T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Filter Records In Table?

Mar 6, 2014

I have a table that has multiple records as illustrated in the simple list below. The real list is much longer.

MachineA 1/1/2008
MachineA 1/3/2008
MachineB 1/7/2008
MachineB 1/8/2009
MachineB 5/5/2010
MachineA 5/7/2011
MachineA 4/2/2013

I need to query to return a result for each unique machine with the latest date. The example result below would be returned because they have the latest date.

MachineA 5/7/2011
MachineB 5/5/2010

Select Distinct would almost do it, but I need each unique machine that has the latest date.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Renumbering Remaining Records In A Table After Some Records Deleted

Dec 3, 2014

I have a table with about half a million records, each representing a patient in my county.

Each record has a field (RRank) which basically sorts the patients as to how "unwell" they are according to a previously-applied algorithm. The most unwell patient has an RRank of 1, the next-most unwell has RRank=2 etc.

I have just deleted several hundred records (which relate to patients now deceased) from the table, thereby leaving gaps in the RRank sequence. I want to renumber the remaining recs to get rid of the gaps.

I can see what I want to accomplish by using ROW_NUMBER, thus:

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() Over (ORDER BY RRank) as RecNumber, RRank

I see the numbers in the RecNumber column falling behind the RRank as I scan down the results

My question is: How to convert this into an UPDATE statement? I had hoped that I could do something like:


but the system informs that window functions will only work on SELECT (which UPDATE isn't) or ORDER BY (which I can't legally add).

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Filter On Table 2 And Get All Records Of Table1

Jan 13, 2006

Dear all,
My question about SQL statement:
Table1 - Fields: T1PK, T1Field
1, ABC
2, DEF
3, GHI
Table2 - Fields: T2PK, FK (join T1PK), T2Field
101, 1, XXX
102, 1, YYY
103, 1, XXX
104, 2, XXX
I want to write a SQL statement that join Table1 and Table2 together, T2Field equal to XXX, and list all records from Table1.
That's the result columns: T1PK, T1Field, T2PK, T2Field
Result records:
1, ABC, 101, XXX
1, ABC, 103, XXX
2, DEF, 104, XXX
Is it possible? Please help!!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pulling Records From A Table Between Date Ranges In Another Table

Mar 17, 2014

This seems simple enough but for some reason, my brain isn't working.

I have a lookup table:

Table A: basically dates every 30 days


I have Table b that has records and dates created assocated with each record

I want all records that fall between the 1st 30 days to have an additional column that indicates 30


records with additional column indicating 60 days that fall between the 30 and 60 day


records with additional column indicating 90days that fall between the 60 and 90 day mark.

Is there an easy way to do this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Get Distinct Records From Table

Apr 14, 2014

Suppose I have 2 table


Main table maintain all the records having columns MAIN_SKU,DEDUCTIBLE_AMT,model_id,catagory,ModifiedDate

IF DEDUCTIBLE_AMT is changes it will place entry in history table ,columns are same with history_id

i want to display distinct main_sku from history table(all columns) with last DEDUCTIBLE_AMT changed from history table

table structure
main table
History table

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Get One Row On A Table With Multiple Records

Apr 24, 2014

I have a table called TBLCataloghi

I have multiple records with colunms codpro and codcat equal

They differ only by a date called catalog.datfin

I'd like to select all rows but with the same codpro,codcat, obtaining ONLY the row with MIN () field datfin

Field datfin is a date..

Ex. codpro = 'PIPPO'
codcat = 'MK'
DATFIN = 01/01/2010

codpro = 'PIPPO'
codcat = 'MK'
DATFIN = 10/07/2014

I'd like to read both records but in SELECT obtain only the record with datfin MIN (01-10-2010)

I did the query but i was not able to do nothing of good. I obtain all times both records...

SELECT catalog.codpro AS CodProdotto,
catalog.codcat AS CodiceCatalogo,

FROM pub.catalog

WHERE catalog.codcat = 'MK'

GROUP BY catalog.codpro,catalog.codcat ,catalog.datfin

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Delete Table Records With Backup?

