Suggestions For A Small Database Layout...Very Simple

Jul 20, 2005

Hi ng,

I need some input/suggestions for a very small layout.

The situation: Some groupings of thumbnails. For every picture (thumbnail)
there is a "big" picture. Thats it basically :) On the front the scenario is

A user clicks "Autumn". The user is presented with the "Autumn" thumbnails.
If he click a thumbnail, the corresponding big image is displayed. Well, u
get the picture :)

Hoe is this most efficiently implemented in table-layout? I I
create a table called "images" and have a column called "is_thumb"? Or do I
better make 2 tables...Or better make a "relation/type" table too?


View 4 Replies


Simple Disk Layout Question

Dec 27, 2007

I've got a single box running IIS and SQL server 2005. At the moment, everything's running off a single RAID group.

I'd like to move some of the files to a second RAID group to see if I can improve performance -- perfmon shows significant disk queueing. Is there a "normal" way to set this up? If not, what's the best way to determine which parts of the db to move to reduce disk contention? (I'm using simple logging.)

Thanks for any help!

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Suggestions For A Simple/introduction To Querying OLAP

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Any suggestions for a good intorudction to OLAP querying with MDX?Thanks,Ron.--Performance Intelligence, Inc.Spy 4 DB2 -

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Slow Performance With A Simple Query In A Small Table?

Jul 9, 2001

In my database/MY SERVER (SQL7/Win2K), I run a simple query with a Table/10000 rows (without cluster index):
it take over 30s. Why it's slow? How can I check for reason? How to configure my server to improve performance?
Thanks in advance.

Table 'spt_values'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
name minimum maximum config_value run_value
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------
affinity mask 0 2147483647 0 0
allow updates 0 1 1 1
cost threshold for parallelism 0 32767 5 5
cursor threshold -1 2147483647 -1 -1
default language 0 9999 0 0
default sortorder id 0 255 52 52
extended memory size (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0
fill factor (%) 0 100 0 0
index create memory (KB) 704 1600000 0 0
language in cache 3 100 3 3
language neutral full-text 0 1 0 0
lightweight pooling 0 1 0 0
locks 5000 2147483647 0 0
max async IO 1 255 32 32
max degree of parallelism 0 32 0 0
max server memory (MB) 4 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647
max text repl size (B) 0 2147483647 65536 65536
max worker threads 10 1024 255 255
media retention 0 365 0 0
min memory per query (KB) 512 2147483647 1024 1024
min server memory (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0
nested triggers 0 1 1 1
network packet size (B) 512 65535 4096 4096
open objects 0 2147483647 0 0
priority boost 0 1 1 1
query governor cost limit 0 2147483647 0 0
query wait (s) -1 2147483647 -1 -1
recovery interval (min) 0 32767 0 0
remote access 0 1 1 1
remote login timeout (s) 0 2147483647 5 5
remote proc trans 0 1 0 0
remote query timeout (s) 0 2147483647 0 0
resource timeout (s) 5 2147483647 10 10
scan for startup procs 0 1 0 0
set working set size 0 1 0 0
show advanced options 0 1 1 1
spin counter 1 2147483647 10000 10000
time slice (ms) 50 1000 100 100
two digit year cutoff 1753 9999 2049 2049
Unicode comparison style 0 2147483647 196609 196609
Unicode locale id 0 2147483647 1033 1033
user connections 0 32767 0 0
user options 0 4095 0 0

Table 'spt_values'. Scan count 43, logical reads 108, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'sysconfigures'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 2.

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Problem With Managed Code Simple Example Target String Size Is Too Small To Represent The XML Instance

Feb 10, 2006

I am trying to understand creating SQL Server projects and managed code. So I created a C# SQL Server Database project and named it "CSharpSqlServerProject1" and followed the steps in the following "How to: " from the Help files:

"How to: Create and Run a CLR SQL Server Stored Procedure "

I used the exact code in this "How to: " for creating a SQL Server managed code stored procedure (see below) in C#. However it didn't even compile! When I went to build the code I got the following error message:

"Error 1 Target string size is too small to represent the XML instance CSharpSqlServerProject1"

It does not give a line number or any further information! Since this is a Microsoft example I'm following I figure others must have run into this too. I can't figure out how to fix it!

