Our company has an enterprize site (a very large one). From time to time we need to make changes in it. In other words, we had to synchronize one database (local where we make all changes) and database on hosting. So, we did it manually (wrote scripts and inserted them in database on hosting). But as the databases grew it became impossible to synchronize everything manually. So we need some tool which could cope with this task. The problem is that, as I know, there are many tools which can do it, but we are tight in time and can't evaluate them all. Please share your ideas on what tool is worth evaluating?
I have the following scenario: There are 3 web applications in a local network which all have a local copy of the same database. Each of them can alter their local database (just the data, not the structure), and every time that happens the databases of the other applications should be updated immediately. Are there any solutions out there for that? I found that most tools like slony only mirror one master database to multiple slaves, but I want every database to be able to be the starting point. There could also be a central sync server, like in subversion..
I have a scenario which I need to implement at my work.
I need to maintain one Central SQL Server DB and multiple non central SQL Server DBs at different locations. Here the same DB schema is maintained at Center & non Central SQL Servers. The requirement is: each non central DB has to synchronize with the central DB and has to update the Central DB with the changes made locally.
Here the challenge is the intermittent connectivity between the DBs. The connection is not guaranteed to be alive 24 hours a day. It may go down frequently also. I would like to know the possible ways to handle my situation (i.e. synchronization). And also please suggest me if there is any support with the SQL Server DB itself.
i have 2 db's that are totally different except that they both have a table users and I want to make it that anytime the user table is updated or added to in one db - that it is copied over to the other db.
I was wondering if the following is possible: I have 2 SQL Express servers on different machines. One holds the production and one the development database. On a request basis I'd like mirror all the data of the production database to the development database. Right now I have to stop the sql engine, zip the mdf, send it over, attach it to database, etc. and that's quite cumbersome. So, is there an easier way to do this? If not with SQL Express, is it possible with the full version?
I've asked this question on another forum on the 2nd October 2006 and has gone unanswered to date.
I'd like to discuss SQL Express DataSet controls use / re-use concepts.
As I have been so busy sorting out the ins-n-outs and the dos-n-dont's of database connections n usage I haven't had a chance to focus on this issue.
Let me exagerate to make my point.
Lets say I have 10 forms. Each has the standard DataSet, BindingSource, TableAdapter, and BindingNavigator. Each form has the exact same general (broad scope: select * from myTable, myTable2 etc) query.
My solutions explorer has 1 Dataset .xsd for each forms query: myDataset01.xsd myDataset02.xsd myDataset03.xsd .... myDataset10.xsd
Is this how I should handle the datasets? Keeping all dataset/querys seperate. One for each form. And possible multiples for each form? (In case I want to adjust the number of returned fields on a specific form.)
Or is there a better way (not thru code) to have each form point to the same dataset controls? i.e. have form2 thru form10 point to the datacontrols on form1? (doesn't sound right now that I've written it.)
Or is there a better way (not thru code) to have each form point to the same Dataset .xsd? And should I? i.e. reuse the one Dataset .xsd.
At the moment I'm thinking its all just text any way. And each dataset has to be reconnected and data retrieved from the database anyway.
So does it really matter?
As I recall, I was having so many crashes when setting up the dataset .xsd that I found it was safer to have just one dataset per query.
I've ordered VS 2005 Pro and hope its more stable.
I've also found that if I update the SQL Express Table thru Management Studio (and I believe thru the database explorer in the vb.net IDE) that the .xsd file gets lost.
i.e. I have to go thru and duplicate the changes.
Is there an easier way?
Thanks, Barry G. Sumpter
Currently working with: Visual Basic 2005 Express SQL Server 2005 Express
Developing Windows Forms with 101 Samples for Visual Basic 2005 using the DataGridView thru code and every development wizard I can find within vb.net unless otherwise individually stated within a thread.
How do I select * remaining Records of a table that don't fall true to the 2nd Select statement? Select * From zz_2007_Booth_Visitors
Select * From zz_2007_Booth_Visitors Where [Product Interest - Actuators] Is Null And [Product Interest - Other Actuator] Is Null And [Product Interest - Chillers] Is Null And [Product Interest - Other Chiller] Is Null And [Product Interest - Electronic Products] Is Null And [Product Interest - Other network interfaces] Is Null And [Product Interest - Fittings] Is Null And [Product Interest - High Vacuum] Is Null And [Product Interest - Other high vacuum actuators] Is Null And [Product Interest - Pick& Place and Transfer] Is Null And [Product Interest - Teflon Products] Is Null And [Product Interest - Training] Is Null And [Product Interest - Valves& Manifolds] Is Null
I am having a problem with my team mates believing that primary keys need to be unique. I have the following data listed below and I am getting a violation of a primary key constraint. The primary keys for this table are request, business_req_id and test_case_id. I beleive the error is happening due to the data not being unique. Am I correct?