May 2, 2014

using below query

DELETE FROM Table_name
WHERE Date_column < GETDATE() - 30

am able to delete old records morethan 30 days, but i want to results to be saved in file.

before deleting i want to a craete a file and save the to be deleted records.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Export Records Of A Table In XML Format

Jun 5, 2014

I need to export the records of a table in xml format.

create table ##prova
( Valuta varchar(2),
Misura float
insert into ##prova values ('EU',1000)
insert into ##prova values ('$',2000)

The final result must be something like this:

<obs id=”0”>
<dim name=”Valuta” value=”EU” />
<dim name=”Misura” value=”1000” />
<obs id=”0”>
<dim name=”Valuta” value=”$” />
<dim name=”Misura” value=”2000” />

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Only One Record From Table With Multiple Records?

Sep 4, 2015

I have a scenario where ID has three flags.

For example

ID flag1 flag2 flag3
1 0 1 0
2 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 0 1 0

Now I want the records having flag2=1 only.. I.e ID=3 has flag2=1 where as ID = 1 and 2 has flag1 and flag3 =1 along with flag2=1. I don't want ID=1 and 2.

I can't make ID unique or primary. I tried with case when statements but it I am somehow missing the basic logic.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Getting Records In N-Relation Table In One Select Statement?

Jun 9, 2014

I have 2 tables in a 1: n relation. How can i get a select statement that the field in the n-relation with outputs, separated by a semicolon; Example: One person have many Job Titles

Table1 (tblPerson)
Table2 (tblTitles)
1, "John", "Miller", "Employee; Admin; Consultant"
2, "Joan", "Stevens", "Employee, Software Engineer, Consultant"
and so on .... 1 in select statement:

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Identifying Potential Duplicate Records In A Given Table?

Oct 8, 2015

any useful SQL Queries that might be used to identify lists of potential duplicate records in a table?

For example I have Client Database that includes a table dbo.Clients. This table contains various columns which could be used to identify possible duplicate records, such as Surname | Forenames | DateOfBirth | NINumber | PostalCode etc. . The data contained in these columns is not always exactly the same due to differences caused by user data entry; so some records may have missing data from some of the columns and there could be spelling differences too. Like the following examples:

1 | Smith | John Raymond | NULL | NI990946B | SW12 8TQ
2 | Smith | John | 06/03/1967 | NULL | SW12 8TQ
3 | Smith | Jon Raymond | 06/03/1967 | NI 99 09 46 B | SW12 8TQ

The problem is that whilst it is easy for a human being to review these 3 entries and conclude that they are most likely the same Client entered in to the database 3 times; I cannot find a reliable way of identifying them using a SQL Query.

I've considered using some sort of concatenation to a new column, minus white space and then using a "WHERE column_name LIKE pattern" query, but so far I can't get anything to work well enough. Fuzzy Logic maybe?

the results would produce a grid something like this for the example above:

ID | Surname | Forenames | DuplicateID | DupSurname | DupForenames
1 | Smith | John Raymond | 2 | Smith | John
1 | Smith | John Raymond | 3 | Smith | Jon Raymond
9 | Brown | Peter David | 343 | Brown | Pete D
next batch of duplicates etc etc . . . .

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Table With 3 Million Plus Records Taking Half A Minute?

Aug 6, 2015

I have a table that I need to do some computations on all the data but first I need to remove the duplicate records and insert the results into a destination table. Here's the example below. My table has 3.1 million rows. I have tried using the DISTINCT and the GROUP BY but both ways to select the data takes about half a minute to run. I'm wondering if there is a way to increase performance. Users are ok with this time since the process runs overnight but improving it won't hurt. I do have a clustered index on these fields but that doesn't seem to improve any.

