T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Add Job Interval And Time To Script
Mar 18, 2014
I need to add the Job Interval and Time to the following script:
SELECT DISTINCT 'CYP_BI' AS Server,Jobs.Name AS Job_Name, Jobs.description AS Alias,
'Enabled' = CASE (Jobs.enabled)
ELSE '??'
[Code] .....
This query contains the job interval and time but when I add it to the first script I can't get my syntax right:
'CYP_BI' AS Server,
S.name AS JobName,
S.description AS Alias,
'ScheduleName' = left(ss.name,25),
'Enabled' = CASE (S.enabled)
[Code] .....
View 8 Replies
Jul 29, 2015
I'm trying to consolidate time intervals.
It's like the packing date and time intervals tsql challenge from Itzig Ben Gan.But unfortunalty I have to cope with time intervals priories, e.g. if one time interval with a higher prio overlaps a time interval with a lower one something like this:
time interval 1 prio 2: [--------------]
time interval 2 prio 1: [---]
result: [---][---][----]
I can't get this aligned, but my point is that from the 2 intervals above you get one interval result with the classic packing solution but because of the higher priority of interval 2, I should get 3 intervals as a result.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Sessions') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Sessions;
CREATE TABLE dbo.Sessions
sessionid INT NOT NULL,
starttime DATETIME2(0) NOT NULL,
endtime DATETIME2(0) NOT NULL,
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May 12, 2014
I am using the below script and I am getting data for 15 minutes interval. I would like to aggregate this data to hourly so instead of reading for 2014-01-01 00:15:00.000 and 2014-01-01 00:30:00.000 I want all the data aggregated for 2014-01-01 00:00:00.000 and then for 2 o’clock. how should I tweak this query to sum the interval values and display it?
SELECT r.MeterId, r.ReadingDate, r.Reading
FROM MeterReading r, MeterDetail d, Building b
where r.MeterId = d.MeterId
and d.BuildingId = b.BuildingId
and b.BuildingName like '%182%'
and r.ReadingDate between '2014-01-01'and '2014-01-10'
order by r.MeterId
Current Output
3969 1/01/2014 0:000
3969 1/01/2014 0:150
3969 1/01/2014 0:300
3969 1/01/2014 0:450
3969 1/01/2014 1:000
3969 1/01/2014 1:151
3969 1/01/2014 1:300
3969 1/01/2014 1:450
3969 1/01/2014 2:000
3969 1/01/2014 2:150
3969 1/01/2014 2:300
3969 1/01/2014 2:450
3969 1/01/2014 3:000
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Oct 1, 2007
Hello ,I have a stored procedure that group a series of event by day. My table Tevent has a timestamp column for every event.Tevent structure:idevent| event| DatetimeEvent
I just found out that I need to group the result by production shift of the day , therefore I have to group the result for everyday from 8 AM until 2 AM the next day.Any idea of how to group by time interval?Thanks
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Mar 5, 2008
I'm trying to create a group by a set (but can change it later on) time interval.
What I mean by this is the following. I would like to group my data by 5 second intervals, and perhaps have a count for it as well - but that's not required.
For example I have the following data:
chips, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:30 PM
harddisk, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:30 PM
tea, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:31 PM
software, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:31 PM
chips, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:32 PM
chips, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:33 PM
chips, 2, 3/5/2008 12:33:34 PM
software, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:40 PM
tea, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:40 PM
software, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:41 PM
Result in 5 second intervals (so group by values between 3/5/2008 12:33:30 and 3/5/2008 12:33:35)
Something like this?, or does have somebody a better idea?
harddisk, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:30 PM 1
tea, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:31 PM 1
software, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:31 PM 1
chips, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:33 PM 3
chips, 2, 3/5/2008 12:33:34 PM 1
software, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:40 PM 2
tea, 1, 3/5/2008 12:33:40 PM 1
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a table(work_order) with time as varchar(5).The values in table looks like thiswork_order_id rtim1 08:152 08:453 10:134 14:56and so on...I want to count how many work orders for every half an hour.The result should look like thisHours Count8 108:30 159 349:30 03and so on....really 8 hours means the work_orders issued (rtim)between 8:00 AND 8:30.Any Help is Appreciated.Thankyou.Jaidev Paruchuri
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Sep 4, 2007
Time Interval for hour and 30 minutes
Hi Everyone
I Have column in sql server databas as "HHMMSS" and data as and i am doing a substring to get values for hours and minutes. since my calculations based on hour interval and 30 minutes interval
for ex: Now i want to show all the transaction done b/w 6 to 7 am or pn.
