T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pulling Incorrect Records Using Date Range In Where Clause
Apr 22, 2014
I've been experiencing difficulty with pulling records using a where clause date range. I'm using this:
select *
where ath_postype = 'NTC' or ath_postype='NTD' and
ath_postdate >= '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and
ath_postdate <= '2013-01-05 23:59:59'
I've also tried variations of this without the time portion of the ath_postdate field (of type datetime) , but it still seems to be pulling records from 2009, etc.
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Dec 3, 2007
Say I want to return only records with dates that fall within the next 6 months. Is there some straight-forward, simple way of doing so?As of now, I'm explicitly giving it a date 6 months in the future, but I'd like to replace it with some sort of function. SELECT DateField1WHERE (DateField1 < CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-06-03 00:00:00', 102)) Any help is greatly appreciated... btw I'm using SQL 2005.
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Nov 6, 2014
creating the missing records in a date/time range.
However, I need to return different groups for each span of records.
here's some data....
The numbers are the hour of the day.
I need to return
aaa 0 0
aaa 1 1
aaa 2 0
aaa 3 0
bbb 0 0
bbb 1 0
bbb 2 1
and so on.
I've got a numbers table and I can left join with it but I just get nulls for the missing hours instead of having it as above.....I can't think of a way of repeating the groups for each of the 'missing' hours - other than creating a length insert statement to fill in the gaps....unless that is the only way of doing it.
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Mar 17, 2014
This seems simple enough but for some reason, my brain isn't working.
I have a lookup table:
Table A: basically dates every 30 days
I have Table b that has records and dates created assocated with each record
I want all records that fall between the 1st 30 days to have an additional column that indicates 30
records with additional column indicating 60 days that fall between the 30 and 60 day
records with additional column indicating 90days that fall between the 60 and 90 day mark.
Is there an easy way to do this?
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Jul 6, 2006
I am currently working in the sql server 2000 environment and I want towrite a function to pull all dates within a given date range. I havecreated several diferent ways to do this but I am unsatisfied withthem. Here is what I have so far:declare @Sdate as datetimedeclare @Edate as datetimeset @SDate = '07/01/2006'set @EDate = '12/31/2006'select dateadd(dd, count(*) - 1, @SDate)from [atable] vinner join [same table] v2 on v.id < v2.idgroup by v.idhaving count(*) < datediff(dd, @SDate, @EDate)+ 2order by count(*)this works just fine but it is dependent on the size of the table youpull from, and is really more or less a hack job. Can anyone help mewith this?thanks in advance
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Jun 26, 2014
I would like to get the first and last day of any month in a given date range.
Ex: Display the first and last day of the months between @startDate and @EndDates.
Input Params= @StartDate='2016-06-21 16:57:11.093'
@EndDate = '2016-09-30 00:00:00.000'
OutPut should be:-
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Sep 15, 2014
--From the rows I want to know how many number of days a person was active for the given date range.
create table [dbo].[personstatus]
id int identity(1,1),
name varchar(100),
DateAdded date,
InactivationDate date ) ;
insert into [dbo].[personstatus] values
[Code] ....
--The output I am looking for.
1) FromDt = '2014-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-30'
VDENTI = 7 days
2) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-01'
VDENTI = 1 days
3) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-01'
VDENTI = 1 days
4) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-12-31'
KRISS = 8+24+8+21 = 61 Days
VDENTI = 31+24+31+30 = 116 Days
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Mar 14, 2014
I'm trying to modify a date range, but it's much more complicated.
Let's say I have existing date ranges of:
182013-12-31 00:00:002013-12-31 00:00:001
192014-01-01 00:00:002014-01-23 00:00:001
202014-01-24 00:00:002014-01-25 00:00:001
212014-01-26 00:00:002014-02-04 00:00:001
222014-02-05 00:00:002014-02-13 00:00:001
232014-02-14 00:00:002014-02-15 00:00:001
I've created code that will do the following (depending on the inputs):
1) Create new start and end dates
2) Inactivate obsolete date ranges
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Aug 27, 2014
I have an Orders table which has the following fields:
OrderID (PK, int, auto increment, not null)
CustomerID (FK, int, null)
PaymentDate (datetime, null)
UserID (uniqueidentifier)
(and other irrelevant fields)
Basically, for a specific PaymentDate range (29th July 2014 - 26th August 2014, inclusive) I want to select all orders where they only appear once in the orders table based on the CustomerID, so I only want to know about them if they have a paid order (decided by PaymentDate not being null) in that date range, but also taking into account if they have ever had a paid order outside of that date range. I'll also be joining on to the aspnet_Users table to get the username assigned to that order.
