T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Trying To Export FOR XML Procedure Using BCP - Getting Files Padded With Spaces
Mar 19, 2015
I have a procedure that generates some XML from a bunch of tables.Then i use BCP to export it to a file. This works just fine.Here's the sample code:
INSERT INTO t_test (i, z)
SELECT1, 'Test'
But recently, i wanted to add a test that calls this procedure. So, Test procedure uses INSERT / EXECUTE thingy to put XML data into a temp table to compare things. But then you get following error: "The FOR XML clause is not allowed in a INSERT statement."
EXECSPRC_EXPORT -- crashes here
So, i thought, fine, i'll wrap the FOR XML inside a sub-SQL:
FOR XML PATH('root')
And BCP call still works, BUT, now the file generated becomes 64kb instead of 1kb :) When i look into the file, it displays same XML, but the string is right-padded with a LOT of spaces.how BCP uses SET FMTONLY, OR that the "type" of result somehow gets changed when i do the wrapping.
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Oct 5, 2015
From SSIS I need to export data to a CSV with spaces padding the end of each field before the delimited value. For example if I have three fields that are Nvarchar(10) I need it to be this:
Testing ,Test123 ,Again {end of line}
instead of this:
Testing,Test123,Again{end of line}
It's like it can do fixed width or delimited but not both. Is this possible without having to force the spaces into the data coming back from SQL? I already have the SSIS package written to export the data to CSV which works great, just need to find some way to add the spaces to the end of each column to satisfy requirements on the system being exported to. Also the commas need to be there too.
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Jan 2, 2007
I have a Detailsview with Insert and Update options connected to a SQL 2005 table with templated textboxes for input. The textboxes have maxlength set to the number of characters in each respective field in the SQL 2005 table. When text is inserted it gets padded with spaces if all the field length is not used. When you try to edit the field the cursor does not move because of the padded spaces. The End key must be pressed to find the end of the string and the padded space removed before adding edited text. I am working in VB.net. If I check the field in SQL Studio Express is shows the text I typed plus blank space for the remainder of the field.
My question is how can I add text to the textboxes without the padded spaces being added when the maxlength of the field is not used?
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Jul 15, 2014
There are two tables in my database HotelList_Temp, AsiaHotelChildrenAges_Temp
I need to write a procedure to upload the xml files into above tables .xmlfile is in my pc
xml to table column mapping are given below
<GRADE>5</GRADE> --StarRating
<CITY>HKG</CITY> --ResortCode
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,when I export data from a table to a text file, I get trailing spacesif the data type in char. (This dosen't happen if the data type isvarchar). I can get rid of the spaces by using the trim() function onevery signle column. here is an example:DTSDestination("first_name") = DTSSource("last_name")My question is:Is there any easier way to get ride of the training spaces for allcolumns when exporing a table? It is too time consuming if I have totype trim() for every single column in the table.Thank you in advance,Eddy
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Jul 14, 2014
I am loading a dimension using a distinct query.There are duplicates coming through and the only differnce is a trailing space on one of the columns.
RTRIM is not removing the space.
how i can fix it?
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Jun 15, 2015
I am writing dynamic sql to create a work table. I would like to format my create script such that the data types are all lined up, rather than one space behind the column name. I tried something like this:
+ ' ,' + p.Attribute + (60 - LEN(P.Attribute)) * CHAR(32)+ 'NUMERIC(12,3)' + CHAR(10)
That is, I was trying to put the data type 60 spaces to the right, no matter how long the column name is (as long as it's less than 60 characters). I kept getting an error telling me it couldn't concatenate a character to an int.
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Aug 29, 2014
I am trying to debug a procedure which is timing out, not in every case, but in some cases.
During my perusals, I note that there seems to be a stray space in the 3rd line of following fragment of an UPDATE statement in the procedure:
FROM dbo.LoadMedicationsGP LMGP
INNER JOIN dbo.Patient P ON LMGP.PatientId = P.PatientId
INNER JOIN dbo. PatientMonths PM ON P.PatientKey = PM.PatientKey
AND LMGP.DatePeriodKey = PM.DatePeriodKey
SSMS seems to parse the statement perfectly OK, but to me it looks as if it ought to be wrong.
I suspect that the space has no material effect, but I just wanted some confirmation one way or the other.
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Dec 8, 2014
Because of a limitation on a piece of software I'm using I need to take a large varchar field and force a carriage return/linebreak in the returned sql. Allowing for a line size of approximately 50 characters, I thought the approach would be to first find the 'spaces' in the data, so as to not split the line on a real word. achieve.
--===== Simulate a passed parameter
DECLARE @Parameter VARCHAR(8000)
SET @Parameter = (select a_notes
from dbo.notestuff as notes
where a_id = '1')
[Code] .....
