System Table For Data Sources In Job Step

Apr 10, 2008

Is the connection manager/connection string data that is visible in a SSIS Job Step on the Data sources tab stored in a system table or DMV? Perhaps the agent service parses the SSIS package in order to display this information? We're trying to identify all of the dependencies on a specific database and the only dependency type that we can't identify systematically is SSIS package data sources.

We use package configurations (of type = SQL Server database) for some packages but not all packages are using this.



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Insert Data From Multiple Sources To A Single Table

Sep 24, 2015

I am have a situation to insert data from multiple sources to a single table.

i.e., multiple and concurrent insert on same table

Will it lead to dead lock at any point? is there any possibility?

How insert will work ? What is the architecture ? Any references to read?

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Apr 2, 2006


I have the following scenario: N identical Databases (corresponding to different Fiscal Years, with names <Company Name>.<YEAR>). We want to consolidate the N DBs to a New Datawarehouse.

In SSIS we have designed a Dataflow that reads through a OLE DB Source (Connected to one of the N Databases) and maps to a OLE DB Destination (Connected to the NEW DB).

The question is, how we loop in SSIS through the N identical Connections, so to repeatedly execute the designed Dataflow, each time with a different Connection?

Thanks in Advance,

--Dimitris Doukas

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How Do I Step Thru A MSDE Data Table

Aug 9, 2006

Seems like there is no cursor support for MSDE.  Is there a way other than clicking a DataGrid to step thru a selection of some tables?
I'd like to do some updating and insertion to another table using some selection criteria of two tables.  Is there a way to do that in MSDE and ASP.NET environment?
I'm pretty new to MSDE and ASP.

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How To Read An Database Table Step By Step (with ADO)

May 19, 2008

I have to transport a big database table and can't read it at once with "select * from table" because the table is bigger than my system memory.
Is there a way to read the table step by step? I thought it was possible with ADO and his serverside cursors but I don't now how. I need an "universal" solution that works on SQL Server 2000/2005, MySQL and Oracle.


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Data Flow Task - Multiple Columns From Different Sources To A Single Table

Dec 19, 2006


I have a data flow task in which there is a OLEDB source, derived column item, and a oledb destination. My source is a SQL command, that returns some values. I have some values, that I define in the derived columns, and set default values under the expression column. My question is, I also have some destination columns which in my OLEDB destination need another SQL command. How would I do that? Can I attach two or more OLEDB sources to one destination? How would I accomplish that? Thanks


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System.Security.SecurityException: Request For The Permission Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data

Aug 21, 2006

I have created a windows library control that accesses a local sql database

I tried the following strings for connecting

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=localhostSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TimeSheet;Trusted_Connection = true"

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=localhostSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TimeSheet;Integrated Security=SSPI"

I am not running the webpage in a virtual directory but in


and I have a simple index.html that tries to read from an sql db but throws

the error

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)
at System.Security.PermissionSet.Demand()
at System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions.DemandPermission()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.PermissionDemand()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection,

etc etc

The action that failed was:
The type of the first permission that failed was:
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:

I looked into the .net config utility but it says unrestricted and I tried adding it to the trusted internet zones in ie options security

I think that a windows form connecting to a sql database running in a webpage should be simple

to configure what am I missing?

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Job Step - Operating System Command

Apr 19, 2006


Im trying to run dtsrun twice in one OSC job step e.g.

DTSRUN /F "path to dts package" /E
DTSRUN /F "path to dts package2" /E

Im finding that it always runs the first line but never the second. I tried swapping the lines around and it then runs the other because tht is the first line. Again the second line won't run.

Am I trying to do something that isn't possible?


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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package From File System Run As Agent From Job Step On Secondary Node

Sep 23, 2014

I have created a Test SSIS Package within BIDS (VS 2K8, v 9.0.30729.4462 QFE; .NET v 3.5 SP1) that connects to our Test Listener.

There is only 1 Connection Manager Object, and OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.

The ConnectionString lists: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI

The Test Connection within BIDS works.

