System Date In Trigger
May 15, 2006What is the script to insert system date in a table at insertion time using trigger.
View 4 RepliesWhat is the script to insert system date in a table at insertion time using trigger.
View 4 RepliesI have a query to run a report where the results has a column named “Due Date” which holds a date value based on the project submission date.Now, I need to add 4 columns named, “45 Days Expectant”, “30 Days Overdue”, “60 Days Overdue” and “90 Days Overdue”.I need to do a calculation based on the “Due Date” and “System (I mean default computer date) Date” that if “System Date” is 45 days+ to “Due Date” than put “Yes” in “45 Days Expectant” row.
Also, if “Due Date” is less than or equal to system date by 30 days, put “Yes” in “30 Days Overdue” and same for the 60 and 90 to write this Case Statement? I have some answers how to do it in SSRS (Report Designer) but I want to get the results using T-SQl.
I'm currently using the SQL to find records older than todays date in the SSD_SED field. I'm having to update the date manually each day. Is there a way I can automate this?
AND (SSD_SED < '2013-11-01')order by SSD_SED DESC
I need to keep track of changes (delete/modify) in sysusers table. SQL Books Online mentionend that SQL Server 7.0 doesn't support trigger on system tables. What options do I have?
I want to create a trigger on sysfiles. I had logged in as sa account but able to create it... I am getting the below error...
Server: Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Procedure TAU_Sysfiles_WSCLog_Reminder, Line 65535
CREATE TRIGGER permission denied on object 'sysfiles', database 'WorldScope_Dev', owner 'dbo'.
Can any body please help me how to go ahead creating trigger in the system tables...
Thanks in Advance...
Can I create trigger on a system table in the Master database, what I need is to create trigger on sysxlogins table.
Is there a way to create a Trigger on the Systemview [sys].[dm_exec_connections] ?
The Statement below Fails.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TG_CLEAN_LOCK_ID] ON [sys].[dm_exec_connections]
I need a trigger to be fired when a Connection ([sys].[dm_exec_connections] .[connection_id]) drops.
Is it principally impossible to create a trigger on a system view or is it just a lack on permissions making my SQL fail?
Is there any other way for surveying wether a connection is alive or not, without polling?
Thanks in advance
I understand that triggers are not allowed against system tables for SQL 7.
Does anyone know if there are third-party solutions for setting triggers against system tables?
Or how one may possibly detect changes against system table without running a scheduled job?
Our requirement dictates that we detect real-time changes to system tables, for example, whenever a new table is created, or column name changed.
Such as check all triggers that assign value to some columns ?
Thank you very much.
Oracle named the system date as sysdate. Can anyone tell me what Microsoft named the system date? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhiiii @ll..
well i want to add system date in my table... how will i do this..???
Hi, I m using ASP.NET with C#. I m having one field which should store the datetime of the system. The datetime should be automatically stored for that entry when the user submits that record on the click event.Then it should display the date time on the gridview from database.I m using sqlserver 2005 and i have created the stored procedure for the insert command.This
is the sample sp what should be written here to insert system date time
automatically when the user submits the form ?Is there any code for writing directly in stored procedure or coding page... ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[StoredProcedure1]@salesid INT OUTPUT,@salesdate datetime,@customername varchar(20)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ONBEGIN INSERT INTO sales (customername) VALUES (@customername) SELECT @companyid = SCOPE_IDENTITY()END SET NOCOUNT OFFEND Thanxs in advance...
I would like to insert a system date in a table when I'm inserting a row. Any help would be appreciated.
I need to interrogate the date/time stamp on a network file. Any suggestions?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I change system date using sqlserver?
Please help me.
I am using the (SQL Express ) bellow given code to restore data from *.bak file (A backup file creater earlier by SQL backup). Some times this do not restore the data and gives error "Restore Failed". But when I change the system date to next day date then it restore data successfully.VB code used is as follow:
Dim strFileName As String
Dim rstDb As New Restore
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server("(local)SQLEXPRESS")
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("mydatabase")
We have an application group that wants to pull date from SQL Server and write it to text file on the server. They want the file format to be 12100_YYYMMDDHHMM.fr1 for one set of data, 12100_YYYMMDDHHMM.fr2 for a second set...and so on. The '12100' is fixed, but the rest of the file name will always have to include the system date/time. Is there an easy way to do this within a DTS package (when writing to the output file)? I would really appreciate help on this. Thank you.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to count the records in a table with a datetime field equal to system datetime. It looks like it is trying to match time also since time is in field too. I just want to match date only. My sql is below. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to handle this?
