Synchronize Sybase And SQL Server 2000

Nov 29, 2005

Hi All,

Could anyone please let me know which is the best way to Synchronise a Sybase database with a MS SQL Server 2000 database.That is , the changes made in the Sybase database should be reflected in the SQL Server database.

Thanks in advance !!


Hari Haran Arulmozhi

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Synchronize Sql Mobile (vs 2005) And Sql Server 2000

Dec 28, 2005

How do i set up a connection between sql mobile and sql server 2000?

I think all the packages are installed but how can i synchronize data from sql mobile to server 2000 and the other way???

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Connecting To Sybase From MS SQL Server 2000

Feb 24, 2003

I've installed Sybase client 12.0 and have created the DSN (it is successful, connection is established)
but when I run this ActiveX Script from DTS Package it give me error Data Source Name not found and no default driver specified

Dim RS
Dim oConn

Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
msgbox "set oConn"
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
msgbox "RS"
(I've tried both open statement in both it gives me same error)
oConn.Open = "Driver={Sybase ASE ODBC Drivers};Srvr=Server1;Uid=sa;Pwd=password"

msgbox "open"

Can anyone guide me?

Thanks in advance


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SQL Server 2000 & Sybase Replication

May 20, 2002

Hi all,

I'm trying to configure replication between a Sybase ASE Database Server and SQL Server 2000. Sybase ASE Database will be the Publisher and SQL Server will be the Subscriber. Can anyone advise me on how I can go about setting up the replication for this?


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Conversion From Sybase To SQL Server 2000

Oct 15, 2004

Could anyone refer me any kind of tools or process to convert from SYBASE to SQL SERVER 2000.
My complany is trying to migrate from SYBASE to SQL SERVER 2000.
Any help is greately appreciated!

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Sync Sybase And SQL Server 2000;

Mar 15, 2006

Hi all,

I have a module in power builder with Sybase database as its backend. The other modules related to the same application are running on Delphi with SQL server as backend.

My requirement is to sync between the Sybase database and SQL server (2000) in order to update the SQL server with all the transactions ( online ) done in the Sybase database.

Thanks in advance ,

Hari Haran Arulmozhi

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Migrating Sybase To SQL Server 2000

Feb 25, 2008

Hi all

I try to migrate sybase to SQL Server 2000, but found a los of trouble, please, some can help me to resolve this???

May many of that are easy to resolv, but is mi fist time with SQL Server 2000... plz, help :(

Object : Procedure
Error : Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de la palabra clave 'cursor'.
Code :

Create Procedure ABA_CenResul
declare @EST_CEN_Codigo char(8),
@EST_CEN_Descripcio char(100),
@n char(100),
@name char(100),
@salida char(8),
@vble int,
@ini int,
@ter int,
@indice int,
@aux_descripcion char(100)
declare sonido cursor
select EST_CEN_Codigo, EST_CEN_Descripcio
from EST_CenResul
open sonido
fetch sonido into @EST_CEN_Codigo,@EST_CEN_Descripcio
select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = @EST_CEN_Descripcio + " "
select @aux_descripcion = @EST_CEN_Descripcio
while @@sqlstatus !=2
select @indice = 1
while @indice <> 4
select @vble = patindex("% %",@EST_CEN_Descripcio)
select @ter = @vble - 1
select @name = substring(@EST_CEN_Descripcio,1,@ter)
if @indice = 1
select @n = @name
select @n = @n + "/" + @name

select @ini = @vble + 1
select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = substring(@EST_CEN_Descripcio,@ini,100)
select @indice = @indice + 1
print @n
exec sdxsrvr...soundex @n, @salida out
update EST_CenResul
set EST_CEN_Soundex = @salida
where EST_CEN_Codigo = @EST_CEN_Codigo
fetch sonido into @EST_CEN_Codigo, @EST_CEN_Descripcio
-- select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = @EST_CEN_Descripcio + " "
-- select @aux_descripcion = @EST_CEN_Descripcio
close sonido
deallocate cursor sonido

Thnx in advance

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Import Sybase Db To Sql Server 2000

Mar 3, 2008

How can import sybase db (sql any where) to sql server 2000 ?
sybase can be imported to sql server how ?

