Synchronization Between SQL Server Express - SQL Server Mobile

Dec 7, 2006


I plan to use :

- SQL Server on server
- SQL Server Express on notebooks
- SQL Mobile on Windows Mobile 5.0 devices.

How can I create a replication between SQL Express and SQL Mobile ? SQL Server express cannot act as a Publisher server.

In this post a Senior Program Manager says It is possible but I don't find how to :



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SQL Database Synchronization With Server Mobile

May 8, 2007

Hi there,
I need to create a synchoronization with the Server Mobile (displayed in the Pocket PC emulator)  once the website (SQL server Database) is updated. Is there any coding available? How is it possible? PLSSSSS HELP ME....

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Bidirectional Synchronization For SQL Server Mobile?

Jul 4, 2007

I create a distributed database for mobile application. I replicate a table that distribute on mobile device. I follow instruction how to create distributor, publication, replication, web synchronization, and subscriber database. I have done fine for synchronization between mobile database into desktop database (in this case SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition). But the problem is how can setup publication so it can bidirectional, not only from mobile database into desktop database, but also from desktop database into mobile database. So in the mobile database can have same data with desktop database even on mobile database lost some old data.

Its like data exchange between both engine. Desktop and mobile have same data. For filtering I can put filter on the desktop server for replicated table, so don't worry how I split the data.

Thanks a lot.

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Where Is Install For SQL Server 2005 Mobile, Cofigure Web Synchronization Wizard???

Dec 21, 2006

I have something called Configure Web Synchronization Wizard under my SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition on my XP machine. My problem is that I need to install it on a Windows 2000 machine and I can't find the installation package for it. I installed SQL Server 2005, which installed SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, but I didnt' get the wizard. I also installed Visual Studio 2005.

Anyone know where it is?

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SQL Server Express Synchronization With Sql 2005 Server

Apr 17, 2008


We have a window based application which uses sql server express as a backend...

Currently, We are sending xml files to the users to update their application with data users also sends data in xml format to us.

We receive data from various users and collate it on a central server for analysis..

We prefer having sql server express as a local data store so that user does not depend on live connection to the central server. But we would like to have a on demand syncronization or scheduled snyncronization with central sever ,,,

There are many approaches to it... my question is which is the best for our given scenario. Is it using web service or sql sever broker or sql synnchronization.

If you can direct me to some practical implementation then it will be great help.



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SQL Server Mobile Merge Replication Walkthrough, Cant Find The .NET Framework Data Provider For SQL Server Mobile Edition.

Sep 9, 2005


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SQL Mobile And SQL Server Express Advanced

May 5, 2006

Stephen Hickey writes "We are creating a pocket pc application that utilises data on a SQL Server 2005 express database.

Is it possible to use the rda.Pull() and the rda.SubmitSql() functions when using SQL Server 2005 Express edition.

It appears to us that it will not work because you only get the replication Subsciber agent in this edition and dont get the Replication Publisher and Distributor agents in SQL Server 2005 Express."

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How To Transfer Data Between Sql Server Express And Sql Mobile?

Jan 19, 2008

Hi all,
Thanks in advance,
I have to transfer data from sql express 2005 to sql mobile(.sdf).

Actually i have a sql server express 2005 (sqlee) in laptop...
and the .sdf (sqlce) handheld device (ppc) that has been connected by activesync.

Can you please make it clear for my following questions?
1. Is it possible to write a query like " insert into ....sdf select from...sqlexp...." between 2 servers...?
2. Is there any copy command like a BULKCOPY .. to insert all records to .sdf (sqlce) from sql server express?

3. Is it correct to create a smart device application (CF 2.0) to transfer data between sql express and .sdf by using active sync...?

I would appreciate your comments..

Kumaran A

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Problem On Collation On SQL Server Express With Windows Mobile 5.0

Mar 9, 2007

I am now writing application to connect SQL Server Express in Windows Mobile 5.0.

While running the code, I got error "PlatformNotSupportedException". I realized that it is a problem on different locale on the PDA and the SQL Server. So I tried to re-install the SQL Server for another collation, which is Latin1_General_CI_AI. I have also set the collation to Latin1_General_CI_AI at database-level.

Unfortunately, in the Visual Studio Debugger, I found that the error message is

mscorlib.dll!System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CultureInfo(int culture = 3076, bool useUserOverride = true) + 0xc8 bytes

where the 3076 means Chinese (Hong Kong SAR, PRC) locale from MSDN.

Seems to me that I cannot really change the collation in this Express Edition.

How can I solve it?


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SQL MOBILE Synchronization Problem!!!

Jun 15, 2007

Hi all!

I've been trying to solve this issue searching other posts but nothing seems to solve my problem.


I developed an app in visual studio 2003 for an iPAQ. This app. needs to synchronize the database in the iPAQ whith one in the server. My server was a local machine with SQL Server 7. With some problems but I made it run. I used SQLCE 2.0 and at the begining a previous model for for the iPAQ with other OS. Then I find out that in Windows mobile 5.0, sql ce has to be installed manually.


Windows 2000

SQL Server 7


Windows Mobile 5.0 (and one previous)

All the required configuration as below


I have a new machine and I have to configure it for the same process:

Windows XP
SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4 and Replication components)
.Net Framework 1.1 (although I had .net framework 2.0 installed .net asked for it)
SQL 2005 Mobile Edition
SQL 2005 Mobile Edition Server Tools
.Net Compact Framework 2.0
ActiveSync 4.5
IIS installed and configured
IUSR_XXXX created and with system administrator rol and dbo access to the database
Publication created and with permissions to IUSR_XXXX
Snapshot folder created and shared with permissions for IUSR_XXXX (read and write)
Virtual directory created and working:
http://<ip adress>/<snapshot folder>/sqlcesa30.dll works fine in IE
same url working in the iPAQ


When I use replicator.Synchronize() I get the next error:

Error: 80072F76

HResult -2147012746

NativeError 28035

Message "Header information is either corrupted or missing. [,,,Header name,,]"


Thank you in advance


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Mobile Synchronization Issue

May 23, 2008


We have a strange problem synchronizing data with mobile device. Replication is done with Integeration Services packages which replicates data to two tables in replication database. Those two tables are also the only tables in replication database.