Here's the code as copied directly from the howto:

using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class StoredProcedures
public static void InsertCurrency_CS(
SqlString currencyCode, SqlString name)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
SqlCommand InsertCurrencyCommand = new SqlCommand();

InsertCurrencyCommand.CommandText =
"insert Sales.Currency (CurrencyCode, Name, ModifiedDate)" +
" values('" + currencyCode.ToString() +
"', '" + name.ToString() +
"', '" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";

InsertCurrencyCommand.Connection = conn;


Thanks for any help you can give!

View 7 Replies View Related

How To I Enter A Small Square Or A Small Circle In A NVARCHAR Field?

Dec 25, 2006

I want to store a small cirle in a text field. Can anyone tell me how I can enter it in ascii code.


View 4 Replies View Related

View Layout Is Different Than Print Layout

Nov 21, 2007

I designed a report in reporting services 2005. When i look at the view layout for the report everything is aligned correctly but if i go to print preview one matrix is shifted up or down. I have tried to put the matrix inside a rectangle but the issue is still present. Does anyone know why this is happening or any suggestions on what to do to fix it.


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Database Layout Question

Dec 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

Can I hear your views on this type of DB layout? I have a DB that contains tables which are not linked by FK's etc but rely on one another through SP's. I've never came across this layout before so was hoping you could shed some light on it with your experiences etc.

Also what if many of the tables didn't have PK's this would lead to duplicate data being allowed to be entered into the database. Are there any other issues here?

Regards Butterfly

View 9 Replies View Related

Suggestions On Database Refresh

Nov 19, 2007

I have been tasked with designing an automated process to restore production data to our testing environments on an as needed basis. The schedule would revolve around our software testing and deployment schedules. I'm looking for suggestions on best practices for this task in the form of advise / links to references / etc.. Instead of presenting all of my requirements here, I'll spare you that information :). Since part of it also needs to encompass data stored in Oracle (10g). I've done a several Google searches but would like to validate / invalidate my research against the advise of the experts here.

View 17 Replies View Related

Code Suggestions For Database Searches

Apr 11, 2007

I have a database containing several tables with many different fields.  I need to create an admin section that lets me search on one field or the combination of several.  Does anyone have links to pages that offer a general overview for inhouse database search strategy and admin edits. 
Thank you

View 4 Replies View Related

Keeping Database As Small As Possible ?

Oct 16, 2006

Hello everyone,

I have a winform application with C# front end and sql express 05 backend.

In this database i have a table that holds manufacturer provided pricing and the manufacturers we work with update pricing constantly.

We have one table called "manufacturerpricing" which we are constantly inserting and deleting pricing records to/from to keep manufacturer pricing up to date. We may insert and delete as many as 2,000,000 records per month into this table.

This works perfectly fine and we have no problems here at all.

But with that being said, I am worried about the size of the database growing out of control due to temporary space etc. The database just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

How do I run some maintenance to keep the database size under control.

I would like to run this automatically from the C# front end so if ther is a stored proc I can call or an C# assembly I can reference that would be ideal.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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One Large Database Or Many Small....

Oct 23, 2006

Hi Experts

We are debating what is best:

1. To combine all the company's data in one large database, and use schemas and file groups to create logical and physical distribution on drives and namespaces


2. Distribute the data into smaller databases with related data - eg. products and product description in one db, Customers in another and orders and orderlines in a third db.

Just what are the pros and cons?


Jens Chr

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Need Suggestions On Text File Parsing Into Database

Feb 28, 2007

I have a website, where people upload tab delimited text files of their product inventories, which the site parses and inserts into a database table.  Here's the catch: Instead of insisting that each user use a standardized format, each user can upload the file in whatever column order they want, they just have to let the site know through a GUI which column is in which order.   And, they may upload columns that if not mapped, will be ignored.  Right now, I am doing all of this in code and it runs slow, I was thinking of offloading this to either a stored procedure, ssis, or bulk upload.   But, with the varying format of the uploaded text file, I am not sure how I could do that.  Any suggestions? Thanks! 

View 1 Replies View Related

I've Build A Database Schema-Open For Suggestions

Apr 18, 2007

Hello Guys:I have included the schema that i build for sql serve 2005 below, My concern is with creating views and cursors.I open for any suggestions. Please try out the scheme;

DatabaseMS SQL 2005

use master
if exists (select name from sys.databases where name='clubDataBase')
drop database clubdataBase
create database clubDataBase
use clubDatabase

Create table [Role]
[Role_Id] Char(3) NOT NULL,
[Role_Type] Char(30) NOT NULL,
[Description] Char(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Role_Id])

