T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Parse A String To Equal Length Sub-strings

Jan 28, 2015

How to parse a string to equal length substrings in SQL

I am getting a long concatenated string from a query (CTVALUE1) and have to use the string in where clause by parsing every 6 characters..

[ID] [char](10) NULL,
[name] [char](10) NULL,
[CTVALUE1] [char](80) NULL
select * from ptemp

after parsing I have to use these values in a where clause like this


Now ,the values can change I mean the string may give 5 values(6 character) today and 10 tomorrow..So the parsing should be dynamic.

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Parse And Format Name Strings.

Oct 16, 2005

Please let me know if you come across any name strings this function cannot parse.
CREATE function FormatName(@NameString varchar(100), @NameFormat varchar(20))
returns varchar(100) as
--blindman, 11/04
--FormatName parses a NameString into its component parts and returns it in a requested format.
--@NameString is the raw value to be parsed.
--@NameFormat is a string that defines the output format. Each letter in the string represents
--a component of the name in the order that it is to be returned.
--[H] = Full honorific
--[h] = Abbreviated honorific
--[F] = First name
--[f] = First initial
--[M] = Middle name
--[m] = Middle initial
--[L] = Last name
--[l] = Last initial
--[S] = Full suffix
--[s] = Abbreviated suffix
--[.] = Period
--[,] = Comma
--[ ] = Space

--Example: select dbo.Formatname('Reverend Gregory Robert Von Finzer Junior', 'L, h. F m. s.')
--Result: 'Von Finzer, Rev. Gregory R. Jr.'

--Test variables
-- declare@NameString varchar(50)
-- declare@NameFormat varchar(20)
-- set@NameFormat = 'L, h. F m. s.'
-- set@NameString = 'Reverend Gregory Robert Von Finzer Junior'

Declare@Honorific varchar(20)
Declare@FirstName varchar(20)
Declare@MiddleName varchar(30)
Declare@LastName varchar(30)
Declare@Suffix varchar(20)
Declare@TempString varchar(100)
Declare@IgnorePeriod char(1)

--Prepare the string
--Make sure each period is followed by a space character.
set@NameString = rtrim(ltrim(replace(@NameString, '.', '. ')))
--Eliminate double-spaces.
while charindex(' ', @NameString) > 0 set @NameString = replace(@NameString, ' ', ' ')
--Eliminate periods
while charindex('.', @NameString) > 0 set @NameString = replace(@NameString, '.', '')

--If the lastname is listed first, strip it off.
set@TempString = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString)))
if@TempString in ('VAN', 'VON', 'MC', 'Mac', 'DE') set @TempString = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString, len(@TempString)+2)))
ifright(@TempString, 1) = ',' set @LastName = left(@TempString, len(@TempString)-1)
iflen(@LastName) > 0 set@NameString = ltrim(right(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

--Get rid of any remaining commas
while charindex(',', @NameString) > 0 set @NameString = replace(@NameString, ',', '')

--Get Honorific and strip it out of the string
set@TempString = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString + ' ')))
if@TempString in ('MR', 'MRS', 'MS', 'DR', 'Doctor', 'REV', 'Reverend', 'SIR', 'HON', 'Honorable', 'CPL', 'Corporal', 'SGT', 'Sergeant', 'GEN', 'General', 'CMD', 'Commander', 'CPT', 'CAPT', 'Captain', 'MAJ', 'Major', 'PVT', 'Private', 'LT', 'Lieutenant', 'FATHER', 'SISTER') set @Honorific = @TempString
iflen(@Honorific) > 0 set@NameString = ltrim(right(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

--Get Suffix and strip it out of the string
set@TempString = ltrim(right(@NameString, charindex(' ', Reverse(@NameString) + ' ')))
if@TempString in ('Jr', 'Sr', 'II', 'III', 'Esq', 'Junior', 'Senior') set @Suffix = @TempString
iflen(@Suffix) > 0 set @NameString = rtrim(left(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

if @LastName is null
--Get LastName and strip it out of the string
set@LastName = ltrim(right(@NameString, charindex(' ', Reverse(@NameString) + ' ')))
set@NameString = rtrim(left(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@LastName)))
--Check to see if the last name has two parts
set@TempString = ltrim(right(@NameString, charindex(' ', Reverse(@NameString) + ' ')))
if@TempString in ('VAN', 'VON', 'MC', 'Mac', 'DE')
set @LastName = @TempString + ' ' + @LastName
set @NameString = rtrim(left(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

