Substitute The Value Of The Textbox

Mar 29, 2008

Do anyone know how I can replace or Substitute the current value of a form textbox with another value.For example, the string "YES" appears on the textbox but hit the SAVE button I would like "TRUE" to be entered in the SQL Server database table. Thanks.

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How To Refer To Report Textbox Values In Another Textbox

May 24, 2007

I want to add up the values in a couple of text boxes in another textbox. How do I refer to the textboxes?

fields!textbox1.value doesn't work..what does?

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Substitute Of 'IN' Operator

Jan 31, 2005

Hello folks,

I've got a table like this

----------- -----------
6 1
6 2
7 1
1 1
2 1

I need to have a select statement to take all the products with the LABEL_ID containing 1 AND 2. I can't use the IN operator as it will return me results with LABEL_ID 1 OR 2. Is there any solution to this? Sorry I'm relatively new to mysql and not familiar with the select statements.

I'm currently working on something like a search engine. Hope to have some good advice here :)

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A Substitute For UNION?

Feb 19, 2007

I'd like to change query:SELECT DM.*, 'condition1', NULL FROM DMWHERE (condition1)UNIONSELECT DM.*, NULL, 'condition2' FROM DMWHERE (condition2)to one SELECT like thisSELECT DM.*, WasCondition1, WasCondition2 FROM DMWHERE (condition1) or (condition2)but how to fill in the WasConditionX column?The UNION version was bad because in case a row fulfilled 2conditions, it was repeated instead of joining them, such like this:SELECT DM.*, 'condition1', 'condition2' FROM DMWHERE condition1 AND condition2UNIONSELECT DM.*, 'condition1', NULL FROM DMWHERE condition1 AND NOT condition2UNIONSELECT DM.*, NULL, 'condition2' FROM DMWHERE NOT condition1 AND condition2or (say DM has columns A, B, C):SELECT A, B, C, SUM(cond1), SUM(cond2) FROM(SELECT DM.*, 1 AS cond1, 0 AS cond2 FROM DMWHERE condition1UNIONSELECT DM.*, 0 AS cond1, 1 AS cond2 FROM DMWHERE condition2) AS DMGROUP BY A, B, C

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Regarding Substitute For BCP In 2005

Oct 24, 2007


I'm using sql server 2005, i want to know is there any substitute for BCP in sql server 2005,
like how we have DTS in 2000 and SSIS in 2005,
I heared that BCP will be deprecated in the next version of Sql server.
so i dont want to implement BCP in 2005 version,

Will someone please tell me whether i have to implement BCP in sql server or we have some other option,
i dont want to use SSIS instead of BCP because latter is faster.

Altaf Hussain Nizamuddin

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Substitute For First Keyword?

Mar 27, 2008

IS there ny substitute for this ?

=First(Fields!TouchedBy.Value, "Dataset1")

instead of keyword 'First' i need the current record , but also i need to refer dataset name also , is there any way to do that ?

Any idea?


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Does SQL Substitute Float = 0 With DBNull.Value?

Mar 11, 2004

I have only been coding in .Net for about six months, and am not sure if this is a C# problem or an SQL one. I use the Data Access Application Block in my program.

I have two optional fields on my form (RangeFrom and RangeTo). If the user chooses not to enter data into these textboxes(textbox = ""), an entry on the db is created with null values. It works.

But sometimes the user wants to enter 0 as either an upper or lower end of a range. This is where my problem comes in. My program saves 0 as null too.

