T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Add Up Monthly Total
Mar 7, 2014
Here is example table and data
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sales](
[date_value] [datetime]NOT NULL,
[monthly_total] [int] NOT NULL
insert into sales ( date_value, monthly_total)
How can I create a query to get below result?
YearMonthMonthlySaleAccumulated Total
2012Jan110 110
2012Feb130 240
2012Mar30 270
2012Apr60 330
2012May10 340
View 6 Replies
Oct 15, 2006
I have a Monthlyexpense column. How do I Sum up this column and put the Total in my ytdexpenses column. Do I use a stored procedure, because I want the monthlyExpenses to SUm up every time I submit a monthly expense to the database and siplay in the ytdExpenses Column.
When I Write a Query all of the rows in the ytdExpenses shows the same amount and do not total up every time I submit to the database. Help please.
monthlyExpenses ytdExpenses
$1,000   $1,000
$2,000   $3,000
$3,000   $6,000
$2,000   $8,000
$5,000   $13,000
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Feb 20, 2015
In the Reference_Master table I have Total count based on date for each RefCode. Can I get the total count of each RefCode by monthly wise for each year
RefCode Date Count
[Code] ...
I need the result as below
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Aug 29, 2015
I have a field in a table which was VERY poorly designed, but that is a matter for another day. Long story short, this field contains, in most instances, where the sale was obtained, the sales man name, and a comment about the sale. A few records have garbage data in the field as the salesman name was not obtained so we want to attribute the info to 'unknown'Is it possible in SQL Server 2008 to write a query that will display the saleinfo for each salesman then a total row under the salesman? Something similar to this
Internet Mark .... statistics here
Phone Mark - applied for credit .... statistics here
Phone Mark - customer referral ..... statistics here
Marks Sales Totals .... statistics here
Next salesman data would go here
but break that down by each salesman and attribute the garbage data like 85623, albaca, racava to salesman 'Unknown'..This is garbage data that should suffice to achieve my desired end result. I know this is unable to occur with a simple select. I even tried a few CTE queries but couldn't get the syntax accurate due to saleinfo basically being a catch all column I was unsure of how to only extrapolate the data I needed
Create Table sales
saleid int
,saleinfo varchar(200)
,salestatus varchar(200)
Insert Into sales VALUES
(1, 'Phone Mark customer referral', 'Done'), (2, 'Phone Mark customer referral ', 'Done'), (3, 'Phone Mark - applied for credit', 'Holding Pattern')
,(4, 'Internet Mark', 'Done'), (5, 'Internet Mark', 'Holding Pattern'), (6, 'Internet Mark', 'Holding Pattern')
,(7, 'Phone Stan', 'Holding Pattern'), (8, 'Phone Stan', 'Done'), (9, 'Phone Stan', 'Holding Pattern')
,(10, 'Internet Stan - lives to far to drive', 'Done'), (11, 'Internet Stan', 'Done'), (12, 'Phone Vic', 'Done')
,(13, 'Phone Vic', 'Holding Pattern'), (14, '85623', 'Done'), (15, 'albaca', 'Done'), (16, 'racava', 'Done')
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May 14, 2014
I want to aggregate to monthly values for the reading. I want to display Reading value for Oct 2010, November 2010 likewise My question is simple and I have tried to follow the etiquette.
Currently it is displaying.....
3969 22/10/2013 0:150
3969 22/10/2013 0:300
3969 22/10/2013 0:450
3969 22/10/2013 1:000
3969 22/10/2013 1:150
3969 22/10/2013 1:300
3969 22/10/2013 1:450
3969 22/10/2013 2:001
3969 22/10/2013 2:150
MeterId int
ReadingDate datetime
Reading real
-===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mytable
--===== Create the test table with
Readingdate DATETIME,
reading real
--===== Setup any special required conditions especially where dates are concerned
SELECT '4','Oct 17 2013 12:00AM','5.1709' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Oct 17 2013 12:15AM','5.5319' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Nov 17 2013 12:00AM','5.5793' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Nov 17 2013 14:00AM','5.2471' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Nov 17 2013 12:00AM','5.1177' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Nov 17 2013 14:00AM','5.5510' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Dec 17 2013 15:00AM','5.5128', UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Dec 17 2013 16:00AM','5.5758' UNION ALL
Output should display as
MeterId Period Reading
4 Oct 13 10.20
4 Nov 13 10.40
5 Oct 13 10.20
5 Nov 13 10.40
4 Dec 13 11.15
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Sep 15, 2014
select col1,count(*) from client1..table1 group by col1
select col1,count(*) from client2..table1 group by col1
select col1,count(*) from client3..table1 group by col1
The results yields
I am trying to get the following result but can't figure out how to get the total in the end.