When mobile device is synchronized for the first time, all the required data is transfered to mobile device as it should. But, if there are new lines to be added to replication database when integration service packages are ran (and also published), those new lines are not synchronized to mobile device! What makes it strange, if I add new lines to replication database manually, those are synchronized to mobile device correctly.

This could be an issue with my replication/publication but I just have no idea what it is. Any help is much appreciated!

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SQL MOBILE Synchronization Problem!!! 2

Jan 3, 2008

Hi all,

Some time ago, you helped me to solve some issues with my app. in an iPAQ and it was working just fine connecting by modem in a test environment. Now in a new server, production environment, it does not work anymore.

I have done everything I was supposed to, but can´t get it to work.

I have the next error: "A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information see HRESULT".
HRESULT error is something like -2147120897 and I've searched for this and it says it's a timeout error, but I have increased the timeout in the SQL Server and in IIS service but did not work.

I have my publication working, the snapshot folder created and with permissions, the sqlcesa30.dll working just fine from my iPAQ and connecting by modem. IUSR_<server> user with full access to snapshot, database, publication. ActiveSync installed. I think everything else working just fine!!

Please, can anyone help me???If you need my server and iPAQ config please ask me.

Thank you in advance!!!

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SQM Server Express / SQL Server Mobile

Oct 9, 2005


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Mobile Solution With SQL Server 2005 Express Edition And Smartphone

May 7, 2007

Hi,i want to create a solution which shall consist of a sql server 2005 -data base (express edition if the following features are available byexpress edition) and a mobile windows application (running on asmartphone under windows mobile 5.0).The sql server shall be installed on a ordinary laptop using windowsxp (not professionall edition).Which would be the best way to exchange the data between mobile deviceand pc? I learned that there is a SQL Server Compact Edition for themobile device and that rda would be a way to exchange data - but theni would need internet information system and this does not run on xphome edition.Which alternatives would you suggest me?Thanx in advanceWolfgang

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Data Synchronization In Mobile Application

Apr 3, 2008

I am creating a mobile application in which i am implementing data synchronization through merge replication method as per the step by step procedure given in the following link:-
I am using SQL server Mobile Edition which is included in SQL server 2005 in this application, but the application suggests to use SQL server Compact Edition. I was able to successfully create the publication, but not able to run the sqlcesa30.dll file of the created virtual directory in the internet explorer. Is this problem because of i'm not using SQL server Compact Edition? and also let me know if i use SQL server Mobile Edition, do i need to install its Server Tools? If yes, please give me the link to download the tools needed.
Reply Soon.

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SQL Server 2005 Express Does Not Load On AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology CPU Computer

Mar 24, 2008

I have a user who is trying to load SQL server 2005 Express on a new Acer laptop computer. The computer has the following:
Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bits
AMD Turion 64 mobile technology CPU
1790 MB of RAM
When the user tries to load SQL server 2005 Express it does not load. The user after the load is getting an €œUnhandled exception has occurred in your application€? when he tries to run the application.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Thank you,


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SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition ANd SQL Server CE - SHould I Have Uninstalled Mobile First ?

Sep 16, 2007


When I try and connecto to SQL CE I always get an invalid operation exception. I"m afraid that I did not follow the proper install for Orcas Beta 2. I can't remember if I was supposed to uninstall SQL Mobile 2005 first or not.

All I know is when I try and use my SQL CE I can't connecto to a DB / sdf file ?

Any help would be appreciated I"m just starting to use SQL CE.


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SQL Server Mobile 2005 Merge Replication Problem On Windows Mobile 5.0

Aug 8, 2006

Dear ppl,

I am writing an application for a device (MDA Pro T-Mobile) having Windows Mobile 5.0 using

-MS .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP-1
-SQL Mobile 2005.
-VS 2005 .NET

The application uses Merge Replication. The error occurs in the Synchronise() Method of the SqlCeReplication object.

"SQL Server Mobile encountered problems when opening the database."


I don't understand why I am having this error. It does create the database on AddSubscription() method but it is failing opening the database on Synchronise(). I have also tried uninstalling and then reinstalling all the SQL Mobile components in the following order.

However, when i run this application on a device(Dell X50 AXIM) with Pocket PC 2003, it runs fine creating the database and sysnchronising it.

The target platform for the project is Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK.

Does any one have any clue what could be the problem ?


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Problem Using SQL Server Mobile 2005 With Windows Mobile 5 Application

Mar 23, 2006


I am developping a non-managed C++ application for PocketPC using a SQL Server mobile database.

The application is compiled for PocketPC 2003 and uses SQL Server Mobile v2. I use Visual Studio 2005. But I need to compile the application for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices. So I installed the WM5 SDK and had the WM5 into my project configuration.

The "ssceoledb.h" which I include incluses the "transact.h" file. But my problem is that this file is only provided with the PocketPC 2003 SDK and not in the WM5 SDK.
So I cannot use the WM5 configuration project with SQL Server. I also tried with the last SQL Server Mobile 2005 (ie v3.0) and the "ssceoledb30.h" also includes "transact.h".

Did I miss something to install ?
Do you know how I can resolve the problem ?

By advance, thank you for any answer.


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Cannot Build SQL Server Mobile Solution For Windows Mobile 5

May 18, 2006

Using MS VS 2005 (incl SQL Server Mobile)
MS Pocket PC 2005 SDK

I am working on a project that builds for Pocket PC on both Mobile 2003 and Mobile 5. The project uses/will use SQL Server Mobile to store local data.

Project created from new with support for both platforms. I include required header files ssceerr30.h and ssceoledb30.h.

Project builds fine in WM2003 configuration, release and debug.

When I build for WM5 the compiler cannot find the header file transact.h. This is included from within ssceoledb30.h. Same as under WM2003.

In WM2003 configuration if I highlight the ssceoledb30.h include in Visual Studio and open the header, it takes me to <Visual Studio dir>SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev3.0. I then locate the include for transact.h and do the same, which takes me <Visual Studio dir>SDKPocketPC2003include. The file exists.

If I repeat the above 'browsing' under the WM5 configuration, ssceoledb30.h takes me to a different copy in the WM5 SDK directory. There is no diff between the file here and the other copy used by WM2003. If I attempt to open transact.h - file does not exist.

Fix (which I'm not too sure about, i.e. is it OK?) - If I copy transact.h to the WM5 SDK directory, the project builds.

