I am wondering if there is any statement which I can write at the start of my script that causes some referencial integrity problem so that foriegn keys dont regulate my script and foriegn keys allow it to run.
I know this is probably a flick of a switch but I cannot figure out which switch. Setup is SQL Server / Stored Procedures / DAL / BLL(skipped for testing) / PL. The stored procedure queries from only one table and two columns are ignored because they are being phased out. I can run the stored procedure and preview the data in the DAL but when I create a page with an ODS linked to the DAL and a GridView I get this error. I checked every column that does not allow nulls and they all have values. I checked unique columns (ID is the only unique and is Identity=Yes in the table definition). I checked foreign-key columns for values that are not in the foreign table and there are none. Any ideas why do I get this? Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
Hi, I am getting the above error when trying to load a report into my Web Application, I have tracked the error down to one specific field in my database. Even though this field is a NVarChar field and is of size 30 it would seem that there is an issue returning the value from the field. I can write it into the database no problems but when I try to get it out of the database it returns the above error. e.g MOB 401.908.804 - Fails 0401.907.324 - okay 8239 9082 (pager) - fails Anyone got an idea on how to fix this???? Regards.. Peter.
Hi,Is it possible to somehow set a SQL Server DTS job to automaticallydisable itself, when it encounters a fail, so that future scheduledoccurrences don't happen until the problem has been fixed?I've hunted about for this on the web, but drawn a blank unfortunately!Many thanks if anyone can help at all.
Hi there, i have still some Problems with the SQL Server Express.
Sometimes (not always) it seems that the SQL Server Express "sleeps"
I write through my application every 60 seconds some values in a table , but somethimes it seems that the server is not reachable and i cannot wrote the data. but the phanomen are only happens for a record , the next time it works fine. (i check always for a open connection) if i cannot write the data , it seems that the connection is "away" and i reopen it. after that everything works
i have also try with the sql server auto close to false but with no success.
I gonna write some t-sql stored procedures,and need to log error information in a database table, but don't want that log entry to be a part of the logical transaction.
So basically i want to suspend the main transaction, perform SQL operations , commit or rollback those operations, and resume the main transaction.
Hi, I have two tables (Accounts and Contacts) that have a many-to-many relationship, maintained by the AccountContactLinks table. I would like to populate a Contacts DropDownList with all of the Contacts associated with the Account Selected in Accounts DropDownList. Here is the (SP) SQL Query I'm trying to make work: SELECT Contact.ContactID, Contact.ContactLastName, Contact.ContactFirstName, Contact.ContactLastName + ', ' + Contact.ContactFirstName AS ContactName FROM Contact INNER JOIN AccountContactLinks ON Contact.ContactID = AccountContactLinks.ContactID WHERE (AccountContactLinks.AccountID = @AccountID) ORDER BY Contact.ContactLastNameEND I keep getting the following error: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contains values violating non-null, unique or foreign key constraints. I haven't implemented any non-null, unique or foreign key constraints between any of these tables, so suspect that I've got the SQL Query wrong. Thanks very much. Regards Gary
I am trying to write a query that seaches for all DEFAULT constraints in a database and prints the column with the default value, the value of the default, and the name of the default constraint.
So far I have the two queries that let me get all the information I need.
SELECT Name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'D'
SELECT column_default, column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE column_default IS NOT Null
I am unable to merge them into one query. I cannot seem to find a commun field to both of them.
Hello, A call to a stored procedure via the SQLCommand.ExecuteReader() is made. When the stored procedure goes into suspend state the ExecuteReader() call returns. The stored procedure is not yet finished, after the suspend state it goes into the runnable state and performs some calculations. Is it possible to set a configuration that the ExecuteReader doesn't return when the stored procedure goes into suspend, or must an other method be used? Tx
a sql server database always contains two file.*.ldf *.mdf When *.ldf was deleted the database may suspend.we can repair such database through about 20 steps.
if you want repair your database .please contact me with email:cn9526@163.net or msn/email :paulyang8848@hotmail.com
you can also see our homepage http://www.haou.net/sqlother/
I want to retrieve the datas from the table with condition if DetailID is not null and DetailID is not guid.empty then it return only the DetailID = @DetailID
I have come across this problem with SQL server both on 2000 and 2005. I am stating an example here.
