Sysindexes Vs. EM Managed Indexes

Mar 9, 2001

Can anyone explain why when I look at table using enterprise manager, highlight a table, all tasks, maanage indexes why only 1 index appears and when I look at the same table in sysindexes is says that there are 8 indexes.
This is the sql code I executed:
select object_name(id), indid from sysindexes
where object_name(id) = 'tbh_matter_summ'

Is it possible that there is a problem with the database?


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Sysindexes SQL 6.5

Oct 3, 2001

When you have a table with no indexes you can see the table name in sysindexes and the relevant data in the rest of the fields with an indid of 0. I understand this bit.....but when you have created an index and then you delete it again.... the row in sysindexes just has the tablename and no other data?

Weird or by design?

Cheers timmers

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Count(*) Vs Sysindexes

Sep 15, 2000

I have read at this location--
that it is better to use sysindexes to get a rowcount.
Can I be assured that this is always up-to-date?

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Sysindexes Table

Jun 18, 2001

How can I use sysindexes table to determine the indexes, tables being indexed, and the columns to which the indexes belong.


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Sysindexes Don't Match

Sep 7, 2004

It seems my sysindexes table is inaccurate on a nonclustered index. In my case the rowcount (rows and rowcnt) do not match the actual rowcount of the table. The command UPDATE STATISTICS doesn't change the rows or rowcount, adding 'FULSLCAN' won't budge rowcount either.

After I did a dbcc reindex, the number of rows matched, however, upon adding rows in the table both rows and rowcount are out of sync again.

It's a fairly straightforward table, no triggers, no computed fields, only integer, datetime, varchar and bigint columns. There's a clustered index on a bigint column and a nonclustered index on a integer column.

dbcc show_statistics show that the nonclustered index is updated and it's rows and rows sampled match the number of rows in the table (not in the sysindexes-table).

I'd like to know if I'm chasing ghosts here or if there's something very wrong here. What could be causing the counts being inaccurate? Anyone who could shed some light?

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Query Sysindexes

Jun 3, 2007

i hav a table, Test1, with a clustered index and two non clustered index defined on it.

When i use sp_help Test1, the CI and non clustered index are listed along with the column names.

when i query the sysindex table (for id = object_id(Test1))

i can see entries like _WA_Sys_<<ColumnName>>_3D5EEB29.

what are these entries? are they indexes? if yes, how these entries are created and what is the significance of these entries.

Pl discuss.


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Inconsistency In Sysindexes

Apr 21, 2008

hi all
Is there any way to remove inconsistencies from sysindexes table. I have already used all the options of the checkdb as well as checktable but invain.
thanks in advance

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Damaged Sysindexes

Oct 17, 2005

Please note that I'm having the below problem:

1- when i run "DBcc CheckDB ('DBName') with all_errormsgs"
I Get:
Could not read and latch page (1:173) with latch type SH. sysindexes failed.

2- then :
select * from sysindexes

Gave me:
I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0x0000000015a000 in file 'C:DataDatabasesOld_Data.MDF'.

Connection Broken

3- dbcc checktable ('sysindexes')
Could not read and latch page (1:173) with latch type SH. sysindexes failed.
Server: Msg 8939, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 2, index ID 0, page (1:173). Test (IS_ON (BUF_IOERR, bp->bstat) && bp->berrcode) failed. Values are 2057 and -1.CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'sysindexes' (object ID 2).

Forth of all, I can't use a backup because it is old.
Can i copy system tables from old database to the current one that we are using...

I tried to export and import data from this corrupted database but it would give me errors...

Is there anyway that i can adjust this database.
Please Help Urgently....

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Delete From Sysindexes

Oct 22, 2007

I need to delete couple or rows from sysindexes, the code worked fine in sql 2000, but 2005 does not support direct update in sys tables any more, what's the work around? thanks.

USE [dbname]

DELETE FROM sysindexes WHERE name LIKE '_va_Sys_%'

EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', '0'


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Could Not Find Row In Sysindexes For Database

Aug 26, 2007

I am trying to attach a database that was created on another server.  I believe the database was created using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.  Now, I have successfully attached the database in my development environment, which is using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.
However, when I tried to attach the database onto our production server, which is SQL Server 2000 I received the error:
Error 602:Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 18, object ID 1, index ID 1.  Run DBCC CheckTable on sysindexes.
In my development environment, I ran DBCC CheckDB on the source database and no errors are returned.
I aslo checked the compatibility level under the database properties and it shows: Sql Server 2000 (80)
So, this should not be a version incompatibility issue. What is causing the attach to fail on SQL Server 2000?
Thanks for any help.

