T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Forcing Existence Of Date Records For A Graph Of Counts Over Time
Oct 14, 2014
I'm trying to get a count of Employed and Available contractors per time period, and I have a table of Contracts... something like:
CREATE TABLE empContract(
empContractID INT IDENTITY(10000,1) PRIMARY KEY,
EndDate DATE,
ContractorAssigned INT,
FOREIGN KEY ContractorID REFERENCES Contractor(ContractorID)
I don't think this is possible without the existence of some kind of Calendar table. Given the existence of a calendar table, the query seems really simple - just something like:
SELECT cal.CalendarDate, ec.ContractID
FROM Calendar cal LEFT JOIN empContract ec ON cal.CalendarDate BETWEEN ec.StartDate AND ec.EndDate
The left join forces the existence of all dates in a range (@StartDate and @EndDate), so that when I try to create a graph with counts by day, I don't have any gaps in my time series.
creating the missing records in a date/time range.
However, I need to return different groups for each span of records.
here's some data....
aaa1 aaa7 bbb2 bbb5 bbb6
The numbers are the hour of the day.
I need to return
aaa 0 0 aaa 1 1 aaa 2 0 aaa 3 0 ... bbb 0 0 bbb 1 0 bbb 2 1 ... and so on.
I've got a numbers table and I can left join with it but I just get nulls for the missing hours instead of having it as above.....I can't think of a way of repeating the groups for each of the 'missing' hours - other than creating a length insert statement to fill in the gaps....unless that is the only way of doing it.
I'm looking for a way of taking a query which returns a set of date time fields (probable maximum of 20 rows) and looping through each value to see if it exists in a separate table.
Query 1
Select ID, Person, ProposedEvent, DayField, TimeField from MyOptions where person = 'me'
Select Person, ExistingEvent, DayField, TimeField from MyTimetable where person ='me'
Loop through Query 1 and if it finds ANY matching Dayfield AND Timefield in Query/Table 2, return the ProposedEvent (just as a message, the loop could stop there), if no match a message saying all is fine can proceed to process form blah blah.
I'm essentially wanting somebody to select a bunch of events in a form, query 1 then finds all the days and times those events happen and check that none of them exist in the MyTimetable table.
I'm looking to get counts on historical data where the number of records exists on or after May 1 in any given year. I've got the total number of records for each year worked out, but now looking for the number of records exist after a specific date. Here's what I have so far.
SELECT p.FY10,p.FY11,p.FY12,p.FY13,p.FY14,p.FY15 FROM ( SELECT COUNT(recordID) AS S, CASE DateFY
As a DBA, I am working on a project where an ETL process(SSIS) takes a long time to aggregate and process the raw data.
I figured out few things where the package selects the data from my biggest 200 GB unpartitioned table which has a datekey column but the package converts its each row to an integer value leading to massive scans and high CPU.
Example: the package passed two values 20140714 and 4 which means it wants to grab data from my biggest table which belongs between 20140714 04:00:00 and 20140714 05:00:00.
It leads to massive implicit conversions and I am trying to change this.
To minimize the number of changes, what I am trying to do is to convert 20140714 and 4 to a datetime format variable.
Select Convert(DATETIME, LEFT(20170714, 8)) which gives me a date value but I am stuck at appending time(HH:00:00) to it.
StartDate - data type Date StartTime - data type Time
I need to combine them into a DateTime data type. For now, I convert each of them into varchar, insert space in between, and convert to DateTime, like this:
I've been matching some incoming contacts to existing contacts in a database and need to update, insert, or rematch based on the ifs below.
If name, phone, and email all provided for both, then use the highest Source. So if the Contact has a Source value of 5 and SourceContact has a ContactSource of 1, update Contact with SourceContact
If name, phone and email all provided, and source the same then update to new values.
