There are One way, Round trips and journey with connecting flights in the above data, what I am looking for a report is tktamt, deprt city, arrival city and tktnum in a single line for each trip.
SO if it is one way trip or round trip there is no issue, if it is a trip with connecting flights tktnum has more than four records. In the above case for tktnum 34567 there are four records, for which I have to display only one record, where the depart city is 'JFK and Arrival city is 'SFO' as well as amount and tktnum.
CREATE TABLE #Turnover ( location varchar(50), Total int )
insert into #Turnover (location,Total) values('A', 500) insert into #Turnover (location,Total) values('AB', 200) insert into #Turnover (location,Total) values('ABC', 100) insert into #Turnover (location,Total) values('BA', 100) insert into #Turnover (location,Total) values('BAC', 500) insert into #Turnover (location,Total) values('BAM', 100)
Now i want output order by total but same time i want to create two groups. i.e. location starting with A and order by total and after locations starting with B and order by total.
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i have a table with customer number, arrival and departure days and days difference between them. i need to find out the total number of days from first arrival day to last departure day if departure and next arrival days are same. for example, for customer Number, 1120, departure date and next arrival days are same, so the total number of days of stay is, 28+28+42+42. how to find out this total suing SQL.
I have a report which queries events occurring during the reporting time frame the user selects.
A user selects arrivalDateStart as 8/1/2015 and arrivalDateEnd as 12/31/2015 and the results are returned.
The issue is that there is an event that began 7/31/2015 and ends 8/2/2015. This does not appear on the report. The user does not want to have to pick an earlier arrival date as the parameter of his report to pick up anything that was already in progress prior to the beginning of the month.
I am trying to figure out how to add an expression that will also return events that are in progress over the arrival date chosen for the report.
Hi All,I've been struggling with how best to define a query to get a list of uniquecoordinates from a database table and my SQL skills are not good enough towork out a good solution. The basic table structure is as follows:CREATE TABLE [Readings Data Table] (CY DOUBLE,PY DOUBLE,C1X DOUBLE, C2X DOUBLE,P1X DOUBLE, P2X DOUBLE)Each record in the table represents a geophysical measurement for a sensorsat the four locations (P1X,PY), (P2X,PY), (C1X,CY) and (C2X,CY). There canbe many repeat readings (ie with the same locations) and many overlappedreadings (ie which share at least one sensor location) and an example set ofdata is:CY PY C1X C2X P1X P2X0 0 0 100 200 3000 0 0 100 200 3000 0 0 100 300 4000 0 0 100 400 5000 0 100 200 300 4000 0 100 200 500 600100 0 0 100 200 300The distinct locations for this set are:(0,0), (100,0), (200,0), (300,0), (400,0) (500,0), (600,0), (0,100),(100,100), (200,100) and (300,100) ie there are 11 unique locations out ofthe 28 (=7*4) sensor measurement locations.My problem is to create a table with a list of just the distinct sensorlocations. I have implemented a brute-force method where I build a table bylooping through each of the four coordinate combinations to create allpossible locations and then getting just the distinct locations, but this isquite slow with even just a moderate number of readings. Can anyone suggesta more efficient way to get the distinct sensor locations using SQL?Many thanksJohn Paine
I'm writing a script for a pending migration (2k enterprise to 2k5x64 enterprise). I've got about 325 or so databases, spanned across 3 instances that I need to migrate. My plan is to do a mass scripted detach of all DBs of the old boxes, copy the files (on a new domain) and then reattach all of the mdf and ldf files.
I've been writing a sql script that will scan a "staging" directory for each of the MDF and LDF files, then programmatically run sp_attachdb. The problem is that the mdf and ldf files weren't always a 1 to 1 naming convention. My predecessors stuck all sorts of things in the file names that make doing a simple scripted search pretty difficult. The disk paths are going to be different from server to server (simpler), so I need to move the files
Is there a way (using sp_attachdb or otherwise) that I could somehow scan each of the MDF files to get the path of the LDF? I can already do that with a .bak file using the RESTORE FILELISTONLY command, but I'm not sure how to do it like this. I'm figuring there has to be a way though, as SSMS seems to know where the LDF is if you try to attach an MDF.