I try to import but there is no option to import sybase db
by tool -> data transformation services -> import / export data


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Upgrading From Sybase Sql Anywhere 5.5.04 To SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Has anybody had any experience of this??We have over 2000 stored procs to convert from Watcom SQL to SQLServer 2000. Any automated tools would be much appreciated!!Also any known issues.

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Migrating Sybase Databases To SQL Server 2000

Apr 27, 2004

Just a quick question, does anyone know any major issues with Migrating Sybase Databases to SQL Server? Just wondering if their any oddities I should be aware of? Thanks nixies

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Control Transaction In Sybase Database Using Sql-server 2000

Apr 20, 2004

Can anyone help me with this scenario!!!!
I have a sybase database and a sqlserver 2000 database.
I want to insert data into sybase database table thru sql-server 2000 using distributed queries
When i execute the following the transaction

Create procedure myCurrentDataBaseProcedure

begin tran
insert into mytable values(1)
if @@error <>0
rollback transaction
insert into sybasedatabaseserver.databasename.dbo.tablename values(1)
if @@error <>0
rollback transaction
commit transaction

The procedure is created in sql server database
trying to execute this procedure..shows error
The first part of the procedure is executed.

But the error is here
insert into sybasedatabaseserver.databasename.dbo.tablename values(1)
The data is succesfully inserted in the local database
I am unable to insert data into the remote database
Can anyone suggest me wht shd i do in this scenario
Are there any drivers to be loaded to commit this transactions


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Is SQL Server 2000/5 Compatible With Sybase 15 OLEDB Drivers?

Apr 10, 2008

I have been having tremendous trouble getting OLEDB connections to Sybase that I use within SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 to work properly - they always seem to revert to the older, third party Sybase drivers if they are installed on the machine and just generally cause problems - I have given up on using them within an SSIS package all together and gone down another route.

Can anyone confirm to me whether or not this is because the version 15 native drivers that Sybase provide are not supported by SQL Server, please?

Thank you

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Linked Server From SQL Server 2000 To Sybase 12

Apr 26, 2004

How do I tap advanced functionality like #temptable and @var from openquery? There is a linked server from SQL Server 2000 to Sybase 12 using Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider.
Executing an openquery statement from MS SQL will retrieve Sybase data; however, I have no advanced functionality available. When I try to use temporary #tables or declare @vars it returns this error...
Server: Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 1, Could not process object '…OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider unable to process object, since the object has no columnsProviderName='Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider', Query=…

Linked Server configuration:
Provider options: AllowInProcess is checked
Server options: Collation Compatible, Data Access, RPC and RPC Out are checked

Does anyone have a suggestion or alternative for this functionality? Thank you very much for your input.

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How To Synchronize Between Sql Mobile 2005 &&amp; Sql 2000?

Dec 16, 2005

Hi, I need to synchronize a sql mobile database & sql 2000 database.

Someone knows how can I export a SQL 2000 db to SQL mobile 2005 (.sdf)?


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SQL 2000 Vs Sybase On NT

Dec 13, 2000

We plan to convert our current OLTP intensive application from Sybase on NT to SQL 2000.
Which one is the winner in terms of performance. I was told that SQL Server has less tools
to tune the database especially for OLTP intensive database.

Have you done any test comparing the performance between Sybase and SQL server?
What is your opinion on this? Do you know any good third party tools to tune SQL 2000?


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Sybase To MS SQL 2000

Apr 18, 2001

I will be migrating Sybase Databases (and Centura) to MS SQL Server Databases. While I have administered MS SQL Server for many years, I have never administrated or even saw a Sybase database. My question, can anyone suggest any books to get me up to speed on Sybase, so I can transfer all databases, including tables, procs, etc... to MS Sql Server?


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Urgent!!! Migrate Sybase To MSSQL 2000

Jun 15, 2001

I've try to use DTS to import data from Sybase 11 database to MSSQL2000 database. After the import process completed, I found that all the Keys, triggers disappeared. How do I solve the problem???

