T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Deadlock When Creating New FK Constraint?

Sep 17, 2015

The other day developer asked me to create a new table that had a FK constraint to an existing largish table on the largish table's primary key.

When i ran the script, it took it about 4 seconds to complete, and in the meantime i had 3 deadlocks show up from other processes attempting to use the table the FK was being created from. The new table was empty at this point.

I've never seen this behavior before so I'm curious if creating a new FK constraint will cause a table lock on the source table for the FK.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Avoid Blocking And Deadlock

Jun 4, 2015

How we can avoid blocking and deadlock?

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Deadlock In View With Select Union - Creating A/S Dimension

Jul 23, 2005

I've got a view that creates a parent child relationship, this view isused in Analysis Services to create a dimension in a datastore. Thisquery tends to deadlock after about 10 days of running smoothly. Onlyway to fix it is to reboot the box, I can recycle the services for aquick fix but that usually only works for the next 1-2 times I call theview.This view is used to create a breakdown of the bill-to locations fromContinent-Global Region-Country-Sub Region-State/Province- City-ZipCodeYes, I know that sounds crazy, but it was a requirement.So why would I get a deadlock on a SELECT Query? Is there a way to setthe Isolation level to Repeatable Read for a view?Here is the view code:CREATE View dbo.vwBillToas-- US ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.ZipCode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.City,z.ZipCode_WK,US_Region_wk, z.State_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.State_Long+' ('+cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) asvarchar)+')',z.City as 'Child',z.City + ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')' as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.State_Long,z.City,z.State_shrt,z.US_Region_wkUnion-- Canada ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') +')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.Province_Long,z.City as 'Child',z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') + ')' as'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion-- Canada ProvinceSelect 'CANADA',Province_Long,Province_LongFromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CANGroupby Province_LongUnion-- CountrySelect t.Region_NK,c.Country_Name,c.Country_NameFromdbo.DIM_COUNTRY cInnerJoin dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION tOnc.Region_WK=t.Region_WKWherec.Country_Name Is Not NullGroup by t.Region_NK, c.Country_NameUnion-- SubRegionSelect c.Country_Name,sr.US_Region_Name,sr.US_Region_NameFromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_COUNTRY cOnsr.Country_wk=c.Country_WKGroupby c.Country_Name, sr.US_Region_NameUnion--RegionSelect sr.US_Region_Name,c.State_Long,c.State_Long+' ('+cast(c.US_Region_wk as varchar)+')'Fromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US cOnsr.US_Region_WK=c.US_Region_WKGroupby sr.US_Region_Name, c.State_Long,c.US_Region_wkUnion-- ContinentSelect Null,Region_NK,Region_NK[color=blue]>From dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION[/color]WhereRegion_NK Is Not Null

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Check Constraint On Multiple Columns

Jul 25, 2014

I have a case where if the Id field is a specific value, I don't want to allow null in another field, but if the Id value <> a specific value, null is ok.

In the example below, inserting the first record should succeed, the second should succeed, and the 3rd should fail. Right now the 2nd two fail. I gotta be missing something easy, but I can't figure it out.

USE tempdb
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.CheckConstraintTest') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.CheckConstraintTest;
CREATE TABLE CheckConstraintTest

[Code] .....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Constraint Error Message Handling

Jan 19, 2015

I have a constraint on a 3rd party app that I can't change the app but can add a constraint at the table level. The constraing works but the error message back is ugly. Is there a way to do some kind of raiserror on a constraint that could send better info back to the user, I have done this in triggers, is the an approach for constraints?

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Creating Check Constraint

Feb 17, 2004

Before adding a record this must check that in the column machine_id not twice the same machines are listed
Can someone help me?

Thanx and cheerz Wim

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Creating Foreign Key Constraint

Aug 1, 2007

I have two tables; each has multi-column primary keys. I need to create a foreign key relationship between the two tables.

