Stream A Rdlc Report From Dll To Browser

Apr 22, 2008

I have a very simple test report created in Visual Studio 2005 as an rdlc file in my dll. The rdlc file is in the dll because it is built off of the business objects. I need to be able to stream this file (i.e. not use a report viewer) to the browser.

I found code that I included below, but get an error:

The report definition for report 'Monkey.Report1' has not been specified

Yes my test namespace in my dll is named "Monkey" )

Anyway, any idea on how to solve this?

Code Snippet
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport();
localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Monkey.Report1.rdlc";

ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource("FamilyCollection", Monkey.Family.RetrieveAll());

string reportType = "PDF";
string mimeType;
string encoding;
string fileNameExtension;

string deviceInfo =
"<DeviceInfo>" +
" <OutputFormat>PDF</OutputFormat>" +
" <PageWidth>8.5in</PageWidth>" +
" <PageHeight>11in</PageHeight>" +
" <MarginTop>0.5in</MarginTop>" +
" <MarginLeft>1in</MarginLeft>" +
" <MarginRight>1in</MarginRight>" +
" <MarginBottom>0.5in</MarginBottom>" +

Warning[] warnings;
string[] streams;
byte[] renderedBytes;

//Render the report
renderedBytes = localReport.Render(reportType, deviceInfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileNameExtension, out streams, out warnings);

//Clear the response stream and write the bytes to the outputstream
Response.ContentType = mimeType;
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=foo." + fileNameExtension);

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The Stream Cannot Be Found. The Stream Identifier That Is Provided To An Operation Cannot Be Located In The Report Server Databa

Apr 6, 2008

I receive this error when I make a depolyment to our new server(virtual server).
The report works fine in the report manager. In my application, I use RenderStream method to retrieve the images and embed in the webform. I googled it and found some people having the same issue because of the cookie, so they set 'UseSessionCookies' = false in the table ConfiurationInfo of ReportServer database. I tried this, but no luck.

Also, there is a hotfix from Microsoft
I have requested a copy, but not sure whehter it's gonna be helpful.

Any clues or suggestions weclome.


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The Incoming Tabular Data Stream (TDS) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Protocol Stream Is Incorrect

May 22, 2006

I've read the other posts related to this issue, but I'm just REALLY confused as to whats happening in my case. Like everyone else it was working fine in SQL 2000 but now in SQL 2005 there is an issue. I'm calling a stored procedure with parameters defined like this:

@action varchar(10),
@GLTransactionID int = NULL OUTPUT ,
@GLBatchID int = NULL ,
@GLAccountID int = NULL ,
@CurrencyID int = NULL ,
@LocalDebit decimal(28, 13) = NULL ,
@LocalCredit decimal(28, 13) = NULL ,
@BaseDebit decimal(28, 13) = NULL ,
@BaseCredit decimal(28, 13) = NULL ,
@TransID int =NULL,
@Description varchar(255) = NULL

I am calling this proc from VS.NET 2003 using the .Net SqlClient Data Povider (C#). I'm setting the values of the parameters like this:

cm.Parameters.Add("@action", "insert");
cm.Parameters.Add("@GLBatchID", _gLBatchID.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@GLAccountID", _gLAccountID.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@CurrencyID", _currencyID.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@LocalDebit", _localDebit.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@LocalCredit", _localCredit.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@BaseDebit", _baseDebit.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@BaseCredit", _baseCredit.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@TransID", _transID.DBValue);
cm.Parameters.Add("@Description", _description.DBValue);

When I execute the call to the stored proc I get this:

"The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 8 ("@BaseDebit"): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type numeric. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision."

Using the VS.NET command window I then inspect that parameter to see what the heck is going on and get this:

[System.Decimal]: 1000000

So I set a decmial parameter to 1,000,000, that parameter in the DB is defined as decimal(28,13) so should fit no problem, but it seems the Sql data provider is confused and thinks 1,000,000 is decimal (0,22)???

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Reporting Services :: How To Add Sub-Report From Main-Report In RDLC

Jun 26, 2014

I have 11 records in the Main report.I want to make Imagebutton for only the 11 record.If click on Imagebutton then the subreport show in the below.But there is no relationship between MainReport and SubReport.

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Report Wizard To Add RDL Report?

Oct 1, 2015

problem when add RDLC report wizard to add RDL report Unable to cast object of type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny' to type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement'.


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Add Serial No In Report.rdlc

Jun 20, 2007

hi forum

how to add Serial No in "Report.rdlc". I want to add SNo. in as a extra field in Report.

