T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Selecting Data By Date For Last Five Days AND Avoiding Weekend Dates

Apr 16, 2014

What I am trying to do: Obtain attendance percentages for schools for the last five days. The outcome would look like this:

I am using nested subqueries for each day as follows: (total enrollment-total absent/total enrollment)


The query works with the following exceptions:

My issues are:

1. Avoid the "division by zero" error. This can occur if a school is closed for a day or if a smaller school has no absences for a day.

2. Avoid weekend dates. I need the query to display only weekdays

3. Currently I am using "PERCENTAGE 5: as a column header whereas I need the actual date as the header.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Selecting Days In Month Between Two Dates

May 19, 2015

I need some with selecting the number of days, in a month, between a date range. For example, my data looks like:

FileNumb | startdate | enddate
1 04/25/2015 05/02/2015
2 05/01/2015 05/10/2015

The output I am looking for would be:

FileNumb | Year | Month | Days
1 2015 4 6
1 2015 5 2
2 2015 5 10

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Retrieve Dates For Last 7 Days

Mar 26, 2014

The following query was used for retrieving dates for the last 7 days . Untill February this query was running fine and would return the last seven days date including today.

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 7 Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)) AS DateCreated,
datepart(dw,DateCreated) AS WeekNum from [TechnologyRepository].[helpdsk].[WorkDetails]
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)),GETDATE()) <= 7

However from March (not sure of the exact date)..the query below would only give us 7 days until yesterday..i.e it would list dates from 3/19,3/20,3/21,3/22,3/23,3/24,3/25 and not 3/26 ..

I changed the query to <= 6 and it works as expected. But still not sure why it would not return todays date with <= 7.

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 7 Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)) AS DateCreated,
datepart(dw,DateCreated) AS WeekNum from [TechnologyRepository].[helpdsk].[WorkDetails]
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)),GETDATE()) <= 6

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Transact SQL :: How To Find Weekend Days Per Month

May 13, 2015

I want to find the first weekend day, second weekend day, third weekend day and fourth weekend day per month using sql query. This is getting from recurring appointment. If weekdays = 65 means it accepts only saturday and sunday. So I want first, second, third and fourth weekend days for a month using query in sql server 2008...

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Weekend Dates

Jun 24, 2008

I was wondering could someone help me. i have two dates a start_date and an end_date i need to work out if a weekend falls with in the dates. can this be done or is there an easy way of working it out

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Date Difference Between 2 Dates In DAYS Excluding Weekends

Oct 14, 2015

Here I have 2 Dates. CreatedDttm & ModifiedDttm.

I want  - DATEDIFF(Day,CreatedDttm,ModifiedDttm)  and I have to exclude the Weekend days from that query result.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Hot To Get Number Of Days For Given Date Range

Sep 15, 2014

--From the rows I want to know how many number of days a person was active for the given date range.

create table [dbo].[personstatus]
id int identity(1,1),
name varchar(100),
DateAdded date,
InactivationDate date ) ;
insert into [dbo].[personstatus] values

[Code] ....

--The output I am looking for.
1) FromDt = '2014-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-30'
VDENTI = 7 days

2) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-01'
VDENTI = 1 days

3) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-01'
VDENTI = 1 days

4) FromDt = '2013-01-01' ToDt ='2014-12-31'

KRISS = 8+24+8+21 = 61 Days
VDENTI = 31+24+31+30 = 116 Days

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Reporting Services :: Selecting All Dates With A Date Parameter

Jul 15, 2015

On my SSRS report, I use a date parameter to let the user select a date with the little calendar tool. When a date is selected, I have a small bit of coding run to convert the date to text, because when the report first fires up, the field is populated with "1/1/1900," and I need that turned into a blank character to let the report pull up all rows. So far, all well and good.If someone picks a date, then the report will filter the data on that selected date. Works fine.

