T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding 5 Most Recent Records For Each Customer With Abnormal Order Amounts

Nov 5, 2014

The database consists of the following tables:

create table dbo.customer (
customer_id int identity primary key clustered,
customer_name nvarchar(256) not null
create table dbo.purchase_order (
purchase_order_id int identity primary key clustered
customer_id int not null,
amount money not null,
order_date date not null

Implement a query for the report that will provide the following information: for each customer output at most 5 different dates which contain abnormally high or low amounts (bigger or less than 3 times SDTDEV from AVG), for each of these dates output minimum and maximum amounts as well.

Possible result: [URL] ......

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Need Most Recent Customer

Mar 12, 2008

What statements can be used to grab the most recent customer record?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Last Records Inserted Into All Tables In A Database

Jul 27, 2015

I have a CRM database that has a lot of tables and would like to be able to extract the last 'x' records in descending order from each table based on a common a field 'modifiedon' that is in every table and is auto populated by the system.

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Select Most Recent Customer Record From Table Only?

Nov 6, 2007

If I have a table structure similar to the following, how might I query it to obtain the Transaction ID, Transaction Date, and Customer Name for the most recent transaction per customer only:

TransactionID TransactionDate TransactionType CustomerName
1 10/1/07 1 Bob
2 8/30/07 2 Janet
3 9/17/07 1 Mike
4 9/25/07 1 Bob

The following query will return all records in the table other than Janets...not what I want:
SELECT Transaction ID, TransactionDate, CustomerName
FROM TransactionTable
WHERE TransactionType = 1
ORDER BY TransactionDate DESC

The following query will return all records in the table other than Janets again, because DISTINCT will use the combo of TransactionID, TransactionDate, and Customer name for uniqueness...not what I want:
SELECT DISTINCT Transaction ID, TransactionDate, CustomerName
FROM TransactionTable
WHERE TransactionType = 1
ORDER BY TransactionDate DESC

The results set I'm looking for would be the following, where only the most recent entry per customer with TransactionType 1 is returned (i.e. one record for Bob):

TransactionID TransactionDate CustomerName
1 10/1/07 Bob
3 9/17/07 Mike

I believe I need an appropriate subquery to yield the results I desire, but can't sort out what it is? I do not want to execute multiple queries but subqueries are fine. Unfortunately there's probably an easy answer that my brain is not currently generating. Any help would be appreciated.

Note, this is not a real table, but a sample to illustrate the concept for the query I need.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Partition And Order Records

Oct 8, 2014

I have the below requirement:

1. Group records according to docno column.
2. Records will sort in desc order. (According to date1 column)
3. In date1 column if more than one date is same than we ll consider the date2 column.
EX: 2008-04-30 00:00:00is same here so sorting will happen based on Date2 column. So internal sorting should happen instead assigning random values.
4. Number column is the expected output column.

docnodate1 date2 Number
d1 2008-08-25 00:00:00 2009-09-08 11:23:41 1
d1 2008-04-30 00:00:00 2008-09-08 14:40:53 2
d1 2008-04-30 00:00:00 2008-09-08 14:29:43 3
d1 2008-04-30 00:00:00 2008-09-08 13:30:04 4

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query Design - Find Most Recent Datetime Record Each Day For A Customer

Apr 2, 2015

So I have a query that need to find the most recent datetime record each day for a customer. So I have a query that looks like this:

[dbo].[DecisionHistoryItem] as dhi WITH(NOLOCK)

[Code] ....

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Finding Orders Per Customer

Jan 22, 2014

I have three SQL tables that I am trying to join. One is Called Customer and the other Orders.

Customer contains these fields that I need


Orders has these that i need


OrdersShoppingCart has these that I need


What I would like to try to export is this

Order ID
Order Total

This would be grouped for each customer for all total orders. Do you think this is possible?

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Order ID For Latest Order For Every Customer

Jan 8, 2008

For the Orders table (let's assume for the Northwind database), I'm trying
to get the order id of the latest order for every customer.
That means that the result should be one record per customer and that would
display CustomerID and OrderID.

Any ideas?


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Set Amounts To Zero In Addition If No Records Found

May 9, 2006

How can I check for Null for the amounts if no records are returned in either select.  Basically it errors out if one or both of the Amounts return no records.  I need to do some sort of IF statement to set one of the amounts or both amounts to zero in those cases so it doesn't error out on me

   SELECT (Coalesce(pd1_Amount, 0) + Coalesce(PD2_Amount, 0)) as Amount

     SELECT pd.Amount as pd1_Amount
          FROM Master m (NOLOCK)
          LEFT JOIN dbo.pdc pd ON pd.number = m.number
          INNER JOIN dbo.Customer c ON c.Customer = m.Customer

          WHERE     pd.Active = 1
                    AND pd.Entered BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
     AND pd.Entered <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'
                    AND pd.Deposit BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
                    --AND pd.Deposit IS NOT NULL    
                    --AND pd.OnHold IS NULL
                    AND c.customer <> '9999999'

          SELECT   pdd.Amount as PD2_Amount
          FROM Master m (NOLOCK)
          LEFT JOIN dbo.pdcdeleted pdd ON pdd.number = m.number
          INNER JOIN dbo.Customer c ON c.Customer = m.Customer

          WHERE     pdd.Entered BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
              AND pdd.Entered <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'
                    AND pdd.Deposit BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
                    --AND pdd.Deposit IS NOT NULL    
                    --AND pdd.OnHold IS NULL
                    AND c.customer <> '9999999'
) as PDC_Main

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Getting Most Recent Order

Jan 15, 2007

I have a Customers table and an Orders table. The Customers table has fields... CustomerId, and CustomerName. The Orders table has Fields CustomerId, OrderDate, and ProductId.

I wish to execute a query that will return a single Customer and Order record for a given customer ID that reflects the most recent order. So, a typical join like...

SELECT c.customerId, c.customerName, o.orderdate,o.productId

FROM Customers C LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders o ON (o.customerId=c.customerId)


would return all the orders for a given customer but I only want the most recent order. Can anyone help?


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Select Customer Last Inserted Order Details

Sep 15, 2007

Check this SQL

FROM TblOrder
WHERE (TblOrder.CustomerUID = @IsCustomerID)
AND (TblOrder.OrderHiddenID = @IsHiddenID)
AND (TblPayment.Result = 'Pending')
AND (TblOrder.OrderID IN (SELECT MAX(TblOrder2.OrderID) FROM TblOrder TblOrder2))

one customer can have more than one orders.
So i need to select customer last inserted order details from database.So when i use above sql i returns null.what might be the reason for this

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Split String To Show Only Customer

Aug 7, 2014

The data we are getting from our shipping company has the customer name and customer number attached.

so we could have.. declare @String varchar(25) = 'asdf - 10'
but we also have.. declare @String varchar(25) = 'asdf - jeik - 10'

So how do I strip off the " - 10", when the ending number is not the same number of char's (1,11,111,1111, ect)

I need to match this up with our customer table... on Customer Name.

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Classify Customer Order Method Preference Based On Their History?

Nov 5, 2013

I am trying to classify a customer's order method preference based on their history. My source table has every order, order method, date, etc.

The logic is:

If only one order method, that is their preference>1 order method, the majority is their preferenceif 50/50 split, the order method with the mose recent order is the preference

I then created a query to group by the customer, order method, and max(date):


I am having trouble though, creating a query that applies the above logic and outputs this:[URL]

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Power Pivot :: Get Order First Date For A Specific Product And Customer?

Nov 18, 2015

I have a table with all my orders lines, I need to identify (DAX formula) for a specific customer which is the first order of a specific article (first date filtered for customer and article) and use this information to tag the order line for that article for the specific customer as "Newly Ordered article" if the order date = first order date or as "Reordered article" if the date on the specific order line is subsequent to the first order date.

I imagine I need to combine a Lookup date filtered for customer and article and use it with a IF formula.

Similar to this I would also like to define that if the first order for a product for the specific custumer is older then a certain date, then this would be defined as and historical customer for the specific article, if the first order on the article is more recent the a specific date, then this will be defined as "new customer for that article".

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Determine If 3 Most Recent Job Executions Have Failed

Dec 29, 2014

I'm looking for feedback on a query I've devised to return a numeric value if the 3 most recent executions of a job have failed. The purpose of the query is to server as a custom counter alert for Idera SQL DM, and by definition an SQL Script alert must return a numeric value.

