Syncing DB Structure
Jun 25, 2004
I have 2 databases with corresponding history databases.
As the system is under development, the 2 databases are changing in structure i.e the table structure(new tables as well as changes to existing ones) and indexes will change every week.
What is the best solution to replicate the changes on the history database.
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Jun 25, 2004
Hi ,
Does anyone how to sync data from one table to the exact same table on another server?PLease help
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May 2, 2008
I'm restoring a production server onto a backup server. I have all the user databases restored, but trying to figure out how to transfer to logins to the backup server. any ideas?
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Jul 20, 2005
We have a database on our central servers that is the backend to a webapplication we have in ColdFusion. About 4 times a year, we have a userthat goes out to other locations without internet access that would needaccess to this application. Once she comes back to the office, we wouldlike to update any changes she has made to the central server database.What is the best course of action to do this?To start, we thought we would install msde on the laptop, along with asingle user version of ColdFusion and IIS so she could run the application.How would we get that new data from her laptop to our main database?Thanks for any input.
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Feb 5, 2008
I've got two very similar tables on seperate servers and databases. Both sqlserver. I am being told I cannot link the databases. I need to keep one table current with the other.
Is SSIS my best option?
At a high level, what should I do? What connect types?
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Sep 22, 2005
Is it possible to merge/sync 2 "part time connected" Sql Server databases? I basically want to keep one of my in office databases synced with a database on my hosting provider. (Said hosting provider does not offer SQL Server's built in Merge Replication) Can anyone recommend a 3rd party application that does this if one exists?
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Jul 25, 2014
We have two SQL 2012 servers, sever A and B.
We need to sync a database on A so that there is a copy of it on B.
We need to be able to query both databases so mirroring isn't an option.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have taken over a transactional replication setup that is being usedfor fault tolerance (I know, I know...).The scenario I am concerned with is where the publisher goes down due tofailure, so we need to point our application at the subscriber and startupdating the data there. We are not using the immediate updating option.How do I go about re-syncing the publisher with the data that been addedto, or changed on the subscriber, when the publisher comes back online?Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I'm using DB2 UDB 7.2.Also I'm doing some tests on SQL Server 2000 for some statements touse efectively.I didn't find any solution on Sql Server about WITH ... SELECTstructure of DB2.Is there any basic structure on Sql Server like WITH ... SELECTstructure?A Sample statement for WITH ... SELECT on DB2 like belowWITHtotals (code, amount)AS (SELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans1 GROUP BY codeUNION ALLSELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans2 GROUP BY code)SELECTcode, SUM(amount)FROM totalsGROUP BY code.............................Note: 'creating temp table and using it' maybe a solution.However i need to know the definition of the result set of Unionclause. I don't want to use this way.CREATE TABLE #totals (codechar(10), amount dec(15))GOINSERT INTO #totalsSELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans1 GROUP BY codeUNION ALLSELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans2 GROUP BY codeGOSELECT code, sum(amount) FROM #totals GROUP BY codeGOAny help would be appreciatedThanks in advanceMemduh
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Oct 14, 2015
I have database on localhost and i want to show this data on my website. I want to create a database online and want to sync with Local Host. Can it be possible syncing data automatically after some interval?
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Apr 18, 2004
let me explain my business rules first.
One company can have many site addresses;
One company can have many trades
And one trade can have many activities.
Ok seems very basic at this stage does'nt it, but if i give some data the complexity changes completly for example:
the trades are as follows:
ID 1: DESC: Printing
ID 2: DESC: Artwork
ID 3: DESC: Photography
ID 4: DESC: Reprographics.
now in this case only the printing trade has activities:
ID 1: DESC: Flexo
ID 2: DESC: Digital
So, in the above i am saying which ever company picks Printing as there trade, then they have the option of specifying which particular printing trade it is that they do.
Again simple enough by using one-to-many from the Trade Table to the Trade Activity table.
The problem is that not all trades have associated trade activities, for example the artwork trade activity is just artwork, but i need to be able to allow this to be so in the future.
When I try to create a view to select a particular company, with there associated trade and trade activity, I do not get any result at all because not all of the trade activities have any records assigned to them.
Please can anyone help.
I need to be able to pull back all companies with their associated trades and associated trade activities.
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Jan 11, 2006
Hi All
I want the structure of the entire database without the data from a database , I mean all the tables withouut the data ... Can i do that
Plz help
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Sep 28, 2006
As my learning process continues, I have found that Database structure is probably the most important & most difficutl part of development. Like database normallization etc.
How can I master database structure, ? but I want learning other than any database software like Access or SQL Server, I m looking for a generallized learning.
Will some1 give me assistance ...
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Feb 14, 2007
is there a way of exporting a database structure and not the data in it?
