T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Populating Tables With Entries From Windows Folders?
May 18, 2015
I have 14 Windows folders containing a mix of Word and PDF documents. Each folder contains up to 500,000 files and these documents are the source for a document management system.
I need to create an audit table which can take the file names and date modified for every document in each folder but I want to avoid having to do a DOS command like dir *.* > filenames.txt then importing as a text file 14 times. Is there a way of automating this in T-SQL?
Each Windows folder is named by year e.g. 2002Docs, 2003Docs, 2004Docs etc.
Documents within the folders are named like this - 20020401_doc1.doc, 20020401_doc2, 20020401_doc678.pdf etc.
I'm using sp_OACreate in a scalar function to create a folder if it doesn't exist, and it works fine if you're asking it to create a single folder. For instance: C:Newfolder
It creates "Newfolder"
However, if I try to ask it to create C:NewfolderNewsubfolder
It doesn't work
Here's the code:
DECLARE @Exists int, @ObjFile int, @ObjFileSystem int, @Folder nvarchar(500) = 'C:', @Action tinyint = 1 --(0 to check if folder exists, 1 to actually create it)
I have a date table(A) for every day of the year from 1990-2016 including the week number.There is another table(B) that has a number, date and week number.
I would like to join these 2 tables together, in order to populate the number from table B on every day of the week (of the week number in table B).
What makes it a little more complex is that the dates in table B not always correspond with the week number in the same row. Adding to the problem are some conditions:
- Every day of the week should have a number, and it should never be 0.
- If the 1st date of all rows in table B with the corresponding week number is not the monday of the week (but for example wednesday) it should start with this number on monday.
- Thousands of rows are in table B and for some of them the date corresponds with the week and for some of them they don't
- The rows can be grouped together using the week number.
Take the following example of table B:
B: ID Date Number WeekNo 1 21-5-2015 25 21 2 23-5-2015 30 21
In this example the dates correspond with the weeknumber, because the 21st and the 23rd of may are week 21. By joining this with the date table (A), by using for example cross apply, I would hope to get the following result;
The same should work if the same example had the week number 22 in every row.
Take the following example of table B:
B: ID Date Number WeekNo 1 21-5-2015 25 22 2 23-5-2015 30 22
In this example the dates do not correspond with the weeknumber, because the 21st and the 23rd of may are week 21 and not 22. By joining this with the date table (A), I would hope to get the following result;
Table Name: EmployeeDetails Columns: EMpID - Date - WorkedHours
For each day I get details of number of hours worked by each employee in this table.
Now my HR wants a report with such columns
empid - Week - Month - Qtr
So, week will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that week Month will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that Month Qtr will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that Qtr
If I run the below command, it clean up the files inside the folders but unable to clean up the folder and sub-folders older than 30 days. xp_ cmd shell ' forfiles -p "D:abcd" -s -m *.* -d -30 -c "cmd /c del /Q @path"'
I am quite new to the complexities of MS SQL and have a problem, I would like to resolve. I have 2 tables with a unique identifier in both and want to populate a new table with information from both, but the second table I would like to populate just some fields that have a DOB eg
Table 1: uniqueId Name Address
Table2: uniqueId Type Setting
example of content for Table 2: uniqueId Type Setting 123 DOB 03/04/74 234 TFN 12345678 567 POA Mr Smith
So the new table needs to be populated with a ll of info in table 1 and has a new field called DOB so only the clients with a DOB should populate this field, if the client in Table 1 has a TFN reference, this record should be added to the new table but no value needs to be entered eg
123 Chris Smith 1 high street 03/04/74 234 Jon brown 2 high terrace <Null>
Hi. I have a report which has several datasources which require a table to be populated before they read from it. i.e. The first thing that needs to happen whenever the report is run, is a call to a stored procedure which populates the table the report datasources are based off of. The SP takes several minutes to complete and MUST complete before any of the datasources fetch their data.
How can this be achieved?
