String Variable With Embedded Quotes Getting Changed To Slash/quote

Jul 9, 2007

I have a Foreach loop that dynamically builds a query that gets submitted to a Progress 9.1d database. The "SELECT" portion of the query is static - the WHERE clause is built dynamically each pass through the for each loop. The vast majority of the columns have a dash ("-") in their names, so the query passed to progress has to have double quotes surrounding the column names. Not a big deal you would think. If I am retrieving 3 columns, my string would look like "SELECT ""manager-name"", ''"employee-name"", ""date-of-hire"" FROM PUB.EmployeeTable" - with the columns requiring quoted identifiers escaped with double quotes. My script task adds some additional info to the WHERE clause based on other conditions. Once my script task has built the query string, it assigns that string value to my Dts.Variables("SqlString") variable.

I can put a MsgBox() call in the Script task to display my query once it has been built (displaying Dts.Variables("SqlString").Value) - and it looks fine. Using the above example, it would simply be: SELECT "manager-name", "employee-name", "date-of-hire" FROM PUB.EmployeeTable.

So - My foreach loop is set up so that the query command is pulled from my Dts.Variables("SqlString") variable. It fails anytime my query has a column that requires quotes around it. I was confused, since I could take the exact query string displayed by my test MsgBox() and validate it's syntax against our Progress database (and even run it) and it worked fine.

So - I then inserted a breakpoint to break on PreExecute for the DataReader task (next task after Scrip task) to view the value of the Dts.Variables("SqlString") variable just before it gets assigned to the DataReader's Sql Command property. That's when I noticed that the value of the Dts.Variables("SqlString") in the Watch window actually showed that the "double" double quotes I had entered in the SELECT clause (to escape to one double quote) were being replaced with " (slash quote). SO - in the Watch window, my Dts.Variables("SqlString").Value reads as follows:

SELECT "manager-name", "employee-name","date-of-hire" FROM PUB.EmployeeTable.

Obviously, that query is not going to fly via SQL-92/ODBC connection to our Progress database. I've tried everything I can think of - even trying to replace "" with "" in the Foreach expression editor where the Sql Command of the data reader gets assigned. I'm at a total loss. Why would SSIS plug in what looks like C# character escaping syntax when all the expressions are supposed to be VB.NET? I've already successfully run several packages that query our Progress databases that do NOT use the double quotes in the SELECT clause and they work fine. Does anyone have any ideas??

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Truncation Error Arrising From Quote Escaped Quotes In Quote Encapsulated Strings

Feb 15, 2006

Hi All,

I'm having trouble importing a CSV file into SQL using SSIS. The trouble seems to stem from truncation and from quote encapsulated fields.

Firstly it's worth noting that some of the data within the quotes contains the separator. E.g.

12,"some text, and a comma",34

Thankfully SSIS seems to cope with that by specifying " as the Text Qualifier. My next problem was that the SSIS Import and Export Wizard gave an error: "failed because truncation occurred". But I fixed this by specifying the OutputColumnWidth for the NCHAR and NVARCHAR type columns to be the width from the table definition.

But now I have another problem with the length of fields. Consider the following where the center column is NCHAR (22)

101,"some text, and a comma",303
102,"some ""quoted text"" bye",303

The first row has the correct width (once the encapsulating quotes are stripped out), but the second row does not, because it seems that when I exported the table the export wizard escaped the quote characters within encapsulated strings using quote characters. So I am back to getting the "truncation occurred" error. How can I get around this within SSIS?



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How Can I Concatenate A String To A Int Variable? Need Correct Combination Of Quotes!

May 26, 2008

I need to concatenate a string with an int variable on a stored procedure; however, i looks like i am lost in single and double quotes. Does any one know the right comination of quotes for this please? My Code is below:
 1 @Price int
3 DECLARE @SqlPrice varchar(50)
5 if (@Price is not null)
7 set @sqlPrice = 'AND price' + '' > '' + '' + @Price + ''


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Single Quote Becoming Two Quotes

Jan 18, 2001

I have 2 SQL 6.5 databases on separate servers. Server A replicates a text field into a table on server B.

