Summarizing Data And Building A String With Summarized Data

Mar 7, 2008

Hi there,

I'm faced with a bit of an issue within SSIS and I was wondering if anyone could help. I have data that looks like the following:

TABLE 1:::
CustomerID StaffID Percentage
A123 1234 1
A124 1245 1
A125 1234 0.7
A125 1443 0.3
B117 6653 1
B154 8899 1
C776 1443 0.2
C776 1337 0.6
C776 1245 0.2

I need to be able to summarize the data above and build up a string that should look like the following:

TABLE 2:::
CustomerID StringID
A123 1234||1
A124 1245||1
A125 1234||0.7||1443||0.3
B117 6653||1
B154 8899||1
C776 1443||0.2||1337||0.6||1245||0.2

As you can see in Table 1, if a CustomerID has only one StaffID associated to it, the "Percentage" Column's value is 1. In the cases where there is more than one StaffID associated to a particular CustomerID, the percentage column get's split up among the StaffIDs, however the sum of this split can never exceed 1 (100%) per CustomerID.

I need to know how to find the cases where there is more than one StaffID associated to a CustomerID, group the CustomerIDs, and build a string made up with the StaffID and Percentages as shown in Table 2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I've struggled with this one for a while and have hit a brick wall.


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Summarized Or Raw Data?

Dec 20, 2006

I have a question to all the data mining experts..

Which will result in more accurate model?

I'm doing an simple revenue estimate based on limited attributes such as customerID, age, sex, income, married, children, income, and revenue. (Decision Tree, Logistical Regression, and Neural Net) Revenue is Input/Predict and Continuous, all other attributes are Input and Discrete. A new entry is added to the database when a mail is sent to customer.

Is it better to summarize Mail Sent and Revenue for all attribute combination (using Group By and Sum SQL) and use that data to train the Data Mining model, or should I just train with the raw data? Which will result in more accurate model?

Thanks in advance...


P.S. Unfortunately, the real data is unavailable at this time. And I have to write ETL packages now to support it when the data becomes available. Otherwise, I would just run both method and compare the lift chart.

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Summarizing Data And DATEPART

May 26, 2008


I'm new to SQL and I will appreciate your help, my knowledge only goes so far and I think this task is above my skills. I'm trying to get information form a table in a certain format that allows me to summarize data on an hourly basis but I think I need need to use DATEPART.

The table looks like this:

Group Date_changed Object Proc Idx Value Offset
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_1 PRC11020008544
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_1 PRC11130006860
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_1 PRC11240001372
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_2 PRC11010002058
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_2 PRC11120002744
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_2 PRC11230003430
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_3 PRC11070004116
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_3 PRC111 60004102
295 2008-05-19 00:05:00.000OBJ_3 PRC112 50004802
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_1 PRC11025004602
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_1 PRC11135004502
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_1 PRC11245005481
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_2 PRC110 12005482
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_2 PRC111 22005483
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_2 PRC11232005484
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_3 PRC11074506174
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_3 PRC111 64506175
295 2008-05-19 00:10:00.000OBJ_3 PRC112 54506176
it contains data on 5 minutes intervals for each object and index.

I'm trying to summarize the data by Idx, I used this query:

select datepart(hour,date_changed) as Hour, Object,avg(Value) as Avg_Idx_10
from table1
where group = 295 and idx = 10 and Object = 'OBJ_1'
and datetime_changed < '2008-05-20'
group by datepart(hour,datetime_changed), Object

Hour Object Avg_Idx_10
0 OBJ_16346
1 OBJ_15039
2 OBJ_14533
3 OBJ_15102
4 OBJ_19019
5 OBJ_123511
6 OBJ_152575

And I get the information I need but each query shows only the data for 1 Idx, what I was wondering is if I can create a query that will allow me to summarize data on average Idx for all the idx in just 1 row yo obtain an output like this:

Hour Object Idx_10_Avg Idx_11_Avg Idx_12_Avg
0 OBJ_1 7500 3200 9500
0 OBJ_2 8400 7600 5800
0 OBJ_3 4700 6500 3400

Again, I'll appreciate any help, thanks in advance.

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Problem Summarizing Data

Nov 2, 2007


I'm not a very strong SQL coder. I am having a problem regarding summarizing some data. I am hoping somebody can provide me with some direction.

