Hi,I'm trying to load date fields into SQLServer using DTS, but theformat of the raw data is the number of days since 1 Jan 1900. How doI convert this to a useful format, is there a standard conversionroutine?ThanksTim
creating the missing records in a date/time range.
However, I need to return different groups for each span of records.
here's some data....
aaa1 aaa7 bbb2 bbb5 bbb6
The numbers are the hour of the day.
I need to return
aaa 0 0 aaa 1 1 aaa 2 0 aaa 3 0 ... bbb 0 0 bbb 1 0 bbb 2 1 ... and so on.
I've got a numbers table and I can left join with it but I just get nulls for the missing hours instead of having it as above.....I can't think of a way of repeating the groups for each of the 'missing' hours - other than creating a length insert statement to fill in the gaps....unless that is the only way of doing it.
All source and target date fields are defined as data type "smalldatetime". The "select" executes without error though when used with "insert into" it fails with the error:
Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 25: Conversion failed when converting character string to small date-time data type..I am converting from a character string to smalldatetime since the source and target date columns are "smalldatetime". All other columns for the source and target are nvarchar(255). I assume there is an implicit conversion that I don't understand. In a test, I validated that all dates selected evaluate ISDATE() to 1.
USE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014] GO IF OBJECT_ID ('[SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]
as you can see, the records have a 30minutes time interval. i need to create a query to know if there are missing records in the table. so basically the result should be this:
I have written a simple routine to do some address checking between sources. The business owner wanted the check done to the address as a whole and to report the address' that did not return a match. The comparison works perfectly fine.
Well, now the customer has come back wanting to know what element(s) of the address make the match fail
You can see that we are building the address by sticking the 5 columns together with a space in between to create a single string. We are then doing the same thing with the other source data and simply comparing the string. This worked perfectly and was nice and simple... until the customer decided he wanted to see the element(s) causing the issue.
For example, let's say there is an address of '123 Main ST Dallas Texas United States' in one source, but it's '123 Main Dallas Texas United States' in the other. The customer wants to know that it is the road type (ST) that caused the mismatch.
Now, I wrote a bunch of queries to try and single out each element in order to determine if it is the one causing the issue or not. It seems to work partially, but I don't believe it is the best approach and it doesn't work if more than one column is the culprit.
Hi all, I used the CreateUserWizard control to create new users. It amazes me how powerful the control is. What amazes me most about this is that the control is smart enough to save the users info to the ASPnetdb.mdf. I thought the connection string is stored inside the web.config. But once I opened the file, I can't find the connection string. Where has the connection string gone? Can someone enlighten me? Thanks.
Let's say the first row returned has StartDate = 1/1/2014 and EndDate is 1/2/2014. The next row I want the StartDate to equal the previous row EndDate so it would be 1/2/2014 as StartDate. This compounds every row basically the third row StartDate would be the second row EndDate. All in one select statement if it can be done. Using SQL2008r2.
I am trying to SUM a column of ActivityDebit with current Calendar_Month to a Column of Trial_Balance_Debit from Last Calendar_Month. I am providing Temp Table code as well as fake data.
===== IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#MyTrialBalance','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTrialBalance CREATE TABLE #MyTrialBalance ( [Trial_Balance_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED NOT NULL, [FISCALYEAR] [smallint] NULL,
[Code] ....
Here is my Query I am trying but not working. I cant figure out how to doo the dateadd for correct column.
SELECT A.Trial_Balance_ID,A.ACTIVITYDEBIT --SUM(A.ACTIVITYDEBIT + B.Last_Trail_Balance_Debit) AS New_TB FROM (SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID], [Calendar_Month],[ACTIVITYDEBIT] FROM Mytrialbalance WHERE actindx='48397' AND ACTIVITYDEBIT='820439.78000' )A INNER JOIN (SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID],DATEADD(MM, -1,Calendar_Month)AS Last_Month FROM Mytrialbalance) B ON B.Trial_Balance_ID=A.Trial_Balance_ID
I asked this question below, but the answer was that the conversion will take place automatically, but I can't get that to happen. I have a flat file with an 8 position field that I identify as string (and I also tried date) that is yyyymmdd and it needs to go into the database field that is datetime format. IS there something I am doing wrong with the definition of it, or do I need to add some kind of conversion, and if so, what and how would that be done. I'm a dts Sql2000 expert, but the SSIS thing is driving me crazy. I have a ton of dts' to convert and the migration tool doesn't work because there are a lot of active X scripts in them. thanks for your help. Boston Rose
hello friends.. i aleays facing this problem while reporting....
if i want to show report for date range then i am not getting records for end date...why???
my report query was
select distinct DwnDate,isnull(D.FileName,'No File Found'),isnull(H.File_ID,0), isnull(C.DownLoadCatname,'No Category Found'),count(H.File_ID) AS TotalCount from DownLoadHistory H inner join DownLoad D on H.File_ID = D.File_ID inner join DownLoadCat C on D.File_Cat = C.DownLoad_CatID where File_DwnDate between '10/01/2006' and '10/31/2006' group by D.File_Name,C.DownLoad_Catname,H.File_ID,File_DwnDate order by 3
i am getting rows 15 here but when i fired this
select distinct DwnDate,isnull(D.FileName,'No File Found'),isnull(H.File_ID,0), isnull(C.DownLoadCatname,'No Category Found'),count(H.File_ID) AS TotalCount from DownLoadHistory H inner join DownLoad D on H.File_ID = D.File_ID inner join DownLoadCat C on D.File_Cat = C.DownLoad_CatID where File_DwnDate between '10/01/2006' and '11/01/2006' group by D.File_Name,C.DownLoad_Catname,H.File_ID,File_DwnDate order by 3
then i am getting rows 16
previous one i always missed records on 10/31/2006...is there any solution or i always add one day to end date and then get values??
it was simple to parse simple variables using replace functions. eg. REPLACE(@str, '@customer_name', @customer_name). It worked like mail merge.the converted string was then sent forward using a webservice.now my requirement is to add conditional values in body field e.g:
body = Document ID: @document_id Customer Name: @customer_name Item name: @item_name Quantity: @qty IF isnull(@rate, 0) > 0 Rate: @rate IF isnull(@rate, 0) > 0 Amount: @amount
how can i parse strings like this. I'm open to change format of values for body field.
