T-SQL (SS2K8) :: To Get Size Of Database Based On Tables

Nov 17, 2014

I have 57 tables, 7 views and 1 stored procedure. Just wanted know based on these requirements how can I find the size of the database. Though the DB contains lots of tables, views and procedures. I am moving these details to new DB server. So I need to put right requirements.

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Alert Based On Database Size

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all,

I want to have some kind of alert , when the database size reaches 100 Gb. So, what is best way to do this.

Could anyone suggest (or) provide some steps / links , how to do this.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Initial Size Of Database File

Apr 9, 2013

How to get the initial size of the database file using T-SQL.

sys.master_files, sys.database_files, sysfiles, sysaltfiles --> gives only the current size and not the initial size.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Getting Files Size For Each Database File?

Oct 28, 2014

I would like to add to it the actual file size in mb or gb of each file to the results.

select sd.name,mf.name as logical_name,mf.physical_name,
when dm.mirroring_state is null then 'No'
else 'Yes'
end as Mirrored
from sys.sysdatabases sd JOIN
sys.master_files mf on sd.dbid = mf.database_id
join sys.database_mirroring dm on sd.dbid = dm.database_id

The sp_spaceused procedure does a nice job on it's own giving me what I want (only one db though), plus a bonus allocated space column. How can I combine this sp with my other query, or is there a better way to ad this information?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Unable To Extract Data Based On Matching Info From A Local Database

Oct 2, 2014

I have a MySql Database i need to extract data from based on matching info in a local SQL Server database,

I will ultimately need to cycle through 20 of these MySql databases , but the query below is taking 1 minute and 20 plus seconds...Just for one..

Is there a simple tweak that would speed it up?

DECLARE @PhoneDB varchar(max),
set @PhoneDB = '[PHONEDB_PHI]';
set @SQL = 'SELECT


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Size Of User Tables In A Database

Nov 4, 2003

The following procedure will display the size of all the user tables in a database.

CREATE proc sp_tablesize
if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tablesize')
goto calculate_tablesize
TableName sysname,
TableRows int,
TableSize varchar(10),
DataSpaceUsed varchar(10),
IndexSpaceUsed varchar(10),
UnusedSpace varchar(10)
goto calculate_tablesize

declare @tablename nvarchar(50)
declare @cmd nvarchar(50)

declare c1 cursor for select name from sysobjects where xtype='u'
open c1
fetch c1 into @tablename
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @cmd='exec sp_spaceused['+@tablename+']'
insert into #SpaceUsed exec sp_executesql @cmd
fetch next from c1 into @tablename

select * from #SpaceUsed

drop table #SpaceUsed
deallocate c1

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Check The Size Of All Tables In My Database

Jun 26, 2007


I am trying to check the size of each table in my database?

SELECT <TableName> , 'Size in bytes/megabytes' FROM DATABASE

I can't for the lif of me figure out how this is done.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind Regards

Carel Greaves

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Database Size Allocation - Where Other Than Tables, Logs, Etc ????

Jul 12, 2007

I have a Db that is 1.7 gigs. The table data takes approximately 200megs. The transaction logs were truncated. Where else can this large size be coming from and how can I confirm?

DB is generally small. ~25 tables, 100 SPs, 10 views, etc.


I have 4 queues using SQL Notifications, but when selecting from them results in no data.



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Transact SQL :: Calculate Size Of All Tables In A Database

Nov 16, 2015

I need to build a query to calculate the size of all tables in a database ...

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Database Size Info Without Cursors Or Temp Tables

Jan 22, 2004

I have seen a bunch of ways to get the size of all the tables within a database posted on this board. I decided to modify an older one I found here (http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=282). I set it up so there is no cursors or temp tables. Pretty much just one select statement to return all the info you would need. It seems to be faster than anything I have seen so far. Take it for whats its worth. Thanks to the original creator.

