T-SQL (SS2K8) :: INSERT Only When Value Has Been Updated?
Oct 14, 2014
I have database that holds column depicting various events and the last time that the event occurred.I query the database and I get a result like this:
Event Update Time
Event A 2014-10-14 00:35:00.000
Event B 2014-10-14 01:30:00.000
Event C 2014-10-14 00:35:00.000
Event L 2100-01-01 00:00:00.000..I would like to create another database to hold the various timestamps for each event. Some of these events happen every 2 minutes, others hourly, daily or monthly.I can query the source every minute. I do not want duplicate entries in the destination when the 'Update Time' has not been updated. Is it better to query the destination for the latest 'Update Time' value and only INSERT the new record when the time has been updated or just put a UNIQUE constraint on the Event and UpdateTime columns?
I have written an update, if i see the execution plan of that update, it is showing the Non Clustered index are updated. I am not able to understand the fact, that when there was no change in Leaf level root data how does Non clustered index got updated.
We are getting data feed from Oracle database in our project. Everyday we will need to track if any rows got inserted/updated/deleted in the source and get that update right into our data warehouse.
Currently we are taking a dump of the required table (as it is) to our staging DB and comparing it with previous day data to track the changes (column by column comparison). This approach is working currently but has performance bottleneck. There is no tracking column (eg. last modified date or time) in source that will give us any idea of what got changed. Also there is no identity key or primary key in the source data.
Is there a way in SQL Server to get that inserted/updated records only instead of comparing column by column to track the changes?
i have Two tables... with both the table having LastUpdated Column. And, in my Select Query i m using both the table with inner join.And i want to show the LastUpdated column which has the maxiumum date value. i.e. ( latest Updated Column value).
I'm using a Merge statement to update/insert values into a table. The Source is not a table, but the parameters from a Powershell script. I am not using the Primary Key to match on, but rather the Computer Name (FullComputerName).
I am looking on how-to return the Primary Key (ComputerPKID) of an updated record as "chained" scripts will require a Primary Key, new or used.As an aside: the code below does return the newly generated Primary Key of an Inserted record.
I need to create a trigger to save every record which has been updated in a table (e.g. "Contacts") into another (e.g. "Shadow_contacts). So basically something like a versioning on database level. I have no experience with it and any precise hints/solutions would be very appreciated
How do I insert unrelated statistical data from three tables into another table that already exist with data using an insert or update stored procedure? OR... How do I write an insert/Update stored procedure that has multiple select and a where something = something statements?
This is what I have so far and it do and insert and does work and I have no idea where to begin to do an update stored procedure like this....
CREATE PROCEDURE AddDrawStats AS INSERT Drawing (WinnersWon,TicketsPlayed,Players,RegisterPlayers)
SELECT WinnersWon = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Winner W INNER JOIN DrawSetting DS ON W.DrawingID = DS.CurrentDrawing WHERE W.DrawingID = DS.CurrentDrawing),
TicketsPlayed = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Ticket T INNER JOIN Student S ON T.AccountID = S.AccountID WHERE T.Active = 1),
Players = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Ticket T INNER JOIN Student S ON T.AccountID = S.AccountID WHERE T.AccountID = S.AccountID ),
RegisterPlayers = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Student S WHERE S.AccountID = S.AccountID )
FROM DrawSetting DS INNER JOIN Drawing D ON DS.CurrentDrawing = D.DrawingID
Using MS SQL 2000I have a stored procedure that processes an XML file generated from anAudit program. The XML looks somewhat like this:<ComputerScan><scanheader><ScanDate>somedate&time</ScanDate><UniqueID>MAC address</UniqueID></scanheader><computer><ComputerName>RyanPC</ComputerName></computer><scans><scan ID = "1.0" Section= "Basic Overview"><scanattributes><scanattribute ID="" ParentID=""Name="NetworkDomian">MSHOMe</scanattribute>scanattribute ID = "" ParentID="", etc etc....This is the Update portion of the sproc....CREATE PROCEDURE csTest.StoredProcedure1 (@doc ntext)ASDECLARE @iTree intDECLARE @assetid intDECLARE @scanid intDECLARE @MAC nvarchar(50)CREATE TABLE #temp (ID nvarchar(50), ParentID nvarchar(50), Namenvarchar(50), scanattribute nvarchar(50))/* SET NOCOUNT ON */EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iTree OUTPUT, @docINSERT INTO #tempSELECT * FROM openxml(@iTree,'ComputerScan/scans/scan/scanattributes/scanattribute', 1)WITH(ID nvarchar(50) './@ID',ParentID nvarchar(50) './@ParentID',Name nvarchar(50) './@Name',scanattribute