--Get FirstName and strip it out of the string
set@FirstName = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString + ' ')))
set@NameString = ltrim(right(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@FirstName)))

--Anything remaining is MiddleName
set@MiddleName = @NameString

--Create the output string
set@TempString = ''
while len(@NameFormat) > 0
if @IgnorePeriod = 'F' or left(@NameFormat, 1) <> '.'
set @IgnorePeriod = 'F'
set @TempString = @TempString +
case ascii(left(@NameFormat, 1))
when '72' then case @Honorific
when 'Dr' then 'Doctor'
when 'Rev' then 'Reverend'
when 'Hon' then 'Honorable'
when 'Maj' then 'Major'
when 'Pvt' then 'Private'
when 'Lt' then 'Lieutenant'
when 'Capt' then 'Captain'
when 'Cpt' then 'Captain'
when 'Cmd' then 'Commander'
when 'Gen' then 'General'
when 'Sgt' then 'Sergeant'
when 'Cpl' then 'Corporal'
else isnull(@Honorific, '')
when '70' then isnull(@FirstName, '')
when '77' then isnull(@MiddleName, '')
when '76' then isnull(@LastName, '')
when '83' then case @Suffix
when 'Jr' then 'Junior'
when 'Sr' then 'Senior'
when 'Esq' then 'Esquire'
else isnull(@Suffix, '')
when '104' then case @Honorific
when 'Doctor' then 'Dr'
when 'Reverend' then 'Rev'
when 'Honorable' then 'Hon'
when 'Major' then 'Maj'
when 'Private' then 'Pvt'
when 'Lieutenant' then 'Lt'
when 'Captain' then 'Capt'
when 'Cpt' then 'Capt'
when 'Commander' then 'Cmd'
when 'General' then 'Gen'
when 'Sergeant' then 'Sgt'
when 'Corporal' then 'Cpl'
else isnull(@Honorific, '')
when '102' then isnull(left(@FirstName, 1), '')
when '109' then isnull(left(@MiddleName, 1), '')
when '108' then isnull(left(@LastName, 1), '')
when '115' then case @Suffix
when 'Junior' then 'Jr'
when 'Senior' then 'Sr'
when 'Esquire' then 'Esq'
else isnull(@Suffix, '')
when '46' then case right(@TempString, 1)
when ' ' then ''
else '.'
when '44' then case right(@TempString, 1)
when ' ' then ''
else ','
when '32' then case right(@TempString, 1)
when ' ' then ''
else ' '
else ''
if ((ascii(left(@NameFormat, 1)) = 72 and @Honorific in ('FATHER', 'SISTER'))
or (ascii(left(@NameFormat, 1)) = 115 and @Suffix in ('II', 'III')))
set @IgnorePeriod = 'T'
set @NameFormat = right(@NameFormat, len(@NameFormat) - 1)

Return @TempString

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SQL Server 2012 :: Equal Comparison Of Strings

Jun 10, 2014

Is there a limit on the size of the strings on both sides of the '=' sign for string comparison? If I have two varchar(max) strings, will the comparison be done beyond 8,000 characters?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Procedure Parameter Length Declaration Less Than Column Length?

Jun 30, 2014

is there any way or a tool to identify if in procedure the Parameter length was declarated less than table Column length ..

I have a table

CREATE TABLE TEST001 (KeyName Varchar(100) ) a procedure
WHERE KeyName = @KeyName
KeyName = @KeyName

Here table Column with 100 char length "KeyName" was compared with SP parameter "@KeyName" with length 40 char ..

IS there any way to find out all such usage on the ALL Procedures in the Database ?

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Parse Strings To Get Selected Output

Nov 26, 2009

I have a field with following value :

Description varchar(500))
INSERT INTO [TESTTABLE].[dbo].[Example] ([Description])
VALUES ('hello This is a test query.

[Code] ....