Why has transact.h disappeared from WM5 SDK?
I can find no ref's to this problem anywhere. Is my installation of the WM5 SDK corrupt? What else could I be missing?
Is there a sample for SQL Server mobile (like the NorthwindOLEDB sample) that comes configured to build for WM5?

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SQL Server Mobile Tutorial And Getting Proper Mobile DB Installation

Apr 24, 2006

Hi folks, I'm new to Windows Mobile progamming, and new to this forum. Apologies in advance if I'm asking a boneheaded question, but I've done searches and can't find anything directly applicable to my problem.

I'm currently walking through the published MS tutorial in setting up an SQL Server 2005 Mobile application that subscribes to a publication on SQL Server 2005 to exchange information.

I've gotten almost all the way through... successfully set up the server components, creating the publication, etc. On the mobile side, I've been able run the cab files to install the SQL Mobile components and to create the project, add the reference to the dll, and instantiate an engine object. It compiles.

The step in the tutorial after that, though, where you specify the data source from the "data" menu, I've got a problem. When I try to use the "new connection" dialog from choosing the data connection, "MS SQL Server Mobile Edition" doesn't show up as a choice. I've tried choosing any of the other combinations, and in teh subsequent "Connection properties" section my database, SQLMobile (as in their sample) is available, but I get an error when I choose it and click OK. Clicking on "Test Connection" gives me a connection successful message.

My guess is that something about the Mobile server side components is not installed correctly on my development machine, but honestly I have no idea how to begin to fix it. Has anyone seen this problem before and know how to resolve it?

Your time and any knowledge sharing is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

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Creating A Mobile Application With SQL Server Mobile - FIX

Jul 21, 2006

This is a great tutorial and it's a shame one of the more important steps was missed.
In the €œCreate the snapshot user€? section you you find the steps to create the snapshot_agent account. Then in the €œCreate the snapshot folder€? section you find the share and folder permissions. However, at no point do the instructions advise you about adding the snapshot_agent to the SQL Server Logins. The result is that agent cannot perform the initial snapshot but you won't find this out until 50 steps later after Step 10 in the section  €œCreate a new subscription".
To get back on track, openthe Object Explorer's Security section and add the snapshot_agent to your logins. Then using the "User Mappings", set an appropriate level for the SQLMobile database role. Once completed you then need to run the agent.
Right-click the SQLMobile publication you created and select "View Snapshot Agent status". From that dialog you can select "Start" to run the agent. When it completes, you can return to the tutorial section "Create a new subscription" and continue with the tutorial.


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Creating A Mobile Application With SQL Server Mobile

Nov 3, 2007

I am studying the tutorial in SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition Books Online, and the topic is Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Mobile. I have got a problem when creating a new subscription after created a new SQL Server Mobile database. And the problem is shown below:

New Subscription Wizard

- Beginning Synchronization (Success)

- Synchronizing Data (100%) (Error)
* Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.
HRESULT 0x80004005 (29061)

* 無法完�作業。

- Finalizing Synchronization (Stopped)

- Saving Subscription Properties (Stopped)

Before I have met this problem, I have finished all the task. And I can browse the localhost web site by using anonymous account even I use internet explorer or browse the directly in IIS.

Does anyone can solve it?? Thank you very much~~~

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Does Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 Support RDA Synchronization With Sql Server 2000 Database?

Jan 21, 2008

Does Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 support RDA synchronization with Sql Server 2000 database?

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Header Information Is Either Corrupted Or Missing. While Synchronization Between SQL Server 2000 &&amp; SQL Server CE 2.0

Jun 30, 2007

I am stuck while doing synchronization between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server CE 2.0.
getting an Error "Header information is either corrupted or missing."

My Specification is follow :
Windows XP with SP2
Visual Studio 2005 Enterprise edition
SQL Server 2000 (SP3a)
SQL Server CE 2.0
Application is Smart Device application (Pocket PC 2003) using C#.
Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5
IIS 5.1

I followed steps as per given in this URL : performed eeach steps successfully, My code is as per given below.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlCeReplication loSqlCeReplication;
private void getSyncReady()
String lsDBFile = "Northwind.sdf";
loSqlCeReplication = new SqlCeReplication();
loSqlCeReplication.InternetUrl = "";
loSqlCeReplication.Publisher = "C99";
loSqlCeReplication.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;
loSqlCeReplication.Publication = "NorthwindProducts";
loSqlCeReplication.PublisherDatabase = "Northwind";
loSqlCeReplication.Subscriber = Dns.GetHostName();
loSqlCeReplication.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source=" + lsDBFile;
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(lsDBFile))
MessageBox.Show("The application requires synchronization", "Replicator",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
catch (Exception foException)
throw foException;

I am not getting whats going wrong.
My Firewall is disable and i have not installed any antivirus softwares (including Norton internet many forums i got this suggestion but i think its not an issue,even though for solving this issue i performed new installation of Windows XP SP-2 )

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SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Mobile, SQL Server Management Studio. Unsupported HTTP Function Call

Sep 5, 2005

Hi All,

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A Call To SQL Server Reconciler Failed. SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Mobile Merge Replication

Oct 2, 2005


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Need Help - Local Synchronization Between SQL Mobile And Local SQL Database

Dec 21, 2005

Hi Everyone

I am at the stage of architecting my solution

My goal is to develop the system on a windows application and pda

There is a central server which will create a publication called inventory

The laptops which host the windows application will be subscribers to the central server using merge replication

The client now wants the PDA using SQL Mobile to synchronize with the local subscirber database on the laptop using active sync. They dont want to do it via WIFI to the IIS Server at the central server

I have been reading for days and I am still unsure whether this is possible to do.

I know Appforge provide a conduit for palm to access synchronization but not local sql databases

I would appreciate your help immensley

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Data Synchronization In SQL Express

Jan 5, 2008

Introduction: Data Synchronization in SQL Express

Data synchronization feature is available only in the SQL Server. In order to mimic that feature in SQL Express, currently we are using TableDiff utility method. This document proposes a new Stored Procedure method to speedup the entire data synchronization process as well as overcome some issues found in TableDiff utility method.

Data Synchronization using TableDiff utility method:

We can use TableDiff utility to generate a Transact-SQL script (containing delete/insert/update statements) to fix discrepancies at the destination server to bring the source and destination tables into convergence. Since this utility compare one table at a time, we need to call it in a loop in case we have N number of tables to synchronize. Within the loop, we have to accumulate (i.e., append) the generated Transact-SQL script into a local file (say CompleteFixSQL.sql). At end of the loop, we have a complete script file that need to be executed at destination server. sqlcmd utility can be used to run that script file (CompleteFixSQL.sql) into the destination server to bring the source and destination tables into convergence.

