Subtract To Count Columns?

Sep 8, 2013

select Doctor, count(monthyear)- count(paidinfull) as Patients
from tableA
where paidinfull = 'YES'
group by doctor

So I have a table like

Doctors Patients
------ --------
Burns 12
White 7

where Doctors is a group by from tableA and Patients is a result of the row count of paidinfull = yes minus the rowcount of monthyear.

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Transact SQL :: Subtract Two Columns With Windows Function

Dec 5, 2015

How can i subtract two columns:

I have table:
1 200.00 70.00
2 200.00 30.00
3 200.00 90.00
4 200.00 110.00Col1 - COL2

But to continue for each row and value is reduced by the previously value.

My output should be like as:

1 200.00 70.00 130
2 200.00 30.00 100
3 200.00 90.00 10
4 200.00 110.00 -100

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Count With 2 Columns?

Apr 9, 2006

im trying to display a category name in one column and then the number of books in that category in another column.

Gives me an error saying something about category not being a single group function. What am I doing wrong?

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Count Of Columns &<&> 0

Jul 20, 2005

How would you count the number of columns with a value not equal to 0 foreach row in a table?Thanks!Joe

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Count The Columns In A Spreadsheet

Feb 21, 2008

Does anyone know how to get a count of columns in a spreadsheet before importing ?

Thanks in advance

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SQL CASE Output COUNT Into Two Columns

Aug 27, 2007

Hi Everyone,
 I am trying to do a query where I need to use as little C# as possible to build my gridview.  Basically I have a column called statusID.  There are about 15 options for this column but I only want to count certain ones.  I want to count when statusID = 3 and output that into a column called "fullUnitsUsed" but when the value is 4 or > 13 I want it to count and put the result into a column called "halfUnitsUsed".  I also want it to count based on the month.  To accomplish this I have used CASE and GROUP BY.  This has worked to some extent.  Currently if I COUNT for one month I get the correct number of fullUnitsUsed and halfUnitsUsed used for January.  Unfortunately the query returns 2 records for the month.  The first one has a value for fullUnitsUsed and halfUnitsUsed is NULL, the second record has fullUnitsUsed as NULL and halfUnitsUsed has the correct value.  I was hoping to output one record where both fullUnitsUsed and halfUnitsUsed have data.  My other problem is that if I test for the entire year (which is what this query is supposed to do) there are 5 records returned for each month, 3 of the records have fullUnitsUsed and halfUnitsUsed both as NULL and for the other 2, one has fullUnitsUsed with data and the other has halfUnitsUsed with data and the other column in both records is NULL.  The values for fullUnitsUsed and halfUnitsUsed are counted for the entire year as well, which I only want it to count based on each month.  Below is my query, any suggestions about how to approach this will be greatly appreciated.  If any clarification is needed please let me know.  Again if I could get this to work completely with SQL and not need to use any more C# than I have to it would be preferable.
SELECT People.lastName + ', ' + People.firstName AS fullName, Property.Name, NYSDDSORegion.Description, OpenDays.[month], OpenDays.maxOpenDays,CASE Attend.statusID
    WHEN 3 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    END AS fullUnitsUsed,CASE Attend.statusID
    WHEN 4 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    WHEN 14 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    WHEN 15 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    WHEN 16 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    WHEN 17 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    WHEN 18 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    WHEN 19 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
    WHEN 20 THEN COUNT(Attend.statusID)
END AS halfUnitsUsed
FROM Attend INNER JOIN People ON Attend.personID = People.personID
                     INNER JOIN Property ON Attend.propertyID = Property.propertyID
                     INNER JOIN NYSDDSORegion ON Property.RegionID = NYSDDSORegion.RegionID
                    CROSS JOIN OpenDays
WHERE (Attend.attendDate BETWEEN '1/1/2007' AND '12/31/2007')
GROUP BY Property.Name, People.lastName, NYSDDSORegion.Description, People.firstName, OpenDays.monthID, OpenDays.[month], OpenDays.maxOpenDays, Attend.statusID
ORDER BY Property.Name, fullName, NYSDDSORegion.Description

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Nov 14, 2006

I have a database that contains a column for UnitName , BeginDate andEndDate.I want to pass two parameters (@BeginDate and @EndDate) and retrieve atable of valuesthat include UnitName along with Counts for each UnitName.SELECT UnitName, COUNT(BeginDate) AS Start(SELECT COUNT(EndDate) AS Finish WHERE EndDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND@EndDate)FROM TableWHERE BeginDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDateGROUP BY UnitNameORDER BY UnitNameThis works. But when I try to add another count by using a subselect Iget an error dealing with GROUP BY not including the column in mysubselect.How is the best way to Count two columns using Group By.