If name and phone on SourceContact and name and Email on Contact then reset Contact_fk to -1 should not have matched, but should be an insert
If name and email on SourceContact and name and phone on Contact then reset Contact_fk to -1 should not have matched, but should be an insert
If name and phone on SourceContact and name and/or Phone is blank in Contact then update
If name and email on SourceContact and name and/or email is blank in Contact then update
If phone numbers can be different, just update record to SourceContact if it has a same or higher ContactSource
If email address do not match then set SourceContacts to -1 Contact_fk it was computed incorrectly. Both have a non blank email
If Contact_fk is 0 then it is a new contact and just insert it.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.SourceContact', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [dbo].[SourceContact]; CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SourceContact] ( [SourceContact_pk]INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_SourceContact PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, [ContactLastName] VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_SourceContact_ContactLastName DEFAULT (''), [ContactFirstName] VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_SourceContact_ContactFirstName DEFAULT (''),
I've been experiencing difficulty with pulling records using a where clause date range. I'm using this:
select * from dbo.ACCTING_TRANSACTION_hISTORY where ath_postype = 'NTC' or ath_postype='NTD' and
ath_postdate >= '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and ath_postdate <= '2013-01-05 23:59:59'
I've also tried variations of this without the time portion of the ath_postdate field (of type datetime) , but it still seems to be pulling records from 2009, etc.
SELECT right('0' + cast(month(s.closing) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + cast(year(s.closing) as varchar(4)) as ClosingDate, p.name as Project, SUM(s.amount) as TotalSales FROM Sales s JOIN Project p ON p.projectID = s.projectID WHEREs.closing >= DATEADD(mm, -12, GETDATE()) GROUP BY right('0' + cast(month(s.closing) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + cast(year(s.closing) as varchar(4)), p.name
This will give me the grouping by month/year and project.
Generating the 4 lines is not the issue; I call 3 functions to do that together with cross apply.One function to get all dates between the start and end date (dbo.AllDays returning a table with only a datevalue column); one function to have these dates evaluated against a work schedule (dbo.HRCapacityHours) and one function to get the absence records (dbo.HRAbsenceHours) What I can't get fixed is having the correct hours per line.
SELECT dnn_Roles.RoleName, xyzUser.FirstName, xyzUser.LastName, xyzUser.Email, xyzRewardPoint.Points, xyzRewardPoint.RewardID FROM xyzRewardPoint INNER JOIN xyzUser ON xyzRewardPoint.UserID = xyzUser.UserId INNER JOIN dnn_UserRoles INNER JOIN dnn_Roles ON dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = dnn_Roles.RoleID ON xyzUser.ProviderId = dnn_UserRoles.UserID WHERE (dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = 3) OR (dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = 4) OR (dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = 6) ORDER BY dnn_UserRoles.RoleID
What I need is to extend this query to detect any users who exist in dnn_UserRoles.RoleID 3, 4 or 6 but do not have a RewardID value of '43' in the xyzRewardPoint table.
TransactionsImport (which is the destination table) TransactionsImportDelta
I need to do the following:
Get the records with the latest date and time in the destination table TransactionsImport Get the records with the latest date and time in the destination table TransactionsImportDelta table Insert the records from the TransactionsImportDelta table into TransactionsImport that have a greater date & time than the current records in TransactionsImport table.
Problem is date & time are in separate columns:
Table structure:
Date Time ID 2011121305154107142201008300100 2011121305154122B1L13ZY0000A07YD 2011121304504735142201090002600 2011121304504737142201095008300 2011121304504737142201090002600
All source and target date fields are defined as data type "smalldatetime". The "select" executes without error though when used with "insert into" it fails with the error:
Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 25: Conversion failed when converting character string to small date-time data type..I am converting from a character string to smalldatetime since the source and target date columns are "smalldatetime". All other columns for the source and target are nvarchar(255). I assume there is an implicit conversion that I don't understand. In a test, I validated that all dates selected evaluate ISDATE() to 1.
USE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014] GO IF OBJECT_ID ('[SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]
I'm trying to extract some data from a table in oracle. The oracle table stores date and time seperately in 2 different columns. I need to merge these two columns and import to sql server database.
I'm struggling with this for a quite a while and I'm not able to get it working.
I tried the oracle query something like this,
this gives me an output of 20070511 23:06:30:000
the space in MM : SS is intentional here, since without that space it appread as smiley
I'm trying to map this to datetime field in sql server 2005. It keeps failing with this error
The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data
I'm struck with error for hours now. Any pointers would be helpful.
I have a table with about half a million records, each representing a patient in my county.
Each record has a field (RRank) which basically sorts the patients as to how "unwell" they are according to a previously-applied algorithm. The most unwell patient has an RRank of 1, the next-most unwell has RRank=2 etc.
