T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Conversion From Varchar To Strong Data Types
Mar 21, 2013
There are a few databases I work with that have been designed where varchar columns are used to store what actually displays on the front end as Ints, Decimals, Varchars, Datetimes, checkboxes.
I often have to write integrations with these databases bringing data in and prefer to validate the data whilst loading from the staging tables.
I have seen allsorts of values being passed into the staging tables that will load into the target database because the columns are all varchars but the values don't display on the front end because the app actively filters bad values out.
What I would like to do is for my validation scripts to warn up front of potentially invalid datatypes. My problem is that forexample the ISNUMERIC() function return 1 for the value ',1234' but a CONVERT(NUMERIC, ',1234') or CAST(',1234' AS NUMERIC) will fail with a "Error converting data type varchar to numeric).
I've been trying to locate a set of reliable datatype testing functions that will reliably determine if a varchar can be converted to a given data type or not.
I am trying to create a store procedure inside of SQL Management Studio console and I kept getting errors. Here's my store procedure.
Code Block CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sqlOutlookSearch] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @OLIssueID int = NULL, @searchString varchar(1000) = NULL AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here IF @OLIssueID <> 11111 SELECT * FROM [OLissue], [Outlook] WHERE [OLissue].[issueID] = @OLIssueID AND [OLissue].[issueID] = [Outlook].[issueID] AND [Outlook].[contents] LIKE + ''%'' + @searchString + ''%'' ELSE SELECT * FROM [Outlook] WHERE [Outlook].[contents] LIKE + ''%'' + @searchString + ''%'' END
And the error I kept getting is:
Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sqlOutlookSearch, Line 18
The data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the modulo operator.
Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sqlOutlookSearch, Line 21
The data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the modulo operator.
What are the drawbacks with using a varchar max datatype? varchar stretches on insert/edit to fit the required amount of data (yes/no), IM gussing this makes it slower? I don't think I can Avoid using this data type, but should I try to avoid its usage if possible,
I am coming to SQL Server from Access and using it mostly for making ASP.NET web apps.
I am not sure I correctly understand the characteristics of the varchar data type and I'm so far unable to find a basic explanation.
It seems that the benefit of this data type is that the actual disk storage involved varies according to what is in a given record's column. So for a column defined as varchar(500), a record where the column uses all 500 characters will use more bytes on disk than a record where the column uses only one.
This would seem to imply that unless there were some reason to limit the characters allowed into a column, it would be an advantage to define large columns, say varchar(8000), especially for memo type fields, or fields such as addresses where it seems like clients are always asking for more space as time passes.
Is this right? Is there any downside to defining large varchar columns assuming they do not conflict with business rules?
Could someone please help me by explaining which one is best to use and when? For example, storing the word "Corona Del Mar" - which Data Type would be suggested? Thanks.
Hi, If I make a select query on my table, this error appears: "The data types text and varchar are incompatible in the equal to operator"
In my table , I have 4 fields with "text" datatype. My query is like : "Select * from table where field1='test'" It's seems to be simple, but it doesn't work!!!
My query was working fine until I added the yellow highlighted areas below. Basically what I'm doing with this is getting the lowest open purchase order number (docnum) and its matching docduedate. Now when I run it I get
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'po_num' to data type int.
Any ideas? Thanks!
SELECT t3.product ,
t7.itemname ,
t3.shorted ,
t4.onhand ,
WHEN t8.linestatus = 'O'
THEN t9.docnum
END) po_num,
(SELECT t0.product product ,
WHEN t0.qty_topick <> t0.qty_picked
THEN t0.qty_topick - t0.qty_picked
END) shorted
FROM rbeacon.dbo.shipline2 t0
INNER JOIN rbeacon.dbo.shiphist t1
ON t0.packslip = t1.packslip
WHERE t1.date_upld = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE()-1, 101)
GROUP BY t0.product
) t3
INNER JOIN comparison.dbo.vlgxplc t2
ON t2.itemcode = t3.product COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
(SELECT t0.product AS product,
SUM(t0.quantity) AS onhand
FROM rbeacon.dbo.binlocat t0
GROUP BY t0.product
) t4
ON t3.product = t4.product
INNER JOIN wbau.dbo.oitm t5
ON t3.product = t5.itemcode COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS
LEFT JOIN wbau.dbo.ocrd t6
ON t5.cardcode = t6.cardcode
INNER JOIN wbau.dbo.oitm t7
ON t3.product = t7.itemcode COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS
LEFT JOIN wbau.dbo.por1 t8
ON t3.product = t8.itemcode COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS
I'm trying to pass a character (D) to an integer data type!i'm getting this error:Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '17D' to data type int.