In my program I do a test on the textboxes and populate two float values in a business object (objQuestion) accordingly, like this:

if (txtrangefrom.Text != "") {
else {

And this is what my Business object look like. It sets up the parameters and calls the Data Access Application Block to create an entry in my table:

// fieldslist
float cvintRangeFrom;
float cvintRangeTo;

public float RangeFrom {
get {
return cvintRangeFrom;
set {
cvintRangeFrom = value;

public float RangeTo {
get {
return cvintRangeTo;
set {
cvintRangeTo = value;

// some code deleted for readability....

public int AddOption() {
string cvstrSpName = "addOption";
SqlParameter [] cvstrStoredParams = SqlHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(gcstrConnectionString, cvstrSpName, true);
//lines deleted for readability...
//check if the optional fields have a value associated with them. if not, assign dbnull.value.
cvstrStoredParams[4].Value=(cvintRangeFrom != Convert.ToSingle(null) ? cvintRangeFrom : (object)DBNull.Value);
cvstrStoredParams[5].Value=(cvintRangeTo != Convert.ToSingle(null) ? cvintRangeTo : (object)DBNull.Value);
//lines deleted for readability...
SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(gcstrConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, cvstrSpName, cvstrStoredParams);
return(cvintOptionID = Convert.ToInt32(cvstrStoredParams[0].Value));

I use Convert.ToSingle when working with nulls (or possible nulls) because I get an error when I use float.parse for this.

The thing is, after this method AddOption has been executed, I test the value if the business object's rangefrom (that is where I entered 0) and display it on my form. I still shows a 0, but on my database table it is null!

//txtrangefrom.Text=""; on the next line I test the value in the business object...
txtrangefrom.Text=objQuestion.RangeFrom.ToString(); // and this displays 0!!!

So to me it seems the problem seems to be either the DAAB or on the SQL side, but hopefully somebody can prove me wrong! I was thinking that it could also be float.parse/Convert.ToSingle methods and have done various tests, but I am none the wiser...
Any help or ideas will be greatly appreciated...

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Substitute For Temporary Table?

Jun 2, 2006

Hello once again,
My last question concerns (temporary) tables. In a web form (VWD Express, Asp,Net 2.0, VB, .mdf db, Ajax) I have two gridviews. One gets its data from textboxes and dropdownlists as the user clicks an ok button. This data is then sent to a "junk" table in the db. The other gridview retrieves this data "automatically" and displays the data, filtered and grouped by some SQL statements. When the user finally clicks an Insert record button, the data from this second gridview gets inserted in another table in the db and the data from the first "junk" table is disposed.
I guess it shouldn't be necessary to insert, retrieve, and delete the data in and from the "junk" table. Even though it does work like a charm, I guess it would be better if I could do it wit hsome kind of "temporary table", array or the like so that the db wouldn't need to be updated to this extent. Still, I really like the simplicity of using gridviews and the rest of the page's code is complex enough, so I don't really want to substitute this behaviour for tons of hand-written, hard-to-follow, and hard-to-integrate code.
What are my options? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Keyword Top Can't Be Used In SQL Mobile, Is There Any Substitute?

Jan 15, 2007

I only want to select few records from table

Keyword "Top" can't be used in SQL Mobile, is there any substitute?

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Substitute Of Format(myColumn,0.00) Function

May 10, 2006


the query ----> select format(Total,"0.00") from mytable works very well in MS Access 2000/97 but the same query dosen't work in MS SQL Server 2000.

i need the substitute for this query. please help me it's very urgent

thanks a lot for consideration


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Which Filed Type Is Substitute Of MEMO In SQL Server?

Jun 3, 2004


I need to store large note in SQL Server field, what is substitute of Access's Memo filed in SQL Server?


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Can *datastore.xml Be Used To Populate Template.ini As A Substitute For Setup.iss?

May 2, 2006


Do a manual installation of SQL Server 2005 (which could be an upgrade from SQL Server 2000) and record the steps. Replay the steps for an unattended installation of SQL Server 2005.


There isn't a setup.ini file for SQL Server 2005. There is a template.ini for unattended installations of SQL Server 2005, but it doesn't obviously map to selections on manual installation dialog boxes.

Desired workaround

Capture the steps of a manual installation and use them to populate template.ini.

