I have a column that contains the follwoing string I need to compare.
ek/df/cv/ ek/df/cv/f
All fields bfore the third / are not fixed but behind the third/ is eiter nothing or one letter I need a function to extract all the fields before the third / to compare if they are equal.
I can't do it by using the combination of Substring() and charindex() and Len()
select top 5000 textdata,substring(textdata,charindex('exec',textdata)+5,charindex('@',textdata)-1) from trace_table where TextData like '%sp_%' and TextData like '%declare%'
I am working with a large amount of text data in a single column. I am in the process of pumping that column of data into a delimited text file. The data in the column has new line characters that I need to remove. I need to data to be in a single line in the text file.
So far the things that I have tried are not working. What I try for removing the new line characters?
create table isin_code ( code varchar(5), code_desc varchar(255) ) go insert into isin_code values ('aaa','aäsas') go insert into isin_code values ('aaa','as╚as') go insert into isin_code values ('aaa','aâsas') go insert into isin_code values ('aaa','asas') go
I want to identify the list of alt codes available in the table.
So to fetch the data having only special characters in it, I used below query
Select * From Table Where Column Like '%[^0-9a-zA-Z]%' Escape ' '. Its returning both the records. Here I would like to fetch records for those Unicode characters only which are not within 00201 - 0070E [URL].
I want to create a function that searches for allowed characters within a table range (that contains the allowed characters) and replace any characters outside this range with a space.
For example -
'Bill123?', 'Jones12.z-' 'John&12/', 'QWERT123&4'
Wanted results – the single quotes are there to show the space for the replaced characters.
'Bill123 ' 'Jones12.z ' 'John&12 ' 'QWERT123 4'
Example SQL data
CREATE TABLE [Common].[AllowedCharacters] ( [Character] [varchar](1) NOT NULL, [Replacement] [varchar](10) NULL, [AlwaysInclude] [bit] NOT NULL) GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF
The function will wrap around the column names and I know it can be done without a table validate the characters but it must be done this way.
I am trying to replace all special characters in a column with one special character.
Table: dbo.Employee Column: Name Name ------- edwardneuman!"<] mikemoreno)'>$: JeffJensen"?>"
I am trying to get the namepart to the left of ANY special character. To achieve this, I am thinking of replacing all the special characters with a single special character so that I can find the first occurrence of that special character and grab left of the special character (SUBSTRING/CHARINDEX). This way I don't need to loop through all the special characters.
I am expecting the following results:
Name ------- edwardneuman<<<< mikemoreno<<<<< JeffJensen<<<<
For example we've got a row from [Formula_Calc] table 'F1+F3' as a string that needs to be transformed as 240+160=400
The below code works for the above example but if I pick 'F11+F3' instead , returns 2561 which comes from 2401+16. Probably replaces F1 value instead of F11 and adds 1st digit (1) if I got it right ...
DECLARE @formula NVARCHAR(100); DECLARE @Total NVARCHAR(100); SET @formula = 'F11+F3';
SELECT @formula = REPLACE(@formula,RowNo,Total) FROM [Totals]
In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message. How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?
Hi everybody, I would like to know if there is any property in sql2000 database to separate lowercase characters from uppercase characters. I mean not to take the values €˜child€™ and €˜Child€™ as to be the same. We are transferring our ingres database into sqlserver. In ingres we have these values but we consider them as different values. Can we have it in sqlserver too?
Hi all, I have just started using SQL7 and quite dumb at it. Here is my problem
i have tables ip_address and ip_subnets. both contains more than 20,000 records. Though ideally each subnet should correspond to only one ip address it is not so due to SMS inventory and remote clients configurations etc.
As an example If my ip address is I need to select only ( or atleast 141.151.128.*)as the valid subnet. In other words I need to compare upto 3rd octet and only if it matches with ip address then declare that as the valid subnet. Pls note that ip addresses vary for each machine though there will 4 octets, I can't use character positions as the nos in each octet might vary from 1-255.
