T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Joining Results Of Two Queries Without Creating Temporary Tables?
Nov 16, 2014
In the T-SQL below, I retrieved data from two queries and I've tried to join them to create a report in SSRS 2008 R2. The SQL runs, but I can't create a report from it. (I also couldn't get this query to run in an Excel file that connects to my SQL Server data base. I've used other T-SQL queries in this Excel file and they run fine.) I think that's because I am creating temporary tables. How do I modify my SQL so that I can get the same result without creating temporary tables?
/*This T-SQL gets the services for the EPN download from WITS*/
-- Select services entered in the last 20 days along with the MPI number and program code.
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.group_session_client.note, dbo.group_session_client.error_note, dbo.group_session_client.group_session_id,
dbo.group_session_client.group_session_client_id, dbo.group_session.signed_note, dbo.group_session.unsigned_note
into #temp_group_sessions
FROM dbo.group_session_client, dbo.group_session
WHERE dbo.group_session_client.group_session_id = dbo.group_session.group_session_id
-- Form an outer join selecting all services with any group notes attached to them.
select * from #temp_services
LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp_group_sessions
on #temp_services.group_session_client_id = #temp_group_sessions.group_session_client_id
-- Drop temporary tables
DROP TABLE #temp_group_sessions;
DROP TABLE #temp_services;
Does anyone know how I can 'join' the results ofone SQL query to the bottom of another?Eg. I have two queries:1. SELECT Name, Surname FROM People WHERE Surname = SmithNAME SURNAMEAdam SmithJohn SmithMichael SmithSteve Smith2. SELECT Name, Surname FROM People WHERE Surname = JonesNAME SURNAMEBob JonesLarry JonesTom JonesWhat I want to produce is:NAME SURNAMEAdam SmithJohn SmithMichael SmithSteve SmithBob JonesLarry JonesTom JonesHowever, if I use UNION like this:SELECT Name, Surname FROM People WHERE Surname = SmithUNIONSELECT Name, Surname FROM People WHERE Surname = Jonesit mixes up all the results:NAME SURNAMEAdam SmithBob JonesJohn SmithLarry JonesMichael SmithSteve SmithTom Jones(I guess it's sorting by the first field, NAME).Is there a way to stop it sorting the results, so that itjust tacks the second query results to the bottom of thefirst query results?(I realise I could use "ORDER BY Surname" to get the same resultin this simple example, but for the more complicated queriesI want to use it won't work).Thanks for any help,Matt.
I am having trouble with joining 3 tables.1 table is the primary call it jobs, second is material, third is called labor...job will have all jobs, SOMETIMES the job will have material, sometimes job will have ONLY labor, BUT most of the time it will have job, material and labor...
I've having difficulty joining two tables and getting the results I want. What I'm trying to accomplish is an Health Savings Account (HSA) upload file to go to our Insurance vendor. Here's a summary
Description: This table stores all deductions in an employee's paycheck. I'm specifically looking for a field in that table called AL_DEDCD where it equals "H". This is the deduction from the employee's paycheck.
Description: This table stores the employer contribution based on their deduction. For example, we match 50% of their contribution. It is possible for the employee to have a deduction (stored in the ps_al_chk_ded table) but it is not possible for them to have an employer contribution (stored in ps_al_chk_memo) without a deduction (stored in the ps_al_chk_ded).
What I want in my output is a combination of these tables that looks at the employee in the ps_al_chk_ded table, takes only the records where al_dedcd = H and returns the corresponding employer contribution (memo_cd =H in al_chk_memo). So you almost have to join the two tables on all three of those fields and I can't get it to work. Here is what I would like the data to look like:
This didn't seem like it was too complicated but no matter how I do it, I can never get the appropriate amount from the employer contribution. I attached a screenshot that shows my queries and result set. In the screenshot, it returned the employee deduction just fine but then returns 48.25 for the employer contribution. However, the MEMO_CD in that specific record is equal to T. In this case, it should return 0.00 for the employer contribution. If I try and add something like d.al_dedcd = c.memo_cd on the join, I barely get any results. The key is matching on those fields and then returning 0.00 when there is no record of MEMO_CD = H in the al_chk_memo table for the deduction in ps_al_chk_memo.