I try to compile your query, and prompt error message in below 'conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'times' to data type int .Error code 245.
select user_member , sum(case when trx_date > dateadd(month, -3, getdate()) then 1 else 0 end) + ' times' , max(case when trx_date < dateadd(month, -3, getdate()) then trx_date else NULL end) from trx_hdr group by user_member
The above code worth great but ideally instead of returning a number Id like to return text for example
i am trying to run to get a list of computers from a table based on the available free space. I'd like to group them based on the available space, for example, up to 1 GB, 1-2 GB, etc.Â
However when i run this query, i get an error :Â Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1GB To 2GB' to data type int.
Hi, I was using a Store Proc and it was working nice , Now, I am getting this error as:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'APCCE' to data type int Is that should make any problem as well Just want to know ..the help Thanks
I am doing a Case statement to create a unified field for account type and vendor, in the code below I am receiving the error in the subject, because the account numbers have alpha characters in the string, I need to make them as OTHER if the first 2 left chars are Alpha, I thought how I have ISNUMERIC would do that but I am still getting the error.
I am also including example of how the account_numbers are formatted.
I have problem to execute query with interval date.
If try this query I don't have problem and the output is correct:
SELECT * FROM dotable WHERE dotableDate BETWEEN CONVERT (datetime, '01/01/2015', 121) AND CONVERT (datetime, '09/01/2015', 121);Instead if try this I have error: SELECT * FROM dotable WHERE dotableDate BETWEEN CONVERT (datetime, '25/01/2015', 121) AND CONVERT (datetime, '28/01/2015', 121);
[Err] 22007 - [SQL Server]The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
create table #myfirst (id int, city varchar(20)) insert into #myfirst values (500,'Newyork') insert into #myfirst values (100,'Ediosn') insert into #myfirst values (200,'Atlanta') insert into #myfirst values (300,'Greenwoods') insert into #myfirst values (400,'Hitchcok') insert into #myfirst values (700,'Walmart') insert into #myfirst values (800,'Madida')
-- My Second Data
create table #mySecond (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2)) insert into #mySecond values (1500,'Newyork','MK') insert into #mySecond values (5500,'Ediosn','HH') insert into #mySecond values (5060,'The Atlanta','JK') insert into #mySecond values (7500,'The Greenwoods','DF') insert into #mySecond values (9500,'Metro','KK') insert into #mySecond values (3300,'Kilapr','MK') insert into #mySecond values (9500,'Metro','NH')
--Third Second Data
create table #myThird (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2)) insert into #myThird values (33,'Walmart','PP') insert into #myThird values (20,'Ediosn','DD') select f.*,s.Sector from #myfirst f join #mySecond s on f.city = s.city /* idcitySector 500NewyorkMK 100EdiosnHH */
i have doubt on two things
1) How Can i compare the City names, by eliminating 'The ' at the beginning (if there is any in second tale city) between first and second
2) after comparing first and second if there is no match found in second them want to compare with third table values for those not found
--i tried below to solve first doubt, it is working but want to know any other wasys to do it
select f.*,s.Sector from #myfirst f join #mySecond s on replace (f.city, 'THE ','')= replace (s.city, 'THE ','')
--Expected results wull be
create table #ExpectResults (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2)) insert into #ExpectResults values (200,'Atlanta','JK') insert into #ExpectResults values (100,'Ediosn','HH') insert into #ExpectResults values (300,'Greenwoods','DF') insert into #ExpectResults values (500,'Newyork','MK') insert into #ExpectResults values (700, 'Walmart','PP') insert into #ExpectResults values (800, 'Madidar','')
Hello Guys,Have been getting this error( Implicit conversion from data type ntext to varchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. ) when running on the live environment but it was fine when run locally. If anyone has similar problem please let me know the fix you have done. Thank you.