On server A the field contains text similar to THIS IS FRED'S HOUSE. After replication to Server B it looks like THIS IS FRED''S HOUSE. The distribution database also has it as THIS IS FRED''S HOUSE. Using ODBC trace I cannot see the value being passed in the text field as it is displayed as a question mark e.g. ?.

How do I fix the problem ?

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Dealing With Quotes In A Quote Encapsluated Column

Jan 16, 2007

I know this issue has been raised here before, but I have a different angle/question on it.

Flat File source, SQL Destination. No column from the source file has a consistent real width, just consistent to be less that the SQL column.



"100012",0,"This is the ""Memo"" of the record, it needs to be imported.",12

This row errors out due to the double quotes around the word MEMO. Additionally, the entire package stops processing due to there being a comma in the memo after the quote encapsulation is escaped.

Has this issue been addressed in any of the SP's? If not, how about this thinking:

1.) Character index the pattern ," and take the value of the first instance of the pattern.

2.) Character index the pattern ", and take the LAST instance of the pattern (ignoring the pattern match after the first column).

3.) Replace all double qoutes between the values of the indexes with single quotes.

4.) Proceed with the Comma separated, quote encapsulated import.

Any thoughts? Additionally, if this seems like it may work, does anyone have a clue how to program this in SSIS, or would I be better to run my files through a VBScript parser to accomplish this first?

Thanks in advance.

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Form Field Returns Name With Double Quotes Instead Of Single Quote During Update Process.

Oct 3, 2007

I've a weird problem in my application. In of the pages, while trying to update the text box "Name", when I enter Linda's test, it gets saved as Linda''s test. I'm not sure if this is a problem due to SQL server. When I look at the stored procedure, I don't anything different. Also, when I update the table directly in SQL Server, the result is displayed in single quote. But if I update the field thro' the application, the returned name is with double quotes instead of single quote.  Has any of you faced problems like this? What am I missing? What do I need to do to get the name saved the way I entered (with single quotes) instead of double quotes?

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Single Quote In A String

Mar 9, 2006


i am trying to add a single quote to a string. This is a must because i am making a full select statement in which i need the single quote to compare values. Obviously this breaks my string invalidating my query.


SELECT avg(tabla.ip_trend_value) as valor, FLOOR(Cast(tabla.ip_trend_time AS FLOAT)) as tiempo
FROM TESTLAB5.dbo.CE02_L21_916AI31_43 tabla, TESTLAB5.dbo.CE02_L21_916XI31_4 t2
WHERE t2.ip_trend_value = 'Alimentacion Digestores' and t2.ip_trend_time = tabla.ip_trend_time
group by FLOOR(Cast(tabla.ip_trend_time AS FLOAT))

and this will become something like this.

SELECT @TableName = 'TESTLAB5.dbo.'+@TableName
SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT avg(tabla.ip_trend_value), FLOOR(Cast(tabla.ip_trend_time AS FLOAT)) FROM '
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + @TableName
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' tabla, TESTLAB5.dbo.CE02_L21_916XI31_4 t2'
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE t2.ip_trend_value = '@NombreVar'and t2.ip_trend_time = tabla.ip_trend_time'
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' group by FLOOR(Cast(ip_trend_time AS FLOAT))'

the @NombreVar is the equivalence of 'Alimentacion Digestores'.

is there something i can add or change to make it work ?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Error Single Quote Stored In Variable

Sep 2, 2014

I'm trying to create a Character string so that I can execute dynamic SQL.

The date is going to change.

DECLARE @PreSelect CHAR (1)
DECLARE @CurrentDate Date
SET @PreSelect = '''
SELECT @Preselect AS PreSelect

If I try this statement which what I really want. I would like to include the Quote with the Select.:


I get the following error:

Invalid object name 'RDB_DWH_ASSOCIATE_ENTITY'.

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Single Quote In NVARCHAR String?

Sep 20, 2005

How do I get a single quote (') in a NVARCHAR string in MS SQL Server?e.g. SELECT @strsql = "SELECT * FROM tblTest WHERE Field1 Like 'blah''Obviously this is invalid as the single quote before "blah" would end thevarchar string.How do I get round this?

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String Constants Must End With A Double Quote.

Apr 2, 2007

i got this error when i was trying to deploy the report... in the preview mode report is working good....

eport1.rdl The expression for the query €˜dataset€™ contains an error: [BC30648] String constants must end with a double quote.

can any one gimme the solution

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String Constants Must End With A Double Quote.