Any help would be greatly appreciated Pasted here under is the query script I am playing around with charcter poistions which are not working in my favor. Just added to explain my problems in more clearer way select distinct system_data.name0, System_IP_Address_ARR.ip_addresses0, System_IP_subnets_Arr.ip_subnets0, system_disc.client0 from system_Data, System_IP_Address_ARR, system_ip_subnets_arr, system_disc where system_data.machineid = System_IP_Address_ARR.itemkey and system_data.machineid = system_ip_subnets_arr.itemkey and system_data.machineid = system_disc.itemkey and system_disc.client0 = 1 and substring(System_IP_Address_ARR.ip_addresses0,1,10 ) = substring(System_IP_subnets_ARR.ip_subnets0,1,10) and substring(System_IP_Address_ARR.ip_addresses0,10,1 ) = '.' and System_IP_subnets_ARR.ip_subnets0 not in ('11%.%.%.%','12%.%.%.%', '10%.%.%.%' , '10.%.%.%' , '1.%.%.%') order by System_DATA.name0
I need help seperating a name from first name and last name
The field is like this,
last name, first name example Doe, John I need to seperate the last name from the , to the first character and the last name from the , to the last character.
I think I have to use a substring but not sure how tell it to stop and start when it gets to the comma.
I an trying gto devide this one field that contains city state and zip into 3 seperate columns. The Column right now looks like this:
Coulumn1 ------------------------------- SOUTH EL MONTE CA91733617 BOSSIER LA71172 GARDENA CA90249107 MILWAUKEE WI53216 PARIS IL61944 DUQUOIN IL62832 REDWOOD FALLS MN56283 AUBURN ME04210
I tryed this:
use cimpro1 select substring(cust_shipto_addr_l3, 1, 19) as 'City', substring(cust_shipto_addr_l3, 20, 21) as 'State', substring (cust_shipto_addr_l3, 22, 31) as 'Zip' from opcshto
For some reason, when I run the query I get this for State:
State ------------------------- CA91733617 LA71172 CA90249107 WI53216 IL61944 IL62832 MN56283 ME04210
When I use the substring to only pull characters 20 and 21 it pulls everything startign at 20. I just want it to select character position 20 ans 21 for the state. As far as the substring for City and Zip, everything comes out fine. Its just State that I am having trouble with.
iam trying to write a string function which will give me the id part of a mail id but iam geting the string along with @ and when iam trying to remove the last char (@) iam getting error
query: select substring(leadassignedtombemail,1,(CHARINDEX('@', leadassignedtombemail))) from lead_details -----> Gives me id along with @
select substring(leadassignedtombemail,1,(CHARINDEX('@', leadassignedtombemail) - 1)) from lead_details ------------>gives me error "Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function."
But select (CHARINDEX('@', leadassignedtombemail) - 1) from lead_details works and gives me the length of id without counting @
i am trying to get the last name of the customer, but my db has the names stored as (first,middle, last) order in a single field. i am using the statment: ,RIGHT(ActCustName,LEN(ActCustName) - CHARINDEX(' ',ActCustName) ) AS LAST
but it only works if the customer does not have a middle name, otherwise it returs the middle+last as the last name. what should i do/ any ideas??? here is my code
select ActPrjMgr ,ActEmpId ,ActEmpName ,ActCustName ,RIGHT(ActCustName,LEN(ActCustName) - CHARINDEX(' ',ActCustName) ) AS LAST ,ActPrjCode ,left(ActPrjType,2) as Status ,ActEmpTaskCode ,left(ActBillingPeriod,11)as ppedate ,left(ActivityDate,11) as actdate ,ActTimevalue from dbo.ACTIVITIES where ActBudCat = 'labor' and ActBillingPeriod = '11/17/2006' and actprjcode <> ' ' and actprjcode is not null --and ActBillingPeriod = @StartDate order by ActPrjMgr ,ActEmpID ,ActEmpTaskCode ,ActivityDate
In my status table I m having field like Actionby (COLUMN NAME) ------------------- TravelDept TravelDept Approver FinanceDept TravelDept(xyz@yahoo.com)
I m having mail id along with TravelDept in some rows. I want to retreive rows containing TravelDept.When i am retreving i wnat to retreive value 'TravelDept' which is having mail id also. i have written one query,but its retreving only the value which is having mail id. i want to retreive TravelDept value with mail id and Only TravelDept values also. my query is: select replace(SUBSTRING(S.Actionby,CHARINDEX('',S.Actionby,1) , CHARINDEX('(',S.Actionby,1)+0 ),')', '') from status S; But this query retreiving only 1 row only insteadof 3 rows. Total 3 rows having TravelDept value.I want to retreive all these 3 rows. please help me.