I want read only connection to Sybase server from MS SQL Server 2000. I think Link server should be best solution. Can anyone guide me as help shows link of Oracle but not sybase. any help is apreciated.
I've written following on creating link server from ER
ProductName : Sybase ASE
Datasource : Server A
providerstring: DRIVER={Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider};SERVER=unixbox,45 10;UID=sa;PWD=abc1411'
I am getting error when I try Inserting data in sybase 12.5 using linked server from SQL2K5
I am able to select
Following is the code i am using.error is same for both stmts insert into l_syb_ibt.ibtqa.dbo.rajtest (id)values (1) insert openquery(l_syb_ibt, 'select id from rajtest where 1=0') values (1000)
please help.thanks in advance
following is the error OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "l_syb_ibt" returned message "Transaction cannot have multiple recordsets with this cursor type. Change the cursor type, commit the transaction, or close one of the recordsets.". Msg 7343, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "l_syb_ibt" could not INSERT INTO table "[l_syb_ibt].[ibtqa].[dbo].[rajtest]".
I've a database in 2000 which needs to be accessed from 2005 via linkedserver. I've tried the GUI options and it is failing. One thins is that ourboth servers have hyphen('-' not underscore, could that be a problem) in thenames, like 2k-srv and 2k5-srv as hosts, but the instances are default.Can anyone give me the steps please.TIANasir
I've try to use DTS to import data from Sybase 11 database to MSSQL2000 database. After the import process completed, I found that all the Keys, triggers disappeared. How do I solve the problem???
------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Set = 2, cp850 Code Page 850 (Multilingual) character set. Sort Order = 50, bin_cp850 Binary ordering, for use with Code Page 850 (cp850). Characters, in Order
I think I may be going a little bit mad. Last week I created a database on SQL Server. I then created an access database on a different windows server, and set up an ODBC connection on that windows server to my database on SQL Server. I then set up linked tables within Access to point to my tables on the SQL Server. I'm fairly sure that I opened those links at the time and managed to display and update the data from Access. However I have come to this today and when I go into the Access database and attempt to open one of the links I get a connection failed message. When I check the ODBC connection on the windows server it is fine. Does anyone have any ideas on this? I really need this to be working by tomorrow to do a demo, and I'm so convinced it worked last week I am a little bemused!
Many many thanks in advance of your wonderful and prompt replies!!! :)
Hi Folks, Somehow i am stuck at a very basic step. I have two pages - 1. DomainList.aspx which just displays all the records from the Domains table.2. DomainAddEdit.aspx which displays the selected record in FormView(Edit Mode) with two link for Update and Cancel. The Update link in the FormView does nothing on the first click. It just reloads the page with the new data I entered. If I click again on the Update link, it throws me an error: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'DNS', table 'MSInteractive.dbo.Domains'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.The statement has been terminated. " I have no clue why all this is happening. I have spent more than two days on this and this is very very frustrating. Just to mention, I haven't written any code for this. Its developed all using the VWD tools available. I have posted this message earlier but haven't got any response. I am sure most of you guys must have been doing these steps everyday. So, please post your thoughts. Thanks a million. Here is the relevant code for my DomainADDEdit.aspx: <asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DefaultMode="Edit"> <EditItemTemplate> Id: <asp:TextBox ID="IdTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Id") %>'></asp:TextBox><br /> RegistrarAccountId: <asp:TextBox ID="RegistrarAccountIdTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("RegistrarAccountId") %>'></asp:TextBox><br /> Registrar: <asp:TextBox ID="RegistrarTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Registrar") %>'></asp:TextBox><br /> DNS: <asp:TextBox ID="DNSTextBox" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnTextChanged="DNSTextBox_TextChanged" Text='<%# Bind("DNS") %>'></asp:TextBox><br /> EmailHost: <asp:TextBox ID="EmailHostTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("EmailHost") %>'></asp:TextBox><br /> Registered: <asp:TextBox ID="RegisteredTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Registered") %>'></asp:TextBox><br /> Expires: <asp:TextBox ID="ExpiresTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Expires") %>'></asp:TextBox><br /> MsiResponsible: <asp:CheckBox ID="MsiResponsibleCheckBox" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("MsiResponsible") %>' /> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MSInteractiveConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [Id], [RegistrarAccountId], [Registrar], [DNS], [EmailHost], [Registered], [Expires], [MsiResponsible] FROM [Domains] WHERE ([Id] = @Id)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE Domains SET DNS = @txtDNS WHERE (Id = @Id)"> <UpdateParameters> <asp:FormParameter FormField="DNSTextBox" Name="txtDNS" /> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Id" QueryStringField="Id" /> </UpdateParameters> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Id" QueryStringField="Id" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource><br /> <asp:LinkButton ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" CommandName="Update" Text="Update" OnClick="UpdateButton_Click"></asp:LinkButton> <asp:LinkButton ID="UpdateCancelButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel"></asp:LinkButton> </EditItemTemplate>
Is there any way to remove the My Subscription,Site Setting links on the main page in Report manager.And also our client wants SSRS reports to be seen by his customer over the internet.Anybody knows about this? Any help will be appreciated.