and for 30 minutes interval i have get the calculation as transactions done b/w 6:00 to 6:30 and 6:30 to 7:00 either it's am or pm. now how i can write my sql statements that calculates hour and 30 minutes intervals
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Mar 11, 2008
I have a table (tbl_entries) in my db that has a timestamp field (startDate). What I need to do is run a query that counts the number of records on a 15 min interval.
something like
2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
2008-01-01 00:01:00.000
2008-01-01 00:01:00.000
2008-01-01 00:01:00.000
2008-01-01 00:14:00.000
2008-01-01 00:35:00.000
2008-01-01 01:01:00.000
2008-01-01 01:03:00.000
2008-01-01 01:03:00.000
2008-01-01 01:04:00.000
2008-01-01 01:29:00.000
2008-01-01 01:41:00.000
2008-01-01 02:25:00.000
2008-01-01 02:28:00.000
2008-01-01 02:31:00.000
2008-01-01 02:33:00.000
Hope this is enough Info
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Jul 11, 2013
I want to check a record in my table which has time ins and time outs feilds. I want to check on insertionof any new record that a new record should not be inserted on same timings and before 45 mins of timein and after 45 mins of timeout. How do i do it sql query ?
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May 20, 2015
I have a simple table as shown:
I want to have values on the last column to represent the time interval between the 2 date columns (visits); i.e for event-ID 2 for example, I will have
entry(EventID = 2) - exit(EventID = 1), and so on
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Dec 31, 2007
how to retrive image from database change automatically into time interval
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May 17, 2008
hi there
i am using .net framework 1.1 with SQL 2000 .
i want the data in table to get deleted automatically after 30 days of inserting data.
so how do i achieve this?
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Jun 10, 2015
Is it possible to change the default detection interval time to reduce to less than 5 seconds.
We have latency in trouble shooting the deadlocks and causing blockings more on our critical Production server.
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Jul 21, 2014
I'm trying to create a report which will give me a break down of how many unique vehicles have been seen between two dates via a 15 minute interval and what Lane they were seen. My current script looks like this
SELECT l.Name [Name], count(l.Name) Total, p.Created
FROM PlateReads p
inner join Lanes l on p.Lane_ID = l.ID
where LicencePlate in (Select Plate from LPRnet_MelAir_C.dbo.TempVehiclePlates)
group by Name
Name being the Lane they were in and the Total being the amount of times a unique vehicle has been seen and p.Created being the date they were seen (thats what I need the interval powered off)
Ideally the output would look like this
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Bus Lane 15
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Elevated Road150
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Public Pickup75
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Bus Lane 13
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Elevated Road120
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Public Pickup55
All the way to 12/04/2014
I’ve got it so it says Lane and Count just can’t get the interval part
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Sep 9, 2015
i want to show data Party Name and Time interval wise. here is my table from where i will fetch data. so pasting table data here.
Call start Call duration Ring duration Direction Is_Internal Continuation Party1Name Park_Time
------------------------- ---------------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ --------------- -----------
2015/06/08 08:06:08 00:02:28 2 I 0 0 Emily 0
2015/06/08 08:16:38 00:00:21 0 I 0 1 Line 2.0 0
2015/06/08 08:16:38 00:04:13 5 I 0 0 Jen 0
now i am not being able to cross join this CTE with my table to get data party name wise and time interval wise. say for if no data exist for a specific time interval then it will show 0 but each party name should repeat for time interval 9:00:00 - 9:30:00 upto 17:30:00. i like to add what filter need to apply to get data for incoming, outgoing, call transfer and miss call.
For Incoming data calculation
where direction='I' and
Is_Internal=0 and continuation=0 and
RIGHT(convert(varchar,[call duration]),8)<> '00:00:00'
For outgoing data calculation
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May 14, 2014
I want to aggregate to monthly values for the reading. I want to display Reading value for Oct 2010, November 2010 likewise My question is simple and I have tried to follow the etiquette.