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Sep 25, 2007
Hello I am a final year student and for my final year project I have decided to try and create a price comparison website due to the fact that i feel it would be a good project to work on and develop my technical skills in C# and microsoft sql server 2005, since these are mainly the two programs I would say i have more experience with. Basically I want to create a website such as At this point in time i have started playing around with how i feel the database will look, in terms of tables and columns, below is what i have produced;
Website link
I am now stuck as how i will link each company with a product bearing in mind a company will stock different categories of products, also do you think i need any more columns in any of the above tables, as well as am i missing out on anything, I am hoping someone with more knowlegde than myself can shed some knowledge on my problem, thank you.
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Mar 7, 2008
Structure Number1
Category: CategoryId(P.K.), UniqueName, CreatedDate, ModifiedDateCategoryNative: CategoryId(F.K.), LanguageId(F.K.), NativeName, Description, Importance, IsVisible, CreatedDate, ModifiedDate
Structure Number2
Category: CategoryId(P.K.), UniqueName, CreatedDate, ModifiedDateCategoryNative: CategoryNativeId(P.K.), CategoryId(F.K.), LanguageId(F.K.), NativeName, Description, Importance, IsVisible, CreatedDate, ModifiedDate
Can anyone tell me that between above 2 structure what is better and why?
I just add CategoryNativeId(P.K.) in Number 2 structure.
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Mar 17, 2004
Dear all,
how can I use a store procedure to get the structure of a table like data type, length, description etc.
I have used sp_columns to get the information but it can't get the description of each field.
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Aug 10, 2005
I'm sure there is a simple way to do this but I cannot think of it.I have an ASP.NET application that I am publishing to a webhost. I have chosen to use FTP to copy my files (aspx, etc.). They work as far as links etc. Now, the next step is to create my SQL database on their server as they instruct, which I have done in name only. (Oh, if it makes a difference, I access the hosting service using Plesk control panel.) Is there any simple way to get my database structure from my PC to the host server? All responses welcome. Thanks.
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Jun 12, 2001
Our company would like to start using SQL 7.0 Snapshot replication for some of our customers. My problem is that we often have to make changes to the actual structure of the DB. Will I need to disable replication each time we need to make a change to the db structure on the publisher and subscribers?? Thank you...
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Oct 9, 2001
Hi All,
I need to get some info on how I can get the script of the entire database stucture. I need to write a procedure to do this. I know in SQL Server I could get the script in a mouse click. But I need to write a procedure to do the task. Is there a package in SQL Server that I could use to accomplish this task?
Any thoughts will be of help.
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 10, 2003
Could anybody tell me the detail structure of the .mdf file.
Actully I want to read the mdf file with out using MS SQL 2000.
I know few details like it has 96 bytes header and pages are divided in 8Kb etc. But I want to know the exact details, so that I can read the Table names and columns at least.
Thanks in advance,
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Sep 2, 1999
I am very new to SQL server, and am completely stumped here. I need to transfer the data from an old database to a new one (both SQL Server 6.5 DBs.) The only problem is that the database has been restructured, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the data imported. I am working on manually making all of the structure changes, but there must be a better way. Any ideas? Thank you SO much!
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May 8, 2002
When you attach an MDF that was created using SQL 7.0 to SQL Server 2000, the MDF file structure gets updated. The resulting MDF can no longer be used by SQL 7.0.
My Question: does anyone know how to read the file structure version of a detached MDF file?
If the file structure is 7.0, I would like to warn the user and allow her to cancel the attach + conversion to SQL 2000.
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Jul 18, 2001
I a DB deployed in the field at numerous customer sites. I have made changes
to the DB in my dev environment and now I need a way to update the DBs out in
the field to the new DB structure. Examples of updates are adding a new column
to a table, or adding some more code to a stored proc.
So what do I do ? I need to be able to email comething to the customer that
they can run that will make my recent updates to their DB structure. It can't
screw up their existing data either.
So what's the solution ? A big SQL script wil ALTER TABLE commands ?
How do I updated stored procs through a script ? I need help seriously.
What is the accepted industry standard method of updating deployed DBs
when a new version is released ? Please Please help.
Thanks in advance
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Jul 13, 2004
How can I get the structure of a table?
With MySql I can do it this way: DESC | DESCRIBE <tablename>
Thank you,
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Nov 1, 2004
This is a sort of database structure question that could I guess apply to any type of database...
Say I have 4 production lines and I want to log serial numbers on the start of every line and off the end of every line.
Is there any advantage in having a separate table for each Production Line and serial number logging point? (i.e. t_Line1Start, t_Line1End, t_Line2Start etc) or is it just the same as having one big table and having a LineNumber field and a StartEnd field?
Is SQL Server just as happy dealing with fewer transactions to several tables as it is to many transactions to one table?
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Nov 19, 2007
Hi everybody
I want to compare structure of two database
how could I do it?
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Apr 9, 2008
I have a question. I want to build a db for the following entities:
each driver nay has a car (NULL or carId)
each driver belongs to company
each car belongs to company
The db structure I built is:
car(carId, companyId)
driver(driverId, companyId, carId)
The problem is that in this structure driver from company a can have a car from company b.
but this situation is not possible.. How can I prevent such situation??