Total 22
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Mar 10, 2014
My Table struct
create table cust
cust_id int ,
city varchar(20),
pincode int,
sales int,
latitude float,
longitude float
like i wanna display each pincodes how to make a code?
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a requirement to calculate the total outage time, based on logged fault tickets, of network nodes. Basically, multiple tickets may be raised for a single node and those tickets could overlap or sequence over a given period; the task here is to calculate the total time (hh:mm) of the outage in the period.
3 tickets raised for a node outage over, say, a 48 hour period. Ticket 1 (spanning a total of 5 hours) overlaps with ticket 2 (spans 3 hours) by 1 hour; ticket 3 starts 5 hours after ticket 2 and spans 1 hour. Total outage time on the tickets is 7hrs + 1hr (T1+T2 minus the 1hr overlap) and the full time of T3.
In summary, it's calculating the total ticket time, allowing for overlaps of tickets, etc.
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Jun 24, 2014
I have a field Char(10) named bank, and another one Char(15) named namebank.
I need to create a TSQL query, but i need to preserve the white space on my first field named bank and concatenate with the other namebank, this last i dont need white space.
B001 Bank 123
How can accomplish this query.
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Jul 11, 2014
I've the table like
create table accutn_det
fs_locn char(50),
fs_accno varchar(100),
fs_cost_center varchar(100),
fs_tran_type char(50)
[Code] .....
Like all location details stored from all months in these table
here Dr=debit,Cr=Credit Formula= 'Dr-Cr' to find the salary wavges of amount
so i made the query to find the amount for may
amount=sum(case when fs_accno like 'E%' and fs_tran_type='Dr' then fs_amount
when fs_accno like 'E%' and fs_tran_type='Cr' then fs_amount * -1
accutn_det where fs_trans_date between '01-may-2014' and '31-may-2014'
groupby fs_locn,fs_accno
now i need the sum values of all costcenter for the particular account.how to do that?
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Oct 30, 2014
I have a SP SPone. i have optimized that and kept it as SPone_Optimized. i would like to test the both SP's execution time to find out how best the optimized one fares.
i planned to test it as follows
declare @starttime datetime,@endtime datetime
declare @count int=0
select @starttime=getdate()
execute SPone_optimized @param='value1'
select @endtime=getdate()
select datediff(ms,@stattime,@endtime) 'total_exec_time'
----- for the SP that is before optimize
declare @starttime datetime,@endtime datetime
declare @count int=0
select @starttime=getdate()
execute SPone @param='value1'
select @endtime=getdate()
select datediff(ms,@stattime,@endtime) 'total_exec_time'
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Feb 2, 2015
I need to calculate total discount on item in case when user has several discounts, and they each apply on discounted amount. I thought to have something like:
DECLARE @Disc float
SET @Disc = 0
SELECT @Disc = @Disc + (100 - @Disc) * Disc / 100
FROM UserDiscounts
WHERE UserID = 123
but, seems, it does not work.
Looking for single query without any loops?
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Mar 30, 2015
We sell & ship packages that contain multiple items within them. The actual package (we call it the "parent item") is in the same table as the items within it ("child items"). If the record is a child item within a package, its "ParentId" field will contain the ItemId of the package.
So some sample records of a complete package would look like this:
ItemId | ParentId | Name | QtyAvailable
1 | NULL | Package A | 10
2 | 1 | Item 1 | 2
3 | 1 | Item 2 | 3
ItemId's 2 & 3 are items contained within the ItemId 1 package.
Now however, the client wants us to build a report showing all packages (all items where ParentId is NULL) however, they want to see the QtyAvailable of not only the package but the items as well (a total of 15 when using the example above), all grouped into a single line. So a sample report line would look like this:
Name | Available Qty
Package A | 15
Package B | 100
How can I do a SELECT statement that SUMS the "QtyAvailable" of both the parent & child items and displays them along with the package name?
