SELECT LB.WBS2, LB.WBS3, LedgerAR.WBS2 AS Expr1, LedgerAR.WBS3 AS Expr2, LB.AmtBud AS amtbud, SUM(LedgerAR.Amount * - 1) AS amt
LedgerAR ON LedgerAR.WBS1 = LB.WBS1 AND LedgerAR.WBS2 = LB.WBS2 AND LedgerAR.WBS3 = LB.WBS3
WHERE (LB.WBS1 = '001-298')
GROUP BY LB.WBS2, LB.WBS3, LedgerAR.WBS2, LedgerAR.WBS3, LB.AmtBud
I want to sum the amtbud column like I did for the amt column. and group everything based on WBS2. However, I keep getting an outrageous amount for the amtbud. This is what is seems to be summing up:
I have one table in which there are almost 800,000 records, and I tried to delete them by SQL stored-procedure in which executing SQL like this: "delete from tablename where date='YYYYMMDD'", once I started this procedure, I noticed SQL server will take most of CPU resources in a short period, but that's not acceptable. and there are some other useful records in this table, we can't use Drop Table. So my question is "can we delete 1000 records and then sleep awhile, and repeat until all these records are deleted !"
I have a table with 4 relevant fields (blank lines added for clarity). State, City, Name, Primary_Contact IL, Springfield, Bill, n IL, Springfield, Frank, n IL, Springfield, Larry, n
IL, Bloomington, Steve, n IL, Bloomington, Chris, y
IL, Chicago, Betty, n IL, Chicago, Linda, n IL, Chicago, Sue, n
I need a query to return the state and cities that don't have a Primary_Contact='y' So the results would be: IL, Springfield IL, Chicago
I need the results from the following query to be with the results of the second query. Any ideas?
SELECT PR.WBS1, PR.WBS2, PR.WBS3, PR.Fee, PR.ConsultFee, PR.ReimbAllow, PR.LongName, PR.Name, CL.Name AS CLIENTNAME, CLAddress.Address2 AS CLIENTADDRESS2, CLAddress.Address3 AS CLIENTADDRESS3, CLAddress.Address4 AS CLIENTADDRESS4, CFGMain.FirmName, CFGMain.Address1, CFGMain.Address2, CFGMain.Address3, CFGMain.Address4, Contacts.FirstName + ' ' + Contacts.LastName AS CONTACT, LB.AmtBud, LB.BillBud
FROM PR LEFT OUTER JOIN Contacts ON PR.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID LEFT OUTER JOIN CL ON CL.ClientID = PR.ClientID LEFT OUTER JOIN CLAddress ON CL.ClientID = CLAddress.ClientID LEFT OUTER JOIN LB ON LB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LB.WBS2 AND LB.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 CROSS JOIN CFGMain Where pr.wbs1 = '001-298' and pr.wbs3 != 'zzz'
SELECT * FROM LD WHERE (BilledPeriod = '200408') AND (WBS1 = '001-298')
document_area: doc_area_id(int) and doc_area_name(string). document_area_access: doc_area_id(int) and username(string).
I am trying to do a select statement in an sqldatasource in .net that will select all the document_area.doc_area_name's where the current users username is in the document_area_access using the doc_area_id to link the tables.
When I run the following query from Query Analyzer in SQL Serer 2005, I get a message back that says. Command(s) completed successfully. What I really need it to do is to display the results of the query. Does anyone know how to do this? declare @SniierId as uniqueidentifierset @SniierId = '85555560-AD5D-430C-9B97-FB0AC3C7DA1F'declare @SniierAlias as nvarchar(50)declare @AlwaysShowEditButton as bitdeclare @SniierName as nvarchar (128)/* Check access for Sniier */SELECT TOP 1 @SniierName = Sniiers.SniierName, @SniierAlias = Sniiers.SniierAlias, @AlwaysShowEditButton = Sniiers.AlwaysShowEditButtonFROM SniiersWHERE Sniiers.SniierId=@SniierId
I want to return a list that contains each employee's ID, the date of their last payrate adjustment, and their current payrate. Note that in the table below, employee 1002 was a bad boy in March of 2005, and his hourly rate was reduced to 14.00.