I can not find anything in the Visual Studio Report Designer which allows to me to instruct Datasource B to not execute before Datasource A has completed (or any other way to call a data population SP, before the data reader SP's execute).
I have to pick up a row from Customers and transfer it to CustomerMaster and CustomerDetails. CustomerId of CustomerMaster will be the CustomerId of CustomerDetails while transfer. Similarly for all other rows in Customers.
I am trying load data from multiple Foxpro tables which are under a folder. I can have multiple folders with 17 foxpro tables. I was able to do it in DTS using ActiveX script. Here is the ACtiveX script.
'********************************************************************** ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script '************************************************************************ Option Explicit Dim conObj,DSNGosfbill,comObj,objRs,HostServer Dim sFolder,sFileFolder, Details,subFolderoccur,sFileFolderDBF,sFileFolderFPT,CheckFile,dFiles,Fil Dim fso, folderObj,subFolderList,dFolderObj Dim objPackage,oStep,objPackage_1,oStep_1,ConnObj_001,ConnObj_004,ConnObj_031,ConnObj_032,ConnObj_033 Dim ConnObj_Hclaimb, ConnObj_HProv, ConnObj_Hids, ConnObj_HCodes, ConnObj_HSpan, ConnObj_002, ConnObj_HCHGB Set conObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") HostServer =DTSGlobalVariables("gvServer").Value
set comObj=CreateObject ("adodb.command") set comObj.ActiveConnection =conObj Function Main() Dim Dir_Name,DirFlag Dir_Name = "" DirFlag = "N" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(checkFile) Then Else Details = "***** Success.Lst file is missing in Batch folder. BATCH job may not be successfull or there are no folders in UNZIP directory to process. Check the batch run.*****" Call Write_Log Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure Exit Function End If Set folderObj = fso.GetFolder(sFolder) Set subFolderList = folderObj.SubFolders For Each subFolderOccur in subFolderList DirFlag = "Y" Dir_Name = subFolderOccur.Name Call Process_Dir(1,subFolderOccur.Name) Next If DirFlag = "N" Then Details = "***** No directories to process in SSI UNZIP folder*****" Call Write_Log End If If DirFlag = "Y" Then Call Process_Dir(2,Dir_Name) If objRs.Eof Then Details = "***** No directories to process in SSI UNZIP folder*****" Call Write_Log End If While not objRs.EOF set sFileFolder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder & objRs("zip_file_name")) Details = "***** Start-Time " & sFileFolder & " " & Date & " " & Time & "*****" Call Write_Log Call Update_Process_Flag("L",objRs("zip_file_name")) '*******Execute the package for each directory****************' '********* Call the Package**************' Set objPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package") Set objPackage_1 = CreateObject("DTS.Package")
Set ConnObj_001 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH001") ConnObj_001.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_002 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH002") ConnObj_002.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_004 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH004") ConnObj_004.DataSource = sFileFolder Set ConnObj_031 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH031") ConnObj_031.DataSource = sFileFolder Set ConnObj_032 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH032") ConnObj_032.DataSource = sFileFolder Set ConnObj_033 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH033") ConnObj_033.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_Hclaimb = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHCLAIMB") ConnObj_Hclaimb.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_HProv = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHPROV") ConnObj_HProv.DataSource = sFileFolder Set ConnObj_Hids = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHHIDS") ConnObj_Hids.DataSource = sFileFolder Set ConnObj_HCodes = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHCODES") ConnObj_HCodes.DataSource = sFileFolder Set ConnObj_HSpan = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHSPAN") ConnObj_HSpan.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_HCHGB = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHCHGB") ConnObj_HCHGB.DataSource = sFileFolder
