I found this script for dependencies and want to extend it:
I want to add the obj_typ (U, FN, P, V, TR...) for the dependency
How can I do this?
Here is the script:
WITH DepTree (referenced_id, referenced_name, referencing_id, referencing_name, NestLevel, obj_type )
o.[object_id] AS referenced_id ,
o.name AS referenced_name,
I need to write a code for remove dependencies between Table1.Prikey and Table2.Idand add dependencies between Table1.Prikey and Table3.Id how to write the code? please help .. thank you very much
HelloIn my website I have a textbox to search some products, but it would like to extend my search-function so that it could find special characters. For example:When I search Mexico, I would like to find México. Is there an easy way to do this?Thanks in AdvanceWesley
Had a weird error yesterday, can anybody shed any light on it.
I got the following error in a SQL 7(sp2) database. 'The log file for database 'IT2PROD' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space.. Error: 9002, Severity: 17, State: 2'
The Transaction Log has unrestricted file growth and auto grow file set and the disk has over 20gb of free space.
The only explanation I can think of is that the Log tried to extend during the hourly backup. Would this cause the above error ??? The backup file is usually about 80mb but was over 300mb when this happened.
I'm rather new to the MS SQL Server development in general and especially to its data security architecture and features - I'd like to know if it is possible for end-user to retrieve/update(!?) the data using a SP which executes on a table for which she/he doesn't have any privileges.
I'm totally new to SSRS2005 and I was wondering if I could extend the existing report items. For instance, I'd like to add a few extra properties to the textbox report item. I tried wrting a custom Textbox control that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Textbox. When I imported the dll in VS, the new textbox showed up in the toolbox, but it was grayed out.
In a UDF, how is the best way to extend a query with additional clauses based on expressions? The user input here is used to refine the basic query by introducing additional clauses. Is there something like the following?
-- The basic query SELECT column FROM table WHERE clause
-- Additional clause, only appended to query -- if expression evaluates to true IF @parameter <> default_value BEGIN AND additional_clause END
Right now I'm using CASE like the following, but it necessarily makes the query longer. Is there a more efficient way?
-- The basic query
SELECT column FROM table WHERE clause
-- Additional clause, should only effect result -- set when the parameter is not default_value AND table.column = CASE @parameter WHEN default_value THEN -- identity, table.column=table.column, -- should have no effect other than just a long query table.column ELSE @parameter END
I have a number of functions which I'd like to be able to add to the expression language to avoid having to use numerous script components, but I can't find any information on how this is possible. Can anyone provide any advice, please?
I am managing a sqlserver 6.5 database in my company. I get the message that the datafiles should be expanded but whenever I try to expand it the following message appears:
Could not find enough space on disks to extend the database. Meanwhile, I have about 6 gigabytes free space on my disks. Please help me out. Thanks,
SQL 2014 I've inherited a db that has several partitioned tables. They are partitioned by month. We're approaching the last partition, 11-30-2015, so we need to extend the tables. My question is how do I do this? There are Partition Schemes and Partition Functions setup at the db level. I've figured out how to ALTER those. Next I go to a table that I know is partitioned, right-click Storage and select Manage Partitions.
My only option is to "create a staging table for partition switching". Not knowing what switching is, I'm not sure if this is what I want to do. All I want to do is add new partitions to the table - and remove some of the old ones since they are empty due to archiving of data.
So, what is the proper steps to adding new partitions to a table that is already partitioned?
Does anyone know how to setup the "table details" to take up all the space in a page (extend the boarder to the end of the page) even there is only one record in the table details?
Normally, for example, if you got a table in a report, if the table has only one record, the boarder of table will only take up maybe 1/4 of the page space (header, 1 line details, footer). if the table has 5 records, it may take up half of the page, but the boarder of table neven extend to the end of the report and i wwant it happen!!!!!!! Thank you.
And I would like to produce the following outcome to the same table (using update statement): As what you all observe, it merge all overlapping dates based on same promotion ID by taking the minimum start date and maximum end date. Only the first row of overlapping date is updated to the desired value and the flag value change to 1. For other overlapping value, it will be set to NULL and the flag becomes 2.
The second part that I would like to acheive is based on the first table as well. However, this time I would like to merge the date which results in the minimum start date and End Date of the last overlapping rows. Since the End date of the last overlapping rows of promotion ID 1 is row with ID 4 with End Date 2015-05-29, the table will result as follow after update.
