T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Distinct On Varchar Column
May 21, 2015
The below TSQL query takes about 19 minutes to run
SELECT count(distinct SessionID) ) FROM SessionTracker
Sessionid is a varchar(138)
Through SQL profiler - I notice implicit conversion taking place when running distinct option.
Select count(sessionid) from sessiontracker
- runs in milliseconds.
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Apr 30, 2014
i need distinct max between a1&a2 which i can get no problem but i cant get that unique datetime that correspond to a1&a2 in 1 query because this is will a subquery in a big query. Creating another temp table etc is not an option for me. for every specific a1 there is many entries of a2 + timedate etc.
create table abc_test (
id int
,runs int
,date1 datetime
I can either get distinct ID + latest date or ID + largest #ofRuns, both will do but also need the third column.
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Apr 18, 2014
From above rows i would like to select rows based on one distinct column SalesOrder, i want output like below.
CREATE TABLE Table1 (SalesOrder varchar(10), ItemName VARCHAR(100), Price INT, Category VARCHAR(100))
[Code] ......
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Jan 21, 2015
I need to return the max value from a fieldwhich contains a three part numeric, stored as a varchar. For example
These represent processes, and sub tasks. So I want to return the highest process and its highest task and sub task.
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Jul 3, 2015
I've got a fairly standard query that does a group by a type column, and then sums the lengths of a VARCHAR column. I'd like to add into that a concatenated version of the string always concatenating in primary key order. Is that possible?
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Nov 18, 2014
I need to extract specific text elements from a varchar column. There are three keywords in any given string: "wfTask," "wfStatus" and "displayReportFromWorkflow." "wfTask" and "wfStatus" can appear multiple times, but always as a pair and will each be followed by by "==" (with or without surrounding spaces). "displayReportFromWorkflow" is always followed by "(" and there can be spaces on either side. The text elements will be between a pair of double quotes, and following one of keywords. For each row, I need to return the task, status and report name.
declare @t table (rowID int, textValue varchar(1024))
insert @t
(rowID, textValue)
[Code] ....
rowID, Task, Status, ReportName
----- --------- ------- ------------------------
1, Issuance, Issued, General Permit
2, Issuance, Issued, Capacity Letter Type III
2, Review, Denied, Capacity Letter Type III
I started with a string splitter using the double quote character, referencing elements "i" and "i+1" where the text like '%wfTask%' or '%wfStatus%' or '%displayReportFromWorkflow%', but the case of multiple task/status in a row has confounded me so far.
Unfortunately, CLR is not an option.
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Mar 29, 2007
suppose i have aDataset with 11 rows. field1 with 5 rows of aaa, 6 rows of "bbb"
I want's some thing like
field1 rowcount
aaa 5
bbb 6
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Nov 20, 2007
I have looked far and wide and have not found anything that works to allow me to resolve this issue.
I am moving data from DB2 using the MS OLEDB Provider for DB2. The OLEDB source sees the column of data as DT_TEXT. I setup a destination to SQL Server 2005 and everything looks good until I try and run the package.
I get the error:
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: Failed to retrieve long data for column "LIST_DATA_RCVD".
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: There was an error with output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (287). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: The "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "OLE DB Source" (277) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
Any suggestions on how I can get the large string data in the varchar column in DB2 into the varchar(max) column in SQL Server 2005?
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Apr 14, 2014
Suppose I have 2 table
Main table maintain all the records having columns MAIN_SKU,DEDUCTIBLE_AMT,model_id,catagory,ModifiedDate
IF DEDUCTIBLE_AMT is changes it will place entry in history table ,columns are same with history_id
i want to display distinct main_sku from history table(all columns) with last DEDUCTIBLE_AMT changed from history table
table structure
main table
History table
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Jun 4, 2014
I have 3 tables:
bigint NewId
nvarchar NewTitle
datetime NewDate
nvarchar NewBrief
int CatId
nvarchar CatName
bigint Id
int CategoryIdFk
bigint NewsIdFk
I want to select NewId, NewDate and Distinct NewTitle
I tried this but NewTitle doesn't distinct:
FROM dbo.Category INNER JOIN
NewsRelCategory ON dbo.Category.CatId = NewsRelCategory.NrcCategoryIdFk INNER JOIN
dbo.News ON NewsRelCategory.NrcNewsIdFk = dbo.News.NewId
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Mar 14, 2014
I have data in a table Item_TB that I need to extract in a way that pulls out the distinct pax name and all the ticket numbers associated with the passenger per booking reference.