objPackage.Execute For Each oStep In objPackage.Steps If oStep.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then Details = "***** GOSFBILL_SSI_Staging_Load failed. " & Date & " " & Time & "*****" Call Write_Log Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure Exit Function End If Next
For Each oStep_1 In objPackage_1.Steps If oStep_1.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then
Details = "***** GOSFBILL_SSI_Update_FileSource failed. " & Date & " " & Time & "*****" Call Write_Log Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure Exit Function End If Next
'********************************************' Details = "***** End-Time " & sFileFolder & " " & Date & " " & Time & "*****" Call Write_Log objPackage.Uninitialize objPackage_1.Uninitialize Set objPackage = Nothing Set objPackage_1 = Nothing sFileFolder = "" sFileFolderDBF = "" sFileFolderFPT = "" objRs.MoveNext Wend objRs.Close End If Call Close_Conn Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success End Function Sub Process_Dir (Para_cntl,Dir_Name) comObj.CommandText ="dbo.Usp_Process_Dir" comObj.commandtype = 4 comobj.parameters.Refresh comobj.parameters("@Para_Cntl")= para_cntl comobj.parameters("@Dir_Nm")= Dir_Name comobj.parameters("@File_Type")= "SSI" If (Para_Cntl = 1)Then comObj.Execute() Else If Para_Cntl = 2 Then Set objRs = comObj.Execute() End If End If
End Sub Sub Update_Process_Flag(P_Flag,Dir_Name) comObj.CommandText ="dbo.Usp_Process_Flag" comObj.commandtype = 4 comObj.parameters.Refresh comObj.parameters("@Process_Flag")= P_Flag comobj.parameters("@Dir_Nm")= Dir_Name comObj.Execute() End Sub Sub Write_Log comObj.CommandText ="dbo.usp_etl_write_log" comObj.commandtype = 4 comobj.parameters.Refresh comobj.parameters("@Text")= Details Comobj.parameters("@NDC_SSI_IND")= "SSI" Comobj.parameters("@Process_Stage")= "Staging" comObj.Execute() End Sub
Sub Close_Conn Set comObj = Nothing Set objRs = Nothing conObj.Close Set conObj = Nothing Set fso = Nothing Set folderObj = Nothing Set subFolderList = Nothing End Sub
When I migrated this code to SSIS, its not working. How can I achive this functionality in SSIS. Any one pls help me.
I am new to SQL Server7. I need to populate some tables from an SQL Server7 database at the end of the day. How can I automate this process? I also need to export these populated tables to a text file on daily basis. I know I can use "DTS" to do this. But is there any way to make these automated also? Or is there any third party tool to do all these?
I'm trying to setup a DTS that reads a flat file uses a Data Driven Query task and then selects ONLY records that does not exist in the database and then INSERT them to DB1.
This works fine but I need to add another functionality.
I need to create a record on another table(DB2) based on the freshly inserted records in DB1 using only some of the fields. How do I do it?
Is setting up a trigger possible so that everytime a record is inerted in DB1 it will automatically a populate DB2?
Flat file: ID Name Phone
DB1 ID Name Phone
DB2 ID PHone Event (from 00 to 10) NumActions (initialized to 0)
I am sorry for asking such a broad question, but I have been working on this and from what I can gather it can be done. My problem is that much of it has gone right over my head and I am getting more confused the more I read... I'm really, really confused...
Basically, I have a dataGridView that is populated with a number of fields from Table1 (ID, NameID, Status, Phone, Notes). This works fine, BUT I would like to access Table2 and have, where ID in Table2 = NameID in Table1, it load the First Name & Last Name into the dataGridView. I am able to load the information from Table 2 like so: SELECT NameFirst + ' ' + NameLast from Table2", but I can't get both Tables to work correctly.
I would like the dataGridView to be layed out like this:
ID NameID Name (NameFirst + NameLast) Status Phone Notes
I can't for the life of me understand or get this to work (Or for that matter even understand what I am trying to do...
Also, I am using Access 2007.
I would greatly appreciate some help, and possibly some explanation in laymans terms so that I might be able to understand this. I have read a lot about this, but for whatever reason it is just soooooo over my head that I can't follow it whatsoever.