SNo. ItemName Price

1 abc 10

2 xyz 20

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RDLC Report Formatting Issues

Mar 9, 2007

We have developed client SQL Server Reporting Services reports (rdlc) that are completely dynamic.

Everything on the report itself is build from code.

There are a few problems in the formatting of these reports that we have not been able to correct.

1) Because of the way the data has to be displayed. we have had to use a List control with Textboxes and Lines within to give the appearance of a table.(Column headers are textboxes with background set to gray). Line controls exist between each column of data. We did this because we need to have nested lists in some cases to display the data.

The height of the listbox is adjusted to fit the contents within. The vertical lines between the columns appear broken with gaps between each item.

Is there any way to set the line height to automatically fit the height of the ListBox.

2) Another issue we have is with Texboxes. If there is no value in the Textbox, the borders do not show. CanShrink is set to false. Hidden is false. Is there any other setting or something else that could be causing this?

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Bind Object To RDLC Report

Apr 8, 2006

I hava a question about Bind object to RDLC Report,the RDLC like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
    <DataSource Name="DummyDataSource">
        <ConnectString />
      <Table Name="table1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox7">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox8">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox6">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox9">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="ID">
                    <Textbox Name="Name">
                    <Textbox Name="Name_1">
                    <Textbox Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox2">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox4">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox3">
                      <Value>Patient Of Medcial Case</Value>
    <DataSet Name="WindowsApplication1_MedcialCase">
        <rd:ObjectDataSourceType>WindowsApplication1.MedcialCase, WindowsApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null</rd:ObjectDataSourceType>
        <CommandText />
        <Field Name="ID">
        <Field Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
        <Field Name="Name">

the object I bind  to the Report like

public class MedcialCase
        private Guid iD;

        public Guid ID
            get { return iD; }
            set { iD = value; }

        private Patient patient;

        public Patient PatientOfMedcialCase
            get { return patient; }
            set { patient = value; }


    public class Patient
        private string name;

        public string Name
            get { return name; }
            set { name = value; }


and the code bind object to report like

  MedcialCase medcialCase = new MedcialCase();
  medcialCase.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
  Patient patient = new Patient();
  patient.Name = "Michael";
  medcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase = patient;
  this.MedcialCaseBindingSource.DataSource = medcialCase;

I choose the MedcialCase.ID and MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name to show, but when the report was run ,,just MedcialCase.ID has been shown,
the text of MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name is "=Fields!Name.Value"

I modify it to "=Fields!PatientOfMedcialCase.Value.Name.Value" and run it ,the "#Error" show in the text of Name

anyone can tell me why?and how to bind object like MedcialCase to the Report?



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Local Report (RDLC) Formatting

Feb 22, 2007

I cannot find anything that would suggest it is possible to use a cascading style sheet when formatting data elements within a local report (RDLC). We created an HTML report using CSS and now want to generate the same report using the Report Viewer control along with our defined styles.

Any ideas?

thank you

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Create Report.rdlc In Dynamically

Oct 23, 2007

I' m using Microsoft Reporting. Is there a way to create Report .rdlc file Dynamically on the fly? I' m using
Any help can be appreciated.

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Set Report Parameter In RDLC Report.

Apr 26, 2008


I have a RDLC report in an aspx page.
The report has a table one of whose data column has a hyperlink.

ServerName Date ProjectStatus

Srv1 01/10 Green
Srv2 01/10 Red
Srv 3 01/10 Green

and the second shows the detailed history per server,

eg for Srv1

Table 2
ServerName Date ProjectStatus

Srv1 01/10 Green
Srv1 01/09 Green
Srv1 01/08 Red
Srv1 01/07 Red
Srv1 01/16 Red

On click of the hyperlink a report parameter SelectedServerName is set to say Srv1 (1st row).
The report is reloaded and Table 2's data set fetches the results only for Srv1 .

This works fine in RDL format.

But when i embed the report in an aspx page in RDLC format the Parameter value is not set even after clicking the link.

Hardcoding the value works fine

ReportParameter[] p = new ReportParameter[1];

p[0] = new ReportParameter("SelectedServerName", "Srv1");


How do i pass the value of ServerName corresponding to the link clicked and refresh the report?
in RDLC?

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How Do I Asign A Textbox In A Rdlc Report A Declared Value?

Apr 8, 2007

Hi all..

I developed a local report to be viewed using the "Report Viewer" control. The report is attached to an object data source.

