Stress-Testing SQL Server

Jan 28, 2005

What do you recommend for stress-testing the performance of key stored procedures (they have been identified) for our application? The parameters can be programatically selected, for example:
Select 'exec my_proc @id = ' + Cast(id As varchar)
From myTable
Where foo = 'bar'
I have the Support Tools Available For Stress Testing & Performance Analysis ( from Microsoft's site and they are pretty good.

Recommendations appreciated, and thanks in advance!

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May 1, 2001

Is there anyway to test the loadtesting/Stress testing on SQLSERVER. I wanted to executes a Store procedure with concurrent users.


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Stress Testing

Dec 24, 2002

Anyone have a tool or script to run to test a SQL server under heavy stress?

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Stress Testing A Datawarehouse Hardware Set Up

Mar 8, 2002

I am testing different raid setups in a Datawarehousing environment.
3 X Raid 5 (with four filegroups)

3 X Raid 10 (with four filegroups)
At the moment I have chance to trial different hardware configurations.
I want to measure what are the performance differences

I need to stress test these configs. Is there any tools I can use to do this.
Any loads I can use. What should I measure.
Are there any aricles for the environment

Any help would be great


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SSIS Foreach Loop Stress Testing Problem.

Mar 2, 2006

I am currently working on a project which needs to load over a 1000 xml files. The files are stored across 10 subfolders. I am using a foreach loop with a file enumerator, which is configured at the top of the folder structure and traverses the subfolders. This loops through the files, load the data and then moves the file to another folder. The package executes fine for a few 100 files but then hangs; this happens after a different number of processed files each time the package is run. While trying to resolve the problem we ran performance counters and noticed that the number open handles increased significantly just about the time Dtexec looked like it had hanged and DTexec also then started taking a lot of the cpu processing time. Has one else come across similar situations?

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How To Stress Test The DR Server

Dec 27, 2007

Hi all,

We have configured a DR server for our Production Server for Database Mirroring.

But, before bringing DR Server into live, we will setup Mirroring between our DR & TEST Server for Stress Testing on new DR Server.

So, What is best way to Stress test the DR Server, before bringing DR Server into Live.


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Stress Test Tool For SQL Server 7.0

Mar 20, 2001

I am looking to purchase tool where I can perform the stress test on SQL 7.0.
Any recommendation will be appreciated.

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SQL Server Performance Stress Test

Jan 11, 2005

I have been asked to perform a performance stress test on a SQL server with new hardware that we are going to be receiving.

How have some of you performed your stress analysis against new or existing hardware?

This hardware that I am going to receive will have to be configured within a high availabilty environment. I want to take this opportunity to really put a beat down on this server.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

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Memory Stress Test In SQL Server 2005

Apr 2, 2007

I have a Windows 2003 Server running SQL 2005. The server has 32 GB of memory and I have enabled AWE in SQL. I have also configured the min and max SQL memory as 1 GB and 28 GB, respectively. However, this server currently has very low activity so I'm not sure whether my AWE-related changes worked. SQLSERVR.EXE process takes up about 100 MB of memory. Is there any tool or scripts that I can use to memory stress SQL to confirm that AWE is really in effect ?

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Stress Tools

Oct 26, 2000

can anyone tell me where can download stress testing tool for SQL Server 7.0.

Thank You,
Piyush Patel

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Stress Management

Sep 22, 1998

What exactly `Stress Management` is.
Any tools for assessing Stress Management?

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Stress Tester

May 18, 2001

Anyone know a decent stress tester tool for SQL Server2000? I need to simulate many concurrent users executing queries...



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Physical RAM Stress Test

Nov 20, 2006


I have a new server where 32GB of RAM is installed and I have user databases on this server.I am using SQL server 2000 Enterprise edition and Platform is Windows 2003 adv server, which supports upto 128GB of memory.

sp_configure 'awe enabled' is set to 1 and at OS level, AWE is enabled as well.

max server memory (MB) is 2147483647

I was doing some stress test on this server but memory usage doesn't go beyond 180MB....can someone suggest a test for physical RAM ?