Relevant background for a potential solution

A manual installation creates log files. So does an unattended installation. But the unattended installation writes all of the log files into a single zip file.

What is important to know is that an unattended installation creates an additional file, a *datasource.xml file. This XML file is found in the zip file with all of the other log files. If you open this XML file, you'll see that the attribute names correspond to keywords in template.ini.

Potential solution

If a manual installation could be forced to generate a *datasource.xml file, then it should be possible to map the settings in the file to keywords in template.ini.

So, how can a *datasource.xml file be created? In post, Jeffrey Baker says "add LOGNAME=<path to cab> and run setup again". Unfortunately, these instructions are too vague. Where is this added? To the command line, to a setup.ini (if so, in which directory, and in which section should he addition be made?). I did lots of searches and couldn't find the answers.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Substitute Hour Part Of Datetime Field?

Apr 27, 2015

I have a table with a datetime field (named "lnDateDone") and an integer field (named "PlannedHour"). I want to build a new datetime field with the same value as lnDateDone and replacing the hour part by the PlannedHour field. Example:

lnDateDone = '2014-04-09 13:22:31.544'
HourPlanned = 14
new datetime field = '2014-04-09 14:00:00'

I tried the following:

CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(lnDateDone AS VARCHAR(25)),1,12) + CAST(PlannedHour AS VARCHAR(2)) + SUBSTRING(CAST(lnDateDone AS VARCHAR(25)), 15, LEN(lnDateHeureFin)) AS SMALLDATETIME) AS DatePrevue

but it won't work when casted in DateTime format, only in varchar, but I want it in datetime as I need to do compute some values using date manipulation functions.

How can I do that?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Substitute Line Breaks For A String

Aug 17, 2015

Is it possible to change any line breaks or newlines for a string ...

In a select statement in a store procedure, in this way I can reproduce text in a label on a webpage complete with line breaks ....

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Reference Textbox In Other Textbox

Sep 12, 2007

I dont know if i will explain this correctly, but my problem is with reporting service.
I'm supposed to Sum value in one textbox and than that sum use it in sum in other textbox.

Something like this:
I get error msg 'The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox49' contains an aggregate function (or RunningValue or RowNumber functions) in the argument to another aggregate function (or RunningValue). Aggregate functions cannot be nested inside other aggregate functions.'

Something like this wont work either Sum(Fields!abc.Value/ReportItems("textbox56").Value)*100
Error The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox55' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.

So, pls help if you know how to reference textbox in other in body of report.

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Problem With Isnull. Need To Substitute Null If A Var Is Null And Compare It To Null And Return True

Sep 20, 2006

Hey. I need to substitute a value from a table if the input var is null. This is fine if the value coming from table is not null. But, it the table value is also null, it doesn't work. The problem I'm getting is in the isnull line which is in Dark green color because @inFileVersion is set to null explicitly and when the isnull function evaluates, value returned from DR.FileVersion is also null which is correct. I want the null=null to return true which is why i set ansi_nulls off. But it doesn't return anything. And the select statement should return something but in my case it returns null. If I comment the isnull statements in the where clause, everything works fine. Please tell me what am I doing wrong. Is it possible to do this without setting the ansi_nulls to off??? Thank you

set ansi_nulls off



@inFileName VARCHAR (100),

@inFileSize INT,

@Id int,

@inlanguageid INT,

@inFileVersion VARCHAR (100),

@ExeState int

set @inFileName = 'A0006337.EXE'

set @inFileSize = 28796

set @Id= 1

set @inlanguageid =null

set @inFileVersion =NULL

set @ExeState =0

select Dr.StateID from table1 dR


DR.[FileName] = @inFileName

AND DR.FileSize =@inFileSize

AND DR.FileVersion = isnull(@inFileVersion,DR.FileVersion)

AND DR.languageid = isnull(@inlanguageid,null)




set ansi_nulls on

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Oct 4, 2007

I have several textbox on my report and I would like to remove line if blank.

textbox2 <--- use Expression in order to display it.