I have created an Access2003 project (existing data) that links to external data. First I connected to a SQL Server 2000 database. Success. Then I tried to set up a Transact SQL data connection to a legacy MDW-secured Access97 database. (A third-party VB6 application goes against it, and we don't have the source code, so we cannot upgrade it.)
The Transact SQL link tests OK but I cannot select any of the tables or queries from the list presented. However, with the same credentials, I can use these same objects in Excel 2003.
When setting up the link in Access2003, I specify JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider, I enter the MDW file on the All tab, a username and a password on the Connection tab where I browse to the MDB file, and specify Shared Deny None on the Advanced tab. When I test the connection, it tests OK ("Test connection succeeded"). Yet on the "Select the Database and Table/Cube which contains the data you want" dialog, "(Default)" appears in the grayed-out dropdown. Then, beneath that dropdown, there is a grid with Name and Description columns. The grid contains query names but the grid is not enabled. The list of queries is this table is grayed out. Neither of the scrollbars works.
BUT... if I use the SAME username and password in Excel2003, and specify the same MDW, there is no problem working with these same database objects in the legacy Access97 database. WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT THE WIZARD IN EXCEL THAT ALLOWS IT TO SUCCEED AND THE WIZARD IN ACCESS THAT CAUSES IT TO FAIL HERE? In Excel, the list of available providers says Microsoft Access Driver, not JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider.
When trying to link to an SQL table in Access 2003, the software appears to be malfunctioning.
The sequence of events is File - Get External Data - Link Tables - Files of Type: ODBC Databases().
The Problem: On two of my computers, the select data source window does not pop up, preventing me from linking to any ODBC data source.
Observations: This function has worked normally in the recent past and works on other computers running Access 2003. One difference between the computers working and non-working computers is Norton Antivirus 2006 (recent upgrade).
Has anyone experienced anything like this? What's going on?
A question that may have been asked on many occasions, but what can be advised as the best way to migrate a Sybase 11.x DB to SQL 7.0, (without using BCP). Does DTS support such migrations and if so, where in DTS can this be done? I'd appreciate any basic help here to get me started on this exercise. MAny thanks
We have Trading Applications (Equities & Portfolio written on C++) on MS SQL Server 2000. Now the management is deciding to move it on Sybase 12.5. We currently don't have any issues on any matter, but because everyone is SYbase fan here, thinks applications are critical and we need to move to Sybase. Can anyone who has worked on both knows the major pros & cons of both the system. Actually I wanted these systems to be on MS SQL Server. I need solid reasons except being cheaper than Sybase to show why we should use MS SQL Server
If anyone can share their experiences, it would be really great.
Has anyone ever experienced compatibility and/or performance issues when SQL 2K and Sybase are run concurrently on the same server? I believe the server is using Windows 2K3.
Hi, I have a situation where in I need to insert a record in sybase database table whenever there is an update on a table in my sql server database. Can any one suggesst me hoe can I do it? thanks In advance Mohan
We have created linked servers that connect to Sybase databases using the Sybase OLE DB provider and the Sybase ODBC provider.
The OLE DB provider does not allow the execution of a stored procedure. The message sounds like a permissions issue, but the id specified in the linked server has execute priv. for the stored procedure. It also does not allow the fully qualified name <server>.<db>.<owner>.<obj> to be used.
There are other issues with OLD DB and ODBC.
Anyone have any experiences making MS SQL to Sybase work smoothly?
Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "ASEOLEDB" for linked server "[SERVER_NAME]"
The current setup: Our primary database is on Sybase, I needed to extract hierarchical (nested) XML from multiple tables on Sybase. Although Sybase ASE 15.5 has `FOR XML` query capability it does now allow nested XML format. So we used the 'FOR XML', XML functionality in SQL Server (as we had a SQL Server 2008 database available which is used for a smaller system) to query Sybase tables through a Linked Server connection.Our sample nested XML Format is similar to:
I need to configure snapshot replication (Pull) on Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2005 (acting as Distributor, Subscriber) for Sybase server (acting as Publisher). I have the Sybase ASE client and ODBC driver installed on the Distributor. Can anyone help me add Sybase server as the publisher? Oracle publisher is allowed in Enterprise edition, but sales representative had said that we could have ODBC compliant server as the publisher. There is no option to select a different publisher other than SQL Server publisher, Oracle Publisher. If anyone knows how to do, please let me know.
I have a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise server which I need to set up as a linked server in SQL Server 2005. The Sybase server is version 12.5.2, and the Sybase ODBC driver version is I have already installed the Sybase client software on the server.
I also created a SystemDSN on the SQL Server to connect to the Sybase server. I tested the connection and it was able to connect.
I ran the following code to create the linked server:
I then ran sp_tables_ex to make sure I could view the tables in the Sybase database. Here is the error message I get:
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "LinkedServerName" returned message "[DataDirect][ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol driver]Error parsing connect string at offset 13. ".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_tables_ex, Line 41
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "LinkedServerName".
To anyone who knows how to use sybase. One of our guys has put in a sybase system and not told the rest of us about it and know their is a problem and it is in my lap. Surprise, surprise. Just asking does antyone know how to rebuild a sybase database after it has been recovered from previous data and is now twice the size that it was origonally. Please help if any one can>
I've installed Sybase client 12.0 and have created the DSN (it is successful, connection is established) but when I run this ActiveX Script from DTS Package it give me error Data Source Name not found and no default driver specified
Dim RS Dim oConn
Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") msgbox "set oConn" Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") msgbox "RS" (I've tried both open statement in both it gives me same error) oConn.Open = "Driver={Sybase ASE ODBC Drivers};Srvr=Server1;Uid=sa;Pwd=password"
I'm trying to configure replication between a Sybase ASE Database Server and SQL Server 2000. Sybase ASE Database will be the Publisher and SQL Server will be the Subscriber. Can anyone advise me on how I can go about setting up the replication for this?
Hi, Could anyone refer me any kind of tools or process to convert from SYBASE to SQL SERVER 2000. My complany is trying to migrate from SYBASE to SQL SERVER 2000. Any help is greately appreciated! Thanks.
Could anyone please let me know which is the best way to Synchronise a Sybase database with a MS SQL Server 2000 database.That is , the changes made in the Sybase database should be reflected in the SQL Server database.
I have a module in power builder with Sybase database as its backend. The other modules related to the same application are running on Delphi with SQL server as backend.
My requirement is to sync between the Sybase database and SQL server (2000) in order to update the SQL server with all the transactions ( online ) done in the Sybase database.
I would like to create a linked server from SQL Server to Sybase IQ. I have created linked servers before so I know how to do that. However, I dont know the specifics of creating a linked server to Sybase IQ.
What are the parameters that are necessary to link IQ to SQL Server. Which Provider do I use? Do I need to install a special driver?
Has anyone had problems using an OLEDB linked server connection to Sybase ASE 12.5? I'm having major performance problems when I use string criteria in the where clause. Queries that return 1 row and execute in less than a second using a native Sybase connection take 40 seconds to run using the linked server OLEDB connection. If I use ints in the where clause performance is almost exactly the same between native and linked connections.
I have a subquery that retunrns multiple lines. To solve it, I have used the List function. The separation of List function is comma.
TblBill is in the main query with many other tables. (Select List(tblBatch.batchnr) From tblBatch where tblBatch.tr_id = tblBill.kfr_trans_id ) As Batchnr
This subquery returns: B12, B13, B14, B43 and so on...
Now I want to use SUM from another field (quant) from table tblBatch in the subquery and then separate those with a line break instead of comma. Batch number may occur several times and I want to summarize these
Hi all, I am Migrating a database from sybase to sql server 2000. I Have already created objects in sql server 2000. I have to only populate it with the data. I have decided to genrate insert script from the aquadata tool and run the script againgt sql server database. It works fine except for few table which have 1,50,000 and 9,00,000 rows. It shows insufficent memory error when i try to run the script with 1,50,000 and the script with 9,00,000 doesn't open in management studio. Please help.