I will have to create a table that consists of only of two main fields. one: them employeeID and two: the SupervisorID, my question is what should I define as my primary key. Should it be an aditional field, or could it be the EmployeeID field.
The employeeID is an unique filed. The end user for this application will be updating rearly some of this records, and may be adding or deleting some new records exporadically.
one of my table has more than 300million rows. that i need to remove the data b4 may 2006 which is over 250 million rows. since the insert rate so high(none stop) and i cant truncate the whole table and dump the data after may 2006 back in (they wont let me). and if i use delete statment to delete only 200k rows data it will freeze up the whole database for long time(around 45 mins) and it will take me few months i believe. so that's not the option either. is anyone out there got better idea?
also i got another table has more than 150 millions rows that index need to rebuild .... anyone got any idea how long it gonna take? just roughly guess. thanks
Dear all I am using sql server 2005 , asp.net 2.0 ,C#. I need some suggesstion on how to pass request info to new level . that is if a employee request for something mail should go its next level ie. immidiate boss(next level can be null) and at any time requested or chain of employee( immidiate boss and succesor ). Please suggest something
We are plan to develop a new VB6 / MS Access application that will produce a whole bundle of reports for the outside salesman team (all of them have a laptop). The data is come from midrange AS400 tables.
Now we have decided should we using SQL Express with SQL tables or just MS Access MDB tables. Some of the laptop the salesman is only P3-800 and I'm worry about the speed for SQL express on those laptop.
The other hand, I like to use SQL databases, since we have the SQL server 2005 running for other application already.
Any one tested the performance between the SQL Express via MS MDB, it seems the SQL 2005 express is use more overhead than MSDE.
We tried the MSDE and the performance is not that great after the database grow beyond 500MB .
Hey guysI have to implement a dynamic Parent - > Child Scenario ... but the catch isas Follows :I need to create this Table Design so that I can have multiple Parent ->child - > parent Relationships(ie Db driven "Window Explorer - feel". 1 Folder that holds another Folderthat holds another Folder etc to Infinite )So if the Above makes any sense ... Suggestions would be WelcomeThanx
Hi,I've 2 Databases one is online and one is offline (connected toInternet).. using SQL SERVER for both servers, i need to update theOFFLINE Database one on a time schedule for every 15 mins from theOnline DATABASE.. can anybody suggest a better way other than web services.. coz ourserver is quite old and doesn't support webservices..any ideas.--chavasreedharMessage posted via http://www.exforsys.com for all your training needs.
All, I need to keep checking (every 30 minutes) for a record in a table to appear, Any idea on how to do it? Should it be done in a SSIS package or in sql server job schedule? Please give more detail on to accomplish.
We have SQL server 2005 as backend in our portal project.We have job search interface with below searchable fields 1.) City 2.)State --length 2 3.)Zip-- 5 4.)Keywords ( space or comma delimeted words) 5.)Category (Drop down List) 6.)Subcategory (Drop down List) Based on the above fields we have 2 options to search and avoid performance related issues. 1.) concatenate all the above 6 columns into 1 column and apply a full text search. Fields like state & Zip will be appended with some delimeter to do a search on those particular values . Ex : store the state "CA" as '#stCA#'. so that it will not search the rest of the data that has keyword CA. 2.) create a table with the above 6 columns and create a Full-Text search on all the columns. Can you suggest us which one will best and why? If not any alternate better solution
I have a table that allows the scheduling of devices.
I can create an Insert Statement that allows a user to schedule a device as follows: Device #1 From 5/1/08 To 5/30/08 Is there away to create a check that prevents the user from scheduling that SAME device for any days within that month? Device #1 is NOT available to be scheduled anytime during the month of May because it is already scheduled. Thanks for any suggestion. Wayne
I have a few tables which store classinfo, testsinfo, scoresinfo respectively. For a given classID/TestID/CourseID i need to be able get the top 5/10/15 etc, avg, max, min of scores for reporting purposes. I am wondering if i should maintain a seperate table which would be populated by a job daily and which would maintain the topper IDs rather than having a Stored proc return them dynamically when needed. I am looking for some suggestions. Please let me know.