Currently it is displaying.....
3969 22/10/2013 0:150
3969 22/10/2013 0:300
3969 22/10/2013 0:450
3969 22/10/2013 1:000
3969 22/10/2013 1:150
3969 22/10/2013 1:300
3969 22/10/2013 1:450
3969 22/10/2013 2:001
3969 22/10/2013 2:150
MeterId int
ReadingDate datetime
Reading real
-===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mytable
--===== Create the test table with
Readingdate DATETIME,
reading real
--===== Setup any special required conditions especially where dates are concerned
SELECT '4','Oct 17 2013 12:00AM','5.1709' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Oct 17 2013 12:15AM','5.5319' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Nov 17 2013 12:00AM','5.5793' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Nov 17 2013 14:00AM','5.2471' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Nov 17 2013 12:00AM','5.1177' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Nov 17 2013 14:00AM','5.5510' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Dec 17 2013 15:00AM','5.5128', UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Dec 17 2013 16:00AM','5.5758' UNION ALL
Output should display as
MeterId Period Reading
4 Oct 13 10.20
4 Nov 13 10.40
5 Oct 13 10.20
5 Nov 13 10.40
4 Dec 13 11.15
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Dec 7, 2011
Implement time interval type in the form of a user defined type in SS2k8r2? Specifically an interval type described in the book Temporal Data and the Relational Model by C. J. Date at all. As an example, an interval is below:
which would mean the time period from 1/4 to 1/10.
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Jun 17, 2014
I am trying to build a simple time table and pre-populate the rows for lets say 1 year. Basically, I will be extracting the data froma source based on the boundaries of this table. eg of this table as I can visualize:
Date StartTime Endtime IsProcessed
2014-06-17 2014-06-17 00:00:00 2014-06-17 01:00:00 0
2014-06-17 2014-06-17 01:00:00 2014-06-17 02:00:00 0
2014-06-17 2014-06-17 02:00:00 2014-06-17 03:00:00 0
Lets call this TimeTable and we have our souce and destination table..The ETL process will pick the start time and endtime, will pass these as parameters to the source and extract the data as follows:
Insert into Destination
select * from source where entrydate>=TimeTable.StartTime and entrydate<TimeTable.EndTime
Once this data gets loaded, the IsProcessed field is set to 1 so that next time it won't be considered.I am trying an incremental load process here.
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Oct 8, 2014
I am having below schema:
CREATE TABLE #Attendance(
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[StudentID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ClassID] [int] NOT NULL,
[DateAdded] [datetime] default getdate() NOT NULL
insert into #Attendance(StudentID,ClassID,DateAdded) values(1,1,'2014-10-07 10:38:02.900')
[Code] ....
DateAdded column in first table is nothing but in and out time.
Now I want to prepare a query where I want to consider MIN DateAdded and max DateAdded and calculate the duration of student present in the class.
Validations i need to consider are:
If class is starting at 10am then student can come at 9:50am, i.e. Dateadded column should consider as student present in that class if value is less that 10 minutes of StartTime from #ClassAttendance table. Class End time i want to calculate depending upon ClassMinutes from #ClassAttendance
Also DateAdded column should be 10 minutes plus compared to calculated endtime. If its more than that consider lower DateAdded time.
And by using this thingIi want to calculate total number of minutes student present in the class and number of minutes absent.
If there is only one DateAdded for class then consider as a absent student.
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Oct 29, 2014
I am trying to produce a report that will show a duration in minutes of a time when a room was occupied for a category. Whilst I have the start and end dates and times, the end user must be able to specify not only a range of dates, but a start and endtime of hours in the day in which they are interested in (it will be applied to all days in the range - they are not allowed to specify a different start/endtime per day).
The example I have is a date range of 6 to 17 October, but they only want the times from 09:00 to 21:00, so if a room was occupied from 08:00 to 11:00 they would only want to know the duration as 120 minutes (09:00 to 11:00) not 180.
The data is supplied by a third party, and duration in minutes is supplied, but it is not much use when they are not interested in the 'real' duration.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Evts](
[Location_name] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
[Event_Category] [nvarchar](500) NULL,
[Start_Time] [datetime] NULL,
[End_Time] [datetime] NULL,
[Duration] [int] NULL
[Code] ....