The Package Control Flow has just 1 Object, and Execute SQL Task that performs an Exec on an SP that contains only a Select (Read).

The Package runs within BIDS.

I've placed this Package within a Job on the Primary Node. Ive run the job successfully using 32 bit runtime on and off. The location of the file on the server happens to be on a share that resides on what is currently the Secondary Node.

When I try to run the exact copy of this Job on the Secondary Node (Which has been Set up for Read All Connections; Yes), I get an error, regardless of the 32 bit runtime opiton. At this point, the location of the file is on the Secondary Node.

The Error is: "Login failed for user 'OurDomainAgent_Account'".

The Agent is a member of NT ServiceSQLServerAgent on both instances, and that account is a member of SysAdmin. Adding the Agent account as well, and giving that account SysAdmin, makes no difference either.

Why can't I get this to work?

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Copying Table Data From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000 - Very Slow When Using OLEDB Source And Destination Sources?

May 8, 2006

An SSIS package to transfer data from a DB instance on SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is extremely slow. The package uses an OLEDB Source to OLEDB Destination for data transfer which is basically one table from sql server 2005 to sql server 2000. The job takes 5 minutes to transfer about 400 rows at night when there is very little activity on the server. During the day the job almost always times out.

On SQL Server 200 instances the job ran in minutes in the old 2000 package.

Is there an alternative to this. Tranfer Objects task does not work as there is apparently a defect according to Microsoft. Please let me know if there is any other option other than using a Execute 2000 package task or using an ActiveX Script to read records from one source and to insert them into the destination source, which I am not certain how long it might take and how viable will that be?

Any inputs will be much appreciated.



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Transpose Source Data From A System Via Metadata Lookup Table Into Destination Table

Apr 1, 2014

I am stuck on finding a solution to transpose source data from a system via a metadata look-up table into a destination table. I need a method to transpose/pivot the source data into columns (which are by various data-types). The datatypes for each column are listed in a metadata table.

Source Data Table:

Table Name: Source

SrcID AGE City Date
01 32 London 01-01-2013
02 35 Lagos 02-01-2013
03 36 NY 03-01-2013

Metadata Table:

Table Name:Metadata

MetaID Column_Name Column_type
11 AGE col_integer
22 City col_character
33 Date col_date

Destination table:

The source data to be loaded into the destination table(as shown below):

Table Name: Destination

SrcID MetaID col_int col_char col_date
01 11 32 - -
01 22 - London -
01 33 - - 01-01-2013
02 11 35 - -
02 22 - Lagos -
02 33 - - 02-01-2013
03 11 36 - -
03 22 - NY -
03 33 - - 03-01-2013

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How To Create A System Type Table/ Change User Table To System Table.

May 23, 2007

Is there any Posibility to change a User Table to System Table.

How to create one system table.

I am in Big mess that One of the Table I am using is in System Type.

I cant Index the same. Is there any Mistake we can change a user table to system table.....

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Change Data Table From Into Sql Query

Apr 4, 2007

i someone had teach me how to write a query in datatable. however i need to get the data out from my database rather than the data table. can someone teach me how should i do it?esp at the first like.... like DataTable dt = GetFilledTable() since i already have set of data in my preset table i should be getting data from SqlDataSource1 right ( however i am writing this in my background code or within <script></script> so can anyone help me?   protected void lnkRadius_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            DataTable dt = GetFilledTable();                    double radius = Convert.ToDouble(txtRadius.Text);            decimal checkX = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["Latitude"];            decimal checkY = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["Longitude"];                    // expect dt[0] to pass - as this is our check point            // We use for rather than fopreach because the later does not allow DELETE during loop execution            for(int index=0; index < dt.Rows.Count; index++)            {                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[index];                        decimal testX = (decimal)dr["Latitude"];                decimal testY = (decimal)dr["Longitude"];                        double testXzeroed = Convert.ToDouble(testX -= checkX);                double testYzeroed = Convert.ToDouble(testY -= checkY);                        double distance = Math.Sqrt((testXzeroed * testXzeroed) + (testYzeroed * testYzeroed));                        // mark for delete (not allowed in a foreach - so we use "for")                if (distance > radius)                    dr.Delete();            }                    // accept deletes            dt.AcceptChanges();                    GridView1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;            GridView1.DataBind();        }

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Request For The Permission Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, Pu

Mar 12, 2008

I created a .net console application within which I connect to a sql server (not local) as follows,

string conn_str = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=QuantEquitySql;Data Source=server name";

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(conn_str);

Everything works fine when I run it from my computer. When I try to run it from a network share I get the following error,

Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and .Net framwork v2.0.50727.

