String Parameter With Comma To Where Clause

Mar 20, 2014

I want to bring a string parameter to where clause like this:

select .. from ...
Where Code IN (@Code)

When @Code is 'ABC' it works but when @code is 'ABC, XYZ' it won't work. I know for IN statement we should use IN ('ABC', 'XYZ') and I tried make @code = '''ABC'', ''XYZ''' still not working. I tried

Print '''ABC'', ''XYZ'''

I got 'ABC', 'XYZ' but why it does not work in @Code?

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Conditional Where Clause With Comma Delimited String And Link Table

Jul 24, 2007

 I have 3 tables:tblUsersuserID int PK(...)tblSportsSportID int PK(...)tblUsersAndSports  (contains the link between users and sports..a single user may have multiple entries in this table)Usercode intSportID intNow I want a stored proc that enables visitors to search on all user that have a specific sportID.The SportIDs to search on are in the var @sports as a comma delimited string,like '3,6,7'@sports may also be null (or an empty string if that is more convenient for building the SQL) when a visitor does not want to search on any of the sports a user practices, in that case no selection based on the sport criteria should be done, so ONLY filter on sports when the value of @sports is not nullpseudo code:select * from tblUserswhere   if @sports not null    user.sports in @sportsand username=@usernameand age=@agehelp is greatly appreciated!

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Passing Multiple String Values Separted By A Comma As One Parameter

Oct 16, 2007


I have a stored procedure that accepts one parameter called @SemesterParam. I can pass one string value such as €˜Fall2007€™ but what if I have multiple values separated by a comma such as 'Fall2007','Fall2006','Fall2005'. I still would like to include those multiple values in the @SemesterParam parameter. I would be curious to hear from some more experienced developers how to deal with this since I am sure someone had to that before.

Thanks a lot for any feedback!

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SQL Reporting Services String Parameter Passing To SQL IN Clause

Sep 21, 2004

Is it possible to pass a report parameter that is defined as a string to the following SQL statement that is using an "IN" clause ?

WHERE (ANALYST.User_Bemsid IN (@Report_Parameter_Bemsid))

If I pass a single value (I.E. A) it works okay, but once I try to pass multiple values (I.E. A,B or 'A','B') it returns no data.

Using Crystal reports I can pass multiple values via a report prompt into the SQL "IN" clause and seems that SQL Reporting Services should also have this feature. What do I need to do to get it working ?

Thanks for any help...

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Multi-Select String Parameter Values Are Converted To N'Value1', N'Value2' In Clause When Report Is Run

Apr 14, 2008

I understand that Multi-Select Parameters are converted behind the scenes to an In Clause when a report is executed. The problem that I have is that my multi-select string parameter is turned into an in claused filled with nvarchar/unicode expressions like:

Where columnName in (N'Value1', N'Value2', N'Value3'...)

This nvarchar / unicode expression takes what is already a fairly slow-performing construct and just drives it into the ground. When I capture my query with Profiler (so I can see the In Clause that is being built), I can run it in Management Studio and see the execution plan. Using N'Values' instead of just 'Value1', 'Value2','Value3' causes the query performance to drop from 40 seconds to two minutes and 40 seconds. It's horrible. How can I make it stop!!!?

Is there any way to force the query-rewriting process in Reporting Services to just use plain-old, varchar text values instead of forcing each value in the list to be converted on the fly to an Nvarchar value like this? The column from which I am pulling values for the parameter and the column that I am filtering are both just plain varchar.



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SQL Server 2008 :: Search Each And Every String In Comma Delimited String Input (AND Condition)

Mar 10, 2015

I have a scenario where in I need to use a comma delimited string as input. And search the tables with each and every string in the comma delimited string.

DECLARE @StrInput NVARCHAR(2000) = '.NET,Java, Python'

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE titleName = '.NET' AND titleName='java' AND titleName = 'Python'

As shown in the example above I need to take the comma delimited string as input and search each individual string like in the select statement.

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Comma Separated In Where Clause

Jun 6, 2014

What the difference between the following two codes in where clause?

The both provides the same resultset for me.

alter procedure
@fieldname varchar(50)
select field1, field2 from table1
where ',' + @fieldname + ',' like '%,' + field3 + ',%'

The second code :

alter procedure
@fieldname varchar(50)
select field1, field2 from table1
where @fieldname like '%' + field3 + '%'

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How To Use Comma Separated Value List In The Where Clause?