I think I got all my create table statements are correct.
I need to Find the number of agents for each supplier that has at least one agent. The result should be tuples of the form (sid, sName, number of agents)
-Select Sid, sName, count(Aid) from Agent A join Supplier S on (S.Sid = A.Sid) group by S.Sid, S.sName, Aid; But it gives me this error: no such column: A.Sid
Im thinking I might have a problem with my create table statement and/or primary key statements?
In my SQL I am having temporary tables. And in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) whenever I execute sql statement its working fine & I am getting the records.
My SQL statement is using 2 databases as follows: 1.PerformanceDeficiencyNotice 2.HRDataWarehouse
Both the above databases are SQL SERVER 2000(80) with a compatibility level of 80.
The problem is when I am trying to create a new view with my sql statement and when I am saying “Verify SQL Syntax�, I am getting an error as “Invalid Object Name ‘#pdninfo’.
And when I am saying “execute SQL�, I am getting an error as “Unable to parse query text� but when I am continuing with the error, the sql statement is running and I am getting the data.
And now when I am trying to save the view I am getting the error as below “Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘INTO’�. Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables.
Please suggest how to solve this problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You
MY SQL Statement is as follows:
SELECT pdn.transactionid, pdn.employeenbr, pdn.lastname, pdn.firstname, pdn.processlevel, pl.facilityname as processlevelname, pdn.department, pdn.jobcode, pdn.title, pdn.supemployeenbr, pdn.managername, pdn.timeframe as pdn_timeframe, pdn.actualeffectivedate as pdn_startdate, /*actualeffectivedate is the start date for the pdn. starteddate is when info starts being put in the system*/ /*the pdn end date has to be calculated for the pdn based on the timeframe and actualeffectivedate*/ case when pdn.actualeffectivedate <> convert(datetime,'01/01/1900',110) then case pdn.timeframe when '30' then dateadd(month,1,pdn.actualeffectivedate) when '60' then dateadd(month,2,pdn.actualeffectivedate) when '90' then dateadd(month,3,pdn.actualeffectivedate) else null end end as pdn_enddate, pdn.status as pdn_status, status.description as pdn_statusdesc, pdn.managersignoff as pdn_managersignoff, pdn.managersignoffdate as pdn_managersignoffdate, pdn.associatesignoff as pdn_associatesignoff, pdn.associatesignoffdate as pdn_associatesignoffdate, pdn.witnessname as pdn_witnessname, /*the start date for the extension has to be calculated by subtracting 30 days from the evaluationdate*/ /*where the evaluationtype = 'X' (Extension Final).*/ /*there is only one timeframe of 30 days for an extension and only one extension is allowed per pdn for an associate*/ case when (eval.evaluationtype = 'X' and eval.status not in ('C','D','N')) then dateadd(month,-1,eval.evaluationdate) else null end as ext_startdate, eval.evaluationdate as eval_evaluationdate,/*end date of the evaluation or extension*/ eval.evaluationtype as eval_evaluationtype, evaltype.description as eval_evaltypedesc, eval.status as eval_status, status2.description as eval_statusdesc, eval.effectivedate as eval_effectivedate, eval.managersignoff as eval_managersignoff, eval.managersignoffdate as eval_managersignoffdate, eval.associatesignoff as eval_associatesignoff, eval.associatesignoffdate as eval_associatesignoffdate, eval.witnessname as eval_witnessname into #pdninfo FROM [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[PDNMain] pdn left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[EvaluationsMain] eval on pdn.transactionid = eval.transactionid left outer join [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[ProcessLevel] pl on pdn.processlevel = pl.processlevel left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[StatusDescriptions] status on pdn.status = status.status and status.type = 'PDN' left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[StatusDescriptions] status2 on eval.status = status2.status and status2.type = 'EVAL' left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[EvaluationTypes] evaltype on eval.evaluationtype = evaltype.type /*select active pdns from PDNMain (status: 'A' = Approved, 'S' = Submitted)*/ WHERE pdn.status in ('A','S') /*select extensions from EvaluationsMain (evaluation type: 'X' = Extension Final; status: <> 'C' - Completed,*/ /*'D' - In Progress, or 'N' - Not started)*/ OR (eval.evaluationtype = 'X' and eval.status not in ('C','D','N'))