DelimitedSplit8k and PatternSplitLoop seem to have potential, but I'm just plain stuck on some things:
1. DelimitedSplit8k: the delimiter split the folder paths, but the pattern can be within the strings that result. 2. PatternSplitLoop: I would have to cross apply 16 times and have an awful WHERE clause to determine which of the four strings matched first.
Unless I'm missing something. Short example is below.
WITH testctes (string, pattern) AS ( SELECT 'oh_look_at_this.thing.hishers_stuffmine.craftyours_protein', 'his first' UNION ALL SELECT 'i.am.a._thing.hershis_thingsmine.refrigeratoryours_potato', 'hers first' UNION ALL SELECT 'path_like.things_minehers.some_elsehis_garbageyours_sneakers', 'mine first' UNION ALL SELECT 'more_stuff.yoursminehershis_falafel', 'yours first' ) SELECT string, pattern, ca.item, ca.itemnumber FROM testctes CROSS APPLY [dbo].[PatternSplitLoop] (string, '%his%') ca
Now I want to create usernames from #test1 by considering first character of first name and last name and if same combination found then append with 01.
Example if #test1 contains data as below:
1,Abhas, Pawar 2, Arun, Pawar 3, Ashis, Panday
Then i want to create username like:
apawar apawar01 apanday02
but if same username exists in #test2 then i want to inser records as below:
first apawar will check in #test2, if not exists insert as it is:
if apawar01 exists in #test2 then, cretae apawar02 instead of apawar01
for next create apawar03 and insert and so on...
In brief I want to check created username eith #table2 and if same exists then first check if lower value available if not then create with lower value and insert.
I need to add a filter clause like WHERE username = '%%%'
I know you will say 'why add a filter if you're not going to use it?' but I need to for a certain application which will use the parent query for child queries in which I select the specificity required for the child query's data set.I've tried '%*%' and '%_%' but always it returns nothing. I need the filter to exist yet not really filter.
SELECT dbo.T1.t1_id, dbo.CONCAT(dbo.T2.product) AS product FROM dbo.T1 INNER JOIN dbo.T2 ON dbo.T1.t1_id = dbo.T2.t1_id GROUP BY dbo.T1.t1_id
but following error is be shown. why? Msg 4121, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.CONCAT", or the name is ambiguous.
I have text column .I want to find out first occurance of string based on logic.I defiend Text with examples and also mentioned expected result.I coloured the text in word document,due to some reasons not displaying same here.Attached as image below texts to understand more clear.
From the above text1, I want to get “AXNARENDR”.
Based on logic defined below:
First I have to search for string “A” Then next to ‘A’ it should not be “B” or “C” or “D”.It can be anything other thing these three.Combination of “A” otherthan “B” or “C” or “D”
In the example text I defined “A”,”X” defined three times .I want to capture few characters from the first occurrence of the string
I have a table in which a date value is stored as varchar.some of these values are stored ina dd/mm/yyyy format and other values are stored in a yyyy-mm-dd format..Now I wish to retrieve some data by querying between two dates. However I need to convert the varchar date value to datetime in order to do this but since the date value is in two different formats, the following doesn't work.
select date_value from my_table where CONVERT(DATETIME, date_value, 103) between @date1 and @date2
How can you convert the date value to datetime when its stored in mutiple formats. I can't change the table itself as I dont have admin privelages.
I'm using an objectDataSource connected to a strongly typed dataset to populate a GridView. I want to be able to show all the records, or let the user to select only those records that expire in a certain month. The expire field is of type date I'm used to all records being returned when a parameter is missing. If I have Select * from table where last=@last, only the records where the last name is 'Smith' will be returned if @last = 'Smith', but all records are returned is @last = "". But that's not how it's working with the date. I'm passing an integer from 1 to 12 in a querystring. I have the equivalent of select * from table where (MONTH([AD ENDS]) = @month)MONTH(datefield) always returns an integer from 1 to 12. If @month is empty, I want all the records to be displayed, but nothing is. If @month is an int form 1 to 12, it works fine. How can I get all the records if no month is selected? Can I have two objectdatasources and programmatically select which one populates the gridview depending on if I want to filter the data or not? Diane
I have written a reporting application which has a SQL2005 backend. An import routine into SQL, written by a 3rd party, frequently fails. The main problems are missing rows in certain tables.
I am going to write an SP that will accepts a from and to date. I then want to search for rows of type X between those dates that do not exist so we then know between a date range, we have no data for these XYZ days.
I have this working by returning all rows between the dates into a dataset, sorted by date, and then running through the rows and testing if the next rows date is the next expected date. This works but I think is a very poor solution. This is all done on the client in C#.
I want to learn and implement the most efficent way of doing this. My only solution in a SP was to make a temporary table of all dates between the date range for row type X and then do a right outer join against the data table, returning all rows which are missing.
Something like this:
SELECT twmd.date FROM #temp_table_with_all_dates ttwad RIGHT OUTER JOIN table_with_missing_date twmd ON ttwad.date = twmd.date WHERE twmd.date IS NULL
Would this be a good, efficent solution, or should I just stick to my processing of a dataset in C#?