Create table [Employee]
[employee_id] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Role_Id] Char(3) NOT NULL,
[Manager_Id] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[HireDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[PayRate] Real NOT NULL,
[Status] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[SSN] Char(12) NOT NULL,
[Fname] Char(30) NOT NULL,
[Lname] Char(30) NOT NULL,
[Gender] Char(1) NOT NULL,
[DOB] Datetime NOT NULL,
[LastUpdated] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([employee_id])

Create table [Address]
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[AddressLine1] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[AddressLine2] Varchar(30) NULL,
[City] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[State] Char(2) NOT NULL,
[ZipCode] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Region] Char(20) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Add_Id])

Create table [Club]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[RegionId] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[ClubName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[PhoneNumber] Char(13) NOT NULL,
[FaxNumber] Char(13) NULL,
[Email] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[WebSite] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id])

Create table [Equip_Inven]
[Equip_Inven_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Purchase_Date] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Purchase_Cost] Money NULL,
Primary Key ([Equip_Inven_Id])

Create table [Equipment]
[Equip_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL, UNIQUE ([Equip_Id]),
[Equip_Name] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Type] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Desc] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Equip_Id])

Create table [CustomerClass]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Class_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[StartDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[MemClassFees] Money NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id],[Class_Id],[StartDate],[Member_Id])

Create table [Classes]
[Class_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[ClassName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[ClassDescription] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Class_Id])

Create table [Member]
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Plan_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[TotalFees] Money NOT NULL,
[MemberFname] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[MemberLname] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Phonenumber] Char(12) NOT NULL,
[DOB] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Gender] Char(1) NOT NULL,
[Email] Char(20) NULL,
[LastUpdated] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Member_Id])

Create table [Health_Info]
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Doctor_Name] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[Allergy] Varchar(30) NULL,
[Diseases] Varchar(30) NULL,
[Emergency_Contact1] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Emergency_Phone1] Char(12) NOT NULL,
[Contact_Relation1] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Emergency_Contact2] Char(20) NULL,
[Emergency_Phone2] Char(12) NULL,
[Contact_Relation2] Char(20) NULL,
Primary Key ([Member_Id])

Create table [ClubClasses]
[StartDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Class_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[employee_id] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[ClassAgeRange] Char(10) NULL,
[ClubClassCost] Money NOT NULL,
[ClubClassSchedule] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Class_Id])

Create table [Plans]
[Plan_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[SuggestedPrice] Money NOT NULL,
[PlanName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[PlanDuration] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Plan_Id])

Create table [ClubPlans]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Plan_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Discount] Numeric(2,2) NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id],[Plan_Id])

Create table [MemberClubUsage]
[StartDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[EndDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Member_Id])

Create table [Facility]
[Facility_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL, UNIQUE ([Facility_Id]),
[FacilityName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[FacilityType] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Facility_Id])

Create table [FacilityUsage]
[StartDate] Char(1) NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Facility_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[EndDate] Datetime NULL,
Primary Key ([StartDate],[Member_Id])

Create table [ClubFacilites]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Facility_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[OpenDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[CloseDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id],[Facility_Id])

Create table [Equip_Maintanence]
[Equip_Maintanence_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Inven_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Main_Date] Datetime NULL,
[Main_Cost] Money NULL,
[Comment] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Equip_Maintanence_Id])

Create table [Guest]
[GuestId] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[GuestName] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[GuestDOB] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([GuestId])

Create table [RegionalOffice]
[RegionId] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[RegionName] Nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([RegionId])

Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Role_Id]) references [Role] ([Role_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Manager_Id]) references [Employee] ([employee_id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubClasses] add foreign key([employee_id]) references [Employee] ([employee_id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Club] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Member] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Guest] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [RegionalOffice] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Equip_Inven] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubClasses] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubPlans] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [MemberClubUsage] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubFacilites] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Equip_Maintanence] add foreign key([Equip_Inven_Id]) references [Equip_Inven] ([Equip_Inven_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Equip_Inven] add foreign key([Equip_Id]) references [Equipment] ([Equip_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubClasses] add foreign key([Class_Id]) references [Classes] ([Class_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [CustomerClass] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [MemberClubUsage] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [FacilityUsage] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Health_Info] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Guest] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [CustomerClass] add foreign key([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Class_Id]) references [ClubClasses] ([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Class_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubPlans] add foreign key([Plan_Id]) references [Plans] ([Plan_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Member] add foreign key([Club_Id],[Plan_Id]) references [ClubPlans] ([Club_Id],[Plan_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubFacilites] add foreign key([Facility_Id]) references [Facility] ([Facility_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [FacilityUsage] add foreign key([Club_Id],[Facility_Id]) references [ClubFacilites] ([Club_Id],[Facility_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Club] add foreign key([RegionId]) references [RegionalOffice] ([RegionId]) on update no action on delete no action