How can I make sure that application will make full use of available physical memory?


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Jul 26, 2006

I am trying to import a data file, which is tab delimited, using BULKINSERT. I have used BCP to create a format file, since the destinationtable has around 20 columns, but the data file has only three.Here's the problem: The columns I am trying to import comprise ID (anint identity column), Name (a varchar(255) column and Status (a smallint column). The data file contains identity values for the firstcolumn, so I am using the KEEPIDENTITY modifier. The Status column ismandatory, so I have set all rows in the data file to zero for thatcolumn. All of the other columns in the destination table either allowNULL or have default values. When I BULK INSERT the file using theformat file the identity columns are NOT imported and the Status columngets value 3376. The Name column is the only one that gets importedcorrectly. Here's the format file:8.031 SQLINT 0 4 " " 1 ID""2 SQLCHAR 0 0 " " 2 NameSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS3 SQLSMALLINT 0 2 "" 4 Status""Sorry it's a bit messy.Where is 3376 coming from, and why are my identity values for column IDnot being imported?

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SQL Server V7.0 Testing Software

Jan 5, 2001

We are looking for a software program that will allow us to test our SQL server. We are looking for the most thorough tool that is available. I was asked to post a message, so I do not have too many details.



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Newbie Set Up And Testing Server

Mar 31, 2003

My previous experience is with php and MySQL.

I currently have Apache, MySQL and php running on my local machine to enable me to test php code on localhost

I've been asked by a colleague if I'll work on an SQL 2000 database they're having trouble with. They said they will provide, SQL 2000 and any other software I need.

I'm completely in the dark on this, but have some starting questions:

To test my code, will I need to set up a sever on localhost?

Will I need other software than and SQL 2000? I'm using DW MX for my web stuff.

Whre can I find a basic introduction to ASP / SQL 2000 in the form of a tutorial?

How fast does this combination run? The database has 25,000 rows and 6 columns. What would be a reasonal expect time for a result?

Any help appreciated


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Testing Connections To SQL Server

Jun 30, 2006

Is there a way to test to see if there is a connection to a database in SQL through programming or dos commands?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Failed To Prepare Storage For Testing On Node Server Name

Feb 23, 2015

I Run All checks for Validation cluster.I get Error On Disk Lists And Validation failed.With This error : Failed to prepare storage for testing on node "server name" The security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.

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MSDE For Testing, SQL Server For Deployment...?

Jan 9, 2004

I'm going to be starting a web application this week. I have quite a bit of experience with Access Databases, and I've also used MySQL (back in my PHP days, thank GOD for ASP.NET).
The server we use to host our websites allows us to use SQL Server databases, so I want to move in that direction, but I'm not really sure where to start.
If I download MSDE, and start a database with it on a site I will be developing locally (on my XP box), will it be difficult for me to transfer the database (or layout of the database) to a production server running SQL Server. I know they're basically the same database, but I'm just afraid to start with an MSDE database and then get the site nearly complete, and then not know how to transfer it to a SQL Server DB.

I'm particularly interested to know if the majority of the database creation will be done through queries (similar to MySQL) because I figure if it is, then I can use the same queries to create the database on both the local and production server.

I just want to make sure that downloading MSDE will be a step in the right direction.

Perhaps links or tutorials or some information on things to watch out for as I take on this process would be so greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much.

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Testing Linked Server Connection

Jan 16, 2001

I have a server with several linked servers. Before I execute sql against any of these linked servers I want to check to make sure the connection is active.

I created a small stored procedure that takes the server name. I am trying to get it to run a simple select statement. If the select statement runs without errors (meaning the linked server is active) I want to return a value for success. If the select statement fails I want to return a value for a failure.

The problem is that I am having trouble with the error. When I shut down the linked server and run the select statement I get the following error returned:

Server: Msg 11, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
General network error. Check your network documentation.

The stored procedure I have only returns this message and does not send the return value that I set. How do I get my procedure to return a failure value instead of the following error above? Is there a better way for me to check for this type of error?