I have two tables. One table represents a ticket: Ticket (ID, DateSold). Another table represents the status of a ticket: TicketStatus (ID, TicketID, StatusID) I need to create a query that can tell me how many tickets were sold in each month. But then, I need to be able to break that monthly ticket total down by StatusID. I have the following SQL Statement:

Count(1) as 'TicketCount',
Month(DateSold) as 'SellMonth'
Ticket t

Which works up to the first part of the problem. However, how do I get the number sold per each status? Essentially, I would like my result set to look like the following (pipe-delimited):

TicketCount | SellMonth | Status1Total | Status2Total
5 | 1 | 2 | 3
9 | 2 | 8 | 1
7 | 3 | 3 | 4

Can somebody please help? Thank you!

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Transact SQL :: Summarizing Data Returned By Join Query

Nov 20, 2015

I have a table (edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2) of 40,000 MA_NUM.  

I want to find occurrences of those specific MA_NUM in another table (edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE) with specific attributes (CONTRACT_NUM = '593' and TRANSACT_STATUS_CD = 'D').  

When I run the query below it returns 4 million rows.  How can I write a query that will return the 40,000 MA_NUM (in edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2) with the sum total of MA_PAID_AMT associated with each?

FROM   edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE
       JOIN edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2
         ON edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.MA_NUM = edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2.MA_NUM

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SQL Server 2008 :: Summarizing Transaction Data Removing Nulls?

Oct 27, 2015

I have two tables one list changes of hospital ward and one lists changes of consultant doctor. These can change independently ie a ward change can occur without a consultant change and vice versa. I want to summarise these changes to give the status at each date_serial value.

create table #temp_ward_stay(date_serial bigint,ward_id varchar(10))
insert into #temp_ward_stay
create table #temp_consultant_episode(
date_serial bigint,
consultant_id varchar(10))
insert into #temp_consultant_episode values

If I use:

select date_serial,consultant_id,null as ward_id from #temp_consultant_episode
select date_serial,null as consultant_id,ward_id from #temp_ward_stay

I get:

date_serial ward_id consultant_id
-------------------- ---------- -------------
201501021200 NULL C1
201501021200 W1 NULL
201501031200 NULL C2
201501031201 NULL C3
201501031201 W2 NULL
201501091200 W3 NULL
201501091201 NULL C4
201501121200 NULL C3
201501161200 W4 NULL


whereas what I actually want is:



I can see how I could remove the nulls where the date_serial values are the same:

select ce.date_serial,ward_id,consultant_id from #temp_consultant_episode ce
join #temp_ward_stay ws
on ce.date_serial=ws.date_serial

but I can't see how to move forward from here.

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Building An Application On Multiple Data Sources

Jul 6, 2006

ASP.NET on SQL ServerI've been asked to quote for developing a system to expose data on aweb application. Most of the data will come from SQL Server DBslocated on a single box. However, some of the data will be sourcedfrom ORACLE which is located on a different box. It may be necessaryto create VIEWS and Stored Procedures joining these DBsDoes anyone have any pointers, clues, hints, tips or pitfalls that Imight consider while making my proposal? What sort of extracontingency should I allow for the connection to ORACLE? Should I doall the data retrieval on the DB server, or should I do it on the Webserver?Any thoughts would be appreciated.ThanksWilliam Balmer

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Problems Building The SQL Data Mining Tutorial

Feb 12, 2008

Hi everyone, I'm trying to get the data mining tutorial building but I'm getting tons of ATL errors.
When using the wizard to add "Simple ATL Objects" I get messages telling me that the IDMAlgorithm object already exists. It's really driving me insane, because it's stopping me from moving on completely. I've tried deleting the project and recreating it several times with no avail.
Hopefully someone will know what's causing the troubles. Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server 2012 :: In Trigger - Building Dynamic Table With Inserted Data

Nov 4, 2015

Within a trigger, I'm trying to create a unique table name (using the NEWID()) which I can store the data that is found in the inserted and deleted tables.

Declare @NewID varchar(50) = Replace(convert(Varchar(50),NEWID()),'-','')
Declare @SQLStr varchar(8000)

Set @SQLStr= 'Select * into [TMPIns' + @newID + '] from inserted'
Exec (@SQLStr)

I get the following error: Invalid object name 'inserted'

I know I can do:

Select * into #inserted from inserted
Set @SQLStr= 'Select * into [TMPIns' + @newID + '] from #inserted'
Exec (@SQLStr)

But I don't want to use TempDB as these tables can become big and I also feel that it is redundant. Is there a way to avoid the creation of #inserted?

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Ntext Over 4000 Chars Causes 'Data In Row (n) Was Not Update... String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated...'