DKey, int, PK
OKey,int, PK
RKey,int, PK

Bkey, int, PK, identity
Rkey, int, PK

When I try to like Rkey from both tables as a foreign key relationship, I get an error that the columns in one table "do not match an existing primary key or UNIQUE constraint. (I've tried it both ways and get the same error.)

How can I link these two tables?


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Problem Creating A Foreign Key Constraint

Feb 8, 2007

Hello, I'm having some problems trying to create this foreign key constraint:

ALTER TABLE dbo.t2_demaclie
ADD CONSTRAINT FK03_T2_DEMACLIE FOREIGN KEY (dclPerfilCompania, dclOrdenPedido)
REFERENCES DBO.T2_PEDIDOCLIENTE (cdPerfilCompania, nmOrdenPedido)

Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with TABLE FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK03_T2_DEMACLIE'. The conflict occurred in database 'Comfruta_dllo', table 't2_pedidoCliente'.

I'm sure there's no other constraint with the same name, and there's no othe one with the same columns...

Thanks a lot !!

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Mirroring :: Email Deadlock Information When A Deadlock Occurs

Nov 10, 2015

Is there a way to send out an email woth deadlock information (victim query, winner query, process id's and resources on which the deadlock occurred) as soon as a deadlock occurs in a database or at instance level?I currently has trace flag 1222 turned on. And also created an alert that send me an email whenever a deadlock occurs. but it just says that a deadlock occurred and I log into sql server error log and review the information.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating A Custom Column?

May 14, 2014

creating a custom column that will put a list of 5 values for each unique value(or in this case Employee).

So I have a Employee table were I pull a list of all active employees -

Example -

024Swanson, Ronrswanson@tv.com
026Donaughy, Jackjdonaughy@tv.com
028Scott, Michaelsmichael@tv.com

What I want to do is add a column that has 5 values and create a row for each value

I want it too look like this -

024Swanson, Ronrswanson@tv.com a
024Swanson, Ronrswanson@tv.com b
024Swanson, Ronrswanson@tv.com c
024Swanson, Ronrswanson@tv.com d
024Swanson, Ronrswanson@tv.com e

[Code] ....

Currently all my query looks like is this -

SELECT EmpID, LastFirst, Email
FROM dbo.EmpList
WHERE (Active = 1)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Cannot Define Primary Key Constraint On Nullable Column But Column Not Null

Sep 30, 2014

We have a database where many tables have a field that has to be lengthened. In some cases this is a primary key or part of a primary key. The table in question is:-

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] Script Date: 09/25/2014 14:05:09 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd](

[Code] ....

The script I am using is

DECLARE@Column varchar(100)--The name of the column to change
DECLARE@size varchar(5)--The new size of the column
DECLARE @TSQL varchar(255)--Contains the code to be executed
DECLARE @Object varchar(50)--Holds the name of the table
DECLARE @dropc varchar(255)-- Drop constraint script

[Code] ....

When I the the script I get the error message Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

Looking at the strings I build

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] Alter Column [Patient System Number] varchar(10)
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] ADD CONSTRAINT PK_DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Patient System Number] ASC,[Episode Number] ASC,[CensusDate] ASC)

They all seem fine except the last one which returns the error

Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

None of the fields I try to create the key on are nullable.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Index On Temp Table

Nov 12, 2014

In a Stored Proc I am creating the following temp table and index:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#ShipTo](
[Ship_to_Num] [int] NOT NULL,
[Country_key] [nvarchar](3) NULL,
[ship_to_Num] ASC

The stored Proc runs fine from "exec", but when you batch into a Job it gives the error that "PK_ShipTo" already exists! I even put in a drop table on #ShipTo, but the same effect.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Range Between Values In Query?

Apr 26, 2015

On a new project i need to create possible ranges between a specific interval.

suppose i have this main product:

main product : LY E67F

Also, in first level i have a table classify by Group depending on Intensity.

table group
Group intensity
AA 1120
AB 1400
BA 1800
BB 2240
CA 2800

I need to create these diferent options:

1 option : AAAB or AABA or AABB or AACA
2 option : ABBA or ABBB or ABCA
3 option : BABB or BACA or BBCA
or beginning from the end
1.option CABB or CABA...
or beginning from the middle
1.option BBBA or BBAB
and so on.