All works perfectly, now I want to display a declared value (from the form containing the report viewer) in a textbox. Like:

Dim NofDays as string

Me.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.textbox6.text = NofDays

I ve tried a lot of options like using the report paramaters but I cannot get it to work.

Does aneyone have a clue?



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Reporting Services :: RDLC Report Page Break

Sep 26, 2012

i have used rdlc report. how can i set the page break in report

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How To Assign Dataset Values In Header In RDLC Report

Apr 25, 2008

I am using RDLC report with Microsoft visual studio 2005. In the first page of rdlc i have two text boxes and one table in body section. In the second and subsequent pages i want to repeat the data from textbox1 and textbox2 along with table data continuation of page1.

Currently the continuation of table data from page1 to page2 is working properly. But the textbox1 and textbox2 data also needs to be repeated in every pages.

I tried the following steps, but fails to work.

1. added two text boxes in header section and another two text boxes in Body section.

2. Assigns the dataset value to textboxes in body section.

(Ex: =first(Fields!Address.Value)

3. Assigns the textboxes value from Body section to the corresponding text boxes in header section.

(Ex : =first(ReportItems!textbox1.Value))


The header text box value displayed in the first page only and not repeated in the subsequent pages.


Whatever assigned to the header section should be repeated in the subsequent pages. But only page number, date... is reflecting in other pages and not the text box values in header section.

Kindly give me the solution.

Thanks in advance.

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RDLC Client Report And Query Parameters And Print Button

Feb 9, 2007

Hi, this is my first post here. I hope to be helpful trying to help and not only asking questions arround here. After I have my report ready I will share here the total experience from top to bottom!But for now, here's the issue:

I'm building a RDLC Repor on my ASP.Net VB web application. I added the .rdlc file to the application and created a table to show lines of data binded from a dataset. The thing is:

- The DataSet expects a parameter @intNumber, a identifier to get the correct data to display the correct report.

- I'm using ReportViewer to view the report, and by code I've passed a Report Parameter to the *.RDLC report with success, just like this:

Dim parms(0) As ReportParameter
parms(0) = New ReportParameter("intNumber", 37)

The present issue is the following:
I want to use that parameter sent to the report to be sent to the query of the DataSet as parameter to the query to return the data to fill the report. I've heard that this is not possible, just with report server...

Another issue is the print button, also heard that only can appear on report way to display and work on RDLC reports?Very confused right now...these issues are stupid, MS tools should allow these operations, which are not efficient if this is not possibla on RDLC...

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Help Needed: Export From Report Viewer &&amp; RDLC From SSRS Server

May 12, 2008

I'm have two issues I need to work out.

1) - I need to get the RDL (the RDL format merged with the data, like a rendered report in RDL format) - to pass back to the client Report Viewer. Is there a way to do that? I do not see that as an optional output types.

2) - I need to export to a specific file/path from the client side Reportviewer.. Is this possible? Is there a lower level API for this?

Thank you,

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Data Error In MVC Report Viewer

Sep 8, 2015

I have created a .rdlc file in MVC application. I have used Matrix in report and also i have bar charts. Issue is when I view the report in my application--all the months data and all the years data is getting summed up..

it should display like
jan  feb  mar
1     2      3
but it is coming like

I have group by as Month for Month columns and Year for Year columns, how to fix this error.

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Report - Hide Labels In Graph Chart

Oct 25, 2015

I developed a rdlc report. I have a graph chart. Sometimes the value of a label can =0. If the value =0 I want to hide the labelname.  However, I also have dummy values =0. This is so that I can have spaces between the bars. The dummy values labels isn't shown in the graph. This works great. I need to add to the expression that if the name of the label isn't dummy but the value =0 to hide the labelname.

The data from sql:

Expression in graph under chart data->category groups->category group properties->label:
=Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.SWITCH(Fields!LabelName.Value = "aTotalForRetire", "Retirement", Fields!LabelName.Value = "cTotalForRelatives", "Relatives", Fields!LabelName.Value = "eTotalForDisability",

The result is below. I want to hide the label relatives as in this example the value=0. It will not always be the case. How can I do that?

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RDLC Newbie Questions (hopefully)...connecting Dataset To Report That Contains Multiple Data Tables

Sep 12, 2007

Hi All,

We are post-deployment with a serious reporting issue that's causing us to rethink our reporting solution. We're considering moving from what we have to SQL Server Reporting Services (client side).

I have spent the past couple of days getting up to speed on this feature and seeing if we can easily migrate it into our existing application. However, I've hit a couple of stumbling blocks and was hoping perhaps someone here could either tell me the solution or point me in the right direction.