The data is:
Branch Folder ID Pax TktNo BookingRef
HQ 123 1 Jim 4444 ABCDE
HQ 123 2 Bob 5555 ABCDE
HQ 123 3 Jim 6666 ABCDE
HQ 123 4 Bob 7777 ABCDE
HQ 124 1 Jenny 8888 FGHIJ
HQ 124 2 Jenny 9999 FGHIJ
HQ 124 3 Jenny 3333 FGHIJ
I somehow need to get a function to pull the data out for each booking ref like so
--BookingRef ABCDE
Jim 4444/
Bob 5555
--BookingRef FGHIJ
Jenny 8888/
I know I can get a simple function to return the all data, but I do not know how to only include the pax name once.
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Oct 2, 2014
I can't get a varchar to datetime conversion to work. The varchar data is in the form yyyymmddhhmi
I tried convert(datetime, '200508310926')
also tried cast('200508310926' as datetime) both have error "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"
Is there a format code that needs to be there? If so, I can't figure out what it should be.
I eventually need to convert these to dates and compare them to getdate, example:
...where convert(datetime, dtfield) >= getdate()-1
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Oct 28, 2014
I am asked to compare the address fields (three columns of nvarchar(100) ) of a customer database (around 10,000 records) and find any duplicates. If it is a character by character match, I could have just GROUPed and get the result.
But, I am expected to produce a list with similar addresses which the guys who entered may have use slightly different spelling or more or less characters, or a "." here and there.
is there any way to create a query for this?
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Feb 11, 2015
I have the following CASE statement:
SELECT CASE WHEN [TBL_whole_rock_geochem].au = 0 THEN '<' + [TBL_ActLab_codes].[Au] ELSE [TBL_whole_rock_geochem].[Au] END AS [Au det]
It errors on the highlighted code.
Error converting data type nvarchar to float
the code should return :
I have tried '<' + ISNUMERIC([TBL_ActLab_codes].[Au]) but received this error
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<' to data type int.
How I can concatenate the < with a float value?
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Feb 24, 2015
I want to concatenate image column with varchar column in stuff function.
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Mar 6, 2015
I have a statement that I'm having trouble converting:
select * from emails join InternalContacts On emails.EmailAddress = InternalContacts.EmailID
When I run this I get -
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'credentialing@floridaeyeclinic.com' to data type int.
What is the correct syntax to convert?
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Mar 13, 2015
I'm archiving some data. In a 2 step process.
1. Copy old data from each table in LiveDB to same table in ArchiveDB.
2. Delete the data from each table in LiveDB which is in ArchiveDB
Both DBs SIMPLE recovery mode.
Each table has a clustered PK on a single int value. In both DBs
The tables with varchar(max) columns are taking a v.long time to copy over.
IS there anything I can change in the ArchiveDB to make it run faster.
It is the insert that is taking the time. I've tried dropping the clustered PKs in ArchiveDB tables and then rebuilding afterwards but it has not made any difference. After all I am adding data to the ArchiveDB in clustered index order, so wouldn't have expected it to.
How I can change the Archive DB but cannot touch the schema/settings of Live DB.
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Apr 16, 2015
I have two string variables each has Varchar(8000)
Declare @VariableA varchar(8000)
Declare @VariableB varchar(8000)
How can I concatenate these two variables without converting them to varchar(max) ?
If try select @VariableA + @VariableB , I only got 7999 characters…
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Mar 21, 2013
There are a few databases I work with that have been designed where varchar columns are used to store what actually displays on the front end as Ints, Decimals, Varchars, Datetimes, checkboxes.
I often have to write integrations with these databases bringing data in and prefer to validate the data whilst loading from the staging tables.
I have seen allsorts of values being passed into the staging tables that will load into the target database because the columns are all varchars but the values don't display on the front end because the app actively filters bad values out.
What I would like to do is for my validation scripts to warn up front of potentially invalid datatypes. My problem is that forexample the ISNUMERIC() function return 1 for the value ',1234' but a CONVERT(NUMERIC, ',1234') or CAST(',1234' AS NUMERIC) will fail with a "Error converting data type varchar to numeric).
I've been trying to locate a set of reliable datatype testing functions that will reliably determine if a varchar can be converted to a given data type or not.
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Mar 26, 2014
I am putting a SELECT statement together where I need to evaluate a results field, to determine how the color indicator will show on a SSRS report. I am running into a problem when I try to filter out any non-numeric values from a varchar field, using a nested CASE statement.
For example, this results field may contain values of '<1', '>=1', '1', '100', '500', '5000', etc. For one type of test, I need a value of 500 or less to be shown as a green indicator in a report, and any value over that would be flagged as a red. Another test might only allow a value of 10 or less before being flagged with a red.
This is why I setup a CASE statement for an IndicatorValue that will pass over to the report to determine the indicator color. Using CASE statements for this is easier to work with, and less taxing on the report server, if done in SQL Server instead of nested SSRS expressions, especially since a variety of tests have different result values that would be flagged as green or red.