/*get last performance rating and last (maximum) performance review date from PerformanceReviewHistory*/ /*Note: A PerformanceReviewHistory record gets created within a couple of days after an associate is hired.*/ /* The rating and updatedate are null initially. Aggregate functions (i.e. MAX) ignore null values.*/ /* You must check for "updatedate IS NOT NULL" as shown below or the record will be dropped.*/ SELECT distinct(#pdninfo.employeenbr), perfreview.rating, perfreview.updatedate into #perfreview FROM #pdninfo, [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[PerformanceReviewHistory] perfreview WHERE #pdninfo.employeenbr = perfreview.employeenbr AND perfreview.updatedate = (SELECT max(updatedate) FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[PerformanceReviewHistory] perfreview2 WHERE perfreview2.employeenbr = perfreview.employeenbr AND updatedate IS NOT NULL)
/*select active pdns ('orig' = original)*/ SELECT 'orig' as orig_or_ext, #pdninfo.*, #perfreview.rating as lastperfrating, #perfreview.updatedate as lastperfreviewdate, /*get empstatus, lasthiredate, originalhiredate, gender, race, middle init, supervisor name from Employee*/ emp.empstatus, emp.lasthiredate, emp.originalhiredate, emp.gender, emp.race, emp.mi, (SELECT emp2.lastname FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2 WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_lastname, (SELECT emp2.firstname FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2 WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_firstname, (SELECT emp2.mi FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2 WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_mi FROM #pdninfo left outer join #perfreview on #pdninfo.employeenbr = #perfreview.employeenbr left outer join [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp on #pdninfo.employeenbr = emp.employeenbr WHERE #pdninfo.pdn_status in ('A','S')
/*select extensions ('ext' = extension)*/ SELECT 'ext' as orig_or_ext, #pdninfo.*, #perfreview.rating as lastperfrating, #perfreview.updatedate as lastperfreviewdate, /*get empstatus, lasthiredate, originalhiredate, gender, race, middle init, supervisor name from Employee*/ emp.empstatus, emp.lasthiredate, emp.originalhiredate, emp.gender, emp.race, emp.mi, (SELECT emp2.lastname FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2 WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_lastname, (SELECT emp2.firstname FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2 WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_firstname, (SELECT emp2.mi FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2 WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_mi FROM #pdninfo left outer join #perfreview on #pdninfo.employeenbr = #perfreview.employeenbr left outer join [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp on #pdninfo.employeenbr = emp.employeenbr WHERE #pdninfo.eval_evaluationtype = 'X' and #pdninfo.eval_status not in ('C','D','N')
I have a temporary table (@tblResults) that has 4 columns that need to be populated with a calculation made from columns held within 2 other tables.
Joins @tblResults tr JOIN dbo.MarketPrice mp ON tr.Item = mp.Item AND tr.[Month] = mp.[Month] AND tr.[Year] = mp.[Year] AND mp.[Date] BETWEEN tr.LatestStartDate AND tr.PriorEndDate
Where the 2 dbo.MarketPrice and dbo.MillDifferentials date fields are NOT equal, the last (chronologically) dbo.MillDifferentials.Diff value should be used (or '0' if no previous value found).
so expected results where @tblResults.Id = 1:
The dbo.MarketPrice.Price value of '2014-10-29' should be combined with the dbo.MillDifferentials.Diff value of '2014-10-06' - this produces the combined Max value of 184.50 The dbo.MarketPrice.Price value of '2014-04-28' should be combined with the dbo.MillDifferentials.Diff value of '2014-04-28' The dbo.MarketPrice.Price value of '2014-01-22' should be combined with the dbo.MillDifferentials.Diff value of '2014-01-20' The dbo.MarketPrice.Price value of '2014-01-21' should be combined with the dbo.MillDifferentials.Diff value of '2014-01-20' - this produces the combined Min value of 111.50 The dbo.MarketPrice.Price value of '2014-01-04' should be combined with '0.00' if there is no matching or previous dbo.MillDifferentials.Diff value OR the top 1/max (most recent) dbo.MillDifferentials.Diff value if a record is found before the specified @tblResults.LatestStartDate
As you can see, some Divisions have no correspondents in Doc, I want to show the count(1) result as 0 for those Division, and output the result in the order by DivID
I'm just starting off in SSIS and have a question that I can't find an answer to...