I'm not having any problems creating basic reports (e.g. flat data).

However, I am having problems creating reports where there are related tables in a dataset.

The way it works with our existing solution is that I get a dataset (which contains several data tables) and point it to the report's datasource. That report expects those tables and I have defined table-relationships in the report which process and display the information correctly.

I'm not having as much luck with RDLC.

I can go into futher detail about how I'm creating the report, but let me just ask these general questions first:
1. Can I set a dataset containing multiple datatables equal to a property on an RDLC report and that RDLC report know how to treat and display the data?
2. Is there a better/smarter than this to get a field selection from my datasource (remember, this information is coming from a stored procedure so connecting directly to the database is not an option):
a. In code, populate dataset
b. In code, write dataset schema to xml (e.g. an xsd file)
c. In Visual Studio, add the XSD file to project
d. Use fields from XSD file to drag and drop fields on report

A fancy example would be nice too. I've googled like crazy the past couple of days and downloaded as many samples as I can find (including the ones on,, "Tudor's WebLog", and several others). However, I have yet to find one that uses grouping and related datatables.

Thank you so much (if, for nothing else, reading this post )

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Vista Browser Error On Http://localhost/Reports - The Report Server Is Not Responding. Verify That The Report Server...

Apr 11, 2007

Hi -

I got through the installation hoops for SQLEXPRESS Reporting Services in Vista and set up the default configurations in Report Services Configuration. I can explore the default directory for "Reports" in IIS7, but I can't browse in IE. I get the "The report server is not responding. verify that the report server..." message in the browser. This is after I migrated the app per the initial http 500 error using the preferred method - %systemroot%system32inetservAPPCMD.exe migrate config "Default Web Site/Reports".

I'm running Vista Ultimate, VS2005, SQLEXPRESS SP2. I've tried running IE as admin and also I've disabled UAC from gpedit.msc - ...Windows SettingsSecurity SettingsLocal PolicySecurity Options and unchecking UAC.



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Accessing Report Using Browser

Feb 14, 2007

I have created a sample report called Report1 in SSRS 2005. This currently is running locally on my workstation.
I can even browse to it using the http address i.e. http://localhost/Reports
The question is: How can someone else access this report on my machine. They can not browse to my machine by typing

Do I need to do any configuration in my local IIS?

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Rendered Report On The IE Browser

Aug 20, 2007

I have deployed my report to the report server and send a link to the users to view the report on the browser. But when the report is viewed, it shows up as "restore down" instead of "full screen". For example, the report shows up in the browser with all the information below.

SQL Server Reporting Services

Home > school > hwal> test >
Proficient By Ethnic within School and Grade Rdg and Math

How do I set up the report to make it show up as full screen report without all the details above?

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SSRS Report In Firefox Browser Is A Mess --- Please Help

Mar 2, 2007


i have a SSRS report where matrix is embedded into table.

when i view the deployed report in IE, it works fine

But when i view the report in FIREFOX browser.. the report for toss..

the alignment of the report is completely screwed up :-(

My client badly requires Firefox support for all their reports

Any suggestion and help would be appreciated


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Problem For The Prompts Will Display At The Top Of The Report In The Browser

Sep 27, 2007

hye everyone,
i have Problem for the prompts will display at the top of the report in the browser :

1)go to the report manager on computer and set the
set the Prompt User check boxes to checked.
--> auto check

2)select the report viewer control, if you are using it, and set the Parameters property to false.
--> the eror mesage will be display
" The ' field " parameter is missing value. "

what should i do...any idea
thanks in advance
thank you very much

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Blank Pages In Browser Report Print-Urgent

Mar 26, 2008

I printed Browser Report,but it is getting Blank pages in middle,
that is header part only visible for 2 pages and then data getting printed,
any ideas??

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Report Builder Functionality In A Browser-based Scenario

Jan 23, 2007

I am planning to use SQL Reporting services in a new remote hosting centre and must provide ad-hoc reporting to a small number of users plus the access to running of previously prepared reports to a wider user base. User access must be thin client, browser based.

The client workstations are locked down to a particular security configuration and there is no possibility of installing .Net Framework on them. Normally, only browser-based applications can be used at the desktop client.

Apart from using Reporting Services (Citrix), what options do I have to provide users with the Report Builder in this scenario please? Are there any COTS packages that would provide this functionality?


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SQL 2012 :: Document Map Label Works In Report Builder But Not In Browser

Dec 16, 2013

I've made a report in which there are always one tablix under each textbox. I tried to produce a document map by giving document map labels for each textbox.