Jun 28, 2006

How to use comma separated value list in the where clause?

I would like to do something like the following (Set voted = true for all rows in tblVoters where EmpID is in the comma separated value list).

update tbl_Voters
set voted = true
where EmpID in @empIdsCsv

Where, @empIdsCsv = €™12,23,345,€™ (IDs of the employees)

Since the above is not possible I have done the following dynamic query:

-- Convert the comma separated values to conditional statement like EmpID = {id} or EmpliD = {id}€¦
set @empIdsCsv = 'EmpID=' + substring(@empIdsCsv , 0, len(@empIdsCsv )) -- Remove trailing comma
set @empIdsCsv = replace(@empIdsCsv , ',', ' or EmpID=')

declare @markVoters varchar(8000)
set @markVoters = '
update tbl_Voters
set voted = true
where €™ + @empIdsCsv

--Execute the dinamic query
exec (@markVoters)

The above code generates the following dynamic query:
update tbl_Voters
set voted = true
EmpID= 12 or EmpID=23 or EmpID=345

The obvious drawback here is the performance and the limitation of the dynamic query length (8000 chars).

Can someone suggest a better solution with the ability to use comma seperated values in the where clause?

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Transact SQL :: Using A Variable Containing Comma Separated Values In IN Clause?

Jun 12, 2015

I am try to use a variable containing comma separated values in the IN clause.

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Procedure Or Query To Make A Comma-separated String From One Table And Update Another Table's Field With This String.

Feb 13, 2006

We have the following two tables :

Link  ( GroupID int , MemberID int )
Member ( MemberID int , MemberName varchar(50), GroupID varchar(255) )

The Link table contains the records showing which Member is in which Group. One particular Member can be in
multiple Groups and also a particular Group may have multiple Members.

The Member table contains the Member's ID, Member's Name, and a Group ID field (that will contains comma-separated
Groups ID, showing in which Groups the particular Member is in).

We have the Link table ready, and the Member table' with first two fields is also ready. What we have to do now is to
fill the GroupID field of the Member table, from the Link Table.

For instance,

Read all the GroupID field from the Link table against a MemberID, make a comma-separated string of the GroupID,
then update the GroupID field of the corresponding Member in the Member table.

Please help me with a sql query or procedures that will do this job. I am using SQL SERVER 2000.

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Multivalue Parameter With A Comma In A Value

Nov 28, 2007

Is there an easy way to handle a multivalue parameter where the values could have comma's? I have County and State in a single column and want to select one from the multivalue parameter but when the string is passed it is not being found because I am parsing the parameter on comma. Here is what the drop down list looks like.



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Comma Separated String To Int

Jan 27, 2008

I have a checkbox list on datalist as one column. when user selects more than one checkbox and click on apply. i concatenate IDs of checkboxes as '1,2'3' for e.g. and sending that to Stroe Procedure as varchar datatype parametrer. In Procedure i wanna update status of all three selected and i am using statement "update tbl set status=1 where pageid in('1,2,3'). It is saying it cannot convert varchar to int.
How can i do this task?
Thanks in advance.

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How To INSERT INTO If The String Has Comma's Etc.

Mar 4, 2007

It's probably a most basic operation but I can't find how to enable this. Using SQL Server 2005

eg: how would I get this sort of step to work?

INSERT INTO company VALUES (10001,"Apps'r'Us");

where the schema is
(companyID int,
companyName varchar(50))

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How To Split A Comma In A String

Mar 11, 2008

I have a string

@string = 'abc,def,ghi'

Now I have to display


I have to separate a comma in that
Is there an function like split in sql

plz help me
Thanks in Advance

Suresh Kumar

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Remove Last Comma From The String

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,

I have one field with different values like


My requirement is to remove the last comma from that string. I need the output should look like



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Passing Comma Delimited Parameter To SP

Apr 14, 2005

Is this possible? I find it hard to believe that this could be sooo difficult. I have a simple select stored procedure that has one parameter. My application is passing a comma delimited string of values to be used in the IN clause.
Ex: Where x In(@parametername)
the x column is an integer. How can one work around this???

