I need to use IF-THEN in a SQL Select statement. Using Google
I have found a couple of obscure references to this but nothing that I
can use. Tried various combinations without luck. Can
anyone point me to a good resource or supply a simple example of proper
syntax? Thanks in advance for any help provided.
I have the following statement that I am trying to convert to a "like" statement in a SqlDataSource for a web application. I can't seem to get the syntax correct. Would someone be able to assist with this? Thanks! SELECT * FROM [Employees] WHERE ([LName] = @LName) ORDER BY [LName], [FName] Something like below. SELECT * FROM [Employees] WHERE ([LName] LIKE '@LName%') ORDER BY [LName], [FName]
What is the syntax for making a query using like, the below is my code <asp:SqlDataSource ID="Search" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Products]WHERE category LIKE %@category%">
<SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="category" QueryStringField="category" Type="string" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> Its giving a syntax error but I dont know how to change it. Please advise, thanks!
In Code Behind, What is proper select statement syntax to retrieve the @BName field from a table?Using Visual Studio 2003SQL Server DB I created the following parameter:Dim strName As String Dim parameterBName As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@BName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) parameterBName.Value = strName myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterBName) I tried the following but get error:Dim strSql As String = "select @BName from Borrower where BName= DOROTHY V FOWLER " error is:Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'V'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'V'. Source Error: Line 59: Line 60: Line 61: myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() 'Execute the query
Hi, I created a sqldatasource (sql server) and a gridview.In the aspx file, i can see the selectcommand: SelectCommand="select email from mytable" Now, i want to modify something in the selectcommand produced in the aspx file, in order to get the emails in clickable mode. I knwow i have to add a string like: <a hef="mailto:mailaddress">mailadress</a> So i tried this: SelectCommand="select '<a href="mailto:'+ email +'">' , email + '</a>' from email But this gives the error: "tag is not well formed".The problem is the " around mailto: Thanks Cl.
Here is an sql query but it keeps giving me an error of (Incorrect syntax near keywork ON) here is the sql, don't get why this doe not work when I have done it this way multiple times. select DISTINCT c.strSSN, p.sidstrNAME_IND, p.sidstrGR_ABBR_CODE, p.sidstrSSN_SM, p.sidstrST_ADDR, p.sidstrADDR_CITY, p.sidstrSTATES_US, p.sidstrZIP_CODE, p.sidstrPAY_GR, p.sidstrMARTL_STAT, p.sidstrNBR_EXEMPT, p.sidstrST_TAX_CODE, u.lsdbstrPHONE_NBR_HOME, case when sidstrTech_SVC_Code in ('M', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'Z') then case when sidstrACT_STAT_PROG in ('5', 'A', 'E', 'F', 'N', 'R', 'S', 'T') then 'AGR' else 'Tech' end else 'M-Day' end as status from tblAssignedPersonnel as c on ap.strssn = p.sidstrSSN_SM Inner Join cms.dbo.tblLSDB as u on u.lsdbstrSSN_SM = c.strSSN inner joincms.dbo.tblSidpers as p on ap.strSSN = p.sidstrSSN_SM where intUICID = (select intUICID from tblUIC where strUIC = '2' and intTaskForceID = '1') order by p.sidstrNAME_IND
I am currently having this problem with gridview and detailview. When I drag either onto the page and set my select statement to pick from one table and then update that data through the gridview (lets say), the update works perfectly. My problem is that the table I am pulling data from is mainly foreign keys. So in order to hide the number values of the foreign keys, I select the string value columns from the tables that contain the primary keys. I then use INNER JOIN in my SELECT so that I only get the data that pertains to the user I am looking to list and edit. I run the "test query" and everything I need shows up as I want it. I then go back to the gridview and change the fields which are foreign keys to templates. When I edit the templates I bind the field that contains the string value of the given foreign key to the template. This works great, because now the user will see string representation instead of the ID numbers that coinside with the string value. So I run my webpage and everything show up as I want it to, all the data is correct and I get no errors. I then click edit (as I have checked the "enable editing" box) and the gridview changes to edit mode. I make my changes and then select "update." When the page refreshes, and the gridview returns, the data is not updated and the original data is shown. I am sorry for so much typing, but I want to be as clear as possible with what I am doing. The only thing I can see being the issue is that when I setup my SELECT and FROM to contain fields from multiple tables, the UPDATE then does not work. When I remove all of my JOIN's and go back to foreign keys and one table the update works again. Below is what I have for my SQL statements:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT:SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.FullName, People.PropertyID, People.InviteTypeID, People.RSVP, People.Wheelchair, Property.[House/Day Hab], InviteType.InviteTypeName FROM (InviteType INNER JOIN (Property INNER JOIN People ON Property.PropertyID = People.PropertyID) ON InviteType.InviteTypeID = People.InviteTypeID) WHERE (People.PersonID = ?)UPDATE:UPDATE [People] SET [FirstName] = ?, [LastName] = ?, [FullName] = ?, [PropertyID] = ?, [InviteTypeID] = ?, [RSVP] = ?, [Wheelchair] = ? WHERE [PersonID] = ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only fields I want to update are in [People]. My WHERE is based on a control that I use to select a person from a drop down list. If I run the test query for the update while setting up my data source the query will update the record in the database. It is when I try to make the update from the gridview that the data is not changed. If anything is not clear please let me know and I will clarify as much as I can. This is my first project using ASP and working with databases so I am completely learning as I go. I took some database courses in college but I have never interacted with them with a web based front end. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for any time, help, and/or advice you can give.Brian
Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".
Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString2"].ToString()); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT (Deadline, Description, Headline, AddressField, OrganizationField, NameField, FileField, EmailField, CommentField) FROM RegistrationFormDB_Info WHERE (UserName = @UserName AND TournamentName = @TournamentName)", myConnection); SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter(); myParam.ParameterName = "@UserName"; myParam.Value = User.Identity.Name; myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myParam = new SqlParameter(); myParam.ParameterName = "@TournamentName"; myParam.Value = Request.QueryString["TournamentName"]; myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); <====================== I continue to get this error and I can't figure out the problem! Anything helps. Thank you very much.
SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT (nvarchar , tblSubject.Subject, 108) AS SubjectTime, CONVERT (nvarchar(11), tblSubject.Subject, 100) AS Date FROM tblLooker,tblSubject,tblStop WHERE NOT (SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT (nvarchar , tblSubject.Subject, 108) AS SubjectTime, CONVERT (nvarchar(11), tblSubject.Subject, 100) AS Date FROM tblSubject, tblLooker, tblStop WHERE tblSubject.Subject > tblLooker.Looker AND tblSubject.Subject < tblStop.Stop AND tblLooker.id = tblStop.id) Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 5Line 5: Incorrect syntax near ')'. Can anyone tell me why this is not working? Thanks
I am a java developer having little bit knowledge in sql statements. can any body guide me what is the effective way of using sql statement to achieve the following goal.
here is the requirement.
1. There are 2 tables A & B.
2.The table 'B' may or maynot have an equivalent entry for the primary key of table a.
3. select column1 (of A), column 2(of B) from table a and b.
4. now column2 should give a value, if there is a corresponding entry in table b.other wise null.
5. at any time there may be 0 to 1 record in table b for the primary of table a.
Can someone tell me what is wrong with my syntax? I am getting several errors:
Incorrect syntax near keyword 'CASE' Incorrect syntax near keyword 'WHEN'
Incorrect syntax near '@Tablename'
CREATE PROCEDURE al_readcampsignup
@User_ID int,
@Pagenumber smallint,
@Tablename varchar(10)
CASE @Mypagenumber WHEN 1 THEN SELECT Blah FROM tempcampsignup WHERE Camp_ID = @User_ID WHEN 2 THEN SELECT Blah FROM @Tablename WHERE Camp_ID = @User_ID WHEN 3 THEN SELECT Blah FROM @Tablename WHERE Camp_ID = @User_ID END
I inherited a query and I am getting an error of Unsupported literal in join in the INNER JOIN FRDM.dbo.MEMBER_SUBSC FRDM_dbo_MEMBER_SUBSC2
Hi, I'm new to SQL and was wondering if there was an easier way to filter data.
I have two tables -
The first table called Names of Companies has a column named: NAMES
NAMES XYZ Company ABC Limited Liability Company ZZZ Corporation KKK Inc. ABC Inc.
The second table called Keywords has a column named: WORDS
WORDS Company Limited
I want to search for all NAMES that contain the WORDS in some form
The results should be:
NAMES XYZ Company ABC Limited Liability Company
Technically, I can get the results I want by manually typing into the SQL statement all the words that appear in the WORDS column.
SELECT * FROM [Names of Companies] WHERE [Names of Companies].Names Like "*Company*" Or ([Names of Companies].Names) Like "*limited*"));
But is there a way that I reference the table Keyword instead of typing into the query statement all the words that appear in the column WORD? I have a lot of words to search for.