But, it appears there is no way to get the calendar tool to go back to allowing ALL dates - so that all records are pulled - except by manually typing in, or selecting it with the tool, 1/1/1900.If I try to clear the field, causing it to use '' as a WHERE criteria (WHERE AdmitDate LIKE '%' + @AdmitDateTxt + '%'), it repopulates the field with the last selected date. So, I guess the question is, how does one tell the calendar tool for picking dates for a date parameter to reset back such that all records are pulled, not just those for a single date, without being required to type in, 1/1/1900? Or, is there some way of telling the date parameter to select all dates?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Today - Subtract 30 Days From Date Field

Feb 4, 2015

We are running sql 2008 R2. We have the JE_DATE field set up as an int. We are trying to subtract 30 days from this date field.

select * from GENERAL_LEDGER

In addition to the where clause above we have also tried
where JE_DATE >= DATEADD(dd,-30,GETDATE())

For both we get the following error "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime."

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculate 90 Days And 3 Years Ago From Effective Date In A Table?

Sep 30, 2014

What would be the most straight forword to Calculate 90 days and 3 Years ago from an Effective Date in a table?

as in

SELECT EffectiveDate
from FL.CEFHistory

I need to return the effective date - 90 days and 1 year from that.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Find Older Date That Is Less Than 90 Business Days

Feb 12, 2015

select DateAdd(dd,-90,getdate())

It gives the 90 days older date but i want to exclude the weekdays and holidays (saturday ,sunday,holiday)

As we dont have permission to call a function or Sp in high level environments looking for a simple query .

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Earliest Date From Two Dates

Dec 10, 2014

I have two dates. How do I get the one that is the lowest. One may be null. I don't want null unless they are both null

I tried..

DECLARE @Handle date
SELECT @Handle = dbo.getTrkLeastDate('2014-12-09',NULL)
print @Handle
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[getTrkLeastDate] (@d1 date, @d2 date)
RETURNS datetime

[Code] .....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Generate Working Schedule For Employees For X-days Ahead Based On Starting Date

May 6, 2014

I would like to generate a working schedule for employees for x-days ahead based on a starting date that the user can enter.

I have got 3 relevant tables:

1. Table X with (1) resourcenumber, (2) starting date working schedule and (3) the daynumber representing the starting date (this is ISO so 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday etc.)

2. Table Y has the schedule itself and can hold a 7-days schedule or a 14-days schedule. In case of 7 days schedule there a 14 (!) records with (1) resourcenumber, (2) daynumber, (3) starting hour a.m. (4) ending hour a.m (5) starting hour p.m and (6) ending hour p.m. In case of a 14-days schedule there are 28 records (a.m. and p.m. records)

3. Table Z with resource data.

An example to clarify (for fake employee 100):

Table X:
Resource: 100
Starting date: 2012-03-01 (from this date the schedule will be effective)
Daynumber: 4 (2012-03-01 was a Thursday)

Table Y (Resource has a 14 days schedule because per 2 weeks Monday is an off-day):

Record 1 shows: Resource: 100, Daynumber: 1 (= Monday, working day), AM-Starting hour: 09:00, AM-Ending hour: 13:00, PM-starting hour: 13:30, PM-ending hour: 17:30
Record 2: same but daynumber is 2
Record 3: same but daynumber is 3 etc.
Record 8 shows: Resource: 100, Daynumber: 8 (= Monday, off-day), AM-Starting hour: 00:00, AM-Ending hour: 00:00, PM-starting hour: 00:00, PM-ending hour: 00:00
Record 9: same as record 2 but daynumber is 9.
Record 14: same as record 7 but day is 14 (= last day)

The weekend days show as 00:00 for the hours (same as day 8 in example)

I generated the working schedule with a CROSS APPLY function based on the starting date and the x-number of days ahead.

I then evaluate the actual daynumber corresponding with that date with the daynumber in table Y. That works fine with a 7-days schedule but I can't get it fixed with a 14-days schedule. Day 8 in that schedule represents an actual day 1 but how do I know what actual date day 8 is ... I think I have to start with the starting date in table X ...

I think ideally I would like to have the generated days as follows (as an example in case of a 14-days schedule starting 2014-05-01 for 30 days ahead):

2014-05-01 = day 4 (= actual daynumber)
2014-05-02 = day 5
2014-05-03 = day 6
2014-05-10 = day 13
2014-05-11 = day 14
2014-05-12 = day 1
2014-05-13 = day 2
2014-05-14 = day 3
2014-05-24 = day 13
2014-05-25 = day 14
2014-05-26 = day 1
2014-05-27 = day 2
2014-05-31 = day 6

With this done I can compare the actual daynumber with the daynumber in Table Y.