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Passing Comma Seperated Parameter To SP

Jan 21, 2008


My SP is,

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.InventorySalesSummaryForReport(@ItemNumber nvarchar(30),@StoreId nvarchar(500),@Year int)


DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(1000)

-- Searching ItemNumber in Inventory_SKU

DECLARE @Count int

DECLARE @ItemNumSKU varchar(50)

SET @SQL = N'SELECT @Count12 =COUNT(*) FROM Inventory WHERE Store_Id in (@StoreId1) AND ItemNum = @ItemNumber1'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL,N'@Count12 int OUTPUT,@StoreId1 nvarchar(500),@ItemNumber1 nvarchar(30)',@Count12=@Count OUTPUT,@StoreId1 = @StoreId,@ItemNumber1 = @ItemNumber

IF (@Count = 0)


SET @SQL = N'SELECT @ItemNumSKU1 = ItemNum FROM Inventory_SKUS WHERE Store_Id in (@StoreId1) AND AltSKU = @ItemNumber1'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL,N'@ItemNumSKU1 nvarchar(30) OUTPUT,@StoreId1 nvarchar(500),@ItemNumber1 nvarchar(30)',@StoreId1 = @StoreId,@ItemNumber1 = @ItemNumber,@ItemNumSKU1=@ItemNumSKU OUTPUT

SET @ItemNumber = @ItemNumSKU


-- Creating table variable to have values from 1 to 12

CREATE TABLE #MonthSales (MonthNumber int, MonthCost money,MonthPrice money,MonthQuan bigint)


SET @Cnt = 1

WHILE(@Cnt <= 12)


INSERT INTO #MonthSales VALUES(@Cnt,0,0,0)

SET @Cnt = @Cnt + 1


--Joining query result with the table variable to get required result

DECLARE @Status1 Char(1)

SET @Status1 = 'C'

-- putting ' for comma seperated storeid


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' MS.MonthNumber,'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ISNULL(Temp.MonthCost,0) MonthCost,'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ISNULL(Temp.MonthPrice,0) MonthPrice,'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ISNULL(Temp.MonthQuan,0) MonthQuan'



SET @SQL = @SQL + N' DATEPART(mm, DateTime) Month#'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ,SUM(CostPer*Quantity) As MonthCost'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ,SUM(PricePer*Quantity) AS MonthPrice'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ,SUM(Quantity) AS MonthQuan '


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' Invoice_Totals '

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' INNER JOIN Invoice_Itemized ON Invoice_Totals.Invoice_Number = Invoice_Itemized.Invoice_Number '


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' Status = @Status AND Invoice_Totals.Store_ID in (@StoreId1) '

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' AND ItemNum = @ItemNumber1'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' AND DATEPART(yy,datetime)=@Year1'


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' DATEPART(mm, DateTime)'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ) Temp '

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' RIGHT OUTER JOIN #MonthSales MS ON MS.MonthNumber = Temp.Month#'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ORDER BY MS.MonthNumber'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL,N'@Status char(1),@StoreId1 nvarchar(500),@ItemNumber1 nvarchar(30),@Year1 int',@Status = @Status1,@StoreId1 = @StoreId,@ItemNumber1 = @ItemNumber,@Year1=@Year

It is working If I am passing sigle storeId to the above SP. If I am selecting multiple StoreIDs from the report. It is not returning correct value. Can you please give me a suggestion?


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Quotes Around The Comma Delimited String

Oct 18, 2005

I am trying to build a dynamic where  statement for my sql stored prcoedure
  if len(@Office) > 0   select @strWhereClause = N'cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText( ' + @vchOffice  +  ',' + ''',''' + '))' + ' and ' + @strWhereClause
In this case users can enter comma delimited string in their search criteria. So if they enter we1, we2, we3 then my sql statement should look like
select @strWhereClause = cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText('we1', 'we2', 'we3'),',')
My csfParseDeLimitedText function looks like this
Create  FUNCTION [dbo].[csfParseDeLimitedText] (@p_text varchar(4000), @p_Delimeter char(1))RETURNS @results TABLE (id varchar(100))ASBEGIN declare @i1 varchar(200)declare @i2 varchar(200)declare @tempResults Table (id varchar(100))while len(@p_text) > 0 and charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) <> 0beginselect @i1 = left(@p_text, charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) - 1)insert @tempResults select @i1select @p_text = right(@p_text, len(@p_text) - charindex(@p_Delimeter,@p_text))endinsert @tempResults select @p_text
insert @resultsselect *from @tempResultsreturnEND
My problem is it does not put quotes around the comma delimited stringso I want to put 'we1' , 'we2'. These single quotes are not coming in the dynamic sql statement. How can I modify my query so that single quotes around each entry should show up.
Any help will be greatky appreciated.