I am trying to write a query that give me how many items were filed per year.
This is the error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'YEAR(1999)' to data type int.
Here is the query I am using:
SELECT COUNT (*), CASE WHEN ChargesFiledDate > 20141231 THEN 'YEAR (2015)' WHEN ChargesFiledDate > 20131231 THEN 'YEAR (2014)' WHEN ChargesFiledDate > 20121231 THEN 'YEAR (2013)' ELSE YEAR (0000)
[Code] ...
And got the same error. Â I know there is probably a better way to get this data (being that I need it from 2007 to present), but don't know how to write it.
I have the following code and i want to passed more than one value:
DECLARE @myvendedor AS varchar(255) SET @myvendedor = '87,30' print @myvendedor SELECT top 10 ECOM.COM1,* from ecom (nolock) WHERE ecom.PORVEND=1 AND ECOM.VENDEDOR IN (@myvendedor) Table Field ECOM.VENDEDOR is Numeric(4,0)
This error occur:
87,30 --Result of PRINT
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 6 Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
I change :
DECLARE @myvendedor AS numeric(4,0)
and this error appear:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 2 Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
All source and target date fields are defined as data type "smalldatetime". The "select" executes without error though when used with "insert into" it fails with the error:
Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 25: Conversion failed when converting character string to small date-time data type..I am converting from a character string to smalldatetime since the source and target date columns are "smalldatetime". All other columns for the source and target are nvarchar(255). I assume there is an implicit conversion that I don't understand. In a test, I validated that all dates selected evaluate ISDATE() to 1.
USE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014] GO IF OBJECT_ID ('[SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]
I am trying to setup an indicator value for an SSRS report to show green and red values on a report, based on the NRESULT value. The problem I am facing is that I have several different CASE statements that have the same logic, and they are processing just fine. NRESULT is a decimal field, so no conversion should be necessary. I do not know why I am getting the "Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric." error message.
Below is the CASE statement where the error is occurring. It is in the part of the ELSE CASE. The first CASE works just fine when the ELSE CASE is commented out. If I also change the ELSE CASE statement to say "else case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) = '-' then '0'", then it processes fine, too, so it has to be something I am missing something in the check on negative values. I do need the two checks, one for positive and one for negative values, to take place.
case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) <> '-' then --This portion, for checking positive values, of the CASE statement works fine. CASE WHEN LEFT(ROUND(NRESULT,2),4) between 0.00 and 0.49 THEN '2' --Green ELSE CASE WHEN LEFT(ROUND(NRESULT,2),4) > 0.49 THEN '0' --Red ELSE '3' --White END END else case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) = '-' then --This portion, for checking negative values, of the CASE statement is producing the conversion error message.
I checked the NRESULT field, and there are not any NULL values in there, either.
this is in form VB Private Sub orderidtxbx_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles orderidtxbx.Click sqlconnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source= xxxx;Initial Catalog = xxxx; user ID = sa; Password = xxxxx;") sqlcommand = New SqlCommand("select Customer.LastName, Customer.FirstName from customer where ticket.ticketid ='" & orderidtxbx.Text & "'", sqlconnection)
error msg The multi-part identifier "ticket.ticketid" could not be bound
query in sql 2005,I need to make store procedure.