Does anybody know a fix to this problem?


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'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' Fail

Jun 20, 2007

I have a report that uses some embedded custom code. The embedded custom code is a function that execute some sql query on a sql server database.Everything works fine in Visual studio. The report gets deployed on the server successfully, however when running the report from report manager i get the following error message :

The Hidden expression for the table €˜table1€™ contains an error: Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Here is the code :


Public function get_field() as string
Dim myConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim data_reader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim field(100) as string
Dim i as integer
Dim j as integer
Dim sql_field as string
Dim nbr_field as integer
Dim rtn_string as string

i = 0
sql_field ="Select field from mytable"
myConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(";Initial Catalog=mydatabase;User Id=user1;Password=password1;")
myCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql_field, myConnection)
data_reader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
While data_reader.Read()
if data_reader.HasRows then
field(i)= data_reader(0).ToString()
end if
nbr_field = nbr_field + 1
i= i+1
End While

for j = 0 to nbr_field -1
rtn_string = rtn_string + field(j) + ","
Next j

rtn_string = left(rtn_string,rtn_string.length-1)
return rtn_string
'return sql_cmd
'return yes_no
'return lkupfield
end function


Why do i get the error message ?, is this related to Code Access Security issues with .net framework. if yes

how do i set the Security so the report server or report manager allows embedded custom code to be executed. Any advice ?


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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' Occurred In

Jan 18, 2008

I've written this code multiple times now. But for the first time i get an error at the line underlined. My procedure runs perfectly when i execute it through Sql Query analyzer.
plzz help.. Its urgent and am unable to find the reason for this error "A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in"
Thanks !SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "dbo.rqryTradesPRR";
cmd.Parameters.Add("@COBDate",SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = "2002-10-31 00:00:00.000" ;
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// have written something here

 Thanks in advance !

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SQL - System Table In Data Access Layer?

Apr 5, 2007

How do I get a System Table like 'Sysobjects' into the Data Access Layer?
My app generates tables on the fly, and has to check in the sysobjects table which tables are present.

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How To Optimize Data Import With Huge Volumes And Joins Across Data Sources Not All SQL Server Based?

Jun 7, 2006

I need to periodically import a (HUGE) table of data from an external data source (not SQL Server) into SQL Server, with the following scenarios:
Some of the records in the external data source may not exist in SQL.Some of the records in the external data source may have a different value at different imports, but this records are identified univocally by the same primary key in the external datasource and in SQL Server.Some of the records in the external data source may be the same in SQL.

Due to the massive volume of the import, I would like to import only the records which are different from what I have in SQL Server (cases 1 and 2 above). In fact case 2 is the most critical.

I thought of making a query with a left outer join between the data in the external data source table (SOURCE) and the data in the SQL Server table (DESTIN). The join is done on the respective primary keys (composed keys of up to 10 columns) and one of the WHERE conditions will be that the value in SOURCE is different from the value in DESTIN.

The result of this query would be exactly what I need to import.
How to do this in SSIS??? I couldn't figure out how to join tables in different data sources yet.

In fact I cannot write a stored procedure to do that, since one of the sources is in a datasources not SQL Server.
I have seen the Lookup transformation in this article but this is not exacltly what I want to do.
Another possibility is to use the merge join, but due to the sorting I believe its performances would be terrible!

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

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Selecting A Single Data Source From Multiple Data Sources

Aug 4, 2006


I am pretty new to SSIS. I am trying to create a package which can accept data in any of several formats. i.e. CSV, Excel, a SQL Server database/table and import the data into my destination database.

