T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Preparing Date Schedule - Repayment

Jun 20, 2014

I need the script for the following schedule.

if the repayment start date = 05-01-2016 and installment=5 then result will be

if the repayment start date = 30-01-2016 and installment=5 then result will be

if the repayment start date = 31-01-2016 and installment=5 then result will be

if the repayment start date = 29-02-2016 and installment=5 then result will be

if the repayment start date = 28-02-2015 and installment=5 then result will be

I have find some ways but unable to make it.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Generate Working Schedule For Employees For X-days Ahead Based On Starting Date

May 6, 2014

I would like to generate a working schedule for employees for x-days ahead based on a starting date that the user can enter.

I have got 3 relevant tables:

1. Table X with (1) resourcenumber, (2) starting date working schedule and (3) the daynumber representing the starting date (this is ISO so 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday etc.)

2. Table Y has the schedule itself and can hold a 7-days schedule or a 14-days schedule. In case of 7 days schedule there a 14 (!) records with (1) resourcenumber, (2) daynumber, (3) starting hour a.m. (4) ending hour a.m (5) starting hour p.m and (6) ending hour p.m. In case of a 14-days schedule there are 28 records (a.m. and p.m. records)

3. Table Z with resource data.

An example to clarify (for fake employee 100):

Table X:
Resource: 100
Starting date: 2012-03-01 (from this date the schedule will be effective)
Daynumber: 4 (2012-03-01 was a Thursday)

Table Y (Resource has a 14 days schedule because per 2 weeks Monday is an off-day):

Record 1 shows: Resource: 100, Daynumber: 1 (= Monday, working day), AM-Starting hour: 09:00, AM-Ending hour: 13:00, PM-starting hour: 13:30, PM-ending hour: 17:30
Record 2: same but daynumber is 2
Record 3: same but daynumber is 3 etc.
Record 8 shows: Resource: 100, Daynumber: 8 (= Monday, off-day), AM-Starting hour: 00:00, AM-Ending hour: 00:00, PM-starting hour: 00:00, PM-ending hour: 00:00
Record 9: same as record 2 but daynumber is 9.
Record 14: same as record 7 but day is 14 (= last day)

The weekend days show as 00:00 for the hours (same as day 8 in example)

I generated the working schedule with a CROSS APPLY function based on the starting date and the x-number of days ahead.

I then evaluate the actual daynumber corresponding with that date with the daynumber in table Y. That works fine with a 7-days schedule but I can't get it fixed with a 14-days schedule. Day 8 in that schedule represents an actual day 1 but how do I know what actual date day 8 is ... I think I have to start with the starting date in table X ...

I think ideally I would like to have the generated days as follows (as an example in case of a 14-days schedule starting 2014-05-01 for 30 days ahead):

2014-05-01 = day 4 (= actual daynumber)
2014-05-02 = day 5
2014-05-03 = day 6
2014-05-10 = day 13
2014-05-11 = day 14
2014-05-12 = day 1
2014-05-13 = day 2
2014-05-14 = day 3
2014-05-24 = day 13
2014-05-25 = day 14
2014-05-26 = day 1
2014-05-27 = day 2
2014-05-31 = day 6

With this done I can compare the actual daynumber with the daynumber in Table Y.

The rownumber that the CROSS APPLY function generates has to be reset to 1 after day 14. I tried PARTITION BY in THE ROW_NUMBER function but to no avail ... The only field I can partition by is the maximum value of the daynumber (14 is the example) but that is not allowed in the rownumber function.