Oct 18, 2006

When I enter over 4000 chars in any ntext field in my SQL Server 2005 database (directly in the database and through the application) I get an error saying that the data could not be updated because string or binary data would be truncated.Has anyone ever seen this? I cannot figure out what is causing it, ntext should be able to hold a lot more data that this...

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Data Conversion From String To Decimal When Saving Data To SQL Server 2005 Using An ADO Recordset

Feb 12, 2008


I am wondering what conversion rules apply, when a string, which contains a number, is saved to a SQL Server 2005 into a column of type decimal.

This is the code I€™m using (C++):

CString cValue = "0.75"
_variant_t vtFieldValue;
vtFieldValue = _variant_t(cValue)
pRecordSet->Fields->Item["MyColumn"]->Value = vtFieldValue;

"pRecordSet" is an ADO recordset. The database column "MyColumn" is of type "decimal(19,10)".

The most important question for me is, if the regional settings of the database server or the regional settings of the client PC are considered during the conversion from the string to the decimal value. For example in standard French regional settings the "." would not be recognized as decimal separator.

I am also wondering if the language of the database instance, in which this data is saved, is considered during this conversion or any other settings of this database instance.

So my general question is: Does anybody know exactly what rules apply during the above mentioned conversion?

Thank you for your help.


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Import Data From Excel-Sheet Via OleDb In VB.Net - How To Get A Columns Data As String?

Oct 25, 2007


i want to import data from an excel sheet into a database. While reading from the excel sheet OleDb automatically guesses the Datatype of each column. My Problem is the first A Column which contains ~240 Lines. 210 Lines are Numbers, the latter 30 do contain strings. When i use this code:

Code BlockDim sConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & conf_path_current & file_to_import & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=NO"""
Dim oConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConn)
Dim cmd1 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * From [Table$]", oConn)
Dim rdr As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = cmd1.ExecuteReader
Do While rdr.Read()
Console.WriteLine(rdr.Item(0)) 'or rdr(0).ToString

it will continue to read the stuff till the String-Lines are coming.
when using Item(0), it just crashes for trying to convert a DBNull to a String, when using rdr(0).ToString() it just gives me no value.

So my question is how to tell OleDB that i want that column to be completly read as String/Varchar?

Thanks for Reading

- Pierre from Berlin

[seems i got redirected into the wrong forum, please move into the correct one]

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Truncation Of String Data With Data Reader Source Connecting To ODBC DSN

Mar 18, 2007

A data reader is using a connection manager to connect to an ODBC System DSN . A query in the SqlCommand property is provided. Data is being truncated in the only string column . The data type in data reader output-->external columns shows as Unicode string [DT_WSTR] Length 7.

The truncated output in a text file is the first 3 characters from left to right . Changing the column order has no effect.

A linked server was created in SQL Server Management Studio to test the ODBC System DSN using the following:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'server_name',
@srvproduct = '',
@provider = 'MSDASQL',
@datasrc = 'odbc_dsn_name'

Data returned using "OPENQUERY" does not truncate the string column indicating that the ODBC Driver returns data as expected with sql 2005, but not with the Data Reader.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Transact SQL :: Key And Indexes On Two Column Data Table Or Parsed View (Large String Of Data And Filename)

Oct 4, 2015

I am studying indexes and keys. I have a table that has a fixed width of data to be loaded in the first column which is parsed in a view based on data types within the fixed width specifications.

Example column A:
(name phone house cost of house,zipcodecountystatecountry)
-a view will later split this large varchar string based 
column b: is the source filename of the data load (varchar 256)

a. would there be a benefit of adding a clustered or nonclustered index (if so which/point in direction on why)

b. is there benefit of making one of these two columns a primary key (millions of records) or for adding a 3rd new column as a pk?

c. view: this parses the data in column a so it ends up looking more like "name phone house cost of house zipcode county state country" each having their own column.

-any pros/cons of adding indexes (if so which) to the view instead of the tables or both for once the data is parsed?

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. I Get This Error When Entering Data Using Sql Server Management Studio Express.

May 21, 2008

String or binary data would be truncated. I get this error when entering data using sql server management studio express.

I am not running a sql to insert or update the table. This is through the EDI.

The data type is varchar(100). I enter one character and it errors on me. So this isn't a string being too long problem.

Any ideas?

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SqlServer 2005 String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated When Data Is OK

Feb 21, 2006

When using AquaData or JDBC (inet tds driver), when doing an insert using SqlServer 2005, I get error "String or binary data would be truncated" when the data is actually OK. There are no triggers, etc. that would confuse the situation. It works fine in SqlServer 2000.