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Sysindexes Keys Column

Mar 21, 2001

Does nayone know how to identify the tables fields from the keys col. in the
sysindexes table?


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Status 8388704 In Sysindexes

Dec 17, 1999

Does anyone know what status 8388704 represents? The table in question is a heap. There are two of these on the table, and they don't show up in EM but are listed in sp_help. They also have weird names associated with their entries in sysindexes "_WA_Sys_CUST_PO_NBR_0F975522" and "_WA_Sys_ORD_STUS_CODE_0F975522"... I've searched everywhere... HELP!

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Data Corruption At Sysindexes

Aug 23, 2005

I got the data currption after run CheckDB and it cannot be repaired:
Server: Msg 8966, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not read and latch page (1:273) with latch type SH. sysindexes failed.
Server: Msg 8944, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table Corrupt: Object ID 2, index ID 0, page (1:273), row 9. Test (columnOffsets->offTbl [varColumnNumber] <= (nextRec - pRec)) failed. Values are 331 and 120.
DBCC results for 'abtrepository'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'sysindexes' (object ID 2).
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in database 'abtrepository'.
repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (abtrepository repair_fast).
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
Please help!


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Could Not Find Row In Sysindexes With Index ID

Dec 19, 2005

Please help
1. my database can not truncate log and I use this command
and after that I received result as below
->The log was not truncated because records at the beginning of the log are pending replication. Ensure the Log Reader Agent is running or use sp_repldone to mark transactions as distributed.

2. so I drop all replicate but it's still return same error
so I try to run
DBCC CHECKDB --> but no error meesage
DBCC CHECKALLOC --> but no error meesage
DBCC CHECKTABLE ('sysindexes') --> but no error meesage
but I tried to run
3. DBCC PAGE (IMVDB2, 1, 13015, 3) i recieved
-->Server: Msg 2591, Level 16, State 14, Line 1
Could not find row in sysindexes with index ID 2 for table 'object ID (334220541)'.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

so what can I do the next to fix this problem, please help[/b]

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DBCC Error In Sysindexes

Oct 10, 2006

I have some errors in my DB, we do have a backup plan in place, but the person who put it in place is no longer here. It's all automated and running, the problem is , we do A LOT of transactions a day, and the error has been in the db since 9/20(2.5 weeks) when someone shut the power off accidentally. So i'm reluctant to do a backup, mainly since i have NO idea how to do one, we do full and incremental, full on weekend, incremental weeknights.

below is the biggest problem SYSINDEXES :(. a few other tables had problems but DBCC with repair_allow_data_loss has fixed those with 'hardly' any data loss. What can I do here?

THanks in advance

Server: Msg 8909, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 2, index ID 0, page ID (1:4917). The PageId in the page header = (1:4925).
Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 2, index ID 255: Page (1:4917) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
DBCC results for 'sysindexes'.
There are 485 rows in 30 pages for object 'sysindexes'.
CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'sysindexes' (object ID 2).

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Removal Of Selected Indexes / Script Index Create For List Of Indexes

Jul 1, 2014

I'm working to improve performance on a database I've inherited, and there are several thousand indexes. I've got a list of ones which should definitely exist within the database, and I'm looking to strip out all the others and start fresh, though this list is still quite large (1000 or so).

Is there a way I can remove all the indexes that are not in my list without too much trouble? I.e. without having to manually go through them all individually. The list is currently in a csv file.

I'm looking to either automate the removal of indexes not in the list, or possibly to generate the Create statements for the indexes on the list and simply remove all indexes and then run these statements.

As an aside, when trying to list all indexes in the database, I've found various scripts to do this, but found they all seem to produce differing results. What is the best script to list all indexes?

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How Do You Determine An Index Is Unique From Sysindexes?

Mar 17, 2002

I need to write a script which will respond differently if a table's index forces uniqueness.