I have two partitioned tables and a view on top of both tables as below: create table [dbo].[Table_1] ( [TableID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED CHECK NOT FOR REPLICATION ([TableID] BETWEEN 1 AND 999), [AnyOtherColumn] int NOT NULL , ) ON [Primary] GO
create table [dbo].[Table_2] ( [TableID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED CHECK NOT FOR REPLICATION ([TableID] BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999), [AnyOtherColumn] int NOT NULL , ) ON [Primary] GO create view TableView as select * from Table_1 union all select * from Table_2 GO
Note the NOT FOR REPLICATION clause on the check constraint on the TableID column.
I then ran the query execution plan for the following query on both SQL server 2000 and 2005. select * from TableView where TableID = 10
On both the versions the execution plan shows and Index seek on both the tables in the view. This means that my partitioning is not working. If I remove the primary key constraint from the TableID column, the same query on the view shows a table scan on all the underlying tables. This is even worse.
Next, create the same tables and views again, now without the NOT FOR REPLICATION clause on the check constraint as show below: create table [dbo].[Table_1] ( [TableID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED CHECK ([TableID] BETWEEN 1 AND 999), [AnyOtherColumn] int NOT NULL , ) ON [Primary] GO
create table [dbo].[Table_2] ( [TableID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED CHECK ([TableID] BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999), [AnyOtherColumn] int NOT NULL , ) ON [Primary] GO
create view TableView as select * from Table_1 union all select * from Table_2 GO
Now run the query execution plan for the same query again.
select * from TableView where TableID = 10
This time you would see that it does an index scan only on the first parititon table. This time it proves that the partitioning works.
I would like to know why does the NOT FOR REPLICATION clause in the check constraint make such a huge difference?
Recently we observed a problem. We are running stored procedure through our c# code. Three machines access the server and update or insert in the required tables in the server. If there is no data in the server, on installing first time our application usually our database is clean. then stored procedure works fine, it takes around 10 to 15 sec to execute. Next time if execute the time goes up to minutes like 15 mins. Next time it goes for hours around 4 hrs. Even to update 4 or 5 records it takes time. Initially we thought it was because of the size of the data and we tried to re tune on indexes, it did not solve. But now what we observe is even with less number of records in server also it wouldn't come of the execution for hours. Now are executing the just the SP in the SQL manager studio to see the time. That one also is executing for hours. when looked at the activity monitor the process goes to suspend state with wait type ASYNC_NETWORK_IO.
When we comment one of the query is working fine. Is this something to do with the query I am not sure. If that is the case it should not work every time.