SELECT Itinerary.FlightID, Itinerary.Class, Itinerary.Quantity, Ticket.Date, Flight.FlightNo, Flight.AirLine, Flight.DepartureDate, Flight.ArrivalDate, Flight.DepartureTime, Flight.ArrivalTime, Flight.Price, Departure.DepartureLocation, Arrival.ArrivalLocation,GST=convert(int,Itinerary. Quantity*0.06*Flight.Price),PST=convert(int,Itiner ary.Quantity*0.07*Flight.Price),TotalPrice=convert (int,(Itinerary.Quantity*0.06*Flight.Price)+(Itine rary.Quantity*0.07*Flight.Price)+Flight.Price) FROM Flight INNER JOIN Itinerary ON Flight.FlightID = Itinerary.FlightID INNER JOIN Ticket ON Itinerary.TicketID = Ticket.TicketID INNER JOIN Departure ON Flight.DepartureLocationID = Departure.DepartureID INNER JOIN Arrival ON Flight.ArrivalLocationID = Arrival.ArrivalID WHERE (Itinerary.ticketid = '@Itinerary.ticketid')
if i change WHERE (Itinerary.ticketid = 1) it will read the data in the table.
I need to refer that itinerary.ticketid into textbox in form that's why i make like this WHERE (Itinerary.ticketid = '@Itinerary.ticketid') but i don't know what is worng with this.
This error Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '@Itinerary.ticketid' to data type int(but my ticketid value already integer not varchar).
I´m exporting an ms-excel file, then I use a lookup transformation to get a field from a SQL Server 2005 table. The Lookup transformation editor, after selecting the table, shows a warning that says:
at least one mapping between a column from available input columns ans a column from available lookup columns must be defined on the columns page.
So I try to make a relationship in the Lookup transformation editor's column tab where I find the Available input columns and the available lookup columns but I get the following error:
The following columns cannot be mapped: [Department, DEP_CLEGALCODE] One or more columns do not have supported data types, or their data types do not match.
The field in SLQ Server is varchar(10) and the input field is a derived column transformation; I have tried different Data Types but I always have the same error.
The DataFlow is: ExcelSource --> Derived Column --> Lookup --> Flat file destination
As part of an ETL conversion I have dataflow task created that copies data from one table to another, we use it as a way to rename fields and change data types. What is strange is that the OLE DB SQL destination has not issue if I copy data from an int to smallint and in another case from an int to a numeric field and it runs fine. So I decided to test using a SQL Server Destination as I heard it may be faste that using OLE Db.
No I am getting the following error
Error: 0xC02020F5 at Insert into TRANSACTION, SQL Server Destination [32]: The column "ID" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_I4 and DT_NUMERIC is not supported. Error: 0xC02020F5 at Insert into TRANSACTION, SQL Server Destination [32]: The column "ID1" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_I4 and DT_I2 is not supported.
I do understand the error but not why it runs fine using the OLE DB but when running it through SQL Server Destination I get this error.
I'm not a DBA but I'm doing what is turning into way too much work... Yes I understand you want to do memory intensive data conversions and SQL server is not tolerant, etc....
But, I have to get my data from a flat source into a table in SQL server. I know DT_I1 is a 1 byte signed integer, I see System.Byte, but surprise, NONE of the TYPES in defining my table in SQL Server Management Studio correspond to any type that it accepts.
What am I doing wrong?
I have a table in SQL Server. I know DT_I8 is Bigint, I know DT_I4 is Int. Bigint and Int, for example, are two types I have access to when I'm building my table. But what on EARTH is DT_I1? It is NOT a TYPE that I can dropdown and choose.
My SSIS package has a Flat File Source that points to my comma delimeted file on my PC, it has a Data Conversion element that seems to do nothing..., and of course a SQL Server Destination which is my table.
I would rather just have the SSIS package create the right table on the fly.
DTS was much easier, I know, not as efficient for 1,000,000 rows, but guess what, there are still small to medium size businesses that don't need that efficiency to get in 1MM rows +, we just need to get our jobs done.
P.S. I'm creating the SSIS in MS Visual Studio Professional.
Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [14]]: The column "Opened On" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_DATE and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.
Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "SQL Server Destination" (14)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.
Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
I tried using Data Conversion and Derived column, still this error prevails. Any help ????