--create procedures and views
--the procedure to randomly add members visit the club
create procedure getMemberClubUsage
declare @memID char(10),
@clubID char(10)
declare @begDate datetime
declare mem_club_cursor cursor
--randamly to add the member to visit clubs
select member_ID, c.club_ID
from member, club c
open mem_club_cursor
fetch mem_club_cursor into
@memID, @clubID

while @@fetch_status=0
set @begDate=dateadd(day, rand()*-365, getdate())
insert into memberClubUsage
select @begDate, @clubID, @memID, dateadd(minute, rand()*300, @begDate)
fetch mem_club_cursor into
@memID, @clubID

close mem_club_cursor
deallocate mem_club_cursor

--the procedure randomly add the member to classes
create procedure getMemberClubClass
insert into customerClass (startDate, club_ID, class_ID, Member_ID, memclassFees)
select startDate, c.club_ID, class_ID, Member_ID, 150
from member m, clubClasses c

create view MembershipClubRegion_VW
select member_ID, memberFName, memberLName, C.Club_ID, C.ClubName, c.RegionID, r.RegionName
from member m join club c on m.club_ID=c.Club_ID
join regionaloffice r on c.regionID=r.regionID

create view VistorbyMonthClub_VW
select clubName,
datename(month, startdate)+'-'+datename(year, startdate) 'Month',
count(*) TotalVistors
from club c join memberclubusage mc on c.club_ID=mc.club_ID
group by clubName, datename(month, startdate)+'-'+datename(year, startdate)