Hi,I'm new to SQL Server Programming, I work with ASP a lot, but latelyI've been trying to create Stored Procedures, etc. I'm having aproblem writing a simple IF statement.. I don't seem to understand whyit's giving me this error. I've search around on Google Groups, but Istill don't get it.=================USE msdbIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysjobs WHERE name = 'Scheduled Nightfax')END=================My error is:Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'END'.Thanks for any help.
I am trying to take all the trips that equal a one and divide them by the total number of service calls and then multiple them by 100 to get the percentage.
I am receiving the following errror: "The value expression refers to the field 'SvcCallNumber'. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current dta set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope...
hiI need to write a stored procedure that takes input parameters,andaccording to these parameters the retrieved fields in a selectstatement are chosen.what i need to know is how to make the fields of the select statementconditional,taking in consideration that it is more than one fieldaddedfor exampleSQLStmt="select"if param1 thenSQLStmt=SQLStmt+ field1end ifif param2 thenSQLStmt=SQLStmt+ field2end if
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT Field01 AS 'Field01', Field02 AS 'Field02' FROM myTables WHERE Conditions are true ORDER BY Field01
The results are just as I need:
Field01 Field02
------------- ----------------------
192473 8461760
192474 22810
Because other reasons. I need to modify that query to:
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT Field01 AS 'Field01', Field02 AS 'Field02' INTO AuxiliaryTable FROM myTables WHERE Conditions are true ORDER BY Field01 SELECT DISTINCT [Field02] FROM AuxTable The the results are:
22810 8461760
And what I need is (without showing any other field):
8461760 22810
Is there any good suggestion? Thanks in advance for any help, Aldo.
Hello friends, I want to use select statement in a CASE inside procedure. can I do it? of yes then how can i do it ?
following part of the procedure clears my requirement.
SELECT E.EmployeeID, CASE E.EmployeeType WHEN 1 THEN select * from Tbl1 WHEN 2 THEN select * from Tbl2 WHEN 3 THEN select * from Tbl3 END FROM EMPLOYEE E
can any one help me in this? please give me a sample query.
Ok, the following four lines are four lines of code that I'm running, I'll post the code and then explain my issue: sqlCommand = New SQLCommand("INSERT INTO Bulk (Bulk_Run, Bulk_Totes, Bulk_Drums, Bulk_Boxes, Bulk_Bags, Bulk_Bins, Bulk_Crates) VALUES (" & RunList(x,0) & ", " & Totes & ", " & Drums & ", " & Boxes & ", " & Bags & ", " & Bins & ", " & Crates & ")", Connection) sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() sqlCommand = New SQLCommand("INSERT INTO Presort (Presort_Run, Presort_Totes, Presort_Drums, Presort_Boxes, Presort_Bags, Presort_Bins, Presort_Crates) VALUES (" & RunList(x,0) & ", " & Totes & ", " & Drums & ", " & Boxes & ", " & Bags & ", " & Bins & ", " & Crates & ")", Connection) sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() The two tables (Bulk & Presort) are <b>exactly</b> the same. This includes columns, primary keys, IDs, and even permissions. If I run the last two liens (the INSERT INTO Presort) then it works fine without error. But whenever I run the first two lines (the INSERT INTO Bulk) I get the following error: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Bulk'. Anyone have any ideas, thanks
Hi forum, im converting some code and have an issue with th following code!!! many thanks for good advice, Paul Line 55: SQLa = "UPDATE counted SET " & y & " = " & intClick & ", total = " & intTotal & " WHERE ID = " & RSpc.Fields("pc").ValueLine 56: Conn.Execute(SQLa) System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Syntax error in UPDATE statement. Dim SQLa As String
I have place a lblmessage.text = ex.Message to trace what happen and it show me a syntax error in update happen. I don't know whats wrong with my syntax. Can someone help me on this?