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Sql Statement Comma Separated String

May 3, 2005

I have a table called evidence, which has the following Fields

| evidence_id | Description| Standards|
E001 blagh 1.1,1.2,1.3

Ok I am trying to search the comma-separated string in the standards field using the like clause so I can display the evidence_id.

SQL looks like

SELECT Evidence.Standards, *
FROM Evidence
WHERE (((Evidence.Standards) Like '%1.1%'));

However it will not search through the list and select for example if I change 1.1 to 1.2. The commas wont allow it.

It works if I just have one item in the list that is just 1.1. Can anyone help me to search a comma-separated string for a certain string?



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SELECT WHERE IN Comma Delimited String

Jun 3, 2008


I have a table with column Options where each field contains a comma delimited list of ID numbers.

I want to select any records where a certain ID number appears in that list.

So something like:

SELECT * FROM Table t1
WHERE MyID IN (SELECT Options FROM Table t2 WHERE t1.ID = t2.ID)

But that gives me the error:

Syntax error converting the varchar value '39,20' to a column of data type int.

I feel I'm close though! Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks


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Insert A Comma Delimited String

Nov 22, 2013

I have a problem in a stored procedure trying to insert a comma delimited list into rows.The parameters for example would be somthing like....

@GarageID int = 20,
@Cars nVarChar(200) = Ford~Fiesta,BMW~320,Volvo~340,Jaguar~XJS

I need to split where the comma is for each new row, and separate each value from either side of the '~' like so....

GarageID Make Model
20 Ford Fiesta
20 BMW 320
20 Volvo 340
20 Jaguar XJS

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Is This An Efficient Way To Create A Comma String

Dec 5, 2005

Hi there,I have created a sp and function that returns amongst other things acomma seperated string of values via a one to many relationship, thecode works perfectly but i am not sure how to test its performance.. Isthis an efficient way to achieve my solution.. If not any suggestionshow i can improve it.. What are the best ways to check query speed???MY SP:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Jobs_GetJobsASBEGINSELECT j.Id, j.Inserted, Title, Reference, dbo.fn_GetJobLocations( location, salary, summary, logoFROM Jobs_Jobs j INNER JOIN Client c ON j.ClientID = c.idORDER BY j.Inserted DESCENDGO--------------------------------------------MY Function:CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetJobLocations (@JobID int)RETURNS varchar(5000) ASBEGINDECLARE @LocList varchar(5000)SELECT @LocList = COALESCE(@LocList + ', ','') + ll.location_nameFROM Jobs_Locations l inner join List_Locations ll onll.LocationID = l.LocationIDWHERE l.JobID = @JobIDRETURN @LocListENDAny help or guidance much appreciated...

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Splitting A Comma Delimited String

Oct 1, 2007

I have a string like say: '3:4:5:4,2:4:1,4:1:2:5:2'. Now I need to split the substrings delimited by commas. So my final output shall be


I did write a piece of code to achieve the same, but I feel its not so efficient. Can anyone suggest me a better way, if any? My code is as follows:

Declare @person as varchar(255), @cnt smallint,@loc smallint,@prevloc smallint, @str varchar(255)
Select @prevloc=0,@loc=1,@cnt=1,@person = '3:4:5:4,2:4:1,4:1:2:5:2'
While @loc != 0
set @prevloc=(case when @loc = 1 then 0 else @loc end) +1
set @loc = charindex(',',@person,@loc+1)
Set @str = substring(@person,@prevloc,(Case when @loc = 0 then len(@person) - @prevloc + 1 else @loc - @prevloc end))
print 'String = ' + @Str
set @cnt=@cnt+1

String = 3:4:5:4
String = 2:4:1
String = 4:1:2:5:2

Note: My actual purpose is to also sub split it again with ':' delimiter too. So looking for an efficient code.

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Stored Procedure And Comma Delimited String

Dec 8, 2006

I'm passing a comma delimited string to my SP, e.g.:"3,8,10,16,23,24"I need to retreive each number in this string and for every number found I need to execute some sode, say add "AND SportID="+numberfoundHow can I do that?