SELECTDateYear ,
DateMonth ,
Nbr ,
Nbr1 ,
Nbr2 ,
Datafield1 ,


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Delete All Rows Satisfying Certain Condition From Table A And Related Records From B And C

Apr 14, 2015

I have around 3 tables having around 20 to 30gb of data. My table A related to table B by a FK and same way table B related to table C by FK. I would like to delete all rows satisfying certain condition from table A and all corresponding related records from table B and C. I have created a query to delete the grandchild first, followed by child table and finally parent. I have used inner join in my delete query. As you all know, inner join delete operations, are going to be extremely resource Intensive especially on bigger tables.

What is the best approach to delete all these rows? There are many constraints, triggers on these tables. Also, there might be some FK relations to other tables as well.

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Automatic Select Filter (something Like Global Table Filter)

Apr 15, 2008


Here is my problem:

I use SQL Server 2005. I have approx. 50 tables in my database and 30 of them have a filed named "CompanyID". Example:
create table A (ID int identity, NAME varchar(100), COMPANYID int)create table A (ID int identity, REF_ID int, FIELD1 varchar(100), FIELD2 varchar(100), COMPANYID int)

Also there are nearly 200 stored procedures that read data from these tables. Example:
create procedure ABCasbegin /* some checks and expressions here ... */ select ... from A inner join B on (A.ID = B.REF_ID) where ... /* ... */end;

All my queries in the Stored procedure does not filter the tables by CompanyID, so they process the entire data.

However, now we have a requirement to separate the data for each company. That means that we have to put a filter by CompanyID to each of those 20 tables in each query where the tables appear.

Firstly, I put the CompanyID in the context so now its value is accessible through the context_info() function. Thus I do not need now to pass it as a parameter to the stored procedures.

However, I don't know what is the easiest and fastest way to filter the tables. Example:

I modified the above mentioned procedure in the following way:
create procedure ABCasbegin /* some checks and expressions here ... */
-- gets the CompanyID from the context: DECLARE @CompanyID int; SELECT @CompanyID = CONVERT(float, CONVERT(varchar(128), context_info()))
select ... from A inner join B on (A.ID = B.REF_ID) where ...
and A.COMPANYID = @CompanyID and B.COMPANYID = @CompanyID /* ... */end;

Now I have the desired filter by CompanyID. However, modifying over 200 stored procedures is rather tedious work and I don't think that this is the best approach. Is there any functionality in SQL Server that can provide the possibility to put an automatic filter to the tables.
For example: when I wrote "SELECT * FROM A", the actual statements to be executed would be "SELECT * FROM A WHERE CompanyID = CONVERT(float, CONVERT(varchar(128), context_info()))".

I was looking for something like "INSTEAD OF SELECT" triggers but I didn't manage to find any answer.

I would very grateful is someone suggests a solution for something like "global table filter" (that will help me make an easy refactoring)?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using IsNull In Where Filter

Sep 23, 2014

I remember in the past using IsNull in a where filter of a stored proc that was used for a search form. I typically go about this in the following way. Is threre a better way to handle this?

sproc parm
@LName varchar(50) = null
@FName varchar(50) = null

Select * from LargeTable
where Lastname = ISNULL(@LName, Lastname)
Or Firstname = ISNULL(@FName, Firstname)

I do it this way to ensure that if the user doesn't enter a value for one of the parameters that it won't be used in the filter.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Add String WHERE Filter That Will Match Everything

Nov 19, 2014

I need to add a filter clause like
WHERE username = '%%%'

I know you will say 'why add a filter if you're not going to use it?' but I need to for a certain application which will use the parent query for child queries in which I select the specificity required for the child query's data set.I've tried '%*%' and '%_%' but always it returns nothing. I need the filter to exist yet not really filter.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using Not Like To Filter Out Non-numeric Values From Varchar Field

Mar 26, 2014

I am putting a SELECT statement together where I need to evaluate a results field, to determine how the color indicator will show on a SSRS report. I am running into a problem when I try to filter out any non-numeric values from a varchar field, using a nested CASE statement.

For example, this results field may contain values of '<1', '>=1', '1', '100', '500', '5000', etc. For one type of test, I need a value of 500 or less to be shown as a green indicator in a report, and any value over that would be flagged as a red. Another test might only allow a value of 10 or less before being flagged with a red.