Basically i need to change all fac_id which = 1 and change them to fac_id = 2, this is simple enough:
How ever, i need an exception where the 'id' is the same so i don't get duplicate entries.
So from the table above i need to change 2347 fac_id = 1 to fac_id = 2. I would NOT how ever change 1234 fac_id = 1 to 1234 fac_id =2 because there is already an id number with the same fac_id.
SELECT vehicleref, capID, make, model, derivative, COUNT(vehicleref) total, SUM(case when inStock=1 then 1 else 0 end) AS stock, (SELECT dealer FROM tblMatrixDealers WHERE id=dealerid) As Dealer FROM tblMatrixStock WHERE inStock = 1 GROUP BY vehicleref, capID, make, model, derivative, dealerid
I need to get the number in stock, i.e. when instock=1 and the total i.e. when instock=1 or 0
But the problem is i'm only showing records where instock=1 so my SUM(case when inStock=1 then 1 else 0 end) AS stock statement is useless.
I have run into a problem, I have 2 fields in my database, both keyfields:Table 1=====Field X <key>Field Y <key>In field X, there are say about 3 records for each unique Field Y. Ilet my users query the data base like follows:Enter the Codes you want: 1000 and 3000 and 8500So I want to pick up records where there will be the above values forAll Y values. i.e 1000/AAA, 3000/AAA, and 8500 for AAA - if there iseven ONE of the X values not matching a record without a matching Xvalue, leave it out.i.e:X=1000,Y=AAAX=3000,Y=AAAX=8500,Y=AAAX=1000,Y=BBBX=3000,Y=BBBX=8500,Y=BBBX=1000,Y=CCCX=3000,Y=CCCX=9999,Y=CCCWhen the query runs, I want to see the following records:X=1000,Y=AAAX=3000,Y=AAAX=8500,Y=AAAX=1000,Y=BBBX=3000,Y=BBBX=8500,Y=BBBBUT NOT:X=1000,Y=CCCX=3000,Y=CCCX=9999,Y=CCCbecause one of the X values was not matched (the last X value =9999 andnot one of the requirements of the search)So I guess I want something like this:SELECT X,Y from TABLE1 WHERE ALL Y VALUES HAVE ALL OF THESE X VALUES(X=1000,X=3000,X=8500) IF ANY X VALUES ARE MISSING SKIP RECORD^^ Hope the above makes sense... but I am really stuck. The only otherway I think I could do it is, copy all records that match all 3 Xvalues into a temp table, and weed out any that are missing any one ofthe X values after they are copied but, I am running this on MYSQL 5.0Clustered, and there is not enough room in memory for it probably...and query time has to remain under a second.Anyhelp would be appreciated...
ID PID From To Code 1 1 14/02/07 17/02/07 X 2 1 17/02/07 19/02/07 X 3 1. 19/02/07 23/02/07 E 4 1 26/02/07 28/02/07 X 5 1 1/4/07 1/5/07 E 6 2 01/03/07 03/03/07 X 7 2 04/03/07 10/03/07 X 8 2 10/03/07 14/03/07 E
ID PID Date 4 1 26/02/07 7 2 04/03/07
I want to be able to create a select query on the above table. The table will show ID, PersonID (PID), From and to date, and code. If the code is X then the next from record should be the same date as the to date. If the code is E then the next to date can be anytime after the previous to date. I want to be able to report on all record where there is a day difference between the previous to date. I.e. ID 4 and 7 the previous records both have an X and there is at least a days difference between the dates.
hi, I have this simple sql query - it should be pretty obvious what I'm trying to achieve but this syntax isn't accepted on SQL 2005, any suggestions? SELECT Name FROM Users WHERE UsersID IN (EXEC dbo.ReturnDataByModule 'Groups',1200)
Hi I'm new to SQL and I'm stuggling with a simple query in MS-server 2005 and wondered if anyone can help me.
I'm trying to devide the ansewrs of two seperate queries, but both the queries use the same coloumn in the where clause to get the answer. Please can some one help!