So far i've managed to get this working OK. However I am now TOTALLY stuck. I'm currently trying to just concentrate on the data sources being a CSV (using a Flat File Data Source) and/or an Excel Spreadsheet.

I can get the data in and to my destination using a UNION ALL component and mapping the data sources to it so long as both the CSV file and the Excel spreadsheet exist.

My problem is that I need my package to handle the possibility that only the CSV file might exist and there is no Excel spreadsheet. In which case i'd like the package to ignore the Excel datasource completely. Currently either of my data sources do not exist I get errors and the package terminates.

Is there any way in SSIS that I can check all my data sources to see which ones exist (i.e. are valid). If they exist I want to use them. If it doesn't exist i'd like to disgard it (without error - as long as there is a single datasource the package should run)

I've tried using the AcquireConnection method in a script task on each of my connections, hoping that it would error if the file/datasource did not exist. It doesn't though (in the case of an Excel datasource it just creates a empty excel file for me).

The only other option I can come up with are to have seperate packages depending on the type of data we want to import and then run a particular package depending on the format of the source data. This seems a bit long winded. I am pretty sure I must be able to do what I want to achieve but I can't work out how.

I'll be grateful to anyone who can send me any tips/hints/links on how I can achieve this.

Many thanks

Rob Gibson

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Sample Files From The Book SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Step By Step

Jan 18, 2008

Hi All,

Please let me know where can i find the sample files and rs2005sbsDW database in msdn library as i dont have CD provided along with the book.

Please give me the link of the sample files so that i can download it for testing the sample application.


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Best Practice - Data Sources And Data Views Vs OLE DB Source

Feb 26, 2008

Hi, i'm wondering which is the best way to search data in a SQL Server.
I reach data using Data Sources and Data Views and also with OLE DB Source with a Data access mode: Named query.
I have to write the data into a Flat File. So, does any one knows which is the best practice for this? Or any one of the two are good choices?
Thanks for your help.


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Single Report With The Data From Multiple Data Sources

Jan 9, 2007


In my project i want a report. In that report data is getting from more than one data sources(systems). While creating data source view i used named query for both primary and secondary data source. But at the time of crating "Report Model" i am getting below error.

An error occurred while executing a command.
Message: Invalid object name 'Table2'.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT SerialNum, ModelNum AS com_model
FROM Table2) t

Is there any way to create a report with multiple data sources?

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Importing Data From Various Data Sources With Non Standard Formats

Mar 19, 2007

Hi all :)

I'm wondering if SSIS will be the solution to the problem I'm working on.

Some of our customers give us an Excel sheet with data they want to insert or update in the database.

I've created a package that will take an Excel sheet, do some data conversion so the data types match up and after that I use a Slowly Changing Data component to create the insert/update commands.

This works great. If a customer adds a new row to the Excel sheet or updates an existing row changes are nicely reflected in the database.

But now I€™ve got the following problem. The column names and the order of the columns in the Excel sheet are not standard and in the future it could happen a customer doesn't even use an Excel sheet but something totally different.

Can I use SSIS for this? Is it possible to let the user set the mappings trough some sort of user interface? I€™ve looked at programmatically creating the package but I€™ve got to say that€™s quit hard to do€¦ It would be easier to write the whole thing myself than to create the package trough code ;)

If not I thought about transforming the data in code before I pass it on to the SSIS package in something like XML. That way I can use standard column names and data types.

So how should I solve this problem? Use SSIS or not?

Thnx :)

Wouter de Kort

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Step By Step SQL2000 Failover Cluster Upgrade To SQL2005

Oct 13, 2006

is there such a paper? if so, can you pls point me to it? thx in advance

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Step By Step To Publish/deploy The Report Project To The User Pc ?

Oct 3, 2007

hye everyone,

after finished do the report and deploy at IIS/report manager in local pc..

i want to know , what is the step /how to deploy the report project at the user's pc/ client pc /other server..

thanks in advance
thank you very much

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Reporting Services :: How To Convert RDL File To RDLC Step By Step

Jun 18, 2012

I want to convert .rdl  to .rdc need full steps.Actually i created .rdl report using sp sucessfully.Now i want to convert it to rdlc while doing it iam getting some authentication error and some thing else.I created rdl in 2008 and i want to change it to rdlc 2010.