May 5, 2008

Hi There,

I can't figure out what is causing this error: can you please have a look at my code and let em know what is wrong or rework it for me:



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How To Enclose Variable In Single Quotes In SP

Oct 9, 2015

Here is what I would like to execute

WHERE id =1 AND caldate >='10/1/2015' AND caldate <='10/31/2015'
and I don't know how to write this in SP
@id int,

[Code] ...

Is this a correct way to enclose a variable in single quotes?

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String Quotes Between &#39; And &#34;

Aug 8, 2001


Your help would be appreciated if you could give me some idea about why SQL 2000 takes single quote(') as a default for string searching instead of double quotes("). I have couple of stored procedures which were developed with string comparison with double quotes in SQL 6.5. If any one knows how I can change default as a double quotes(") instead of single quote(') in SQL 2000, would be great. Thanks

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HOw Can Use Single Quotes With Variable In Select Caluse

Aug 18, 2007

define @strName as varchar(50) NULL

set @strName=(SELECT strname from Table)

SELECT '+ @strName +' from Table

It does not work

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Problem With Quotes In @[System::ErrorDescription] Variable

Oct 18, 2006

I am using an Execute T-SQL Task as a part of an OnError event Handler in my SSIS Package. When occurs an error, using the Expressions-feature, my Execute T-SQL task builds an Insert Statement to insert the @System::ErrorDescription into a table.

INSERT INTO [ErrorDB].[dbo].[ISErrors]
( 'OnError'
, '"+ @[System::PackageName] + "'
, '"+ @[System::SourceName] + "'
,'" + @[System::MachineName] + "'
, null
, '" + @[System::ErrorDescription] + "'


When I run the task ( not the package, only the task) everything is ok ( since the ErrorDescription variable is empty)

But when an error occurs in my package, then the T-SQL task fails giving the following error

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query " INSERT INTO [LogDB].[dbo].[ISFullMaintenanceErrors] ([EventType] ,[PackageName] ,[TaskName] ,[DateDone] ,[Status] ,[Host] ,[ErrorCode] ,[ErrorDescription] ,[Comments]) VALUES ( 'OnError' , 'Package' , 'TrialTempEx' ,getdate() ,'Failed' ,'SCYLLA' , null , @[System::ErrorDescription] ,null ) " failed with the following error: "Must declare the scalar variable "@".". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

I realized that the problem is that the @[System::ErrorDescription] contains quotes ( " ' ) and this is the reason that the insert statement fails. I tried the replace function but there was no solution

Any help would be appreciated

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My Application Throws Error When I Have Single ( ' ) Quote In My String (SQL Database)

Aug 29, 2007

my application communicate with SQL database, but when I have single quote ( ' ) in my string then it throws error. and it does not insert that string in database.  How can I solve this problem . or give me some suggestions  on this issue.
 thank you

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SQL Server 2008 :: Remove Double Quote In String Fields

Feb 23, 2015

I have a SQL select syntax as below

0 AS SalaryMin,
2088 AS SalaryMax,
2088 AS BillableHours,
'Month' AS SalaryPaidCode,
0 AS SalaryBreakdownHourly,
0 AS SalaryBreakdownDaily,

[Code] ...

While outputting to CSV.file

I got :0,2088,2088,"Month",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"N/A","N/A","G","N/A","Exempt","Other",1

How can I remove all double quotes in the string fields? so that O can get the result as below while the output

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How To INSERT A String That Contains Single-quotes?

Dec 28, 2006

My code results in SQL statements like the following one - and it gives an error because of the extra single-quotes in 'it's great': 
UPDATE Comments SET Comment='it's great' WHERE UserID='joe' AND GameID='503'
Here's the error I get when I try this code in SQL Server: 
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near 's'.Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ''.
I need to know how I can insert a string such as 'it's great' - how do I deal with the extra quotes issue? is there a way to ecape it like this 'it/'s great' ? This doesn't seem to work.
Here's the code that generates the SQL. I'm using a FCKeditor box instead of a TextBox, but I got the same error when I was using the TextBox:
string strUpdate = "UPDATE Comments SET Comment='";strUpdate = strUpdate + FCKeditor1.Value;//strUpdate = strUpdate + ThisUserCommentTextBox.Text;strUpdate = strUpdate + "' WHERE UserID='";strUpdate = strUpdate + (string)Session["UserID"];strUpdate = strUpdate + "'";strUpdate = strUpdate + " AND GameID='";strUpdate = strUpdate + Request.QueryString["GameID"];strUpdate = strUpdate + "'";
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(...);SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(strUpdate, myConnection);
try{myCommand.Connection.Open();myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();}catch (SqlException ex){ErrorLabel.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message;
I'm using SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0 
Much thanks