I have some problem with ASP.NET cache, I found other people has similar problem, but I didn't find real solution. The one bother me most is the SQLCacheDependency doesn't work stable. I insert object in cache and has SQLCacheDependency linked. After a period of time, it stopped working. That means the the object is still in cache, but change on db side doesn't remove the cache entry. I am not sure if it is ASP side or SQL side, I feel it is ASP side. I am using 2.0 + SQL 2005. Once the db command notification stop working, you have to restart IIS or clear all items in cache since you don't kno which one is changed. Any suggestion?
My primary data files are ponting to F drive which is 200G and one db has occupied 90% of the space and the applications are not running. What is the best solution
Hai, This posting related to my previous posting. Updating Bulk record. Actully im writing SP for windows Services, which does bulk updating of records to Sql 2000. In one point of time, i may recieve 2000 records for single update..So what i have done, im concatinating the values to be updated in string and passing the string.. But when i did the calcuation for 2000 records, the length of the character comes around 10000. So i cannot user Varchar to hold me concatinated value in SP. There is another datatype "Text" but im not sure abt that. For my requirment what is the data type can i go for.. if i can use "Text" how to declare that...Ordinary declaration gives me error.. Help pls
Hai, i need ur suggestion to use ntext in my table. basically i want to store the xml data(will be in same xml format only) in sql2000 database. the max size of the data will be 5mb. so can i use ntext to store this data.basically, only once i insert the data to the database. no update after that. only i throw the query to retrieve that xml data from the database. is it advisable to use,ntext for this requirment. is there any other suggestion ?? help pls
Can anyone recommend good books for learning Reporting Services? Assume the reader is familiar with Crystal Reports and other reporting environments, but has no experience with SQL Server 2005 and very little with Visual Studio 2005.
I required a suggestion from your side Actually I am working in MS Access from last 6 months. Now I want to convert my database into SQL Server I have a knowledge of SQL Server and I don't have any problem with this.
But what I want to know how to maintain a report in SQL Server I don't have any knowledge for creating a report. My freinds suggest me a Visual Studio 2005 for creating a Crystal Report.
So Please suggest me it is helpful or not and onething more is that I have to work on SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 which is more beneficial.
Please reply me for this Waiting for your any kind of reply Please Thanks Ashish
I have to select all fields from a table based on min(date) . i have duplicate accountnumbers in the query i need to eliminate that based on min(dateTime). when i am writing a query
Select a,b,c,min(d) from table , it is not working? Below is the example
A B C D 222 1 11 2007-02-12 14:09:16.000 222 1 8 2007-11-06 13:57:18.480
I am transfering data from a textfile to sql server.I use a data flow task for trasfering my text files.
Here is what i do.
1.Add text file source
What i want to achieve here is if the text file countains the column name in the first row i should delete them and if it does not contain column name in the first row just transfer it.
how can this be achieved???
2.add one more column to my text file which should contain the status(insert or update).
how can this be done??
3.before transfering data ot destination i want to know if the record exists if exists i just want to update it instead of insert.and if new record i want to insert it .and the status in the above new column need to change.
I would like to be advised from experts on one career related question.
I have 5 + years of Experience as a DEV and Test.
I had mostly worked on VB6, .NET 1.1[ asp.net ,C#] for 3 years as DEV and since 2 years i am into Software System testing [ its more related to Functionality Testing of applications built using .NET [ asp.net/c#, Sql server 2005 ].
I would like to switch the career to Core Development again and would like to seek experts's adivice..
Iam interested in learning SQL Server 2005 advanced features[ BI]:
Could you pls suggest me one area in SQL server 2005 from below[ parameters:I should be able to learn it quickly on my own,great demand in the market , great scope for development in near fure etc.,] :
2) Analysis Services
3) Reporting Services etc.,
or any other suggestions are welcome..I appreciate your time responding to this thread.
Dear all,, I used a program that convert from powerpoint to flash the output of this program is a folder that contain 2 folders and a HTML page How can I store those in my database? note: I have to use all of these folders to preview the flash Thanks in advance
I have noticed that the area of writing stored procedures for muti-user databases is a very specialised field and requires knowledge that's much more than the locking topics covered in 'online books' . I am sure there are some standard tips and tricks that are used in mutil-user databases for writing to tables. Most books have a chapter or two on locking, but I think this topic should be dealt with separately in a dedicated book to locking with extensive examples on locking. Does anyone know of such a dedicated book out there?