create view classClub_View
select c.class_ID,
from classes c join clubClasses cc on c.class_ID=cc.class_ID
join club cl on cc.club_ID=cl.club_ID
--add testing data into database
--insert data to table Address
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0001', '100 Washington St', 'Salem', 'NH', '01123', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0002', '180 Porland Ave', 'Providence', 'RI', '03123', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0003', '36 Huntington Ave', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0004', '45 Marine St', 'August', 'ME', '31245', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0005', '400 Tel St', 'Vermont', 'VT', '11234', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0006', '100 Abc Ave', 'George Town', 'CT', '1111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('B0001', '180 Matthew Ave', 'Worchest', 'NH', '01145', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('B0002', '1000 Elm St', 'Braintree', 'MA', '02184', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0001', '24 Edwin St', 'Quincy', 'MA', '02171', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0002', '57 Sterling Street', 'Malden', 'MA', '02148', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0003', '26 Royal St', 'Quincy', 'MA', '02171', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0004', '439 Newport Ave', 'Quincy', 'MA', '02171', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0005', '41 Old Brattleboro', 'August', 'ME', '31245', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0006', '110 N Central Ave', 'Montpelier', 'VT', '11234', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0007', '67 Marjoril Rd', 'George Town', 'CT', '1111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0008', '1 Holden Row #2', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0009', '67 Marjoril Rd', 'Braintree', 'MA', '02421', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0010', '253 Cambridge St Apt#2', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0011', '30 Hill St', 'Randolph', 'MA', '02134', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0012', '87 Ocean St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0013', '7A Park Terrace', 'Boston', 'MA', '02112', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0014', '8 FoxRun #12', 'Boston', 'MA', '02113', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0015', '45 Upland Road', 'Boston', 'MA', '02114', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0016', '378 Medford St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02115', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0017', '46 Wheatland St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02116', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0018', '177 North Street', 'Boston', 'MA', '02117', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0019', '280 Breadway #4', 'Boston', 'MA', '02118', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0020', '106 Chester St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02119', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0021', '45 Upland Rd', 'Boston', 'MA', '02120', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0022', '47 Malvern St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02121', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0023', '49 Dwight St #1', 'Boston', 'MA', '02122', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0024', '97 LAWN STREET', 'Boston', 'MA', '02123', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0025', '418 Revere Beach Pkwy #74', 'Boston', 'MA', '02124', 'NE')
--insert data to table RegionalOffice
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0001', 'C0001', 'New Hampshire')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0002', 'C0002', 'Rhode Island')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0003', 'C0003', 'Massachussetts')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0004', 'C0004', 'Marine')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0005', 'C0005', 'Vermont')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0006', 'C0006', 'Connecticut')
--insert data to table Club
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0001', 'C0001', 'R0001', 'NH CLub1', '8952645456', 'mail@ClubNH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0002', 'B0001', 'R0001', 'NH CLub2', '8953566889', 'mail@ClubNH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0003', 'C0003', 'R0003', 'MA Club1', '6174561787', 'mail@MANH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0004', 'B0002', 'R0003', 'MA Club2', '6175688989', 'mail@MANH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0005', 'C0002', 'R0002', 'RI Club1', '4264567898', 'mail@ClubRI', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0006', 'C0004', 'R0004', 'Marine Club 1', '8915678989', 'mail@clubME', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0007', 'C0005', 'R0005', 'Vermont Club1', '7325641234', 'mail@clubVT', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0008', 'C0006', 'R0006', 'Connecticut Club1', '7888989999', 'mail@clubCT', '', 'club')
--insert data to table Plans
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0001', 156.38, 'Family Plan', '1 year', 'plan')
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0002', 90, 'Single Plan', '1 Year', 'plan')
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0003', 70, 'Senior Plan', '1 Year', 'plan')
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0004', 30, 'promote plan', '1 year', 'plan')
--insert data to table ClubPlans
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0001', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0002', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0003', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0004', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0005', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0006', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0007', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0008', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0001', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0002', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0003', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0004', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0005', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0006', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0007', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0008', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0003', 'P0004')
--insert data to table Classes
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0001', 'Beginning Yoga', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0002', 'Advance Yoga', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0003', 'Swimming', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0004', 'Dancing', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0005', 'Introduction to Tennis', 'desc')
--insert data to table Role
insert into Role ( Role_id, Role_Type, Description) values ('R01', 'Teacher', 'Class teacher')
insert into Role ( Role_id, Role_Type, Description) values ('R02', 'Manager', 'club manager')
--insert data to table Employee
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0001', 'A0001', 'R01', 'E0001', 'C0001', '1/1/1999', 15, ' ', '123456789', 'John', 'Joyce', 'M', '1/3/1968', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0002', 'A0002', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0002', '12/1/2004', 25, ' ', '123456789', 'MacDonld', 'Harris', 'M', '10/12/1975', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0003', 'A0003', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0003', '3/1/2006', 20, ' ', '123456789', 'Joane', 'Li', 'F', '11/5/1960', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0004', 'A0004', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0004', '5/1/2006', 22, ' ', '123456789', 'Tony', 'Green', 'M', '8/12/1970', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0005', 'A0005', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0005', '1/1/2007', 20, ' ', '123456789', 'Lisa', 'White', 'F', '11/10/1975', '4/18/2007')
--insert data to table ClubClasses
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('1/1/2007', 'C0001', 'A0001', 'E0002', 1500, 'Mon, Fri 7:30PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('2/1/2007', 'C0002', 'A0002', 'E0003', 1500, 'Mon, Fri 7:30PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('3/1/2007', 'C0003', 'A0003', 'E0004', 1500, 'Tue, Th 8:00PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('4/1/2007', 'C0004', 'A0004', 'E0005', 1500, 'Tue, Th 8:00PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('5/1/2007', 'C0005', 'A0005', 'E0002', 1500, 'Wed, Fri 7:00PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('4/5/2007', 'C0006', 'A0004', 'E0004', 1500, 'Sat, 8:00AM')
--insert data to table Member
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0001', 'C0001', 'P0001', 'A0006', 153.38, 'John', 'He', '7812671567', '1/15/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0002', 'C0002', 'P0001', 'A0007', 153.38, 'Joane', 'Good', '5678945689', '1/16/1975', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0003', 'C0003', 'P0001', 'A0008', 153.38, 'Sharon', 'Spears', '8123456789', '1/17/1985', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0004', 'C0004', 'P0001', 'A0009', 153.38, 'Sandy', 'Green', '9874567898', '2/18/1965', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0005', 'C0005', 'P0001', 'A0010', 153.38, 'Lisa', 'White', '7185642356', '1/19/1967', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0006', 'C0006', 'P0001', 'A0011', 153.38, 'William', 'Black', '5689741235', '1/20/1973', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0007', 'C0007', 'P0001', 'A0012', 153.38, 'Ollie', 'Green', '7812671567', '1/21/1975', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0008', 'C0008', 'P0001', 'A0013', 153.38, 'Louis', 'Brien', '5678945689', '1/15/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0009', 'C0001', 'P0002', 'A0014', 90, 'Barbara', 'Stone', '8123456789', '1/16/1975', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0010', 'C0002', 'P0002', 'A0015', 90, 'Jenat', 'Jean', '9874567898', '1/17/1985', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0011', 'C0003', 'P0002', 'A0016', 90, 'Orlande', 'Moore', '7185642356', '2/18/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0012', 'C0004', 'P0002', 'A0017', 90, 'Jerry', 'Dee', '5689741235', '1/19/1967', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0013', 'C0005', 'P0002', 'A0018', 90, 'Jim', 'Smith', '7812671567', '1/20/1973', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0014', 'C0006', 'P0002', 'A0019', 90, 'Jeff', 'Smith', '5678945689', '1/21/1975', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0015', 'C0007', 'P0002', 'A0020', 90, 'Michael', 'Sam', '8123456789', '1/15/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0016', 'C0008', 'P0002', 'A0021', 90, 'Michelle', 'Lee', '9874567898', '1/16/1975', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0017', 'C0003', 'P0004', 'A0022', 30, 'Judy', 'Andy', '7185642356', '1/17/1985', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0018', 'C0001', 'P0001', 'A0023', 153.38, 'Pierre', 'Pierre', '5689741235', '2/18/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0019', 'C0002', 'P0001', 'A0024', 153.38, 'Tony', 'Kelliher', '7812671567', '1/19/1967', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0020', 'C0003', 'P0001', 'A0025', 153.38, 'Antonia', 'Sheeran', '5678945689', '1/20/1973', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0021', 'C0004', 'P0001', 'A0007', 153.38, 'Scott', 'Brown', '8123456789', '1/21/1975', 'M', '4/18/2007')