Original by: Bill Graziano (SQLTeam.com)
Modified by: Eric Stephani (www.mio.uwosh.edu/stephe40)

declare @low int

select @low = low from
where number = 1 and type = 'E'

select o.id, o.name, ro.rowcnt, (r.reserved * @low)/1024 as reserved,
(d.data * @low)/1024 as data, ((i.used-d.data) * @low)/1024 as indexp,
((r.reserved-d.data-(i.used-d.data)) * @low)/1024 as unused
sysobjects o

inner join
(select distinct id, rowcnt
from sysindexes
where keys is not null and first != 0) ro on o.id = ro.id

inner join
(select id, sum(reserved) reserved
from sysindexes
where indid in (0, 1, 255)
group by id) r on o.id = r.id

inner join
(select c.id, dpages+isnull(used, 0) data from
(select id, sum(dpages) dpages
from sysindexes
where indid < 2
group by id) c full outer join
(select id, isnull(sum(used), 0) used
from sysindexes
where indid = 255
group by id) t on c.id = t.id) d on r.id = d.id

inner join
(select id, sum(used) used
from sysindexes
where indid in (0, 1, 255)
group by id) i on d.id = i.id

where o.xtype = 'U'

order by reserved desc

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Impact Of Empty Tables On Database Size And Performance

Jun 21, 2007

Hello All,

When creating my database I have modeled some of the tables after the Adventureworks sample database.

There are some fields or entire tables in Adventureworks that I do not see an imediate use for, however; I would hate to ommit them to find out later they would have been benificial. (.eg territory table).

In general terms what would the impact be on size and performance of a database which contains tables or fields that do not contain data.

Thanks for your help!

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Transact SQL :: Database Size Does Not Decrease After Dropping All The Tables

Oct 15, 2015

I have a database consisting of two main tables and 12 sub tables.

This was leading to increase in database size. So we thought of storing the sub tables data in the main tables in form of xml  in a column of varchar(2000) type.

So we created a new database that only had 2 tables and we stored the data of the sub tables in the new column of the main table.

Surprisingly we saw that the database size increased rather than decreasing .

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Finding Last Records Inserted Into All Tables In A Database

Jul 27, 2015

I have a CRM database that has a lot of tables and would like to be able to extract the last 'x' records in descending order from each table based on a common a field 'modifiedon' that is in every table and is auto populated by the system.

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Replicating Database Btw Two Sites Why Aren't The Tables Identical In Size?

Apr 30, 2007

I am replicating an 80GB database between NY can CT and would like toknow why table sizes are different between the two.Here is an example of sp_spaceused::NY IOI_2007_04_23 rows(279,664) reserved(464,832)data(439,960) index_size(24,624)CT IOI_2007_04_23 rows(279,666) reserved(542,232)data(493,232) index_size(48,784)Thanks,

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Truncate Database Tables Based On Foreign Key Constraints

Nov 5, 2007


I have 600 tables in my database, out of which 40 tables are look up value tables. I want generate truncate scripts which truncates all the tables in order of Parent child relationship excluding lookup tables. Is there any way to do this apart from figuring out Parent Child relationship and then writing the truncate statements for each of the table.

For example

EmployeeDetail table references Employee table
DepartmentDetail table references Department table
Department table references Employee table

My truncate script should be


Is there any automated way to figure out parent and child tables and generate truncate script for the same.


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SQL 2012 :: Check Size Of Database After Implementing Data Compression Across All Tables

Dec 4, 2014

I found it pretty interesting. I checked the size of a database, before implementing database compression across all the user tables in a database. And Post implementation of compression too I checked the size of the database.

I did not find any difference. But if I expand the table and check propetires->storage and I can see that PAGE compression is implemented across all the tables, but no compaction in the size of the db. It still remains the same.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Set Value Based On Previous Row

Apr 11, 2014

I am trying to code a rule at the moment which sets a value based on the value of the previous row. This is as far as I have got so far. I am trying to run it as a set based command and I believe I may need to make use of a numbers table.

Anyway the code is....

declare @data table
(ID int identity(1,1),
DeviceID int,
EventTypeID int,
EventID int)

[Code] ....

So the output is currently incorrect. Each DeviceID needs to have a ID assigned to the MIN(ID) which isn't yet in the code above. This ID has to be sequential across the full table and not dependent on ID.

Next the rule is coded in the case statement above.