Kung Wu

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Sybase 9.0.2 + MS Reporting Services 2000 - RS Missing Parameters

Aug 15, 2007

People, help me with this? Already broke my brain.

I have some data on Sybase,
i'm tryin to render report with MSSQL ReportingServices 2000 Eval SP2.

the report designer is fyiReportDesigner 3.0 - and I can do preview with it.

after deployment I'm tryin to render it, RS gives me an error:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help
Query execution failed for data set 'Data'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help
Column '@start_date' not found

I tried connect through ODBC and OLEDB both - same result.

ps I'm gonna kill somebody real soon.

the sql:

WHERE PERIOD.BEGINDATE between CAST(@start_date as timestamp) and CAST(@end_date as timestamp)

these are the RDL-file pieces:

<QueryParameter Name="@start_date">
<QueryParameter Name="@end_date">

<ReportParameter Name="start">
<ReportParameter Name="end">

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Sybase Version (linking Sybase To Sqlserver 2005)

May 18, 2008


i tried the document below pertaining to linking sybase 12.5 to sqlserver 2000 and sqlserver 2005

but when our company upgrade the sybase to 15.x i can't find the oledb configuration stated on the document.

so i can't linked the sybase 15.x now to sqlserver 2005. can somebody help me.!!!please...

where i can find the oledb configuration in sybase 15.xx..


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How To Synchronize SQL Server Login SIDs

Jan 11, 2007

Hi everyone...

On two instances of SQL Server 2005 I am using the same SQL login names, but the SID is different for each one. I would like to synchronize these IDs so that when I restore the production database to the developement database I don't have to remove and re-add the logins.

Is there a quick and easy way to do this?



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SQL Server 2014 :: Synchronize Table On Remote Server Via Update Trigger Failing

Jul 21, 2015

We have a database on a 2005 box, which we need to keep in sync with one on a 2014 box (until we can turn off the one on 2005). The 2005 database is still being updated with changes that must be applied to the 2014 database, given the nature of the data (medical documents) we need to ensure updates are applied to the 2014 database in very near real time (these changes are - for example - statuses, not the documents themselves).

Cunning plan #1, ulgy - not at all a fan of triggers - but use an after update trigger to run a sp on the remote box via a linked server in this format, with a SQL Server login for the linked server with permissions to EXEC the remote proc.

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[SourceUpdate] ON [dbo].[SourceTable]
IF UPDATE(ColumnName)

[Code] ....

However, while the sp can be run against the linked server as a standalone query OK, when running it in a trigger it's throwing

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "WIBBLE" returned message "The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions.".

Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Procedure TheAfterUpdateTrigger, Line 19

The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "WIBBLE" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

Whether it actually possible to call a proc on a remote box via a trigger and if so what additional hoops need to be jumped through (like I said, it'll run OK called via SSMS)?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Use Timestamp To Track Changes And Synchronize?

Dec 23, 2014

I need to sync several tables from a purchaes software to our own tables.

Not the complete tables, only selected fields.

Each source table has a timestamp, so I could use this to track what has changed.

But, how do I store locally the last timestamp from the source database.

A local timestamp field would register my localtimestamp instead of the one I would like to remind.

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Synchronize Data Between Sql Mobile Db And Sql Server Db, Over Gprs

May 30, 2008


I don't know if this question belong to sql forum or smart device forum.

So far i was able to sync data between pda and the sql server pc, over a wi-fi LAN using Remote Data Access.

Now i want to do the same but without using the wifi LAN, i mean, i want to be able to over a gprs connection, do the same data synchronization.

My main question is how to get access to the sql server database ? My connection string (obviously) only works in LAN.

My doubt is how can i access my sql server database data ?

I need some help over here, i really don't know how can i overcome my current problem.

Thank you

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Synchronize Sql Server Remote Database With Local Copy

Jan 20, 2006

hello all,

I am using in windows form. I have made a module which is connected to sql server 2000.