I have a separate nested CASE statement that will handle any of the values that contain ">" or "<", so I am using the following to filter those out, and then convert it to an int value, to determine what the indicator value should be. Here is the line of the script that is erring out"
case when (RESULT not like '%<%') or (RESULT not like '%>%') then
CASE WHEN (CONVERT(int, RESULT) between 0 and 500) THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
The message I am getting is: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<1' to data type int.
I thought a "not like" statement would not include those values for converting to an int, but that does not seem to be working correctly. I did also try moving the not to show as "not RESULT like", and that did not change the message.
How I can filter out non-numeric values before converting the rest of the varchar field (RESULT) to int, so that it is only converting actual numbers?
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Mar 27, 2015
I have a datetime field that is just the date and zero for the time element. I also have a varchar field that is of the format 09:25:30
is there an easy way to add these together?
I don't mind if they get converted to integer as it will be used for comparison.
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Jul 17, 2015
I have a SQL Query issue you can find in SQL Fiddle
My query was like this
For Insert
Insert into Employee values('aa', 'T', 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('aa' , 'F' , 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('bb', 'F' , 'eee')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'T' , 'rrr')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'pp' , 'aaa')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'Zz' , 'bab')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'ZZ' , 'bac')
For select
select col1,MAX(col2) as Col2,Max(Col3) as Col3
from Employee
group by Col1
I supposed to get last row as
cc Zz bab
Instead I am getting
cc Zz rrr
which is wrong
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Mar 15, 2014
-- My first Data
create table #myfirst (id int, city varchar(20))
insert into #myfirst values (500,'Newyork')
insert into #myfirst values (100,'Ediosn')
insert into #myfirst values (200,'Atlanta')
insert into #myfirst values (300,'Greenwoods')
insert into #myfirst values (400,'Hitchcok')
insert into #myfirst values (700,'Walmart')
insert into #myfirst values (800,'Madida')
-- My Second Data
create table #mySecond (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2))
insert into #mySecond values (1500,'Newyork','MK')
insert into #mySecond values (5500,'Ediosn','HH')
insert into #mySecond values (5060,'The Atlanta','JK')
insert into #mySecond values (7500,'The Greenwoods','DF')
insert into #mySecond values (9500,'Metro','KK')
insert into #mySecond values (3300,'Kilapr','MK')
insert into #mySecond values (9500,'Metro','NH')
--Third Second Data
create table #myThird (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2))
insert into #myThird values (33,'Walmart','PP')
insert into #myThird values (20,'Ediosn','DD')
select f.*,s.Sector from #myfirst f join #mySecond s on f.city = s.city
i have doubt on two things
1) How Can i compare the City names, by eliminating 'The ' at the beginning (if there is any in second tale city) between first and second
2) after comparing first and second if there is no match found in second them want to compare with third table values for those not found
--i tried below to solve first doubt, it is working but want to know any other wasys to do it
select f.*,s.Sector from #myfirst f join #mySecond s on replace (f.city, 'THE ','')= replace (s.city, 'THE ','')
--Expected results wull be
create table #ExpectResults (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2))
insert into #ExpectResults values (200,'Atlanta','JK')
insert into #ExpectResults values (100,'Ediosn','HH')
insert into #ExpectResults values (300,'Greenwoods','DF')
insert into #ExpectResults values (500,'Newyork','MK')
insert into #ExpectResults values (700, 'Walmart','PP')
insert into #ExpectResults values (800, 'Madidar','')
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Dec 8, 2014
Because of a limitation on a piece of software I'm using I need to take a large varchar field and force a carriage return/linebreak in the returned sql. Allowing for a line size of approximately 50 characters, I thought the approach would be to first find the 'spaces' in the data, so as to not split the line on a real word. achieve.
--===== Simulate a passed parameter
DECLARE @Parameter VARCHAR(8000)
SET @Parameter = (select a_notes
from dbo.notestuff as notes
where a_id = '1')
[Code] .....