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Schedule Job - Date Conversion

Oct 31, 2007

That is the problem€¦
When I schedule a Visual Basic application to auto execute in a future date on SQL Server 2000, using management/SQL Server Agent/Jobs. This generates a date conversion error. *** you can see in the log below.

x------- BEGING ERROR -------x
Date/Time: 9/14/2007 12:11:33 PM
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description: The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value.
Err. Num.: -2147217913
convert( smalldatetime,Null,103) ,convert( smalldatetime,Null,103), convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),'G-ECT-ABL-01','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','AC ASSIS BRASIL','','26300273',convert( smalldatetime,'3/16/2002',103), convert( smalldatetime,'4/3/2002',103), convert( smalldatetime,'3/1/2002',103),'CPA-2448/IP-','782','REOP 02',convert( smalldatetime,Null,103), convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),convert( smalldatetime,Null,103),'','','',convert( smalldatetime,'7/25/2002',103),'Estação migrada para nova plataforma em 25/07/2002.',0,'','','','','...','...','...','68','Não','64K','64K',convert( smalldatetime,'3/1/2002',103),692)
x--------- END ERROR --------x

When this application is executed out of schedule jobs in SQL Server, just doing a simple double click on the binary.exe file. It runs correctly. What should i do to solve the problem?

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Reporting Services :: How To Schedule Report To Run Automatically Which Has Date Parameter

Jul 8, 2011

How to schedule a Report to run automatically which has date parameter? Date parameter should take the current date as a value.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Add Previous Row End Date As Next Row Start Date

Mar 14, 2014

Let's say the first row returned has StartDate = 1/1/2014 and EndDate is 1/2/2014. The next row I want the StartDate to equal the previous row EndDate so it would be 1/2/2014 as StartDate. This compounds every row basically the third row StartDate would be the second row EndDate. All in one select statement if it can be done. Using SQL2008r2.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Trying To SUM Row With Current Date To Row With Last Month Date

Jul 23, 2014

I am trying to SUM a column of ActivityDebit with current Calendar_Month to a Column of Trial_Balance_Debit from Last Calendar_Month. I am providing Temp Table code as well as fake data.

IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#MyTrialBalance','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #MyTrialBalance
CREATE TABLE #MyTrialBalance (
[FISCALYEAR] [smallint] NULL,

[Code] ....

Here is my Query I am trying but not working. I cant figure out how to doo the dateadd for correct column.

(SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID], [Calendar_Month],[ACTIVITYDEBIT]
FROM Mytrialbalance
WHERE actindx='48397' AND ACTIVITYDEBIT='820439.78000'
(SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID],DATEADD(MM, -1,Calendar_Month)AS Last_Month
FROM Mytrialbalance) B ON B.Trial_Balance_ID=A.Trial_Balance_ID

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Stop Preparing My SQL!

Nov 30, 2007

I have a performance issue with a Cognos report against SQL Server 2005.
The total running time of the report is 1 minute 15, and using SQL Profiler I found out that 1m13 is spent preparing SQL. Execution and generating the report takes up 2 seconds; no problem there.
The SQL is the same every time I run the report, yet SQL Server spends 1m13 preparing it every single time! I'm no DBA, but as far as I understand that's not what's supposed to happen; once prepared, the SQL should execute quickly every time.

Is there a way to stop SQL from preparing the statement every time?

(Cognos 8 against SQL Server 2005 through OLEDB. Oh, and this query takes about a second when run in EM.)

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Preparing A String For SQL Insertion...

Nov 17, 2003


I would like to prepare a string variable for SQL insertion. Like, replacing all the single quotes with the HTML code equivilent and such. Has anyone written alything like this? Is there a tutorial on the web for it? A control maybe?


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Preparing Insert Statements

Feb 14, 2008


I want to prepare insert statements for the data of all tables in my database.
I want this to create seed data. Just by using those scripts i can insert the data in another db.
Please suggest ho wto prepare in easy way.

Thanks in advance.

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Preparing For SQL Midterm Test - Last Question

Feb 8, 2008

I'm new to SQL and trying to solve this question (I have solved many others, but having problems with this particular one) :
there are 3 tables describing voters in america

The question is :
Write a SQL query that show the names and codes for all settelments that have less than 100 voters.

Please help !!!!!

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Error 0xC0202009 While Preparing To Load The Package

Jul 16, 2007

I have an SSIS project that is deployed to a sql server.

The setup of the project is a parent dtsx package, and many child packages.

The parent executes each of the chid packages.

If I run the parent from BIDS, calling the children that are on the SQL Server, it works fine.