The scenario is as follows:

Create table:
create table test3 (
name varchar (18) ,
tbname varchar (18)

Create and populate table:
create table maxtable (
tablename varchar (18) not null,

Try to insert into test3:
insert into test3 (name, tbname)
from dbo.sysindexes i, sysobjects o, maxtable m
where i.indid > 0 and i.indid < 255
and = and i.indid = 1
and = lower(m.tablename)

And I get the error "String or binary data would be truncated." The values being selected for and have maximum length of 18. There are other rows in sysindexes and sysobjects with longer values, but they are not being selected.

The error does not occur with SQL Server Management Studio, and does not occur using SqlServer 2000.

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TSQL - Trim String Containing Both Data And Value Into 2 Separate Data Fields

Aug 20, 2007

Need help with this one:
I have a column with a string composed by several data. After using REPLACE several times, I get something like the data below, which has (in most of cases) a value and a date.

378 9/05

388 9/05


1/06 606

1/06 646

76 5/05

100 1/05

118 8/05

129 8/05

9/05 342

05/3 123


4/06 164
The problem is that I need to get each value alone (to separate columns), in example:
Value Date
378 09/2005
388 09/2005
0 04/2005
606 01/2006

and so on...
In addittion you can see that sometimes the Value come first or alone, and sometimes the Date come first or alone.

I will appreciate any good ideas,
Thanks in advance,

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Building Search String ?

Sep 20, 2000

The procedure below is for a 3 field wildcard search window.

It works fine if you enter a value such as cheese in @product_name.
If you enter cheese in @product_name1 or @product_name2 it returns nothing.

The string builds OK with values inserted where they should be, obviously there is a problem in the looping back of variable.

I've been looking at this so long I'm sure that the obvious solution is staring me in the face, but I just can't see it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Alter PROCEDURE usp_RobSearchTest
@product_name nVarChar(100),
@product_name1 nVarChar(100),
@product_name2 nVarChar(100),
@country_id nchar (3),
@language_id nchar (2)

DECLARE @Variable nVarChar (100)


DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(1000)

/* Build the SQL string once. */

SET @SQLString =

N'SELECT product_name,unit_price,item_id,refund_price
WHERE product_name LIKE ''%' + @Product_name + '%''
ORDER BY product_name'

/* Specify the parameter format once. */

SET @ParmDefinition = N'@product_name nVarChar (100)'

/* Execute the string with the first parameter value. */

SET @Variable = @product_name

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,

@product_name = @Variable

/* Execute the same string with the second parameter value. */

SET @Variable = @product_name1

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,

@product_name1 = @Variable

/* Execute the same string with the third parameter value. */

SET @Variable = @product_name2

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,

@product_name2 = @Variable

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Modify String Data Base On Data In The Table

Jun 17, 2004

I need to get rid of the first char of data in a field f1 (in sql server)

I tried to use:

update myTable
set f1= substring(f1,1,f1.Len -1)

and get error "The column prefix 'f1' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

Could anyone help? Thanks.

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Building A String And Converting To DATETIME

Jul 9, 2007

Hi all, first time post so go easy.

I have been trying to find a way of creating a datetime comprised of getdate() and a time that i specify. I am trying to do this as shown below:

Declare @Test datetime
Declare @Test1 Datetime

Set @Test = getdate()

SET @Test1 = CONVERT(datetime, datepart(y, @Test) + datepart(m, @Test)+ datepart(d, @Test)+' 16:30:00',120)

So, i am building a string using datepart and then adding the time at the end. The 120 after the final comma is to define the style (as i am sure you will all know anyway).

When i run this i get the following error:

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 35
Syntax error converting the varchar value ' 16:30:00' to a column of data type int.

If i take out the colons it runs but brings back the wrong date, the whole date seems to be dependant on the time part at the end.

I am sure this is a really simple problem and i am sorry if i am wasting you time but its late and i just cant see it. Any help would be fantastic.

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Building A Query In A Stored Proc With String

Feb 27, 2008

This should be an easy enough answer to find if I just knew what to search on!

I am building a query within my stored procedure based on what parameters are passed in. For example, suppose I have a table with first name and last name. I can call the sp with either first name or last name or both, so I build a query accordingly that says:
select * from tblNames where FirstName = 'Hannah'
select * from tblNames where LastName = 'Montana'
select * from tblNames where FirstName = 'Hannah' and LastName='Montana'

My problem is putting the single quotes around the variable value.
SELECT @whereClause = @whereClause + ' AND tblNames.LastName=' @LastName-with-singlequotes-around-it


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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. (only For 1700 Character String?)