Usually, Google does well, but I haven't been able to find anything as of yet. Any ideas?
is there a way to change SSMS 2012 default query save location?
1. Open SSMS 2. Create new query 3. Click Save
I see "DocumentsSQL Server Management Studio" folder, but I want to change it to be "d:". How do I do this? I tried:
1. [URL]- in folder "DocumentsSQL Server Management StudioSettingsSQL Server Management Studio" there is a file NewSettings.vssettings, setting it to "d:" or "d:" didn't work.
2. Changing HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server100ToolsShell VisualStudioProjectsLocation didn't work too. There is no "Shell" under "110Tools"
Did I do something wrong, or is there another way?
I have a query which is working fine. Is it possible that if the table3's column(Child) is only related to table 1 to show it under table 1 and not under table 2, but at the same time another (Child) has a parent in table 2 (which usually is the case) it will show under table 2 as its currently doing.
In other words Child column is directly under Table2's row column name (Father), but occasionally it comes under Table1 with no relation to Table 2.
How can I out put that in a query for a treeview? I am assuming that I will have to program the out come in c# also with 3 for loops and in the second loop I can check if the column is grandchild or Child and make that as a second row or 2nd node of treeview, but I am having a problem building a query in sql.
The query below shows all Parent, then child then grand child(all well and working), but what is desired is at times child takes place of a father.
declare @x as xml set @x = ( SELECT distinct Table1.AssetSysID, Table1.Asset_ID , Table1.FromLR, Table1.Asset_ID + ', ' + Table1.[Desc2] as GarndFather, Table2.ACISysID ,Table2.PAssetSysID, Table2.FeatureName + ', ' + Table2.[DESC] AS Father, Table3.ITMSysID ,Table3.Item_ID + ',' + Table3.[DESC] as Child
SELECT right('0' + cast(month(s.closing) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + cast(year(s.closing) as varchar(4)) as ClosingDate, as Project, SUM(s.amount) as TotalSales FROM Sales s JOIN Project p ON p.projectID = s.projectID WHEREs.closing >= DATEADD(mm, -12, GETDATE()) GROUP BY right('0' + cast(month(s.closing) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + cast(year(s.closing) as varchar(4)),
This will give me the grouping by month/year and project.
I have the piece of sql code here below that keeps giving out duplicates. How to resolve this.
isnull((select distinct (SUM(a1.ActualDebit) - SUM(a1.ActualCredit) ) from #MainAccount a1 LEFT OUTER JOIN #BudgetAccount bb ON aa.AccountID = bb.AccountID AND a1.PeriodStartdate = bb.PeriodStartDate and a1.DateMonth=bb.DateMonth and a1.Budget = bb.Budget WHERE a1.AccountID = aa.AccountID and a1.Refdate >= @FROMDATE and a1.Refdate <= @TODATE GROUP BY a1.group1, a1.Group2),0) As Actual_CurrentMonth,
select col1,count(*) from client1..table1 group by col1 union select col1,count(*) from client2..table1 group by col1 union select col1,count(*) from client3..table1 group by col1
The results yields
33915 3405 3412
I am trying to get the following result but can't figure out how to get the total in the end.
I am using the following code in my query to fetch data for my ssrs report which have a parameter @auditCode, where multiple auditCodes can be inputted to generate the report.
Is there any other way I can achieve the same functionality avoiding the part charindex(LU.auditCode,@auditCode)<>0 , as it will return wrong results.
For instance, it will return, the results for the audit code ‘INPS45’ and ‘INPS450000’ when audit code ‘INPS45’ is inputted.
SELECT distinct Ac.activityCode, Ac.ActivityName + isnull(Ac.description,'') AS ActivityName, Ac.activityStartDate, Ac.activityEndDate, LU.auditCode, LU.AuditName, St.studyCode AS StudyCode, St.StudyName AS StudyName
I am having table which is having 5 columns say A,B,C,D and E. There are chances to change in C,D,E columns. I want to identify if any change happened in the above column and show to user prev value + new value.
i.e. i want to prepare query by using calculated extra 6 column where i want to put change happned in C,D,E columns.
I have a table CombinedSales script below (CreateCombSalesTable.sql) which contains the details of a sale.
