T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Display Result In Required Order

Jun 17, 2014

I have an issue while display the result in the required order. How to get the required output.

Code :

USE tempdb

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#VersionFormat_tbl') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #VersionFormat_tbl
CREATE TABLE #VersionFormat_tbl
[FormatID] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[Description] [varchar](50) NULL,

[Code] ....

Present output :
fileExtension FormatID Description fileExtension versionFormatTypeId
txt 1 Text txt 1
html 2 HTML html 1
xml 3 XML xml 1
pdf 4 PDF pdf 1
xls 5 Excel xls 1
doc 6 Word doc 1

Required output:

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Display Of A Result Set Without Order By

Apr 8, 2008

Hi all

If we don't specify any Order by clause, what is the default order of displaying the data .

Will SQL Server show the data in a consistent order?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Joining Two Tables - Output Result In The Order By DivID

Mar 25, 2014

I have two tables to be joined


ID, Div
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Doc](
[ID] [int] NULL,
[DivID] [int] NULL

[Code] ...

As you can see, some Divisions have no correspondents in Doc, I want to show the count(1) result as 0 for those Division, and output the result in the order by DivID

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Conditional Order By - Sort Result Set By Employee Number Ascending Order

Sep 24, 2012

In SQL sERVER 2008, I have two fields - Depatment and Employees. I need to sort the result set by employee number ascending order, with following exception

1)when department number = 50 - the preferred order is Employee # - 573 followed by 551-572 (employee # belong to Dept 50 = 551-573)

2)When Department number = 20 – the preferred sort order is Employee # 213-220, followed by Employee # 201-213 (employee # belong to Dept 20 = 201-220)

How shall I achieve this?

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Help Required On Mouse Over Display On Stacked Column Charts

Aug 9, 2007

Is there a way to get markers on the top of each graph of a stacked column chart?
Also i need to display a label when the mouse points over each of the marker, as well as each partition of the graph. Getting the tooltips to work might b a help but it is not working for me. I got a reply that enabling the mouse over in the report viewer might help, but i dont know how to enable

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SQL Server 2012 :: Unable To Get Required Result Using Update Statement

Jun 18, 2014

I am unable to update the data using record by record below scenario.

Required output:

patient will able to Admit/Re-admit multiple times in hospital, if a patient readmitted multiple times in hospital after the first visit, first visit record will get Re-admission=0 and Index=1. This visit should cal Index_Admission of that patient. using this index_admission should calculate the 30-day readmission.

Current Output:

Calculation: From index_admission discharge date to next admit_visit date,

1) if the diff is having less than 30 days, readmission=1 and Index=0

else readmission=0 and Index=1 should be update.

For checking this every time should check using the latest index_admission discharge_date.

To get this result i written below logic, but it's updating readmission=0 and Index=1 after 30-day post discharge of using first index admission.

UPDATE Readmission
(SELECT Patient_ID, MAX(Discharge_Date_Time) Max_Index_Dis FROM Readmission
WHERE Index_AMI = 1 AND FPR.Patient_ID = Patient_ID GROUP BY Patient_ID) Sub)
, FPR.Admit_Date_Time) between 0 and 31 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END),

[Code] ....

Expected Result:

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Select Query To Pull Required Data From 3 Tables

Mar 19, 2014

I have three tables EmpIDs,EmpRoles and LatestRoles. I need to write a select Query to get roles of all employees present in EmpIDs table by referring EmpRoles and LatestRoles.

Where I stuck : The condition is first look into table EmpRoles and if it has more than one entry for a particular Employee ID than only need to get the Role from LatestRoles other wise consider the role from EmpRoles .


Create Table #EmpIDs (
EmplID int
Create Table #EmpRoles (
EMPID int,

[Code] ....

Employee ID 2 is having two roles defined in EmpRoles so for EmpID 2 need to fetch Role from LatestRoles table and for remaining ID's need to fetch from EmpRoles .

My Final Output of select query should be like below.

EmpID Role
1 Role1
2 Role2
3 Role1

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Is There A Way To Display This Query In 1 Result Set?

