SELECT 1, 10
- a calculated table that told me the availability for each component of the BOM, sorted by date. (each row have a plus or minus of the quantity so it can by summarized)
INSERT INTO @WhareHouseMovement (ItemID, Quantity, Date)
SELECT 1, 10, '2015-03-01'
[Code] ....
My question is: how do I check when is the closest date to manufacturing? I have to check that the quantity of ALL the components of the BOM is enough to produce the product, but I can't get how to do it.
If I'm not wrong the example should give the result 2015-03-26.
I’m trying to write a query that will select closest value to Amount field in #TestValue without go over #SM.GMAdj value.Outcome of the query should be something like
Tables are: SELECT PercRate, Amount, Code INTO #TestValues FROM ( SELECT 6.00, 172715, 13 UNION ALL SELECT 6.50, 172716, 13 UNION ALL SELECT 7.00, 181351, 13 UNION ALL SELECT 7.50, 190419, 13 UNION ALL
Basically, the sample raw data is a result from my last cte process which consolidate all the records. I want to find the closest date in PO ended using Receipt_date column but my problem, for this ESN R9000000000019761824, i wanted to get the latest or the last transaction date.
please see below DDL and sample data.
--this is the result from my last cte process Create table #sample (ESN nvarchar(35),ESN2 nvarchar(35), Receipt_Date datetime,PO_ENDED datetime)
insert into #sample(ESN,ESN2,Receipt_Date,PO_ENDED)values('990002036924452','990002036924452','2015-01-07 17:39:44.660','2014-01-09 04:13:29.000')
Is there any way in SQL of selecting a date closest to another date.
i.e. I have a date say 4/4/2002, and in the database I have dates 4/2/2002 and earlier and 4/7/2002 and later.
I want to do a query and return the date 4/2/2002 as it is only 2 days away even though it is an earlier date.
So short of writing a loop and saying if the date is eq then good else, take date and add a day if not correct take initial date and subtract a day etc etc. This way is proving to be a little too processor heavy.
Hello,I need help in writing a SQL statement in MS SQL Server 2000 to selectthe latest date (i.e., the date closest to or equal to the current date)for a given date.For example, in a table I have the following records:Date Exchange-Rate01/Sep/03 0.5505/Sep/03 0.59If the given date is 02/Sep/03, then the rate 0.55 should be return.If the given date is 03/Sep/03, then the rate 0.55 should be return.If the given date is 04/Sep/03, then the rate 0.59 should be return.Thanks in advanced,Benny*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
This is my SP:SELECT CAST(id AS varchar(10)) + ' - ' + UserName AS 'User List', Scanned, Scripts AS 'Total Scripts', Processed,CAST((Processed/ Scripts)* 100.0 as int) AS 'DONE (%)'FROM tblworkQueueProcessed and Scripts are both DataTypes of intMy DONE(%) column comes back with 0Any idea where I am going wrong?
I need to create a stored procedure to select records that cal_callin_tm (this is a datetime field in table) is less than 10 minutes of the current system datetime. I want to update cal_callin_tm field with current system time and pass back the cal_assign_off_p field to my VS 2008/C# windows form. I'm new at SQL code, I know the basic stuff but this requires more knowledge than I have. I need from you experts the best practice to accomplish coding the SQL. I have some junk code below I have started with, help me out.
Thanks a bunch,
@offname varchar(40) = null OUTPUT,
SELECT * from dpcalldtl
where cal_callstat = 'ON SCENE' and (datediff(minute,0,cal_callin_tm) < datediff(minute, 0, currentdate)
I have two tables and I am trying to pull a value closest to another date. There could be instances where the Eval_date in TableA matches the date in TableB so how would that be handled?
i want to calculate the month salary of an employee.which will be calculated on the basis of previous available leaves and present available leave(i.e) 2 per month.
I needed to create a stored procedure to lock a user who makes 3 incorect entries of his password. I did it successfully. Now the problem what i have is that i want to lock the user only if he makes the 3 incorrect entries within 30 minutes.