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Execute Package Results Different To Step By Step Execution - Uses Raw File

Jan 31, 2007

I have a package that has multiple data flow tasks. At the end of a task, key data is written into a raw file (file name stored in a variable) that is used as a data source for the next task. Each task requires a success from the preceding task.

Here's the rub:

If I execute the entire package, the results of the package (number of records of certain tasks) differs significantly from when I execute each step in the package in turn (many more records e.g. 5 vs 350).

I get the feeling that the Raw file is read into memory before it is flushed by the previous task, or that the next task begins preparation tasks too early.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am running on Server 2003 64 (although the same thing happens when deployed on a Server 2003 32 machine)



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Different Data Sources

Feb 21, 2008

Hi i have data on a Server in a different database which i like to access from within my ssis job.

I just need to look up information from one table on this database so i can references it. Is there a way of doing this is SSIS. Rather then me having to load the data from one database to another as the data may change.

i tried having 2 sources of data feed into a look up but that does not work..

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Data Sources

Apr 1, 2008

Hi there,

On my home page I have several different folders to reports which require different data sources. the problem is that within these folders there are multiple copies of the same datasource. is it possible to store all of the datasources in one folder, one location? it would certainly be easier when changes to usernames and passwords need to be modified!


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Data Sources

Apr 4, 2008

I searched and read about Data Sources and I'm seeing that there is no advantage in using it, which is what I found from playing around with it.

I expected that you would set a global connection in Data Sources and somehow link this to the things in your Connection Manager, giving you one place to switch from one environment to another. But reading the discussions here and playing around with it, this is not the case.

So, why is it there?

Next question.... another thing I gathered so far is something called "Configurations" that will do what I was describing above. Where do I do this?

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Var For Data Sources

Jun 28, 2007


how can i use var for Data Sources ,

my project have to be suitable for the QA system and the production system and i want to connect them by var or something else.

if you have another idea about this subject i'll happy to read.



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One Or Two Data Sources?

Jun 12, 2007

I'm trying to combine two reports I've created into a form letter. The goal is to have a letter that indicates the students maximum UBSCT score for Math, Reading and Writing. Also in the letter we want to include the student's total number of credits awarded and overall GPA. I not sure if I need to try and combined the two queries or use two different data sources in Reporting Services. I've tried creating one sql statement but the grouping are giving me fits. I fairly new to Reporting Services.

Report 1:

704 Dixie High 11 311880 Student_1 UBSCT Math 176
704 Dixie High 11 311880 Student_1 UBSCT Reading 182
704 Dixie High 11 311880 Student_1 UBSCT Writing 173
704 Dixie High 11 311881 Student_2 UBSCT Math 168
704 Dixie High 11 311881 Student_2 UBSCT Reading 172
704 Dixie High 11 311881 Student_2 UBSCT Writing 165

track.schoolc as School_Code,
school.schname as School,
stustat.graden as Grade,
studemo.ident as Ident,
RTRIM(studemo.lastname) + ', ' + RTRIM(studemo.firstname) AS [Student],
stutscors1.testc as Test_Code,
left(zsubtest1.descript,20) as [Subject],
max(stutscors1.testscore) as Score

stutscors1 INNER JOIN
stutests1 ON stutscors1.ststuniq = stutests1.ststuniq INNER JOIN
studemo ON stutests1.suniq = studemo.suniq INNER JOIN
stustat ON studemo.stuuniq = stustat.stuuniq INNER JOIN
track ON stustat.trkuniq = track.trkuniq INNER JOIN
school ON track.schoolc = school.schoolc INNER JOIN
testdef1 ON stutests1.testuniq = testdef1.testuniq INNER JOIN
zsubtest1 ON stutscors1.subtestc = zsubtest1.subtestc and stutscors1.testc = zsubtest1.testc

stutscors1.testscore <> ' ' and
stutscors1.testscore <> '0' and
school.schname = 'Dixie High'and
stutscors1.testc = 'UBSCT' and
stustat.graden = 11