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Count Multiple Distinct Columns

Jul 20, 2005

I want to build query to return how many rows are in this query:select distinct c1, c2 from t1But SQL won't accept this syntax:select count (distinct c1, c2) from t1Does someone know how to count multiple distinct columns? Thanks.--Disclaimer: This post is solely an individual opinion and does not speak onbehalf of any organization.

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Transact SQL :: COUNT And SUM Of Multiple Columns

Sep 2, 2015

I'm working on a data analysis involving a table with a large number of records (close to 2 million). I'm using only three of the columns in the table and basically am grouping results based on different criteria. The three columns are PWSID, Installation and AccountType. I have to Provide the PWSID column with a count of the total number of installations per PWSID, also a count of AccountTypes per PWSID. I have the following query, but the numbers aren't adding up and I'm not sure why. I'm falling short in the total count by around 60k records.

[Installation] [numeric](38, 8) NULL,
[AccountType] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[PWSID] [smallint] NULL,


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Count Of Null Values In Columns

Mar 16, 2006


I would like to ask how can I get count of null values in each column together?

I know I can use COUNT(*) - COUNT(<col>), but I need to explicitly name every column in the query.... is it possible without it?

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SQL Count Records Based On 2 Columns

Oct 15, 2007

Newbie alrt...

I am trying to create an asp page that will update an Access 2000 database. I need to update records if the user exists and create a new record if the user does not exist. Most of the variables are pulled from a separate "post" form.

I am using 2 pieces of info to find duplicates, as employee numbers can be assigned to multiple employees. Right now I have the page check for a duplicate employee id number then check for a duplicate last name. Unfortunately it is running each check separately, so if the last name is duplicated anywhere, it is sending a duplicated value.

here is the chunk of code in question... all RF_variables are request.form variables

cnt="SELECT COUNT(emp_id) AS Xnum FROM " & RF_course
cnt=cnt & " WHERE emp_id='" & RF_emp_id & "'"
set again=conn.Execute(cnt)

if dup>=1 then
cnt="SELECT COUNT(lname) AS Xnum FROM " & RF_course
cnt=cnt & " WHERE lname='" & RF_lname & "'"
set again=conn.Execute(cnt)

if dupl=1 then
upd="UPDATE " & RF_course & " SET "
upd=upd & "section" & RF_section & "='" & RF_score & "'"
upd=upd & " WHERE emp_id='" & RF_emp_id & "'"
upd=upd & " AND lname='" & RF_lname & "'"
on error resume next
conn.Execute upd
ins="INSERT INTO " & RF_course
ins=ins & " (lname,fname,emp_id,cname,"
ins=ins & "section" & RF_section & ")"
ins=ins & " VALUES "
ins=ins & "('" & RF_lname & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_fname & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_emp_id & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_cname & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_score & "')"
on error resume next
conn.Execute ins
end if
ins="INSERT INTO " & RF_course
ins=ins & " (lname,fname,emp_id,cname,"
ins=ins & "section" & RF_section & ")"
ins=ins & " VALUES "
ins=ins & "('" & RF_lname & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_fname & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_emp_id & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_cname & "',"
ins=ins & "'" & RF_score & "')"
on error resume next
conn.Execute ins
end if

Hopefully this is understandable.
If anyone can offer any help I would greatly appreciate it.


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Analysis :: Count Columns Of A Result - MDX

Jun 26, 2015

I am trying to count the columns of a MDX query but I haven't yet found a solution. Below is the query 

SELECT NON EMPTY Hierarchize({DrilldownLevel({[Customer].[Customer].[All]},,,INCLUDE_CALC_MEMBERS)})
[TIME].[Year Quarter Month].[Quarter Name].&[Quarter 1, 2015],
[Measures].[Total X]

With result as

All           r  k  l   j   g  l 
7000      1 7  8  5  4  3

The All counts the total of the [Measures].[Total X] and I want to measure the number of columns that presented at the result. Unfortunately my dimension Customers doesn't connect with time dimension...