exec getMemberClubUsage
exec getMemberClubClass
Set quoted_identifier on

Set quoted_identifier off

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Making Small Database On IPaq

Mar 21, 2006


I am trying to maintain a small database on my iPAQ, can somebody tell me that would database be created in SQL Server Mobile on my iPaq and can my based Windows CE application can access data from the database on my iPAQ


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Tool To Create Small Database With MSDE

May 12, 2004


I'm a newbie with SQL so excuse my igorance. I'm running an application that uses MSDE2000 as its source db and would like to create a small [10 field] db that would also use MSDE. I want to use a separate db though and not share the first one. What I'm looking for is suggestions on a development tool to create the database with as I'm not familiar with SQL tools. I have a lot of Access experience though so the concepts are not new.

Database requirements are pretty basic.

10 fields [8 text, 2 numeric]
A button field to Add New Record
A search field
Column sorting.

That's it. I could do this in a pinch with Access so knowing what tool to use should make it easy. Any chance that I could do it with Access and then port it to a SQL db?


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DB Design :: Is File Stream Or Blob Best For Small Database With Word And Other Docs

Aug 15, 2015

I was putting a database together (its a C# application MSSQL)  the application will handle a few hundred customers records and save  maybe a couple of thousand  word docs/images/other doc files wondered if the way to go was blob or filestream, I see the medium and larger databases seem to go for filestream but just wondered as not much mentioned about smaller dbs.I do not think  security/disk space/super fast access  will be a big issue.

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular Small Database Fails In Excel Pivot Table Because Of Memory Shortage?

May 7, 2015

I have a very small SSAS database with around 35 Mb. I opened it on Excel 32 bits and started dragging fields to a pivot table and it started failing with memory errors. The behavior on the SSAS server was that memory started growing very fast until 8 GB (vm memory total) and then the error is reported in excel.

What might be the issue in such a small database? I would understand in a big database, but not on this one.

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Knowledgeable Yet Simple Book For Database Modelling Or Database Design

Aug 16, 2007

Hi All,Can u please suggest me some books for relational database design ordatabase modelling(Knowledgeable yet simple) i.e. from which we couldlearn database relationships(one to many,many to oneetc.....),building ER diagrams,proper usage of ER diagrams in ourdatabase(Primary key foreign key relations),designing smallmodules,relating tables and everything that relates about databasedesign....Coz I think database design is the crucial part of databaseand we must know the design part very first before starting up withdatabases.....Thanks and very grateful to all of you....Vikas

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Simple Database Copy?

Aug 26, 2007

I've looked over the "how do I" stuff but not found a simple, straightforward to simply make a complete snapshot of a relatively small development database (perhaps 2 to 3 meg at this point) so that I can bring it to my local system (from a hosting provider) or vice-versa.
 I see the info on "SQL Server Import and Export Wizard" but I don't find the functionality in SQL Server Management Studio Express -- or am I missing it?
Such a process seems obvious. It's not "replication" is it? I don't need it on an on-going basis -- just an occasional one-time thing.
Mahalos (thanks) in advance for any guidance ... :)  KevInKauai

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Simple Database - What Is Best Option?