I fact, i need to find all available options possibles to build article code, like a matrix.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Table Structure For Creating Timetable For A School

Jan 24, 2015

I am working on creating a timetable app for school. I have been given a requirement as below

1. The weekdays like Monday,Tuesday,...should be displayed on top
2. Timing slot would be 8:00, 9:00,... which would be displayed vertically

the table would display as below

MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFriday Saturday
07:00Physics Chemistry Maths BiologySocialScience Craft
08:00MathsValueEducation Chemistry EnglishBiology Yoga
09:00GamesComputerScience Science Chemistry Hindi Maths

to display data like above would be simpler. The above timetable would be similar all through the year.

But my 3rd requirement is that, there is a option wherein the school admin can edit the timetable for any particular day or a week based on presence/absence of a particular teacher. So if a teacher who is teaching Maths is not present for 2 days, they might assign a different subject(eg., Physics) for those 2days to a different teacher.

so the table should look like below for those two days only based on the date selection.

Timings MondayTuesday WednesdayThursday Friday Saturday
07:00Physics Chemistry Physics Biology SocialScience Craft
08:00MathsValueEducation Chemistry English Biology Yoga
09:00GamesComputerScience Science Chemistry Hindi Physics

I am not sure how exactly I can mention the dates wherein I can allocate the days when the periods are changed and how exactly same timetable should be shown for the entire year if there is no change.

suppose the timetable is changed for two days 24/01/2015 and 25/01/2015 wherein Maths is replaced with Physics subject, how to retrieve the changed data for only those two days.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Missing Records In A Date / Time Range?

Nov 6, 2014

creating the missing records in a date/time range.

However, I need to return different groups for each span of records.

here's some data....


The numbers are the hour of the day.

I need to return

aaa 0 0
aaa 1 1
aaa 2 0
aaa 3 0
bbb 0 0
bbb 1 0
bbb 2 1
and so on.

I've got a numbers table and I can left join with it but I just get nulls for the missing hours instead of having it as above.....I can't think of a way of repeating the groups for each of the 'missing' hours - other than creating a length insert statement to fill in the gaps....unless that is the only way of doing it.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Joining Results Of Two Queries Without Creating Temporary Tables?

Nov 16, 2014

In the T-SQL below, I retrieved data from two queries and I've tried to join them to create a report in SSRS 2008 R2. The SQL runs, but I can't create a report from it. (I also couldn't get this query to run in an Excel file that connects to my SQL Server data base. I've used other T-SQL queries in this Excel file and they run fine.) I think that's because I am creating temporary tables. How do I modify my SQL so that I can get the same result without creating temporary tables?

/*This T-SQL gets the services for the EPN download from WITS*/

-- Select services entered in the last 20 days along with the MPI number and program code.

SELECT DISTINCT dbo.group_session_client.note, dbo.group_session_client.error_note, dbo.group_session_client.group_session_id,
dbo.group_session_client.group_session_client_id, dbo.group_session.signed_note, dbo.group_session.unsigned_note
into #temp_group_sessions
FROM dbo.group_session_client, dbo.group_session
WHERE dbo.group_session_client.group_session_id = dbo.group_session.group_session_id

-- Select group notes

dbo.client_ssrs.state_client_number, dbo.delivered_service_detail.program_name, dbo.delivered_service_detail.start_date,
dbo.delivered_service_detail.service_name, dbo.delivered_service_detail.cpt_code, dbo.delivered_service_detail.icd9_code_primary,


-- Form an outer join selecting all services with any group notes attached to them.

select * from #temp_services
LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp_group_sessions
on #temp_services.group_session_client_id = #temp_group_sessions.group_session_client_id

-- Drop temporary tables

DROP TABLE #temp_group_sessions;
DROP TABLE #temp_services;

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Comma Separated List Of Details From Multiple Columns?