However, there are some drawbacks using these utilities

•Both TableDiff & sqlcmd utilities are external application need to be called from client application code. TableDiff need to be called N times if we have N number of tables to be synchronized which incurs I/O overhead.
•Sqlcmd utility executes statements that are contained in the CompleteFixSQL script one by one in a sequence manner which is a time consuming process in case we have large data to be synchronized at destination.
•TableDiff utility has some limitations. It would not generate FIX script file for LOB datatypes such as text, ntext & image.

Data Synchronization using Stored Procedure:

A Stored Procedure (SP) can be used to compare the difference between source and destination tables and then synchronize the destination tables with source table data. To bring the source and destination tables into convergence,

1.Find the records that need to be deleted from Destination database table
2.Find the records that need to be inserted into Destination database table
3.Find the records that need to be updated in the Destination database table

Subsequently, we have to execute delete, insert and update statements in the destination database for the records that are found in the above steps 1, 2 & 3 respectively.

The advantages of this SP method over TableDiff method are

•The stored procedure is already compiled and stored within the destination database. Client application code is just need to call this SP using the connection string
•Both table Compare & Synchronization will be done at a single query(one per each delete, insert & update)
•Records are processed (deleted, inserted & updated) in bulk manner.
•LOB datatypes are supported

Step 1: Records to be deleted from Destination database table

•Select the records that does not exist in Source database table, but exist in the Destination database table
•Then delete them from the Destination database table

delete from
DestinationDB.dbo.TableName DestinationDBTable
not exists
SourceDB.dbo.TableName SourceDBTable
SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnName1 = DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnName1 and
SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnName2 = DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnName2 and
SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnNameN = DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnNameN
If the table contains an Identity column then we can simply use that column rather than primary key column in the join condition of the WHERE clause. This will reduce the size of the join condition especially when the table having composite primary keys and an Identity column. Also it will improve the performance of the delete statement

delete from
DestinationDB.dbo.TableName DestinationDBTable
not exists
SourceDB.dbo.TableName SourceDBTable
SourceDBTable.IdentityColumn = DestinationDBTable.IdentityColumn
Step 2: Records to be inserted into Destination database table

•Select the records that are exist in the Source database table, but does not exist in the Destination database table
•Then insert them into the Destination database table
insert into
DestinationDB.dbo.TableName DestinationDBTable
SourceDB.dbo.TableName SourceDBTable
not exists
DestinationDB.dbo.TableName DestinationDBTable
DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnName1 = SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnName1 and
DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnName2 = SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnName2 and
DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnNameN = SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnNameN
Column with TimeStamp datatype should be excluded from the Column list of the above insert statement as we cannot explicitly set values for TimeStamp column.

As specified in the Step 1 we can use identity column rather than primary key column as follows

insert into
DestinationDB.dbo.TableName DestinationDBTable
SourceDB.dbo.TableName SourceDBTable
not exists
DestinationDB.dbo.TableName DestinationDBTable
DestinationDBTable.IdentityColumn = SourceDBTable. IdentityColumn
If the table having identity column then the above insert statement must be enclosed by the “set identity_insert on/off� as follows

set identity_insert TableName On
... above insert statement
set identity_insert TableName off
Step 3.Records to be updated in the Destination database table

•Select the records that are differ from Source & Destination database table
•Then update them in the Destination database table with the source database table data

ColumnName1 = SourceDBTable.ColumnName1,
ColumnName2 = SourceDBTable.ColumnName2,
ColumnNameN = SourceDBTable.ColumnNameN
DestinationDB.dbo.TableName DestinationDBTable,
max(TableName) as TableName, columnlist
'SourceTableName' as TableName, columnlist
union all
'DestinationiTableName' as TableName, columnlist
) AliasName
group by
count(*) = 1
and max(TableName) = 'SourceTableName'
) SourceDBTable
SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnName1 = DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnName1 and
SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnName2 = DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnName2 and
SourceDBTable.PrimaryColumnNameN = DestinationDBTable.PrimaryColumnNameN
Column with TimeStamp datatype should be excluded from the SET clause of the above update statement as we cannot explicitly set values for TimeStamp column.
Column with LOB datatypes (Text,nText & Image) should be converted to respective Large Value datatypes[Varchar(max),nVarchar(max) & varbinary(max)] from the queries that are combined by UNION ALL of the above statement. This is because the UNION ALL causes the sorting mechanism which prohibits LOB datatypes.

As specified in the Step 1 & 2 we can use identity column rather than primary key column in the WHERE clause of the update statement.

Stored procedure for Data Synchronization:

The below Data Synchronization - Beta Version - Script contains following view and stored procedures (SP) to implement the Data Synchronization


v_DTS_ColumnInformation: This view will be used to populate the column details such as Data Type, Primary Key, Null constraint, Identity property, Column size constraint (Length for character datatype, Precision and scale of number datatype)
stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString: This SP generates various strings comma separated column string for a given table
stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails: This SP generates various strings for an Identity or Primary key columns of a given table.
stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString: This SP generates the SET clause for the update statement described in the step 3.
stp_DTS_DataSynchronization: This is the main SP will be used to synchronize the destination tables with the source tables data.

Details of the parameters used in all of the above procedures are described along with the header of each SP.

•Both source and destination tables’ schema are identical.
•Both source and destination data sources are different.
•Destination server has a linked server with source server in case both are remotely connected.
•All the SP’s and view listed above are stored & compiled in the destination database.
•All Foreign key constraints & Trigger (that affects another tables) of the destination tables are disabled before executing stp_DTS_DataSynchronization
•The main SP stp_DTS_DataSynchronization will be executed at destination database.
•User calls the main SP stp_DTS_DataSynchronization with valid parameters.

•Column with Timestamp datatype excluded from the data synchronization
Features of future version:
•The Stored Procedure will be extended to include parameter validation.
•It will be extended in such a way to disable the Foreign key constraints & Triggers of the destination tables before starting synchronization. After completion of data synchronization (either success or failure), all Foreign key constraints & Triggers will be enabled back to maintain data integrity.
•It will be extended to provide Log of the data synchronization process. So that user can know, how many records are deleted/inserted/updated and what are they. Hint: The OUTPUT clause can be used to achieve this.