I am using SQL 7.0 and I am using the [sysindexes] table of my database to examine those indexes. I am using the [id] field from the [sysobjects] table for the table I am examining and I am using that [id] field to find like-valued [id] fields in the [sysindexes] table.

My problem is that I can't seem to determine, from an examination of the [sysindexes] table, whether, or not, an index is unique.

When adding an index, and checking the unique property of that index, the values that I get in the [status] field of [sysindexes] are different from the values which are supposed to show, at least according to the sysindexes (T-SQL) entry in SQL Server Books Online.

For instance, I have a table which combines two text fields which comprise the only key on a table. The unique and clustered boxes are checked in the index setup screen. When I look in the [sysindexes] table, the value in the [status] field is 2113554, which is not a value I see in the books online page. According to my books online page, a unique index should have a value of 2 in the [status] field and a clustered index should have a value of 16 in the [status] field. My assumption is that I should see a value of 18 in that [status] field, not 2113554.

I looks like the books online entry might be out-of-date because the field that is labeled [reserved1] in my books online page, is labeled [StatVersion] in my actual [sysindexes] table. That [StatVersion] field looks suspiciously like a Status Version field, possibly indicating that the Status field has undergone some sort of version revision?

Is anyone familiar with this stuff?



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Sysindexes - How To Distinguish Primary Key Index

Apr 22, 2003

indid =1 works, is this the correct way

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Sysindexes Table Error 17052

Sep 5, 2002

The sysindexes table of my database seems to be messedup and I cannot backup my database.
Here is the error
17052 :
Table error: IAM page (1:278538) (object ID 2, index ID 255) is out of the range of this database.

FYI Object ID 2 is the sysindexes table.

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Duplicate Names In Sysindexes Table

Mar 29, 2001

WHen researching an index name problem, I found duplicate index names in sysindexes, referencing the same table. I notice that one of the indexes has a status = 2097154 and a indid of 2 while the other has a status of 0 and a indid of 0. I believe these are duplicates. Anybody have an idea if these really are and what the status and indid fields mean?

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SYSINDEXES Index Fail, Error 644

Jan 16, 2006

A few days ago a sproc stopped working, only noticed it this morning, when checking information to see what's up I get this:

Server: Msg 644, Level 21, State 1, Procedure uspV2InventoryFetch, Line 83
Could not find the index entry for RID '45574f44523738313834202020202020202020202020202020202020202020' in index page (1:11690152), index ID 2, database 'ASOS'.

Connection Broken

I've treid DBCC CHECKDBing all related tables and everything else. Even tried dbreindexing a couple of them too, everything reports as correct. When I looked further at the problem I spotted "index ID 2" in there, on checking this out in sysindexes it seems that the name field of sysindexes where id = 2 is SYSINDEXES and TSYSINDEXES.

I can't seem to do a DBB DBRECINDEX against a system table.

Any help appreciated.


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How To Replace Sysindexes And Sysobjects In The Query For Sql Server 2005?

Feb 26, 2008

 hi all,i was using the system tables namely sysindexes and sysobjects  in sql server 2000. But now sql server 2005 is using instead of sql server 2000.  Since am using sysindexes and sysobjects, too much time is taking for the execution in sql server 2005. So I need to change the query suitable for sql server 2005.I have read in msdn that the system tables are replaced with corresponding catalog views in sql server 2005. The catelog view for sysobjects is sys.objects. plz check the link anyone please tell me how to replace the sysindexes and sysobjects in the query without rewriting the query too much. If I can replacesysobjects with just sys.objects, then it will be very helpful. Is it possible? And what about sysindexes.  Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!

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T-SQL Vs. Managed Code

Apr 11, 2007

Can anyone explain to me why I would choose one over the other? Please provide some simple examples of when I would choose each. Thanks! 

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Managed Objects

Mar 21, 2006

Hello people :-)I'm doing some development work with Visual Studio 2005 and SQLServer 2000. My SQL DB is running on a Windows 2000 Server box in the office, and I'm doing the development on my XPPro workstation. Now I've been trying to connect to the Win2000 box though VS and although I can see the server and the DB when I hit ok I get this error"The SQL server specified by these connection propertise does not support managed objects"What the heck does that mean?any help would be great :-)

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SQL Schema And Managed Code (SQL-CLR)

Nov 20, 2006

I have a SQL Server project in Visual Studio 2005 which deploys an assembly to SQL Server 2005 containing various stored procedures user defined functions.  Is there any way to tell Visual Studio to drop/create the stored procedures in a schema other than dbo? 
ie:  User.ChangePassword instead of dbo.ChangePassword.