I have a table like this:Name, SSNJoe Smith, 1111Tom Why, 2222Larry Sam, 3333Paul Tom, 4444Steve bob, 1111I want a query to pull offJoe Smith, 1111Steve bob, 1111because someone accidently put in two different names with the sameSSN. There should only be one 1111 in the SSN field in the wholedatabase. I want to pull the duplicate SSN with the name. How can onequery do this. I can write a VB program to do it but I think a queryshould work.I know how to do this:SELECT SSN, COUNT(*) AS cntFROM testGROUP BY fSSNHAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)to find the duplicate SSN but I need the name listed with the SSN also.Any help?? Thanks!!Sheila
First, let me apologize for how easy this probably is:DESCR TYPE SELL StartDate EndDate65048 04 Price A 4/21/2004 4/26/200465048 06 Price C 4/20/2004 4/27/200465048 08 Price B 4/22/2004 4/28/200465049 04 Price A 4/19/2004 4/24/200465049 06 Price B 4/22/2004 4/25/200465049 09 Price C 4/20/2004 4/29/200465050 07 Price A 4/21/2004 4/25/200465050 06 Price B 4/18/2004 4/28/200465050 05 Price C 4/17/2004 4/29/2004Descr, Type, Sell are CHARStartDate and EndDate are SmallDatetimeI need a simple query that would display the records with:Highest TYPE for each DESCR with:"Date I Enter" >= Startdate"Date I Enter" <= EnddateResults for ("Date I Enter" = 4/23/2004) should be:65048 08 Price B 4/22/2004 4/28/200465049 09 Price C 4/20/2004 4/29/200465050 07 Price A 4/21/2004 4/25/2004I would give you what I have done but it is such a mess I am better offstarting over.Thanks!!-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
I hope you mind a questions from an inexperienced SQL 2000 user.
I don't have much experience with building queries for SQL2000. So I am lookinf for a software tool that will help me create simple queries. I'm also looking for an online (either on the web or a downloadable program) query reference to help remine me how to make these queries.
I have two tables (tblRequest and tblDev) whose items have many-to-manyrelationships with each other. I have set things up like this(simplified):Table 1 fields: tblRequest.PrimaryKey tblRequest.Descriptionexample: 10 45 Elm11 63 Green12 123 Main Street13 23 PineTable 2 fields: tblDev.PrimaryKey tblDev.Descriptionexample: 20 Local. No issues21 City owned and main22 Out of county23 Not seen by officerThen Table 3 keeps track of the relationships between tables 1 and 2 bytracking the primary key of the linked items in tables 1 and 2.Table 3 fields: tblLink.RequestPrimaryKey tblLink.DevPrimaryKey10 2010 2111 2212 22Items from tables 1 and 2 may or may not have a relationship listed intable 3.So given an item in tblRequest:tblRequest.PrimaryKey tblRequest.Description12 123 Main StreetI need two queries...The first query would return ALL items from tblDev that are notassociated with this item in tblRequest - in this case 20, 21, 23.The second query would return ALL items from tblDev that ARE associatedwith this item in tblRequest - in this case 22.That's it. Thanks in advance
hi all,I have a table of customers.I have a table of products they have ordered.How can I find all customers who have ordered productA and productB atany time.It sounds so easy, but I can't quite get my head around it!thanksTim
I am curretnly a newbie at SQL Server..but i am really good with Access.....i am looking into converting to SQL Express but i have this one issue. Below is a snippet of SQL from my VB6 app. SQL Server 2005 says i cant use 'Cdbl'
T, W, L_value.....are strings in the varchar in my SQL DB. OS_T, L, W dont exist on my actual DB i make the RS disconnected and play with the data. This snippet works fine in Access, but as expected it doesnt in SQLS...Wha are my options, if any? Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
I am curretnly a newbie at SQL Server..but i am really good with Access.....i am looking into converting to SQL Express but i have this one issue. Below is a snippet of SQL from my VB6 app. SQL Server 2005 says i cant use 'Cdbl' T, W, L_value.....are strings in the varchar in my SQL DB. OS_T, L, W dont exist on my actual DB i make the RS disconnected and play with the data. This snippet works fine in Access, but as expected it doesnt in SQLS...Wha are my options, if any? Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
SQL Server 2000. Here's what I have so far. The section of the query I need help with is highlighted in blue.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetByVersion ( @targetVersion varchar(30), @product varchar(50) ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE (product = @product) AND CASE WHEN @targetVersion='' THEN (targetVersion='') ELSE (targetVersion LIKE @targetVersion + '%') END GO
I get a syntax error in the Stored Procedure editor on an equal sign in this line: WHEN @targetVersion='' THEN (targetVersion='')
What I want is this (in psuedocode): if @targerVersion is blank search for records where the targetVersion column = blank else search for records where the targetVersion column starts with @targetVersion
Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how I might modify my query to do what I want? Any help is very much welcome - Thanks in advance! :-)
we've created a ata Flow task to execute several aggregations. Our Task access database using OLE DB source and selects data out of our staging tables (we've analyzed the query using MS SQL Management Studio which didn't showed any issues). But when we try to run our dataflow task using SSIS (debug mode and DTEXEC from command line) we experince that tasks seem to stop during processing.