Current Display :

sergio myers

<-------- insert a blank line
donna summer

The Desire Result that I would like to have :
sergio myers
donna summer
I would like to remove the middle line if blank so it can be display like this :
sergio myers
donna summer

Does anybody knows how to accomplish this in Reporting Services.
Foxpro uses "Remove line if blank" and 'Print only when expression is true'


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Several Keywords In The Same Textbox

Dec 27, 2006

 I got a SQL DB with three tables, where two of the collums of the main table gets its data from two other tables, ok? Now, on one page, called "search"  the user should be able to search in the DB, and on another page the user should be able to register some keywords, my question is how can the user register several keywords in the same textbox, using perhaps a ; as a separator between the words? I hope you understand what I mean..

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Updating Using Textbox In VB

Jan 29, 2008

 How do u update the datafield of a row using buttonClick in vb? I have a details view whereby it will display the username and timeleft once log in. currently the datafield, timeleft on one user in the database is null. I'm using sqldatasource.
Once log in, it will direct to this page where the user enters a code on the textbox and click the enter button. This will cause an update on the user's timeleft. But the code must not be entered to the database.
 For eg. If code = 1111 then 'update timeleft = 60 The timeleft is in minutes. 60 will be stored as double in the user's row in the database. How do i do this?
Please help asap. Thanks! :)

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How Can I Input A Sql Value To A Textbox ?

Feb 4, 2008

I use txtbox.Text = cmd.ExecuteReader() but it doesn't work.  How can I fix it ? 

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Updating Textbox?

May 16, 2008

 HelloI have a problem when I want to update my textbox, I have a textbox called Textbox1, when I Insert data from it to database it is working well, even when I Update it WITHOUT SELECT field from database it is working well again,but when I Select [pagename] from database then want to Update it it is not working, nothing happend and in debuging the textbox doesnt have any value. what shoud i do? the value become null?    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load        Label1.Text = Request("Id").ToString()        Dim conname As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("IPbrandConnectionString").ConnectionString()        Dim con As New SqlConnection(conname)        Dim sql As String = "SELECT [Id], [pagename] FROM [content] WHERE ([Id] = @Id)"        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con)        cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int, 32))        cmd.Parameters("@Id").Value = Label1.Text.ToString()        con.Open()        Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()        Do While reader.Read()            TextBox1.Text = reader("pagename")           Loop        reader.Close()        con.Close()    End Sub  Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click        Dim conname1 As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("IPbrandConnectionString").ConnectionString()        Dim con1 As New SqlConnection(conname1)        Dim sql1 As String = "UPDATE [content] SET [pagename] = @pagename WHERE [Id] = @Id "        Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(sql1, con1)        cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int, 32))        cmd1.Parameters("@Id").Value = Label1.Text.ToString()        cmd1.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@pagename", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50))        cmd1.Parameters("@pagename").Value = TextBox1.Text.ToString()        cmd1.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters        Try            con1.Open()            cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery()        Catch err As SqlException            Throw New ApplicationException("Data error.")        Finally            con1.Close()        End Try        Server.Transfer("main.aspx")

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How Do I Get The SqlDataSource To Look At The Textbox

Mar 6, 2006

I am working with a Detailsview.  I am displaying information from a number of different tables, and so when I configure the datasource I have to specify a custom sql statement.  I can get it to display the right columns, but I cannot seem to be able to use a where statement.
I am wanting to display the info in the Detailsview based on what is entered into a textbox, but I get an error when I try to add in the where statement.  Can someone tell me what I am missing here?

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SELECT TOP (textbox Value)

Jul 5, 2005

Is it possible to do this as i want to select the top based on the value i enter in the textbox. usually we using this

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Customers

But i want the value is get from my textbox.

