Syntax For Default Value For NULLS In Column

Feb 26, 2014

From standard SELECT need to display specific column values normally, together with any NULLs in the same column not as NULL. My below effort parses however does not change to <new_value>.

(CASE WHEN last_db_bkup_date IS NULL THEN '<new_value>' ELSE last_db_bkup_date END) AS last_bkup_date, [Backup Age (Hours)]
FROM [tbl]

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Column Allows Nulls I Want To Change No Nulls Allowed

May 16, 2006

When i do a select on my emplee table for rows with null idCompany i dont get any records

I then try to modify the table to not allow a null idCompany and i get this error message:

'Employee (aMgmt)' table
- Unable to modify table.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'idCompany', table 'D2.aMgmt.Tmp_Employee'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.

This sux

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Default Value And NULLs

Oct 18, 2001

Documentation states that you can set the Default Value for a column which is to be used whenever a row with a null value is inserted into the table. However, it appears that the column ends up as NULL regardless of this setting when inserted field has a value of NULL.

We have a stored procedure that accepts parameters for each column on the table and initializes the incoming parameter to NULL. It then inserts the row into the table. Table definition allows NULLs in the columns, but has a Default Value of ''.

Are we missing a setting somewhere?

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How To Alter(add) A Table With A Default Value And By Allowing Nulls?

Aug 8, 2007


I am using this query to alter a table


But above query is adding age field by storing Nulls but not with default values

So I need to add age field to the table by storing default value as 0 and by allowing Nulls

Please advice


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T-SQL Syntax To Check For Nulls And Empty In One Statement

May 5, 2008

What is the T-SQL command to check for NULL or '' in a field in one statement? I would like to change the following code to be more readable (without the OR).

IF @agent IS NULL OR @agent = ''


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Column Does Not Allow Nulls

Nov 4, 2007

 Hi,This should be straight forward, but I've searched high and low on the net.I have a FORM which allows me to INSERT data, SQL Server 2005 backend. I populate the all the mandatory fields. But when I click on the Insert button, it won't let me save and says:Column 'PERSONAL_ID' does not allow nullsI'm
using tableadapters, business logic layers etc. and pausing clearly
shows that the values from the form are being passed to the procedure
that I have created "AddNewRecord". And PERSONAL_ID is definitely not
NULL! It fails on Line 971: Me.Rows.Add(row)PERSONAL_ID
is a primary key which I generate. The pause also shows that for
PERSONAL_ID it says " {"Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String'
is not valid."}Function AddNewRecord looks like this:<System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Insert, True)> _
Public Function AddNewRecord(ByVal PERSONAL_ID As String, ByVal SURNAME
As String, ByVal CHRISTIAN_NAME As String, ByVal SEX As String, _
ByVal FAMILY_POSITION As String, ByVal FAMILY_ID As String, ByVal
ADDRESS_1 As String, ByVal ADDRESS_2 As String, _ ByVal ADDRESS_3
As String, ByVal ADDRESS_4 As String, ByVal ADDRESS_5 As String, ByVal
ADDRESS_6 As String, ByVal POSTCODE As String, ByVal COUNTRY As String,
ByVal ORG_ID As String) As Boolean ' create a new details row instance Dim details As New smDetails.smTbl_DetailsIDDataTable Dim detail As smDetails.smTbl_DetailsIDRow = details.NewsmTbl_DetailsIDRow details.AddsmTbl_DetailsIDRow(detail) formview code is this: <InsertItemTemplate> PERSONAL_ID: <asp:TextBox ID="PERSONAL_IDTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PERSONAL_ID") %>' AutoPostBack="True" /> <br /> SURNAME: <asp:TextBox ID="SURNAMETextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("SURNAME") %>' AutoPostBack="True" /> <br /> CHRISTIAN_NAME: <asp:TextBox ID="CHRISTIAN_NAMETextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("CHRISTIAN_NAME") %>' /> <br /> SEX: <asp:TextBox ID="SEXTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("SEX") %>' /> <br /> FAMILY_POSITION: <asp:TextBox ID="FAMILY_POSITIONTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("FAMILY_POSITION") %>' /> <br /> FAMILY_ID: <asp:TextBox ID="FAMILY_IDTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("FAMILY_ID") %>' /> <br /> ADDRESS_1: <asp:TextBox ID="ADDRESS_1TextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ADDRESS_1") %>' /> <br /> ADDRESS_2: <asp:TextBox ID="ADDRESS_2TextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ADDRESS_2") %>' /> <br /> ADDRESS_3: <asp:TextBox ID="ADDRESS_3TextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ADDRESS_3") %>' /> <br /> ADDRESS_4: <asp:TextBox ID="ADDRESS_4TextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ADDRESS_4") %>' /> <br /> ADDRESS_5: <asp:TextBox ID="ADDRESS_5TextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ADDRESS_5") %>' /> <br /> ADDRESS_6: <asp:TextBox ID="ADDRESS_6TextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ADDRESS_6") %>' /> <br /> POSTCODE: <asp:TextBox ID="POSTCODETextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("POSTCODE") %>' /> <br /> COUNTRY: <asp:TextBox ID="COUNTRYTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("COUNTRY") %>' /> <br /> ORG_ID: <asp:TextBox ID="ORG_IDTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ORG_ID") %>' /> <br /> <asp:LinkButton ID="InsertButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="True" CommandName="Insert" Text="Insert" /> <asp:LinkButton ID="InsertCancelButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel" /> </InsertItemTemplate> Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advanceTushar