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Feb 6, 2008
Ok, so I need to count the Distinct records from column 1 in which there is not a true value in any of the records for that distinct column 1 number. Here is a short example of my records:dbo_dbWafer_Slicing
1/8/2008 9:54:00 AM
1/8/2008 9:53:00 AM
1/8/2008 9:53:00 AM
1/8/2008 9:52:00 AM
1/8/2008 9:50:00 AM
1/4/2008 10:46:00 AM
1/4/2008 10:46:00 AM
1/4/2008 10:45:00 AM
1/4/2008 10:45:00 AM
1/4/2008 10:44:00 AM
1/4/2008 10:44:00 AM
1/4/2008 10:43:00 AM
So, how many Distinct SawRunNumbers had no passing wafers? In trying to do this I've come up with:"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SawRunNumber) AS BouleCount FROM dbWafer_Slicing WHERE (SawDate >= @MinDate) AND (SawDate <= @MaxDate) AND (Pass = 1) HAVING (COUNT(DISTINCT WaferID) > 0)" but that doenst work. It still counts records where pass = 0 for distinct SawRunNumbers even if one record within that SawRunNumber is passing. From the above sample data I should get a result of 1 not 2 or 3. Can I do this with this set of data? I'm using SQL Server 2005 EE.Thanks for your help.
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Sep 1, 2014
I have the following code and i want to passed more than one value:
DECLARE @myvendedor AS varchar(255)
SET @myvendedor = '87,30'
print @myvendedor
SELECT top 10 ECOM.COM1,* from ecom (nolock) WHERE ecom.PORVEND=1 AND ECOM.VENDEDOR IN (@myvendedor)
Table Field ECOM.VENDEDOR is Numeric(4,0)
This error occur:
87,30 --Result of PRINT
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 6
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
I change :
DECLARE @myvendedor AS numeric(4,0)
and this error appear:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 2
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
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Sep 30, 2014
We have a database where many tables have a field that has to be lengthened. In some cases this is a primary key or part of a primary key. The table in question is:-
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] Script Date: 09/25/2014 14:05:09 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd](
[Code] ....
The script I am using is
DECLARE@Column varchar(100)--The name of the column to change
DECLARE@size varchar(5)--The new size of the column
DECLARE @TSQL varchar(255)--Contains the code to be executed
DECLARE @Object varchar(50)--Holds the name of the table
DECLARE @dropc varchar(255)-- Drop constraint script
[Code] ....
When I the the script I get the error message Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Looking at the strings I build
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] Alter Column [Patient System Number] varchar(10)
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd] ADD CONSTRAINT PK_DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Patient System Number] ASC,[Episode Number] ASC,[CensusDate] ASC)
They all seem fine except the last one which returns the error
Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'DTb_HWSQueueMonthEnd'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
None of the fields I try to create the key on are nullable.
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Sep 7, 2015
We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.
Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.
Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.
A typical view of list can be:
Column A - Column B
red - pen
red - pencil
red - highlighter
blue - marker
blue - pencil
green - pen
green - highlighter
red - pen
blue - pencil
blue - highlighter
blue - pencil
We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:
red blue green
pen 2 0 1
marker 0 1 0
pencil 1 3 0
highlighter 1 1 1
We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.
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Apr 3, 2014
I am trying to setup an indicator value for an SSRS report to show green and red values on a report, based on the NRESULT value. The problem I am facing is that I have several different CASE statements that have the same logic, and they are processing just fine. NRESULT is a decimal field, so no conversion should be necessary. I do not know why I am getting the "Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric." error message.
Below is the CASE statement where the error is occurring. It is in the part of the ELSE CASE. The first CASE works just fine when the ELSE CASE is commented out. If I also change the ELSE CASE statement to say "else case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) = '-' then '0'", then it processes fine, too, so it has to be something I am missing something in the check on negative values. I do need the two checks, one for positive and one for negative values, to take place.
case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) <> '-' then --This portion, for checking positive values, of the CASE statement works fine.
CASE WHEN LEFT(ROUND(NRESULT,2),4) between 0.00 and 0.49 THEN '2' --Green
ELSE '3' --White
else case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) = '-' then --This portion, for checking negative values, of the CASE statement is producing the conversion error message.
I checked the NRESULT field, and there are not any NULL values in there, either.
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Jul 3, 2013
I am trying to get count on a varchar field, but it is not giving me distinct count. How can I do that? This is what I have....
Select Distinct
sum(isnull(cast([Total Count] as float),0))
from T_Status_Report
where Type = 'LastMonth' and OrderVal = '1'
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Jul 30, 2007
I want distinct sum for one of my column.But iam not able to do that.
I tried DISTINCTSUM function given inMSDN, but it always return ZERO.
My function call in FOOTER section is called first, before my DETAILS section function call.
please help me for this.
thanks and regards
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Aug 12, 2015
I am using this below query to generate this below result set. I want to display only one record as blank, it should not be duplicate records.
SELECT [MDMTerminalID], ISNULL([TerminalAlias], 'BLANK') , [RegionID] FROM [dbo].[Terminal]
select -1,'All', (select top 1 areaid from area where name = 'Other')
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Oct 19, 2006
hello I am trying to get a distinct on one column and 2 tables but it doesnt work
I want to get : ID_Table1, DISTINCT(Name1), Name2
how can I do it ?
thank you
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