I want to extract three things from the above data stored ina single field

1. LAST NAME (All characters before COMMA till a special character is met)
2. FIRST NAME (All characters AFTER COMMA till a special character is met)
2. ID (All numbers after the word ID. Ignore all special characters before and after the numbers)

The Output will be :

John Doe 123456
John Doe 123456
John Doe 123456

How can I use substrings to extract this data in SQL 2005

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Parse XML Strings In SQL Text Field

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to build a query on a SQL2000 text field which contains XMLstring. The query is like "select requestnumber from history whererequestnumber is like '%re1%'". As you can see in the following samplerecords, the xml string has database structure and the requestnumber isa node of the XML. I wonder if it is possible to have SQL server parsethis field and allow me to do the query. If not, any suggestion wouldbe appreciated as to how to store XML data in SQL2000. I am not sureif I misused the SQL2000 XML feature correctly. So far I pass the rawquery result to ADO and manipulate it in XMLDOM.The table is to capture history of changes in any record in mydatabase. So I need to keep it simple so any record from any table canbe stored in here. The structure of the table is like this:sysObjectNumber(int, not null)recordKeyValues(char(30), not null)archiveTime(datetime, not null)history(text, null)A sample record would be like the following:sysObjectNumber recordKeyValues arvhiveTime History=============== =============== =========== =======1728725211 ABC 2005-03-25 8:09:56.700<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain></remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>null</threshhold><usedby>user1</usedby></history>1728725211 ABC 2005-03-28 11:01:14.407<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain></remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>4</threshhold><usedby>user2</usedby></history>1728725211 ABC 2005-03-28 11:46:12.723<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain>4</remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>4</threshhold><usedby>user1</usedby></history>1728725211 ABC 2005-03-28 11:46:35.273<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain>4</remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>4</threshhold><usedby>user4</usedby></history>

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Joining Where Values Do Not Equal One Another

Apr 23, 2014

I have two select statements; one for open purchase orders, one for open customer orders. I would like to be able to combine the query based on i.item in the top statement joined with c.item from the bottom statement. The i.item is related to a specific c.item, but they do not have the same values. In this case I want to join based on.

p.item=i.item where

left side coming from p.item = right side coming from c.item.

Here are my statements.

--#1 OPEN PO's
SELECT p.item
,(p.qty_ordered-p.qty_received) as POQtyRemaining

[Code] ....

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DataType Storing Strings Of Variable Length ?

Aug 22, 2007

Hello guys!

I am looking for the best DataType that makes it possible to store strings of variable length (from 15 to 300 caracters, rarely longer).

Thanks a lot for any help !


my favorit hoster is ASPnix : www.aspnix.com !

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Zero Length Strings Showing Up As A Space In Views Linked In Access

Jun 28, 2000

Zero Length Strings Showing up as a Space in Views linked in Access

I have code being converted from a SQL 6.5 DB to SQL 7; SQL 7 does not concantenate NULLS like in 6.5, so i have replaced all occurances of concantenated NULLs with zero-length strings (''s); in SQL, the view displays the zero-length strings properly, but when i view the linked view in Access97, the zero-length strings are displayed as spaces; is this a SQL problem or an Access Problem? Is there a solution?

Example of display:
10132 Hampton, VA: A. Deepak Publishing

THEN ', ' + State ELSE '' END + ': ' ELSE ''
END + Publisher
FROM tblLibraryPublishers

When view is linked in Access97, the display will be:
10132 Hampton, VA : A. Deepak Publishing
(this spacing can produce a number of lookup/search problems if only the Publisher name is displayed because a space is added to the beginning of the Publisher name)

Thank you!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Split The Column And Parse Values

Aug 18, 2014

I have a column with the following information in it. I need to split the column and parse the values. I have Parsed one single values from but, not multiple times.


MR1 -Model Code,
4.0 - Percentage,
true - isAbs,
2.0 - AppliedValue --> This is Actual amount applied as tax.
USD - Currency

For the example provide , the totalTaxValue would be 2.0 + 1.5+0.0+0.19 = 3.69

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Function To Parse Each Command In The Table

Nov 19, 2014

I am debugging a DB maintance script which creates a table of index maintainance commands which are created separately for each index according to the level of fragmentation and other factors.