I'm loading in a number of files (in separate Data Flows) and performing some transformations on them before merging them back together. What I'm not sure about is what I should be doing with the data at the end of each of my "Import Data From XXXX Flat File" Data Flows. Am I better off using OLE DB Destinations (or SQL Server Destinations) and saving this intermediate data to temporary tables, or am I better off using a Raw File Destinations and saving this intermediate data to files? Or is there, perhaps, a better option that I'm currently unaware of?
If the Raw File Destination is the way to go, then isn't there a maintenance issue with cleaning up all the files created? And will there not be a management issue to ensure that there is sufficient disc space available on the drive you are saving to?
I'm a bit confused and overwhelmed by SSIS at the moment, so any help would be much appreciated!
Hello I have two queries that I would like help joining: Query #1SELECT UserName, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM Jokester WHERE (InvitedBy = aspnet_Users.UserName)) AS invsFROM aspnet_Users Query #2 SELECT UserName, SUM(Hits) AS HitsFROM (SELECT UserName, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt1 FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt2 FROM Hits WHERE (JokeId = j.JokeId) GROUP BY UserId) AS T1) AS Hits, (SELECT AVG(CAST(Rating AS numeric(12, 2))) AS Rating1 FROM Ratings WHERE (JokeId = j.JokeId)) AS Rtng FROM Jokes AS j) AS t2WHERE (Hits >= 1) AND (Rtng >= 3)GROUP BY UserName They both return correct values, I just want to join them on UserName Thank you, Louis
Right now I have two Queries that I've created: What I'm wanting to do is graft everything from Query1 onto Query2 but only where Query1.UserID = Query2.UserID . Any suggestions on how I would go about doing this?
--Query 1 ( SELECT PC1.ID, PC1.UserID, PC1.ModuleID, PC1.ModifiedDate FROM Projex2_0_0_Cores PC1 WHERE PC1.ModuleID = 369 )
--Query 2 ( SELECT PC2.UserID, MAX(PC2.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate FROM Projex2_0_0_Cores PC2 WHERE PC2.ModuleID = 369 GROUP BY PC2.UserID, PC2.ModuleID )
Hi Can anyone help me join these two quries together? SELECT SUM(SchemeAccount.TotalVar) AS TotalVar, Scheme.Code FROM SchemeAccount LEFT OUTER JOIN Scheme ON SchemeAccount.SchemeID = Scheme.SchemeID GROUP BY Scheme.Code
SELECT SUM(Variation.VarAmount) AS VarAmount, Scheme.Code FROM Variation RIGHT OUTER JOIN Scheme ON Variation.SchemeID = Scheme.SchemeID GROUP BY Variation.SchemeID, Scheme.Code
I have three queries - but in the end I want one list to export. Is their anyway I can join the queries by B.ADMINISTRATOR so that I could export one list with the Administrator and the three counts separately. I don't want to go through the process of putting them into tables and then joining them later.
I have these two CTE queries, the first one is the existing one which runs fine and returns what we need, the second is a new CTE query which result I need to join in to the existing CTE, now that would be two CTE's can that be done at all?The second query is working on the same table as the first one so there are overlaps in names, and they are the same, only columns I need to "join" is the "seconds" and "AlarmSessions".
;with AlarmTree as ( select NodeID, ParentID, NodeLevel, NodeName, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N0, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N1, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N2, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N3,
I have these two queries I would like to join, however the later is a grouped query how can I join it with the first query? Has to be joined on EventId. The second query is a total table scan.
SELECT AH.EventID, AH.TechnicalAddress, AH.AlarmAlias, AH.AlarmPath as [OrgAlarmPath], AH.AlarmCounter as AlarmCount, AH.EventDateTime as EventTime, AH.[Priority], AH.AlarmMessage, AH.EventText, AH.CallListName, AH.AlarmReadDate as EndTime, AH.alh_EventEndedUserRemark as [EndRemark] --, SUM(seconds) here, and AlarmSessions here FROM AlarmHistory AH
[Code] ...