// create and open the connection OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(conString); OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command = conn.CreateCommand();
// create the DataSet DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// run the query command.CommandText = "SELECT ID AS [#], NameID AS [Name], Status AS [Status], Phone AS [Phone], Notes AS [Notes] FROM Table1 WHERE ID = " + textBox13.Text + ";"; OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command); adapter.Fill(ds);
// close the connection conn.Close();
bindingSource1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;
// set the size of the dataGridView Columns this.dataGridView1.Columns[0].Width = 10; this.dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width = 100; this.dataGridView1.Columns[2].Width = 100; this.dataGridView1.Columns[3].Width = 100; this.dataGridView1.Columns[4].Width = 176;
I need to populate tables in my MS SQL 2000 DB with content from an excel file. I am not sure how this is done or how to format the excel file. If someone could help me with this it would be much appreciated!Thanks!
Hey guys, I'm an old DevShed member, but my old account isn't working for some reason, so I had to recreate..
I've recently decided to learn MS SQL, and having some trouble with creating and populating tables. Using MS SQL Express 2005.
Heres the code, I keep reading through my notes on how to do it, but I cant see what I'm doing wrong. This is my first attempt at it, so there may be more wrong that I think.
drop table Property_rental; drop table Property_type; drop table Property_owner; drop table Staff; drop table Tenant; drop table Tenant_category;
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 55 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Ten_Prop_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Property_rental", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 56 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Ten_Prop_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Property_rental", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 57 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Ten_Prop_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Property_rental", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 58 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Ten_Prop_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Property_rental", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 59 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Ten_Prop_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Property_rental", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 60 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Ten_Prop_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Property_rental", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 61 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Ten_Prop_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Property_rental", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 82 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Prop_Staff_fk". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Staff", column 'STAFFID'. The statement has been terminated.
In 2000, BCP seemed the way to go. DTS packages would also work. My question is, in 2005, what is the best choice? I seem to remember that BCP ignored all referential integrity constraints, and applying them afterwords was a royal pain. I'm not a BCP expert by any means. Running this at the command line means using the DOS prompt correct?
I created a Fact Table with 3 Keys from dimension tables, like Customer Key, property key and territory key. Since I can ONLY have one Identity key on a table, what do I need to do to avoid populating NULLs on these columns..
How can I delete duplicate entries from tables in my database using Query Analyzer, as there are many duplicate entries in my tables, I want to delete them.
If I wanted to search for Jobs as a particular status (e.g. 0130) and wanted to keep the jobs at this status until it has reached 0500, 0125, or 0900 in it's subsequent status log entry, how can I write the SQL for it to achieve it?
I have the following SQL which searches for the Jobs at 0130, but don't know how to develop it further to search on the requirement above.
------ SQL ------- SELECT job.job_number, (SELECT MAX(jsl.job_log_number) FROM job_status_log jsl WHERE job.job_number = jsl.job_number AND jsl.status_code = '0130') as Last_Early_Warning_Status_Entry
In the job_status_log table above, there is a job_log_number field which increments by 1 when there is a new status log entry.
for rows having no start and endtime assume it as regular intervals.
So i need to show available appointment with duration one hour with the available schedule which is for every five minutes
Like My first appointment for today starts at 8:30 but 8- 8:30 is unblock so there could be an appointment but as this chunk is less than 60 so need to create it
For Schedule table below is what i've to create for temporary basis as this will be available in nightly load in a table.
DECLARE @num int=5 ,@LASTtime TIME =CAST('23:55' as TIME) ,@Time TIME =CAST('00:00' as TIME) ,@Timeprev TIME =CAST('00:00' as TIME) WHILE ( @Time<>@LASTtime) BEGIN
I need to search all tables in my user database to find a value. I don't know what the column name is.
I know of one table that contains the value, but I need to look through all the tables and all there columns to see if I can find if this value exists in more than one place. It is an int value - 394789.