nvarchar(50) '.')SET @MAC = (select UniqueID from openxml(@iTree, 'ComputerScan',1)with(UniqueID nvarchar(30) 'scanheader/UniqueID'))IF EXISTS(select MAC from tblAsset where MAC = @MAC)BEGINUPDATE tblAsset set DatelastScanned = (select ScanDate fromopenxml(@iTree, 'ComputerScan', 1)with(ScanDate smalldatetime'scanheader/ScanDate')),LastModified = getdate() where MAC =@MACUPDATE tblScan set ScanDate = (select ScanDate fromopenxml(@iTree,'ComputerScan', 1)with(ScanDate smalldatetime 'scanheader/ScanDate')),LastModified = getdate() where MAC =@MACUPDATE tblScanDetail set GUIID = #temp.ID, GUIParentID =#temp.ParentID, AttributeValue = #temp.scanattribute, LastModified =getdate()FROM tblScanDetail INNER JOIN #tempON (tblScanDetail.GUIID = #temp.ID ANDtblScanDetail.GUIParentID =#temp.ParentID AND tblScanDetail.AttributeValue = #temp.scanattribute)WHERE MAC = @MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHERE IT SCREWS UP, THIS NEXT INSERTSTATEMENT IS SUPPOSE TO HANDLE attributes THAT WERE NOT IN THE PREVIOUSSCAN SO CAN NOT BE UDPATED BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXISTYET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!INSERT INTO tblScanDetail (MAC, GUIID, GUIParentID,ScanAttributeID,ScanID, AttributeValue, DateCreated, LastModified)SELECT @MAC, b.ID, b.ParentID,tblScanAttribute.ScanAttributeID,@scanid, b.scanattribute, DateCreated = getdate(), LastModified =getdate()FROM tblScanDetail LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp a ON(tblScanDetail.GUIID =a.ID AND tblScanDetail.GUIParentID = a.ParentID ANDtblScanDetail.AttributeValue = a.scanattribute), tblScanAttribute JOIN#temp b ON tblScanAttribute.Name = b.NameWHERE (tblScanDetail.GUIID IS NULL ANDtblScanDetail.GUIParentID ISNULL AND tblScanDetail.AttributeValue IS NULL)ENDELSEBEGINHere are a few table defintions to maybe help out a little too...if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[FK_tblScan_tblAsset]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsForeignKey') = 1)ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblScan] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_tblScan_tblAssetGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[tblAsset]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[tblAsset]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblAsset] ([AssetID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL ,[AssetName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[AssetTypeID] [int] NULL ,[MAC] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[DatelastScanned] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[NextScanDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[DateCreated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[LastModified] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[Deleted] [bit] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO-----------------------------if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[tblScan]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[tblScan]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblScan] ([ScanID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL ,[AssetID] [int] NULL ,[ScanDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[AssetName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[MAC] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[DateCreated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[LastModified] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[Deleted] [bit] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO----------------------------if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[tblScanDetail]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[tblScanDetail]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblScanDetail] ([ScanDetailID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOTNULL ,[ScanID] [int] NULL ,[ScanAttributeID] [int] NULL ,[MAC] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[GUIID] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOT NULL,[GUIParentID] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[AttributeValue] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[DateCreated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[LastModified] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[Deleted] [bit] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO------------------------------------------------------------My problem is that Insert statement that follows the update intotblScanDetail, for some reason it just seems to insert everything twiceif the update is performed. Not sure what I did wrong but any helpwould be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'm working on inserting data into a table in a database. The table has two separate triggers, one for insert and one for update (I don't like it this way, but that's how it's been for years). When there is a normal insert, done via a program, it looks like the triggers work fine. When I run an insert manually via a script, the first insert trigger will run, but the update trigger will fail. I narrowed down the issue to a root cause.