I have just deleted several hundred records (which relate to patients now deceased) from the table, thereby leaving gaps in the RRank sequence. I want to renumber the remaining recs to get rid of the gaps.
I can see what I want to accomplish by using ROW_NUMBER, thus:
I see the numbers in the RecNumber column falling behind the RRank as I scan down the results
My question is: How to convert this into an UPDATE statement? I had hoped that I could do something like:
but the system informs that window functions will only work on SELECT (which UPDATE isn't) or ORDER BY (which I can't legally add).
USE [Testing] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Testing] Script Date: 4/25/2014 11:08:18 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON
[Code] ....
It seems to work fine with one million records.
Each primary key is unique, but the begindate is non-unique, and i guess even if i use datetime2 and add nanoseconds, from what i have read, there is a chance that i could have a duplicate datetime since the date is imported via XML from multiple sources.
I am trying to load previous days data at 3 am via a SSIS job.
The Date variable is initiated as DATEADD("dd",-1, GETDATE()) in the for loop.
Now, as this job runs at 3 am, and I set the variable as GETDATE() - 1, it excluded the data from 12 am to 3 am in the resultset as Date is set as YYYY-MM-DD 03:00:00:000 I need this to be set as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00:000
Let's say the first row returned has StartDate = 1/1/2014 and EndDate is 1/2/2014. The next row I want the StartDate to equal the previous row EndDate so it would be 1/2/2014 as StartDate. This compounds every row basically the third row StartDate would be the second row EndDate. All in one select statement if it can be done. Using SQL2008r2.
I am trying to SUM a column of ActivityDebit with current Calendar_Month to a Column of Trial_Balance_Debit from Last Calendar_Month. I am providing Temp Table code as well as fake data.
===== IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#MyTrialBalance','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTrialBalance CREATE TABLE #MyTrialBalance ( [Trial_Balance_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED NOT NULL, [FISCALYEAR] [smallint] NULL,
[Code] ....
Here is my Query I am trying but not working. I cant figure out how to doo the dateadd for correct column.
SELECT A.Trial_Balance_ID,A.ACTIVITYDEBIT --SUM(A.ACTIVITYDEBIT + B.Last_Trail_Balance_Debit) AS New_TB FROM (SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID], [Calendar_Month],[ACTIVITYDEBIT] FROM Mytrialbalance WHERE actindx='48397' AND ACTIVITYDEBIT='820439.78000' )A INNER JOIN (SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID],DATEADD(MM, -1,Calendar_Month)AS Last_Month FROM Mytrialbalance) B ON B.Trial_Balance_ID=A.Trial_Balance_ID
Hi there. I'm trying to extract data from my SQL server & everything in the script I've got is working (extracting correct data) except for one field - which is for the most part it's off by +2 days (on a few occasions - I see it off by just +1 day or even +3, but it's usually the +2 days).
I'm told that it's due to the conversion formula - but - since SQL is not my native language, I'm at a bit of a loss.
The DB table has the date field stored as a type: CHAR (as opposed to 'DATE') Can anyone out there help?
A server with SQL 2005 sp2, Reporting Services and Sharepoint services (ver 3.0) (in integrated mode) gives an odd error. When viewing a Reporting Services report with a Date Time Picker, the date chosen is wrong. The preferred setting is Danish with the date format dd-mm-yyyy. The date picker shows the months in Danish but when selecting a date, and clicking on the Apply-button, the date reformats to US (mm-dd-yyyy).
Example: When choosing 5th of September 2007 and clicking apply, it shows in the picker, 9th of May 2007. When choosing 26th of September 2007 and clicking apply, it shows, again in US format, the RIGHT date but adds a timestamp 12:00 AM? in the end, making further enquiries to fail.
The report itself receives the right date and shows correctly. The only case it fails is, when the time stamp appears.
The server is a 32-bit one with 4 GB RAM. A testserver with identical collation on the Reportserver database cannot recreate the error. The site containing the reports has been set to Danish in the regional settings. To Reinstall is not an option.
The test report has no database connection whatsoever.
When setting the site to US, the timestamp wont appear at all.
The server has been restarted and the installation procedure was of the simple kind. No special tweaks at all.
as you can see, the records have a 30minutes time interval. i need to create a query to know if there are missing records in the table. so basically the result should be this: