T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get First Day Previous Quarter From Todays Date
Aug 22, 2014How do I get first day of last month of previous quarter from today's date? I know my question is little confusing. I need to get 06/01/2014 using t-sql.
View 2 RepliesHow do I get first day of last month of previous quarter from today's date? I know my question is little confusing. I need to get 06/01/2014 using t-sql.
View 2 RepliesLet's say the first row returned has StartDate = 1/1/2014 and EndDate is 1/2/2014. The next row I want the StartDate to equal the previous row EndDate so it would be 1/2/2014 as StartDate. This compounds every row basically the third row StartDate would be the second row EndDate. All in one select statement if it can be done. Using SQL2008r2.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to find previous date from selected date. below is the sample data.
DECLARE @StartDate SMALLDATETIME = '1/11/2016'
declare @tempdat table(repdate smalldatetime)
insert into @tempdat values ('10/26/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('10/29/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/1/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/27/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/25/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/20/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/10/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/10/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/11/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/11/2015')
Now if i pass the date '10/26/2015' then i want select prev date of passed date. in this example no prev date is available, so result set would be nothing.
if i pass the date '11/10/2015' then result should be '11/1/2015' which is prev small date available in table.
How can I calculate and return the previous Date at 18:00 Hours?
Here is a miserable attempt:
DECLARE @RunDate SmallDateTime
DECLARE @CurrentDate SmallDateTime
DECLARE @RunDateWoTime SmallDateTime
SET @CurrentDate = GETDATE()
SET @RunDate = DATEADD(day,-1,@CurrentDate)-- AS CurrentDate
SELECT @RunDate AS RunDate
-- Desired Result is the following:
-- 2014-03-03 18:00
I am working in sqlserver 2008 R2 and below is my sample research query. I am trying to get previous 6 months data.
WITH CutomMonths
AS (
SELECT UPPER(convert(VARCHAR(3), datename(month, DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0)))) Month
,DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0) startdate
,DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N + 1, 0) enddate
[Code] ...
Current output what i am getting:
Expected Output:
I found why the April month i didn't get the $20 because the startdate of my perks CTE '2014-04-03'. If it is '2014-04-01' then i will get the expected output.
But i should not change the the date on perks. How to neglect this date issue and consider the month instead to get the expected output.
I'm trying to write some T-SQL to return the previous even numbered month and appropriate year from given date.
Examples given:
03-25-2014 should return 02-xx-2014
01-01-2014 should return 12-xx-2013
I've SSRS sales report to which I need to pass the dates for previous month's start date and end date which I am able to pass using below code. However, since the sales report has data from the past year(2014) I need to pass the dates for last year as well. The below code gives StartDate1 as 2015-02-01 and EndDate1 as 2015-02-28. I need to get the dates for past year like 2014-02-01 as StartDate2 and 2014-02-28 as EndDate2
SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000201', GETDATE()), '19000101') AS StartDate1,
DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', GETDATE()), '18991231') AS EndDate1
My goal is to update the "PriorInsert" field with the "DateInserted" from the previously inserted record where the WorkOrder, MachineNo, and Operator are all in the same group.
While trying to get to the correct previous record, I wrote the query below.
P.S. The attached .txt file includes a create and insert tbl_tmp sampling.
select top 1
how can i select all dates upto todays date and include the first next future date in a given data base
say todays date was the 01/06/2006 (MM,DD,YYYY)
below is a mock data base
id date (MM,DD,YYYY)
1 01/02/2006
2 01/04/2006
3 01/06/2006
4 01/09/2006
5 01/20/2006
i want to select all dates equal or less that 01/06/2006 and include the first next future date .. and in this case it would be 01/09/2006
so the results would return
1 01/02/2006
2 01/04/2006
3 01/06/2006
4 01/09/2006
I need to do the following and am hoping someone can help me out.
I have C#(asp.net app) that will call a stored procedure. The C# will pass in a date to thestored procedure. The date is in the format YY/MM/DD. Once inside of the stored procedure, the datepassed into the stored proc needs to be compared to todays date. Todays date must be determined inthe SQL.