I'm relatively new to Reporting Services and .Net development so bear with me if I've missed something obvious. I've set up Reporting Services to run under forms authentication successfully. I want to filter the data (both within Report Builder Models and .rdl files) to the company the user belongs to.
To avoid joining the users table to all other tables on the companyID I'm wondering if it's possible to create a custom funciton which could use the UserID to lookup the companyID and then pass this through as a parameter, and have this "GetCompanyID" function available when building Models and/or reports...???
When building a model the Information Functions available are GETUSERID and GETUSERCULTURE. Is it possible to modify how these work and/or create additional functions here???
How can get an object's dependencies in SQL Server. For example it I have written a procedure which accesses some tables inside it then the procedure is said to be dependent on that table. Or one procedure might call another procedure and hence dependent.
Can I know an object's dependent objects from any system table. I think Oracle has a table USER_DEPENDENCIES which provides this info (I may be wrong :-().
The previous post regarding dependencies reminded me of another bugger I comeup with from time to time. SQL Server allows us to rename objects via asystem stored procedure (I usually use an ADP front-end that presumably callsthe same procedure), but after the rename, I find singnificant strangeness.For instance, triggers are still connected to the tables, but the trigger textstill refers to the old table name. Views and stored procedures dependent onthe table are broken, and are not fixed by even by restarting the server,though I thought the cached plans were supposed to be dumped on shut-down,then recreated on demand later.Is there some tool or technique to rename a table and automatically detect andproperly drop/rebuild dependent triggers, views, stored procedures,relationships, and anything else I'm not thinking of?Oh yeah, and there are extended properties to deal with as well, but I guessthat's intractible unless we know what client build them (e.g. Access ADP),and what it expects to be recorded there, but I suppose it would be nice tojust dump them rather than leave them there possibly corrupted from a client'spersective.
I am currently using SQLCacheDependencies to help me manage my cache in an ASP.NET application that is hosted across a web farm. This utilises the SQL Server 2005 service broker feature.
I have implemented this and is currently working but i have a few questions i want to clear up and i hope someone can assist me in that.
1/. I am starting the broker service by using the command System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.Start( <connection string> ); I currently have that piece of code running when the application starts in the global.asax file. What i want to know is will all SQL queries that hit the database register a notification? Is is possible to only have a selected query register a notification?
In my web application only a handful of database queries require a sqlcachedependency to be created. I dont want all queries to be registering a notification as that will place a burden on my backend server.
1/. So does all queries register a notification once the broker is started? 2/. Is there a way to only tell selected queries to register a notification? 3/. When a cache object is invalidated because of a absolute and slidingscaletimeout, does the existing sqlconnection for that service broker get disposed?
I have a table in my SQL2000 server and there's a field in this table being created by an object - with a GREEN PLUS sign (look like an APPEND query in MsAccess). How can I locate and edit/modify that (append query-like) object within my SQL 2000 - Enterpise Manager? Here's some more details:
Table: Customer
Field1: CustomerID
Field2: CustomerRegion_ID (contains the ID above & RegionID below)
When I checked on the dependencies of the table "Customer" I saw 1 dependency and this dependency has 2 table depend on it back-to-back (Customer & Region).
I want to modify the "Field2" of the "Customer" table and I looked everywhere on my VB/stored-procedure codes but couldn't find what triggle the creation of the field. The only thing that I suspect that would be the append object with "GREEN PLUS" sign. Any help would be appreciated.
Is there any way to know as what are all the entities or objects which are dependent upon a given Table? I wanted to know if i update a particular table in a given database on a server, what are all the other tablesobjects which gets effected because of this updation, may be because of some update triggers defined on this tabl or through cascading updates etc. Any system stored procedure which can help me to know these dependencies.
I want to run the SSIS service on a few computers. Can I "only" install this service or does this service needs an instance of the SQL server database as well?
* If it does need the database, can the database be shared between various instances of the service or does each one of them need their own database instance?
* are there any particular databases which are needed by SSIS in order to execute? like master, msdb or tempdb?