Unfortunately we didn't found a way to see long logfile entries which explain the issue to us. We do use several aggregation tasks divided in 4 sequences. Unfortunately we just see one logical processor out of 4 logical processors working. It is a Windows 2003 SP2 machine with SQL 2005 SP2 on top of it.
Is there any solution to use all processors to one package for parallel execution?
So basically we experience two issues: - SSIS seems to stop somewhere in thre middle - SSIS just uses one processor instaed of all four
Ok I have created a 2005 sql advanced database with text indexing. I have create the database like so created a new database with text indexing enabled and the following table create table support (problemId VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, problemTitle varchar(50) NOT NULL, problemBody text NOT NULL, linkOne varchar(50), linkTwo varchar(50), linkThree varchar(50), linkFour varchar(50), ftid int NOT NULL) next create fulltext catalog remoteSupportCatalog create unique index ui_remotesupport ON support (ftid) then create fulltext index on support(problemBody)key index PK__support__7C8480AE on remoteSupportCatalog -------- I then populated some rows and issues a quesry Select * from support where freetext(problemBody, 'test database') it works pulls back all the data I expected it to pull back
In my asp page I created a database connection with the folling select command <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:rsdb2ConnectionString2 %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM support WHERE FREETEXT(problemBody, @srchBox)">
created the search parameter<SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="srchBox" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" Name="srchBox" /> //this is a text box that is searchable with a button </SelectParameters> and it doesnt give me back an error or data it does nothing. What am I missing?????
I hate making complecated queries....but this doesn't seem too hard and I cannot figure out where my error is. The message is "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'."
The query is: SELECT tblUsers.lUserID GROUP BY tblUsers.lUserID HAVING Count(tblDLHistory.lDownloadID) = 0 FROM tblUsers LEFT JOIN tblDLHistory ON tblUsers.lUserID = tblDLHistory.lUserID WHERE tblDLHistory.lVersionID = 5
I need to search the database and pull up all customers who have a 'device' and their email address. I have watered down my select statement, but the following is the basics of it. I just cannot figure out how to also append the email. I have tried many different attempts and have come up dry.
Select From dbo.contact1 as a, ( Select DISTINCT accountno From dbo.contsupp Where contact LIKE 'Product Inventory' AND contsupref LIKE '%device%' ) as b Where a.accountno = b.accountno
Below are some sample databases to get an idea of some possibilities. There will not always be an entry in dbo.contsupp for an email address. There will not always be an entry in dbo.contsupp for a device.
I have a small table to manage orders in my company. When a new order is entered, the script makes use of the last row of the table to find out the last order, increments it and creates the new order number. The problem is, a few days ago the last row got stuck. New insertions to the table all got the same order number and are placed above the last row. Anybody has any idea what's going on?