I am having trouble with joining 3 tables.1 table is the primary call it jobs, second is material, third is called labor...job will have all jobs, SOMETIMES the job will have material, sometimes job will have ONLY labor, BUT most of the time it will have job, material and labor...
I've having difficulty joining two tables and getting the results I want. What I'm trying to accomplish is an Health Savings Account (HSA) upload file to go to our Insurance vendor. Here's a summary
Description: This table stores all deductions in an employee's paycheck. I'm specifically looking for a field in that table called AL_DEDCD where it equals "H". This is the deduction from the employee's paycheck.
Description: This table stores the employer contribution based on their deduction. For example, we match 50% of their contribution. It is possible for the employee to have a deduction (stored in the ps_al_chk_ded table) but it is not possible for them to have an employer contribution (stored in ps_al_chk_memo) without a deduction (stored in the ps_al_chk_ded).
What I want in my output is a combination of these tables that looks at the employee in the ps_al_chk_ded table, takes only the records where al_dedcd = H and returns the corresponding employer contribution (memo_cd =H in al_chk_memo). So you almost have to join the two tables on all three of those fields and I can't get it to work. Here is what I would like the data to look like:
This didn't seem like it was too complicated but no matter how I do it, I can never get the appropriate amount from the employer contribution. I attached a screenshot that shows my queries and result set. In the screenshot, it returned the employee deduction just fine but then returns 48.25 for the employer contribution. However, the MEMO_CD in that specific record is equal to T. In this case, it should return 0.00 for the employer contribution. If I try and add something like d.al_dedcd = c.memo_cd on the join, I barely get any results. The key is matching on those fields and then returning 0.00 when there is no record of MEMO_CD = H in the al_chk_memo table for the deduction in ps_al_chk_memo.
RID, RType, GID 001, m, g01 002, m, g01 002, m, g02 002, m, g03 003, m, g01 003, m, g03 a, T, g01 a, T, g02 a, T, g03 b, T, g02 b, T, g03 b, T, g04
4. Group
GID g01 g02 g03 g04
I'd like to find the record in table #1 "Matter" which has exact record of "GID" in table #3 "Security Assignment" compare with table #2 "Category"
In this case, it is record of "002" bacause "002" in table#1 "Matter" and the record "a" in table #2 "category" both has exact GID records(g01, g02, g03) in table #3, "Security Assignment"
How can I create qury to find all the possible record in the table #2?
I have two similar tables in different database and need to make query to select only the data from the first table that is not available in the second table and there is no unique record for each record , but each row is having different records for example:
CREATE TABLE table1( [PNR] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [Tkt_Number] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [DepaCityName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [ArriCityCode] [nvarchar](3) NULL,
I have task where i need to update the 2 columns from 2 different tables. I need to get one column from one table and update to the other table.If the column name do not match....
I need to get the replacement records between the 2 tables. I have table A and table B with same structure. I have 5 fields. Table A has 50,000 records and table B has 20,000 records. I have fields id , name, address,meter_flag,end_Date.
Some of the records in Table B are just replacement records of table A. I mean for example I have records like this in Table A
id name address meter_flag end_date
23 john 1201 salt lake dr no 2011-12-28
24 tom 1222 gibson ln yes 2011-12-16
25 alex 1334 qayak dr no 2011-12-17
In Table B
23 john 1344 mc kinney st yes 2011-12-18
24 tom 1222 gibson ln yes 2011-12-16
56 gary 1335 pruitt rd no 2011-12-18
25 alex 1334 qayak dr no 2011-12-17
So here in Table B i have an update for john with id 23 in table A in address field and meter_flag has changed to yes. There is new record with id 25 in table b but that is not in table A. so I need to find all these difference records by querying these 2 table
I want to compare ONLY 1 Column values from 2 tables having more than 4.9 million records. There is a difference of 4000 rows between the 2 tables.
My above query took nearly 4.5 hours to run and I had to cancel it. Is there a better way to write the query . I just want to compare the ID - column values which are missing in TABLE2