So basically here is my pseudo code for what I am trying to accomplish. Basically I just am afterthe comparison of the two values:
If @BeginDate < TodaysDate
The difficult part is how to obtain the value for "TodaysDate"
Taking into consideration that "TodaysDate" should probably be in the format of YY/MM/DD considering that is how the date it is to be compared with is being passed in.
Can someone please code this out for me in Microsoft SQL. I would be forever grateful.
I am working on a report and the data source is Teradata. now I have situation where I want to get order id details based on the current quarter and year I am posting this same data. For TD related queries I do not where to post.
595709114ASDASD444447/28/2014 546
2224809440ASDASD444445/2/2012 546
1724031572ASDASD444446/22/2011 546
1702887651ASDASD444447/3/2014 546
1724020508ASDASD444447/16/2012 546
1148151895ASDASD444449/18/2013 546
2125154824ASDASD444449/2/2014 546
1503552723ASDASD4444412/20/2011 546
2224689808ASDASD4444410/4/2010 546
931387698ASDASD4444412/31/2010 546
At the moment i have a query that is dependent on a date which is 42 days before whatever the date may be today.
The statement in my query I have to use is:
MailDate <= '2008-01-05'
I am wondering if i could make that statement automatically take off 42 days from todays date?
Hi im new to SQL. Ive looked through your forums but most answers seem to complicated.
I'm trying to get todays date for a SELECT statement.
My code is:
List all the records bought today.
SELECT recordNo, recordName
FROM Record r, Properties p
WHERE r.recordNo = p.recordNo AND purchaseDate = '20/08/07';
I'm certain writing '20/08/07' is not right and it should be something like: getDate.
Can anyone help? thankyou
Hi,I have the following sqldatasource on my page:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="rs1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:FrogConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="Proposals_DaySheet" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"><SelectParameters><asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Calendar1" Name="FilterDate" PropertyName="SelectedDate" Type="DateTime" DefaultValue=""/></SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>How do I set the default value to today's date ?I have tried:DefaultValue="<%# DateTime.Now %>"But I get:Databinding expressions are only supported on objects that have a DataBinding event. System.Web.UI.WebControls.ControlParameter does not have a DataBinding event.I have also tried:DefaultValue="<%= DateTime.Now %>"But I get:System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.Any ideas ?ThanksJames
Hello all
I have a simple DataSource control setup to a basic database that includes a datetime column, I want to retrieve records from today and beyond.
How do incorporate this into the Where clause?
Im getting stuck with the syntax too so a specific example would be most helpfull.This is the DataSource
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ResultsSqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT client, date FROM clients WHERE (client = @client) Order by date asc "><SelectParameters><asp:controlparameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="client" PropertyName="Text" /></SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
If this requires code can you give C#
i have a customer and his output date must be 6 weeks or 42 days after his input date in my sql queryhow do i do this i've don't it in access and tried a similar code to no avail '[inputDate]' + '42' alias ext1 can anyone help me out thanks chris
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi Everyone,I am trying to write something to give me back all the data for asertain time range for today.So for example: I need to get all records where change_date is <= today2pm and today at 8pm.I know i can get just the date for today by usingCONVERT(CHAR(10),getdate(),102) but can i add a time range to that?Thanks in advance,Anna
View 2 Replies View RelatedNeed getting a query which I will get previous year, previous month first day everytime i run the query.
Ex: If i run the script on 9/10/2013 then result should be 8/1/2012. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Hi, ppleI am trying to check dates. I tried something like this but it doesn't work.
Dim strarray As Array
Dim my As New Database
Dim d As SqlDataReader
Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader
d = my.ExecuteQuery("Select lastLogin, ID from Student")
While d.Read
Dim ld As DateTime = d("lastLogin")
If ld > FormatDateTime(Now) Then
strarray() = strarray() + d("ID")
End If
End While
dr2 = my.ExecuteQuery("Insert into Audit (auditID, ID, auditMsg, updatedDate) values ('200','20','" & strarray() & "','" & FormatDateTime(Now) & "');")
Catch x As Exception
End Try
I have a table with a field 'service_date' held as datetime. I would like to select from the table where the service date is equal to today. The input is dd/mm/yy.
...for instance i want to select * from lists where publishdate > todayDate()
do i need to include todays date as a selectparameter?
can you provide example please?