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Select Default Value Syntax

Jan 25, 2006

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to select the default value of a particular column but can't seem to find the syntax for this anywhere. It's a rather peculiar situation where it's needed...

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Invalid Syntax Near Keyword Default (was Why Do I Get The Following Error?)

Mar 8, 2005

select * from CurrencyMaster where default=true

invalid syntax near keyword default.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Specific Column Matching With Nulls

Apr 9, 2015

I'm working on a join between two tables where I only want one row returned... I'm matching on two columns between two tables. One of those columns in the target table could be null. I only want one record returned.

create table #vehicle(id int, vehiclemake varchar(10), vehiclemodel varchar(10), classtype varchar(1))
create table #class(id int, classtype varchar(1), value int)

insert into #vehicle values(1, 'AUDI', 'R8', 'A')
insert into #vehicle values(2, 'AUDI', null, 'B')

insert into #class values(1, 'A', 100)
insert into #class values(2, 'B', 1)

[Code] ....

Using the above example, if VehicleModel is anything other than 'R8' is specified then I want it to return the other class type record.

This is going to be used as a join within a bigger statement, so I'm not sure ordering and returning top 1 is going to work.

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Inserting Data Into Table - Column Does Not Allow Nulls

Sep 26, 2013

I'm inserting data from a c# webservice into a table via a stored procedure, but I get a Column does not allow nulls on the @alert_id column/field. It is set as int and allow nulls is not ticked.

Here's the sql:

USE [aren]
ALTER PROCEDURE [aren1002].[ArenAlertInsert]

[Code] ....

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Sql 2005 Bogus Error?!?!?! 'Column Does Not Allow Insert Of NULLS'...(Duh!)