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Jun 11, 2014
I have to find the records with in a paricular dates(from date and to date). In some cases @FromDate or @ToDate could be null. in the following query, when i am passing values @FromDate and @ToDate and execute the SP i am getting records which are not in the given range.
CASE When @FromDate IS NULL Then CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@minFromDate, 101)
AND CASE WHEN @ToDate IS NULL Then CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @maxToDate, 101)
[Code] .....
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Aug 19, 2013
I want to get all records that have a valid date range for todays date(20130819).
All records have a date_f and date_t. I need to check that against todays date. The below code is my version of sql pseudo code.
tbl_Person AS p, tbl_current_conn_ipnumber AS c
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Oct 14, 2015
This one is making my head hurt! Trying to figure out how to query for records between date range. The records have a start_date and an end_date field. The end_date field maybe null.
For example, say you wanted to see the records of everyone checked into a hotel during a given date range. You need to account for the people that checked in before you @start_date parameter and may check out after your @end_date parameter.
fyi- As for the null end_date field, think of this as they have checked in and not sure when they will checkout yet.
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Jan 15, 2012
If you have a table that has records which are applicable over a date range, is there a preferred design for dealing with the dates?
A simple example might be an employee table, which might have multiple employees, with each employee have multiple records, each record being applicable over a particular date range.
For instance:
EmpID EmployeeName StartDate EndDate AdditionalFieldsOfData
00001 Jones, Jerry 4/6/2011 8/10/2011
00001 Jones, Jerry 8/11/2011 1/7/2012
00001 Jones, Jerry 1/8/2011 12/31/3000
00002 Fredricks, Fred 8/3/2011 10/15/2011
00002 Fredricks, Fred 10/16/2011 12/31/3000
One could model this table with an implied EndDate (of 12/31/3000), as in:
EmpID EmployeeName StartDate AdditionalFieldsOfData
00001 Jones, Jerry 4/6/2011
00001 Jones, Jerry 8/11/2011
00001 Jones, Jerry 1/8/2011
00002 Fredricks, Fred 8/3/2011
00002 Fredricks, Fred 10/16/2011
Or, one could imply the beginning date and store the first record's beginning date elsewhere, in a date hired table, or in additional field on each record. As in:
EmpID EmployeeName EndDate HireDate AdditionalFieldsOfData
00001 Jones, Jerry 8/10/2011 4/6/2011
00001 Jones, Jerry 1/7/2012 4/6/2011
00001 Jones, Jerry 12/31/3000 4/6/2011
00002 Fredricks, Fred 10/15/2011 8/3/2011
00002 Fredricks, Fred 12/31/3000 8/3/2011
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Aug 21, 2014
I have two tables, customers and appointments.
I want to bulk insert records for a date range and a day of the week.
For example, John Smith has an appointment on every monday for the next three months. How do I accomplish this?
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Mar 11, 2008
Ok, I have two parameters - @StartDate and @EndDate. We only care about the date part of these paramters. What I would like to do is create a table with one record for each date between these two values. For example:
@StartDate = '01/01/2008'
@EndDate = '01/8/2008'
Should yield a table with 9 records in it for every day between @StartDate and @EndDate like so:
01/01/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/02/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/03/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/04/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/05/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/06/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/07/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/08/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
I know I could just do a WHILE (@StartDate <= @EndDate) loop and insert records into a temp table but I'm looking to see if there are any new methods/techniques to achieve this with a more simple statement.
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Nov 18, 2015
I tried to ask a similar question yesterday and got shot down, so I'll try again in a different way. I have been looking online at the gaps and islands approach, and it seems to always be referencing a singular field, so i can't find anything which is clear to get my head around it.In the context of a hotel (people checking in and out) I would like to identify how long someone has been staying at the hotel (The Island?) regardless if they checked out and back in the following day.