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Quotes Around The Comma Delimited String

Oct 18, 2005

I am trying to build a dynamic where  statement for my sql stored prcoedure
  if len(@Office) > 0   select @strWhereClause = N'cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText( ' + @vchOffice  +  ',' + ''',''' + '))' + ' and ' + @strWhereClause
In this case users can enter comma delimited string in their search criteria. So if they enter we1, we2, we3 then my sql statement should look like
select @strWhereClause = cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText('we1', 'we2', 'we3'),',')
My csfParseDeLimitedText function looks like this
Create  FUNCTION [dbo].[csfParseDeLimitedText] (@p_text varchar(4000), @p_Delimeter char(1))RETURNS @results TABLE (id varchar(100))ASBEGIN declare @i1 varchar(200)declare @i2 varchar(200)declare @tempResults Table (id varchar(100))while len(@p_text) > 0 and charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) <> 0beginselect @i1 = left(@p_text, charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) - 1)insert @tempResults select @i1select @p_text = right(@p_text, len(@p_text) - charindex(@p_Delimeter,@p_text))endinsert @tempResults select @p_text
insert @resultsselect *from @tempResultsreturnEND
My problem is it does not put quotes around the comma delimited stringso I want to put 'we1' , 'we2'. These single quotes are not coming in the dynamic sql statement. How can I modify my query so that single quotes around each entry should show up.
Any help will be greatky appreciated.

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Insert A String With Single Quotes

Aug 28, 1998


How to insert a string value with quotes in it in SQL Server?

This is not working:

insert table_name values(`abc`d`)

I tried to put escape in front of `, still failed.

Thanks in advance.

-Jenny Wang

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Dynamic SQL - Single Quotes In String

Dec 14, 2005

I'm constructing a SQL string that needs single quotes in the WHERE clause. How do I encapsulate them in a string variable. I looked into ESCAPE and SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, but i don't really see any examples using string Concatenation. I'm trying to filter out the zls (0 length strings)

This doesn't work (all single quotes):

@sqlString = ' SELECT * FROM myTbl '
@sqlString = @sqlString + 'WHERE fld1 <>'' '


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OPENQUERY With Quotes In The Query String

Jan 17, 2008


how can I use the following statement with OPENQERY syntax:

SELECT 'hello world' FROM mytable

Maybe I have to transform quite a few and complex SQL-statements to the OPENQUERY syntax. Obviously I have problems with single quotes

SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LINKEDSERVER, 'select 'hello world' from mytable')

quotename('hello world', '''') does not help because this will create 'hello world' instead of hello world (w/o quotes).

How can I transform my SQL-statements with quotes to Openquery syntax?



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Find All Instances Of String That Contain Certain Letters - Escape Double Quote

Sep 14, 2015

I am trying to find all instances of a string that contain the letters FSC. While I am able to find most of them, I am unable to find the ones wrapped in double quotes.

Query example:

Select *
from myTable
Where item like '%FSC%'

This works great with the exception of when FSC is surrounded by double quotes.

ex: MySentencecontains"FSC"

I have tried Replace with no luck.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: String Manipulation - Data Between Quotes

Apr 9, 2015

I have data in a trace file, and I need to extract some info such as phone number.The problem is the phone number could be varying lengths, and various positions in the row.

For example:

@City='New York', @Phone='2035551212' (10 characters, no dashes)
@City='San Francisco', @Phone='918-555-1212' (12 characters, with dashes)
@City+'Berlin', @Phone='55-123456-7890' (14 characters, with dashes)

I can use CHARINDEX to search & find @Phone=' so I know where the phone number starts, but stuck on a programatic way to find the data between the quotes since it can vary.