Oct 31, 2007

I have been battling this for 2 days! I could write a book on what does not work. I have even tried entering the data manually through the 'Open Table' SSMS function from the Object Explorer. I only have 5 records in the table. The first 4 I added a week or so ago during dev from the ASP.Net 2.0 (w VB) website that is the front end for this DB. I use a DAL between the site and DB.I added two new fields the other day and everything seemed to work fine. Now I get 'Siteid CANNOT BE NULL'. I abandoned attempts to Insert from the Website. The following was done directly through SSMS.I switched all of the columns (except PK) to allow nulls. I could add/update a record, no problem, even with directly typed data in some fields. I could also add one with only one field populated (some have defaults, some do not).Here is the table code:USE [bro122]GO/****** Object: Table [dbo].[tbsaDrem] Script Date: 10/31/2007 18:46:34 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_PADDING ONGOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbsaDrem]([DremID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[CustID] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_CustID] DEFAULT ((0)),[RealityYN] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_ContractYN] DEFAULT ((0)),[DreamName] [varchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_DreamName] DEFAULT ('New (Modify Name)'),[SiteID] [int] NOT NULL,[SitePremPric] [money] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_SiteBasePric] DEFAULT ((0)),[NbhdBasePric] [money] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_NbhdBasePric] DEFAULT ((0)),[PlanCtlgID] [int] NOT NULL,[PlanPric] [money] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_PlanPric] DEFAULT ((0)),[SpecTotl] [money] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_SpecTotl] DEFAULT ((0)),[DremTotl] AS ((([NbhdBasePric]+[SitePremPric])+[PlanPric])+[SpecTotl]) PERSISTED,[Modified] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_Modified] DEFAULT (getdate()),[ModUser] [varchar](25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaDrem_ModUser] DEFAULT ('None'),[Created] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbsaScenario_CreatedDate] DEFAULT (getdate()),[ts] [timestamp] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_tbsaDremID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([DremID] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, FILLFACTOR = 60) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOSET ANSI_PADDING OFFGOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'This is flagged with a Trigger when a Dream becomes a Reality. ( contract is ratified.' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'tbsaDrem', @level2type=N'COLUMN',@level2name=N'RealityYN'GOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'Heading Data for Each Dream (Scenario) for Customers. Each Dream can and must have only one Customer, Site, Plan. Dream Items are stored in the tbsaDreamItem table.' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'tbsaDrem'GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbsaDrem] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tbsaDrem_tbjoSite] FOREIGN KEY([SiteID])REFERENCES [dbo].[tbjoSite] ([SiteID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbsaDrem] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tbsaDrem_tbjoSite]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbsaDrem] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tbsaDrem_tbpdPlanCtlg] FOREIGN KEY([PlanCtlgID])REFERENCES [dbo].[tbsaCtlg] ([CtlgID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbsaDrem] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tbsaDrem_tbpdPlanCtlg]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbsaDrem] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tbsaDrem_tbsaCust] FOREIGN KEY([CustID])REFERENCES [dbo].[tbsaCust] ([CustID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbsaDrem] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tbsaDrem_tbsaCust]Any help is enormously appreciated!!!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Column Does Not Allow Nulls / INSERT Fails

Jan 4, 2010

I'm a developer working on PHP - MSSQL 2008 combined platform. While running a procedure from a webpage I'm encountering the error as below.

My Query:
DECLARE @ReturnValue INT
EXEC @ReturnValue = S_AccountsBatchActivation @FirstName='abc', @LastName='abc', @Address='abc', @City='abc', @State='abc', @Country='India', @Phone='1', @BatchId='6502'
SELECT ReturnValue=@ReturnValue

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TariffId', table 'tempdb.dbo.#tbl
column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

Though the same query when run from SSMS runs fine:

Execute S_AccountsBatchActivation


On my end I've tried out with ANSI_NULL AND ANSI_NULLS settings being both ON and OFF but it didn't worked.

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Nulls In Columns Additions When 1 Or More Column Values Is Blank

Jun 4, 2007

I am running into an issue when adding data from multiple columns intoone alias:P.ADDR1 + ' - ' + P.CITY + ',' + ' ' + P.STATE AS LOCATIONIf one of the 3 values is blank, the value LOCATION becomes NULL. Howcan I inlcude any of the 3 values without LOCATION becoming NULL?Example, if ADDR1 and CITY have values but STATE is blank, I get aNULL statement for LOCATION. I still want it to show ADDR1 and CITYeven if STATE is blank.Thanks

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Problem With NULLS In Data Flow Vs Identity Column

Dec 12, 2007

I'll preface this by saying I'm pretty new to SSIS; I'm coming over from Coldfusion and don't have much DTS experience to draw from either. That said....

I've got a package that I run to migrate data from a bunch of older databases into a "flat" new schema. The new schema is not identical to the old, in other words, so it's not a simple mapping of existing columns. All the data flow tasks have finally gotten to a working state, with much trial-and-error. Now, suddenly one of the tasks is throwing this error:
"...Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'the_id', table 'the_table'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails."

The column is an identity column in the new table; it is NOT NULL as it is the primary key. I've triple-checked that identity is on. Basically it's generated anew each time this package is run. In the data flow task, mappings are set to ignore for this column; also, Keep identity and Keep nulls are on (although since this column is not in the source I can't see how this affects anything.)

(***For anyone wondering why in the heck I'd need this column at all, offhand I can't recall if later tasks use it or not...I'm actually wondering if it's even needed in this read-only table if it's not used as a foreign key somewhere else...however, I'd like to figure out this issue regardless... )

I've had a hard time finding anyone with the same problem out there...usually people with NULL issues simply are trying to insert into a NOT NULL column. The big difference here is that the column is identity.


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Need Script To Modify A Formula Column Into Normal Column With Default Value.