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Aug 26, 2015
I have been tasked with writing a report that shows all open orders for an item and their quantities, along with a running total of what is left in stock. We start by building these two tables:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Orders', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Orders;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Warehouse', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Warehouse;
CREATE TABLE #Orders (OrderDate DATETIME, JobNumber NVARCHAR(10), Item NVARCHAR(20), QtyOrdered NUMERIC(10, 2))
INSERT INTO #Orders SELECT '20150801', 'JOB1', 'Widget1', 5
INSERT INTO #Orders SELECT '20150802', 'JOB2', 'Widget1', 3
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Jun 9, 2004
Does anyone know how I can determine the number of page writes that have been performed during a set period of time? I need to figure out the data churn in that time period.
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Feb 26, 2014
Very new to SQL and trying to get this query to run. I need to sum the total trips and total values as separate columns by day to insert them into another table.....
My code is as follows;
Insert Into [dbo].[CombinedTripTotalsDaily]
[Code] .....
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Jul 20, 2005
I haven't a clue how to accomplish this.All the data is in one table. The data is stored by registration dateand includes county and number of students brokne out by grade.Any help appreciated!Rob
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Oct 26, 2015
For some reason my Add Total is grey out, when i tried to add grand total using some expression.
I have two row & two column groups?
Is there any alternative or how can i enable add total? using expression..as you can see in my Attached Image
I'm using iff condition in my expression..Â
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Jun 28, 2015
I have a table that writes daily sales each night but it adds the day's sales to the cumulative total for the month. I need to pull the difference of todays cumulative total less yesterdays. So when my total for today is 30,000 and yesterday's is 28,800, my sales for today would be 1,200. I want to write this to a new field but I just can't seen to get the net sales for the day. Here is some sample data. For daily sales for 6-24 I want to see 2,000, for 6-25 3,000, 6-26 3,500, and 6-27 3,500. I'm thinking a case when but can't seem to get it right.
(date_created date,
sales decimal (19,2))
INSERT INTO sales (date_created, sales)
VALUES ('6-23-15', '20000.00'),
('6-24-15', '22000.00'),
('6-25-15', '25000.00'),
('6-26-15', '28500.00'),
('6-27-15', '32000.00')
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Jul 26, 2013
My table contains 1000 records,
I need to know the total record count with the below paging query
SELECT EmpName,Place
FROM EmplyeeDetails ORDER BY Place
How to get?
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Apr 28, 2006
Hi, can anyone help?
I have created a Report using Visual studio-the report displays a subreport within it.
On the Subjective Report I have 12 values for each month of the year.
For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value), and I
have named this text box €™SubRepM1€™
The name of the subreport is €˜subreport1'.
On my Main Report, again I have 12 values for each month of the year.
For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value)*-1, and I
have named this text box 'MainRepM1'
The name of the main report is 'GMSHA Budget Adjustment Differentials'
The report displays both of the subreport and main report values
but I now need to total these values together for each month in order to
produce a grand total.
I have tried using the following to add the totals for Month 1 together,
=subreport1.Report.SubRepM1 + MainRepM1
but this does not work and I get the following error message €˜The value expression for the text box 'textbox18'contains an error [BC30451] Name subreport1 is not declared'.
I feel that it should be a simple matter of adding the two sets of values together but I€™m having major problems trying to get these totals to work.
Can anyone help, thanks
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Jul 20, 2005
Anyone has a "one sql statement" to get the total spaceused and totalspace allocated of an instance ? ie same as sum of relevance fieldsfrom sp_spaceused for each database in an instance, that works accrossversion of mssql from 6 onward.ThanksKD
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Apr 15, 2008
I m Maran. I am trying to write a SQL Query to retrieve the following report format. But I'm not sure how to go about it.
Input values:
Starting Date: 09/14/2007
End Date: 12/06/2007
Monthly Report :
Start Date - End Date - Number of companies
09/14/2007 - 09/30/2007 1
10/01/2007 - 10/31/2007 0
11/01/2007 - 11/30/2007 4
12/01/2007 - 12/06/2007 0
Please its very urgent, Plz do the needful help. Actually this same report format i was posted already and got some methodology, but its not satisfied my requirements :( :(
Used Table: CompanyHistorytrackTable
companyId changed_date
50198 2007-09-05 13:11:17.000
48942 2007-09-14 12:42:30.000
48945 2007-11-06 12:05:31.000
47876 2007-11-14 10:58:21.000
43278 2007-11-16 16:14:25.000
43273 2007-11-16 16:16:11.000
51695 2008-02-04 11:05:09.000
47876 2008-01-21 14:10:02.000
44604 2008-02-04 19:33:02.000
46648 2008-02-04 19:35:30.000
Software Engineer
Aspire Systems
Chennai - 600 028
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Aug 4, 2006
I recieve a monthly phone bill on cd. I am trying to autoimport these CD's into a SQL server database with a DTS in MSSQL 2000. I have noticed on the bills every so often they change the structure of one of the ACCESS DB tables by one row or something small.