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Multiple Rows Into A Comma Delimited String

May 22, 2007

I have the following table:id name1 yes2 no3 what4 is5 this6 niceThe amount of rows can vary from 1 to 50. I only need the name column.What SQL statement do I have to execute to get the following:yes,no,what,is,this,nice,  (trailing , is acceptable)Thanks!

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Using A Comma-separated String Using Stored Procedure And IN

May 27, 2005


I was wondering if it's possible to pass in a comma separated string
"12,14,16,18" and use it in a stored procedure with "IN" like this:

@SubRegions varchar(255) <-- my comma separated string

        SELECT *
        FROM myTable
        WHERE tbl_myTable.SubRegionID IN (@SubRegions)

It tells me it has trouble converting "'12,14,16,18'" to an INT. :(

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Inserting Into ONE Column A Comma Delimted String??

Dec 1, 1999

I have a string of comma delimited values such as the following:


I have a table with ONE column only. How can I do an insert statement which will insert each of these values?

If I type the following:
"INSERT INTO tabletest SELECT 1,2,3,4,5"

I get this error:
"Insert error: column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. "

This makes sense because I do not have 5 columns I only have 1. But how can I get around this?

Any help is most appreciated! Thanks in advance...mary

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How To Parse A String Column With Comma Delimited

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I would like to parse out each value that is seperatedby a comma in a field and use that value to join to another table.What would be the easiest way to do so without having towrite a function or routine ?EX.Table AAACOL1 COL21 11, 124, 1562 11, 505, 600, 700, ...Table BBBCOL1 COL211 Desc11124 Desc124156 Desc 156

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Transact SQL :: How To Split Comma Delimited String

Oct 8, 2008

I have a parameter called Id in my SP which will be of nvarchar data type and i'm going to get the multiple ids at a time seperated by commas in that parameter from the application. Now my requirement is to update a table with these comma seperated ids in seperate rows.

For example, if i have 2 parameters called Id1 and Id2. Id1 will contain only one value and will be of int data type and Id2 will be of nvarchar data type as i can get multiple ids delimited by a comma from the application.

Suppose Id1 = 1 and Id2 = '1,2,3,4'. Then I have to update id2 in the tables seperately like wherever Id1 is '1' i need to update Id2 column for 4 rows with the value 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively in different rows.
how can i do this in T-SQL? How can i split the data of parameter Id2 in 4 different rows?

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Help Required For Splitting Up String Variable Using Comma Separator

Jul 9, 2007

I need a help in SQL Server 2000.
I am having a string variable in the format like -- (1,23,445,5,12)
I need to take single value at a time (like 1 for 1st, 23 for 2nd and so on) from the variable and update the database accordingly. This is like a FOR loop.
Can anyone help me out in splitting the variable using the comma separator...

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Query For Taking Each Word In A String, And Putting A Comma After It?

Aug 29, 2007

Hey all, i'm making the pages meta keywords on my site dynamic, and i was wondering is there is a string, for example "Dell 17" Monitor Brand New", that would split it into each word for the meta keywords. example "Dell, 17", Monitor, Brand, New" (and possibly to not put a comma on the last word?) 

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How Do I Split And Insert A Comma Delimited String To A Table?

Oct 13, 2004

I am passing in a string of dates, delimited by a comma.


01/01/04, 02/01/04, 03/01/04


I would like to enter each of these values into a table via an INSERT stored procedure.

Does anyone have any code for this?

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Concatenated String Of Comma Separated Values (was Help With Query)

Nov 21, 2006

I have following 2 queries which return different results.

declare @accountIdListTemp varchar(max)
SELECT COALESCE(@accountIdListTemp + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),acct_id)
FROM (SELECT Distinct acct_id
FROM SomeTable) Result
print @accountIdListTemp

The above query return the values without concatenating it.

declare @pot_commaSeperatedList varchar(max)

into #accountIdListTemp
FROM SomeTable

SELECT @pot_commaSeperatedList = COALESCE(@pot_commaSeperatedList + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),acct_id)
FROM #accountIdListTemp
print @pot_commaSeperatedList
drop table #accountIdListTemp

This query returns result as concatenated string of comma separated values.

If i want to get similar result in a single query how can i get it?

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