I am having a problem with my team mates believing that primary keys need to be unique. I have the following data listed below and I am getting a violation of a primary key constraint. The primary keys for this table are request, business_req_id and test_case_id. I beleive the error is happening due to the data not being unique. Am I correct?
I have always heard that much of t-sql is based on "set theory". I had Set theory in high school and I remember it as being simple Unions, Intersections, Differences of Sets. By a Set I mean a collection such as {2,5,7,8,9, ...) That could well described a single row in a table. By unioning several of these rows we could end up with a table.
But how does that relate to t-sql such as
select * from <table name> Where <condition 1> ?
Is it simply that the result returned by the query is a Set? (if so, a Set is simply being used as a synonym for a Collection. No set theory involved.)
I have been tasked with creating a Data Warehouse.
Problem is that old storage vs reporting debate.
I have determined that the data that I will recieve and store will be like follows (simplified form) for expandability
KEY FldKEy FldData DateTime AuditTrail
Daily I will use this data based on use input process this data into the following format and say if fldkey/ flddata open a cycle. populate row with null close date if fldkey/ flddata closes cycle update row with date
If fldkey/ flddata changes a cutable value update row
if fldkey/ flddata changes a cutable value (type 2 table) insert a row into detail update value and obsolete previous row.
Problem: FLDKey is a finite count however the max is undefined.
IS there any way to solve the problem of not being able to nail down users to tell you what they want to cut by. What I have been instructed by mgr (old IDMS) is that they wish to see all on the FldData and have the ability to cut by all of it. However the Flddata could be anything (cannot be indexed).
400,000,000 rows at least.
Do I need to nail the users down or am I am missing something.
I understand that there is much involved in figuring up I/Othroughput, but I'm hoping the answer to the following question willbe a simple A, B OR C.Given the configuration below, what hardware component wouldbottleneck first.A. Drive Spindle ThroughputB. SCSI ControllerC. Other Component(if so what component?)Configuration:Controller: Ultra320RAID Config: RAID 5Drives on RAID: 14 - 73gb/15k - SCSI DrivesType of Writes: RandomQuestion Background:I currently have the configuration above on a local box. Our companyhas ordered a SAN and and has space set aside. What I'm trying toacertain is whether or not I'd be better off staying local or ifputting my DB on a SAN would be more beneficial.Other Notes:I've determined using a formula that determines the max theoreticalI/O operations/sec for the # of drives (spindles) and RAID Config...but I've not been able to establish a relationship betweenOperation/sec -> MB/Sec. I'm sure this is for obvious reasons...If anyone has had a related scenario, I'd be interested in hearingyour thoughts.Thanks,Ornac
Hi, our application is failing sometimes, with some select queries. After making traces in the database, I found the following error: Missing join predicate. I googled that, and I only found this useless tip:
Missing Join Predicate: Indicates whether or not the query in question has a join predicate. If not, this can cause the Query Optimizer to produce a less than optimized query plan. The fix to this is to add a join predicate.
So, I dont know what a join predicate is... maybe I used it, but I don't know it by that name.
My co worker designed a database where retail items can be placed in multiple catagories. This seems odd to me..... In general, Isnt it more normal than not to be only one catarory for each item? For example, lets say I was selling a bowling ball with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it. I can then find this item in the "Mickey Mouse" catagory or in the "bowling ball" catagory but in the database the bowling ball has only one catagoryID. When I worked for a multi-million dollar corporate retail store , an item was listed once in only one catagroy. But i am sure items can be viewed
I know there isnt a single rule, I am just looking for a solution. How should the database sturucture be built with this in mind starting out with what is listed below???? Mabey an attributes table?
I have a general theory question for best practices about upsizing an msaccess 2003 split database design to use SQL server instead of the .mdb for data storage.
My data has grown close to msaccess limit, and ive started experiencing lost connections and corruptions frequently. So the next step is to upsize to SQL.