Jun 3, 2010

I am trying to find a way to add into a table a flattened (comma seperated list) of email addresses based on the multiple columns of nformation in another table (joined by customer_full_name and postcode.

This is to highlight duplicate email addresses for people under the same customer_full_name and Postcode.

I have done this using a loop which loops through concatenating the email addresses but it takes 1minute to do 1000. The table is 19,000 so this isn't really acceptable. I have tried temp tables, table variables and none of this seems to make any difference. I think that it is becuase i am joining on text columns?

Create table #tempa
customer_Full_Name varchar(100),
Customer_Email varchar(100),
Postcode varchar(100),
AlternateEmail varchar(max)NULL
insert into #tempa (customer_full_name,customer_email,postcode)


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Named Constraint Is Not Supported For This Type Of Constraint (not Null)

May 13, 2008

Hi, all.

I am trying to create table with following SQL script:

Code Snippet

create table Projects(
ID smallint identity (0, 1) constraint PK_Projects primary key,
Name nvarchar (255) constraint NN_Prj_Name not null,
Creator nvarchar (255),
CreateDate datetime

When I execute this script I get following error message:

Error source: SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider
Error message: Named Constraint is not supported for this type of constraint. [ Constraint Name = NN_Prj_Name ]

I looked in the SQL Server Books Online and saw following:

CREATE TABLE (SQL Server Compact)
< column_constraint > ::= [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { [ NULL | NOT NULL ] | [ PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE ] | REFERENCES ref_table [ ( ref_column ) ] [ ON DELETE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ] [ ON UPDATE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ]

As I understand according to documentation named constraints should be supported, however error message says opposite. I can rephrase SQL script by removing named constraint.

Code Snippet

create table Projects(
ID smallint identity (0, 1) constraint PK_Projects primary key,
Name nvarchar (255) not null,
Creator nvarchar (255),
CreateDate datetime
This script executes correctly, however I want named constraints and this does not satisfy me.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating A Query To Show Data Side By Side

Nov 26, 2014

I am working to create a phone list that will contain Last Name, First Name, and Phone Number sorted by last name. For printing purposes I would like to have three columns of data instead of the standard of one column.

Is it possible to create a query to present data in three columns showing the data side by side?

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Unique Constraint Error When There Is No Constraint

May 13, 2008

We are using SQL CE 3.5 on tablet PCs, that synchs with our host SQL 2005 Server using Microsoft Synchronization Services. On the tablets, when inserting a record, we get the following error:
A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index. [ Table name = refRegTitle,Constraint name = PK_refRegTitle
But the only PK on this table is RegTitleID.

The table structure is:
[RegTitleID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[RegTitleNumber] [int] NOT NULL,
[RegTitleDescription] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,
[FacilityTypeID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Active] [bit] NOT NULL,

The problem occurs when a Title Number is inserted and a record with that number already exists. There is no unique constraint on Title Number.
Has anyone else experienced this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Database Where Each Record Is Required To Have Twin Record In Database

May 12, 2014

,I am creating a database where each record is required to have a twin record in the database.These is a type a value and a type b value and both must be present for the record to be valid.

Customer_ID, Order_Type, Product_Code
54, a, 00345
54, b, 00356

Is this something that would have to be done programmatically, or is it possible to create a constraint of some sort to ensure this?