Data example:
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Apr 6, 2015
I have 2 tables, one is table A which stores Resources Assign to work for a certain period. The structure is as below
Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000
The table B stores the item process time. The structure is as below
Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
V 2015-04-01 09:30:10.000 2015-04-01 09:34:45.000
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000
A 2015-04-01 16:40:10.000 2015-04-01 16:42:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:43:01.000 2015-04-01 16:45:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:47:00.000 2015-04-01 16:49:25.000
I need to select the item which process in 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and 2015-04-01 17:30:00. Beside that I need to know how many resource is assigned to process the item in that period of time. I only has the start date is 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and end date is 2015-04-01 17:30:00. How I can select the data from both tables. There is no need for JOIN, just seperate selections.
Another item process time is in 2015-04-01 10:00:00 and 2015-04-04 11:50:59.
The result expected is
Table A
Name StartDate EndDate
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000
Table B
Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
A 2015-04-01 16:30:10.000 2015-04-01 16:32:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:33:01.000 2015-04-01 16:35:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:37:00.000 2015-04-02 16:39:25.000
Scenario 2 expected result
Table A
Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Table B
Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000
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Oct 14, 2014
I'm trying to get a count of Employed and Available contractors per time period, and I have a table of Contracts... something like:
CREATE TABLE empContract(
empContractID INT IDENTITY(10000,1) PRIMARY KEY,
EndDate DATE,
ContractorAssigned INT,
FOREIGN KEY ContractorID REFERENCES Contractor(ContractorID)
I don't think this is possible without the existence of some kind of Calendar table. Given the existence of a calendar table, the query seems really simple - just something like:
SELECT cal.CalendarDate, ec.ContractID
FROM Calendar cal LEFT JOIN empContract ec ON cal.CalendarDate BETWEEN ec.StartDate AND ec.EndDate
The left join forces the existence of all dates in a range (@StartDate and @EndDate), so that when I try to create a graph with counts by day, I don't have any gaps in my time series.
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Aug 27, 2014
I would like to have records in my Absences table split up into multiple records in my query based on a start and end date.
A random record in my Absences table shows (as an example):
resource: 1
startdate: 2014-08-20 09:00:00.000
enddate: 2014-08-23 13:00:00.000
hours: 28 (= 8 + 8 + 8 + 4)
I would like to have 4 lines in my query:
resource date hours
1 2014-08-20 8
1 2014-08-21 8
1 2014-08-22 8
1 2014-08-23 4
Generating the 4 lines is not the issue; I call 3 functions to do that together with cross apply.One function to get all dates between the start and end date (dbo.AllDays returning a table with only a datevalue column); one function to have these dates evaluated against a work schedule (dbo.HRCapacityHours) and one function to get the absence records (dbo.HRAbsenceHours) What I can't get fixed is having the correct hours per line.
What I now get is:
resource date hours
1 2014-08-19 NULL
1 2014-08-20 28
1 2014-08-21 28
1 2014-08-22 28
1 2014-08-23 28
1 2014-08-24 NULL
... instead of the correct hours per date (8, 8, 8, 4).
A very simplified extract of my code is:
SET @startdate = '2014-01-01'
SET @enddate = '2014-08-31'
SELECTh.res_id AS Resource,
(SELECT ROUND([dbo].[HRCapacityHours] (h.res_id, t.datevalue, t.datevalue), 2)) AS Capacity,
(SELECT [dbo].[HRAbsenceHours] (9538, h.res_id, t.datevalue, t.datevalue + 1) AS AbsenceHours
FROMResources h (NOLOCK)
CROSS APPLY (SELECT * FROM [dbo].[AllDays] (@startdate, @enddate)) t
p.s.The 9538 value in the HRAbsenceHours function refers to the absences-workflowID.I can't get this solved.
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Jan 28, 2013
I've got a linked server to an attomix database. When i send an erroneous statements to the server an error message is returned to the Message pane is SSMS as below:-
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "noble" returned message "[Noble Systems Corp.][ATOMIX ODBC Driver]Atomix error - (-217)Column (crap) not found in any table in the query.
".Msg 7215, Level 17, State 1, Line 5, Could not execute statement on remote server 'noble'.
I'm trying to store this error using the ERROR_MESSAGE() function but i only get the second statement ('Could not execute statement on remote server 'noble'.') rather than the real error in the first line. The first line statement is displayed in black as a message rather than red for an error.
how i can access the first error?