This is why I setup a CASE statement for an IndicatorValue that will pass over to the report to determine the indicator color. Using CASE statements for this is easier to work with, and less taxing on the report server, if done in SQL Server instead of nested SSRS expressions, especially since a variety of tests have different result values that would be flagged as green or red.

I have a separate nested CASE statement that will handle any of the values that contain ">" or "<", so I am using the following to filter those out, and then convert it to an int value, to determine what the indicator value should be. Here is the line of the script that is erring out"

case when (RESULT not like '%<%') or (RESULT not like '%>%') then
CASE WHEN (CONVERT(int, RESULT) between 0 and 500) THEN '2'
ELSE '0'

The message I am getting is: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<1' to data type int.

I thought a "not like" statement would not include those values for converting to an int, but that does not seem to be working correctly. I did also try moving the not to show as "not RESULT like", and that did not change the message.

How I can filter out non-numeric values before converting the rest of the varchar field (RESULT) to int, so that it is only converting actual numbers?

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SQLDataSource - How To Filter Out Records That Are In An ObjectDataSource?

Jan 16, 2006

I have an SQLDataSource that I would like to filter out some records that are stored in an ObjectDataSource. Is this possible? The data that is filling the ObjectDataSource is being populated by a WebService.
SQL in SQLDataSource----------------------------
SELECT id, accountFROM contactWHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM ObjectDataSource.Records...)

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Filter Records During Transactional Replication.

Apr 13, 2007

Hi All,I have a table with a column DeletedDate which stores a logical deleteof a record.I need to set up transactional replication for reporting purposes thatthis deleted records should not be replicated to the subscriber. Thatis, if i see a value on the DeletedDate, I don't want that record tobe picked up for replication.At the same time, when someone marks the record for deletion (byputting a date on the DeleteDate column), I want that record to bedeleted on the subscriber database. (I can also set up a job to do thedeletes on the subscriber but i'd rather let the replication take careof it).Can this scenario be implemented in Microsoft SQL 2000? I wouldappreciate any ideas / thoughts in this matter.Thanks in advance,Aravin Rajendra.

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Default Value For All Records In A Parametered Filter

Feb 28, 2007

I have a parametered filter in my sql query: Warehouse_Class_Code like '%' + @Filter + '%'
In the parameter I have several value to set the right filter. When I run the report I always have to select one of the values. I added a label "All records" with a value "&". I tried "%" as a default value at the parameter settings.

In the preview the label "All records" is shown, but when I run the report in the HTML browser, I see <Select a value>. How to change the default value to "All records"?

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Filter Records Within Effective And Expiration Date

Mar 11, 2014

I would like to filter records with in effective date and expiration date; If there is no record within that range, then check for grace period records ( effective date -30 days and expiration date + 90 days)

Below is the detailed script for sample data...

declare @tab table ( sno int identity, name varchar(100), EFFECTIVE_DATE date, EXPIRATION_DATE date)
insert into @tab (name, EFFECTIVE_DATE , EXPIRATION_DATE )
SELECT 'chandu', GETDATE(), NULL union all
SELECT 'chandu', '2014-02-11 00:00:00' , '2014-03-20 00:00:00' union all
SELECT 'AAA', '2014-01-11 00:00:00' , '2014-05-11 00:00:00' union all

[Code] ...


Expected output:


Looking for query WITH OUT using GROUP BY clause

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Merge: Records Associated By A JOIN Filter Not Being Sent To A Subscriber

Jan 25, 2007


I have a merge (SQL 2005 Standard -> Express) topolgoy which is having problems 

The main problem is that the join filters don't seem to work for one area and I am hoping someone can help me with some troubleshooting advice

There are 140+ tables in the topology but the ones causing  particular  pain are a parent child relationship where the child is actually a bridge/linking table to another table.

Therefore although it is a parent child in the replication filters it is the reverse. i.e. the child has the paramterised filter on it and the parent is one level down joined by it's id.  There are other tables joined to this parent table but it stays at three levels deep.  The @join_unique_key therefore is set to 0 as is the partition options for the parent /child relationship.

