Subtracting Periods That Are In YYYYMM Format?
Mar 28, 2014
I have a Column in my data that gives a financial period value in the YYYYMM format. i.e. an asset was re-valued in a particular period for example 201301. I need to find out the number(count) of periods(months) between another given period for example current period (201403) and the period provided in the table i.e. 201301.
Is this possible in the SQL Database?
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Jun 15, 2015
I am looking to calculate no of months between two dates which are in YYYYMM format.
Like no of months between 201505 and 201305
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Dec 13, 2006
Is there an elegant way to fill the empty space leading a textbox in a table with periods, similar to a table of contents effect?
When I do not allow the textbox to grow and just append a long string of periods it looks fine in my report preview, but after I deploy everything appended after the primary field in that text box is missing?
My report has a lot of data to the right but it is collapsible so the fields to the left are a good distance away. This is why I am trying to include light visual aids that assist lining up data values. I am not stuck on the leading period idea but it seems the least cluttered.
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Nov 22, 2007
Hi there,I am trying to write a stored procedure in which I will retrieve SessionStartDate, SessionEndDate, and Duration (where Duration is calculdated by subtracting SessionEndDate from SessionStartDate).I was duration in the format of hours:minutes:seconds.The stored procedure is pasted below. I am getting the following error. Syntax error converting datetime from character string. Any ideas? ============================== CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ActiveSessions_UsersBrowsingDurationByDate_List ( @websiteID AS int = 0, @SelectedDateFrom AS dateTime, @SelectedDateTo AS dateTime) ASIF DateDiff(d,@SelectedDateTo,@SelectedDateFrom)=0begin set @SelectedDateFrom=null endIF ISNULL(@SelectedDateTo, '') = ''begin SET @SelectedDateTo = @SelectedDateFromendSET @SelectedDateTo = DATEADD(d, 1, @SelectedDateTo)SELECT UserID As 'User ID', SessionStartDate As 'Session Start Date', SessionEndDate AS 'Session End Date', ExitPageTitle As 'Exit Page Title', NumberOfPagesVisited As 'Number of Pages Visited', Convert(datetime, (CONVERT(DATETIME, SessionEndDate, 24) - CONVERT(DATETIME, SessionStartDate, 24)), 101) As 'Duration' FROM ActiveSessions WHERE UserID != 'Anonymous'GROUP BY SessionID, UserID, SessionStartDate, SessionEndDate, NumberOfPagesVisited, ExitPageTitleHAVING (min(SessionStartDate) BETWEEN @SelectedDateFrom AND @SelectedDateTo AND min(SessionEndDate) BETWEEN @SelectedDateFrom AND @SelectedDateTo)GO============================== <Columns> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="User ID" HeaderText="User ID"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Session Start Date" HeaderText="Session Start Date"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Session End Date" HeaderText="Session End Date"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Duration" HeaderText="Duration"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Number Of Pages Visited" HeaderText="Number Of Pages Visited"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Exit Page Title" HeaderText="Exit Page Title"></asp:BoundColumn> </Columns> ============================
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Aug 12, 2015
I have a [Fin Period] column which outputs a number between 1 and 12 depending on the financial period. For numbers 0-9 this is output as a single digit. How can I format this so it places a 0 in front of these numbers but not in front of periods 10-12?
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Oct 24, 2014
I have a date called PremPeriod that is an integer.
It is in the format of yyyymm. The day isn't important just the month and year. I need to convert this date to mm/yyyy format.
As of today I haven't found a convert function that only handle month and year.