A row in the table has two flags online/offline SalesAmount is the financial amount, online = 1 (online sales) online = 0 (combined sales off and online).
The table also contains the product and the client etc.,
What I am trying to do is subtract onlinesales from combinedsales within the query or outside I don't mind, to return the result as (below)
select skuid,SUM(SalesAmount),online,ClientName from t_CombinedSalesDetails where ClientName ='Asda' and SkuId = 200437 group by Skuid,Online,ClientName order by skuid
THIS is what I get below the online = 0 is the total sales of this product.
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[t_CombinedSalesDetails] Script Date: 27/08/2014 13:23:27 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON
I have a SP that manipulates data for picking products and puts them into a temp table "#PickList" which is used for the basis of printing a picking note report.
I have also added code at the end of the SP to take the "#PickList" data and insert into a permanent table called "BWT_Lift_Transaction" and then use the bcp command to query it out to a text file. All this works fine, until the bcp command runs. Although the records are in the table, bcp returns nothing. Here is the code:
The earlier parts of the code create the filename for the text file and location to store it. If I insert a SELECT on the dbo.BWT_Lift_Transaction directly after the insert, I can see the data in there, but although the bcp command creates the file correctly, it returns no data:
NULL Starting copy... NULL 0 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1 NULL
If I remove the delete statement at the end and run the code twice, it will insert the data into the table twice. On the first run, nothing is returned by bcp. On the second run, the first set is returned by bcp, not both sets.
I don't understand why this is, but I guess it's something to do with transaction commitment and the way bcp works.
how to properly use the "For XML Path" code to concatenate multiple values into one record. What I have is a procedure I've written for a SSRS report that summarizes drive information: date, account, recruiter, times.But each drive can have multiple shifts, and each shift will have it's own vehicle assigned. So a drive may have 1 vehicle assigned to it or it may have 5. If there are 5 shifts/5 vehicles, I don't want to the report to display 5 rows of data for the one drive. So I'm trying to get all of the vehicles to be placed into one field for the report.My initial sub-query will not work because it is possible that it will contain more than one item (vehicle):
Select DM.DriveID [DriveID], DM.FromDateTime [FromDateTime], DSD.ShiftID [ShiftID], Case When DM.OpenToPublic = 1 Then 'Yes' Else 'No' End As [OpenToPublic], Case When DM.OwnerType=0 Then 'Mobile' Else 'Fixed' End As [OwnerType], Case When DM.OwnerType = 0 Then Acct.Name Else CD.DescLong End As [OwnerName],
SQL Server Newbie or here either. I'm a newbie as well.
I am currently reading through Itzik Ben-Gan's "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL using Windows Functions." In attempt to test the SUM OVER() function in SQL 2008 because that's what I've got. I do not currently have sample data (trying to generate it has become a major PITA), but I have some pseudocode.
My current code (actual production code) pulls a bunch of ITD (inception to date) contracts then calculates a certain dollar amount based on monthly changes. Not all contracts have values during a given month, so here's what I cobbled together a few months ago. (Per our finance team, these numbers ARE accurate).
WITH MonthlyVals AS (SELECT ContractID, SUM(Col1 - (Col2 + Col3 + Col4 + Col5)) AS MyTotal FROM MyTable WHERE MyDate >= @ThisMonthStartDate AND MyDate <= @ThisMonthEndDate AND StatementType IN (8,4,2)
To test the totals, I also added a COMPUTE SUM(MyTotal) to the end of each query. (Yes, I know COMPUTE is deprecated. Just wanted a quick check.). The difference between the two bits of code was over 68k, with the SUM OVER() code coming up with a total higher than the CTE code. I know CTE code is correct for a fact. It went through extensive testing before getting put in Production. Is it the way I joined the table for the SUM OVER()? Or is it the use of PARITION BY?
I have a T-SQL query that outputs exactly as I wish when run via Management Studio. I now want to automate this query to run monthly via a SQL Agent Job.
I have got this to run but the resulting file is left with a header row which shows "Job 'MyJobName' : Step 1, 'My QUERY' : Began Executing 2015-05-01 10:52:01" and an extra blank row before my data (and column headers).