However, when we synchronise we have a problem. The rows get inserted in to the database in RI order but only the child records are replicated down to the subscriber.

The child table with the parameterised filter has 13 articles joined to it in total and one of the other branches of join filters go down as deep as four levels.  Most though do not.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be happening?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, James

P.S. I should add this problem only occurs when the edits are made at the publisher.  If new records are added at the subscriber everything is fine.

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How To Filter Out Records With A Condition In The Data Flow?

Apr 3, 2008

Hi, all experts here,

I am desperate to need you help.

Could you please give me any advices on how to filter out the records through out the data flow by any particular condition? E.g. In my case, I want to filter out rows with null id (will get rid of those rows with null id which are not matched in the look up component)? Hope it is clear for your help and I am looking forward to hearing from you for your help and thank you very much.

With kindest regards,
Yours sincerely,

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How To Return All Records When Date Filter Parameter Is Missing

Mar 28, 2007

I'm using an objectDataSource connected to a strongly typed dataset to populate a GridView.  I want to be able to show all the records, or let the user to select only those records that expire in a certain month.  The expire field is of type date I'm used to all records being returned when a parameter is missing.  If I have Select * from table where last=@last, only the records where the last name is 'Smith' will be returned if @last = 'Smith', but all records are returned is @last = "".  But that's not how it's working with the date. I'm passing an integer from 1 to 12 in a querystring.  I have the equivalent of select * from table where (MONTH([AD ENDS]) = @month)MONTH(datefield) always returns an integer from 1 to 12.  If @month is empty, I want all the records to be displayed, but nothing is.  If @month is an int form 1 to 12, it works fine.  How can I get all the records if no month is selected?  Can I have two objectdatasources and programmatically select which one populates the gridview depending on if I want to filter the data or not?  Diane 

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Filter Records In Access 2003 Project Form

Mar 6, 2008

I am trying to filter the records in an Access2003 project form using data from a control in a different form. I define the variable in form1 as RegKeyWord. The record source for form2 ends with WHERE CustomerName Like RegKeyWord. I receive the error Invalid column 'RegKeyWord'
Can anyone help?

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How To Automatically Create New Records In A Foreign Table When Inserting Records In A Primary Table.

Sep 13, 2006

Ok, I'm really new at this, but I am looking for a way to automatically insert new records into tables.  I have one primary table with a primary key id that is automatically generated on insert and 3 other tables that have foreign keys pointing to the primary key.  Is there a way to automatically create new records in the foreign tables that will have the new id?  Would this be a job for a trigger, stored procedure?  I admit I haven't studied up on those yet--I am learning things as I need them. Thanks. 

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SQL Server 2014 :: Selecting Records From Table 2 While Counting Records In Table 1

Aug 11, 2015

Table1 contains fields Groupid, UserName,Category, Dimension

Table2 contains fields Group, Name,Category, Dimension (Group and Name are not in Table1)

So basically I need to read the records in Table1 using Groupid and each time there is a Groupid then select records from Table2 where Table2.Category in (Select Catergory from Table1)
and Table2.Dimension in (Select Dimension from Table1)

In Table1 There might be 10 Groupid records all of which are different.

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Transact SQL :: Retrieve All Records From Parent Table And Any Records From Child Table

Oct 21, 2015

I am trying to write a query that will retrieve all students of a particular class and also any rows in HomeworkLogLine if they exist (but return null if there is no row). I thought this should be a relatively simple LEFT join but I've tried every possible combination of joins but it's not working.

Student.StudentSurname + ', ' + Student.StudentForename AS Fullname,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY HomeworkLogLine.HomeworkLogLineStudentID ORDER BY

[Code] ...

It's only returning two rows (the students where they have a row in the HomeworkLogLine table). 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Compare Records In Tables?