Feb 15, 2006

I am trying to count the number of Part that is repaired and those that is not repaired, is there a way to combine the following into one result set instead of returning 2? The bold line is the only condition that's different between this 2 query.
I want to display these fields: date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model, repaired, not_repaired
/* parts being repaired */select DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0) as date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model, count(DISTINCT part_id) as repaired from  tblPtSingapore INNER JOIN tblAuditPartStatus ON tblPtSingapore.part_Id = tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_partidwhere (tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_status = N'COMPLETE')and part_replaced = 0and (part_flag_nff = 0 and part_flag_ntf = 0 and part_flag_beyondrepair = 0)group by DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0), part_categoryid,part_modelorder by part_model, DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0)
/* parts completed but not being repaired */select DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0) as date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model, count(DISTINCT part_id) as not_repaired from  tblPtSingapore INNER JOIN tblAuditPartStatus ON tblPtSingapore.part_Id = tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_partidwhere (tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_status = N'COMPLETE')and part_replaced = 0and (part_flag_nff = 1 or part_flag_ntf = 1 or part_flag_beyondrepair = 1)group by DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0), part_categoryid, part_modelorder by part_model, DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0)

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How To Display Result Of Different Year In Different Column Instead Of Different Row?

Feb 7, 2006

I am trying to display component usage in January for the past year, if I want to display the year in different column, what should I do?
component_id   component_description   qty_used_on_2005_Jan   qty_used_on_2006_Jan
C58B0BDD       tape drive                             2                                              3
Currently I am using this sql:
select cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan' as Year, component_id, component_description,sum(component_qty) as total_qty_used
from view_jobComponent
where month(date_complete) = 1group by component_id, component_description, cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan'order by component_id, component_description
which I will get something like this:
Year          component_id   component_description   total_qty_used
2005 Jan    C58B0BDD       tape drive                             22006 Jan    C58B0BDD       tape drive                             3

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Display Query Result Vertically

Mar 27, 2008


I have a query to run, but the data in the tables are stored horizontally. I want the query to output the result vertically.

e.g. if row 1 contains the following data:

Then i want it to output as follows:

hope I'm clear, and would appreciate if someone could help me.


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Split Fields And Display Query Result

Mar 21, 2007

I'm having a problem in spliting the fields
I need to ru the following query to join two tables and getting the output as shown.

select cusl.user_name,
pmts.bill_ref_info, pmts.payee_acid, pmts.cust_acid, pmts.txn_amt,pmts.pmt_id
from cusl, pmts
where cusl.ubp_user_id = pmts.ubp_user_id and pmts.ubp_user_id= 'testinglive'

user_name bills_ref_info payee_acid cust_acid txn_amt
SAMEER ALLA0210181#123456#Amita 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 16318
SAMEER BARB0GNFCOM#6788990#Vikram Kalsan 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 16327
SAMEER BKID0000200#378902010099678#Vikram 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 14031
SAMEER undefined#123456789123456#Vikram 378902010021095 383702070051411 1.000 13918

Now I need to display the second field which is a #-separated field as individual fields alongwith tghe other fields that are shown on execution of the query.
Can this be done? Please guide me on this...

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Display Order In Enterprise Manager

Jan 5, 2000

When I click on the 'Create Date' column in Stored Procedures to sort the SPs by date, the SPs do get rearranged but not in the expected order. Is there something I am doing wrong or is this a feature? I am running MSSQL 7.0 on NT4.0 SP5.

Thanks in advance,


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Display Numbers 0-9

Aug 8, 2014

I am having query where i am calulating datediff value, but i want to display resultser as below:

if datediff = 4 then resultset would be

if datediff = 9 then

how can i implement this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Display Dates For A Given Value?