The rownumber that the CROSS APPLY function generates has to be reset to 1 after day 14. I tried PARTITION BY in THE ROW_NUMBER function but to no avail ... The only field I can partition by is the maximum value of the daynumber (14 is the example) but that is not allowed in the rownumber function.

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Remove Weekends And Non Working Days When Calculating Days Difference Between Two Dates

Jan 7, 2014

I have an SQL code below which removes weekends and non working days when calculating days difference between two dates:

ce.enquiry_time represents when the enquiry was logged

(DATEDIFF(dd, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) + 1)
-(DATEDIFF(wk, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, ce.enquiry_time) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, getdate()) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nonworking_day WHERE nonworking_day.nonworking_date >= ce.enquiry_time AND nonworking_day.nonworking_date < dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,getdate()),1))

It works but I don't understand how it works it out. I am having issues understanding each coloured piece of code and how it works together.

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Selecting From Multiple Tables Avoiding Duplicates

Sep 6, 2006


I currently have two tables called Book and JournalPaper, both of which have a column called Publisher. Currently the data in the Publisher column is the Publisher name that is entered straight into either table and has been duplicated in many cases. To tidy this up I have created a new table called Publisher where each entry will have a unique ID.

I now want to remove the Publisher columns from Book and JournalPaper, replace it with an ID foreign key column and move the Publisher name data into the Publisher table. Is there a way I can do this without duplicating the data as some publishers appear several times on both tables?

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated as my limited SQL is not up to this particular challenge!!!

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Selecting Data Using A Range Of Dates

Apr 30, 2006

For some reason this is just not "clicking" with me and the longer I stare at it the more I overcomplicate things and then I just confuse myself further...

Provided this relation showing where "pkey" and "skey" met on "ServiceDate":


skey pkey ServiceDate
123 1 11/12/2005
124 1 10/12/2005 *
123 2 10/02/2005
124 2 10/12/2005
124 2 11/12/2005
123 2 11/02/2005

I need to select out a list of distinct pkeys and skeys only when there was no meeting between the two in November 2005. In other words, this query would produce only one record - the starred record - when run against this sample table. This is because even though, for example, skey 124 / pkey 2 has an entry outside the desired range, it also has one inside the desired range. The same goes for the record outside our range for 123 and 2 - it also has a record inside our range.

At this point, I've come to the conclusion that I can first select all the distinct pkeys and skeys where the servicedate is not in 11/2005 then join it to a selection of distinct pkeys and skeys where the servicedate IS in the desired date range. Does that seem like the most straightforward way through this?

I don't get the impression that this is that complicated a problem, but it's one of those deals where I goofed up somewhere along the line, and now I think I'm really overthinking the problem, so I'd be much obliged if someone could give me a hearty slap to clear the ol' noggin.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pass Dates For Previous Months Start And End Date

Mar 16, 2015

I've SSRS sales report to which I need to pass the dates for previous month's start date and end date which I am able to pass using below code. However, since the sales report has data from the past year(2014) I need to pass the dates for last year as well. The below code gives StartDate1 as 2015-02-01 and EndDate1 as 2015-02-28. I need to get the dates for past year like 2014-02-01 as StartDate2 and 2014-02-28 as EndDate2

SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000201', GETDATE()), '19000101') AS StartDate1,
DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', GETDATE()), '18991231') AS EndDate1

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Inconsistant Row Counts When Selecting Data By Dates HELP!

Feb 28, 2000


I currently think Im going mad!!

I have a large table (2+Million records, 2000+ new per day). If I want to count the records in one month, I could do :-

Select Count(*) from Table1 where Added_Date between '1999-12-01'
and '1999-12-31'


Select Count(*) from Table1 where Added_Date >= '1999-12-01' and
Added_Date <= '1999-12-31'

For these two above, I get the same result.


