ID Count of Consecutive Years
------- -----------------------------
1 2
4 2
9 0
I know this is a gaps and islands type problem but nothing I have been able to find is working once I attempt modification so that it can fit my dataset. Please note that I am going to use the data return to populate another table that is currently being populated using a cursor that utilizes an insert statement based on different codes.
Which works fine for all my other calculations except this, where I need a distinct count. CNT is a calculated measure. The browser would look like this:
Category Year1 Year2 ..... MDX what I have now MDX what I need
I couldn't find a topic suitable for testing this, so I thought I'd start one.
Here is one way to get the islands without a tally table.declare@test table (symbol char(3), dt smalldatetime)
insert@test select'abc','01/01/1990' union all select'abc','01/02/1990' union all select'abc','01/03/1990' union all select'abc','01/04/1990' union all select'abc','01/05/1990' union all select'def','01/03/1990' union all select'def','01/04/1990' union all select'def','01/05/1990' union all select'def','01/06/1990' union all select'def','01/07/1990' union all select'ghi','01/01/1990' union all select'ghi','01/02/1990' union all select'ghi','01/06/1990' union all select'ghi','01/07/1990' union all select'ghi','01/08/1990'
selectsymbol, min(dt), max(dt2) from( selectt1.symbol, t1.dt, t2.dt as dt2, (select count(distinct t3.symbol) from @test as t3 where t3.symbol < t1.symbol and t3.dt <= t1.dt) AS r from@test as t1 inner join@test as t2 on t2.symbol = t1.symbol wheret2.dt - 1 = t1.dt ) as d group bysymbol, r E 12°55'05.25" N 56°04'39.16"
I have a system log with NULL gaps between a sequence of numbers...see "BEFORE" sample below.
The number of gaps between the Sequence_ID's are arbitrary, but generally less then 50 records.
I'd like enumerate the gaps to produce the "AFTER" result, but do it with a single query or view, not through procedures.
I've been playing with windowed functions and groupings with no success. I'm guessing it'll need some recursive CTE logic, but I haven't been able to figure it out the correct loop.
I work for a charitable organization, am new to this form (and sql programming) and trying to create a flag for unique records indicating the number of consecutive years a donor has given.
I have create a sample db idenifying donor, giving year and total pledges with multiple donor records existing for multiple years having donated.
INSERT INTO mygifts06 (Id,Gift_yr,Pledges) SELECT 155758,2005,15.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155759,2004,25.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155758,2004,40.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155757,2005,100.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155758,2002,30.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155758,2001,120.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155755,2003,15.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155758,2006,80.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155757,2003,65.00 UNION ALL SELECT 155759,2005,400.00
For the above dataset, I am trying to create the following output
I'm trying to find gaps in times in a table of sessions where the session endings aren't sequential. That is, session 1 can start at 10:00 and finish at 10:30, while session 2 started at 10:05 and finished at 10:45, and session 3 started at 10:06 and finished at 10:20. Only the starting times are in order; the ending times can be anywhere after that.Here's a bunch of sample data:
INSERT INTO #SessionTest SELECT '1073675','Mar 3 2014 1:53PM','Mar 3 2014 1:53PM' UNION ALL SELECT '1073676','Mar 3 2014 2:26PM','Mar 3 2014 3:51PM' UNION ALL SELECT '1073677','Mar 3 2014 2:29PM','Mar 3 2014 3:54PM' UNION ALL SELECT '1073678','Mar 3 2014 2:29PM','Mar 3 2014 5:47PM' UNION ALL SELECT '1073679','Mar 3 2014 2:30PM','Mar 3 2014 3:37PM' UNION ALL
I'm trying extract a count of consecutive numbers, or "unbroken" years inthis case, at any particular given time.For example (simplified):CREATE TABLE #Customers(CustNo INT,YearNo INT,IsCust CHAR(1))INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2006, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2005, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2004, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2003, 'N')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2002, 'N')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2001, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2000, 'Y')SELECT * FROM #CustomersCustNo YearNo IsCust----------- ----------- ------999 2006 Y999 2005 Y999 2004 Y999 2003 N999 2002 N999 2001 Y999 2000 YIn 2006 CustNo 999 would have been active for 3 years, 2004 for 1, 2001 for2, etc. Ideally I'd feed it a single year to lookupI'm resisting the urge to create cursor here -- anyone have any hints?....Chris.