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SQL Server 7.0 Beta/Testing ASP Application

Apr 7, 2004

Hi Group,
I'm trying to test an ASP application in 'isolation' and seem to be having problems with connecting to the Server.
The setup is EXACTLY like the production environment except for the fact that I am using the Beta version of SQL.

The error refers to SQL Server not existing. I get this error also if I try to open the Query Analyzer without FIRST starting the Services via the Service Manager - so I think it is probably something wrong with the Beta Installation rather than using the BETA version as a back-end.

I've tried using the Computer name as the Server to connect to as well as - neither seem to want to connect.

I can connect manually and see the Database objects. I've even connected, left the connection open and tried running the application again. I still get the same error.

Has anyone experienced this before? i.e not being able to connect to a BETA version of SQL to test an ASP application locally.


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Setting Up A Testing Server To MS SQL Using Dreamweaver MX

Apr 7, 2004

I'm new to the whole MS SQL server thing, have been using Access in past developments via the development platform in Dreamweaver.

Now I'm making the leap to MS SQL and still want to use Dreamweaver to handle some of the development aspects, does anyone know how or what i would need to do to have a direct connection with the server in dreamweaver?

I've setup an ODBC connection with my hosting providers already.


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Testing A Connection To A SQL SERVER 2005 DB

Sep 18, 2007

What is the syntax to telnet a database?I triedtelnet <hostname> 1433 - but get this error:telnet ws1234 1433Connecting To ws1234...Could not open connection to the host, on port 1433: Connect failedMy computer name is ws1234.comHow do I test a connection to a sql server database instance?Thanks,VVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvWW

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Testing Mode 90 In Sql Server 2005

May 10, 2006

Our database is in Sql Server 2005 Mode 80 at the moment and we need to switch it to Mode 90. We need a lilst of all incompatibilities that exist.

Essentially, we need a list similar to what the Upgrade Advisor provides for 2000 databases. The only problem is our DB is already in 2005 mode 80. Switching to mode 90 is easy but does not identify all potential problems for us.

Is there a tool that is similar to the Upgrade Advisor that we can run on 2005 Mode 80 databases?


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Testing Using SQL Server 05 Developer Addition

Feb 2, 2008

Are there any differences between the Developer Addition and Enterprise Addition of 64 Bit SQL Server 05 that would prevent me from testing full capabilities of my production Enterprise Addition in a QA environment utilizing Developer Addition? Any known restrictions on number of DB connections, memory, CPUs etc??

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Timeout Exception During Long Running Stress Test

Dec 5, 2006


We have built two testing apps for sending and receiving files across the network reliably using SQL Express as the database backend. The apps seem to be working fine under light load. However during stress test, we always get the following exception:

"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."

During stress test, both the sender and receiver are running on the same machine. Sender creates file fragments, store them in the sender database and then send out to the network. File fragments will be deleted from the sender database when the sender receives acknowledgement from the receiver. On the receiver side, file fragments will be stored in the receiver database as they are coming in from the network. Corresponding file fragments will be deleted from the receiver database when a complete file is received.

There is maximum of about 1500 updates and 1500 deletes per second on the sender database. On the receiver side, maximum is about 300 updates and 300 deletes per second. Our goal is to send 30 GB of data (it should run for about 10 hrs). As said before we never have a good completed test run, a "timeout" exception is always thrown from the sender app (when it tries to end a transaction). It could happen as early as 1.5 hrs after we started the test. Note that although we are sending 30 GB of data, but at any point in time the database shouldn't be too big (should be well within 4 GB limit) because we delete file fragments relatively soon.

Next we changed the "Query Wait" setting in the Management Studio Advanced setting from the default "-1" to a very big number, then we have a successful run of sending 30 GB of data.

- First of all, are we not doing this properly in terms of dealing with SQL Express? Is SQL Express able to handle long running heavy load transactions for hours?