Now, I want to have a fresh copy of the remote database of SQL Server at my local computer and whenever there is change in remote database(insertions,deletion or updation), my local database copy may gets synchronized(i.e changes get reflected in this local copy).

Can any one help me? If it is possibel by using code, it is very well, and if there is some Sql Server wizard that can help me do that, please reply to me.

Thanks in advance.

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Windows CE 5.0 Divice To My SQL Server 2005 Database And Synchronize The Data.

May 12, 2008

Can any one tell me

==> How can i connect my windows CE 5.0 divice to my SQL server 2005 database and synchronize the data.

==> i have tried using activesync 4.5. i am able to make the connection trough the activesync but it does not synchronize the data files.

==> what if i want to connect to the database from windows CE 5.0 divice.



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SYBASE To SQL Server 7.0

Jun 19, 2001

Hi all,

A question that may have been asked on many occasions, but what can be advised as the best way to migrate a Sybase 11.x DB to SQL 7.0, (without using BCP). Does DTS support such migrations and if so, where in DTS can this be done? I'd appreciate any basic help here to get me started on this exercise. MAny thanks

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MS SQL Server Vs Sybase

Mar 18, 2003


We have Trading Applications (Equities & Portfolio written on C++) on MS SQL Server 2000. Now the management is deciding to move it on Sybase 12.5. We currently don't have any issues on any matter, but because everyone is SYbase fan here, thinks applications are critical and we need to move to Sybase. Can anyone who has worked on both knows the major pros & cons of both the system. Actually I wanted these systems to be on MS SQL Server. I need solid reasons except being cheaper than Sybase to show why we should use MS SQL Server

If anyone can share their experiences, it would be really great.


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Sybase + SQL Server 2K

Mar 30, 2006


Has anyone ever experienced compatibility and/or performance issues when SQL 2K and Sybase are run concurrently on the same server? I believe the server is using Windows 2K3.


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Connecting To Sybase From SQL Server

Dec 14, 2001

I have a situation where in I need to insert a record in sybase database table whenever there is an update on a table in my sql server database.
Can any one suggesst me hoe can I do it?
thanks In advance

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MS SQL 7.0 To Sybase Via Linked Server With OLE DB

Jul 5, 2001

We have created linked servers that connect to Sybase databases using the Sybase OLE DB provider and the Sybase ODBC provider.

The OLE DB provider does not allow the execution of a stored procedure. The message sounds like a permissions issue, but the id specified in the linked server has execute priv. for the stored procedure. It also does not allow the fully qualified name <server>.<db>.<owner>.<obj> to be used.

There are other issues with OLD DB and ODBC.

Anyone have any experiences making MS SQL to Sybase work smoothly?

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Replication : Sybase - SQL Server;

Mar 15, 2006

Hi all,

Have anyone done the replication between Sybase and MS SQL server ?

Could you please let me know the efficient way to 'PUSH' data from Sybase to MS SQL server or 'PULL' data into MS SQL server from Sybase.


Hari Haran Arulmozhi

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Linked Server To Sybase 15.5

Jun 1, 2015

Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "ASEOLEDB" for linked server "[SERVER_NAME]"

The current setup: Our primary database is on Sybase, I needed to extract hierarchical (nested) XML from multiple tables on Sybase. Although Sybase ASE 15.5 has `FOR XML` query capability it does now allow nested XML format. So we used the 'FOR XML', XML functionality in SQL Server (as we had a SQL Server 2008 database available which is used for a smaller system) to query Sybase tables through a Linked Server connection.Our sample nested XML Format is similar to:



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Replication Between Sql Server And Sybase

Jun 4, 2008

I need to configure snapshot replication (Pull) on Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2005 (acting as Distributor, Subscriber) for Sybase server (acting as Publisher). I have the Sybase ASE client and ODBC driver installed on the Distributor. Can anyone help me add Sybase server as the publisher? Oracle publisher is allowed in Enterprise edition, but sales representative had said that we could have ODBC compliant server as the publisher. There is no option to select a different publisher other than SQL Server publisher, Oracle Publisher. If anyone knows how to do, please let me know.

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