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Web App SQL Deadlock

Apr 26, 2008

Hello everyone,Can you please help me on the following problem that i have.I am using the microsoft web stress tools to simulate 100 concurrent users for one min, and the database will go into a deadlock for large part of the 100 concurrent users.Please help...i've been stuck for many days already. Thanks...Error 5: Transaction (Process ID 497) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction..Here is my code.My connection string:<connectionStrings><add name="Connection_String" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=DBName;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User ID=uname;Password=upass;connection timeout=60" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings>My web apps will call the below function. And the deadlock always occurs at the update statement (error 5). I believe it's probably the select statement above locked up the row. I've put in (UPDLOCK) for the select statement, and it still didn't work.private void UpdateLogTables(string Station_ID, string ContentFileName, string FileSize, string IP){ContentFileName = Regex.Replace(ContentFileName, "'", "''");string AdFileName = "";string AdFileNameClause = "";string DownloadCount = "";string TotalFileSize = "";string DownloadDate = "";string currentDate = "";string tempDate = "";string MyString = "";SqlConnection MyConnection = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationMa nager.ConnectionStrings["Connection_String"].ConnectionString);SqlCommand myCommand = null;SqlDataReader myReader = null;try{MyConnection.Open();MyString = "SELECT AdFileName FROM tblContentRef WHERE Station_ID = '" + Station_ID + "' AND ContentFileName = '" + ContentFileName + "'";myCommand = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);myCommand.CommandTimeout = 60;myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();if (myReader.Read()) {AdFileName = myReader["AdFileName"].ToString();} }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 2: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email abc@abc.com.<br><br>Thank you.");} finally{if (myReader != null){myReader.Close();}}if (AdFileName != ""){AdFileName = "'" + AdFileName.Replace("'", "''") + "'";AdFileNameClause = "AdFileName = " + AdFileName;}else{AdFileName = "NULL";AdFileNameClause = "AdFileName IS NULL";}InsertDetailsLogTable(Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, IP, MyConnection);SqlDataReader myReader2 = null;SqlCommand myCommand2 = null;bool Readable = false;try{MyString = "SELECT DownloadCount, TotalFileSize, DownloadDate FROM tblSummaryLog (UPDLOCK) WHERE Station_ID = '" + Station_ID + "' AND ContentFileName = '" + ContentFileName + "' AND " + AdFileNameClause + " ORDER BY DownloadDate DESC";myCommand2 = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);myCommand2.CommandTimeout = 60;myReader2 = myCommand2.ExecuteReader();if (myReader2.Read()){DownloadCount = myReader2["DownloadCount"].ToString();TotalFileSize = myReader2["TotalFileSize"].ToString();DownloadDate = myReader2["DownloadDate"].ToString();currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy");string[] inDate = DownloadDate.Split(new char[] { ' ' });tempDate = inDate[0];Readable = true;}if (myReader2 != null){myReader2.Close();} if (Readable){if (tempDate == currentDate){DownloadCount = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(DownloadCount) + 1);TotalFileSize = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(TotalFileSize) + Convert.ToInt32(FileSize));UpdateSummaryLogTable(DownloadCount, TotalFileSize, Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileNameClause, DownloadDate, MyConnection);}else{InsertSummaryLogTable(Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, MyConnection);}}else{InsertSummaryLogTable(Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, MyConnection);} }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 3: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email abc@abc.com.<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{ if (MyConnection != null){ MyConnection.Close();} }}private void InsertDetailsLogTable(string Station_ID, string ContentFileName, string AdFileName, string FileSize, string IP, SqlConnection MyConnection){string MyString = @"INSERT INTO tblDetailsLog ( Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, IP, DateTime ) VALUES ( '" + Station_ID + "', '" + ContentFileName + "', " + AdFileName + ", '" + FileSize + "', '" + IP + "', getdate() )";try{ SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);MyCmd.CommandTimeout = 60;MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 4: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email abc@abc.com.<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{} }private void UpdateSummaryLogTable(string DownloadCount, string TotalFileSize , string Station_ID , string ContentFileName , string AdFileNameClause, string DownloadDate, SqlConnection MyConnection){string MyString = @"UPDATE tblSummaryLog SET DownloadCount = '" + DownloadCount + "', TotalFileSize = '" + TotalFileSize + "', DownloadDate = getdate() WHERE Station_ID = '" + Station_ID + "' AND ContentFileName = '" + ContentFileName + "' AND " + AdFileNameClause + " AND (CONVERT(CHAR(19), DownloadDate) = CONVERT(CHAR(19), CAST('" + DownloadDate + "' AS datetime)))";try{ SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection); MyCmd.CommandTimeout = 60;MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 5: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email abc@abc.com.<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{} }private void InsertSummaryLogTable(string Station_ID , string ContentFileName , string AdFileName , string TotalFileSize, SqlConnection MyConnection){string MyString = @"INSERT INTO tblSummaryLog ( Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, DownloadCount, TotalFileSize, DownloadDate ) VALUES ( '" + Station_ID + "', '" + ContentFileName + "', " + AdFileName + ", '1', '" + TotalFileSize + "', getdate() )";try{ SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);MyCmd.CommandTimeout = 60;MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();}catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 6: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email abc@abc.com.<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{} }