Mar 4, 2015

I'm looking to identify the people who visited an office more than once and the dates that they visited. For example I have a table that looks like the following:

Name |Office Visit Date
John| 2002-01-23
Mary| 2003-02-04
Fred| 2002-11-02
Jane| 2012-06-05
John| 2003-07-12
Mary| 2004-10-12
Fred| 2011-03-20
John| 2009-02-14

I want to display the following:

Name |Office Visit 1 |Office Visit 2 |Office Visit 3
John|2002-01-23| 2003-07-12| 2009-02-14
Mary| 2003-02-04| 2004-10-12|
Fred| 2002-11-02| 2011-03-20

Note that Jane does not show up because she has only visited the office once and everybody else has visited the office at least two times.

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How To Use A Function To Format And Display Result From Data Reader

Feb 5, 2008

Hi guys n gals !
I am having a few problems manipulating the results of my data reader,To gather the data I need my code is:
        // database connection        SqlConnection dbcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbcon"]);
        // sql statement to select latest news item and get the posters name        SqlCommand rs = new SqlCommand("select * from tblnews as news left join tblmembers as members ON news.news_posted_by = members.member_idno order by news.news_idno desc", dbcon);                // open connection        dbcon.Open();
        // execute        SqlDataReader dr = rs.ExecuteReader();
        // send the data to the repeater        repeater_LatestNews.DataSource = dr;        repeater_LatestNews.DataBind();
Then I am using: <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "news_comments")%> in my repeater.What I need to do is pass the "news_comments" item to a function I created which will then write the result. The code for my function is:
    // prevent html    public string StripHtml(string data)    {        // grab the data        string theData = data;
        // replace < with &alt;        theData = Regex.Replace(theData, "<", "&lt;");                // return result        return theData;        }
But I am having problms in doing this,Can anyone point me in the right direction on what I should be doing ???

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Change Display Of Result Set From Showing As Rows To Column As One Or More

May 13, 2014

I am interested in changing the way that data is displayed in my result set.Essentially I want to display a selection of rows (1 to n) as columns, the following diagram explains my intentions.Perhaps one of the greatest challenges here is the fact that I do not have a concrete number of rows (or BIN numbers). Each stock item could be stored in one or more BINS, which I will not know until running my query.

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Display A Group In A Report That Has No Data Rows In The Result Set

Dec 18, 2007


I have a report that retrieves its data from Analysis Services. The data includes a count and dollar value of projects against their current status: It looks something similar to

(group1) status1 10 $200,000

(detail) p1 1 $5,000

p2 1 $10,000



p10 1 $20,000

(group1) status3 5 $90,000

(detail) .


(group1) status4 15 $150,000

(detail) .


In the report I hide the detail rows. I have a fixed/known number of statuses (in this case 4) and need to show all 4 in the report. eg

(group1) status1 10 $200,000

(detail) p1 1 $5,000

p2 1 $10,000



p10 1 $20,000

(group1)status2 0 $0

(group1) status3 5 $90,000

(detail) .


(group1) status4 15 $150,000

(detail) .


ie in this case I need to show status 2 (that doesn't exist in the data set) with zero totals.

Does anyone know if this is possible to get SSRS to display each of the status groups (in a known fixed list) and then match them to the records in the dataset.

As an alternative, if I were using SQL Server I could add rows to the dataset using a union statement. Is there similar functionality using mdx? My mdx skills are very basic.



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Connect To MSSQL2005 Using ASP2 And Display Query Result

Nov 6, 2007

Question: I have searched here and on Microsofts site already but it seems that all solutions require already either some ASP2 knowledge or MSSQL knowledge .. I am quite new in both but need to realise this for a project.

I have installed a MSSQL 2005 server running MSSQL2005 Standard in mixed authentication mode. Services running using a domain account created for this purpose.
I have then created a simple database called test with a table called testtable

All I need to achieve now is a simple ASP2 page, which is located on the DC IIS, which connects to the SQL server (in same domain but different server) using WINDOWS authentication and returns the result of


I try now for a couple of days so I hope someone could help me with this .. I really need a step by step guide what I need to do on the SQL server side (so a specific user can connect to this particular database) and on the IIS side ..

I know it is always painful to help someone with little knowledge but I am getting desperate.