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Managed Replacement For SQLDMO?

Feb 23, 2006

In VS 2003 I used SQLDMO (Com Object) to list all available SQL Servers. Is in SQL Server 2005 a managed .net Component that can do that task?Thanks,Rainer.

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MDS Entity Which Will Be Managed In Excel

Jan 7, 2015

I have an MDS entity which will be managed in excel. I do not want the user to enter the Code and Name so I have configured code to auto generate and name to default to another attribute value. I have then hidden code and name in excel.

When I use excel and enter the attribute and publish, the name column is blank in the MDS table.Am I missing something here with the defaulting?The Action is defined as 'Name Defaults to Country'. Where Country is the attribute I am populating.

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Managed Stored Procedures

Mar 22, 2007

Can anyone point me to a good resource to create managed stored procedures in SQL 2005 Express using VB.NET and VS2003?

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Managed Plugin-Algorithmn

Dec 30, 2007


I spent the last days programming a managed datamining plugin-algorithmn for SSAS 2005 and have troubles with the Prediction-Method.

Die Prediction-Methode of the "Shell-Algorithm" leads to an error-message on execution of the prediction-query (Internal Error: Unexprected Error ... dmxpredict.cpp Row 205 ...).

Can anyone provide me with a very simple implementation of this Method which just says that for every output-attribute the first (discrete) state should be predicted with a probability of, let's say, 90 % ?

Best Whishes

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Managed Trigger And New Threads

Mar 12, 2007

SQL Server 2005 gives you a possibility to create managed triggers. In a managed trigger I can create a new thread and process trigger event in various ways. My question is that are there any reasons why I should NOT start new threads in database triggers? The following code shows how I could create new threads. Do you see that this could cause any errors or problems in SQL Server functionality? My goal is to minimize the trigger effects in a database overall performance.

'This handles database updates of AdventureWorks Person.Contact table.
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger(Name:="UpdateContact_Trigger", Target:="Person.Contact", Event:="FOR UPDATE")> _
Public Shared Sub UpdateContact_Trigger()
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Trigger FIRED")

Dim triggContext As SqlTriggerContext = SqlContext.TriggerContext()
'Ensure that it was update:
If triggContext.TriggerAction = TriggerAction.Update Then

'Open a connection:
Using conn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
'Fetch some information about the update:
Using sqlComm As New SqlCommand
sqlComm.Connection = conn
sqlComm.CommandText = "SELECT ContactID, FirstName, LastName from INSERTED"
Using rdr As SqlDataReader = sqlComm.ExecuteReader
If rdr.Read Then
'Process the data in a separate thread. The thread could send a message to MSMQ about the change
'or process if differently. The purpose of using separate thread is avoid performance hit
'in the application / database operation.
Dim oData As New TriggerData("update", rdr.GetInt32(0).ToString, "contact")
Dim trd As New Threading.Thread(New Threading.ThreadStart(AddressOf oData.ProcessEvent))
trd.IsBackground = True
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using
End If
End Sub

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Database Trigger To Run Managed C# Code

Aug 24, 2007

Hi there,
Values in my database need to updated periodically. The code, upon starting the application, queries the database and stores the values in the Application collection. This is to avoid making a database call everytime the values are needed (increases performance). The drawback is that changes to the database values are not updated in the code.
How can I create a database trigger that will update the C# Application colllection whenever a table value is updated?

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Managed Store Procedure Does Not Deploy

Sep 4, 2007

I have created a managed stored procdure in a sql server project in VS. I have put in the corect server name password and login fro the connection to the database.
When I deploy however it doesn't deploy the stored proccdure to the database even though it says it has successfully deployed the stored procedure. Has anyone had this
problem and how can you make sure it is deploying to the correct database.

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Managed Code Memory Issues

Apr 19, 2007

There is an interesting article from MSDN Magazine titled "Identify and Prevent Memory Leaks in Managed Code"

Are there any additional documents or utilities that people would suggest for monitoring and managing CLR impact on SQL server resources and performance?

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