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May 4, 2004
How can I setup a table structure for the diagram shown in the attached bitmap?
1) I need to create a product using labour and materials.
2) I need to create hardware using labour and materials.
3) I need to be able to include some hardware in some products.
4) Some materials in the product are made of a culmination of materials. E.G., Concrete is made of sand, stone, and cement.
Any suggestions?
So far I have :
Create Table tbProducts (
ProductID int NOT NULL,
Product varchar(50)
ALTER TABLE tbProducts
CREATE Table tbMaterials (
MaterialID int NOT NULL,
Material varchar (50)
ALTER TABLE tbMaterials
ADD CONSTRAINT tbMaterials_pk PRIMARY KEY (MaterialID)
CREATE Table tbLabour (
LabourCode char (2) NOT NULL,
Labour varchar(50)
CREATE Table tbProductMaterials (
fkProductID int NOT NULL,
fkMaterialID int NOT NULL,
Quantity Float NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE tbProductMaterials
ADD CONSTRAINT tbProductMaterials_pk PRIMARY KEY (fkProductID, fkMaterialID)
ALTER TABLE tbProductMaterials
ADD CONSTRAINT tbProductMaterils_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkMaterialID)
REFERENCES tbMaterials (MaterialID)
ALTER TABLE tbProductMaterials
ADD CONSTRAINT tbProductMaterils_Product_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkProductID)
REFERENCES tbProducts (ProductID)
CREATE TABLE tbProductLabour (
fkProductID int NOT NULL,
fkLabourCode char(2) NOT NULL,
Manpower int NULL DEFAULT(0),
Hours float NULL DEFAULT(0.0)
ALTER TABLE tbProductLabour
ADD CONSTRAINT tbProductLabour_pk PRIMARY KEY (fkProductID, fkLabourCode)
ALTER TABLE tbProductLabour
ADD CONSTRAINT tbProductLabour_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkLabourCode)
REFERENCES tbLabour (LabourCode)
ALTER TABLE tbProductLabour
ADD CONSTRAINT tbProductLabour_Product_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkProductID)
REFERENCES tbProducts (ProductID)
CREATE TABLE tbHardware (
HardwareID int NOT NULL,
Hardware varchar(50)
ALTER TABLE tbHardware
CREATE Table tbHardwareMaterials (
fkHardwareID int NOT NULL,
fkMaterialID int NOT NULL,
Quantity Float NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE tbHardwareMaterials
ADD CONSTRAINT tbHardwareMaterials_pk PRIMARY KEY (fkHardwareID, fkMaterialID)
ALTER TABLE tbHardwareMaterials
ADD CONSTRAINT tbHardwareMaterials_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkMaterialID)
REFERENCES tbMaterials (MaterialID)
ALTER TABLE tbHardwareMaterials
ADD CONSTRAINT tbHardwareMaterials_Hardware_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkHardwareID)
REFERENCES tbHardware (HardwareID)
CREATE TABLE tbHardwareLabour (
fkHardwareID int NOT NULL,
fkLabourCode char(2) NOT NULL,
Manpower int NULL DEFAULT(0),
Hours float NULL DEFAULT(0.0)
ALTER TABLE tbHardwareLabour
ADD CONSTRAINT tbHardwareLabour_pk PRIMARY KEY (fkHardwareID, fkLabourCode)
ALTER TABLE tbHardwareLabour
ADD CONSTRAINT tbHardwareLabour_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkLabourCode)
REFERENCES tbLabour (LabourCode)
ALTER TABLE tbHardwareLabour
ADD CONSTRAINT tbHardwareLabour_Product_fk FOREIGN KEY (fkHardwareID)
REFERENCES tbHardware (HardwareID)
This table structure does not include anything about accounts and item 4) making materials from 1 or more other materials (E.G., Concrete).
Any hints how to incorporate these outstanding items?
Mike B
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Sep 11, 2006
How can I get my table structure (columns, their types, whether it s an Identity column) using T-SQL
Thanks you
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Mar 10, 2007
How to write a query for table structure which looks like
SQL Design table.
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Apr 24, 2007
I have to change collation for certain database. I think the only solution is to export or create through scripts the empty db structure (tables, PK & FK, defaults) and thereafter import data.
Since I don't have empty structure of this database I have to create somehow from the existing one which is with data, can somebody suggest how can I do this - take out the structure of the database from the db with data on it. I have 256 tables and I have to order them first with the dependencies of the tables?!
I will be really thankfull if somebody can help me on this issue.
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Jun 19, 2007
hi all..
if im about to start a new database.. how do i start?
please advise on how do i start sketching a new db structure...
how do u guys set up ur db table struc.. any software to do this designing? any links or tutorial will be appriciated..
~~~Focus on problem, not solution ¯(º_o)/¯ ~~~
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