For the debugging process, I'm looking for a way to parse each command in the table without actually running them to locate any syntax errors. In other words, as if you clicked the blue check on each one.

Does such a function exist in SQL 2008 (the version I'm doing this on) or other versions?

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Equal Between A String And A Table Atribute?

Oct 25, 2007

have a if statement and a table with 2 atributes. They are description
and date. I will check if there is in the table some date like
01-01-2008.String test "01-01-2008";if (test.Equals(here I will a SELECT query like SELECT date FROM appointmentTable)){
textbox1.text = "The description on this date is: " + Here I will the descripton of the selected date

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Function To Parse A String

Mar 13, 2008

Hope someone can help... I need a function to parse a string using a beginning character parameter and an ending character parameter and extract what is between them. For example.....

Here is the sample string: MFD-2fdr4.zip

CREATE FUNCTION Parse(String, '-' , '.')

and it shoud return 2fdr4

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Parse A String Using Charindex

Jan 15, 2008


I've the following query. I'm using the yellow highlighted to join 2 tables, as these tables dont have a relationship between them.
The format of the name field is 'AAAA-BBBBBB-123'
here A will be only 4 chars, followed by '-' B can be any number of chars again followed by '-' and the last is the id which I'm using to do a join. This query will fail if the id is just 1 digit as its taking the last 3 chars as the id.
I dont know how to get the id from the right using charindex. Charindex would search for the first occurence of '-' from the right and get the chars after hypen i.e 123. How can this be achieved?

name AS 'name',
sequence AS 'num'
FirstTable A
INNER JOIN SecondTable q
ON (CONVERT(INT,RIGHT(name,3))= a.id)
INNER JOIN ThridTable t
ON(t.id = q.id)
INNER JOIN FourthTable s
ON (q.name = s.name )
WHERE A.id = @ID
AND t.name=LEFT(s.name,((CHARINDEX('-',s.name))-1))
ORDER BY 'ID','num'

One more question on this is: Is this a good way of joining tables? If I dont use this I've a very large query containing unions. Which one should be bug-free and more efficient?


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Nested CASE To Parse A String

Feb 6, 2006

I am attempting to create a view to bring together multiple joined tables based ona one to many relationship

Eg Table1 contains code, address
Table2 contains code, financial details
table3 contains code, financial history

This view is then going to be used to update a table with only one record for each 'code'. i.e. NewTable = code, add1, add2, city, prov, postal, financialvalue, history value1, history value2

My current stumbling block is:

One of the fields in table1 is a free format address field (address).
eg. could be (street addres, city prov, postal)
could be (street address 1, address2, address 3, city prov, postal)

I want to be able to assign individual components of the address to corresponding fields

if # of commas = 2 then
address1 = substring(address,1, position of first comma)
cityprov = substring(address,possition of first comma, position of second comman)
postal = substring(address rest of field)

I have a UDF which returns the number of commas but I cannot figure out how to use either a nested case statement to parse the string...

ANy ideas on how best to accompish this?
( this table is needed for some leacy software which can only handle one record with all infor....


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Parse Out All Email Addresses In A String

Jul 23, 2013

I have a string like this one in my column

Mike@yahoo.com, Bill@aol.com, Dan@yahoo.com, Frank@gmail.com

In my result set I need to display all email addresses that do not have the @yahoo.com domain.

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Parse A Numeric String From A Field

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,I'm trying to parse for a numeric string from a column in a table. WhatI'm looking for is a numeric string of a fixed length of 8.The column is a comments field and can contain the numeric string inany positionHere's an example of the values in the column1) Fri KX 3-21-98 5:48 P.M. arrival Cxled ATRI #27068935 3-17-982) wed.kx10/26 Netrez 95860536Now I need to parse through these lines and return only the 8 digitnumbers in itThe result set should be2706893595860536This is what I've done so farDeclare @tmp table(Comments_Txt varchar(255))Insert into @tmpselect Comments_Txt from Reservationselect * FROM @tmp where Comments_Txtlike ('%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0**9]%')But it returns the entire comments field in the result set. What I needis a way to return just those 8 digits.Any Ideas??Thanks in advance!!!