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Nov 5, 2007
Hi,I am currently updating a column in my database table with the value typed into a text box. But it is updating with the new value, rather than taking away the value typed in from the present value of the column. 1. How would i subtract the value typed in away from the current column value?2. I guess I need to check the column value is above 0 before updating, then rebind the control to show new values after the update has happened, incase two people are using it at once. How would this be achived? Thanks for any help!!Jon P.S.My code is:private bool ExecuteUpdate(int quantity){ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; con.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.Connection = con; TextBox TextBox1 = (TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1"); Label labname = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label3"); Label labid = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label13"); command.CommandText = "UPDATE Items SET Quantityavailable = @qty WHERE productID=@productID"; command.Parameters.Add("@qty", TextBox1.Text); command.Parameters.Add("@productID", labid.Text); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return true;} private bool ExecuteInsert(String quantity) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; con.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.Connection = con; TextBox TextBox1 = (TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1"); Label labname = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label3"); Label labid = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label13"); command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Transactions (Usersname)VALUES (@User)"+ "INSERT INTO Transactions (Itemid)VALUES (@productID)"+ "INSERT INTO Transactions (itemname)VALUES (@Itemsname)"+ "INSERT INTO Transactions (Date)VALUES (+DateTime.Now.ToString() +)"+ "INSERT INTO Transactions (Qty)VALUES (@qty)"+ command.Parameters.Add("@User", System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); command.Parameters.Add("@Itemsname", labname.Text); command.Parameters.Add("@productID", labid.Text); command.Parameters.Add("@qty", TextBox1.Text); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return true; }protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ TextBox TextBox1 = FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox; ExecuteUpdate(Int32.Parse(TextBox1.Text) );}protected void Button2_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Update") { SqlDataSource1.Insert(); } }}
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Jul 28, 2004
I'm in trouble. I have a table with some fields, one of them is an amount of money.
One field indicates whether the amount is negetive or positive. This fields has only two possible values, 'N' and 'R'. 'N' means the amount is negative and 'R' means the amount is positive.
The problem I have is that I have to sum these amounts to give a total for each customer and report them as
customer1 total amount1
customer2 total amount2
I don't know how to make a query to bring these results. I know that sum would bring me the total amount for each customer but I don't know how to specify which fields are supposed to be negative so that it subtracts them instead of adding them.
By the way I'm not allowed to change the structure of the table.
Could you help me try to create this query?
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Jul 21, 2006
hi all
I want to find the set of rows that are present in result returned by first select statement & that are not there in the result of second select statement.
Both select statement operate on tables having similar columns.
Is there any way by which i can find such difference in results?
Is this possible using EXCEPT function?
plz help me.
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Mar 1, 2007
I'd like to take two DateTimes, subtract them and insert the result as HH:MM:SS,
I think you use datediff but I'm not clear on the datediff formatting to get back HH:MM:SS...
Thanks for your help!
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Feb 18, 2008
I would like to know the best method or the simplest method to do the following. Take a datetime value and subtract a given number of hours. I am taking a UTC time and subtracting a given number or hours in a query. I seem to be getting mixed results.
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Dec 7, 2007
One of the following selected fields is a sum. I need to subtract ISNULL(R.CMS_AMOUNT,0) where R.Waived = '1
from that amount.
Pretty much just subtract those amounts where the waived field is 1. I am having trouble with the syntax. Can anyone help? Thanks.'
SELECT P.Efs_Network_ID
, F.DBA_Name
, SUM(ISNULL(R.CMS_Amount,0)) - isnull(RA.Amount,0) AS Amount -- ?? isNULL(R.CMS_AMOUNT,0) WHERE
R.Waived = '1' ??????
, isnull(SUM(RA.Pending),0) AS Pending
, F.Salesman_no
FROM tblPimsFDSLookup P
ON P.Efs_Network_ID = F.Efs_Network_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblrecovery R
ON P.IntMid = R.IntMid
SELECT sum(isnull(Amount,0)) as amount
, intmid
, SUM(CASE WHEN RA.Status = 'P' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Pending
FROM tblACHRecoveryAmounts RA
--WHERE IntMid = 641046
WHERE RA.Status IN ('A','P','M','S')
Group by intmid
ON P.IntMid = RA.IntMid
AND R.Waived = 0
AND Upgraded IS NULL
, F.DBA_Name
, RA.Amount
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Nov 18, 2003
I need to write a SQL Query in which I have time1 and time2.
Now I need to find the difference between the time1 and time2 and if the difference is less then 15 minutes then I have to raise an Exception in SQL SERVER 2000.
Anyone know how I can do this.