I'm wanting a SQL Formula to insert into my Accounting Systems which uses a SQL Database which, when I add a new product code I want a custom field to update with today's date.
I've tried to use GetDate () however, what this does is to update all records with this date (each record has this custom field assign to it). I only want the new record to show todays date so I know when the product was created in the database. Should I be looking at creating this with a Function?
My SSIS package automatically creates Excel files everyday.
i want the excel files to get todays date when they are created .
Eg:06152008 for today and 06162008 for tomorrow
please help
I have file name like clm_05-04-2014.I need to valid whether file name consist of todays date in SSIS or Sqlserver.
If the file name is clm_04-04-2014 then this is yesterday's file so not valid.When i run ths SSIS package today the file name should consist of todays date in file else i need to pass message as invalid file .CLM will be common..
Hi, I have just started using SQL server 2005 reporting. But I am stuck on my select part of the report. I want to bring back all results from a table for todays date (whatever that would be). I have tried:
Where ColumnA = Today()
and a few other Today variations.
Can anybody please help?
Also is there a good site / tutorial which helps with SQL syntax, statements, etc.
I would like to display Car records to retrieve last Maintenance request for all customer who did not make request in past 9 months from current date.
MC refers to Maintenance.
MCLog data:
carId: SGY12345 (repeated)
mcDate: 2010-01-30
mcDate: 2012-03-30
carId: SGX55661 (repeated)
mcDate: 2015-05-30
mcDate: 2015-06-15
[Code] .....
Here is my Table:
carId Char (20) NOT NULL,
model Char (20) NOT NULL,
importDate smalldatetime NOT NULL,
custId Varchar (50) NOT NULL,
I am using QUARTER(startdate) formula to retrieve the quarter of a specific datetime and to store in my calculated field in dataset. But while running its showing "error: [BC30451] Name 'QUARTER' is not declared".
Can anyone show me some light on this problem?
I have a process to rollover prior quarter data to new quarter in a table.
For example, i have a table with (col1, col2, year, qtr) with data like ( Note: col1 is identity(1,1) )
Now when i run my process, above 3 records will be rolled over new quarter 2014 Q2 and the table will be like
Row 1 with identity 1 has rolled over to new quarter row 4 with identity 4 ( qtr fields are changed )
Row 2 with identity 2 has rolled over to new quarter row 5 with identity 5. Same with last row as well.
Here, i have another table called "ident_map" with columns like (old identity, new identity ) and during rollover i am supposed to load ident_map table with old and new identity. So after rollover is complete, ident_map table should look like
I know using output clause I can capture the new identity values. 4,5,6 in this case. But is there any way to capture both old identity and new identity during rollover so that i can load the ident_map table with old and new identity.
Does anyone have a workaround or know of a fix to this problem:
Default value set to 'date pick' from date currently within field by setting value equal to that field . ie if date is 01/01/2010 date picker opens in Jan 2010 - works ok.
However, once published to Sharepoint and run through browser the Date Picker ignores the default value and the date picker opens for today. ie April 2008.
Any words of wisdom gratefully recieved,
Howard Stiles
Sometimes I want to quickly to edit a record in a table instead of using an insert statement.
Sometimes there are auditing columns like DateCreated, and CreatedBy,
I know it can be made as default. for DateCreated to be sysdatetime, and createdby to be system user.
But I just curious to know if there is a way to manually enter today's date and the user in the cell?
I am using the following expression to calculate the last day of the last quarter
It returns 3/31/2015 11:59:59 PM
What needs to change so that it return 3/31/2015 12:00:00 AM
I have a text field which displays quarter using YYYYQ (i.e. 20142, 20151, etc...)
I need to convert the field to a datetime representing the last day of that quarter. For example 20142 would be 06-30-2014 and 20151 would be 03-31-2015.
I have a simple following table which is having only one date column.
InputDate DATE
And the expected out put would be as follows:
I want to derive a Four Quarter End Date based on Date selected.
For Example if i select 01-01-2015 then
First Quarter End Date would be Previous Quarter End Date
Second Quarter End Date would be Current Quarter End Date
Third Quarter End Date would be Next Quarter End Date
Fourth Quarter End Date would be Next +1 Quarter End Date Like that