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Row Count Task, What Is Input Columns Tab For?

May 15, 2008

I'm using a Row Count Task to count the number of records passing thru a particular path in my data flow. I created a package variable and referenced this variable in the Components Properties tab in the Row Count Task. I believe this is the minimum I need to do to get the row count.

However, as I explore the other tabs in the editor, I see there is something called Input Columns tab. What is this for? I didn't select anything in there and things are working fine. At first I thought that I had to choose the columns that I want to have available to me for further processing after the Row Count Task, but this isn't the case. I am able to see all my columns coming out of the Row Count Task even tho I didn't do anything in the Input Columns tab.

So, what is this setting for?

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Count Of Distinct Rows Of Only Selected Columns?

Aug 9, 2012

I am trying to just get a count of the number of distinct rows are in a table --- not looking at the entire row of fields, but only selecting a few.

i don't want to see the distinct rows, i just want a count of how many are in the table.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Table With 4 Columns - How To Fetch Count

Apr 30, 2014

I have one table say A and in which 4 columns are there. Out of 4 , one columns stores the queries like
'select * from table xyz' etc(Only select queries). I am writing a procedure in which I have to fetch this column and execute the query and wants to check whether query i.e. "select * from table xyz" contains any record or not. If yes , I am updating the table B with value as Pass , else Fail.

I used execute @queryfromvariable but it does not gives me count..

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Table With 4 Columns - Count Field Is Null

Jan 22, 2015

I have a table with 4 column in below

Total amount = 1000
salemancode1 = space
salemancode2 = Staff-99
salemancode3 = space
salemancode4 = staff-88

How I can write a one query statement to do this, we expect to count how many salemancode is not space and count the number of salesman to over the total amount.

total amount / (no_of_saleman) as commission
the result is 1000/ 2 the commission is $500.

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Transact SQL :: How To Select Columns That Are Not In GROUP BY And Get COUNT

Jul 3, 2015

I am using SQL 2012.  I have a GROUP BY and I want to select two other fields from my table at the same time: One column that is a string (account_code) and one that I need to perform a count on (customer_number).  I know the code COUNT(DISTINCT customer_number) works for getting that.   I need to select both of those fields on top of what I have.  I have the following:

Provider_Name VARCHAR(20),
Uniq_Id VARCHAR(10),
Total_Spent MONEY,
Total_Earned MONEY)
INSERT INTO @Providers (Provider_Name, Uniq_Id,Total_Spent,

[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Distinct Count Of All Columns Of A Table

Dec 3, 2015

I have a table called Employee which have 6 columns. This table are having 1000 records. Now I want to know the distinct value count of all these 6 columns as well as normal count. like this:

ColumnName DistinctCount NormalCount
Id 1000 1000
Name 1000 1000
Phone 600 600
PINCode 200 1000
City 400 1000
Gender 2 1000

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Retrieve Columns And Display Count For Two Different Data Sources

Jan 19, 2012

I am using Query Writer (should be SQL 2005) and have included the following code.

The end result: -should retrieve columns and display the count for two different data sources that were added by personnel in a specific department.

Problem: results are returned but not accurate. The code below works just fine and returns the results for all spot buy orders added by personnel in the sales department. However, I want to add a column in the same report that also counts blanket orders from the exact same table added by personnel in the sales department. The database uses views (v) in lieu of dbo.

@Add_Date_From SMALLDATETIME='',
@Last_name VARCHAR(50)='',
@First_Name VARCHAR(50)=''

COUNT(T4.PO_Type) AS 'Spot Buy Added'

[Code] ....

If I substitute COUNT(T4.PO_Type) AS 'Spot Buy Added' with COUNT(T4.PO_Type) AS 'Blanket Added' I also get accurate results for the blanket order. IE separately they work just fine. If I try to combine the two that is where the trouble begins.

What am I doing incorrectly when I try to add the criteria/code for the additional column to count the blanket orders?