Heres is a shorten downed example of what I am trying to achieve. I have four tables. The first being OrderHeader, the second OrderLines, the third StockCategory. The OrderHeader table contains basic order details, which in turn is linked to the OrderLines table which show if the order in the OrderHeader has a single or multiple order lines. The StockCategory table shows what stock group the item in each order line is associated to.
Here is an example of the tables in a shorten downed version (in both data and fields):
OrderHeader: Sales Order Ref, Order Date, 1, 01/05/2008 2, 01/05/2008 3, 02/05/2008 4, 02/05/2008
OrderLines: Sales Order Ref, Part Number 1, 222 1, 234 1, 333 2, 222 2, 555 2, 444 3, 333 3, 111 4, 222
Stock Category, Part Number, A, 222 B, 234 C, 333 D, 444 E, 111
The thing I am trying to do is assign each of the orders to a Stock Group which I can do. The thing that has baffled me is if an two of the order lines in one order are assigned to different stock groups. If this occurs I want to assign the order to the order to the stock group with the highest priority (1 being highest, 3 being lowest) for example if one order line in the order was assigned to Berr (priority 1) and the other to DFID (priority 3) the order would be assigned to Berr.
SELECT @BeginDate = [BeginDate] FROM DatePeriods AS dp WHERE dp.ID = @Period SELECT @EndDate = [EndDate] FROM DatePeriods AS dp WHERE dp.ID = @Period
SELECT COUNT(oh.[Sales Order Reference]) FROM dbo.OrderHeaders AS oh LEFT JOIN dbo.OrderLines AS ol ON oh.[Sales Order Reference] = ol.[Sales Order Reference] LEFT JOIN dbo.StockCategories AS sc ON ol.[Part Number] = sc.[Part Number] WHERE oh.[Order Date] BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate AND sc.[Stock Group] IN (SELECT sg.[Stock Group] FROM dbo.StockGroup AS sg WHERE sg.[ID] = 'Berr') AND ol.[Sales Order Reference] NOT IN (SELECT col.[Sales Order Reference] FROM dbo.CancelledOrderLines AS col WHERE col.[Part Number] = ol.[Part Number])
Been spinning on this for whole weekend I can't seem to get what you I want. I have the following xml result from my query. As you notice one of the child elements has the tag identifier VJobs, how can I make it so it says 'task' instead?
Here is the query, which details jobs to be done on different equipments SELECT EquipmentID + 1 as id, EquipmentDescr as [name], '#99ccff' AS color, 'true' AS [expand], (SELECT JobID + 2AS id, 'Layout#' AS [name], '#99ccff' AS color, (SELECT [taskproperty-id] AS [taskproperty-id], [value] AS [value] FROM dbo.JobDetails customproperty WHERE customproperty.JobID = VJobs.JobID FOR XML AUTO, TYPE) FROM VJobs WHERE VJobs.EquipmentID = task.EquipmentID FOR XML AUTO, TYPE) FROM VEquipments task ORDER BY EquipmentDescr FOR XML AUTO, TYPE
Hello, Well actually I am beginner to ASP.Net, I am working on Microsoft Virtual PC with VS 2005 and SQL Server 2005 installed. Now when Create web application in Studio all works fine with databases but when i try to write some code for accessing SQL Databases I keep getting this error PLZ heLP.Following is my code<% @ Import Namespace="System.Data" %><% @ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %><html><script language="C#" runat="server" Debug="false" >SqlConnection sqlcon;protected void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e){ sqlcon=new SqlConnection("Data Source=VS02005;Initial Catalog=Gaurav;Integrated Security=True"); SqlDataAdapter sqlcom = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Employee", sqlcon); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sqlcom.Fill(ds,"Employee"); DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables["Employee"].DefaultView; DataGrid1.DataBind();}</script><form runtat="server"> <asp:datagrid id="DataGrid1" runat="server" /></form></html>This is the error i am gettingServer Error in '/' Application.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SELECT permission denied on object 'Employee', database 'Gaurav', schema 'dbo'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SELECT permission denied on object 'Employee', database 'Gaurav', schema 'dbo'. I am stuck dont know what to do, I hve checked all permissions for user gaurav, I also gave administrator rights to gaurav but nothing is working PLEASE help me.