If I execute it from SQL Management Console running on my laptop, connected to the SQL Server, It works.

If I remote into the SQL Server and run it from SQL Agent or SQL Management Console, the job fails with the error:

Error 0xC0202009 while preparing to load the package. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!.
for each of the children.

This has quite suddenly stopped working, and I cannot figure out why it will work being executed from my laptop, but not on the server.

Any ideas?


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Error 0xC0011008 While Preparing To Load The Package

Jul 16, 2007

Hello all-

This post is for informational purposes only, as I have solved the issue. However, it was such a sneaky issue that I thought I would share.

I was working from home on a working SSIS package. I deployed via dtutil, and then ran it.

It failed immediatly with the error:

"Error 0xC0011008 while preparing to load the package. Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error information can be stored."

Nothing on the web helped me.

Well, after about 10 hours of working with it I figured it out.

The first package loaded in SSIS is my parent package, which executes other packages stored in SQL Server.

When I first loaded up the package, my VPN was still connecting. Since I was not on the VPN when this package loaded, it could not validate.

Without any indication, my connection to the SQL Server storing the packages was invalid. All I had to do was open it, and click on OK.

So be aware... If the validation cannot take place, bad things can happen ;-)

Hope this saves someone some time.


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Error Preparing To Try To Install SQL Server In Vista 64-bit Enterprise

Jan 29, 2008

I have Vista Enterprise 64-bit. I have followed the 3 links in this Answered Link.

I can turn on the IIS bits under
Web Management Tools and
Windows Authentication

But when I try to turn on the World Wide Web Services stuff I get
"An error has occurred. Not all of the features were successfully changed"
and when I click OK it has not turned on any of the fetures under World Wide Web Services.

Any clues?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Getting UTC Date From Integer?

Dec 29, 2014

I'm trying to get the UTC date from an integer. See my SQL below:

Declare @unix_date bigint
Set @unix_date = 3499288964
SELECT dateadd(day, @unix_date/(86400), dateadd(second, @unix_date
% (86400), '19700101'))

It returns '2080-11-20 00:42:44.000'. This is dead on except for the year (which should be 2014). I was thinking maybe my bigint value of 3499288964 was milliseconds or microseconds so I adjusted the seconds value (86400) in the select statement to reflect milliseconds (86400000) with no success and microseconds (86400000000) with no success as both of those gave incorrect results. Closest I got was with the seconds (86400) which of course returns the incorrect year.

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Error 0x80070002 While Preparing To Load The Package. The System Cannot Find The File Specified

Mar 8, 2007


I have a package which calls another package. It had been working fine for a while. Recently I changed the connection managers' names. Everything in the parent package works fine. Database has been updated correctly. But when it comes to calling the child package it generates :

OnError,CRPRCHMSQCZ,,Execute AMSClientAgentMaintenance,,,3/8/2007 5:49:38 PM,3/8/2007 5:49:38 PM,-1073602332,0x,Error 0x80070002 while preparing to load the package. The system cannot find the file specified.
.      (there is a period here instead of a file name)

I tested the child package on the server. It works fine. I connected the child package to the Execute Package Task by selecting from the packages on the server. So it is there for sure. Connection manager's name is read from the .dtsConfig. Child package is executed from my development machine but not on the server. I made a small test package just to call this child package, it generates the same error...

Any help is appreciated



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Count Events On Date

May 12, 2014

I have a table containing some events. Those events all have a start date and an end date.

eventID int,
eventname char(30),
startdate date,
enddate date

[Code] ....

When looking at the data some days have multiple events. Now I want to generate a new table that show all the dates in this month showing the number of running events for that specific day.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Date Format Conversion

Jun 17, 2014

i am trying to convert a string like this 'le dd/mm/yyyy' into a datetime.I have removed the 'le ' part and used covert(datetime, 'dd/mm/yyyy',103) to convert into datetime. This works for example for 'le 22/11/1799' but for 'le 09/11/1716' it does not work.

select convert(datetime,RIGHT('le 22/11/1799', LEN('le 22/11/1799') - 3), 103) -> it works
select convert(datetime,RIGHT('le 09/11/1716', LEN('le 09/11/1716') - 3), 103) -> it does not work

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: First And Last Day Of The Month In A Given Date Range?

Jun 26, 2014

I would like to get the first and last day of any month in a given date range.

Ex: Display the first and last day of the months between @startDate and @EndDates.

Input Params= @StartDate='2016-06-21 16:57:11.093'
@EndDate = '2016-09-30 00:00:00.000'

OutPut should be:-


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert String To Date?

Sep 5, 2014

I'm importing dates into a table with Bulk insert


it works with dates e.g. "14/01/2009"

However sometimes I get dates in the format

"Fri 14/01/2009"

What is the best way to convert these.

I can only think of putting them in a staging table with all date fields as varchars Then updating these varchar fields

LTRIM(REPLACE(dtField, 'Mon', ''))
LTRIM(REPLACE(dtField, 'Tues', ''))

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Round A Date To The Nearest Second

Sep 8, 2014

how to round a datetime variable to the nearest second. The solution must NOT just strip off the milliseconds, it needs to round.

Also, the solution should not be too cumbersome because it will be used in a high volume environment.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Earliest Date From Two Dates

Dec 10, 2014

I have two dates. How do I get the one that is the lowest. One may be null. I don't want null unless they are both null

I tried..

DECLARE @Handle date
SELECT @Handle = dbo.getTrkLeastDate('2014-12-09',NULL)
print @Handle
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[getTrkLeastDate] (@d1 date, @d2 date)
RETURNS datetime

[Code] .....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Date Column With 1900-01-01 Value

Dec 23, 2014

I have a date column with 1900-01-01 value, I am trying to get the min(date) without 1900-01-01.My problem here is: there are some records with both 1900-01-01 and real date. How do I get the MIN of the real date without getting 1900-01-01. Below is my query sample.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Get Current Date Between Last 24 Hours

Jan 14, 2015

I have a query that will go into an ssis package (eventually). The package will run every night at 3am. I need to capture the last 24 hours of by using something like:

SELECT worktype, changedate, woclass
where siteid = 'GTM' and woclass = 'WORKORDER' and istask = 0
[highlight=#ffff11]and changedate between '2015-01-13 03:00:00' and '2015-01-14 03:00:00'[/highlight]

I know I am not doing the between correctly to get the changedate between the last 24 hours. Is there a way to correct this so that I am only getting the change date that is between 3am today and 3am yesterday on any given day I happen to run this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Formatting Date Of Birth Using RSA ID Number

Nov 8, 2012

I need creating date of birth using ID number the ouput that im looking is a follows

e.g. RSA ID: 800101 (80 is year, 01 is month and 01 is day) that will be 1980 01 01
e.g. RSA ID: 000101 (00 is year, 01 is month and 01 is day) that will be 2000 01 01

The desired format I need is to take the above and create date of birth with the below format as required by the application used.

01 Jan 1980
01 Jan 2000

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Gaps Within Date Ranges

Sep 13, 2013

I have a group of date ranges and wanted to identify all of the date gaps within the ranges, outputting the dates as another date range dataset.

Example dataset SQL below:

CREATE TABLE #test (daterow int identity, obj_id int, datestart DATETIME, dateend DATETIME)
SELECT 1, '20130428', '20130523'
SELECT 1, '20130526', '20130823'

[Code] ....

I would expect a dataset to be returned consisting of:

1, 24/05/2013, 25/05/2013
1, 24/08/2013, 25/08/2013
2, 16/05/2013, 24/05/2013

I have found a lot of examples of problems where I have just a single date column, and then I find the gaps in between that, but I'm having difficulty finding examples where it works with start and end date columns...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Date Format - Convert Function

Mar 12, 2014

How to get this out put.


declare @deadline Datetime = '2014-03-23 15:30:10.000'
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@deadline, 100) AS DateConvert
----With this I am able to produce that like
----o/p: Mar 23 2014 3:30PM

declare @deadline1 Datetime = '2014-03-03 15:30:10.000'
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),@deadline1, 100) AS DateConvert

--o/p: Mar 3 2014 3:30PM
--expected O/p: Mar 03 2014 03:30PM

What is the correct date format to achieve this.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Start And End Date Based On A Criteria?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a scenario where i need to get the starting and ending date time based on the crieteria. The criteria is I always have my start date as NS or GS in the data column and my end date as GX so i need NS or GS to be my strart date based on ts Ascending and my end date as GX to be displayed in the same columns .