- We also noticed even before we got the timeout exception, the memory usage of sqlserver.exe keeps growing. Maybe it doesn't have a chance to cleanup internally. If the app hammers SQL Express for hours, I wonder how does it handle fragmentation? I assume it needs some sort of de-fragmenation, otherwise performance will degrade significantly...

- Seems like the Query Wait setting plays an important role here, any guideline on how to pick a reasonable value? Or should we pick a relatively small number and then do re-try in our app when we get timeout exceptions?

- Is it possible that we are running into some SQL Express resource limits? Any idea of how can we tell other than the VM size of sqlserver.exe?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks very much
W Wong

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Correct Procedures For Testing Against NULLs From SQL Server

Jul 7, 2005

Hi all,

I have some C# code that is pulling data from a database where a majority of the values being retrieved are NULL , yet their initial column data types are both string and int, which means that I have to temporarily store these NULL's in int and string data
types in C#. Later on in my code I have to test against these values,
and was wondering if I am doing it correctly with the following code.

The following statement the variable or_team_home_id is of a string data type, but may have had a NULL value assigned to it from the database
if (!or_team_home_id.Equals(DBNull.Value)) {}

The following statement the variable or_manager_id is of a int data type, but also may have a NULL value assigned to it from the database.
if (!Convert.IsDBNull(or_manager_id)){}

Are these the correct way to test against NULL values retrieved from
teh database and that are stored in their respective data types.


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SQL Server 2005 32bit To 64bit Testing

May 20, 2008


Recently, we have migrated our database from 32bit to 64bit. So far the application is working fine.

But I want to confirm that by any tool or automated process.

Is there any way or tool to check that the migrated data is correct and also to check if migrated database objects will work fine in 64 bit environment.

Any timely help would be greatly appreciated !!


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Migration And Testing Workload?

Aug 27, 2014

We are using Sql Server 2008 R2. We are planning to move to 2014 either through in-place o side-by-side. Mostly side-by-side.

Here first we want to test that 2014 and availability groups. First we are doing in dev box to test. Also we need asynchronous replica because just we need to use that as reporting server.

We want to take work load. For the dev boxes, the applications doesn't connect. Then in that case what the people will do.

If We take database backup from prod to that dev and run some queries in the loop and run the trace for some time and do either in-place migration or side-by-side migration and use the same back to restore and doing the running the same queries and compare this trace to previous trace will work?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Testing A Script In SSMS Supplied From SSRS

Oct 2, 2015

Because of a performance problem, somebody has given me a script which came from a SSRS report.

The code as supplied does not work when multivalued parameters are used.

Testing/tuning/building in SSMS is far superiour than in SSRS. So that's why I like to use SSRS for building the code/script/sql-statement.
Offcourse parameters have to be set correctly. (That is no problem).
Splitting of the multivalued parameter is not a problem either.

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Importing Report Content Direct To SQL Server For Testing Purposes

Jan 8, 2007


I have what seems a simple requirement. We want to import the contents of a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report into a SQL Server 2005 database, in order to perform some checks on reports displayed to users. Is there an easy way to achieve this? XML would seem appropriate, but I can't find a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this. Any pointers/suggestions would be appreciated.



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Testing A Stored Procedure With Output Params In SQL Server Managment Studio

Sep 25, 2007

I have an SP like this (edited for brevity):


@Username MediumText,
@Password MediumText,
@UserKey int OUTPUT,
@RoleKey int OUTPUT,
@UserGroupKey int OUTPUT,



@UserKey = UserKey
FROM UserProfile
WHERE Username = @UserName
AND [Password] = @Password

I want to execute this sp in Managment Studio (MS) and see what is being returned but I'm getting this error:

Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure TESTING_SP, Line 0
Procedure 'TESTING_SP' expects parameter '@UserKey', which was not supplied.

How do I set up the output parameters and then select the values in MS for testing purposes?

Thanks a ton for helping a noob.

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Testing In IIS?

Jul 20, 2007

I have a website and database in Access, how do i set it up so i can test it in IIS using SQL server?

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