My environment is SQL Server 2008. Note that the job name is hard coded.

;WITH CTE_Restore_JobHistory AS
(SELECT h.[job_id]
,j.[name] as JobName

[Code] .....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Recent Changed Value From History Table

Apr 6, 2015

I have a history table with the following values


INSERT INTO History VALUES ('03-23-2015','PT-01','2015-04-22')
INSERT INTO History VALUES ('03-30-2015','PT-01','2015-04-20')
INSERT INTO History VALUES ('04-06-2015','PT-01','2015-06-30')

[Code] ....

I need an output in the below format. I need the most recent changed value for any given UID. Need to get the below result

UID PreviousDueDate CurrentDueDate
PT-01 2015-04-20 2015-06-30
PT-02 2015-04-22 2015-04-22
PT-03 2015-04-18 2015-04-22

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SQL 2012 :: Select Record With Most Recent Order Date?

Jun 16, 2014

I am working on a query that needs to return the record order number with the most recent requested delivery date.

It seems to work most of the time, but I have found some glitches for some of the items.

example is my item 10702, it is showing 2 records (both valid ones)
Record 1 is order # 10450-0, requested delivery date 03/21/2014
Record 2 is order # 10510-0, requested delivery date 04/29/2014

I need to only get the records with the most recent delivery date, in this example that would be 04/29/2014

This query is what I have so far:

s.SalesQuoteNumberAS 'PriorQuoteNumber'


WHERE s.rn = 1What am I missing in my query> how can I change it so it only returns the most recent date?

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Get The Recent Records

Feb 6, 2007

i have a datetime field in the post tables.
I would like to get the records within the latest 7 days.
Are there any functions for doing something like this?
my current query is something like
select * from post where creation_time ....
 Thank you

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Most Recent Records

Mar 11, 2008

Ok, I was able to find the most recent Effective date and it works well. The only problem I am having is with the CarrierName. See there are different Carriers with so then it makes us have Mult effective dates. I need to pull the most recent effective date with carrier. So, I though to max the pcsiNumber2, but that didn’t work. Do you have any other ideas? Let me know.

Select Distinct
max(PCSINumber2) as mostrecentPCS,
MAX(CoverageEffectiveDate)as MostRecentEff,
MAX(TerminationDate) as MostRecentTerm,

FROM VW_Medical_Malpractice_Project

State = 'PA'

Group By PCSINumber1, LastName,FirstName,State,CarrierName,AmtPerClaim,Aggreg

Order By PCSINumber1


000043010003MUSSER WILLIAM American Professional Agency2002-06-01

000043010002MUSSERWILLIAM Columbia Casualty2000-02-20

000043010001MUSSERWILLIAMMCIC Vermont Inc.1998-07-01

000043010004MUSSERWILLIAMProMutual Insurance Co.2005-05-16

000043010005MUSSERWILLIAMTri-Century Insurance Company2007-01-01

So, what I need is the most recent effective date which would be 2007-01-01, which I have but what is not letting me do this is the names, the 5ith column. I was trying to use the 2nd column to use the max , but it is not working. What am I doing wrong. I need the whole last row, but that number 0005 can change because there may only be 2 dup records.

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Get Records Where Most Recent X = Some Value

Mar 31, 2008

If I have tables like Customer (Id, First, Last, Address, etc.), CustomerEvent (EventCode, EventDate, CustomerId), EventTypes(Code, Description) how would I get all of the CustomerIds where the latest CustomerEvent record is a cancel and it happened within the last 60 days?

If I just do a select max(EventDate) and put EventTypes.Code='cancel' in the where clause it picks up records where the customer has done other things since the cancel.

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Removing Old Records While Retaining Recent Ones

Apr 12, 2006

Hey guys, I have a table full of data that has duplicate records except for two date columns (date1 and date2). What I would like to do is remove the duplicates while retaining the most recent record, how can I do this?

So record 1 looks like this:


John | Smith | 08/08/2000 | 10/10/2000

Record 2 looks like this:


John | Smith | 08/10/2005 | 10/10/2005

I'd like to remove the first instance and keep the second (most recent one).