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Using COUNT Function On Multiple Columns With GROUP BY Restrictions

Mar 10, 2014

Consider the following dataset:

COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4
1 | FD | DR. A | Y
2 | FD | DR. A | Y
3 | FD | DR. A | N
4 | FD | DR. A | Y
5 | FD | DR. A | Y
6 | PF | DR. A | Y
7 | FD | DR. B | Y
8 | PF | DR. B | N

Consider the script below:


The script above produces the following output:

FD | DR. A | 5
PF | DR. A | 1
FD | DR. B | 1
PF | DR. B | 1

I need to add one more column to the script that counts records with 'Y' in COL4 for each COL1 category (FD, PF). The final dataset would look like this:

FD | DR. A | 5 | 4
PF | DR. A | 1 | 1
FD | DR. B | 1 | 1
PF | DR. B | 1 | 0

I am having a hard time trying to use COUNT() on multiple columns with the GROUP BY restrictions that exist.

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Transact SQL :: How To Count Number Of Specific Columns Of Table

Jul 11, 2015

I have a table called Employees which has lots of columns but I only want to count some specific columns of this table.

i.e. EmployeeID: 001

week1: 40
week2: 24
week3: 24
week4: 39

This employee (001) has two weeks below 32. How do I use the COUNT statement to calculate that within these four weeks(columns), how many weeks(columns) have the value below 32?

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Transact SQL :: How To Count Where Two Tables Multiple Columns Match

May 4, 2015

There are two tables

TABLE 1 (NAME - Groupseats)

id session course groupcode sub1 sub2 sub3

1 2015 ba1 137 HL EL Eco
2 2015 ba1 138 EL SL HS
3 2015 ba1 139 SL EL His

From this table i use to admit a student and select their choice of group simultaneously all the subjects associated with GROUP is save on another table.

Here is the TABLE 2 Structure and sample data:

table 2 (NAME - tblstudetail)

id studentID session course sub1 sub2 sub3

1 15120001 2015 ba1 EL SL HS
2 15120002 2015 ba1 HL EL Eco
3 15120003 2015 ba1 SL EL His
4 15120004 2015 ba1 HL EL Eco

AND so no..........................

Now i just want to COUNT the Number of Groups Filled in tblStudateil.

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Feb 5, 2007

Hi guys

I have a column with datas as
i have a query were i have to match the value only. i don't want the decimal and followed by the any thing.

how do i extract just the value not the decimal part so that i can compare it with other value.

how do i do that.

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How Do I Subtract Time?

Dec 10, 2007

I have a View in SQL,
SELECT dbo.ATTTblAttendance.LogIn, dbo.ATTTblAttendance.LogOut,
ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Hour, dbo.ATTTblAttendance.LogIn, dbo.ATTTblAttendance.LogOut),0)  AS TimeWorked
FROM dbo.ATTTblAttendance
Currently, when Login = 1:00 PM and LogOut = 4:30 PM, TimeWorked = 3.
What I need is for TimeWorked to = 3.5
My ASP.NET page has the following:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText ="Total Hours" >
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label ID="TimeWorked" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("TimeWorked") %>' ></asp:Label>
The goal is to take a person's dailt time in and time out, and subtract their AM and PM break time to yield their TimeWorked.
Ex. time in > 8:00 AM,
      lunch >     :30 minutes
      time out > 4:30 PM
     Total Time Worked today = 8.0 or 7.45, or 7.5, if the time warrant it.
How I get this to subtract correctly?

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Subtract Last Three Characters!

Jun 24, 2004

Hello everyone. I have a query where I pull all item_codes that start with a 7. I need all the item_codes that start with 7, but I need to subtract the last 3 characters from only the item_codes that are not 71860kit or 71851nggun. How would I be able to accomplish this. What I have below subtracts the last 3 characters from all item_codes including 71860kit and 71851nggun. I want these two to stay in tact when I select them in the query.

This is the Query that I have now!

select datepart(year, date_cust_invoice)as INV_YEAR,
datepart(month, date_cust_invoice)as INV_MONTH,
item_code=left(item_code, len(item_code)-3)
from opcsahf
where datepart(year, date_cust_invoice) >= '2003'
and substring(item_code, 1, 1) = '7'
group by datepart(year, date_cust_invoice), datepart(month, date_cust_invoice),
order by inv_year, inv_month, item_code

All help is appreciated!