I have found a lot of examples of problems where I have just a single date column, and then I find the gaps in between that, but I'm having difficulty finding examples where it works with start and end date columns...
I'm trying to write an algorithm that returns the most recent and longest consecutive streak of positive or negative price changes in a given stock. The streak can extend over null weekends, but not over null weekdays (presumably trading days).
For example, lets say Google had end of day positive returns on (any given) Tuesday, Monday, and previous Friday, but then Thursday, it had negative returns. That would be a 3 day streak between Friday and Tuesday. Also, if a date has a null value on a date that is NOT a weekend, the streak ends.
In the following code sample, you can get a simplified idea of what the raw data will look like and what the output should look like.
set nocount on set datefirst 7 go if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#raw') is not null drop table #raw create table #raw
[Code] .....
I should also mention that this has to be done over about half a million symbols so something RBAR is especially unappealing.
We have customer accounts that we measure usage. We want to run a report for all customers whose current usage is 0 and a count of how many months it has been zero consecutively. Here is an example.
Ok, I'm looking to get counts on historical data where the number of records exists between two dates with different years. The trick is the that the dates fall in different years. Ex: Give me the number of records that are dated between 0ct 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014.
A previous post of mine was similar where I needed to get records after a specific date. The solution provided for that one was the following. This let me get any records that occured after May 1 per given Fiscal year.
SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2010 THEN Yr_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [FY10], MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2010 THEN May_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [May+10], MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2011 THEN Yr_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [FY11], MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2011 THEN May_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [May+11], MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2012 THEN Yr_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [FY12],
[Code] ....
I basically need to have CASE WHEN MONTH(OccuranceDate) between Oct 1 (beginning year) and July 1 (ending year).
I need to list customers in a table that represents sales over the years.
I have tables:
Customers -> id | name |... Orders -> id | idCustomer | date | ... Products -> id | idOrder | unitprice | quantity | ...
I am using this SQL but it only gets one year:
SELECT , SUM(unitprice*qt) AS total FROM Products INNER JOIN Orders ON = Products.idOrder INNER JOIN Customers ON = Orders.idCustomer WHERE year(date)=2014 GROUP BY ORDER BY 2 DESC
I need something like this:
customer | total sales 204 | total sales | 2015 | total sales (2014 + 2015) -------- customer A | 1000$ | 2000$ | 3000$ customer B | 100$ | 100$ | 200$
Is it possible to retrieve these values in a single SQL query for multiple years and grand total?
I tried to ask a similar question yesterday and got shot down, so I'll try again in a different way. I have been looking online at the gaps and islands approach, and it seems to always be referencing a singular field, so i can't find anything which is clear to get my head around it.In the context of a hotel (people checking in and out) I would like to identify how long someone has been staying at the hotel (The Island?) regardless if they checked out and back in the following day.
Data example: DECLARE @LengthOfStay TABLE ( PersonVARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, CheckInDATE NOT NULL, CheckOutDATE NULL
When looking at the data some days have multiple events. Now I want to generate a new table that show all the dates in this month showing the number of running events for that specific day.
I have one table say A and in which 4 columns are there. Out of 4 , one columns stores the queries like 'select * from table xyz' etc(Only select queries). I am writing a procedure in which I have to fetch this column and execute the query and wants to check whether query i.e. "select * from table xyz" contains any record or not. If yes , I am updating the table B with value as Pass , else Fail.
I used execute @queryfromvariable but it does not gives me count..
See sample data below. I'm trying to count the number of occurrences of strings stored in table @word without a while loop.
INSERT INTO @t SELECT 'There are a lot of Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) resources available' AS String UNION ALL SELECT 'but most teaching aids out there are geared towards professionals with cube development experience' UNION ALL
We sell & ship packages that contain multiple items within them. The actual package (we call it the "parent item") is in the same table as the items within it ("child items"). If the record is a child item within a package, its "ParentId" field will contain the ItemId of the package.
So some sample records of a complete package would look like this:
ItemId's 2 & 3 are items contained within the ItemId 1 package.