Data synchronization using Stored Procedure method is faster than the TableDiff method. The genuine feedback from readers will be helpful to achieve a better solution than this proposed method. Together we will meet that goal.

1.The shortest, fastest, and easiest way to compare two tables in SQL Server: UNION (
2.TableDiff Utility (


My sincere thanks to all the experts who participated and spend their valuable time to discuss the technique of Table Comparison in the Jeff's SQL Server Blog (

•Jeff: For his UNION ALL method to compare tables
•Click: For his NOT EXISTS method to compare tables
•David L. Penton: For his explanation of the issues found in NOT EXISTS method
•John: For his powerful coding to generate comma separated list with a single SELECT

Data Synchronization - Beta Version.sql - Script

' FILE NAME : v_DTS_ColumnInformation.sql
' VERSION : Beta version
' CREATED DATE : 05-Jan-2008
' WRITTEN BY : Ganesan Krishnan
' DESCRIPTION : This view populates column details
' This view used by most of the stored procedures
' COLUMN : 1. Table Name
' 2. Column Name
' 3. Data Type
' 4. A flag indicates whether the column is part of the Primary Key or not
' 5. A flag indicates whether the column is nullable or not
' 6. A flag indicates whether the table has identity column or not
' 7. Length of character data type column
' 8. Precision of numeric data type column
' 9. Sclae of numeric data type column
' Modification History
-- Retrieve column information
select * from vColumnInformation

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[v_DTS_ColumnInformation]') )
drop view [dbo].[v_DTS_ColumnInformation]

create view v_DTS_ColumnInformation
TableName = isc.table_name
,ColumnName = isc.column_name
,DataType = isc.data_type
,IsPrimaryKey = case when iskcu.ordinal_position is null then 0 else 1 end
,IsNullable = sc.isnullable
,IsIdentity = case when sc.status =128 then 1 else 0 end
,CharacterMaximumLength = isc.Character_Maximum_Length
,NumericPrecision = isc.Numeric_Precision
,NumericScale = isc.Numeric_Scale

information_schema.columns isc
left outer join information_schema.key_column_usage iskcu
on isc.table_name = iskcu.table_name and isc.column_name = iskcu.column_name
inner joinsysobjects so
on isc.table_name =
inner join syscolumns sc
on = and isc.column_name =

' FILE NAME : stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString.sql
' VERSION : Beta version
' CREATED DATE : 05-Jan-2008
' WRITTEN BY : Ganesan Krishnan
' DESCRIPTION : This stored procedure generates the comma seperated
' column string for a given table
' This SP called from stp_DTS_DataSynchronization
' PARAMTERS : 1. Table Name (Input)
' 2. Column String (Output)
' 3. Column String without TimeStamp datatype column(Output)
' 4. Column String With casting LOB to Large Value Datatype (Output)
' 5. Column String With casting Large Value to LOB Datatype(Output)
' Modification History
-- Execute stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString procedure
declare @v_ColumnString varchar(max), @v_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDataType varchar(max) , @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType varchar(max), @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType varchar(max)
exec dbo.stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString 'TableName',@v_ColumnString out, @v_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDataType out, @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType out, @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType out
ColumnString = @v_ColumnString
,ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDataType = @v_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDataType
,ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType = @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType
,ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType = @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString]

create procedure stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString
(@p_TableName varchar(254)
,@p_ColumnString varchar(max) out
,@p_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDataType varchar(max) out
,@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType varchar(max) out
,@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType varchar(max) out

set nocount on

@p_ColumnString = ''
,@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType = ''
,@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType = ''
,@p_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDataType = ''

@p_ColumnString = @p_ColumnString +
when len(@p_ColumnString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDataType = @p_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDatatype +
when len(@p_ColumnStringWithoutTimeStampDatatype)>0 and DataType != 'timestamp' then ', '
else ''
end +
when DataType = 'timestamp' then ''
else '[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType = @p_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType +
when len(@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
when DataType = 'image' then 'convert(varbinary(max),[' + ColumnName + ']) as ' + '[' + ColumnName + ']'
when DataType = 'text' then 'convert(varchar(max),[' + ColumnName + ']) as ' + '[' + ColumnName + ']'
when DataType in ('ntext','xml') then 'convert(nvarchar(max),[' + ColumnName + ']) as ' + '[' + ColumnName + ']'
else '[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType = @p_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType +
when len(@p_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
when DataType = 'image' then 'convert(image,[' + ColumnName + ']) as ' + '[' + ColumnName + ']'
when DataType = 'text' then 'convert(text,[' + ColumnName + ']) as ' + '[' + ColumnName + ']'
when DataType = 'ntext' then 'convert(ntext,[' + ColumnName + ']) as ' + '[' + ColumnName + ']'
when DataType = 'xml' then 'convert(xml,[' + ColumnName + ']) as ' + '[' + ColumnName + ']'
else '[' + ColumnName + ']'
TableName = @p_TableName


' FILE NAME : stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails.sql
' VERSION : Beta version
' CREATED DATE : 05-Jan-2008
' WRITTEN BY : Ganesan Krishnan
' DESCRIPTION : This stored procedure generates the various string
' for an Identity or Primary Key column for a given table
' This SP called from stp_DTS_DataSynchronization
' PARAMTERS : 1. Table Name (Input)
' 2. Equi Join String (Output)
' 3. Column Structure String for the temporary table (Output)
' 4. Comma seperated column strinig for DELETED table (Output)
' 5. Comma seperated column strinig for INSERTED table (Output)
' 6. Comma seperated column strinig for temporary table that hold detailed log (Output)
' 7. Comma seperated column string of Identity or Priamry key column (Output)
' 8. A flag indicates whether the table contains identity column or not (Output)
' Modification History

-- Executes stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails procedure
@p_EquiJoinString varchar(max),@p_StructureString varchar(max),@p_DeletedString varchar(max),@p_InsertedString varchar(max),@p_TmpTableColumnListString varchar(max),@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString varchar(max),@p_IsIdentity bit
exec stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails 'TableName',@p_EquiJoinString OUT, @p_StructureString OUT, @p_DeletedString OUT, @p_InsertedString OUT, @p_TmpTableColumnListString OUT,@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString out, @p_IsIdentity OUT
EquiJoinString = @p_EquiJoinString
,StructureString = @p_StructureString
,DeletedString = @p_DeletedString
,InsertedString = @p_InsertedString
,TmpTableColumnListString = @p_TmpTableColumnListString
,IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString = @p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString
,IsIdentity = @p_IsIdentity