Nov 2, 2006

I am trying to insert a row into a table of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

There are various columns.

[SNO] [numeric](3, 0) NOT NULL ,
[DATT] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
[DATTA] [char] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
[CODECS] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL

The [DATTA] column is causing a problem. Even if I am trying to put only 1700 character string into [DATTA], the java code throws the following exception:-

StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following
SQLException, with ErrorCode 0 and SQLState 08S01, to a
StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000
Driver for JDBC]Connection reset

      at Source)

Why is it throwing an exception even though the sum-total of this row doesn't exceed 8000 characters?

Can anyone please tell me what's wrong?

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Adding String To Database, But Name Of String Is Added, Not Data

Mar 12, 2008

Hello, I am tring to add a string my database.  Info is added, but it is the name of the string, not the data contained within.  What am I doing wrong?  The text "Company" and "currentUserID" is showing up in my database, but I need the info contained within the string.  All help is appreciated!
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Data.SqlClientPartial Class _DefaultInherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.CreatedUser
'Database ConnectionDim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLExpress;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.mdf;user instance=true")
'First Command DataDim Company As String = ((CType(CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Company"), TextBox)).Text)
Dim insertSQL1 As StringDim currentUserID As String = ((CType(CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName"), TextBox)).Text)
insertSQL1 = "INSERT INTO Company (CompanyName, UserID) VALUES ('Company', 'currentUserID')"Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(insertSQL1, con)
'2nd Command Data
Dim selectSQL As String
selectSQL = "SELECT companyKey FROM Company WHERE UserID = 'currentUserID'"Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, con)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader
'3rd Command Data
Dim insertSQL2 As String
insertSQL2 = "INSERT INTO Company_Membership (CompanyKey, UserID) VALUES ('CompanyKey', 'currentUserID')"Dim cmd3 As New SqlCommand(insertSQL2, con)
'First CommandDim added As Integer = 0
added = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery()
lblResults.Text = added.ToString() & " records inserted."Catch err As Exception
lblResults.Text = "Error inserting record."
lblResults.Text &= err.Message
End Try
'2nd Command
reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader()Do While reader.Read()
Dim CompanyKey = reader("CompanyKey").ToString()
reader.Close()Catch err As Exception
lbl1Results.Text = "Error selecting record."
lbl1Results.Text &= err.Message
End Try
'3rd Command
added = cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery()
lbl2Results.Text = added.ToString() & " records inserted."Catch err As Exception
lbl2Results.Text = "Error inserting record."
lbl2Results.Text &= err.Message
con.Close()End Try
 End Sub
End Class

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Sampling Data Set Via Integration Services Data Flow For Data Mining Models Without Saving Training And Test Data Set?

Nov 24, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Summarized Report From One Table Based On Information From Other Tables

Dec 11, 2004


These are my tables

id, level, base

aid, name

aid, itemID

aid is the ID that comes from the auth table.

The final output that I plan to get is

Name Number of Items

where name comes from the info table, and number of items comes from the store table.

Query something like:

show the total number of items for all those users (in the fashion Name, Number of items)from the store table, for all those whose level=something and base=something in the auth table.

For example,

if there are 10 users whom match level=something and base=something in the auth table,

What I want displayed is:
Name Number of Items
user1 10
user2 15
user3 20
user10 30

which if broken up is:
select name from info where aid=X
select count(*) from store where aid=X ..

for all those whose base=something and level=something from auth.


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Power Pivot :: DAX - ORDER BY COUNTROWS Does Not Work Within Summarized Table

Nov 9, 2015

I'm using a Contoso database running on Power BI Desktop (Version: 2.28.4190.122). The databiase is actually a Contoso.pbix file provided for a book [URL]. I have a DAX query that summarizes a Products table by Product[Manufacturer] and gives a count of products by the manufacturers.My Problem is that the ORDER BY COUNTROWS doesn't work.

why the order by clause doesn't work when I'm confined to the Products table while the order by clause does work when I start with the Sales table? The numbers are correct in both queries. 

This query doesn't sort

"ProductCount", COUNTROWS ( Product )

This query does sort correctly

"ProductCount", COUNTROWS ( RELATEDTABLE ( Product ) )

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String Data To Int

Sep 18, 2006

I'm trying to import a student id in one database (nvarchar(7)) to int in another database. No sure whether I need ato use cast or convert. Anyone have some examples?