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Aug 16, 2006
I am attempting to write a SQL query that retrieves info processed between two times (ie. 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm) during a date range (ie. 8/1/06 to 8/14/06)... I am new to SQL and am perplexed... I have referenced several texts, but have not found a solution. Even being pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!!
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Nov 1, 2013
I'm currently using the SQL to find records older than todays date in the SSD_SED field. I'm having to update the date manually each day. Is there a way I can automate this?
AND (SSD_SED < '2013-11-01')order by SSD_SED DESC
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Mar 5, 2006
I am trying to pull only those records with a maximum upload date for a file upload log.
This table keeps a list of files uploaded by supplierID and will have multiple records from the same supplier but with all different upload dates. Overall there are over 1,000 records for 48 uniqur suppliers.
The field names are:
SupplierID, UploadDate, FeedFileName, RecordCount, FeedFileDate, RecordCount, and FeedLoaded.
So for each distinct SupplierID I'd like to grab the line item based on the max feedfiledate for each one - in other words I am trying to get the latest uploaded file information, how many records were in the file, and when it was uploaded... I've tried multiple group by and max clauses but there is something I am missing...
Thanks Much in advance
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Jan 25, 2007
Please help I am trying to do an access query using an inner join...I am using an or to seperate the statements after the inner join...Can this not be done? I need a way to pull the records just once and right now it is duplicating them...Any help would be great!
<cfquery name="formWait" datasource="#datasource#">
SELECT distinct demographics.colors, demographics.colors2, formApprasialStateP.rec_ID, formApprasialStateP.keyName,
formApprasialStateP.form_id, formApprasialStateP.teacherID as sid, formApprasialStateP.teacherStatus,
formApprasialStateP.teacherStatus, formApprasialStateP.appraiserStatus, formApprasialStateP.appraiserStatus, formApprasialStateP.cycleYear as
ty, formApprasialStateP.cycle as tdc, formApprasialStateP.saved, formApprasialStateP.status
FROM formApprasialStateP INNER JOIN demographics ON formApprasialStateP.status = demographics.colors or formapprasialstatep.status=demographics.colors2 where teacherStatus = 2 and appraiserStatus = 1 and teacherID=#id#
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Feb 11, 2015
My query is pulling to many records becuase of the last join. This table can have multiple registration files for a computer. I just want the latest one or last one insert which is based on dttRegistration. I thought a top 1 select and order by would do it, but now returns no computer names.
dm.strMake, m.strModel,
[Code] .....
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Jun 11, 2007
I'm trying to use the NEWID function in dynamic SQL and get an errormessage Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'. Looks like I can'tdo an insert with an Order by clause.Here's the code:SELECT @SQLString = N'INSERT INTO TMP_UR_Randoms(Admit_DOCID,Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType,RecordChosen)'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'(SELECT TOP ' + @RequFilesST + 'Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType, RecordChosen FROMFD__UR_Randoms 'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'WHERE SelectType = ' +@CodeRevTypeSt + ' AND SelectDate = ''' + @TodaySt + '''' + ' ORDERBY NEWID())'execute sp_executesql @SQLStringMy goal is to get a random percentage of records.The full SP follows. In a nutshell - I pull a set of records fromFD__Restart_Prog_Admit into a temporary table called FD__UR_Randoms.I need to retain the set of all records that COULD be eligible forselection. Based on the count of those records, I calculate how manyneed to be pulled - and then need to mark those records as "chosen".I'd just as soon not use the TMP_UR_Randoms table - I went that routebecause I ran into trouble with a #Tmp table in the above SQL.Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.Full SQL:CREATE PROCEDURE TP_rURRandomReview @ReviewType varchar(30)--Review type will fill using Crystal Parameter (setting defaults)AS/* 6.06.2007UR Requirements:(1) Initial 4-6 month review: 15% of eligible admissions(eligible via days in program and not yet discharged) must be reviewed4-6 months after admission. This review will be done monthly -meaning we'll have a moving target of names (with overlaps) whichcould be pulled from each month. (Minimum 5 records)(2) Subsequent 6-12 month review: Out of those already reviewed(in #1), we must review 25% of them (minimum of 5 records)(3) Initial 6-12 month review: Exclude any included in 1 or 2 -review 25% of admissions in program from 6-12 months (minimum 5)*/DECLARE @CodeRevType intDECLARE @PriorRec int -- number of records already markedeligible (in case user hits button more than once on same day for sametype of review)DECLARE @CurrRec int --number of eligible admitsDECLARE @RequFiles intDECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(1000)DECLARE @RequFilesSt varchar(100)DECLARE @CodeRevTypeSt char(1)DECLARE @TodayNotime datetimeDECLARE @TodaySt varchar(10)--strip the time off todaySELECT @TodayNotime = DateAdd(day,datediff(day,0,GetDate()),0)--convert the review type to a codeSelect @CodeRevType = Case @ReviewType when 'Initial 4 - 6 Month' then1 when 'Initial 6 - 12 Month' then 2 when 'Subsequent 6 - 12 month'then 3 END--FD__UR_Randoms always gets filled when this is run (unless it waspreviously run)--Check to see if the review was already pulled for this recordSELECT @PriorRec = (Select Count(*) FROM FD__UR_Randoms whereSelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate = @TodayNotime)If @PriorRec 0 GOTO ENDThis--************************************STEP A: Populate FD__UR_Randomstable with records that are candidates for review************************If @CodeRevType = 1BEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 119)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) <= 211)AND pa.OP__DOCID not in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere RecordChosen = 'T'))ENDIf @CodeRevType = 2--only want those that were selected in a batch 1 - in program 6-12months; selected for first reviewBEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 211)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) < 364)AND pa.OP__DOCID in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere SelectType = 1 AND RecordChosen= 'T'))ENDIf @CodeRevType = 3--only want those that were not in batch 1 or 2 - in program 6 to 12monthsBEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 211)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) < 364)AND pa.OP__DOCID NOT in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere SelectType < 3 AND RecordChosen= 'T'))ENDSELECT @CurrRec = (Select Count(*) FROM FD__UR_Randoms whereSelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate = @TodayNoTime)--*************************************STEP B Pick the necessarypercentage **************************************--if code type = 1, 15% otherwise 25%If @CodeRevType = 1BEGINSELECT @RequFiles = (@CurrRec * .15)ENDELSEBEGINSELECT @RequFiles = (@CurrRec * .25)END--make sure we have at least 5If @RequFiles < 5BEGINSELECT @RequFiles = 5End--*************************************STEP C Randomly select thatmany files**************************************--convert all variables to stringsSELECT @RequFilesSt = Convert(Varchar(100),@RequFiles)SELECT @CodeRevTypeSt = Convert(Char(1),@CodeRevType)SELECT @TodaySt = Convert(VarChar(10),@TodayNoTime,101)SELECT @SQLString = N'INSERT INTO TMP_UR_Randoms(Admit_DOCID,Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType,RecordChosen)'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'(SELECT TOP ' + @RequFilesST + 'Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType, RecordChosen FROMFD__UR_Randoms 'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'WHERE SelectType = ' +@CodeRevTypeSt + ' AND SelectDate = ''' + @TodaySt + '''' + ' ORDERBY NEWID())'print @SQLStringexecute sp_executesql @SQLStringSELECT * FROM TMP_UR_Randoms/*--This select statement gives me what i want but I need to somehowmark these records and/or move this subset into the temp tableSelect Top @RequFilesFROM FD__UR_RandomsWHERE SelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate =Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101))ORDER BY NewID()*/ENDTHIS:GO
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May 14, 2007
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="productsUpdate" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringAccountType %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [ProductID], [ProductName], [ImageTitle], [ImageData], [ImageMimeType] FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] = @ProductID"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Products] SET [ImageTitle] = Null, [ImageData] = Null, [ImageMimeType] = Null WHERE [ProductID] = @ProductID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Products] ([ImageTitle], [ImageData], [ImageMimeType]) VALUES (@ImageTitle, @ImageData, @MimeType) WHERE ([ProductID] = @ProductID)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="ProductID" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ImageTitle" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ImageData" Type="string" />
<asp:Parameter Name="MimeType" Type="string" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ImageTitle" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ImageData" />
<asp:Parameter Name="MimeType" Type="String" />
</asp:SqlDataSource> Hi Guys, new to development using visual studio and vb.net 2.0. and SQL express. Have a small problem.I have an update command which im using to change the values of a blob image table to NULL so that i can then insert a new image into the table. This works fine. My problem is that my insert statement has an error and i cant figure this out. if i dont add the where clause it works fine but inserts the new image into the table without the product data, i want to insert the new image into the existing product information. The error message i keep getting is "incorrect syntax near where"Any help would be greatly appreciatedThanks
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Dec 21, 2012
[Code] ....