I created a field named "FirstEntryTime" of type datetime that saves the date of the first incorrect entry. I tried to make an if statement:
if (@timesOfEntry <=2 AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, firstEntryTime,GETDATE()) <= 30) Begin Update myTable set ... End
I am connecting to a new SQL Server 2008 R2 database using SSMS from my ADMIN VM workstation. I bring up a Stored Procedure and make a change.... I execute the Stored Procedure... after it finishes.... I exit out without saving to a file.... I go back in and my change was not held.
I can do the exact same process with an old SQL Server 2005 database. Is there a permission I am missing to set to be able to do this on the 2008 database.
yesterday i was trying to create Stored procedure but it fails i don't know why
CREATE proc GetBooksbyBorrowerID @Borrower_id INT AS BEGIN SELECT A.BORROWER_ID ,a.ISBN, b.book_Title,b.LANGUAGE, CONVERT(VARCHAR,a.borrowed_from_date,103)"Borrowed On(dd/mm/yyyy)" FROM borrower_details a, book_mst b WHERE a.borrower_id=@Borrower_id AND a.ISBN = b.ISBN END GO EXEC SP_Task1 10001
Hi,I have a problem with updating a datetime column,When I try to change the Column from VB I get "Incorrect syntax near'942'" returned from [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'942' is the unique key column valueHowever if I update any other column the syntax is fineThe same blanket update query makes the changes no matter what isupdatedThe problem only happens when I set a unique key on the date field inquestionKey is a composite of an ID, and 2 date fieldsIf I allow duplicates in the index it all works perfectlyI am trying to trap 'Duplicate value in index' (which is working onother non-date columns in other tables)This is driving me nutsAny help would be appreciated
OK, to simplify some annual auditing of DB users (not the SQL logins,) I'm trying to craft a stored procedure that the customer on the server (they're the only customer on this particular server) can run to get a listing of all DB users and what roles they have.
I've got a query that returns this for the currently selected DB, so that part's done.I can use SP_MSFOREACHDB to run it against each DB, with the results going into a temp table to make it easier to copy/paste into an Excel file.What I want to do, and can't seem to see how, is wrap the whole thing in yet another SP of my own, with an EXECUTE AS so that the customer doesn't need sysadmin or any special privileges on the server. When I do this, it runs, but only against master.
Now, from digging it looks like you can't have an "insert #temptable exec sp_whatever" inside another SP. I'd like to avoid dynamic SQL, and while I know there are problems with MSFOREACHDB, it'll work for what we to turn a user created SP, into a system SP so it can be run regardless of the DB you've selected, so at least there's that.
In t-sql 2008 r2 I need execute a stored procedure called StudentData and pass 3 parameter values to the stored procedure. The stored procedure will then return 5 values that are needed for the main sql. My problem is I do not know how to have the t-sql call the stored procedure with the 3 parameter values and pass back the 5 different unique data values that I am looking for.
The basic dataset is the following:
SELECT SchoolNumber, SchoolName, StudentNumber, from [Trans].[dbo].[Student] order by SchoolNumber, SchoolName, StudentNumber
I basically want to pass the 3 parameters of SchoolNumber, SchoolName, and StudentNumber to the stored procedure called StudentData from the data I obtain from the [Trans].[dbo].[Student]. The 3 parameter values will be obtained from the sql listed above.
The columns that I need from the stored procedure called StudentData will return the following data columns that I need for the report: StudnentName, StudentAddress, Studentbirthdate, StudentPhoneNumber, GuardianName.
Thus can you show me how to setup the sql to meet this requirement I have?
I am trying to modify a script that to back databsae in t-sql.I put it in a stored procedure with one paramenter dbname.I would like if a dbname is passed when calling the sproc, it will only backup this database, if no paramenter is entered, the dbname is null, then backup all user databases- no system databases.But I have difficulty to define this two situations in code.
Below is the sproc: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[BackupDB] @dbname varchar(50) AS BEGIN
I'm not new to SQL at all, but I'm completely new to backup/restore TSQL.I have the following script, which backs up 2 databases and restores them under different database names.the script runs fine as-is, but I cannot seem to package it within a create stored procedure statement.if I attempt to wrap create procedure <name> AS begin....end around it, the statement simply executes.
--backup LGTY_QA_01, restore to LGTY_DV_01
I know ran across this some time ago when researching some other topic, but I would like to add an option to our stored procedures (which have multiple parameters) so a user could do something like:
The result would just list the parameters in the stored procedure and the options available for each parameter/what the parameter was use for.