Mar 3, 2014

There are four tables

1. Matter


001, a, m
002, a, m
003, b, m
004, c, m

2. Category

CID. RType
a, T
b, T
c, T

3. Security assignmnet

001, m, g01
002, m, g01
002, m, g02
002, m, g03
003, m, g01
003, m, g03
a, T, g01
a, T, g02
a, T, g03
b, T, g02
b, T, g03
b, T, g04

4. Group


I'd like to find the record in table #1 "Matter" which has exact record of "GID" in table #3 "Security Assignment" compare with table #2 "Category"

In this case, it is record of "002" bacause "002" in table#1 "Matter" and the record "a" in table #2 "category" both has exact GID records(g01, g02, g03) in table #3, "Security Assignment"

How can I create qury to find all the possible record in the table #2?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Returning Multiple TOP Records?

Jul 10, 2014

Here is my setup: I have the following tables -

tblPerson - holds basic person data.
tblPersonHistorical - holds a dated snapshot of the fkPersonId, fkInstitutionId, and fkDepartmentId
tblWebUsers - holds login data specific to a web account, but not every person will have a web account

I want to allow my admins to search for users (persons) with web accounts. They need to be able to search by tblPerson.FirstName, tblPerson.LastName, tblInstitutions.Institution, and tblDepartments.Department. The only way a Person record is joined an Institution or Department record is through many -> many junction table tblPersonHistorical.

People place orders and make decisions in our system. Because people can change institutions and departments, we need an historical snapshot of where they worked at the time they placed an order or made a decision. Of course that means some folks will have multiple historical records. That all works fine.

So when an admin user wants to search for webusers, I only want to return data, if possible, from he most recent/current historical records. This is where I am getting bogged down. When I search for a specific webuser I simply do a TOP 1 and ORDER BY DateCreated DESC. That returns only the current historical record for that person/webuser.

But what if I want to return many different webusers, and only want the TOP 1 historical for each returned?

Straight TOP by itself won't do it.
GROUP BY by itself won't do it.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: BCP Query-out Returns No Records?

Sep 3, 2014

I have a SP that manipulates data for picking products and puts them into a temp table "#PickList" which is used for the basis of printing a picking note report.

I have also added code at the end of the SP to take the "#PickList" data and insert into a permanent table called "BWT_Lift_Transaction" and then use the bcp command to query it out to a text file. All this works fine, until the bcp command runs. Although the records are in the table, bcp returns nothing. Here is the code:

DECLARE @strLocation VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @strFileLocation VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @strFileName VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @bcpCommand VARCHAR(8000)


The earlier parts of the code create the filename for the text file and location to store it. If I insert a SELECT on the dbo.BWT_Lift_Transaction directly after the insert, I can see the data in there, but although the bcp command creates the file correctly, it returns no data:


Starting copy...
0 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1

If I remove the delete statement at the end and run the code twice, it will insert the data into the table twice. On the first run, nothing is returned by bcp. On the second run, the first set is returned by bcp, not both sets.

I don't understand why this is, but I guess it's something to do with transaction commitment and the way bcp works.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Partition And Order Records

Oct 8, 2014

I have the below requirement:

1. Group records according to docno column.
2. Records will sort in desc order. (According to date1 column)
3. In date1 column if more than one date is same than we ll consider the date2 column.
EX: 2008-04-30 00:00:00is same here so sorting will happen based on Date2 column. So internal sorting should happen instead assigning random values.
4. Number column is the expected output column.

docnodate1 date2 Number
d1 2008-08-25 00:00:00 2009-09-08 11:23:41 1
d1 2008-04-30 00:00:00 2008-09-08 14:40:53 2
d1 2008-04-30 00:00:00 2008-09-08 14:29:43 3
d1 2008-04-30 00:00:00 2008-09-08 13:30:04 4

[Code] ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Compare With Previous Records

Oct 20, 2014

I am having a table which contains data of students like:


Sample data :


Now i want to compare Result and dislay prevterm where student fail:

Now my output would be as: Now I want to compare latest term i.e. Term5 with prev Terms and if found Mismatch in result then i want to display as below:

studentID PrevFailTerm, CurrentTerm

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