The query makes any sence or is there any way to write it in better way
'UPDATE [server].[dbo].[DocumentMetadata] SET DocumentInfoID = b.DocumentInfoID, [Name] = b.[Name], MetadataType = b.MetadataType, [Value] = b.[Value], ValueType = b.ValueType FROM [server].[dbo].[DocumentMetadata] a WITH (UPDLOCK) INNER JOIN (SELECT c.DocumentInfoID, c.[Name], c.MetadataType, c.[Value], c.ValueType FROM MACHINENAME.[Client].[dbo].[DocumentMetadata] c INNER JOIN MACHINENAME.[Client].dbo.DocumentInfo DINF ON c.DocumentInfoID = DINF.DocumentInfoID INNER JOIN MACHINENAME.[Client].dbo.Path d on DINF.NativeFileID = d.PathID INNER JOIN MACHINENAME.[Client].dbo.ActiveDataSource ADS ON d.DataSourceID = ADS.DataSourceID WHERE ADS.ProjectID = ''' + @ProjID + ''') b ON a.DocumentInfoID = b.DocumentInfoID AND a.[Name] = b.[Name]'
'INSERT INTO [server].[dbo].[DocumentMetadata] (DocumentInfoID, [Name], MetadataType, [Value], ValueType) SELECT c.DocumentInfoID, c.[Name], c.MetadataType, c.[Value], c.ValueType FROM MACHINENAME.[Client].[dbo].[DocumentMetadata] c INNER JOIN MACHINENAME.[Client].dbo.DocumentInfo DINF ON c.DocumentInfoID = DINF.DocumentInfoID INNER JOIN MACHINENAME.[Client].dbo.Path d on DINF.NativeFileID = d.PathID INNER JOIN MYCLI.[Client].dbo.ActiveDataSource ADS ON d.DataSourceID = ADS.DataSourceID WHERE ADS.ProjectID = ''' + @ProjID + ''' AND Ltrim(rtrim(c.DocumentInfoID))+ ltrim(rtrim(c.[Name])) NOT IN (SELECT Ltrim(rtrim(DocumentInfoID))+ ltrim(rtrim([Name])) FROM [server].[dbo].[DocumentMetadata])'
We have been fighting it out for so many days. Can anybody help
We currently use a split-mirror backup strategy for our Sybase database, which has a "quiesce database" command to suspend all transactions. By quiescing the database before splitting the mirror, we suspend all transactions to ensure we get a stable backup of the environment. It works very well for us and I'm trying to understand how we could implement this with our SQL Server 2005 DB.
(I'm aware of SQL Server mirroring and that there are other ways of possibly backing up the DB. In this post however, I'm only interested in how I would make the split-mirror strategy work if I wanted to pursue it. I'm trying to avoid paying for software that uses the VDI as it's quite costly.)
Can someone help me with how I would accomplish a split-mirror backup strategy in SQL Server 2005 (without using a vendor's software that uses the VDI)? I have to imagine there's something similar to the "quiesce database" command in SQL Server...
I'm using MS SQL 2000 with enterprise manager I have a customers table called high_customer, it has a primary key called IDI have an invoices table called high_invoices, it has no primary keys but it does have a column for customer ID.I want to set it so if a customer is deleted from the customers table, any invoices with that customerID are deleted from the invoices table.Do I need to specify a constraint? If so how do I do it in enterprise manager.Thanks
Hi, I have the following problem: I have a table called Jobs with the fields: JobNumber, Name, Customer, ... And a table called Customers with the fields: ID, Name, Address, ... Obviously Jobs is linked to Customers with the Customer<->ID fields. I want to set it up so that if a Customer is deleted, then any Jobs that had that customer listed now have the Customer field set to NULL. Can I do this with a constraint, or will I need to use a trigger? Cheers,Little'un
Hello, I am not a DBA and I need to do the following. I have 2 tables A and C and both have a common fileds say emp.Emp is pkey in C . There can be a record in C but not in A.If a record is inserted in A then it checks for the same employee info in C .If not found it do not allow to insert a record in A. How to go for it? Thanks!
Hiya peops im creating a constraint using enterprise manager for 1 of my tables n was wondering how u constructively create a constraint expression, there is a specific style,right??
i have added my tables and defined foreig keys and primary keys for my table, but when i try to put the data it gives me some error reagards to parent key..and it wont let me drop the table... can anybody tell me how to drop the foregin key..i have tried (
ALTER TABLE module DROP CONSTRAINT ATTENDANCEID_FK;) this formula and it wont work,
heres my tables and relationships:
insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F1','A1','E1','Yes','Yes','Yes','Yes','Yes','Yes'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F2','A2','E2','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','No','Yes'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F3','A3','E2','Yes','Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F4','A4','E2','Yes','Yes','Yes','Yes','No','Yes'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F5','A5','E1''Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','Yes'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F6','A6','E2','Yes','Yes','Yes','Yes','Yes','No'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F7','A7','E1','Yes','Yes','Yes','Yes','No','No'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F8','A8','E2','Yes','Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes'); insert into ATTENDANCE values ('F9','A9','E3','Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','Yes');
CREATE TABLE MODULE (ModuleID char(4) NOT NULL, ATTENDANCEID char(4) NOT NULL, ModuleName varchar(45), ModuleCode varchar(6), PRIMARY KEY (ModuleID));
ALTER TABLE MODULE ADD FOREIGN KEY (attendanceID) REFERENCES attendance(attendanceID);
insert into MODULE values ('E1','F1','Workshop Research and Project Implementation','Im3023'); insert into MODULE values ('E2','F2','Advanced Database Development','SD3042'); insert into MODULE values ('E3','F3','Advacned Information Systems Develpment','SD3043');
I am fairly new at SQL and also new to this forum. So I don't know if this topic belongs here or not.