Date from code
DateTime todaydt = DateTime.Now;
Table Data format
[cal_str_tm] [datetime] not null,
Data in cal_str_tm field - 3/27/2008 9:43:16 PM
@todaydt datetime
SELECT @total = COUNT(cal_int_id)
from dpcalldtl
where (cal_callstat != 'COMPLETED' and cal_str_tm = @todaydt)
I'm trying to query an SQL table column with date values to show 8 Days ago results.
I've started with this query:
SELECT ficheiro, erro, descritivo_erro, contrato, DO, movimento, data, descritivo, tipo_movimento, desconto, montante, comissao, IVA
FROM status_day
ORDER BY descritivo_erro, contrato
The problem is that the text in red will have some problems when the month changes - If I want the 8 days ago results from January and the system date is 1st of February the query will not return any values.
I read something about DATESERIAL but is wasn't conclusive on how to use it with system date.
Please help me out with this query.
Hello i currently have a website that has an SQL server 2005 dbs that stores appointments. I would like to do a select statement in my sqldatasource that selects all the records that have an 'appointmentDate' more than 2 weeks after the current date (ie the system date). I am stuck on the SQL statement i need to produce to achieve this. I was thinking along the lines of
SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE appointmentDate > System.Date + 14; However this is clearly not the right SQL statement. Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks,
Hi, I'm having issues trying to get a query working the way I want, it maybe
that i'm overly complicating things though.
What I have done so far is have 2 seperate tables one holding details about
the item to be booked out with an ID the second linking to the Item via the
ID and also having the startdate and the enddate of the booking, thus an item
will have multiple rows in the bookings table for multiple bookings.
What I want to have is a "quick" booking method where a user enters the
startdate they would like and the enddate, a drop down is then filtered (via
a query) returning only the items that are avalible.
The issue i'm having is that because my bookings have multiple rows for each
item, for what maybe true in the rules for an item in 1 row maybe false
alittle later - i which case the returned data i am getting is incorrect!
Hopefully I have made sense, and maybe someone can help?
my querry for the filter so far: -
SELECT DISTINCT DeviceDetails.Device_ID, DeviceDetails.Device_Name
BookingDetails ON BookingDetails.Device_ID =
WHERE (BookingDetails.Bookout_Date IS NULL) OR
(BookingDetails.Bookout_Date >= GETDATE()) AND
(@Dateout <= BookingDetails.Bookin_Date) AND (BookingDetails.Bookout_Date >=
@Datein) OR
(BookingDetails.Bookout_Date >= GETDATE()) AND
(@Dateout >= BookingDetails.Bookin_Date) AND (BookingDetails.Bookout_Date <=
Hi All,
Is it possible to check the local system date format and then change the format to another format using SQL command in VB.
-check current system format dd/MM/yyyy
-change current system format to MM/dd/yyyy format
Hi, I need to return the system date to a column when a checkbox in another column becomes true, e.g. the instant a user updates a table where checkbox.value = 'true' it will record the date that it happened in another column.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm creating an ISP for extractig data from a text file and put it in a database.
One of the fields in my textfile contains the value '0' or a date. If it's '0' it should be converted to the Null Value. The column in which it has to be saved is of type smalldatetime.
This is the code of my script where I want to check the value of the field in my textfile and convert it to a date or to Null.
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If Row.cdDateIn = "" Or Row.cdDateIn= "0" Then
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(DBNull.Value)
ElseIf Row.cdDateIn_IsNull Then
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(DBNull.Value)
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(Row.cdDateIn)
End If
End Sub
The error that I get is:
Validation error. Extract FinCD: Conversion of cdDateIn [753]: Eroor 30311: Value of type 'System.DBNull' cannot ben converted to 'Date'.