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Jul 9, 2005

In a high traffic environment, deadlocks eventually occur as number of data processes increase. How can deadlocks be avoided, minimized and resolved. Please kindly provide scenario examples and samples of T-SQL code. Thanks much.

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May 7, 2001

SQL 7.0
Hi All

Iam trying to bcp a table(residing on my prod server to my local machine from command prompt) .Actually the table iam trying to bcp has heavy updates and selects, from users (70 users).
The users complain that system becomes slow.Is it got anything to do with my trying to bcp the mentioned table(table has 170,000 records).Also whenever i try to bcp this table, only after being chosen as the deadlock victim by Sql server,for 3 or 4 times that iam able to bcp the table.

Any help regarding this will be very much appreciated

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Jul 27, 2000

I am unable to control the granularity of locks in our queries.
We are running queries through MTS and are getting deadlocks.

The batch includes two inserts and one select query - all are hitting on
only one table. This table has a unique clustered and a unique nonclustered index as well
as a primary key.

Within the batch, I have given a table hint to set transaction isolation level
to READCOMMITTED, ROWLOCK for the insert statements, like this


and the same for the Select statement.

SELECT retail_price, price_status_id FROM ib_price with (READCOMMITTED,ROWLOCK)

When I run sp_lock on the spid, I get output indicating that
SS7 is placing a IX lock on the table. I'm pretty sure this is
a big contributor to the deadlock.

I get the deadlock when I try to run more than one client with similar insert parameters.

How can I control the granularity to just rowlocks?

All help is appreciated.


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May 12, 2000

How can I reproduce a deadlock in 7.0?

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Nov 4, 2002


I am getting deadlock running a stored procedure from two machines. Looking at the error log (generated using trace flag 1204 and 3605), it seems the deadlock is on a key. But what I fail to understand is how come sql server granted exclusive lock on the key to both connections. The grant list shows that lock with Mode X is granted to both connection.

Deadlock encountered .... Printing deadlock information
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Wait-for graph
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Node:1

2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 KEY: 11:1205683443:11 (da00d1f77328) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Grant List::
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Owner:0x2ffa89c0 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:179 ECID:0

2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 SPID: 179 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT INTO Line #: 44
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Input Buf: Language Event: EXEC dbo.PROC_RVM_CALCULATE 22567, 'centreAVashista'
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Requested By:
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:166 ECID:0 Ec:(0x6f02568) Value:0x85146480 Cost:(0/14E0)
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4

2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Node:2
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 KEY: 11:1205683443:11 (df001773794a) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0

2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Grant List::
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Owner:0x85147ee0 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:166 ECID:0

2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 SPID: 166 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT INTO Line #: 44
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Input Buf: Language Event: EXEC dbo.PROC_RVM_CALCULATE 22562, 'centreJTtest4'
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Requested By:
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:179 ECID:0 Ec:(0x7dd0568) Value:0x3a24f920 Cost:(0/39BC)
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Victim Resource Owner:
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:166 ECID:0 Ec:(0x6f02568) Value:0x85146480 Cost:(0/14E0)

Any pointer is much appreciated.


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Dec 10, 1999

Help !!

How would you handle the deadlocks that happen often? Since the victim users complained about the disconnection.