Jan 31, 2006


I am writing a simple program which runs on users xp machines and accesses a simple table on an NT Server.

In otherwords, the database consists of just a single table with perhaps 4 fields and a maximum of 200 records, with low transaction activity (users periodically update their status or check on other users' statuses).

Do I need to use SQL????

What is my best option for such a simple table / database.

Your help would be appreciated.

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Simple Database Backup?

May 23, 2007

I thought I would start learning how to backup my SQL Server 2005 database using the simple recovery method. Using the SQL Server Management Studio I started the backup task. In the Back Up Database dialog box the Recovery Model is set to Full and disabled (grayed out). It does not give me the option to switch to the Simple Recovery Model. Is there a setting I need to adjust that will allow me to switch to the Simple Recover Model?

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How To Create This Simple Database Search? Thank You.

Dec 7, 2004


I have a search form in an ASP.NET/VB page. The form has the input text box and the button "search". The keywords are passed in the URL to results.aspx.

Here is an example of what I get in the URL, when I write the keywords "asp", "book" and "london" in the input text box and click "search":

The database table has 3 fields: "id", "title" and "description".

I want to display all the records where at least one of the keywords is found in any of the 2 fields "title" and "description".

1. I suppose I need to get the words out of the URL to be used by SQL.
Maybe: string[] searchString = request.queryString("search").split('search'); ???
How can i make this run when page loads? I supose i need it. Right?

2. How should the SQL look? I supose i need to use the "Like" command
SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE ...
But how to I use it if I can have 1, 2, 3, ... keywords?

Can someone help me?


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Simple Question (connect To Database)

May 13, 2008

How can I connect to another sqlserver instances using a SQL Query Analyzer command? I mean, something like this:

connect (server1.instance1, user, pass) ??
connect (server1.instance2, user, pass) ??
connect (server1.instance3, user, pass) ??

PD: I know I can click in File-->Connect-->etc..., but I want to do this with a T-SQL command

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Database Corruption From Simple Query

Aug 8, 2007

Hi- I have questions about mobile database limits. The application is entirely C# / Compact Framework 2.0, using VS2005. Devices we support are all running WM5. We're trying to incorporate what seems to be a large database that the application needs to talk to offline from any network, so it needs to be stored & hosted within the database and hence we started working with the various generations of what is now SQL Server Compact Edition.

In order to profile the responsiveness I worked up a test database with the general collection of fields we are interested in. The main table has 80,000 rows with one primary key and one of the numeric fields indexed. There is a 'nickname' table which contains about 150,000 items with just a string for a nickname and the key that nickname goes with. With all the rows and an alpha index for the nickname field the database is about 42 mb. Which is pushing the amount of storage on the handheld, but of our two models one is fine and one still has about 30 mb free with the DB on the handheld.

My problem seems to be that one kind of device can work with this database and one cannot. The device I was using the prototype the application is a HP iPAC hx2490b. On that device more than once I have corrupted the database, but not yet as a reproducible process.

My other device is a Dell Axim X51. On that device I seem to corrupt the database with very simple actions. Just now I tried a query like (From the Query Analyzer 3.0)

Code Snippet

Select * from ReagentNicknamesTable where alt_names like 'alpha%'

Which should hit 2099 of the 150,000 records. I got about 400 back and then the table was corrupted. On this device I cannot recover the database as there isn't enough disk space for two copies of the DB. So corruption in the field would be a showstopper. But getting corruption from a simple query like this means I really can't use SSCE.

This problem with the dell showed up when I was using the original device sql that came with VS2005. (SQL Server Mobile?) The cabs & dll's were dated from 2005 and had a build number of 3.0.5206.0. I have since updated to the current version of SQL Server Compact Edition and the dlls have build number 3.0.5300.0. The IDE is set to Compact Framwork 2.0, sp1: cgacutil reports CF 2.0.6129.0.

So help! Have I hit some listed or unlisted limits to SSCE on the Compact Framework? thanks.