Thanks a lot guys

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Display Database Column In Alphabetical Order

Mar 12, 2007

I know how I can display a list of names in alphebetical order on my website:
Select L as [Last Name]
From  Name_CatEWhere Education = 'yes'Order ByLName ASC
However, to make things a little more orginised I would like to view my database table column in alphabetical order also, but ithie code does not work within my database.
What do I need to change in the following code, to view my database table column in a-z order?

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Different Rows Order In Result Grid

Sep 20, 2001

I have two similar servers (hardware) with
SQL Server 2000 (SP1) on Win2000 (SP2).
(sp_helpsort - default)

When I run the same SELECT statement from Query Analyzer on each machine
I get different rows order in result Grid
(the order of rows stays the same for each machine but different for
machine1 and machine2)

SELECT table1.a,

FROM table2,

WHERE table2.nTestDefnId = 1034
AND table2.nDefnId = table1.nDefnId
AND table3.szClinDiscType = 'X'
AND table2.nDiscId = table3.nDiscId

What is a reason for such behavior and how I can fix it?

Thank you in advance,

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Display Record Using Group By?

Aug 3, 2015

I would like to display all the products with maximum SeqNo from the table below:




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Do Not Display The Result Of My Long Text String, Approx About 400 Characters

Mar 26, 2004

I have the following problem. My SQL Query that i wrote works but the result that is displayed in Query analyzer cuts most of my long text that I want in my result. The long text string is approx about 400 characters and the type is varchar of the field. Any ideas??

, '1', COMPONENTID,'ENG'+SPACE(2),'#'+SPACE(254),'#'+SPAC E(254),'#'+SPACE(254),'#'+SPACE(99),externalid,
'Desc1' = CASE
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'MF'
THEN 'Full machine warranty : parts, labour, mileage and others covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'MP'
THEN 'Full machine warranty, parts only : parts covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'PF'
THEN 'Power line warranty : parts, labour, mileage and others covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'PP'
THEN 'Power line warranty, parts only : parts are covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)- 3,4) = '2018'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 18 month or 2000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '3024'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 24 month or 3000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '4030'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 30 month or 4000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '5036'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 36 month or 5000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '6042'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 42 month or 6000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '8054'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 54 month or 8000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '1074'
THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 74 month or 10000 HRS, whichever comes first. '
+ 'Flexible warranty is handled according to the procedures described in ESPPM 3-10.'

WHEN prodclassid IN ('P1','P11','P8','P9')
THEN ' (mileage limited to 300 km)'
WHEN prodclassid IN ('P7')
THEN ' (mileage limited to 200 km)'
SPACE(5000 - LEN('Desc1'))

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Stored Procedure To Update A Display Order Field.

Dec 20, 2006

I am creating an app that allows the user to change the order of the list by changing a value in a displayOrder field. I'd love a button for move up /move down move bottom/move top and then pass that parameter to a stored procedure and it would renumber all the items in the list.
ItemID  description   DisplayOrder  Action0           item 1           0                     Moveup/move down1           item 2           1                     Moveup/move down2           item 3           2                     Moveup/move down
So clicking on move up on item 2 would pass and itemID, Action and perhaps a list id to a stored proc and it would renumber the list. I'm assuming it would be done with a loop but I've never tried that.. suggestions?
Thanks - Mark

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Display Multiple Items On One Line Per Order (was Query)

Jun 27, 2005

I have table1 with orderID and demographic info.
Table2 with orderID and items.
I would like to have a results display like this:
OrderIDDemographicInfo Item1Item2Item3....ect
One line per order. When I do a join I displaying all items in different rows.

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Incorrect Order Result Set When Join Table

Mar 24, 2002

Hi all,
I faced a problem, I have two tables - part and partmaster
part : part_no, part_qty (no key)
partmaster : part_no, part_description (primary key : part_no )

I want to select table part.* and partmaster.part_description.

(run on mssql 2k)
select a.*, b.part_description
from part a, partmaster b where a.part_no *= b.part_no

I want to and expect to have the result order like table "part". However, after the join, the order is different. I try to run it on mssql 7.0, the order is ok.