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Apr 16, 2015
If I have the total amount of 673000 that is passed as a parameter in my stored proc then, I need to do this:
Declare @TotalAmount money
@TotalAmount = 673000
Col1 Col2 Col3
Test1 45 672955 --(I want to subtract 673000 from Col2 data) 673000-45
Test2 30 672925 --(I want to subtract 30 from the remaining amount of col3)
Test3 100 672825 --(I want to subtract 100 from the remaining amount of col3)
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Aug 22, 2007
Hello forum.
How do I go about subtracting adjacent Rows? Let's say each day I entered one row entry into a table (tblFlowerHeight)showing the new height of a flower in one column(Height)...say if I had a second second column (ChangeFromLastHeight), how would I go about showing the difference between current height and the last recorded height?
Please assist.
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May 19, 2008
I have the following fields in my report
2008 2007 Net Change
Val1 10 6
Val2 7 5
Val3 15 7
The Matrix Column is grouped by Year.
I need to calculate Net Change as Year 1 - Year 2 for each row.
How do I access the contents of the first and second column of the matrix ?
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a table for which I need a €œspecial€? running total. More specifically there should be a close communication between the credit and the debit column. The scenario should be in the following order
Balance credit
Balance debit
I have to point out that this is done in a grouped way where the CustormerID is the grouped clause. Now I have achieved this to a point where the calculations work only if the credit column is bigger than 0, but when the account starts with debit I get only sums of the column not the needed subtractions. What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
DECLARE @PrevRunBal MONEY --Overall running total
SET @PrevRunBal = 0
DECLARE @PrevGrpBal MONEY --Running total resets when account changes
SET @PrevGrpBal = 0
DECLARE @PrevRunCnt INT --Overall running count (ordinal rank)
SET @PrevRunCnt = 0
DECLARE @PrevGrpCnt INT --Running count resets when account changes
SET @PrevGrpCnt = 0
DECLARE @PrevAcctID INT --The "anchor" and "account change detector"
SET @PrevAcctID = 0
SET @PrevGrpBalP = 0
update Temp
SET --===== Running Total
@PrevRunBal = RunBal = @PrevRunBal + Credit,
--===== Grouped Running Total (Reset when account changes)
@PrevGrpBal = Bcredit = CASE
WHEN CustomerID = @PrevAcctID
THEN DEBIT -- restarts from 0 if only 1 rec.
--===== Running Count (Ordinal Rank)
@PrevRunCnt = RunCnt = @PrevRunCnt + 1,
--===== Grouped Running Total (Ordinal Rank, Reset when account changes)
@PrevGrpCnt = GrpCnt = CASE
WHEN CustomerID = @PrevAcctID
THEN @PrevGrpCnt + 1
ELSE 1 -- Restarts count at "1"
--===== "Anchor" and provides for "account change detection"
@PrevAcctID = CustomerID
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Jun 20, 2007
Hi, this is my first post here, i'm working on a view wich I have to display the results by period.
1st period - Current month
2nd period - Last month
3rd period - Month before last
and so on.
How can I achieve this? of course I have a column wich has the date I want to use, I was thinking on semthing like:
case when DATEDIFF(M, TRXDATE, getdate()) <= 0 then ammount END as Period1
(TRXDATE and ammount are columns on my table)
Any ideas? would this work?
Thanks for your replies
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May 4, 2006
I have to do alot of date calculations. For some calculations, I can use the datediff or dateadd function to get a Time Period between 2 dates.
Now for some dates I need to calculate the time between 2 dates BUT:
a week = 5 days starting from Monday to Friday
a day starts at 8AM and ends at 6PM (so a day is 10 hours)
You can probably calculate this manually but what about summer to winter hour and the month Februari when it has 29 days etc.
So I was thinking ... is it possible to calculate the Time Period for weeks with 24h a day / 7 days AND then transform that Time Period to a time period for weeks with 10h a day / 5 days ?
If anyone has an idea to solve this, either with functions or an other way, please let me know! Thanks
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Aug 27, 2014
I have a table CombinedSales script below (CreateCombSalesTable.sql) which contains the details of a sale.
A row in the table has two flags online/offline
SalesAmount is the financial amount,
online = 1 (online sales)
online = 0 (combined sales off and online).