This root issue is due to both triggers using the same temporary table name. When the second trigger runs, there's an error stating that a few columns don't exist. I went to my test server and test db and changed the update trigger so that the temporary table is different than the insert trigger temporary table, the triggers work fine. The weird thing is that if the temporary table already exists, when the second trigger tries to create the temporary table, I would expect it to fail and say that it already exists.I'm probably just going to update the trigger tonight and change the temporary table name.
Hi,I want to save the last modification date when the row is updated. I have a column called "LastModification" in the table, every time the row is update I want to set the value of this column to the current date. So far all I know is that I need to use a trigger and the GetDate() function, but could any body help me with how to set the value of the column to getdate()? thanks for your help.
WITH cte_OrderProjectType AS ( select Orderid, min(TypeID) , min(CTType) , MIN(Area) from tableA A inner join tableB B ON A.PID = B.PID left join tableC C ON C.TypeID = B.TypeID LEFT JOIN tableD D ON D.AreaID = B.ID group by A.orderid )
This query uses min to eliminate duplicates. It takes 1.30 seconds to complete..
Is there any way I can improve the query performance ?
since ten years perhpas the society has a database with some table (person, country, and so on)since last years , the project manager decides to create a new database with some new design because before some information was save in one table well, the problem is when we pass all application to the new model we've notice that some id are not the same !
sample :
table Language old model ------------------------- id frenchDescription english description ---------------------------------------- 3 Anglais English ..... ......
table Language new model
id frenchDescription english description ----------------------------------------- 5 Anglais English ..... .....
Alright , you can understand that the new model must be the same id => 3
I currently have a AFTER UPDATE trigger that looks at a specific column being updated. It works great, but I am now needing to also capture the field data when it is initially created as well. Do I need to build a sperate FOR INSERT trigger to capture the initial column data when inserted, or is it possible to build it into my current AFTER UPDATE trigger?
Here is my current trigger: CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[xResponsible_By] ON [dbo].[PARTS_REQUESTOR] AFTER UPDATE
1) TableA : Which contains 5 columns(Column1,..........Column5) 2)TableB : Which contains 10 columns(Column1,..........Column10)
TableB contains millions of data.Now I want select all 5 columns from tableA but combination of Column1,Column2,Column3 if present in tableB, then i want exclude that records.I am doing as below:
select * from TableA a join TableB b a.column1!=b.column1 and a.column2!=b.column2 and a.column3!=b.column3 )
But query is taking almost 5 minutes. Is there is another approach?
I have a web page where the user can select the language (FR, EN, BG, ...) in a drop down list.
Next to the drop down list there is a text box where user can type the some text (translation).
User can add several description
On my web page, i have a button this button collect all information create an xml file and save all in database (sql server 2008)
that's work fine for some language => FR, EN and so on
But for bulgarian (bulgare) and greece there are some problem...
Some characters when i display it in sql look like => ???s??. ? d??ta?? a?t?
The value encoded by the user is => Ένωσης. Η διάταξη αυτή
but the result after t sql xpath is => ???s??. ? d??ta?? a?t?