2) WHERE ia.EventTypeId = 0 group by ia.EventId order by EventId desc
Hi,I'm adapting access queries to sql server and I have difficulties withthe following pattern :query1 : SELECT * FROM Query2 WHERE A=@param1query 2: SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE B=@param2The queries are nested, and they both use parameters.In MS Acccess the management of nested queries with parameters is soeasy (implicit declaration of parameters, transmission of parametersfrom main query to nested query)that I don't know what the syntax should be for stored procedures.The corresponding stored procedure would be something likeCREATE TABLE #TempTable (...table definition...)INSERT INTO #TempTable ExecProc spQuery2 @Param2SELECT * FROM #TempTable WHERE A=@Param1And spQuery2 would be : SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE B=@ParamI was wondering if this syntax would work and if I can skip theexplicit declaration of #TempTable definition.Thanks for your suggestions.
I have two select statements; one for open purchase orders, one for open customer orders. I would like to be able to combine the query based on i.item in the top statement joined with c.item from the bottom statement. The i.item is related to a specific c.item, but they do not have the same values. In this case I want to join based on.
p.item=i.item where 1001099548=1001099550 84162359=84198545 84532300=84532293 47547523=47547951 305545A3=87433653 87444977=87444975
left side coming from p.item = right side coming from c.item.
Here are my statements.
--#1 OPEN PO's SELECT p.item ,(p.qty_ordered-p.qty_received) as POQtyRemaining ,i.item ,i.qty_on_hand ,p.po_num
I want to put the fetch results of a cursor to a temporary DB for manipulation, Im selecting all columns from the table in the cursor and the number of total columns is unknow.
ERD above is what my database looks like (ignore it's in Access, database is in SQL 2005)
I have this code:
SELECT orderID, orderAmount = SUM(customerID)/customerID FROM orders GROUP BY orderID -- When Sum of the customer ID (and then) divided by the customer ID > 1 HAVING orderAmount > 1
which doesn't work because I never did find out how you make a column in the results to output your maths in. orderAmount doesn't exist as a column in the database, but for this query it should show only those customers who have ordered more than once with the company.
Hi,How can I create a temporary table say "Tblabc" with column fieldsShmCoy char(2)ShmAcno char(10)ShmName1 varchar(60)ShmName2 varchar(60)and fill the table from the data extracted from the statement..."select logdetail from shractivitylog"The above query returns single value field the data seperated with a '·'Ex:BR··Light Blue Duck··in this case I should getShmCoy = 'BR'ShmAcno = ''ShmName1 = 'Light Blue Duck'ShmName2 = ''I want to do this job with single SQL query. Is it possible. Pls help.Herewith I am providing the sample dataBR··Light Blue Duck···0234578···BR··Aqua Duck···0234586···UB··Aqua Duck··Regards,Omav
Right now I am writing to a sql table during a process where the end user starts entering the contents for a file that is going to be generated once he finishes entering the data, but the problem is that if more than one user is doing the same process the data would get mixed up. To avoid this I thought in creating a temporary table (its name will consist of a string and the current date time).