So far DTS seems to do a better job with bringing in the tables and data (then the upsizewizard).
Does any one have a suggestion on how to deal with the front end connecting the sql backend ?
i understand an ADP project file uses OLE connection, is that a better solution then linked tables directly into SQL threw ODBC ?
Reason i ask is the linked tables seem to not break as many things inside the code.
I like writing concise and compact sql code without cursors if possible. My current dilemma has me stuck though.I have 3 tables, but one of them is optionally used and contains a key element of TimeOut to determine which Anesthesia CrnaID to use. It is the optionally used part that has me stumped.
Surgery table CaseID Patient (Sample data: 101,SallyDoe 102,JohnDoe)
AnesthesiaTime table (this table is optionally used, only if the crna's take a break on long cases) CaseID CrnaID TimeIn TimeOut (Sample data: 102,Jack,0800,1030 102,Bart,1030,1130 102,Jack,1130,1215)
Select Patient INNER JOIN Anesthesia produced too many case results. So, I figured out there is an AnesthesiaTime table that only gets used if the anesthesia guys take time-outs. That doesn't happen all the time. I could use TOP 1 on the Anesthesia table, but technically I need to read the AnesthesiaTime table and locate the last time and pull that crna, Jack. I'm not sure how to deal with an optional table. I believe the IF Exists will be pertinent, but not sure of how to build this query. I've tried subquery without success.
I have two customer tables in SQL Server, but some of the field names are not the same, that I need to synchronize. Here is how they are structured: (Table 1 is old and Table 2 is new)
1. First I need to find out what records exist in Table 1 but not in Table 2 and add them to Table 2.
2. Secondly, I need to then find all records in Table 1 that match the records in Table 2 and update the Email address in Table 2 with the data from Table 1.
I am tryign to sync two tables that are in two different databases. It is suppuse to update the record in the [orgloc] table if the customer ship to name has changed in the [opcshto] table. The cust_code would be the unique identifier. in both tables.
this is what I have:
UPDATE [r2lprospector].[dbo].[orgloc] SET [r2lprospector].[dbo].[orgloc].[custshiptoname] = [cimpro1].[dbo].[OPCSHTO].[cust_shipto_name] from [cimpro1].[dbo].[OPCSHTO], [r2lprospector].[dbo].[orgloc] WHERE [cimpro1].[dbo].[OPCSHTO].[cust_code] = [r2lprospector].[dbo].[orgloc].[custcode]
I keep getting an error though. The error is: Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.
I have a SQL database in my server. One Software is using this database for editing /add / remove items in the database. I would like to put this database in the net (using ASP).
How can I synchronize the SQL database in my server with the same one in remote?
Hello, I have 3 tables with their columns: [Articles] > ArticleId, ArticleText [Categories] > CategoryId, CategoryText [CategoriesInArticles] > ArticleId, CategoryId I created a stored procedure that has the following inputs: ArticleId, ArticleCategories ArticleCategories is of type NVARCHAR(Max) and has categories in CSV format: "Category A, Category B, Category C" I have a function, CSVTable, that creates a table with all the categories. I need to make a kind of synchronization: > Update all categories for the given ArticleId. If any Category is no longer associated with any ArticleId (In CategoriesInArticles) then remove it from table Categories.
Note: Since Business category is no longer used by any other article then it is also deleted from Categories.
The new Tech category is then created and associated with the updated article as well as the existing category Sports.
Finally I would delete it:
EXEC DeleteArticle @ArticleId = "3"
The tables would become:
Articles Table
ArticleId ArticleText
1 Game ended 1-1
2 Book Review
Categories Table CategoryId CategoryText
1 Sports
2 Entertainment
CategoriesInArticles Table
ArticleId CategoryId
1 1
2 2
Note: Since Tech category is no longer used by any other article then it is also deleted from Categories.
The Sports category is not deleted from Categories since it is used by Article with Id=1
Well, I hope I didn't miss anything and I explained it well.
I have been trying my code, either by creating a separate procedure named SynchronizeCategories or inside the Create, Delete and Update procedure.
Until now I was not able to make this work.