I am trying to make the sql only pull records where the highest date stored is older than a year ago.
So, based on today's date 12/21/2012:
if the highest (max) T_DATE is 3/12/2012 => don't pull that record
if the highest (max) T_DATE is 11/30/2011 => pull that record into the recordset
the statement is off, it is pulling records that should not be included.
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Apr 28, 2004
when i try the following SQL batch, I get a result-set which is not order by
datetime column 'out_date',but if I delete clause INTO #fifo_temp, I get a correct result with correct order.
who can help me?thanks in advance
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,cast(out_id as char(10)) as out_id,out_number,out_date,out_qty,remark
INTO #fifo_temp from ##stuff_fifo UNION
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,out_id,null,out_date,quant ity,remark
from acc_cost.dbo.stuff_out where tag='A' and left(out_id,3) in ('XSA','TAP')
ORDER BY out_date
DROP TABLE ##stuff_fifo
select * from #fifo_temp
the following can get a correct result:
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,cast(out_id as char(10)) as out_id,out_number,out_date,out_qty,remark
from ##stuff_fifo UNION
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,out_id,null,out_date,quant ity,remark
from acc_cost.dbo.stuff_out where tag='A' and left(out_id,3) in ('XSA','TAP')
ORDER BY out_date
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Dec 20, 1999
Here is what I want to to:
I have a number of tables, but this query concerns only two of them: Employee, Disposition, with a one to many relationship on the phone number.. Employee has personal info, and dispostion is a large table that keeps track of transactions. There is a unque_id for every transaction.
I want to pull some information. A date is assciated with each trans action on the disposition table. I want to be able to pull up all the unique employee phone numbers from a disposition table but only the latest date they made a transaction. My result should be only one phone nbr, one transaction number, and the date of the last transaction, per employee phne_nbr. But I can't seem to be able to pull this.
This query gets me the max date called per phne_nbr:
select 'Max'= max(dte_call), phne_nbr into TestTable
from Disposition
group by phne_nbr
The problem arises when I need to get the unique_id for that transaction, as I need it for other queries...The code below does not work...I get duplicate records and so forth.
select 'Max'= max(dte_call), phne_nbr, unique_id into TestTable
from Disposition
group by phne_nbr, unique_id
This shouldn't be that hard!! (((I tried a variation usin select distinct with the filed I wanted to be distinct in () otherfield, other field... but the distinct is not limited to the field in (), it gets the distinct record for the entire select ))) I must be missing something simple here. Can anyone help!!!
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Dec 18, 2013
I am pulling data from table which has date field to it. I am using below query to get the date
select ArrivalDate As[ARRIVE DATE, , Date, 0], ArrivalTime As[ARRIVE TIME, 4, String, 0] from ArrivalInfo
but i am getting date as 20130925 in format but i want date to be in 09/25/2013 (mm/dd/yyyy)..
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Jul 27, 2007
Below is a file that I have loaded into a Sql table:
<btb-root xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" btb-num-trans="2" btb-date="2006-11-09" btb-time="22:40:03" btb-sender="BTB" btb-receipient="BPO-USR">
- <btb-request req-method="Asynchronous">
- <req-header>
- <req-property-address>
<addr1>1115 TEST DR</addr1>
- <req-borrowers borr-type="Borrower">
My goal is to take the btb-date and store it in the same table I loaded the seperate nodes to. Currently I am loading the req-header, req-property-address, and req-borrowers.
This date will be static in that it will remain the same for every record. My goal is to read it in and store it along with each record. Hope someone can give me some help.
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Apr 10, 2008
I am using reporting services, when I go to view my report in Report Manager (web browser is IE7), I choose a date from a date picker control, and the date that populates the date field is in US format mm/dd/yyyy, however in my regional settings, although I have English(United States) I have altered my short date format to be dd/mm/yyyy.
Currently my report will display an error saying the date is an invalid format if I pick a date that violates the mm/dd/yyyy format. I want it to display the date format that I have defined in my regional settings, without modifying the 'Language Preference' settings for IE.
The report properties has =User!Language for the 'Language' property.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
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