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Displaying Records With Recent Date

Jul 12, 2006

I want to display some horse racing results I have on a page but I only want to show the results for the last 7 days.

I have fields for date, time of race, horses name and result.

How can I just get records within the last 7 days to display?

I'm new to this SQL malarky so please be gentle!

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Selecting Only Records With Most Recent Date

Dec 15, 2007

Using MS SQL 2005, how can I SELECT only the records whos date field is equal to the most recent date held in that field?

For example:

date item colour
---- ---- ------
12/15/2007 shirt red
12/13/2007 shirt black
12/15/2007 shirt blue

result(s) expected:

12/15/2007 shirt red
12/15/2007 shirt blue

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Finding Most Recent Date From Current Date?

Oct 21, 2013

the requirements are to return person ID with the most recent leaving date from a scheduled dept, who has previously arrived at an unscheduled dept within 7 days, but just now my query shows all the previous leaving dates within 7 days of that unscheduled dept arrival, I only want the last leaving date before the arrival at the unscheduled dept:

So for instance looking at a copy of one person's date below I have:

PersonID Last Dept Arrival Date To Last Dept Leaving Date From Last Dept Next Arrival Date to Unscheduled Dept
======== ================= ========================= =========================== =====================================
0106573268Dept 5 2013-03-01 2013-03-03 2013-03-05
0106573268Dept 6 2013-02-27 2013-02-27 2013-03-05
0106573268dept 2 2013-02-26 2013-02-26 2013-03-05

In the data above I only want to return the first row, which is the most recent leaving date before arrival at an unscheduled dept.

My query is much the same as before except my inline view is looking at the data for last scheduled leaves from depts in my inline view and also the outer query returning all arrivals to the unscheduled dept:

SELECT b.personID
,b.dept AS "Last leaving dept"
,b.arrival_Date as "arrival Date To Last dept"
,b.leaving_Date AS "leaving Date From Last dept",
a.[arrival Date] as "Next arrival Date to AREA_GH"
FROM Unscheduled_Arrival a INNER JOIN (SELECT *
FROM scheduled_Leaves
where [leaving date] is not null) b
ON a.Person_ID = b.Person_ID


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Maximum Value Out Of 5 Different Columns?

Jun 2, 2011

How can we find maximum value on column level? Suppose we have table A with four columns col1,col2,col3,col4, Now my query look likes this:

Select col1, col2,col3,col4,
(col1 + col2) as addcol1,
(col2 + col3) as addcol2,
(col3 + col4) as addcol3,
Max(addcol1,addcol2,addcol3) as maxvalue
from Table A

I am getting error as max accepts one argument, I cannot use case statement as table is already bulky and it will make my query more expensive.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Gaps In Dates

Mar 25, 2014

I'm trying to find gaps in times in a table of sessions where the session endings aren't sequential. That is, session 1 can start at 10:00 and finish at 10:30, while session 2 started at 10:05 and finished at 10:45, and session 3 started at 10:06 and finished at 10:20. Only the starting times are in order; the ending times can be anywhere after that.Here's a bunch of sample data:

CREATE TABLE #SessionTest(SessionId int,Logindatetime datetime, Logoutdatetime datetime)

INSERT INTO #SessionTest
SELECT '1073675','Mar 3 2014 1:53PM','Mar 3 2014 1:53PM' UNION ALL
SELECT '1073676','Mar 3 2014 2:26PM','Mar 3 2014 3:51PM' UNION ALL
SELECT '1073677','Mar 3 2014 2:29PM','Mar 3 2014 3:54PM' UNION ALL
SELECT '1073678','Mar 3 2014 2:29PM','Mar 3 2014 5:47PM' UNION ALL
SELECT '1073679','Mar 3 2014 2:30PM','Mar 3 2014 3:37PM' UNION ALL


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Renumbering Remaining Records In A Table After Some Records Deleted

Dec 3, 2014

I have a table with about half a million records, each representing a patient in my county.

Each record has a field (RRank) which basically sorts the patients as to how "unwell" they are according to a previously-applied algorithm. The most unwell patient has an RRank of 1, the next-most unwell has RRank=2 etc.