RTRIM(studemo.lastname) + ', ' + RTRIM(studemo.firstname),

Report 2:

704 Dixie High 11 Student_1 311880 23.2500 23.2500 87.50300000 3.763569
704 Dixie High 11 Student_2 311881 20.2500 20.2500 76.84300000 3.794716

stugrp_active.schoolc as School_Code,
school.schname as School,
stugrp_active.graden as Grade,
rtrim(stugrp_active.lastname) + ', ' + rtrim(stugrp_active.firstname) as Student,
trnscrpt.suniq as Ident,
sum(trnscrpt.gpacratt) as CreditAtt,
sum(trnscrpt.gradcrawd) as CreditAwd,
round(sum(case when Trnscrpt.GpaCrAtt is null then 0 else Trnscrpt.GpaCrAtt end * gpamarks.gpavallvl0),3) AS TrmGpaPts,
(round(sum(case when Trnscrpt.GpaCrAtt is null then 0 else Trnscrpt.GpaCrAtt end * gpamarks.gpavallvl0),3))/(sum(trnscrpt.gradcrawd)) as GPA

inner join dbo.stugrp_active on (trnscrpt.suniq = stugrp_active.suniq) INNER JOIN school ON stugrp_active.schoolc = school.schoolc INNER JOIN
gpamarks ON trnscrpt.marksetc1 = gpamarks.marksetc AND trnscrpt.markawd1 = gpamarks.mark

school.schname = 'Dixie High' and
stugrp_active.graden = 11 and
trnscrpt.graden >= 9

group by
rtrim(stugrp_active.lastname) + ', ' + rtrim(stugrp_active.firstname),

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Step-by-step Deployment Of Single-user Database App?

Mar 2, 2008


I hope the answer is as simple as the question -- but after reading all the documentation I could find (understand?) and a lot of posts here, I'm no closer to achieving the goal.

I have a Visual C# app, DAYTRACKER, developed in VS2005. It uses a database with several tables constructed using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.

I want to deploy the app plus the database plus SQL Express to another machine, to be used by a single user (the administrator) with no need for network connectivity of any kind.

What I have so far is:
1. The application is successfully deployed from a CD-ROM, having used the Publish process within VS2005, and opens on the new machine -- without database connectivity, however.
2. SQL Express is successfully deployed (it deployed as a 'prerequisite' when I went through the Publish process in VS2005)
3. I manually copied the database's .mdf and .mdl files, using SQL Server Managers 'Copy Database' function, then transferred the copies to the new machine into the ..MSSQL.1MSSQLdata folder (where they appear along with the master.mdg, mastlog.ldf etc files)

Now, the DAYTRACKER application's DAYTRACKERConnectionString under 'Settings' in the VS2005 studio reads 'Data Source=DELL3;Initial Catalog=DayTracker;Integrated Security=True' (which are the appropriate parameters for the machine, DELL3, on which I wrote the program.)

The problem, of course, is that SQL Express on the new machine doesn't connect the application to the database. When I go to the 'SQL Server Configuration Manager' and go to the 'SQL Server 2005 Services' and double-click on the 'SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)' icon (the service is running) and the user is logged on using 'Local System Account'. Under the 'Service' tab the Host Name is 'MUSIC' (which is the name of the new machine I've installed the app onto -- which of course is not the name - DELL3 - that the app's connection string is expecting). Under the 'Advanced' tab, I've tried correcting the name of the Startup Parameters default .mdf and .mdl entries to ..DayTracker.mdf and ..DayTracker_log.mdl, but the server won't start up after I make the changes.

What I'm hoping for: a step-by-step way of doing this type of deployment, preferable getting it all onto one CD-ROM, and installing it on the new machine so that it all works seamlessly from the start, not requiring any 'tweaking' of the SQLServer Express settings by the end-user.

But I'll take pretty much anything that fixes the specific db connectivity problem I've described.

Thank you very much.

John F.

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