---but the expected output is
RS8OD480 -- eliminating 08:00 - 09:00 on 17th
RS8OOT300 -- eliminating 08:00 - 09:00 on 13th
Looking for info regarding to the minute calculation when the start time specified by the user differs from that of the actual startime?
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Sep 3, 2015
I have 2 tables as defined below. I want to calculate PS1time and Ps2 time.
Table 1
ABCP8/24/2015 13:148/24/2015 13:41
ABCP8/24/2015 14:038/24/2015 15:31
ABCP8/25/2015 12:098/25/2015 13:25
XYZP8/28/2015 13:108/28/2015 21:44
Table 2
ABCS28/24/2015 13:148/24/2015 19:22
ABCS28/24/2015 19:228/30/2015 21:34
XYZS28/27/2015 22:228/28/2015 13:10
XYZS28/28/2015 13:108/28/2015 15:34
XYZS18/28/2015 15:348/28/2015 22:44
ABCPS18/24/2015 13:148/24/2015 19:22
XYZPS18/28/2015 15:348/28/2015 21:44
XYZPS28/28/2015 13:108/28/2015 15:34
For Each O_Id How much time spent for Ps1 and PS2. I tried but not able to reach expecting results as mentioned.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a requirement to calculate the total outage time, based on logged fault tickets, of network nodes. Basically, multiple tickets may be raised for a single node and those tickets could overlap or sequence over a given period; the task here is to calculate the total time (hh:mm) of the outage in the period.
3 tickets raised for a node outage over, say, a 48 hour period. Ticket 1 (spanning a total of 5 hours) overlaps with ticket 2 (spans 3 hours) by 1 hour; ticket 3 starts 5 hours after ticket 2 and spans 1 hour. Total outage time on the tickets is 7hrs + 1hr (T1+T2 minus the 1hr overlap) and the full time of T3.
In summary, it's calculating the total ticket time, allowing for overlaps of tickets, etc.
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Oct 30, 2014
I have a SP SPone. i have optimized that and kept it as SPone_Optimized. i would like to test the both SP's execution time to find out how best the optimized one fares.
i planned to test it as follows
declare @starttime datetime,@endtime datetime
declare @count int=0
select @starttime=getdate()
execute SPone_optimized @param='value1'
select @endtime=getdate()
select datediff(ms,@stattime,@endtime) 'total_exec_time'
----- for the SP that is before optimize
declare @starttime datetime,@endtime datetime
declare @count int=0
select @starttime=getdate()
execute SPone @param='value1'
select @endtime=getdate()
select datediff(ms,@stattime,@endtime) 'total_exec_time'
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Aug 18, 2015
IF EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name = '#EmpHours' )
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Oct 7, 2015
I have a dataset as such:
Student TestTypeDate TestCnt
111-22-1111English2015-09-01 10:00:00 1
111-22-1111Math2015-09-02 11:00:00 2
111-22-1111Geo2015-09-03 12:00:00 3
222-11-2222English2015-09-01 10:00:00 1
333-22-1111English2015-09-01 10:00:00 1
[Code] ...
So some have just 1 test and some have multiple. I have a count for each. What I need to do is use that count and get an average time between each test per student.
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Mar 10, 2014
I have a temperature table with a column that shows the how many hours old a newborn was when his/her temperature was taken.
Example lets say once per hour.
I want to join to a table called Weight that records the newborns weight at any given time.
Example lets say 3x during the day.
1 @ 8:45am
2 @ 11:15am
3 @ 4:30pm
I want to figure out which weight recording is the closest to a given temperature recording and return that one row.
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Jul 15, 2014
As a DBA, I am working on a project where an ETL process(SSIS) takes a long time to aggregate and process the raw data.
I figured out few things where the package selects the data from my biggest 200 GB unpartitioned table which has a datekey column but the package converts its each row to an integer value leading to massive scans and high CPU.
Example: the package passed two values 20140714 and 4 which means it wants to grab data from my biggest table which belongs between 20140714 04:00:00 and 20140714 05:00:00.
It leads to massive implicit conversions and I am trying to change this.
To minimize the number of changes, what I am trying to do is to convert 20140714 and 4 to a datetime format variable.