Here is it my sql code where you can find my temporary table and my xml file and my xpath query
declare @tblTranslation table (idDocID int, languageID varchar(10), value varchar(500)) declare @Translations XML
set @Translations = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><Items><Item><eleKey>EN</eleKey><eleValue>This is a test</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>FR</eleKey><eleValue>test</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>BG</eleKey><eleValue>Ένωσης. Η διάταξη αυτή</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>HR</eleKey><eleValue></eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>RO</eleKey><eleValue></eleValue></Item></Items>'
-- 2) fill the temporary table with information from the xml file
INSERT INTO @tblTranslation(idDocID, languageID, value) SELECT 1 , Convert(nvarchar(max), i.query('eleKey/text()')) as colKey , Convert(nvarchar(max), i.query('eleValue/text()')) as colValue -- FROM @translations.nodes('/Items/Item') as x(i) SELECT * FROM @tblTranslation
---Selection results SELECT L.Segment , l.email, l.Addr1 , l.City ,l.ST, l.code, s.Fname , s.LName into #expectedresult FROM #LIST L JOIN #Subject S ON l.Segment =s.Segment
--Now here what i am trying to get, union the below two record to the above "selection Results" for only segment ='VEC_BAL' or segment = 'PPC_BAL'
--2 records SELECT l.segment , l.email , Addr1, City, ST, 999 as Code,'' fname, ''lname from #LIST l where email ='mmm@m.com' SELECT l.segment , l.email , Addr1, City, ST, 888 as Code, '' fname, ''lname from #LIST l where email ='lrk@m.com'
--- expected results please execute below block ( per each segment 2 records will insert if there is segment ='VEC_BAL' or 'PPC_BAL' ). If there is no Vec_Bal or PPC BAL then no additional inserts, if there is only VEC_BAL no PPC_BAL then only 2 records insert SELECT L.Segment , l.email, l.Addr1 , l.City ,l.ST, l.code, s.Fname , s.LName into #expctresults1 FROM #LIST L JOIN #Subject S ON l.Segment =s.Segment union
OK, to simplify some annual auditing of DB users (not the SQL logins,) I'm trying to craft a stored procedure that the customer on the server (they're the only customer on this particular server) can run to get a listing of all DB users and what roles they have.
I've got a query that returns this for the currently selected DB, so that part's done.I can use SP_MSFOREACHDB to run it against each DB, with the results going into a temp table to make it easier to copy/paste into an Excel file.What I want to do, and can't seem to see how, is wrap the whole thing in yet another SP of my own, with an EXECUTE AS so that the customer doesn't need sysadmin or any special privileges on the server. When I do this, it runs, but only against master.
Now, from digging it looks like you can't have an "insert #temptable exec sp_whatever" inside another SP. I'd like to avoid dynamic SQL, and while I know there are problems with MSFOREACHDB, it'll work for what we need.how to turn a user created SP, into a system SP so it can be run regardless of the DB you've selected, so at least there's that.
I am currently in the process of writing an INSERT/UPDATE trigger in SQL 2012, the scenario is, I have a table called Quote, what I want to happen is when a record gets added to the table with a field called Approved, populated with a value or a record gets Updated and the Approved field gets populated I want the trigger to execute a stored procedure, passing through a value from a field called Account within the Quote table as a variable. I know I can achieve the action using one trigger "AFTER INSERT, UPDATE" but I am struggling on forming the rest of the trigger.
The files have pipe delimters and double quotes as text qualifiers. I can get the file to import with a bulk insert statement, but it brings in the double quotes in as well. What setting is it that can be set to indicate what the text qualifiers are?
There are 2 tables which need to have data inserted into them for auditing purposes. The number of inserts per minute seems be at least 50-100. How to reduce locks during inserts.
There are 2 tables
Table1 ID - Surrogate Key/identity Column SomeColumn1 SomeColumn2 SomeColumn3 SomeColumn4_timestamp
clustered index on ID column
Table2 ID Column ..... there's a call to get id from SCOPE_IDENTITY() SomeColumn1 SomeColumn2 clustered index on ID column NC idx on SomeColum1 NC idx on SomeColum2
I have a Table with Financial Data in it and for Certain Accounts (the Key Field is actindx Column)there is no data for Certain Months.