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails]

create procedure [dbo].[stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails]
(@p_TableName varchar(254)
,@p_EquiJoinString varchar(max) out
,@p_StructureString varchar(max) out
,@p_DeletedString varchar(max) out
,@p_InsertedString varchar(max) out
,@p_TmpTableColumnListString varchar(max) out
,@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString varchar(max) out
,@p_IsIdentity bit out

set nocount on
@p_EquiJoinString = ''
,@p_StructureString = ''
,@p_DeletedString = ''
,@p_InsertedString = ''
,@p_TmpTableColumnListString = ''
,@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString = ''

-- Construct the EquiJoinString using identity column if the table contains Identity column
@p_EquiJoinString = @p_EquiJoinString +
when len(@p_EquiJoinString)>0 then ' and '
else ''
end +
@p_TableName + '.[' + ColumnName + '] = SrcDBTable.[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_StructureString = @p_StructureString +
when len(@p_StructureString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'[' + ColumnName + ']' + ' ' +
CASE DataType
WHEN 'char' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'nchar' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'varchar' THEN Datatype + '('+convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'nvarchar' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'decimal' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, NumericPrecision) + ',' +
convert(varchar, NumericScale) + ')'
WHEN 'numeric' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, NumericPrecision) + ',' +
convert(varchar, NumericScale) + ')'
WHEN 'float' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, NumericPrecision) + ')'
WHEN 'binary' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'varbinary' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
,@p_DeletedString = @p_DeletedString +
when len(@p_DeletedString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'deleted.[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_InsertedString = @p_InsertedString +
when len(@p_InsertedString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'inserted.[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_TmpTableColumnListString = @p_TmpTableColumnListString +
when len(@p_TmpTableColumnListString)>0 then '+'',''+'
else ''
end +
'convert(varchar(max),[' + ColumnName + '])'
,@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString = @p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString +
when len(@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'[' + ColumnName + ']'
TableName = @p_TableName
and IsIdentity = 1 -- Include only Identity column

-- Construct the EquiJoinString using primary column if the table does not contains Identity column
if @p_EquiJoinString = ''
set @p_IsIdentity = 0
@p_EquiJoinString = @p_EquiJoinString +
when len(@p_EquiJoinString)>0 then ' and '
else ''
end +
@p_TableName + '.[' + ColumnName + '] = SrcDBTable.[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_StructureString = @p_StructureString +
when len(@p_StructureString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'[' + ColumnName + ']' + ' ' +
CASE DataType
WHEN 'char' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'nchar' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'varchar' THEN Datatype + '('+convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'nvarchar' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'decimal' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, NumericPrecision) + ',' +
convert(varchar, NumericScale) + ')'
WHEN 'numeric' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, NumericPrecision) + ',' +
convert(varchar, NumericScale) + ')'
WHEN 'float' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, NumericPrecision) + ')'
WHEN 'binary' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
WHEN 'varbinary' THEN Datatype +'('+ convert(varchar, CharacterMaximumLength) + ')'
,@p_DeletedString = @p_DeletedString +
when len(@p_DeletedString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'deleted.[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_InsertedString = @p_InsertedString +
when len(@p_InsertedString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'inserted.[' + ColumnName + ']'
,@p_TmpTableColumnListString = @p_TmpTableColumnListString +
when len(@p_TmpTableColumnListString)>0 then '+'',''+'
else ''
end +
'convert(varchar(max),[' + ColumnName + '])'
,@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString = @p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString +
when len(@p_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'[' + ColumnName + ']'
TableName = @p_TableName
and IsPrimaryKey = 1 -- Include only primary key column

' FILE NAME : stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString.sql
' VERSION : Beta version
' CREATED DATE : 05-Jan-2008
' WRITTEN BY : Ganesan Krishnan
' DESCRIPTION : This stored procedure generates the set string
' of an update statement for a given table
' This excludes TimeStamp datatype column
' This SP called from stp_DTS_DataSynchronization
' PARAMTERS : 1. Table Name (Input)
' 2. Set String (Output)
' Modification History
-- Execute stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString procedure
declare @v_SetString varchar(max)
exec stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString 'TableName', @v_SetString out
select @v_SetString

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString]

create procedure stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString
(@p_TableName varchar(254)
,@p_SetString varchar(max) out

set nocount on

set @p_SetString = ''
@p_SetString = @p_SetString +
when len(@p_SetString)>0 then ', '
else ''
end +
'[' + ColumnName + '] = SrcDBTable.[' + ColumnName + ']'
TableName = @p_TableName
and IsPrimaryKey = 0 -- Include only non key column
and IsIdentity = 0 -- Include only non identity column
and DataType != 'timestamp' -- Exclude TimeStamp data type column

' FILE NAME : stp_DTS_DataSynchronization.sql
' VERSION : Beta version
' CREATED DATE : 05-Jan-2008
' WRITTEN BY : Ganesan Krishnan
' DESCRIPTION : This stored procedure synchronize the destination tables
' data with the Source tables data
' This SP should be executed at Destination database
' PARAMTERS : 1. Linked Server Name of the Source Database (Input)
' 2. Source Database Name (Input)
' 3. Comma seperated List of Tables to be synchronized (Input)
' 4. Program Mode (Input)
' -1 -> Table Compare only
'0 -> Table Compare & Data Synchronization
'1 -> Data Synchronization Only
' Modification History
-- Execute Data Synchronization procedure at destination database to sync Destination table with Source table data
-- Table Compare Only
-- exec [DestinationServerInstance].DestinationDB.dbo.stp_DTS_DataSynchronization 'SourceServerInstance','SourceDBName','TableName1,TableName2,TableName3',-1
-- Table Compare & Data Synchronization
-- exec [DestinationServerInstance].DestinationDB.dbo.stp_DTS_DataSynchronization 'SourceServerInstance','SourceDBName','TableName1,TableName2,TableName3',0
-- Data Synchronization Only
-- exec [DestinationServerInstance].DestinationDB.dbo.stp_DTS_DataSynchronization 'SourceServerInstance','SourceDBName','TableName1,TableName2,TableName3',1