Then I modify and run the statement select a.* from part a, partmaster b where a.part_no *= b.part_no on 2k again. The result order is ok.

can anyone tell me the reason?

Now I try to fix this problem is adding a sequence field "part_seq" into table "part" and run the statement by adding a order by part_seq.
It does work!


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Pivot Data Order By Result Time

Apr 17, 2015

I am querying a table with multiple rows

SELECT caseId, Name ,CompletedDate

the number of results per CaseID are varable some have 1 record others up to 36 records..I need to pivot the results based off of the competed date
Name has 20 distinct values but we can have diplicates...so something like

Case Name Date
1 This 2015-01-01
1 That 2015-01-03
2 That 2013-01-01
2 Then 2014-12-03
2 This 2015-01-01
2 There 2015-04-03
3 This 1999-01-01
3 That 2001-01-02
3 This 2006-01-01

looks like this

1 This That
2 That Then This There
3 This That This

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Combine Two Tables To Display Iteratively

May 13, 2014

I am looking for a way to combine the following two tables to get a result set that would look like this:

1ProjectOrange 2014-05-08 orange
2ProjectRed 2014-05-09 red


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Display Values Up To 1 Decimal Without Function?

Sep 11, 2014

I am having values as below:


And my output should be as:


How can I do this

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Display All Data Connected To ID In One Row

Oct 23, 2014

I have a table that I am trying to query to display all data connected to a id in one row. What is the best way to achieve this?

Something like this:

ID| CRS1 | CRS2 | CRS3| CRS4 ....
1 | A101 | A102 | A103 | A104 ....

id int,
yr int,
trm varchar(2),
crs varchar(30)

[Code] .....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Find Records In A String And Display

Jul 6, 2015

I am having a column which is ntext and contains below type of data.

{ "running":"true", "all":{ }, "GPAs" : [ {"type":"item", "alias":"i_11111"} ,"GPA":"1.75" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_11111"} ,"GPA":"1.43" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_33333"} ,"GPA":"1.43" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_44444"} ,"GPA":"1.43" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_22222"} ,"GPA":"1.42" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_55555"} ,"GPA":"15" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_66666"} ,"GPA":"10" } ]}

above is a single row. There are many such rows are present in the table. Now I want to find all alias and GPA and display as below.



In oracle it can be done by using REGEXP_SUBSTR. But how can we do this in SQL?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculate And Display Week Between Two Dates

Nov 4, 2015

I want to display week between two dates as below.

requirement is as:

suppose there are two dates.(which will comes dynamically, so no. of weeks varied)
10/20/2015 and 01/01/2016

Now between this two dates, i want to calculate number of weeks on another date which is coming from table.

Say for example the column date is coming as 10/23/2015 then it will fall in week-1

Same way if 11/01/2015 falls in week2.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rounding Off A Percentage Result?

Apr 30, 2014

how to remove the trailing chars from the end of a percentage calculation.

For instance:

CAST(NULLIF(t.SLAHours,0) - t.TotalDownTime as REAL) /
CAST(NULLIF(t.SLAHours,0) as REAL) * 100 as [%Availability]
FROM DBName.dbo.TableName t

This gets me '99.00294' (example)

I may have gone about this totally the wrong way - but I just want to trim the unwanted chars from the end - I've managed to trim some off by using REAL but I only need the basic percentage number.

Both source columns are INT data type.

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How To Display The Search Result Of A BookStore With Pictures Of Books, In A Proper Format.

Jan 22, 2007

Hi all,
I am using ASP.NET 2003 with SQL Server as database. 
I have a database of a book store with BookPicture, Author, Title, and Description of the Book.
Now when the user searchers for a  book with a keyword, how can I display the results which should show:
1. The picture of the book, 2. The at it right, Title of Book, 3. The author,4. The descritionThen the image of "Add to cart"
Each search result must be separated by a box like the cell of a table. 
Is it possible to be done?
Thanking you in advance

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