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Textbox Issue

Mar 15, 2008

Hey guys, I am trying to create a report which features a lot of textboxes side by side, but I have the problem that even though they are the same size when the textboxes are placed side by side or above or below another textbox and then the preview tab is selected they often look different for example they may not be aligned correctly or the borders look thicker in different textboxes.

Is there a solution for this issue?

Many thanks.

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Multiple Value TextBox

May 21, 2007

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to assign multiple values to a textbox and I'm receiving an error. The error says, "The value expression for the textbox AcctName contains an error." The first value is account number and the second value is account name. An example follows:

1234 - SPC Travel Agency

My expression for the textbox contains the following:

=Fields!AcctNum.Value + ' - ' + Fields!AcctName.Value

Please help.

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[Multiline Textbox]

Dec 18, 2006


How do set the textbox in a tablereport, so that it regonize a CR (chr(13)) and LF(chr(10)) in the data and jumps to the next line?


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How To Autocomplete Textbox

Dec 12, 2007

Hi team!!

I have a report with parameters but I show the parameters in a combo box (drop down list) with the valid values only, so, I need a single text box that autocomplete what the user types, could you help me with this please?


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ADODB To TextBox

Apr 5, 2007

First time poster, I am using MS Access and I have used the following code to get some data. It is as follows:

Code Snippet

Private Sub FillGUI()
On Error Resume Next

Dim myRS2 As New ADODB.Recordset

myRS2.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
myRS2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
myRS2.LockType = adLockOptimisticd

MsgBox (myRS2.GetString)

End Sub

and I have the following output:

This is what I want. However I need this to be in a text box so I have the following code:

Code Snippet

Private Sub FillGUI()
On Error Resume Next

Dim myRS2 As New ADODB.Recordset

myRS2.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
myRS2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
myRS2.LockType = adLockOptimisticd

Me.txtEmployee.Text = myRS2.GetString

End Sub

And i get this:

How can I get the text box format to look like the msgbox format? Thanks.........

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Textbox Widens

Jan 23, 2008

A report that looks perfect in the report designer has a minor problem when rendered. The textboxs widen if data is in them. If they are empty they are the proper length.

Is this a property that needs to be set?


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Textbox With ADODB

Apr 5, 2007

First time poster, I am using MS Access and I have used the following code to get some data. It is as follows:

Code Snippet

Private Sub FillGUI()
On Error Resume Next

Dim myRS2 As New ADODB.Recordset

myRS2.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
myRS2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
myRS2.LockType = adLockOptimisticd

MsgBox (myRS2.GetString)

End Sub

and I have the following output:

This is what I want. However I need this to be in a text box so I have the following code:

Code Snippet

Private Sub FillGUI()
On Error Resume Next

Dim myRS2 As New ADODB.Recordset

myRS2.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
myRS2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
myRS2.LockType = adLockOptimisticd

Me.txtEmployee.Text = myRS2.GetString

End Sub

And i get this:

How can I get the text box format to look like the msgbox format? Thanks

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Max Length Of Textbox.

Aug 1, 2007

I want to display 1 million characters in a SQL Server Report's text box, but it is only showing 32000 can I display all 1 million character without any truncation.

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Textbox Filtering

Jun 13, 2007

Hopefully this is a simple question, but can a textbox filter based on a dataset row value?

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Textbox Value Not Displaying

Mar 7, 2008

I'm having an issue where the Textbox in a RS Report (1 page) is not showing up. I have 4 reports all of which are basically the same except 1 or 2 different wordings however on all of them they are not showing up using http://localhost/reports . If i'm in Visual Studio and click on preview report I see everything just fine. But when I view online (pdf, html, excel) it does not show. The footer however shows up fine on all of them. Does anyone have a fix?

PS: The wierd thing is that on Production they are working but on the Test server they are not and nothing has changed. Both servers are running the same version of SQL 2005. I need to re-deploy the reports coming soon with changes but I am afraid that Production will stop working then.


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