If I then do:-

Select Count(*) from Table1 where Added_Date between '1999-12-01 00:00:00'
and '1999-12-31 23:59:59'
or use the >= and <= operators, the result is larger.

If I then do :-

Select Count(*) from Table1 where Added_Date between '1999-12-01 00:00:00.000' and '1999-12-31 23:59:59.999'
or use the >= and <= operators, the result is larger still but i believe this including more rows than there actually is?.

I can get over the problem programatically using Convert to truncate to a day, month or year however, I don't understand why the results are different.

Any Ideas as to why this is happening, A'm I being stupid!!!!!!!

(PS Added_Date has a non_clustered index which has been rebuilt twice and DBCC finds no errors)

Many thanks,

Peter Farley

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Date / Time Query To Account For Weekend

Jun 9, 2014

I am looking to create a query to select data to accomodate the weekend. For example, If today is Monday, then select Friday's records. This only has to be done for Monday's. For each additional day there would be a date difference of just 1 not 3. I hard code the date diff when Monday rolls around. how to make that specific so the CT.workeddate = what I have in my Where clause.

SELECT CT.ContactId, CT.OutreachId, CT.SchedulerId, CT.WorkedDate, CT.OutreachStatusId, CT.UpdateBy, C.CampaignID, C.PlanID, C.ProgramId, M.MarketID,
M.MarketStateName, CT.AppDate, DATENAME(dw, CT.WorkedDate) AS DayofWeek, DATEADD(Day, CASE DATENAME(WEEKDAY, GETDATE())


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Historical Data Where Number Of Records Exists Between Two Dates With Different Years

Jul 10, 2015

Ok, I'm looking to get counts on historical data where the number of records exists between two dates with different years. The trick is the that the dates fall in different years. Ex: Give me the number of records that are dated between 0ct 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014.

A previous post of mine was similar where I needed to get records after a specific date. The solution provided for that one was the following. This let me get any records that occured after May 1 per given Fiscal year.

MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2010 THEN Yr_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [FY10],
MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2010 THEN May_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [May+10],
MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2011 THEN Yr_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [FY11],
MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2011 THEN May_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [May+11],
MAX(CASE WHEN DateFY = 2012 THEN Yr_Count ELSE 0 END) AS [FY12],

[Code] ....

I basically need to have CASE WHEN MONTH(OccuranceDate) between Oct 1 (beginning year) and July 1 (ending year).

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Retrieve Data For Working Days Using Date Function

Aug 22, 2007

I would like to return data for working days only. This will need to exclude holidays.For eg In the Month of August we have 31 Days and every 1st day of 1st week is holiday.So my output should retrieve me 31-4=27 .
Any ideas?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculate Sum Of Dates Minus Repetitive Dates

Jul 18, 2014

Today I have got one scenario to calculate the (sum of days difference minus(-) the dates if the same date is appearing both in assgn_dtm and complet_dtm)/* Here goes the table schema and sample data */

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[temp_tbl]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl](
[tbl_id] [bigint] NULL,
[cs_id] [int] NOT NULL,


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Data Not Selecting On Current Date

Oct 27, 2014

The following is the sql being executed in my Crystal report. There seems to be an issue with the same date request. Sometimes it shows data, other times not. We have data every day, we are a mass market company. Is there anything i can do for the sql to do select when from and to dates are the same?


[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Load Data For Last 15 Days By Decrementing Current Date And While Loop

Sep 21, 2015

I have a dynamic sql query where in I am comparing two tables and loading data for last 15 days. e.g today 2050921 then I am going to load till 20150906.

I pass on 2 variables @currentdate and @currentdate-1 to the query which are in date format 'yyyymmdd'

I need to do this for last 15 days how do I do this using while loop.

Note my date format is YYYYMMDD.

@sql = ' insert into target 
select from table_1_currentdate a
LEFT JOIN Table_2_currentdate-1 b
on a.col1=b.col1  where b.col1 is null '


I have to use while loop and decrement it every time and load data for last 15 days comparing two tables. I tried so many times I am not getting it right .