Now however, the client wants us to build a report showing all packages (all items where ParentId is NULL) however, they want to see the QtyAvailable of not only the package but the items as well (a total of 15 when using the example above), all grouped into a single line. So a sample report line would look like this:
Name | Available Qty -------------------------- Package A | 15 Package B | 100
How can I do a SELECT statement that SUMS the "QtyAvailable" of both the parent & child items and displays them along with the package name?
We have a table that has customers invoices and payment records. In some cases a customer has 10 lines with 10 different invoice numbers but may have paid 2 or more invoices with one check. I need to know how many unique payments were made per customer.
how to return the 3 month rolling average count per username? This means, that if jan = 4, feb = 5, mar = 5, then 3 month rolling average will be 7 in April. And if apr = 6, the May rolling average will be 8.
Columns are four:
username, current_tenure, move_in_date, and count.
DDL (create script generated by SSMS from sample table I created, which is why the move_in_date is in hex form. When run it's converted to date. Total size of table 22 rows, 4 columns.)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[countHistory]( [username] [varchar](50) NULL, [current_tenure] [int] NULL, [move_in_date] [smalldatetime] NULL, [Cnt_Lead_id] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO
SELECT Gruppo_Assegnatario, [100] as stato1, [101] as stato2, [102] as stato3 FROM ( select
[Code] ...
That extracts only zeros (columns "stato1", "stato2", "stato3"):
Gruppo_Assegnatariostato1stato2stato3 SDB_BE Vita Antiriciclaggio0 00 SDB_BE Vita Assistenza clienti000 SDB_BE Vita Emissione000 SDB_BE Vita Gestione Rendite000 SDB_BE Vita Liquidazioni000
[Code] ....
Unlike the "SourceTable":
select CASE_ID_, Stato, Gruppo_Assegnatario FROM TicketInevasiPerGruppoEStato extracts
CASE_ID_ Stato Gruppo_Assegnatario HD0000003736734 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione HD0000003736739 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione HD0000003736743 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione HD0000003736783 AssegnatoSDB_GBS Variazione HD0000003736806 SospesoSDB_BE Vita Selezione
[Code] ....
How can I get the right count in the first data mining replacing the zeros (columns "stato1", "stato2", "stato3")?
Because of a limitation on a piece of software I'm using I need to take a large varchar field and force a carriage return/linebreak in the returned sql. Allowing for a line size of approximately 50 characters, I thought the approach would be to first find the 'spaces' in the data, so as to not split the line on a real word. achieve.
--===== Simulate a passed parameter DECLARE @Parameter VARCHAR(8000) SET @Parameter = (select a_notes from dbo.notestuff as notes where a_id = '1')
How to count the number of values that exist in a row based on the values from an array of numbers. Basically the the array of numbers I want to look for are in row 1 of table [test 1] and I want to search for them and count the "out of" in table [test 2]. Excuse me for not using the easiest way to convey my question below. I guess in short I have 10 numbers and like to find how many of those numbers exist in each row. short example:
I am new to SQL Server. I've created a database with a key ID field that is set to automatically increment. Well, after adding records I've got some gaps in my numbering and want to renumber from 1 to eof.
What is the best way to do this in SQL Server 2005?
This result represents the times in minutes that are available.
I have no clue how to do this without using a numbers table and checking each minute in each day for each row in the table. Id like to not do that because of sheer performance reasons. There is a possiblity that I will have hundreds of rows in the @reservations table.
I was hoping someone could provide some insight as to how to approach this. Thank you ahead of time! :)
I have a table with an identity column..How will the identity gaps be adjusted if i delete few records in the sequence should automatically adjusted..Is there any way for this ?
ID Name City 1 abc xyz 2 mexm mcel 3 olekc kcome
Suppose i delete the record where ID=2..still the sequence should be auto record of ID=3 should become ID=2 automatically..there shouldn't be any gaps.
I have a row in my report that has 6 columns. I want to outline the row with a border, but not the column lines in between. So, I went into BorderColor, changed the Default to white and my Top and Bottom colors as Black. The problem is that where the "white" column lines are, they are displaying 1pt gaps in my outline. I tried changing the BorderStyle to Zero, but it wouldn't take it.