Hey! I am creating a kind of file browser for an application of mine. The principle is quite straight forward. It consists of folders and files. Each folder can contain other folders and files and so on. The twitch however is that i need a special root entity called site. The site is very much alike a folder but has some other properties. The site can contain folders and files. To achieve this ive created te following tables (truncated for clearity): #################### Sites ##################### ID [Int] ## ... #################### #################### Folders ##################### ID [Int] ## SiteID [Int] ## FolderID [Int] ## ... #################### #################### Files ##################### ID [Int] ## SiteID [Int] ## FolderID [Int] ## ... #################### Both the folder table and the files table have a check constraint that ensures that either SiteID or FolderID is NULL. They WILL be part of EITHER a folder or a site. Not both! Then i set up the foreign constraints as follows:Folders.FolderD -> Folders.IDFolders.SiteID -> Sites.IDFiles.FolderID -> Folders.IDFiles.SiteID -> Sites.ID All constraints have cascade on delete and therefore the last of them cannot be created as it would be circular. (Wich it wont in this case, but theoreticaly its possible) Iknow WHY this is rendering an error. But how can i work around it? Or would you suggest another design of the tables?
Hi All, How to get all the Dependencies of a Stored Procedure? Dependencies may exists in other databases also. For Example Stored procedure "sp_Employee" exists in the DB "Employee" This SP calling the another SP exists in another DB "Organization" You help would be appreciated.. RegardsGokul
I want to write a query that lists all table names in the order (based on foreign key dependencies to the other tables) that the tables need to be loaded. Using DTS to transfer the data, the tables seem to be loaded in alphabetical order, which causes the load to fail on databases with heavy use of foreign keys. Can anyone offer some help?
As far as I know SQL Server 2005 lists only dependencies within the same database. In many cases though there are objects in one database depending on objects in a different database on the same server. I unsuccessfully looked for a tool to list those and I ended up creating a script to do the job instead. Any improvements are appreciated, e.g. the script uses syscomments which may no longer be available in the next SQL Server version - I have not found a replacement sys.XXX table yet. Please note that you need to use a connection with access to all the SQL databases on a server and that it may take a while to run the script below if you have many databases with numerous objects in there. On the other hand these are exactly the cases when you need to know which of the thousands of objects are dependent on the table or view you are looking at.
P.S. Does anybody know where the extended properties get stored (hint - not in syscomments)? I was looking for those too, since often I document in the description of a field that it links to "DatabaseABC.dbo.TableXYZ.Field1"
Plamen Kouzov
========== declare @searchstring varchar(50) declare @dbid int declare @DBName varchar(1024) declare @command varchar(1024) declare @ServerDBs table([dbid] smallint, DBName varchar(1024)) select @searchstring = 'DatabaseABC.dbo.TableXYZ' insert into @ServerDBs ([dbid], DBName) select [dbid], [name] from master.dbo.sysdatabases where [name] not in ('master','tempdb','model','msdb','pubs','Northwind')
create table #ObjectsFound (DBName varchar(500), ObjectName varchar(500)) while (select count(*) from @ServerDBs)>0 BEGIN set @dbid = (select TOP 1 dbid from @ServerDBs) set @DBName = (select DBName from @ServerDBs where dbid = @dbid) set @command = 'use ' + @DBName + '; insert into #ObjectsFound(DBName, ObjectName) select ''' + @DBName + ''', [name] from sysobjects where id in (select [id] from syscomments where text like ''%' + @searchstring + '%'') order by 1' exec sp_sqlexec @command delete from @ServerDBs where dbid = @dbid END select * from #ObjectsFound order by 1,2 drop table #ObjectsFound
Anybody know if there is a system function that can be used from astored procedure that determines if a given primary key has existingdependencies? I want to make a check for this and if there are none, Iwill delete the record. If there are, I will change a field calledbitStatus from 1 to 0. Enterprise Mgr. does something like this underAll Tasks, Display Dependencies. The normal way I do it is to manuallycheck for the existance of the primary key in every dependent table.SQL 2000 server
Sorry to start a new thread, actually Darren answered my first question on SSIS dependencies but I have a clarification and somehow the software of this forum doesn't allow me to post again on my previous thread. (my posts disappears after some time).
My question is that if I choose to deploy the SSIS packages in SQL Server, then SSIS would have a dependency on SQL Database.
Do we know where the deployed packages are stored in SQL. This information is needed so that I can maintain and monitor the DB where the deployed packages are stored.
Also, do you think its a best practice to deploy the packages in SQL ( I think it will be good because then I can have consistent version of a package deployed on many machines... since I store my packages on one consistent DB rather than multiple file folders on each machine).