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Parse Long String To Columns

Dec 31, 2007

I have a column with varchar(2000) that contains events with time-stamps. The data looks something like this for a record:

03:14:46: abc 03:14:47: def 03:14:59: xyz 03:15:17: zzz

I would like to parse out each time-stamp and event to a separate columns, like

col1= 03:14:46: abc
col2= 03:14:47: def
col3= 03:14:59: xyz
col4= 03:15:17: zzz

The number of events are dynamic so number of time-stamps with events can be anything from 2-30 of them.

Anyone would suggest how I can resolve this?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Parse A String Every 6 Letters

Jan 28, 2015

How to parse a string to equal length substrings in SQL

I am getting a long concatenated string from a query (CTVALUE1) and have to use the string in where clause by parsing every 6 characters..

[ID] [char](10) NULL,
[name] [char](10) NULL,
[CTVALUE1] [char](80) NULL

select * from ptemp

After parsing I have to use these values in a where clause like this


Now ,the values can change I mean the string may give 5 values(6 character) today and 10 tomorrow.. So the parsing should be dynamic.

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Trigger To Parse A String From Insert Statement

Mar 22, 2006

I have two tables:tb_news---story_id-productlisttb_lookup---story_id-productwhen an insert command is run on tb_news, productlist field ispopulated with a value such as 'abc, def, de'when this happens, i need tb_lookup to be populated with seperaterecords for each product in productlist and the story_id from tb_news.Example:INSERT INTO tb_news (story_id, product_list)VALUES (12345, 'abc, def, de')Results:tb_news--12345, 'abc, def, de'tb_lookup--12345, 'abc'12345, 'def'12345, 'de'Ideally, I would like this to use recursion and give me tha ability tochange the delimiter at any time (might not always be a comma). someproducts may have a period in them. number of products is unknown andmight be 0 (field may be empty or NULL).

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How To Parse A String Column With Comma Delimited

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I would like to parse out each value that is seperatedby a comma in a field and use that value to join to another table.What would be the easiest way to do so without having towrite a function or routine ?EX.Table AAACOL1 COL21 11, 124, 1562 11, 505, 600, 700, ...Table BBBCOL1 COL211 Desc11124 Desc124156 Desc 156

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Can You Parse Out A Text String &> 8000 Chars Long??

Mar 30, 2005

Any way to parse out a text value (not varChar, using text data type) that is > than 8000 characters long? I'm looping through 1 big string passed to the DB that is pipe delimited, but I find myself needing the substring function to keep track of which segment I'm acting on (after an update, I then need to take that segment and remove it from the string)...but the subString function won't take anything larger than 8000 chars.

Say I have this string that is text data type...


..and so on, surpassing 8000 char length, how could you parse it out using the pipes as the delimter, then do an Update using that segment? Afterward, return to that string and find the next segment, then use it, and so on (in a loop). I tried using an update to set the string = replace(string, segmentJustUsed, '') to "erase" it, but replace can't take text as the datatype. Any help? Hope this isn't to confusing.

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Stored Procedure To Parse Delimited String To Table?

Apr 10, 2015

SP to parse a delimited string and insert the result in a table. I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. I have 2 tables - RawData & WIP. I have Robots on a manufacturing line capable of moving data to a DB. I move the raw data to RawData. On insert [RawData], I want to parse the string and move the contents to WIP as indicated below. I will run reports against the WIP Table.

Also, after the string is parsed, I'd like to change the Archive column, the _0 at the end of the raw string to 1 in the WIP table to indicate a successful parse.

Sample Strings - [RawData Table]
04102015_114830_10_013_9_8_6_99999_Test 1_1_0
04102015_115030_10_013_9_8_6_99999_Test 2_1_0

Desired Output - [WIP Table]

Date Time Plant Program Line Zone Station BadgeID Message Alarm Archive
04102015 114830 10 13 9 8 6 99999 Test 1 1 1
04102015 115030 10 13 9 8 6 99999 Test 2 1 1

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Preserving The Total Field Length?

Jun 24, 2014

I have a field Char(10) named bank, and another one Char(15) named namebank.