Thank you ahead of time

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Apr 27, 2004

Can anyone help me resolve deadlock with following text

Parallel Query worker thread Involved in deadlock.

I am particularly interested in resolving details of above mentioned line,as I started getting dead lock
more frequently now and when I look
into query involved blocking and victim
I see nothing that can cause deadlock
they are update insert and select statement which were fine for long and all of sudden started giving problem.

Thanks in advance,
for any knowledge share
my mail id scraval@hotmail.com

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Deadlock And MTS

Aug 4, 1999

When many users run some stored procedures I 've got some deadlocks. How to avoid that?
We run large stored procedures code which are using sometime the same table.
What is the best way for using the transaction isolation level, fillfactor indexes, procedure cache configuration ...etc to avoid that.

In addition, I am using MTS and sometimes the Tempdb is also locked, is it a Microsoft bug (again) ?

Herve Meftah

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Mar 30, 2001

We had a dead lock every night 9:00pm. I found out Server/Current Activity --Object Locks :
The error log showing error 17824, severity:10, state 0 DNCC TRACEON 208, SPID 28 DBCCTRACEOFF 208, SPID 28 In current activity --object locks and reapetedly showing "tempdb.dbo.sysobjects/sysindexes/syscolumns" 28:sa.master.dbo /INSERT /SQL_servername (MS SQLEW)

Any help will be appreciated.

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Deadlock !!!! :(

Apr 1, 2004


Sorry for bombading the forum with all these questions, but i am relatively new to sql 2000.

I am getting dead lock on the following procedure.

important background information
1. this is a multi user web-based call centre application
2. this procedure loads up a new contact based on priority

I see no reason how a dead lock could occur.
does any one have any idea. could it be something else that is locking up resource used by this procedure?

CREATE PROCEDURE topcat.getNewContactInfo
@contact_id int
begin transaction

declare @id int

set @id = (SELECT TOP 1 _id FROM class_contact WHERE (status IS NULL OR status='New Contact' OR status = 'No Connect' OR status='callback') AND (checked_in IS NULL OR checked_in <> 1) AND (callback_date >= (getdate() + 1) OR callback_date IS NULL ) ORDER BY priority DESC)

UPDATE class_contact SET checked_in = 1 WHERE _id = @id
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM class_contact
WHERE _id = @id


wat i dont' get is that, this procedure only has one update statement, this is the only statement that could possibly hold a lock on another resource (i think) , i can't see how a dead lock can happen in this case since this procedure doesn't hold up 2 resources at a time.

James :(

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Jun 19, 2007

Can anyone help me to solve this deadlock?

2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Wait-for graph
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Node:1
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 PAG: 66:1:26187 CleanCnt:1 Mode: IX Flags: 0x2
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Grant List 2::
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Owner:0x69f19520 Mode: IX Flg:0x0 Ref:2 Life:02000000 SPID:349 ECID:0
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 SPID: 349 ECID: 0 Statement Type: UPDATE Line #: 1
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Input Buf: RPC Event: sp_prepexec;1
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Requested By:
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:348 ECID:33 Ec:(0x5996C098) Value:0x2f8d2aa0 Cost:(0/0)
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Node:2
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 PAG: 66:1:3051 CleanCnt:1 Mode: SIU Flags: 0x2
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Grant List 1::
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Owner:0x65c57560 Mode: S Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:00000001 SPID:348 ECID:33
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 SPID: 348 ECID: 33 Statement Type: UPDATE Line #: 22
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Input Buf: Language Event: exec [Extracts].dbo.asp_SPCUpdateDRPFieldsIR @Name = 'SPCExecStep B05-ASP'
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Grant List 2::
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Requested By:
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:349 ECID:0 Ec:(0x5425B500) Value:0x674a2160 Cost:(0/5FD8)
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 Victim Resource Owner:
2007-06-17 22:42:34.18 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:348 ECID:33 Ec:(0x5996C098) Value:0x2f8d2aa0 Cost:(0/0)


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