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How Do I Insert A String Value With Quotes Into A Nvarchar Column

Jul 20, 2007

I am reading data from another data source and storing it in the sqlce database. Some of the string values I'm trying to insert into the database have single quotes in the string (i.e. Johnny's Company). When I try to insert the values with the single quotes, it throws an exception. The code I use to insert the records is as follows:

cmd.CommandText = "INSERT sy_company " +

" (company_id, company, co_name, companyid) " +


"'" + dtSYCompany.Rows[x]["company_id"] + "'," +

"N'" + dtSYCompany.Rows[x]["company"] + "'," +

"N'" + dtSYCompany.Rows[x]["co_name"] + "'," +

"'" + dtSYCompany.Rows[x]["companyid"] + "')";


When the company name (co_name) has a single quote in it, I get the error. How do I write the insert statement so it will work even though the value being inserted into co_name has a single quote in it?

Thanks so much!

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Can A Variable Prompt Be Changed Based On A Language Selection?

Nov 16, 2007

there doesnt seem to be an object id associated with variable prompt phrases. Does this mean they cannot be localized based on language choice?

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Passing A Variable Value (Package Scope) To A DTS Package Embedded Into Execute DTS 2000 Task

Jul 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?


Subhash Subramanyam

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Slash In Expressions

Jan 14, 2008


I have the following expression:

@[User::varLogFolder] +"\"+ "CollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog.txt"

but when I evaluated it I get:


As you can see I´m trying to create a folder but it keeps the double slash, how can I fix it?


well the real expression is:

@[User::varLogFolder] +"\"+ @[System:ackageName] +"\"+replace(replace(@[User::varFilesCollect],"\","" ),".","")+"\"+"CollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog.txt"

and the error is because:

[CollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog [4712]] Information: The processing of file "\testteamserverMigracionLog\PCKG_BH_COLLECT estteamservermigraciondatamcli010001rxaCollectTrnsRxaFecPagLog.txt" has started.

the yellow characters are the conflict!!

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Using LIKE With Underscore And Forward Slash..

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,DDL Statements:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] ([MyDate] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOI have a varchar column which represents dates in YYYYMMDD and MM/DD/YYformats. If I query using:SELECT MyDate FROM Table1WHERE DOB LIKE '________'Why aren't the dates in MM/DD/YY returned ? Is the / a specialcharacter in T-SQL ?Thanks in advance

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Single Quotes And Double Quotes

Jan 3, 2002

I had a procdure in SQL 7.0 in which I am using both single quote and double quotes for string values. This proceudreused to work fine in SQL 7.0 but when I upgraded SQL 7.0 to SQL 2000, this proceudre stopped working. When I changed the double quotes to single quotes, it worked fine.

Any Idea why ??



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Transact SQL :: How To Get String Array In String Variable

Jul 28, 2015

I have a string variable and following data.

Declare @ServiceID varchar(200)
set @ServiceID='change chock','change starter','wiring for lights','servicing'

when I assign values in @ServiceID  in the above manner then it shows error. How to get string array in @ServiceID variable so that i can go ahead.

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/ Forward Slash Escape Character?

Feb 19, 2008

im having trouble getting this to work:

alter proc [ProGeneral_College_Structure] @Year nvarchar(4)
DECLARE @SQLStatement nvarchar(1000)

Set @SQLStatement = 'SELECT School AS Level1Code, DIVISIONS.Div AS Level2Code,
DIVISIONS.ProgArea AS Level3Code, DIVISIONS.progName AS LevelName
, ' + SUBSTRING(@Year,1,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@Year,3,2) + ' AS AcademicYearID FROM DIVISIONS
WHERE (((DIVISIONS.[' + @Year + '])=1))


It's something to do with the / concatenation I think, is it an escape character or something tried // obviously and CHAR(47).
before I get comments I know it's dynamic sql and it's not great but I can't edit the divisions table so have to use a dynamic column.

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Cast/Conv Expression Remove The Slash : 02/02/2008

Mar 27, 2008

Hi, I need help please.

I have text source & i need to write it to table field being an integer.
I complains about the column, so i added a derived column but I am clueless in the expression:

Source from text: 02/02/2008
Derived column expression to output: 20080202 in a int datatype

I need the expression to do it.

Please Assist!


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