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[stp_DTS_DataSynchronization]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[stp_DTS_DataSynchronization]

create procedure stp_DTS_DataSynchronization
@p_LinkedServerNameofSourceDatabase varchar(254)
,@p_SourceDatabaseName varchar(254)
,@p_TablesToBeSynchronized varchar(max)
,@p_ProgramMode int = 1

set nocount on

@v_TableName varchar(254)
,@i_CommaPosition int
,@i_StringLength int
,@i_StartPosition int
,@i_EndPosition int
,@v_sql nvarchar(max)
,@v_ColumnList varchar(max)
,@v_ColumnlistWithoutTimeStampDataType varchar(max)
,@v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType varchar(max)
,@v_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType varchar(max)
,@v_EquiJoinString varchar(max)
,@v_StructureString varchar(max)
,@v_DeletedString varchar(max)
,@v_InsertedString varchar(max)
,@v_TmpTableColumnListString varchar(max)
,@v_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString varchar(max)
,@v_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString varchar(max)
,@b_IsTableHavingIdentityColumn bit
,@i_errorcode int
,@v_ErrorMessage varchar(400)
,@i_return int
,@v_newline varchar(1)
,@v_DetailedLog varchar(max)
,@i_DeletedRowCount int
,@i_InsertedRowCount int
,@i_UpdatedRowCount int
,@i_TotalDeletedRowCount int
,@i_TotalInsertedRowCount int
,@i_TotalUpdatedRowCount int
,@i_TotalRowsSynchronized int
,@v_Line varchar(80)
,@v_Line1 varchar(80)
,@i_LogColumnWidth int
,@d_StartDate datetime
,@d_EndDate datetime
,@v_FullyQualifiedSourceTableName varchar(254)
,@v_FullyQualifiedDestinationTableName varchar(254)
,@v_LinkedServerNameofDestinationDatabase varchar(254)
,@v_DestinationDatabaseName varchar(254)
,@v_FullyQualifiedSourceDatabaseName varchar(254)
,@v_FullyQualifiedDestinationDatabaseName varchar(254)
,@b_SynchronizationTransactionStarted bit

-- Initialize local variables
@i_errorcode = 0
,@i_return = 0
,@v_newline = char(10)
,@i_TotalDeletedRowCount = 0
,@i_TotalInsertedRowCount = 0
,@i_TotalUpdatedRowCount = 0
,@i_TotalRowsSynchronized = 0
,@v_Line = replicate('*',80)
,@v_Line1 = replicate('-',32)
,@i_LogColumnWidth = 30
,@d_StartDate = getdate()
,@v_LinkedServerNameofDestinationDatabase = @@servername
,@v_DestinationDatabaseName = db_name()
,@b_SynchronizationTransactionStarted = 0

-- Derive the fully qualified name of the Database
@v_FullyQualifiedSourceDatabaseName = '[' + @p_LinkedServerNameofSourceDatabase + '].['+ @p_SourceDatabaseName + ']' + '.dbo.'
,@v_FullyQualifiedDestinationDatabaseName = '[' + @v_LinkedServerNameofDestinationDatabase + '].['+ @v_DestinationDatabaseName + ']' + '.dbo.'

-- start synchronization transaction only if the program mode is "Table Compare & Data Synchronization" or "Data Synchronization only"
if @p_ProgramMode >= 0

-- Start Synchronization transaction
begin transaction Synchronization
set @b_SynchronizationTransactionStarted = 1


-- Loop through all the TableName from the 'Comma seperated List of Tables to be synchronized' input parameter
while 1=1

@i_CommaPosition = patindex('%,%',@p_TablesToBeSynchronized)
,@i_StringLength = len(@p_TablesToBeSynchronized)
,@i_StartPosition = 1

@i_endPosition = case when @i_CommaPosition = 0 then @i_StringLength else @i_CommaPosition - 1 end

-- Derive the Table Name to be synchronized
@v_TableName = substring(@p_TablesToBeSynchronized,@i_StartPosition,@i_endPosition)

if @v_TableName is not null

-- Derive the column list
exec stp_DTS_GetCommaSeperatedColumnString
,@v_ColumnList out
,@v_ColumnlistWithoutTimeStampDataType out
,@v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType out
,@v_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType out

-- Perform Table Compare
if @p_ProgramMode <= 0

@v_FullyQualifiedSourceTableName = @v_FullyQualifiedSourceDatabaseName + @v_TableName
,@v_FullyQualifiedDestinationTableName = @v_FullyQualifiedDestinationDatabaseName + @v_TableName

set @v_sql = 'select ''' + @v_FullyQualifiedSourceTableName + ''' as TableName, ' + @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType +
' from ' + @v_FullyQualifiedSourceTableName + ' union all select ''' + @v_FullyQualifiedDestinationTableName + ''' as TableName, ' +
@v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType + ' from ' + @v_FullyQualifiedDestinationTableName
set @v_sql = 'select max(TableName) as [TableName : ' + @v_TableName + '], ' + @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType +
' from (' + @v_sql + ') a group by ' + @v_ColumnList +
' having count(*) = 1'

exec sp_executesql @v_sql

-- If an error encountered then go to error handler for rollback the transaction
@i_errorcode = @@error
if @i_errorcode != 0
goto ErrorHandler

-- Jump to next iteration if the program mode is Table compare only
if @p_ProgramMode < 0
goto NextIteration

-- Populate the Identity Or Primary Key Column Details
exec stp_DTS_GetIdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnDetails
,@v_EquiJoinString OUT
,@v_StructureString OUT
,@v_DeletedString OUT
,@v_InsertedString OUT
,@v_TmpTableColumnListString OUT
,@v_IdentityOrPrimaryKeyColumnString out
,@b_IsTableHavingIdentityColumn out

-- Step 1.Records to be deleted from Destination database table
--Select the records that does not exist in Source database table, but exist in the Destination database table
--Then delete them from the Destination database table

-- Start constructing dynamic sql required for Step 1.
set @v_sql ='delete from' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' '
+ 'where not exists' + ' '
+ '(select 1 from' + ' '
+ @v_FullyQualifiedSourceDatabaseName + @v_TableName + ' '
+ 'as SrcDBTable' + ' '
+ 'where' + ' '
+ @v_EquiJoinString + ' '
+ ')'