I need a query to fill in the data for each Calendar_Month. This should look at the actindx column and Calendar_Month column if there is no data for a specific Month for that actindx I want it to copy all columns for that actindx and insert into a new row, but just puts Zero Dollars for ActivityDebit, ActivityCredit, and NetAmount.
I have created a CalendarMonth_Lookup Table. I assume there is a way to outer Join the two and insert rows or use an "IF" ,"THEN" type of Statement and just manually add the Calendar Month data.
I am including all the code to make the tables and Insert Data into them.
I have 3 tables: CUSTOMER, SALES_HEADER, SALES_DETAIL and there are no relationships / keys between these tables.
I want to INSERT into SALES_HEADER from CUSTOMER & SALES_DETAIL. Here is the query I used.
insert into sales_header (SALES_ID, CUST_ID, SALES_AMOUNT) select SALES_DETAIL.sales_id, SUM(SALES_DETAIL.prod_price) as sales_amount, CUSTOMER.CUST_ID from SALES_DETAIL, CUSTOMER where SALES_HEADER.sales_id = CUSTOMER.cust_id group by sales_detail.SALES_ID, CUSTOMER.cust_id;
It shows parsed correctly, but giving error: The multi-part identifier "SALES_HEADER.CUST_ID" could not be bound. How to insert from multiple tables when there are no primary / foreign keys & relationships.
I've 2 tables as follow, --> Full script and data as attachment, Scripts.zip
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[myMenuCollection]( [menuCollection_idx] [int] NOT NULL, [parentID] [int] NULL,
You can see - User select 3 Menu, which is the Menu Id is 1, 4, 10.If the Parent Id for Menu is 0, there is 1 record only to insert. If the Parent Id for Menu != 0, we've to make sure the Insert statement will insert the Parent Menu automatically
Based on Photo Above, there's 3 Menu is selected. But, in back-end - Insert statement will insert 4 record. Please see Menu Id = 10. The Parent Id = 9. So, we need to insert Menu Id = 9 automatically into myInsertedMenu table
table2 is intially populated (basically this will serve as historical table for view); temptable and table2 will are similar except that table2 has two extra columns which are insertdt and updatedt
process: 1. get data from an existing view and insert in temptable 2. truncate/delete contents of table1 3. insert data in table1 by comparing temptable vs table2 (values that exists in temptable but not in table2 will be inserted) 4. insert data in table2 which are not yet present (comparing ID in t2 and temptable) 5. UPDATE table2 whose field/column VALUE is not equal with temptable. (meaning UNMATCHED VALUE)
* for #5 if a value from table2 (historical table) has changed compared to temptable (new result of view) this must be updated as well as the updateddt field value.
I am trying to insert new records into the target table, if no records exist in the source table. I am passing user specific values for insert, but it does not insert any values, nor does it throw any errors. The insert needs to occur in the LOAN_GROUP_INFO table, i.e. the target table.
I need to write SP where user select SUN to MON check boxes. If user select Class A with sun,mon and wed check boxes then i need to insert data as below
Can we insert into multiple table using merge statement?I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 and below is my MERGE query...
-> I'm checking if the record exist in Contact table or not. If it exist then I will insert into employee table else I will insert into contact table then employee table.
WITH Cont as ( Select ContactID from Contact where ContactID=@ContactID) MERGE Employee as NewEmp Using Cont as con
I have an address table, and a log table will only record changes in it. So we wrote a after udpate trigger for it. In our case the trigger only need to record historical changes into the log table. so it only needs to be an after update trigger.The trigger works fine until a day we found out there are same addresses exist in the log table for the same student. so below is what I modified the trigger to. I tested, it seems working OK. Also would like to know do I need to use if not exists statement, or just use in the where not exists like what I did in the following code:
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_stuPropertyAddressChangeLog] ON [dbo].[stuPropertyAddress] FOR UPDATE AS DECLARE @rc AS INT ;