Here is an example of one stored procedure in use:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_MyStoredProcedure] ( @BCP INT = 0---- 0 [Default]: No BCP Import, 1: Insert TempBCP Data , @Debug INT = 0---- 0 [Default]: Run process, 1: Create temp tables, run queries , @StartDate smalldatetime = '1/1/1900' ---- Enter StartDate; [Default]: otherwise use Max of Invoice date , @Date INT = 0 ---- 0 [Default]: Use std process (get last Saturday date from @StartDate), 1: Use @StartDate as is ) WITH EXECUTE AS 'ADBAccount' AS BEGIN .... END
Note: @procName,@strAccount,@intHospital,@patType are passed to this procedure from another procedure Note: The @procname procedure also takes the above parameters and @outDupCheck as output parameter
DECLARE @sqlStr NVARCHAR(500) DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500) DECLARE @parmINAccount VARCHAR(30),@parmINHospId int , @ParmINpatType varchar(1) DECLARE @parmRET1 int SET @parmINAccount = @strAccount SET @parmINHospId = @intHospital SET @ParmINpatType = @patType
I'm working on building a report and asked a developer which table some data comes from in an application. His answer was the name of a 3500 line stored procedure that returns 2 result sets. I could accomplish what I'm trying to do using the second result set, but I'm not sure how to put that into a temporary table so that I could use it.
Here's my plan according to the Kübler-Ross software development lifecycle:
Denial - Ask the developer to make sure this is correct (done) Despair - Look hopelessly for a solution (where I am now) Anger - Chastise developer Bargaining - See if I can get him to at least swap the order that the resultsets are returned Acceptance - Tell the users that this can't be done at present.
We have a stored procedure that makes a decision to pull records from one of two servers.
If one of these servers became unavailable but was no longer queried would the stored procedure still work? Doesn't SQL recompile stored procedures periodically?
Something like this:
If @ServerAIsDown=1 begin select * from ServerB.dbo.MyTable end else begin select * from ServerA.dbo.MyTable end
Firstly may I say that the sproc I am having problems with and the service that calls it is inherited technical debt from an unsupervised contractor. We are not able to go through a rewriting process at the moment so need to live with this if possible.
We have a service written in c# that is processing packages of xml that contain up to 100 elements of goods consignment data. In amongst that element is an identifier for each consignment. This is nvarchar(22) in our table. I have not observed any IDs that are different in length in the XML element.
The service picks up these packages from MSMQ, extracts the data using XPATH and passes the ID into the SPROC in question. This searches for the ID in one of our tables and returns a bool to the service indicating whether it was found or not. If found then we add a new row to another table. If not found then it ignores and continues processing.
The service seems to be dealing with a top end of around 10 messages a minute... so a max of about 1000 calls to the SPROC per minute. Multi-threading has been used to process these packages but as I am assured, sprocs are threadsafe. It is completing the calls without issue but intermittently it will return FALSE. For these IDs I am observing that they exist on the table mostly (there are the odd exceptions where they are legitimately missing). e.g Yesterday I was watching the logs and on seeing a message saying that an ID had not been found I checked the database and could see that the ID had been entered a day earlier according to an Entered Timestamp.
So the Sproc...
USE [xxxxxxxxxx] GO
So on occasions (about 0.33% of the time) it is failing to get a bit 1 setting in @bFound after the SELECT TOP(1).
The only suggestions I can make have been...
change @pIdentifier nvarchar(25) to nvarchar(22) Trim any potential blanks from either side of both parts of the identifier comparison Change the SELECT TOP(1) to an EXISTS
The only other thought is the two way parameter direction in the C# for the result OUTPUT. Not sure why he did it that way or what the purpose is.
I have been unable to replicate this using a test app and our test databases. Has observed selects failing to find even though the data is there, like this before?
I would like to know if it is possible to build one SP to perform all the functions (Add, Update, delete and Select) and then use this in my code instead of making one SP per action. I know this is possible but the update part throws me a little. I used an online example to explain where I fall short on the subject.
[Code] ....
So using this as the Stored Procedure, how would I update a records Salary alone by the ID without having to use all the information with just the salary being the new value?