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Subtract Value From Next Record

Nov 5, 2007

Hi,I am trying to solve the following issue, can anybody throw some lights...Here is some sample data from the tableTIME STAMP PROJECTID FUNCTION2007-10-31- 3333311111 First2007-10-31- 3333311111 Second2007-10-31- 3333311111 Third2007-10-31- 3333311111 Complete2007-10-31- 2222244444 First2007-10-31- 2222244444 Second2007-10-31- 2222244444 Third2007-10-31- 2222244444 Complete... and result I am looking something like below PROJECT ID FUNCTION DURATION3333311111 First 0:00:01 (2007-10-31- - 2007-10-31- 3333311111 Second 0:00:06 (2007-10-31- - 2007-10-31- Third 0:00:02 (2007-10-31- - 2007-10-31- First 0:00:01 (2007-10-31- - 2007-10-31- Second 0:00:02 (2007-10-31- - 2007-10-31- Third 0:00:01 (2007-10-31- - 2007-10-31- the question is clear!thanks for your time, Murali

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How To Subtract Minutes From The Date?

Oct 18, 2007

I want to fetch all the records which are 2 minutes older
How can I do it?

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Using Case To Subtract To Condition

Sep 30, 2013

I have data for moths which are commulative, for example Feb where month is 02, ecul Jan. + Feb. data. I would like to have the data for only Feb = when month '02' Feb = data for '02' - data for '01'. I would like to writ these commands: For Jan there is no problem to write the command but for other months I am not sure how to write the commands for months other than Jan.

,Jan_qty_1 = case
when [stat_month] = '01' then cast(sum(cast([qty_1_mo] as bigint)) as bigint)
else CAST('0' as int)

[Code] ....

here is the data:

ust_code district stat_year stat_monthqty_1_mo

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How To Subtract Days From Given Format

Dec 2, 2014

How to subtract days from the given format...

format : Mon, 03 Nov 2014 14:10:00 GMT

and it is in varchar(50) under dates column the data is inserted

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How To Subtract Value At Previous Row From Current Row

Oct 1, 2006

Hi all,

I need help writing a query that will subtract the values of 2 rows from the same column to display in the result set. Some background information: a table has a sales column that keeps track of sales by the minute, but this is done in a cumulative manner, i.e, sales at row 3(minute 3) = sales recorded @ minute 2 plus sales @ minute 3. Therefor to get the actual sale at min 3, i would have subtract value at row 2 from row 3. make sense? it sounds very easy but I am having a hard time refering back to the previous row and am dealing with more than 1000 rows. i thought about doing a self join on the table but could not get it to do what i want.
would appreciate any help i can get. thanks

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Overloading Add/subtract Operators For CLR UDT

Oct 13, 2006


I have an implementation of the UDT - 3-dimentional vector. In my code I have implemented add, subtract and multiply methods for the type. I have also implemented overloaded operators for +/-/* in my C# code. Those overloaded operator are working as expected in C# tests. However when I€™m trying to use +/-/* operators in T-SQL over my UDT it returns the following error:

Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals Vector.

The following fragment does work:

DECLARE @v1 Vector, @v2 Vector, @v3 Vector;

SELECT @v1 = CAST('1,1,1' as Vector), @v2 = CAST('2,2,2' as Vector)

SELECT @v1 'v1', @v2 'v2', @v1.[Add](@v2) 'v1 + v2'

And this fragment does not work:

DECLARE @v1 Vector, @v2 Vector, @v3 Vector;

SELECT @v1 = CAST('1,1,1' as Vector), @v2 = CAST('2,2,2' as Vector)

SELECT @v1 'v1', @v2 'v2', @v1+@v2 'v1 + v2'

I guess that SQL Server is not aware of the operators€™ overload I have implemented in the C# code. Is there any way to instruct SQL Server to use overloaded operators in the T-SQL so the code will look naturally @a + @b instead of @a.[Add](@b) and as a result use standard summary functions SUM() instead of writing user defined aggregate function for the Vector type field?


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Form To Subtract An Amount From A Table On Sql.

Mar 29, 2008

Hi Guys,
Does anyone have a good example how to subtract an amount from an sql table?
At present i have a table such as this


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How To Subtract 1 Hour From GetDate() Function

Sep 15, 1999

Can any one tell me how to subtracts and add hours to the current date and time?
In my case I have to store the Vancouver date and time in Toronto.

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