I would like to see any tutorial about creating and working with temp tables. Or if you have any suggestions, I will appreciate them. Thanks
HiDose any body know why a temporary table gets deleted after querying it thefirst time (using SELECT INTO)?When I run the code bellow I'm getting an error message when open the temptable for the second time.Error Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E37)Invalid object name '#testtable'.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cnn.Execute("SELECT category, product INTO #testtable FROM properties")'---creating temporary TestTable and populate it with values from anothertableSET rst_testt = cnn.Execute("SELECT * from #testtable") '----- openingthe temporary TestTableSET rst_testt2 = cnn.Execute("SELECT * from #testtable") '----- ERRORopening the temporary TestTable for the second time (that where the erroroccurred)rst_testt2.Close '---- closing table connectionSET rst_testt2 = nothingrst_testt.Close '----- closing table connectionSET rst_testt = nothingcnn.Execute("DROP TABLE #testtable") '------ dropping the temporaryTestTable'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But when I create the temp table first and then INSERT INTO that table somevalues then it is working fine.'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cnn.Execute("CREATE TABLE #testtable (category VARCHAR(3), productVARCHAR(3))")cnn.Execute("INSERT INTO #testtable VALUES('5','4')")SET rst_testt = cnn.Execute("SELECT * from #testtable") '----- openingthe temporary TestTableSET rst_testt2 = cnn.Execute("SELECT * from #testtable") '----- openingthe temporary TestTable for the second timerst_testt2.Close '----- closing table connectionSET rst_testt2 = nothingrst_testt.Close '----- closing table connectionSET rst_testt = nothingcnn.Execute("DROP TABLE #testtable") '------ dropping the temporaryTestTable'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Does any body know why the first code (SELECT INTO) is not working where thesecond code it working?regards,goznal
I have three sprocs and three tables. I was told to use a clustered index in the first table and a unique clustered index on the second table. I never asked about the third table and the person I need to ask is on vacation. Most of the contents of the first table will be joined with all of the contents of the second table into the third table. Do I need to have a unique clustered index on the third table too?
The clustered index in the first sproc is on a unique key that I had created using by concatenating several columns together.
The second sproc with the unique clustered index is on the unique key from the first table and a date attribute.
In the third sproc, I'll have a nonclusted index on the ODS_ID attributes, but I'm unsure of how to go about the clustered index situation.
Firstly I consider myself quite an experienced SQL Server user, andamnow using SQL Server 2005 Express for the main backend of mysoftware.My problem is thus: The boss needs to run reports; I have designedthese reports as SQL procedures, to be executed through an ASPapplication. Basic, and even medium sized (10,000+ records) reportingrun at an acceptable speed, but for anything larger, IIS timeouts andquery timeouts often cause problems.I subsequently came up with the idea that I could reduce processingtimes by up to two-thirds by writing information from eachcalculationstage to a number of tables as the reporting procedure runs..ie. stage 1, write to table xxx1,stage 2 reads table xxx1 and writes to table xxx2,stage 3 reads table xxx2 and writes to table xxx3,etc, etc, etcprocedure read final table, and outputs information.This works wonderfully, EXCEPT that two people can't run the samereport at the same time, because as one procedure creates and writesto table xxx2, the other procedure tries to drop the table, or read atable that has already been dropped....Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get around thisproblem?I have thought about generating the table names dynamically using'sp_execute', but the statement I need to run is far too long(apparently there is a maximum length you can pass to it), and evenbreaking it down into sub-procedures is soooooooooooooooo timeconsuming and inefficient having to format statements as strings(replacing quotes and so on)How can I use multiple tables, or indeed process HUGE procedures,withdynamic table names, or temporary tables?All answers/suggestions/questions gratefully received.Thanks
i have created index for a temporary table and this script should used by multiusers.So when second user connecting to it is giving index i mean object already exists.
So what i need is when the second user connected the script should create one more index on temporary table.Will sql server provide any random way of creating indexes if the index exists already with that name??
This EXECUTES with no error or warning message.However, if I change this to CREATE the PK in an ALTER TABLE statement, I get the (expected by me) error:
==> Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 17 Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table '#ABC'.
==> Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 17 Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
(note: As the #ABC table is an actual copy of a few of the columns in a "permanent" table, I will likely change the definition as follows such that the columns are defined to match the names / datatypes / NULLability:
SELECT TOP 0 CAST('01-01-1980' AS DATETIME) AS [ReportRunTime] ,SourceID ,VisitID ,BaseID ,OccurrenceSeqID
I want to create and drop the global temporary table in same statement.
I am using below command but I am getting below error
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 11
There is already an object named '##Staging_Temp' in the database.
if object_id('Datastaging..##Staging_Temp') is not null begin drop table ##Staging_Temp end CREATE TABLE ##Staging_Temp( [COL001] [varchar](4000) NULL,
Can you create a temporary table using an ad-hoc query?
What I am trying to do is a type of filter search (the user has this and this or this) were i will not know how may items the user is going to select until they submit....that is why i can't use a stored procedure(i think)....any help on how to do this?