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Reporting Services :: Summarizing A Large Dataset

Apr 17, 2015

PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G9999981
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G9999981
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - DN34 1AB - G8909058
PTO1395164 - TZ14 2AX - G8909058
PTO1395164 - TZ14 2AX - G8909058

The sample data above shows 1 customer with multiple episodes (different attend dates – not important here), during the course of these attendances they moved home and moved GP practice.

Is there a simple way in Access to show a summary of this eh PTO1395164 = 2 postcodes, 2 GP’s

THe ultimate aim would be to identify where a customer has changed postcode or GP within a selected timeframe and disregard the rest.

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Getting Data To A String From A SQL Server

Sep 8, 2006

Hey guys :) First, im sorry for my English - I'm really trying! :D I started using ASP.NET with Visual Web Developer for about 2 weeks ago, so im still very new to it. Before the I started with ASP.NET, I used classic ASP and now I really miss it :DMy problem is that I'm trying to make my own login-system. Creating users with detailsView to my SQLServer is very simple, but generating the login system is a bit harder I think. In the old days I would just make a recordset and the do something like If (rs.BOF or rs.EOF) then bla bla bla and the but the username or userID into a Session, but that seems to not be the way to do it in ASP.NET/Visual Basic?How do I do?Really just wanna know where to start :)Thanks :)/Hovgaard - Denmark

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SQL String Data Parsing

Sep 16, 2007

Hi everybody, I was hoping to get some advice something I can't quite get my head around.  I have a SQL db which contains a table with ratings using the AJAX rating control.
When someone rates an object, I need to select the current rating and then use those numbers to;
- calculate the new average
- add new score to total score
- increment number of votes by one.
I thought this can be best achieved using the SELECT statement and then parsing the SELECT string. (is the string comma separated?)
using each array, i'd need to convert this into integers and then do the calculation. and re-upload the data to the ratings table (using the UPDATE statement).
Is this the best way of proceeding?  I have tried initially to write the code using three sql statements. But that would mean to many requests from the server, right?
Below is the conde I have writting myrating;
myrating = Rating1.CurrentRating;string getscore = "SELECT " +
"RatingScore" +"FROM Rating " +
"WHERE ItemID= '" + _ItemID+ "'";string getcount = "SELECT " +
"RatingCount" +"FROM Rating " +
"WHERE ItemID = '" + _ItemID + "'";string getaverage = "SELECT " +
"RatingAverage " +"FROM Rating " +"WHERE ItemID = '" + _ItemID + "'";
int _ratingscore;int _newscore; _ratingscore = int.Parse(getscore);
_newscore = _ratingscore + myrating; //add new rating score to old scoreint _ratingcount;
int _newcount;_ratingcount = int.Parse(getcount);
_newcount = _ratingcount + 1; //increase count by 1int _ratingaverage;
int _newaverage;_ratingaverage = int.Parse(getaverage);
_newaverage = _newscore / _newcount; //calculate new average rating
 otherwise would i be best off to do the following?...
string[] dbRatings = SQLstring.Split(',');
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.

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Converting Hex Data To String

Jan 21, 2001

I am writing a stored procedure that generates a computername for new workstations. Our naming standards, based on terminal ID's, are as follows:
'R' + X + Y + ZZZ, where 'R' is the letter 'R', X is a hex digit indication a locatoin, Y is a hex digit indicating business line, and ZZZ is a hexadecimal sequential number assigned within each location/busines line, for up to 4096. (This isn't a perfect naming standard, but is an improvement over the one that preceded it and is a requirement for our legacy applications).
I can do everything fine, and calculate the sequential number using an int. Once I have the new number, I am trying to convert the integer to a varbinary, then convert that to a string, then use RIGHT to get the rightmost three characters of the hex string.
set @SEQNUM = 4095
set @HEXSEQNUM = CONVERT(varbinary ,@SEQNUM)
PRINT CONVERT(varbinary ,@SEQNUM) -- displays 0x00000FFE etc.

Any ideas? I am very new to TSQL...

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Large String Data

Feb 11, 2004

I have a web site that allows user to enter large strings into a database (comments, etc). What is the best way to do that? Right now I have them limited to 25 characters and the data type is varchar. Is there a better way?


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Reading Xml Data From A String

Jul 27, 2006


I want to read xml from a string and save it in SQL. Can anyone help me plz.


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