I have just deleted several hundred records (which relate to patients now deceased) from the table, thereby leaving gaps in the RRank sequence. I want to renumber the remaining recs to get rid of the gaps.

I can see what I want to accomplish by using ROW_NUMBER, thus:

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() Over (ORDER BY RRank) as RecNumber, RRank

I see the numbers in the RecNumber column falling behind the RRank as I scan down the results

My question is: How to convert this into an UPDATE statement? I had hoped that I could do something like:


but the system informs that window functions will only work on SELECT (which UPDATE isn't) or ORDER BY (which I can't legally add).

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Gaps Within Date Ranges

Sep 13, 2013

I have a group of date ranges and wanted to identify all of the date gaps within the ranges, outputting the dates as another date range dataset.

Example dataset SQL below:

CREATE TABLE #test (daterow int identity, obj_id int, datestart DATETIME, dateend DATETIME)
SELECT 1, '20130428', '20130523'
SELECT 1, '20130526', '20130823'

[Code] ....

I would expect a dataset to be returned consisting of:

1, 24/05/2013, 25/05/2013
1, 24/08/2013, 25/08/2013
2, 16/05/2013, 24/05/2013

I have found a lot of examples of problems where I have just a single date column, and then I find the gaps in between that, but I'm having difficulty finding examples where it works with start and end date columns...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Total Execution Time?

Oct 30, 2014

I have a SP SPone. i have optimized that and kept it as SPone_Optimized. i would like to test the both SP's execution time to find out how best the optimized one fares.

i planned to test it as follows

declare @starttime datetime,@endtime datetime
declare @count int=0
select @starttime=getdate()
execute SPone_optimized @param='value1'
select @endtime=getdate()
select datediff(ms,@stattime,@endtime) 'total_exec_time'

----- for the SP that is before optimize

declare @starttime datetime,@endtime datetime
declare @count int=0
select @starttime=getdate()
execute SPone @param='value1'
select @endtime=getdate()
select datediff(ms,@stattime,@endtime) 'total_exec_time'

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Rows From CSV Column With CSV Parameter

Nov 2, 2015

I have a split string function that will take a comma delimited string and give back a table with all the values.I have a table that has a column with a comma delimited comma delimited list of states.

I can use a where clause to find one state in the table (such as all records that have CA in the states string).But need to find out how to find all the rows that have all or any of the states from a comma delimited parameter.Here is the schema

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[split] (@list nvarchar(MAX))
RETURNS @tbl TABLE (svar nvarchar(10) NOT NULL) AS
DECLARE @pos int,
@nextpos int,
@valuelen int


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Stored Procedure Defaults For Parameters

Jun 2, 2014

I have various ways of getting the parameters of a stored procedure:

I have a procedure that has all defaults 4 are null and 2 are 0.

The following shows most of what I need but no defaults


[Code] ...

This one has two values:

sp_procedure_params_rowset proc procedure

Is there something else that would tell me if there is a default on a parameter and what the default is if there is one.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Out Missing Segments From Source Dataset

Oct 23, 2014

I have 2 tables, #MainSample and #SampleCode

In the #MainSample, Line_ID is the Primary key

Line_ID BegMeasure EndMeasure

656 0.00 254500.00
657 0.00 7000.00
658 0.00 308000.00
659 0.00 20000.00

#Sample Code

Line_ID BegMeasure EndMeasure Code

659 665.00 9456.00 APL-XL
657 0.00 200 BHP

From this, I have to find out the segments for which there is no defined code value. I want the output as

Line_ID BegMeasure EndMeasure

656 0.00 254500.00
657 200.00 7000.00
658 0.00 308000.00
659 0.00 665.00
659 9456.00 20000.00

How to achieve this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding The Item Filled In Prior To Current One

May 13, 2015

I have data similar to the below


[Code] ....

Now for each type the seq is very important. Effectively by order of seq the subtype stays the same until another subtype changes it. So for TYPE1 100,110 and 150 are A. 170, 200,220 are B. 230 and 250 are C and so on.

However as you can see the data isnt actually stored in the row. I need a select statement that shows this data.

I have done this:

#TEMP t3
ON t3.TYPE = t1.TYPE AND t2.SEQ = t3.SEQ

And it seems to work. Is this the easiest way to do it or am i missing something?

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