Is there any way of stopping these extra rows from being created using T-SQL in my query?
if t-sql query is perfectly run in development and when I execute in production at that time I want to use execution plan which is in development . so how I can do using cache? I know about hint we can use hint USE_PLANE. but I want to do with cache .
I’ve never written a query with multiple APPLY joins before and I’m running into some troubles with my first one. The below SQL statement runs within 10 seconds if I comment out either one of the APPLY joins and its corresponding field columns. However, when I try to execute with both APPLY joins, the query runs indefinitely. The longest I’ve waited before cancelling it is 90 minutes.
Now, I know there are probably other ways I could write this query to get me the results I’m looking for. I’m posting this on the board because I’m curious about finding out why multiple APPLY joins could cause SQL Server to run away. I’m hoping to gain some insight so that I can better understand how APPLY joins work so that in case I have a big need to do this again in the future (without suitable workarounds) I can code it correctly.
Here are some things I’ve tried so far…
1.Changed the States table into a subquery that only returns a single state 2.Change all the references inside the APPLY subqueries so that they had different aliases (just in case they were conflicting with each other). 3.Changed the CROSS applies to OUTER applies. States has 50 records and only 32 have matching permit data so the 18 extra iterations using OUTER APPLY don’t impact performance any when an APPLY is used by itself.
SELECT s.state_name , COUNT(DISTINCT DUPS.PermitNumber) AS NumOfDupPermits , SUM(DistinctPermits) AS DistinctPermits FROM States S CROSS APPLY (SELECT w.StateID, COUNT(*) as DistinctPermits
SELECT ContactID,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,Description FROM Contact
Contact table contains 4 columns as explained. in the application there is one tab called Contact where it displays Above information and description is non editable.Now the new requirement has come user can update the description information and save information in a new column say 'Description1'. that means new column needs to be added in the db and also necessary changes needs to be done at the application side
For ex :SELECT ContactID,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,Description,Description1 FROM Contact
Now when user views the contact table it should display description info by default from 'description' table.If he edits he should see edited data from 'description1' table.the logic should if updated data is there display that data from 'description1' table other wise display from 'description' table
I am building a application, which will generates a MASTER query with 15 fields & 5 tables joins.Now, the user selects only some fields from that master fields and generates the CHILD query. This is creating a performance issue.
To minimize this, i would like to remove the not necessary joins in the child query.
I'm working on a report where my table is as follows:
WITH SampleData (ID,NAME,[VALUE]) AS ( SELECT 170983,'DateToday','6/04/2014' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'DateToday','6/04/2014' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'employee','1010' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'employee','1010'
[Code] .....
Here is my query against the table above:
FROM SampleData
Here is the result from the above query, I'm not sure how to get the desired results (listed at the end):
I'm trying to integrate the security settings for our system into the reports and search and its a nightmare trying to fit in all the rules.
Basically I have a massive custom search query which I now have filter even further. [URL] for previous discussions on this query, which I'm currently happy with).
so we have 6 different types of transactions. each type can have different admins. the search can be done for either 1 type or all types.Transactions by default are available to everyone, But there are a few (probably less than 1% of all) that security is enabled which is simply done by added people to the security table.
each transaction can be see by
* Everyone If no record found in security table for transaction.
* If even just one transaction found, the below have permission to view it.
- Person who raised transaction
- person currently responsible for it.
- person currently working on it.
- everyone in the security table for this transaction.
- Admins for this Transaction Type.
So when someone does a search I need to fit all the above. Because I'm building the search query it does make it a little easier to accommodate the various scenarios.And I think I have them all EXCEPT someone who is trying to search for records under ALL types, but is an admin of just 1 or 2 of the types. Ie they have too be able to see all records for those they are admins for, and then have normal security imposed for the other types of records.
The section near "DECLARE @IsUserAdmin AS BIT" sets admin flags for when they are an admin of a single type if searching for a single type, or sets admin flag if they are an admin for all types.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspJobSearch] @csType as nvarchar(20) = '-1', @status as nvarchar(20) = '-1', @startID as nvarchar(50) = '', @endID as nvarchar(50) = '', @complaintType as nvarchar(50) ='',