Mar 29, 2001

I have a table called test with 4 fields namley studentname, Mark1, Mark2, total (formula column).

Created table test in the following structure,
create table test (studentname varchar(50), Mark1 numeric, Mark2 numeric, total as ([Mark1]+[Mark2]))

Now I need to drop formula nature of this column total and assign default value '0'. I like to know how to do it using T-Sql script.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create Table / Set Default Column Value To Value Of Another Column?

Mar 11, 2015

when creating a new table. How can I set the default value of the column to equal the value of another column in the same table?

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Alter Column Results In Incorrect Syntax Near &#39;column&#39;

Oct 29, 2001

I ran this query against the pubs database and it runs successfully

ALTER TABLE publishers ALTER COLUMN state CHAR(25)

I change the table & field names for my db as follows:
ALTER TABLE customquery ALTER COLUMN toclause CHAR(25)

and run against my database and I get the following error - Incorrect syntax near 'COLUMN'.

My column name is correct - I don't know why it would run fine against pubs, but not my db. I do not have quoted identifiers turned on. I have tried using [] around my column name [toclause], but that didn't change anything. Any help would be appreciated.

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Testing Permutations Of Nulls And Not Nulls

Feb 17, 2008

is there an elegant way to use one equals sign in a where clause that returns true when both arguments are null, and returns true when neither is null but both are equal and returns false when only one is null?

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Do Not Keep NULLS Using SSIS Bulk Insert Task - Insert Empty Strings Instead Of NULLS

May 15, 2008

I have two SSIS packages that import from the same flat file into the same SQL 2005 table. I have one flat file connection (to a comma delimited file) and one OLE DB connection (to a SQL 2005 Database). Both packages use these same two Connection Managers. The SQL table allows NULL values for all fields. The flat file has "empty values" (i.e., ,"", ) for certain columns.

The first package uses the Data Flow Task with the "Keep nulls" property of the OLE DB Destination Editor unchecked. The columns in the source and destination are identically named thus the mapping is automatically assigned and is mapped based on ordinal position (which is equivalent to the mapping using Bulk Insert). When this task is executed no null values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file. Empty string values are inserted instead of NULL.

The second package uses the Bulk Insert Task with the "KeepNulls" property for the task (shown in the Properties pane when the task in selected in the Control Flow window) set to "False". When the task is executed NULL values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file.

So using the Data Flow Task " " (i.e., blank) is inserted. Using the Bulk Insert Task NULL is inserted (i.e., nothing is inserted, the field is skipped, the value for the record is omitted).

I want to have the exact same behavior on my data in the Bulk Insert Task as I do with the Data Flow Task.

Using the Bulk Insert Task, what must I do to have the Empty String values inserted into the SQL table where there is an "empty value" in the flat file? Why & how does this occur automatically in the Data Flow Task?

From a SQL Profile Trace comparison of the two methods I do not see where the syntax of the insert command nor the statements for the preceeding captured steps has dictated this change in the behavior of the inserted "" value for the recordset. Please help me understand what is going on here and how to accomplish this using the Bulk Insert Task.

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Cannot Set Default Value For Column Using Alter Column

May 16, 2006

Well here's one of those excruciatingly simple obstacles:

In SQL Server 2005 (Mgmt Studio): according to BOL, the syntax to set a default value for an existing column is:

ALTER TABLE MyCustomers ALTER COLUMN CompanyName SET DEFAULT 'A. Datum Corporation'

However, when I Check:

alter table CommissionPayment alter column Amount Set Default 0

I get the error message:

"Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Set'."

No other combinations of this syntax work.

Help! What am I missing?

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Transact SQL :: Selecting Latest Date But Over Another Date Column Including Nulls?

Nov 26, 2015

(ID int,
Code nvarchar (20),
Datein datetime,
Declined datetime )

[Code] .....

I have a table here.  I want  find a way of getting the latest date, when the code is the same.  If the Declined date is null.  Then I still want the latest date.  E.g. ID 3.  

If the declined date is filled in.  Then I want to get the row, when the Datein column value is greater then the declined date only.

I tried grouping it by max date, but   i got an error message when trying this out.  Against the code  

WHERE MAX(Datein) > Declined

An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.  What do I need to do to get both my outputs working? 