Everything works fine in Report Builder (3.0), but when run in the browser (IE, Firefox) the document map doesn't seem to work: when trying to navigate with document map by clicking the labels the report runs to the end of the report - not to the textbox where it should go...

I tried to solve problem using bookmarks instead of Document map, but there similar problem occurred. Bookmarks seem to work with Google Chrome, but I need a solution that would work better in most of the browsers.

So the problem seems to be that document map label navigates to bottom of the page. Added pagebreak after each tablix worked but since the tablixes are longer than screen there's still problem - document map should be set to navigate to the top of the page.

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Cannot Open SSRS Report Manager URL On Windows Edge Browser

Sep 21, 2015

I was using Windows 7 and had SSRS 2014 installed.Having set up the inbound rule on Windows Firewall (port 80), to allow SSRS through, I was able to browse to the Report Manager URL, by opening up Internet Explorer as 'Administrator'..

However, now that I have upgraded to Windows 10, I am unable to open the URL.In fact there is now way for me to open Edge as administrator and open my Report Manager URL.

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Reporting Services :: Graph Misalignment In Browser - SSRS Report

Jun 22, 2015

I am facing an issue when report with graph deployed to BI, I can see the misalignment issue in the browser however, when report is run in the Report Builder/SQL Server Data tool or export into PDF then there is no issue.

How to fix the misalignment issue of the graph in the browser. See the both graph below -

Graph Misalignment Issues Screengrab in Browser

Graph without misalignment issue in PDF or Report development tool

I am using the Internet Explorer browser.

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Reporting Services :: How To Display Report At The Center Of Browser Using ReportViewer

Sep 30, 2008

I have designed plenty of reports in VS 2005 and have been deployed on the reporting server. I have been designed one web page which shows UI through which user can access which ever reports he/she wants. I have kept some buttons on UI. When button is clicked appropriate report accessed and displayed on the browser.
Problem is that, report width is about 40 - 50 % of the screen and report viewer shows the report on the left align of the screen. I just want to show the report at the center of the screen. Also, any property I can use to set the report size in the proportion of screen in Percentage(%).

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Report Printing Issue Using The Browser Print Control After Deployment

Oct 18, 2006

I am having an issue with report printing. I have used a specific font (Garamond) for all the report elements when creating the report in Bus Int. Dev. Studio. While printing from the preview pane, the report prints with the Garamond font (as intended).

But the issue is that after deployment, printing the report (with browser print control) does not print it with the Garamond font (looks like it is using the Arial or a similar font). This changes the whole look and feel of the report. I have tried printing the report from the reportserver, report manager and through URL access. All the 3 methods are giving similar results that the print output is not using the on-screen font.

Anybody else face similar issues? Is there any workaround for this? TIA.

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Report Printing In Landscape From SQL Reporting Services Designer Or Browser

Jan 16, 2007


I am trying to print a report in landscape mode from VS 2003 from designer preview or at run time. The users don't want to change a mode manually. I tried to make width 11 or 11.5 in and height 8.5in with zero margins and 0.5in (tried a lot of combinations) - doesn't work! still printing in portrait. Please help! Thank you

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HELP: Sp_help And Object Browser Report View Column Sizes Differently

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I've run into a curious problem with MS SQL Server 8.0. Using sp_help andSQL Query Analyzer's object browser to view the columns returned by a view,I find that sp_help is reporting stale information.In a recent schema change, for example, someone lengthened a varchar columnfrom 15 to 50 characters. If we use sp_help to find out about a view thatdepends upon this column, it still shows up as VARCHAR(15), whereas theobject browser correctly reports it as VARCHAR(50).Dropping and recreating the view fixes the problem, but we have quite a fewviews, and dropping and re-creating all of them any time a schema change ismade is something we want to avoid. I tried using DBCC CHECKDB in hopes thatit would 'refresh' SQL Server's information, but no luck.(if you're curious as to why I don't just use the object browser instead,read boring technical details below)Has anyone seen this before? Is there some other way (other thanre-creating every view) to tell SQL Server to "refresh" it's information?Thanks!-Scott----------------------Boring Technical Information:The reason this is an issue for us (i.e., I can't just use the objectbrowser instead) is that our object model classes are built using standardmetadata query methods in Java that seem to be returning the same staleinformation that sp_help is returning. These methods are a part of thestandard JDK, so we can't easily fiddle with them. Anyway, as a result, ourobject model (at least with respect to views) may not match our currentschema!

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