The table also contains the product and the client etc.,
What I am trying to do is subtract onlinesales from combinedsales within the query or outside I don't mind, to return the result as (below)
HERE is HOW I want the results to appear
skuid(No column name) onlineClientName
I query the table using:
select skuid,SUM(SalesAmount),online,ClientName from t_CombinedSalesDetails
where ClientName ='Asda'
and SkuId = 200437
group by Skuid,Online,ClientName
order by skuid
THIS is what I get below the online = 0 is the total sales of this product.
skuid(No column name) onlineClientName
How I could achieve the required results
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[t_CombinedSalesDetails] Script Date: 27/08/2014 13:23:27 ******/
[Code] ....
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Nov 5, 2007
I have a matrix which looks as follows:
----- Actuals | Budget
ItemA 20 | 50
ItemB 45 | 30
ItemC 20 | 15
I would like to add a column with the difference between actuals and budget.
Actuals/budget is 1 group in the matrix being the dimensionname.
How can I calculate the difference (subtract actuals and budget), because if I just use the subtotal
function it adds both totals together and I need to have the difference
between them?
Please help...
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Nov 29, 2005
Hi all,I encountered this small problemI have two tables A and B with two columns 1 and 2 each, I would likethe first column of each table when match the first in the second tableis to subtract the second columnso the result would look as followsColumn 1 | Columnn 2where A1=B1 | A2-B2Now this is no problem so far ..But if there was no corresponding value in column 1 in either tables ..i.e. field A1 doesnt exist in Table B column 1, IT SHALL DO A2 - 0; or0-B2 ..NOW How can that be achieved ?Thanks all for your help
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Jul 20, 2005
I have two date fields, start_date and end_date.I'd like to subtract the two dates, and come up with a number (thenumber of difference between the two dates).What function is there to do this? I haven't been able to find anythingin BOL.Start_date = 6/1/03End_date = 6/8/03End_date - start_date = 7*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Oct 10, 2005
I need to compare 2 periods (start date / end date) in order to find out if the first period overlaps or in included in the second period.
any idea ???
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Jan 10, 2008
There are three tables Loans, CDs and Account.
I want to create a report based on above three tables
It looks like as follows;
Program Summary
Previous Month
Loans Commenced
Loans Closed
CDs Commenced
CDs Closed
Loan table - Amount, State
CD - Amount, State
Account - CommencedOnDate(date time), closeondate(date time)
Yesterday - Loans/CDs started yesterday(calander date..not last 24 hours)
MTD - " " First of this month to yesterday
Previous Month - " " during previous month
YTD - " " Loans/CDs started from 1 of this year to yesterday
Loan and cd states are Commenced and Closed
Based on this I have to create a report. But this time format seems to be really complex.
Can anyone help me to write the query pls?
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Nov 19, 2015
I am trying to get a query that subtracts a month and a day from current date in SQL Server.
Currently I have SELECT Â DATEADD("MM", -1,GETDATE()) which subtracts one month from the date but I want to subtract a month and a day from date.
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Mar 19, 2007
I have a table that has two smalldatetime columns. like say a shift schedule.
Fname Lname Timein TimeOut Dept
What I need to find out is how to construct a SQL Query in BIDS so I can get a report containing names of people who have not worked in last 24 hours.
This query returns values but it seems it is not correct.
Select * FROM Table
WHERE (Timeout < { fn NOW() } - '23:59:59')
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Feb 10, 2006
Date brain killer - I have a startdate and enddate and need, for a given period length in months, to identify the number
of periods betwen the startdate and enddate
so for example
StartDate datetime,
Enddate datetime,
NumberOfMonthsInPeriod INT ,
-- Initial data
insert @Periods
StartDate ,
Enddate ,
NumberOfMonthsInPeriod ,
TotPeriods-- for this illustration, initialised to 0 but need to be UPDATEd as per detail below
1 -- 1 month period
union all
3 -- 3 month period
union all
6 -- 6 month period
The following rules regarding periods apply
Each 1 (NumberOfMonthsInPeriod) month period is as would be expected ie
01-Jan - 31 Jan
01-Feb - 28-Feb (ie 1st March - 1 day which would deal with leap years - dateadd(...)