How do I resolve this problem ?
I am using SQL Server 2005 database for a webbased application built on .net 2.0. Here is my situation. I have a SubmitDate and a Status field in a table. I want the trigger to fire based on the datevalue in the SubmitDate field. SubmitDate field is the last date for the user to submit an application. For eg: if the SubmitDate value is 03/10/07 , I want the trigger to fire on :01 of 03/11/07 to change the Status field value to Inactive. Is that possible? Thoughts on how to do it?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhello, i have a database that will be updated on a certain datei have a column "UPDATE_DATE" which specifies the updating date, my question is"how should i make the trigger or stored procedure runs only on the date that has been specified"thanks for the assistance
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello to a new forum. I am very impressed with the level of ability I have been seeing on this forum and all the helpful posts that are going on.
I am hoping someone can help me solve my problem. I know enough SQL to be very dangerous how to create, delete, insert, update etc... and how to build queries. Here is my dilemma I need to have a piece of scheduling software send out reminder emails based on a DATETIME field. I am running SQL Server 2005, and the database mail is already configured and can successfully send out email from the management studio interface.
Does anyone know of a tutorial or can point me in the right direction to accomplish this task. I am well versed in PHP, and am hoping I might be able to get the server to trigger a PHP script or something to this extent.
Here's the problem. I want to insert age in years to a table of children, using a MS SQL trigger to calculate age from Date of Birth (DOB). DOB format is mm/dd/yyyy. The DOB input comes from an ASP Insert statement. I've tried to use DateDiff and a user-defined function to calculate age without any success. Also the trigger needs to account for children of less than 1 year old, could be a 0. Age is integer in the children table. Any help is greatly appreciated. The sooner the better. Even a kick start is better than nothing.
View 11 Replies View RelatedHi guys,
We've had Reporting Services running in a production environ. for 6 months fine, but from Saturday every report now causes the following error (in both the Report Manager and Soap calls):
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: date
Now, before you jump to conclusions - this error is occurring on reports with both parameters and no parameters (ie in reports that have no "date" parameter in the report).
The next bit of info is the weird bit...
It was working on Friday (25/March/2006) - so as a test, i switched the servers clock back to Friday - and BINGO... it worked. Then I changed it to Saturday (26th March) and it doesnt work. In fact for the next 7 days - the service will not work until April 2nd 2006 - (when I changed the systems date to the 2nd it worked again.) Moving forward, it looks like its working fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions? This is in a production environment, so obviously changing the sytsem date as a quick fix workaround wont suffice.
Thanks in advance.
I need a trigger to set the creation date of a new record in the database... I tried the following, but it changed all records, not just the new one...
CREATE TRIGGER trgCreationDate
ON [dbo].tabCustomerLookup
UPDATE tabCustomerLookup
SET CreationDate = getdate()
Hi! This is my trigger and I'd like to insert the date of today in Column DeletedDate. This trigger is in tblA. tblA and tblB both had the same number of columns and same fields, but I just added another column to tblB called deletedDate and i'd like to insert the date along with the other data. Thanks!!!
Insert into tblB SELECT* FROM Deleted
I am using SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0. We have a very simple content management system where we have to keep track of date last modified for each row in all of our content tables. I know there's a "timestamp" datatype that is used for replication scenarios, but is there anything similar that I can use to set up a date_modified column for each of my content tables that will automatically update with GETDATE() whenever anything in a given row is updated?
Or do I have to create a date_modified column of smalldatetime datatype and write a trigger on update for EVERY single table of content that I have in the database? It seems there should be an easier way to do this than to write 20 triggers for my 20 content tables.
I need to send an email when my 'LastRunDate' field is 30 days old (i.e. It should send an email if the LastRunField = 7/21/2007).
I would need to include the matching fields in the database (i.e. MachineID, Description, etc.) then update that field to todays date.
I have a few values in the 'Frequency' field such as Daily, Monthly, Yearly. Daily would be 24 hrs, monthly 30 days, yearly 365 days from the lastrundate.
I am new to T-SQL & need a good p[lace to start.
Any sugesstions.