Select PR.WBS1, PR.WBS2, PR.WBS3, PR.LongName, PR.Name, CL.Name as CLIENTNAME, CFGMain.FirmName, CFGMain.Address1, CFGMain.Address2, CFGMain.Address3, CFGMain.Address4, Contacts.FirstName + ' ' + Contacts.LastName as CONTACT, isnull(LB.AmtBud, '0.00') as AmtBud, Sum(LD.BillExt) as BillExt From PR left join Contacts ON PR.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID left join CL ON CL.ClientID = PR.ClientID left join LB ON LB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LB.WBS2 AND LB.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 left join LD ON LD.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LD.WBS2 AND LD.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 And LD.BilledPeriod = '200408', CFGMain Where (PR.WBS3 <> 'ZZZ') and (PR.WBS2 <> 'ZZZ') Group By PR.WBS1, PR.WBS2, PR.WBS3, PR.LongName, PR.Name, CL.Name, CFGMain.FirmName, CFGMain.Address1, CFGMain.Address2, CFGMain.Address3, CFGMain.Address4, Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, LB.AmtBud
Right now I have a column that takes the sum of LD.BilledPeriod when equaled to '200408'. The problem is that I need to include another column that also calculates the sum for BillExt where LD.BilledPeriod <= '200408'. Ordinarily I would have done a subquery which I have tested and it does work. But, I have to find another way of doing this because when I add subqueries other functionality in the software I using does not work. So, I am hoping that someone might know another route for me to take. I was thinking about using a UNION but this will not create a new column that I need.
Select PR.WBS1, PR.WBS2, PR.WBS3, PR.LongName, PR.Name, CL.Name as CLIENTNAME, CFGMain.FirmName, CFGMain.Address1, CFGMain.Address2, CFGMain.Address3, CFGMain.Address4, Contacts.FirstName + ' ' + Contacts.LastName as CONTACT, isnull(LB.AmtBud, '0.00') as AmtBud, Sum(LD.BillExt) as BillExt From PR left join Contacts ON PR.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID left join CL ON CL.ClientID = PR.ClientID left join LB ON LB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LB.WBS2 AND LB.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 left join LD ON LD.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LD.WBS2 AND LD.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 And LD.BilledPeriod = '200408', CFGMain Where (PR.WBS3 <> 'ZZZ') and (PR.WBS2 <> 'ZZZ') Group By PR.WBS1, PR.WBS2, PR.WBS3, PR.LongName, PR.Name, CL.Name, CFGMain.FirmName, CFGMain.Address1, CFGMain.Address2, CFGMain.Address3, CFGMain.Address4, Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, LB.AmtBud
Right now I have a column that takes the sum of LD.BilledPeriod when equaled to '200408'. The problem is that I need to include another column that also calculates the sum for BillExt where LD.BilledPeriod <= '200408'. Ordinarily I would have done a subquery which I have tested and it does work. But, I have to find another way of doing this because when I add subqueries other functionality in the software I using does not work. So, I am hoping that someone might know another route for me to take. I was thinking about using a UNION but this will not create a new column that I need.
SELECT WBS2, (SUM(CASE WHEN wbs2 = '9001' THEN amount * - 1 END)) AS reimb FROM LedgerAR WHERE (WBS1 = '001-298') AND (WBS2 <> 'zzz') AND (WBS3 <> 'zzz') AND transtype = 'in' GROUP BY wbs2
Id there a way to specify where I want this exact amount to display without having to a subquery. I would ideally like to take the 3271.02 and put it where wbs2 = '1217'
I'm looking for some suggestions on how I can go about the following task. I have an application which connects to our SQL2000 servers. Ocasionally some of the db connections take a long time to run. What I'd like to do is enable some sort of logging which would provide me with the following pieces of information... where the request originated from, length of time servicing the request, some sort of info on the nature of the request (search, insert, update, sproc, etc...), time of the request.
I'd then like to cross reference these logs with my application logs to isolate which requests are taking to long to service. Hopefully this will help us as we attempt to eliminate the issue.
Thanks for any suggetions you might have!!!! much appreciated!
1-Before installing microsoft cluster+SQL Virtual Server I should install normal installation of SQL2000 on both nodes.