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Using UDF As A Default Value For A Column

Oct 17, 2006

I have a UDF that returns a char(10) random value. This runs fine when calling it directly via Query Analyzer, Stored Procs, etc.

I now want to create a new column in a table (via the Table Designer) and want to set the default value to the function. I have entered dbo.f_myfunction() for "Default Value", but I get an error:

Unable to modify table.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 51 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.

The function is in the same database as the table. This is all on my local database where I am the admin.

I have also tried database.dbo.f_myfunction(), but I get an Invalid Object error.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you,


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Column Null Or 0 Default Value

Feb 3, 2005


I have a table with the list of employee and 15 column with data type float or money , that represent the number of hours, airfare,gas,parking food, etc....

I have 2 choice:
-Put 0 as a default value for each column, like that I do not have to use coalesce when I do SUM for each column.
-Leave the default value null but I will have to use coalesce.

In term of performance, what is the best solution?


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Default Value In Datetime Column

Dec 27, 2005

hi, i was wondering how to set default value in the datetime column of the database so that it will enter current date and time if one is not provided when a row is populated.  is there a store procedure to do this? or built-in function?

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Default Date Value For Column

Sep 16, 2003

I would like to have the date value 1/1/2499 entered as the default value in a date field if no value is specified. I have added 1/1/2499 as the default value for the column however when I insert a record into the table the date 1/1/1900 is entered even though I haven't specified a date. Any way to accomplish this? Thanks.

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Default Bound To Column

Mar 2, 2005

I am running a script against a couple of databases on my SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Instance and I am getting the following in the results pane:

"Default bound to column" I have searched the MS Knowledge base and found a couple of vague references to this. Does anyone know why I might be getting this??? the script 'seems' to run fine.. except for the funky error in the results pane. Script is attached. Thank you!!

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Alter Column Set Default

Oct 11, 2006

I've done some research on setting the default value of a column and found the following code:


I am trying to set column1 within table1 to a default value of 0, column1 is an int data type. But it doesn't work within MS SQL SERVER 2000.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong?

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Default Value For Image Column

May 25, 2004

HI All,

Does someone knows if it is possible to get a default value on a image column type!

Cheers Wim

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Can't Drop Column That Has A Default

Jun 13, 2008

I did this...

ALTER TABLE tm_spn_equip_def ADD Customer_No int NOT NULL DEFAULT dbo.f_spn_GetCustomerNo() WITH VALUES

Now when I attempt to do this...

ALTER TABLE tm_spn_equip_def DROP COLUMN Customer_No

I get an error:

Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The object 'DF__tm_spn_eq__Custo__019E3B86' is dependent on column 'Customer_No'.
Msg 4922, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN Customer_No failed because one or more objects access this column.

How can I get around this?


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Default Value For Int Column That Allows Null ?

Aug 10, 2007

If no value is supplied on an insert for an int column that allows nulls, will the value be null or 0 ?

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Changing The Default Value For A Column

Jul 23, 2005

Does anybody know how I can change the default value for a column?I was trying to remove the default value in order to add the new oneafterwards. This is what I tried:alter table /table-name/ drop default for /column-name/alter table /table-name/ alter column /column-name/(/new-decl-without-default/)It did not work. I cannot find a solution in the documentation. Maybeyou can help me out?Thank you,Johan

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UPDATE On A Column With A Set Default

Jan 30, 2006

If we have a column with a default value set, say GETDATE( ), how can weassure that value is reset on an UPDATE (not an INSERT) without changingthe client code that does the updating?I'd rather stay away from triggers, etc if possible.Thanks,Mike Husler

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Deleting A Column DEFAULT....

Jul 24, 2006

Hi,I've the following problem. I must delete a column DEFAULT from a table,but I must do it with a script, independently from the server where it'llbe executed.Locally I've tried with:ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PlanningDettaglio]DROP CONSTRAINT [DF__PlanningD__OreSt__688C6DAC]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[PlanningDettaglio]ALTER COLUMN [OreStraordinario] varchar(5)GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[PlanningDettaglio]ADD DEFAULT ('00.00') FOR [OreStraordinario]GOit works, but only locally.I've tried with:ALTER TABLE PlanningDettaglio ALTER COLUMN OreStraordinario DROP DEFAULTErr.: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DEFAULT'.Can someone help me please?Thanks in advance,GiacomoP.S.We're using SQL Sever 2000 (version 8.00.194)

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