Select Convert(DATETIME, LEFT(20170714, 8)) which gives me a date value but I am stuck at appending time(HH:00:00) to it.
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Dec 21, 2014
I have a standard datetime and I need to convert it to the client specification of:
eg: 2009-04-16T19:20:30+08:00
I am not sure of the easiest way to do this.
The test code below gets me part of the way but I am unsure on how to get the offset on the end without hardcoding to much.
DECLARE @datetime DATETIME = '2014-12-20 12:30:00'
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@datetime,127)
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Apr 7, 2015
I wrote a procedure to calculate median:
ALTER proc [dbo].[sp_CalculateMedianTimeInDepartmentMinutes]
@StartDate date
,@EndDate date
--== Check if count is even or odd
declare @modulo int
select @modulo = (Select COUNT(*)%2 from ED_data where AdmitDateTime between @StartDate and @EndDate )
--=== Get Median
[Code] ....
My fellow developer is using this code to calcuate a madians in many columns (see below). The problem is that it takes about 2 minutes to execute this code. Is there a way to reduce the time of execution?
I attach also a sample of the view
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ED_Measures]
@StartDate date,
@EndDate date,
@Hospital varchar(5)
[Code] ......
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Aug 3, 2015
We have 2 columns:
StartDate - data type Date
StartTime - data type Time
I need to combine them into a DateTime data type. For now, I convert each of them into varchar, insert space in between, and convert to DateTime, like this:
convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), EndDate , 101) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), EndTime,24))
Is there a better, more elegant way to do this?
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Mar 13, 2014
To give you some context we have a new amendments application (nothing fancy, excel based with SQL Server back end) that allows users to submit amendments to product data (Product Info, PO Prices, Dates etc.). There is also an admin tool that a team uses to action these amendments in the various systems.
The old version of this tool, users submitted amendments by style and could if need be submit multiple amendments against one product at the same time. The new tool, I believe for audit reasons, users submit by amendment type, so for example I would submit a cost price change for a given style.
The issue now is that on the occasions where a user has multiple amendments, they now come through separately. So cost price would be Amendment 1 and a date change would be amendment 2 even though they could be the same product. This could potentially mean that the admin team would be duplicating work if the paperwork is updated and sent after each amendment, whereas before they would make both changes and only send the paperwork once.
Having not built either of these tools, I've been tasked with trying to fix this, my two thoughts being either to amend the user form to somehow capture/ allow users to submit amendments together or try to use the existing data and doing the grouping dynamically in the back end. Use that lag to look at grouping any submitted amendments that occur within 30mins of the first occurrence of that style
This grouping would then be given a joint time so when the 'time lag' period passes the amendments will be visible together.I've tried a few things and a few head on desk moments trying to get a set based approach but haven't been able to get where i want, its either an issue where amendments span an hour, such as 9:59 and then 10:03 or grouping together amendments that happen after the 30mins of the first one.
Here is some sample data
USE FF_Winning_Together;
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#AmendTest',N'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #AmendTest;
AmendmentStatusVARCHAR(10)NOT NULL,
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Nov 6, 2014
creating the missing records in a date/time range.
However, I need to return different groups for each span of records.
here's some data....
The numbers are the hour of the day.
I need to return
aaa 0 0
aaa 1 1
aaa 2 0
aaa 3 0
bbb 0 0
bbb 1 0
bbb 2 1
and so on.
I've got a numbers table and I can left join with it but I just get nulls for the missing hours instead of having it as above.....I can't think of a way of repeating the groups for each of the 'missing' hours - other than creating a length insert statement to fill in the gaps....unless that is the only way of doing it.
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May 11, 2015
I have a stored procedure that runs every 5 minutes. I have one block in the procedure that will only run if there are records in a temp table. In addition, I would like this block to run only if the current time is between 0 and 5 minutes past the hour or between 30 and 35 minutes past the hour.
Currently, my block looks like this:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpClosedPOs') IS NOT NULL
I can get the current minutes of the current time by using:
I know that it should be simple, but I'm pretty new at Stored Procedures. How do I alter the IF statement to check for the time and only run the block if it's between the times I stated? I started to DECLARE @Minutes INT, but wasn't sure where to go from there.
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