But anyways, I found this tutorial online. However, I am having trouble completing it. Can someone please help me?
Given the following table definitions:
Directions: Indicate whether the statement is accepted or rejected; and if accepted indicate its effects. Evaluate each statement INDEPENDENTLY.
1) INSERT INTO ITEMS VALUES(1009, Red Bicycle,U01,1999-01-08, 1999-02-10, 30) 2) UPDATE ITEMS SET ITEMNO=1008 where ITEMNO=1001 3) DELETE FROM ITEMS WHERE ITEMNO=1005 4) INSERT INTO ITEMS VALUES(1010, Green Bicycle,U07,1999-01-08, 1999-02-10, 30) 5) UPDATE BIDS SET ITEMNO=1011 WHERE ITEMNO = 1001 6) DELETE FROM USERS WHERE USERID=U01 7) UPDATE ITEMS SET ITEMNO=1020 WHERE ITEMNO=1001 8) DELETE FROM BIDS WHERE BID > 1001
ORDER_ITEM (OrderSK, ItemNumber, Qty, ServiceSK, UnitPrice) SERVICE (ServiceSK, Description, UnitPrice)
How could I modify the database structure to enforce the data constraint that ORDER_ITEM.UnitPrice must be equal to SERVICE.UnitPrice for the corresponding service.
I have to change someones username in my database in a couple of tables. When I try to make any changes, I get an error that there is a constraint. Is there a way to make the changes without removing all the constraints then replacing them? Thanks
Just getting into scripting sql. I have a little script that adds and drops a default value for a column. But I cannot get it to run when the column already has a default value specified. If I didn't script the contraint and specify a name I have no name to specify when trying to drop it.
How do I remove any existing default values using script?
How does one know what a particular trigger or constraint is supposed to be doing on a table. I am just two days old on this position, and no form of documentation, at the same time I am expected to trouble-shoot some error messages. Thanks for your help.
When I first set up my database, I set it up with many unique constraints, but not much in the way if indexes. After reading more about the benefits of indexes, I'm thinking of deleting many of the unique constraints, and replacing them with unique indexes where appropriate.
It seems that indexes would be better than unique constraints in many cases, because you have the double benefit of enforcing uniqueness, as well as improving sorting capability. Does this make sense?
Hi folks, Wonder if I'm onto something....everything I've read says that to drop foreign key constraints, you have to drop/recreate the table.
I've been able to dynamically create the ALTER TABLE statements for all FK constraints in a database. The way I did was a little convoluted (Access 97 linked tables and pass-through queries, cut/paste from the debug window to SQL7 QA), but it does work. More importantly, it saves the hassle of dropping/recreating tables....Someone with more expertise than I in using nested cursors could probably convert it to pure T-SQL pretty easily.
Just curious...opinions? Be glad to post the code here if that's appropriate.
Can anyone recommend a good article/book on the subject? I am trying to find out more about compound primary keys. How many is “too many”? Does the number of primary key columns affect your performance? If so, how does it affect it? Should some of the constraints be handled from stored procedures?
Executed as user: companyadmin user. Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tblRMAProduct'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'tblRMAProduct'. [SQLSTATE 23000] (Error 2627) The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621). The step failed.