I am trying to figure out how I can test the structure of the database before trying to do the actual imports, I want to do this so someone else can actually do the imports as we get the bills.
Is this a possibility? Or am I going about this all wrong?
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Jan 14, 2008
I need to run a script on a monthly basis (e.g at midnight on the last day of the month) which selects all the records from that calendar month. I have the below so far however as each month has a different number of days in it this will not work well. Are there any date/time criteria I can use in my tsql statement which will only select records from that month no matter how many days are in the month? I obviously need to move away from manually updating the script each month depending upon how many days are in the month!
SELECT *FROM UserLogwhere logtime >= (getdate() - 30)order by logtime asc
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Apr 5, 2008
Hi All,
I am Maran. Am facing the problem to retrieve the following format of output using the sql query. Is it possible 2 solve this.. I tried this, but i am unable to.
Input values:
Start Date: 2/17/2008
End Date : 5/8/2008
Output Format:
2/17/08 - 2/29/08 (Partial Month) 12
3/1/08 - 3/31/08 (Full month) 0
4/1/08 - 4/30/08 (Full month) 22
5/1/08 - 5/8/08 (Full month) 10
I want the above format of the monthly report. I really could use some help on this. thanks.
~ Maran
Software Engineer
Aspire Systems
Chennai - 600 028
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Mar 27, 2014
The Database will hold 2 tables. One of those includes dates. They are joint by a constraint using an ID. What i got to do is, store the tables in a different schema named after the month the data was created. I will have to keep the original tables aktive because this should work while accessing the tables but can flush the data to keep the database small. So i would end up with 2 tables in 1 schema for every month and the productive that keeps track of the current bookings.
I would have access to the enterprise edition if that changes anything at all.
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Jul 24, 2006
I need to create a report containing the headcounts of the employees for each month. The data I can retrieve from the database looks like this:
In order to get the right information for the report the information should be represented in the following way:
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
"April" 2005
(there should be more data in the 2nd table but it's a sliced representation of the data. Sliced by 2 report parameters: startdate (=1 January 2005) and enddate (=30 April 2005) )
I need some help about building up the query to aggregate the info from table1 to the format of table2.
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May 2, 2007
I have to set up a project in SQLServer Express that will allow the export of tables from multiple PC's running SQLServer Express each month.
These have to be loaded into a single identical database on SQLServer Express each month for combined reporting.
so its basicaly
insert update on PC
import overlaying last months data (handle dup keys from the other pc's etc)
I've had a look at the SQLServer replication docs and got confused....
So if anyone can point me at appropriate documentation, or suggest a good method for this it would be appreciated
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May 3, 2007
I have to set up a project in SQLServer Express that will allow the export of tables from multiple PC's running SQLServer Express each month.
These have to be loaded into a single identical database on SQLServer Express each month for combined reporting.
so its basicaly
insert update on PC
import overlaying last months data (handle dup keys from the other pc's etc)
I've had a look at the SQLServer replication docs and got confused....
Can I do this with replication ?
So if anyone can point me at appropriate documentation, or suggest a good method for this it would be appreciated
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Jan 14, 2007
I am using timeseries algorithm.I am training my model like the following
Date StudId Perf
5/1/2005 001 99
5/10/005 001 97.6
6/1/2005 001 94
6/10/2005 001 99
6/30/005 001 96
10/1/2005 001 100
Like that.
I need prediction Output like following
Date StudId Perf
10/1/2005 001 99
11/10/005 001 97.6
12/1/2005 001 94
1/10/2006 001 99
... how to write prediction query for this.
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May 27, 2002
I am looking for a script whichs exports data (by DTS?) into a flat file and store the files (according their date stamp in the transactions) with a name like 05_2002.txt, 06_2002.txt etc. The data in the table Transactions will be deleted after some time to prevent fast growing of this particular table.
Any idea?
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May 30, 2012
I need to calculate monthly absence days for an employee using SQL Server 2008.
Need to calculate the number of absence days for each month when start and end of the absence dates are given
INPUT: 01/15/2010 05/25/2010
Jan 16
Feb 28
Mar 31
APR 30
May 25
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