So for each DeviceID, when the EventType goes from 1, 2 or 4, to 0 or 3, the following record after the 0 or 3 will have a new EventID. And conversely when the EventType goes from 0 or 3 to 1,2, or 4, the record that is the 1, 2 or 4 will have a new EventID.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Copy Rows Based On Value

Jun 22, 2014

Currently I have the below style data:

Name, StartPostion, EndPosition, Height

Person1, 10, 15, 5
Person2, 14,14,0
Person3, 20,21,1

What I am looking to do is, run through my table of data and create a record for each Name for each Position it takes up. For example

For Person1 the data will look like,

Name, StartPosition, EndPosition, Heigh, Position
Person1, 10,15,5, 10
Person1, 10,15,5, 11
Person1, 10,15,5, 12
Person1, 10,15,5, 13
Person1, 10,15,5, 14
Person1, 10,15,5, 15

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Repeat Columns Based On Rows

Mar 6, 2014

I have two columns which needs to repeat based on ID and number of distinct rows in that ID.

ID Date Created
1 1/1/2012 Sudheer
1 1/2/2013 Sudheer
1 3/3/2013 Sudheer
2 1/2/2014 Veera
2 2/5/2015 Veera


ID Date Created Date Created Date Created
1 1/1/2012 Sudh 1/2/2013 Sudh 3/3/2013 Sudh
2 1/2/2014 Veera 2/5/2015 Veera

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Start And End Date Based On A Criteria?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a scenario where i need to get the starting and ending date time based on the crieteria. The criteria is I always have my start date as NS or GS in the data column and my end date as GX so i need NS or GS to be my strart date based on ts Ascending and my end date as GX to be displayed in the same columns .

Create Table Test
(Tsq INT IDENTITY (1,1),
Data Varchar (150),
ts datetime,
Tpkt_type int)
insert into test values ('GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2')


Expected Output

---------Data----------------- ts as starttime--------------tpkt_type------data-----------------------ts as endtime--------tpkttype-
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2' 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:47:37.007','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:50:25.987','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:50:40.920','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:51:28.330','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:51:43.257','4'
'NS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-12-17 16:51:09.063','18', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-12-17 16:51:15.257','4'

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Join 2 Table Based On Date

Jul 16, 2014

I have 2 tables:

Table Transaction
EmpID TransDate
00001 1/1/2014
00001 1/2/2014
00001 1/3/2104
00001 1/4/2014
00001 1/5/2014
00001 1/6/2014
00001 1/15/2014
00001 2/1/2014
00001 2/2/2014
00001 2/20/2004 ....

Table Master
EmpID EffectiveDateFr Group
00001 1/1/2014 A
00001 1/5/2014 B
00001 1/9/2014 C
00001 2/1/2014 B
00001 2/20/2014 A ....

I want to create query the output should be:

EmpID TransDate Group
00001 1/1/2014 A
00001 1/2/2014 A
00001 1/3/2104 A
00001 1/4/2014 A
00001 1/5/2014 B
00001 1/6/2014 B
00001 1/15/2014 C
00001 2/1/2014 B
00001 2/2/2014 B
00001 2/20/2004 A

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Rows Based On Current Quarter

Sep 3, 2014

I am working on a report and the data source is Teradata. now I have situation where I want to get order id details based on the current quarter and year I am posting this same data. For TD related queries I do not where to post.

595709114ASDASD444447/28/2014 546
2224809440ASDASD444445/2/2012 546
1724031572ASDASD444446/22/2011 546
1702887651ASDASD444447/3/2014 546
1724020508ASDASD444447/16/2012 546
1148151895ASDASD444449/18/2013 546
2125154824ASDASD444449/2/2014 546
1503552723ASDASD4444412/20/2011 546
2224689808ASDASD4444410/4/2010 546
931387698ASDASD4444412/31/2010 546

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Count Record Based On Group

Dec 10, 2014

This my table named myData

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[myData](
[idx] [int] NULL,
[paymentMethod] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
[daerahKutipan] [int] NULL,
[payer] [int] NULL,