and so on to December
Each 3 (NumberOfMonthsInPeriod) month period is one of the following 'bands' per year
01-Jan - 31-Mar
01-Apr - 30-Jun
01-Jul - 30-Sep
01-Oct - 31-Dec
Each 6 (NumberOfMonthsInPeriod) month period is one of the following
01-Jan - 30-Jun
01-Jul - 31-Dec
I need to derive TotPeriods as follows:
For the row where NumberOfMonthsInPeriod = 1, the first period ie the one the start date falls within is 01-Sep-2005 to 30-Sep-2005, second is 01-Oct-2005 - 31-Oct-2005 and so on until
last period ie the one the end datye falls within is 01-Apr-2009 - 30-Apr-2009, a TotPeriods value of 44
For the row where NumberOfMonthsInPeriod = 3, first period is 01-Jul-2005 to 30-Sep-2005, second is 01-Oct-2005 - 31-Dec-2005 and so on until
last period is 01-Apr-2009 - 30-Jun-2009, a TotPeriods value of 16
For the row where NumberOfMonthsInPeriod = 6, first period is 01-Jul-2005 to 31-Dec-2005, second is 01-Jan-2006 - 30-Jun-2006 and so on until
last period is 01-Jan-2009 - 30-Jun-2009, a TotPeriods value of 8
Hope this is clear and thanks in advance
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Nov 9, 2006
hi guys,
i have a booking table which has the following columns...
dCheckin (format 11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM)
dCheckout (format 11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM)
when a new booking is entered, we want to make sure that the period entered does not conflict with an existing record.
not sure how to go about building the query required. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 11, 2008
Your help is greatly appreciated. How do you query each one of the following:
1) SELECT FieldValue WHERE DateTime is from 8:30AM - 12:00PM and 6:00PM - 9:30PM on Mondays thru Fridays (i.e. exclude Sat & Sun) for the whole month of January 2008.
2) SELECT FieldValue WHERE DateTime is from 9:30PM - 8:30AM on Mondays thru Fridays, AND ALL-DAY on Saturdays & Sundays for the whole month of January 2008.
Thank you in advance.
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Aug 17, 2007
Hi there.
I am working on a set of reports where I am summing/averaging data elements based on what period they are in. For example, the report output should look something like this:
May '07
April '07
Q2 '07
March '07
February '07
January '07
Q1 '07
June '07
YTD '07
December '06
November '06
October '06
Q4 '06
September '06
August '06
July '06
Q3 '06
June '06
May '06
April '06
Q2 '06
March '06
February '06
January '06
Q1 '06
YTD '06
For each of the items I am summing, all I have is a datetime of when the event happened. This is a relational database (not a cube), so I am struggling with how to create the 'buckets' based on period. I think the best way is to dynamically create the buckets based on a given date. Is there a way in RS that it can do this bucketing for you?
Thanks, Mike
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Jul 27, 2005
Hello. How do I increment or decrement a date by adding/subtracting days? For example I want to add 4 days to the date today. I should get 07/31/2005 since today is 07/27/2005. And if I add 5 days then I should get 08/01/2005. Thank you.
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Mar 24, 2006
Hi,I'm working on a simple performance-program, where I need to extractinformation from the 2 newest periods for every performance-indicator- And from there calculate a trend between these results.The problem is, that I can't find a simple way to extract the 2 latestresults.The Table (Table1) looks like this:kpiIDperiodIDActualAcceleration23Acceleration54Speed1100Speed4200Speed7220Speed9180Weight122Weight332Weight721Weight1033If I want to extract the newest I use something like this (made it inMS Access, so the syntax might differ slightly from SQLServer):SELECT table1.kpiID, table1.periodID, table1.ActualFROM table1 WHERE table1.periodID = (SELECT max(t.periodID) fromtable1 as t WHERE t.kpiID=table1.kpiID);BUT - how how do I get the second-newest period as well?Preferably I would like the final result to be a View with thefollowing fields:kpiID, periodID_newest, Actual_newest, periodID_sec_newest,Actual_sec_newestAlternatively a View with 2 posts for each performace-indicator.Thanks in advanceRyan
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