaviour doesn€™t happen (we are accessing by mean Terminal Server from our workstations)

How odd!. Everything is fine except this.

I want to remark you that such project has been copied from the server, this is, these packages are been built on the server

Thanks for your thougts or ideas,

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Batch Job

Dec 26, 2006

I want to schedule a daily job using sql server to update the info. in a sql server table. This is very new to me. Could you please forward me some helpful resources.

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Batch SQL

Jul 25, 2006

QuestionsI need to batch a set of update commands. Can that be done and if so what are the possible ramfications? Can one mix / match Deletes/Inserts and Updates into a SQL command via the semi-colon in a batch set? (Is this the appropriate forum?)

WHYI am unable to use the
dynamic sql building found in the dataset due to a multiple table
contstraints. I have built classes that will extract the differences
from two datasets and report on the updates/deletes and inserts
required. Since I have multiple SQL statements, it would be nice to combine them into one statement.

Platform.Net 2C#IIS6SQL Server 2000 is the eventual target database for the generated SQL


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Batch Updating?

Mar 28, 2008

Hey guys, I periodically have to update maybe 300 records of the same column.. However, I've been udpating each record one by one.
Is there a way I can do something the following.ID   Name1    john2    chris3    adam4    ben5    steveupdate table1 set name = name where id = ? but have it run through an entire set of these? Is there any way of automating that rather than having to update it manually? Do i need another table with just the id numbers and the column I want to change? or do i need a txt file?

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Help With Batch File

Jan 22, 2002

I need some help in accomplishing this task.

I want to design a DTS task which will:
a)copy a certain given files from one directory to another
b)import the files into the tables
c)upon successful import delete the files from the original directory.

I done know much about scripting and need help in figuring out steps a) and c).

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How To Run Different DTS Packges In A Batch?

Jul 31, 2001

Is there any way using to run already developed DTS pacalkes one after another.


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Batch File

Sep 13, 2001

Do u know how to write a batch file
for example i will need to type the sql server name it has to connect to the server and run a script that I have

let me know if u have any ideas of doing it

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Batch File

Sep 13, 2001

Do u know how to write a batch file
for example i will need to type the server name it has to connect to the server and run a script that I have

let me know if u have any ideas of doing it

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BCP From A Batch (*.bat) File....

Mar 29, 2000

Can someone show me an example of the syntax required to execute multiple BCP commands within the same batch (*.bat) file?

Sorry if this is a bit of a basic question, but not being a programmer by profession, I need to plead ignorance. I've tried a few things, but I just can't seem to figure it out.



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Batch Process

Oct 22, 2003

I have a problem running a batch file, now the problem is that when i run the batch file the command prompts the user for an input, but I have all the output of the bat file going into a log file. So when i run the bat file the process just sits there until i hit the 'y' key or unless i nput sumthin manually. This is a problem becuase this batch file is running on the UAT server as a job and there is no one there to input once the job is running. The commnd in the batch only requires an input once a month.

for eg if run: launch_scrt.bat and i want to put sum parameters such as 'y' or 'n' to avoid the manual input once the job is running. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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