I want to calculate the number of payer Group By paymentMethod. The number of payer must be divided by daerahKutipan. So far, my query as follow

select paymentMethod,
COUNT(CASE WHEN daerahKutipan = 1 THEN payer ELSE 0 END) figure_Seremban,
COUNT(CASE WHEN daerahKutipan = 3 THEN payer ELSE 0 END) figure_KualaPilah,
COUNT(CASE WHEN daerahKutipan = 4 THEN payer ELSE 0 END) figure_PortDickson,
COUNT(CASE WHEN daerahKutipan = 5 THEN payer ELSE 0 END) figure_Jelebu,
COUNT(CASE WHEN daerahKutipan = 6 THEN payer ELSE 0 END) figure_Tampin,
COUNT(CASE WHEN daerahKutipan = 7 THEN payer ELSE 0 END) figure_Rembau,


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Insert Columns Based On Condition

Aug 15, 2015

I have a requirement to Insert Column 1 and Column 2 based on below condition only. Looking for a Store procedure or query

Condition : Allow Insert when column 1 and Column 2 have same values on 2nd row insert. But should not allow insert when Column 2 value is different.


Column1 Column2
A0007 12-Aug
A0007 12-Aug
A0007 12-Aug

DONOT ALLOW INSERT: (COLUMN1 ID should not allow different dates)

Column1 Column2
A0007 23-Mar
A0007 02-Feb



Discard Insert when Column1 ID's comes with Different dates.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Predefined Size Groups - Factor / Rate Rounding

Sep 9, 2014

When sizing products we use predefined size groups that the users can choose any or all of the sizes from. For example if i size group consisted of sizes (6,8,10) they could use all sizes (6,8,10) or just (6,8) or just (10) if required. Similarly, if a group consisted of (S,M,L,XL) they could choose to only buy (S,L). They cannot choose across groups, so would not be able to choose (6,S)

Once the required sizing is determined they then assign size mixes to the sizes to denote how much of the buy will be in that size. So for example if we had 3 sizes: (6,8,10) and they had the associated mixes (25%,25%,50%) that would mean we would buy 25% of size 6 and 50% of size 10. All size mixes must add up to 100% in total.

The users do analysis to determine what sizes they wish to buy and how much of it.

We also have a franchise portion of the business that have some predefined size mixes. They use the same base size groups as above, but the rule is that they can only use sizes that the particular product is being bought in.

So if the assigned franchise mix is S (50%), M (50%) and the main mix was S (100%) then the franchise mix would only be able to then have the S size.

We would then eliminate the sizes from the franchise mix and then to ensure that the franchise mix still adds to 100 we would then pro-rate up the franchise mix to give a new mix. To do this I divide one by the total the remaining size mixes to get a ratio and then multiple the mixes by this factor.

In the case above not be able to use the M size and would only use the S.This would be

-Total of remaining mixes, in this case only size S for simplicity
1 / 0.5 = 2

-multiple original mix by this factor
0.5 * 2 = 1

size S would now be 100% instead of 50%

The issue I'm having is that on occasion some of the totals are adding up to 100.01% because another one of the requirements is that it needs to be 4 decimal places (0.1015 would represent 10.15% in excel)

Here is a shortened version of the code with some test data:


[Code] ...

How to get this to round to 4dp and still total 100%?

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Disaster Recovery: Calculate DB Size Based On .dmp Files

Feb 7, 2000

I have a client with no backup of MASTERdb or Help_rev_devices, all I have is a couple of .dmp's of the production data. In order to run DISK REINIT I need to know the size of the database, is there any way of finding out the size of the database device, if all you have to go with is a backup dump file?

I know it won't be pretty.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Send SSRS Report Based On Certain Criteria?

Mar 11, 2014

I have an SSRS Report that I created. I'd like to set up a job that will run every hour, and what the job will do is send an SSRS report to a select group of recipients when a certain criteria is met. How do I go about doing this? My SSRS knowledge is very limited.

Additional Info:I created the report with a one time schedule to a certain email address. I do see the report schedule in the reportserver DB. Because I already have the schedule and the subscription id, I think all I have to do is call that subscription, but that's where I'm lost.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Select Rows Based On One Distinct Column

Apr 18, 2014


From above rows i would like to select rows based on one distinct column SalesOrder, i want output like below.