'set up connection dim conn as new oledbconnection _ ("provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _ "data source = c:aspnetdataanking.mdb")
sub page_load(sender as object, e as eventargs) if not page.ispostback then filldatagrid() end if end sub
sub submit (sender as object, e as eventargs) 'insert new data dim i,j as integer dim params(7) as string dim strtext as string dim blngo as boolean = true
j = 0
for i = 0 to addpanel.controls.count -1 if addpanel.controls(i).gettype is _ gettype (textbox) then strtext = ctype(addpanel.controls(i), _ textbox).text if strtext <> "" then params(j) = strtext else blngo = false lblmessage.text = lblmessage.text & _ "you forgot to enter a value for " & _ addpanel.controls (i).id & "<p>" lblmessage.style ("forecolor")= "red" end if j=j+1 end if next
sub dgdata_edit (sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs) filldatagrid(e.item.itemindex) end sub
sub dgdata_delete (sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs) dim strsql as string = "DELETE FROM tblusers " & _ "WHERE userid = " & e.item.itemindex + 1
executestatement(strsql) filldatagrid() end sub
sub dgdata_update (sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs) if updatedatastore(e) then filldatagrid(-1) end if end sub
sub dgdata_cancel (sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs) filldatagrid(-1) end sub
sub dgdata_pageindexchanged (sender as object, e as datagridpagechangedeventargs) dgdata.databind() end sub
function updatedatastore (e as datagridcommandeventargs) as boolean dim i,j as integer dim params(7) as string dim strtext as string dim blngo as boolean = true
j = 0
for i =1 to e.item.cells.count - 3 strtext = ctype(e.item.cells(i).controls(0), _ textbox).text if strtext <> "" then params(j) = strtext blngo = true j= j+1 else blngo = false lblmessage.text = lblmessage.text & _ "you forgot to enter a value<p>" end if next
if not blngo then return false exit function end if
executestatement (strsql) return blngo end function
sub filldatagrid (optional editindex as integer = -1) ' open connection dim objcmd as new oledbcommand _ ("select * from tblusers", conn) dim objreader as oledbdatareader
try objcmd.connection.open () objreader = objcmd.executereader() catch ex as exception lblmessage.text = "error retrieving from the " & _ "database." end try
dgdata.datasource = objreader if not editindex.equals(nothing) then dgdata.edititemindex = editindex end if
Here is my insert statement: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT INTO patients_import_test "); sb.Append("(Referral_Number,Referral_Date,FullName,Patient_ien,DOB,FMP,SSN_LastFour,Race_Id,PCM,Age) "); sb.Append("VALUES(@rnum,@rdate,@fname,@patid,@birthDate,@fmp,@ssan,@race,@pcm,@age) "); sb.Append("WHERE Referral_Number NOT IN ( SELECT Referral_Number FROM patients_import_test )");I'm getting an "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'".If I remove the WHERE clause the INSERT statement work fine.
I am attempting to mask a user's SS# based on Users.DisplaySSN. I have gone over the code time and time again and can't find where the error is.
Error I'm getting: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.
Here's where the error lies: CASE (SELECT DisplaySSN FROM Users WHERE Users.UserID = @UserID) WHEN False THEN 'xxx-xx-xxxx' + right(SocialSecurityNumber,0) AS SocialSecurityNumber ELSE vwEmp.SocialSecurityNumber END
Hi All -I am updating four values. What is the proper syntax to have thefollowing 4 update statements as one statement?set objRec = objDB.Execute("Update orientform set session = '" &strSession & "' where id = '" & strid & "'")set objRec = objDB.Execute("Update orientform set fname = '" & strfname& "' where id = '" & strid & "'")set objRec = objDB.Execute("Update orientform set gender = '" &strgender & "' where id = '" & strid & "'")set objRec = objDB.Execute("Update orientform set lname = '" & strlname& "' where id = '" & strid & "'")Thanks,Joey
Server Error in '/ys(Do Not Remove!!!)' Application.
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
Source Error:
Line 8: <Script runat="server"> Line 9: Private Sub InsertAuthorized(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Line 10: SqlDataSource1.Insert() Line 11: End Sub ' InsertAuthorized Line 12: </Script> Source File: C:Documents and SettingsDream_AchieverDesktopys(Do Not Remove!!!)Authorizing.aspx Line: 10
I've created multiple select statement to pull in varies fields from a table and one of those fields is Fiscal_Year, however, after the select statement I'm adding a Where clause:
Public DBString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Q:VoicenetRTS FolderRTS ChargesAccountscosting.mdb" Private Sub Button13_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button13.Click Dim connstring As New OleDbConnection(DBString) connstring.Open() Dim searchstring As String = "SELECT * FROM Costings1" Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(searchstring, connstring) Dim DS As New DataSet() Dim dt As DataTable = DS.Tables("Costings1") da.FillSchema(DS, SchemaType.Source, "Costings1") da.Fill(DS, "Costings1") Dim cb As New OleDbCommandBuilder(da) da.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand da.UpdateCommand = cb.GetUpdateCommand Dim dr As DataRow = DS.Tables("Costings1").NewRow dr("Key") = TextBox1.Text dr("CODE") = TextBox2.Text dr("Element") = TextBox3.Text etc... DS.Tables("Costings1").Rows.Add(dr) da.Update(DS, "Costings1") <<<<<<<<<<<Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.