I need to create a TSQL query, but i need to preserve the white space on my first field named bank and concatenate with the other namebank, this last i dont need white space.

B001 Bank 123

How can accomplish this query.

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How To Show Two Dataset With Equal &&amp; Non Equal Of Multiple Selection.

Jun 14, 2006

Dear Friends,

In my report, I am having Listbox for users to choose Country, City & Company.
The user can choose Country. Based on the country selection, cities will be listed out.
Based on the city selection, Companies will be listed out.
They can choose companies.

Now, I have to show two set of results.

A. List of Companies as per selection ( dataset with equal to selection )

B. List of Companies which are not selected ( ie dataset with not equal to selection )

I have created a dataset with all companies and filter it by selection. When I tried with the filter option in the Dataset, I am able to check for only one value and not for multiple value. If the selection is one company, then I can filter it. But if they choose 5 companies, I am not not able to filter it. Is there any other option I can try out.

Please advice. Thanks.

warm regards

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SQL Server 2008 :: Using Left And Charindex To Parse String / Getting Rid Of Rest Of Data

Jun 16, 2015

I am trying to erase some erroneous bad data in my table. The description column has a lot of </div>oqwiroiweuru</a> weird data attached to it, i want to keep the data to the left of where the </div> erroneous data begins

update MyTable
set Description = LEFT(Description(CHARINDEX('<',Description)-1)) where myid = 1

that totally works.

update MyTable
set Description = LEFT(Description(CHARINDEX('<',Description)-1)) where myid >= 2

gives me a Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. The statement has been terminated error.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Extract Strings Saved In Column Into HTML Files

Oct 12, 2015

I am working in an environment where i inherited bad design. I have a column in a table. This col contains huge HTML files. We are mostly reading these files and very little updates.

I am changing this whole architecture and going to using Azure Blob storage. I am stuck right now. I need to extract these html strings and save them into separate files in year/month/day/filename.html format. I have another column in the table which has create date saved in it.

I am planning to import all these files into BLOB storage and save link in the table.

1) How can i extract these strings from the table and save them in the year/month/day/filename.html directory/sub-directory format

2) How to import these files into BLOB storage.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: When Script Out A Stored Procedure It Encloses Strings In Double Quotes

Jul 10, 2014

All of a sudden hen I script out a Stored Procedure it encloses strings (edit) in Double Quotes?

For example ANDPromo.[Group] IN (''FL_Small'',''FL_Large'')

Also it generates this code that I do not want. I just was Create Procedure...

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_IncentiveReport]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'

What options do I need to set?

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String Length In DTS

Jun 8, 2006


I am quite new in DTS and I want to calculate the length of a string. I am trying to use ActiveX script - Java Script and here is my code

if(length(DTSSource("MaNo")) ==5). It parse fine but when I run a test it brings an error "Error Description: Object Expected"

Please help

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Returning String Length

Jul 23, 2005

I need to write a query that tells me which string values are empty orblank in a table.Is it possible to return the length of the string contained in characterfield?

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SQL Ce 3.5 &&amp; DataSet -&&> String Length??

Oct 10, 2007


I create a dataset from a sqlce 3.5 database (I drag-dropped the tables of the database on the DataSet).

And when I try to put a text with more than 4000 characters in the dataset, it throw me an exception ....

--> I tried to insert this text directly in sql ce and it works well! So I think that the DataSet has a limitation?? But the maxlength of the string coloumn of the dataset is set to 536870911

Do you have an idea about this problem?

thx for help and sorry for my bad english


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Updating The String Removing The Strings.

May 20, 2008

I have to write a query to update the table to remove dots .... from the string value.
so i could write.

UPDATE tbaddress
SET Title='New address'
WHERE Title='New address....'

but, there could be more than this specific record in the table, so i have to find each single record to do this. Is there a way to update the table so I can just remove the .... but rest of the text remain.


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Display String Having Length Greater Than 255

Jun 7, 2006

I have a created a table and entered data into the table as follows:

CREATE TABLE t ( id INT , txtcol varchar(1000) )


Now if i select data using the query below the txtcol field displays only 255 characters :


Y is this happening?

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