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Cannot Get A Simple Database Application To Work

Apr 24, 2008


I tried to create a simple application based on the Sql Server CE samples and, as is typical when I play with databases, the program failed. In this case it failed to even load. The program has a form and a data source that I dropped onto the form. When I run the program the program breaks at this line:

Code Snippetthis._connection = new global::System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection();

The error is:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.DllNotFoundException' occurred in System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
Additional information: Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

My first attempt at 'fixing' this was simply to copy the requisite DLLs to my bindebug folder. I found the DLLs here:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.5 and copied these - sqlcecompact35.dll, sqlceca35.dll, sqlceme35.dll, sqlceoledb35.dll, sqlceqp35.dll and sqlcese35.dll, sqlceer35EN.dll - to my bindebug folder.

Now instead of the first error, I get this error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.BadImageFormatException' occurred in System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
Additional information: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)

I am running Vista Business (x64) and using (the desktop version of) Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition. The test 'program' is written in C#. (Incidentally I can play with the database with no problems in Visual Studio 2008's server explorer. I can look at data, add data, etc.)

Can anyone please help?


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Simple Question About Database Mirroring...

Oct 30, 2007

Hi all,

I am a sysadmin (not a DBA by any means!), so just keep that in mind when answering

I was thinking to set up a database mirror with a manual failover for my Business Objects server. The question I have here, is the database name.. how is it kept?

I have three servers right now, all pointing to the same database. Let's call it DatabaseA. If I set up database mirroring (the links I've seen make it seem simple enough), and I fail over, what happens to the servers that have an ODBC entry to DatabaseA? Do I have to repoint them? Or is the identity of the server transferred over as well?

A little information on this would be greatly appreciated. Right now, we are using doubletake to copy over the database dumps on a constant basis, and I thought that database mirroring would be a better solution to my problem. Please let me know! I am quite new to database mirroring, so take it easy with me

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How To Make A Simple Database In SQL Server

Oct 22, 2007

I am beginner developer, Creating simple application which will create, handle small database of genral store products (like adding products and substracting no. of products) . I am creating application with native win32 APIs in VS 2005.
Please suggest , how to create such data base , and suggest me link where i will get step by step knowledge to do (learn) it.
Do i need to learn ODBC or OLEDB or SQL server


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Simple Database Design Question

Jan 18, 2008

I'm designing a database with 3 tables called Function, Test and Scene.

A Function has multiple Tests, but a Test has only one Function. A many to many relationship exists between Test and Scene therefore I need a junction table between these two tables - giving 4 tables in total. The Test table would store a foreign key, the primary key of the Function table.

There is a problem with design though and that is that Functions and Scenes are actually defined before the Test is defined. Therefore it should be possible to create a Function and add to id its Scenes, before Tests have been defined. In other words, Scenes are as much a part of a Function as they are of Tests. Tests are in fact only of relavence to testers. Anyway, to satisfy this scenario, a Junction box is also needed beween Function and Scene. This creates a loop between all tables.

Is this a good approach? Any other suggestions or advice on the matter? Any advice regarding data integrity?



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Simple Question (connect To Database)

May 13, 2008

How can I connect to another sqlserver instances using a SQL Query Analyzer command? I mean, something like this:

connect (server1.instance1, user, pass) ??
connect (server1.instance2, user, pass) ??
connect (server1.instance3, user, pass) ??

PD: I know I can click in File-->Connect-->etc..., but I want to do this with a T-SQL command

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Simple Database Problem (mssql 2005)

Nov 30, 2006

How do you copy all stored procedures into a .sql file using Microsoft SQL server management studio?I am trying to make a database installation file that should have all the tables and SP in it, can't find away to copy that information to a .sql file.

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Problem With Simple Sqlclient Database Acces

Mar 10, 2008

This is a part of my project and that are my first steps. I just want to know if there is a user with "username" already in the database. The MSDN Documentation says that the ExecuteNonQuery() Method returns the number of affected rows. But if I run this code I always get x=-1. What does that mean ?

using (SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["web_db_1"].ConnectionString))        {            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select user_id From users Where username = '" + username + "'", sqlcon);            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;            cmd.Connection.Open();            int x = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            cmd.Connection.Close();        }

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Very NEW To This Database Server Stuff... Probably Simple For You, But Hard For Me...

Jan 4, 2008

Hi everyone,

I just set up a network with 2 computers (direct cable network, no routers/hubs), one computer is running Windows 2000 Server and the other is running Windows XP Professional. They both recognize each other and I can access each computer on either computer. The WinXP computer has SQL Server 2005 express edition installed on it.

I am trying to install a database server on my Windows 2000 Server OS computer. This computer is a 350MHz, 256mb RAM computer. How would I go about doing this?


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