CREATE TABLE Table1 (SalesOrder varchar(10), ItemName VARCHAR(100), Price INT, Category VARCHAR(100))

[Code] ......

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Insert Multiple Values Based On Parameter

Jul 22, 2014

I need to write SP where user select SUN to MON check boxes. If user select Class A with sun,mon and wed check boxes then i need to insert data as below

A sun
A Mon
A wed

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Add Manual Column Based On GroupBy For Title

Jan 15, 2015

I have a query to get data group by High, Medium and Low so only three rows will be returned.

sum(case .... ) then 1 else 0 end) as [Column1],
sum(case .... ) then 1 else 0 end) as [Column2],
sum(case .... ) then 1 else 0 end) as [Column3]
from sometable
Group by High, Medium, Low

I want to manually add High, Medium and Low to each row's first column. the final result should look like:

Column1 Column2 Column3
High 123 123 123
Medium 123 123 123
Low 123 123 123

How can I do it?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculation - Get Records Based On 100 / 80 / 60 / 40 Miles Radius

Feb 9, 2015

I have zip code database and i am trying to get the records based on 100/80/60/40 miles radius. Below the sample structure of my table

Create table ZipCodes(ID bigint primary key identity(1,1),ZipCode varchar(10),
Address varchar(4000), city varchar(50),state varchar(50),Latitude float,Longitude float)If i pass the Zipcode as '10021'

I need to get zipcodes and other details of my table which is 20 mile radius circle.

I Google through and got couple of article explains about using Haversine Formula. Also, following link has a function to calculate the distance.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Delete Duplicates From Table Based On Two Columns?

May 20, 2015

Assuming I have a table similar to the following:

Auto_ID Account_ID Account_Name Account_Contact Priority
1 3453463 Tire Co Doug 1
2 4363763 Computers Inc Sam 1
3 7857433 Safety First Heather 1
4 2326743 Car Dept Clark 1
5 2342567 Sales Force Amy 1
6 4363763 Computers Inc Jamie 2
7 2326743 Car Dept Jenn 2

I'm trying to delete all duplicate Account_IDs, but only for the highest priority (in this case it would be the lowest number).

I know the following would delete duplicate Account_IDs:

DELETE FROM staging_account
WHERE auto_id NOT IN
(SELECT MAX(auto_id)
FROM staging_account
GROUP BY account_id)

The problem is this doesn't take into account the priority; in the above example I would want to keep auto_ids 2 and 4 because they have a higher priority (1) than auto_ids 6 and 7 (priority 2).

How can I take priority into account and still remove duplicates in this scenario?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Grouping Of Data Based On Moving Time Period

Mar 13, 2014

To give you some context we have a new amendments application (nothing fancy, excel based with SQL Server back end) that allows users to submit amendments to product data (Product Info, PO Prices, Dates etc.). There is also an admin tool that a team uses to action these amendments in the various systems.

The old version of this tool, users submitted amendments by style and could if need be submit multiple amendments against one product at the same time. The new tool, I believe for audit reasons, users submit by amendment type, so for example I would submit a cost price change for a given style.

The issue now is that on the occasions where a user has multiple amendments, they now come through separately. So cost price would be Amendment 1 and a date change would be amendment 2 even though they could be the same product. This could potentially mean that the admin team would be duplicating work if the paperwork is updated and sent after each amendment, whereas before they would make both changes and only send the paperwork once.

Having not built either of these tools, I've been tasked with trying to fix this, my two thoughts being either to amend the user form to somehow capture/ allow users to submit amendments together or try to use the existing data and doing the grouping dynamically in the back end. Use that lag to look at grouping any submitted amendments that occur within 30mins of the first occurrence of that style

This grouping would then be given a joint time so when the 'time lag' period passes the amendments will be visible together.I've tried a few things and a few head on desk moments trying to get a set based approach but haven't been able to get where i want, its either an issue where amendments span an hour, such as 9:59 and then 10:03 or grouping together amendments that happen after the 30mins of the first one.

Here is some sample data

USE FF_Winning_Together;
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#AmendTest',N'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #AmendTest;
AmendmentStatusVARCHAR(10)NOT NULL,


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