2-I have 8x72 GB Ultra320 SCSI in MSA1500 storagebox. What is your recommendation how should I make drives and which RAID system for quroum,DB (db is almost 5 to 10 GB), and T-Log should I use?
3-I have only one database instance, so still I should configure MSDTC or no need?
4- Can I use the same drive and cluster group for Quorum and MSDTC?
5-On windows 2003 when SQL virtual server will finish installation. Then the SQL SP4 I should install on one node or I have to install it one by one on all nodes of the cluster.I am using Active/Passive scenario.
Pls reply my questions.Then I will start my projetct.....
I have a table contains huge rows of data. Performance issue raised. I amthinking archive some data so that the table will not be that big. The mostconvience way is move it to another table. The problem is: will this solvemy performance problem? or I need to move it to another database to reducethe database size?Regards,TrueNo
At our facility, we have a > 350 gigs database and the DB is breaking into 2 files. One file is our Image table with the size of 300 gigs. The other file contains all of the other tables. The image file is getting bigger and bigger everyday, I am worry that eventually when a data file getting too big it could lead into problem. - DB fragmentatio, hard to manage etc
My question is anyone has run into this problem, and how do you solve it?
I'm implementing a brand new project that consists in a soft-realtime application that executes scheduled operations (tcp commands) stored on a SqlServer 2005 express db. DB and app are always on the same workstation. Let's say that the workload is about 40000 events per day, with periods of activity and more idle periods. The DB is filled by external applications that provides insert/update using ad-hoc sprocs and providing only the 'preedceding event'. The major performance problem I see is given by the fact that each time an event is inserted the sproc must rebuild all the scheduled times (I've build an optimization that uses service broker as to update asynchronously the scheduled times). The application does not requires any special calculation and is very lightweight... it only fetches the db and sends tcp commands. The only 'hard work' is to guarantee the exact time for sending the commands.
Now I have to design the required hardware and I expect some tip from you on how to proceed to build a test workload and how to translate it into 'minimum hardware specification'. Consider that safety is not importand since system are redundant in other ways.
My questions are
- Should I put OS, tempdb, database and logs each on a separate disk array ? My idea is to have a two-disk RAID0 for OS and logfiles, and a n-disk RAID0 for tempdb and appdb
- How to extimate the number of disks to have in the RAID ?
- Should I also consider processor ? I have the idea that processor is not very important while I should pay attention to bus and memory bottlenecks: so I've thought to use DDR2 RAM with a FSB of 1066 MHz and a single dual or quad core cpu, so discarding XEON multiprocessor systems that requires FBDIMM, that AFAIK are slower that DDR2.
_____________________________________________using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration;
namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql {
public class Bid : SqlDataObject, IBid {
#region private member & variables
private int _BidID; private string _DateCreated; private string _CreatedBy;
private SqlDataAdapter sqlda = new SqlDataAdapter(); private SqlCommand _command; private SqlParameter[] _parameters = { new SqlParameter("@client",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@contact",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@sponsor",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@priority",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@bidstatus",SqlDbType.NVarChar), };
#region public member variables - stored procedures
public virtual DataSet List(string filter) { DataSet result = new DataSet();
_command = new SqlCommand(); _command.Connection = this.Connection; _command.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM bids_view_listall WHERE (clientname like @value) or (contactname like @value) or (sponsor like @value) ORDER BY datecreated DESC"; _command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
public string Client { get { return _Client; } set { _Client = value; } }
public string Contact { get { return _Contact; } set { _Contact = value; } }
public string Sponsor { get { return _Sponsor; } set { _Sponsor = value; } }
public string Priority { get { return _Priority; } set { _Priority = value; } }
public string BidStatus { get { return _BidStatus; } set { _BidStatus = value; } }
#region Properties
public int BidID { get { return _BidID; } set { _BidID = value; } }
public string DateCreated { get { return _DateCreated; } set { _DateCreated = value; } }
public string CreatedBy { get { return _CreatedBy; } set { _CreatedBy = value; } }
Am I on a right path? I will greatly appreciate in any comments or suggestions for a design. I am creating an n-tier application and i don't know if my design is right. I dont have the proper schooling for creating this kind of applications and I am still on layer of data access and business logic.