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Need Help Selecting Data With Date -based Where Clause

Nov 18, 2003

OK. I have this query, works on another box fine.

acraccts ON LEFT(bookkeep.accnum, 9) = acraccts.p_accnum
WHERE (bookkeep.busdate = '03/09/10') AND (bookkeep.tradetype = 'S')

on my sql box, if i run it, i get no data.

i figured out that if i change the where clause to (bookkeep.busdate='2003/09/10') it works


if i simply put SET DATEFORMAT YMD on the first line before the SELECT * that it also works.

my problem is the basic query is hard coded and i really can't change it.

is there a global sql server setting that will make my sql 2000 sp3 box recognize '30/09/10' as 2003/09/10?

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Grouping Data And Selecting Highest Date

Aug 20, 2007

In SQL 2005 I have the following view:

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT StockCode, Warehouse, QtyOnHand, QtyAllocated, QtyOnOrder, QtyOnBackOrder, DateLastSale, DateLastStockMove,
FROM dbo.MBL_VW_AgedStock_Sales
ORDER BY StockCode

This basically shows a list of stock codes (there are multiple stock codes the same) and the last sold date. What i need to do is group the stock codes which are the same together, and show the latest date.

For example I could have the following:

STOCK CODE Last Date Sold

PC1113 11/01/2007
PC1104 15/03/2007
PC1113 15/02/2007

What I want to see is a list that shows PC1113 with its latest sold date, i.e.

STOCK CODE Last Date Sold
PC1113 15/02/2007
PC1104 15/03/2007

Any ideas?


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Date Range Problem While Selecting Data

Feb 14, 2008

When im using the below query im getting the output, but when i change the starting date to 2006 I'm not getting the data for 2007 though it falls between the 2006 and 2008 range...

select * From dbname..tbl where date>= '03/jan/2007' and date <= '11/feb/2008' and Status= 'C' and ID is not null

AND (ACCOUNT = '25869' or ACCOUNT = '0' + '25869' )
Check and post your comments ASAP...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Insert Into Table Dates In Between Two Dates

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table that has hotel guests and their start stay date and end stay date, i would like to insert into a new table the original information + add all days in between.

CREATE TABLE hotel_guests
[guest_name] [varchar](25) NULL,
[start_date] [date] NULL,
[end_date] [date] NULL,
[comment] [varchar](255) NULL


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Selecting Birthdays 7 Days Before And After Today

Mar 1, 2008

 I want to retreive users that had their birthdays 7days before today and will have their birthday 7 days from now (so 14 days in total).What would the SQL for such a thing look like?I now have ths, but that doesnt work when you are at the beginning of a month (march 1). So there must be a more clever way :)select firstname from userswhere (month(ud.birthdate)=month(getdate())) and (month(ud.birthdate) between month(getdate())-1 and month(getdate())+1     ) and (day(ud.birthdate) between day(getdate())-7 and day(getdate())+3     )

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Days Between Two Dates.

Aug 6, 2007

Hi all,
I have a table in which I have two fields in my DB.
FromDate and ToDate.
Both are stored as Varchar(MAX).
I would like to have an SP which gives me the Days in Between them.

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How To Get Dates Within Certain # Of Days

Apr 16, 2007

I have a table with a field Expiration of smalldatetime. I want to only display the data that has 60 days or more between Expiration and todays date. Any help would be highly appreciated.

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Cal Number Of Days In Between Dates

Feb 27, 2005

select a.RelocateID,a.DateEntered,a.CompanyID,b.FileClose dDate from test1 a inner join test b on
(a.RelocateID = b.RelocateID) where
CompanyID ='5710' and DateEntered >= '01/01/2004' and convert(varchar,FileClosedDate,101) < '31/12/2004'

Hi I was wondering if somebody could help me alter this query so I an calulate the difference in days in between DateEntered and FileClosedDate having the above criteria.
I can't seem to be able to get the datediff function right in this particular example

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Recalculate Days Between Two Dates

Jul 9, 2014

Have a table called Customers that has a datetime column called Submitted. I need a way to compare the Submitted field against the current date to tell if 5 days have pasted excluding weekends. In the sample data below, the record submitted on 7/2 is the record that should be returned in the query when compared to today's date 7/9.


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