Here is the code I use in my SynchronizeCategories procedure:
INSERT INTO CategoriesInArticles(CategoryId, ArticleId) SELECT c.CategoryId, @ArticleId FROM Categories c INNER JOIN CSVTable(@ArticleCategories) ac ON c.CategoryText = ac.String LEFT JOIN CategoriesInArticles cia ON c.CategoryId= cia.CategoryId WHERE cia.CategoryId IS NULL
INSERT INTO Categories(CategoryId, CategoryText) SELECT cia.CategoryId, NULL FROM CategoriesInArticles cia JOIN [Categories] c ON c.CategoryId = cia.CategoryId INNER JOIN CSVTable(@ArticleCategories) ac ON ac.String = c.CategoryText WHERE c.CategoryId IS NULL
DELETE c FROM Categories c INNER JOIN CSVTable(@ArticleCategories) ac ON ac.String = c.CategoryText LEFT JOIN CategoriesInArticles cia ON c.CategoryId = cia.CategoryId WHERE cia.CategoryId IS NULL
Please we need help in the next Scenario:- - Head office SQL Server 2000 including main database (huge db for about 8 systems). - 8-10 branches with small database (for 3 systems only). - No connection available between all offices. 1- In daily basis we need to transfer all transaction updates done in all offices to update the main database in head office. 2- After updating head office we need to transfer the last case in 2 or 3 tables to all offices again. 3- There are some common tables, managed in head office only (usually not changed), in case this tables changed for enhancement or anything else, we need to transfer this change to all offices.
NOTE: No connection available every where, therefore we need hand carry solutions as soon as possible and please tell me in details as you can because the time is too short.
Using a web interface, I am placing text into a SQL database. From timeto time, I would like to synchronize one of my other tables in thedatabase with the table that I am inserting content into. What is theSQL command to synchronize these tables? I will be initiating thiscommand through a web interface, so I cannot use enterprise manager.Thank you very much!
I want to replicate my database with table like this:+-----------------+ | Table | +-----------------+ | ID | | Distributor ID | | Total Sales | | ... | +-----------------+
At table above you can see that I have a field called Distributor ID. The scene like this, I have 4 distributor that have replication of my database. Each day they synchronize database from distributor (lets call they A, B, C, D) into my server. So at the server have data with Distributor ID A, B, C, D. But if an distributor want to download its data from my server, they only have data with their ID, for example distributor A have synchronize their data with me and now want to download the data from me, so I only send data that only contains Distributor ID A, so that A can not see data from other distributor (B, C, D) that rule also applied for B, C, and D.
The summary simple like this, I have all Distributor data (data from A, B, C, D) but each distributor only have their own data if they download from me, A only have A data, B only have B data, so on).
I have an Access database that updates each 5 minutes with data from a weather station. As you can imagine the access database is becomming huge, so I would like to get that data into SQl Express to make queries faster and better connectivity with visual webdeveloper.
There is no way I can get the data directly into the SQL Express database, as the vendor only supplies a tool for MySQL and access through odbc.
Is there a way to sync the access database and my SQL Express each 5 minutes? And off course not manual
I am attempting to follow the example from VB.NET 2005 on synchronizing and SQL Database and an SQL Mobile 2005 db.
I have verified that the PALM device (Treo running WM 5) when the device is connected to my desk top by using IE on the Palm to browse to the shared Folder I set up with IIS and the Configuration Web Synchronization Wizard.
The error I get is "An incorrect or unsupported HTTP function call was made." and I have not been able to find any referiences to this error directly related to SQL M 05.
I have a little problem. I need to synchronize data from two tables with different table structures meaning they may or may not have the same column name and/or table name. I have read a lot of midware tools which I can use but is there a way inside sql server where I can do this? And this synchronization should be automated. Like when I update one table, it will automatically update the other table with the data that was changed. I know I can manually update the records but is there an automated way that I can do this? I have also read about integration technologies supported by sql server like ssis and replication but it seems complicated and I dont have the luxury of time to learn these. But if these can be the answer to my questions then I guess I dont have a choice. Please help. Newbie in sql. Thanks!
I made application (using .NET) to transfer data using PDA via GPRS and then upload data to database server. The data not update old data but make new insert new data to database server.
If we use USB to synchronize data from PDA to database server, we can use merge replication. But i still confused how to synchronize data, if we transfer data from PDA via GPRS, then insert to database server???
I made application (using .NET) to transfer data using PDA via GPRS and then upload data to database server. The data not update old data but make new insert new data to database server.
If we use USB to synchronize data from PDA to database server, we can use merge replication. But i still confused how to synchronize data, if we transfer data from PDA via GPRS, then insert to database server???