-- Execute the constructed dynamic sql for Step 1
exec sp_executesql @v_sql

-- If an error encountered then go to error handler for rollback the transaction
@i_errorcode = @@error
if @i_errorcode != 0
goto ErrorHandler

-- Step 2.Records to be inserted into Destination database table
--Select the records that are exist in the Source database table, but does not exist in the Destination database table
--Then insert them into the Destination database table

-- Start constructing dynamic sql required for Step 2.
-- 'set identity_insert on' before the insert statement if the table has an Identity column
if @b_IsTableHavingIdentityColumn = 1
set @v_sql = 'set identity_insert' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' ' +
+ 'on'
set @v_sql = ''

set @v_sql =@v_sql + ' '
+ 'insert into' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' '
+ '(' + @v_ColumnlistWithoutTimeStampDataType + ')' + ' '
+ 'select' + ' '
+ @v_ColumnlistWithoutTimeStampDataType + ' '
+ 'from' + ' '
+ @v_FullyQualifiedSourceDatabaseName + @v_TableName + ' '
+ 'as SrcDBTable' + ' '
+ 'where not exists ' + ' '
+ '(select 1 from' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' '
+ 'where' + ' '
+ @v_EquiJoinString + ' '
+ ')'

-- ''set identity_insert off' after the insert statement if the table has an Identity column
if @b_IsTableHavingIdentityColumn = 1
set @v_sql = @v_sql + ' '
+ 'set identity_insert' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' ' +
+ 'off'

-- Execute the constructed dynamic sql for Step 2
exec sp_executesql @v_sql

-- If an error encountered then go to error handler for rollback the transaction
@i_errorcode = @@error
if @i_errorcode != 0
goto ErrorHandler

-- Step 3.Records to be updated in the Destination database table
--Select the records that are differ from Source & Destination database table
--Then update them in the Destination database table with the source database table data

-- Populate the set string
exec stp_DTS_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString
,@v_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString out

-- if the table does not have a non key column then no need to do this step 3.
if isnull(@v_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString,'') = ''
set @i_UpdatedRowCount = 0
goto NextIteration

-- Start constructing dynamic sql required for Step 3.
set @v_sql ='update' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' '
+ 'set' + ' '
+ @v_SetDestinationColumnWithSourceColumnString + ' '
+ 'from' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' '
+',' + ' '
+ '(select' + ' '
+ 'max(TableName) as TableName,' + ' '
+ @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLargeValueToLOBDataType + ' '
+ 'from' + ' '
+ '(' + ' '
+ 'select' + ' '
+ '''SourceDBTableName'' as TableName,' + ' '
+ @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType + ' '
+ 'from' + ' '
+ @v_FullyQualifiedSourceDatabaseName + @v_TableName + ' '
+ 'union all' + ' '
+ 'select' + ' '
+ '''DestinationiTableName'' as TableName,' + ' '
+ @v_ColumnStringWithCastingLOBToLargeValueDataType + ' '
+ 'from' + ' '
+ @v_TableName + ' '
+ ') tmp' + ' '
+ 'group by' + ' '
+ @v_ColumnList + ' '
+ 'having' + ' '
+ 'count(*) = 1 and max(TableName) = ''SourceDBTableName''' + ' '
+ ')' + ' '
+ 'as SrcDBTable' + ' '
+ 'where' + ' '
+ @v_EquiJoinString

-- Execute the constructed dynamic sql for Step 3
exec sp_executesql @v_sql

-- If an error encountered then go to error handler for rollback the transaction
@i_errorcode = @@error
if @i_errorcode != 0
goto ErrorHandler
-- Derive the next iteration values
-- If no further iternation is required then exit the loop
if @i_CommaPosition = 0
-- Break the loop if no more tables exist to synchronize
-- Derive the remaining Tables to be synchronized
@p_TablesToBeSynchronized = substring(@p_TablesToBeSynchronized, @i_CommaPosition + 1, @i_StringLength)

-- If the program mode is "Table Compare & Data Synchronization" or "Data Synchronization only"
-- then commit the synchronization transaction and log the remaining
if @p_ProgramMode >= 0
-- Commit the synchronization transaction as no error occured
commit transaction Synchronization

-- Return success
return 0

-- Error Handler

-- check for error
if ( @i_errorcode <= 0 )
raiserror 99999 @v_ErrorMessage
select @i_return = -100
else if ( @i_errorcode > 0 )
select @i_return = -100

-- Rollback the synchronization transaction if it is started and an error occured
if @b_SynchronizationTransactionStarted = 1
rollback transaction Synchronization

-- Return Failure
return @i_return


View 4 Replies View Related

Sql Server Synchronization

Jun 6, 2002


i want to create a web application architechture which having multiple web server.
this all web server having sql server database.
now what i want is to Keep all data in all databases.
means i want to synchronize my all sql servers.
it is also possible ki my one webserver can have multiple clusted database.
hope to hear soon from u people.


View 1 Replies View Related

Sql-Server Synchronization

May 24, 2007

Dear All,

How to do Sql Server Synchronization.

Server "A" contains "123" database.
Server "B" contains "123" database.

But changes is made on Server A. I want that every changes made on server A "123" database should reflect on Server B "123" database on real time basis.

whether it is done through replication or any other way, i want practical answer so that i can try it out.


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Sql Server Synchronization

Feb 12, 2006

I want to realize these steps in .net2005 C# programme:

1) Start Sqlserver2005 publication snapshot agent.

2) View Sqlserver2005 snapshot agent status, if it finished then go on.

3) Start Sqlserver2005 Subscription synchronization agent.

4) View Sqlserver2005 synchronization agent status, if it done then continue.

I tried to find some SP, dll, method or script to realize this funtion, but failed.

I really need help.

A thousand thanks for your patience.

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Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition 3.1 RDA Synchronization Fails On Table With Index In Sql Server 2005 Database

Jan 21, 2008

We have been using Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition 3.1 RDA synchronization method successfully on Sql Server 2000 database. Recently we moved the database to Sql Server 2005, sync doesn't work anymore, it just hangs on one table. On further investigation, we found out that it's the index on that table that causes this. We removed the index, it works fine. We are wondering the root cause, removing the index is not a solution for us. Any thoughts?. Thanks.

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