Create Table Test
(Tsq INT IDENTITY (1,1),
Data Varchar (150),
ts datetime,
Tpkt_type int)
insert into test values ('GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2')


Expected Output

---------Data----------------- ts as starttime--------------tpkt_type------data-----------------------ts as endtime--------tpkttype-
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2' 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:47:37.007','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:50:25.987','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:50:40.920','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:51:28.330','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:51:43.257','4'
'NS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-12-17 16:51:09.063','18', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-12-17 16:51:15.257','4'

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How Many Users Are Working Till Specify Date

Apr 30, 2014

I have a table with 5000 rows history about working and retired time.

It is the several rows from table(User, StartDate, EndDate):

User1 2011-05-09 00:00 2014-01-17 00:00
User2 2012-07-01 00:00 2012-08-20 00:00
User2 2013-08-26 00:00 2013-09-02 00:00
User2 2013-10-07 00:00 NULL
User3 2013-09-01 00:00 2014-04-07 00:00
User3 2014-04-08 00:00 NULL

How many users have worked and have retired by years and months,

2011-01 working 2000
2011-02 retired -50
2011-02 working 1950
2011-02 retired -27
and etc,,

Does it need to join to a time dimension table?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Order By On Date Descending In A Column

Jun 18, 2014

Below SQL gives the results of 2 columns and I need the DepartmentandDate column to be ORDER BY on date desc for that CID. Expected result is in the screenshot(attachment)...

IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#tTable') IS NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #tTable(CID, CDate, Dept)
(111, '2014-01-14 00:00:00.000','B is alphabet'),

[Code] ....

View 6 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Join 2 Table Based On Date

Jul 16, 2014

I have 2 tables:

Table Transaction
EmpID TransDate
00001 1/1/2014
00001 1/2/2014
00001 1/3/2104
00001 1/4/2014
00001 1/5/2014
00001 1/6/2014
00001 1/15/2014
00001 2/1/2014
00001 2/2/2014
00001 2/20/2004 ....

Table Master
EmpID EffectiveDateFr Group
00001 1/1/2014 A
00001 1/5/2014 B
00001 1/9/2014 C
00001 2/1/2014 B
00001 2/20/2014 A ....

I want to create query the output should be:

EmpID TransDate Group
00001 1/1/2014 A
00001 1/2/2014 A
00001 1/3/2104 A
00001 1/4/2014 A
00001 1/5/2014 B
00001 1/6/2014 B
00001 1/15/2014 C
00001 2/1/2014 B
00001 2/2/2014 B
00001 2/20/2004 A

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Missing Century In Date String

Jul 31, 2014

Any script handy to fill in a century into a date string. Right now, I'm getting dates in the following format:

7/26/29 = converts to 2029.

I'm looking for a SQL statement that will now to put a 19 or 20 in the century.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get First Day Previous Quarter From Todays Date

Aug 22, 2014

How do I get first day of last month of previous quarter from today's date? I know my question is little confusing. I need to get 06/01/2014 using t-sql.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Hot To Get Number Of Days For Given Date Range

Sep 15, 2014

--From the rows I want to know how many number of days a person was active for the given date range.

create table [dbo].[personstatus]
id int identity(1,1),
name varchar(100),
DateAdded date,
InactivationDate date ) ;
insert into [dbo].[personstatus] values

[Code] ....

--The output I am looking for.
1) FromDt = '2014-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-30'
VDENTI = 7 days

2) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-01'
VDENTI = 1 days

3) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-01'
VDENTI = 1 days

4) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-12-31'

KRISS = 8+24+8+21 = 61 Days
VDENTI = 31+24+31+30 = 116 Days

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