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Oct 1, 2015
I understand that we shouldn't shrink data files as it might cause heavy fragmentation along with log usage, high IO/CPU etc.
In a DB in which lot of DML transaction occur, there will be empty spaces whenever deletions occur.
Will SQL Server fill that part with data when new insertions occur ?.
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Feb 5, 2008
spaces problem on multi update delete stored procedure
on the the insert i get it like this
58830803, 55329429, 308962604, 55696314, 309128726
as you see only the first empid=58830803 is without spaces
how to fix this
my code
Code Snippet
DECLARE @empid varchar(500)
set @empid ='58830803, 55329429, 308962604, 55696314, 309128726'
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
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Jul 20, 2005
Getting 0 padded values in the columns.Hi All,I have a requirement to convert a integer to string and display it inSql server with fixed length say 3 chars. (in c, we wud use %03d inprintf)If the number is small say, 9 then it has to be displayed as 009,56 -> 056, 897-> 897, 6786 -> xxxChecked through STR and CAST functions, couldn't find any relevantparamters.if you have any ideas, please mail me.Thanks & Regards,Chandra Mohan
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May 21, 2014
I have table1 with col1 varchar,col2 int , col3 xml , col4 bit ...best way to fetch the col3 into file (.txt or .sql) into seprate file for each col3 record . I want to export this in different files for each record if possible with date and time stamp .
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Aug 12, 2015
I have a de-normalized table that I need to export to XML using For XML, but put all of the related rows under the same node.The table is alot more complicated than the example below, but for proof of concept purposes, i'll keep it really simple:
Campaign, Price
C1, 4.00
C1, 6.00
C1, 10.00
C2, 1.00
C2, 13.00
C3, 20.00
If I have a table of campaigns and prices, I would like to output it as XML like the following:
<Campaign name="C1">
<Price value="4.00"></Price>
<Price value="6.00"></Price>
<Price value="10.00"></Price>
<Campaign name="C2">
<Price value="1.00"></Price>
The default behaviour gives me this:
<Campaign name="C1" price="4.00"/>
<Campaign name="C1" price="6.00"/>
<Campaign name="C1" price="10.00"/>
Is there an existing option that deals with this automatically, or do I essentially need to do a group by to output the campaign element, and then union an ungrouped select to output the price element?
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Feb 22, 2007
Ok my last formatting question.How can I insert a money value as a padded string in another table?example $1.25 gets inserted to another table as 00000125I want 8 total characters and no decimalanother example would be 4,225.99 becomes 00422599can this be done?thank you!!
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May 31, 2008
Having a brain fart and can't figure this out...I have 2 databases I need to join:db1.customer.customer_no char(15) right justified, zero paddedsample customer numbers:000000000000001000000000000010000000000000234000000000012345db2.customer.customer_no varchar(20) left justified, no paddingsample customer numbers:11023412345How do I join tables on customer_no? Use cast, convert? Strip zeroes fromdb1 table?Thanks.
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Jun 5, 2014
I need to export the records of a table in xml format.
create table ##prova
( Valuta varchar(2),
Misura float
insert into ##prova values ('EU',1000)
insert into ##prova values ('$',2000)
The final result must be something like this:
<obs id=”0”>
<dim name=”Valuta” value=”EU” />
<dim name=”Misura” value=”1000” />
<obs id=”0”>
<dim name=”Valuta” value=”$” />
<dim name=”Misura” value=”2000” />
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Feb 26, 2015
I need to write a stored procedure or SSIS to export data to client's desktop. What is the best way to achieve it?
The requirement is to develop a web application the client can click on the button and the file will be saved to the clients' local C drive.
How should I configure the destination path here?
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Jun 8, 2004
My first post, I don't know much about MS SQL.
I have the .mdf and .ldf files from an MS SQL 2000 server. I don't have MS SQL server running on my home machine. I'd like to be able to extract the data from the .mdf file to something I could use on my home machine. XML would be good, CSV would be ok too, maybe even some way to import into MySQL. Any help would be appreciated, also if I've some how missed the forum faq, please point me to it.
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Apr 13, 2007
How can I export data from sql server 2005 table to fixed length flat file without using xp_cmdshell option from sql server stored procedure ?
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Sep 5, 2014
I've got a query that returns the data I need. I want to put the query in a stored procedure such that, when the SP runs I get a pipe delimited text file on disk. I don't really want to mess with SSIS, etc. Is there a Q&D way to do this?
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Oct 28, 2014
I would like to add to it the actual file size in mb or gb of each file to the results.
select sd.name,mf.name as logical_name,mf.physical_name,
when dm.mirroring_state is null then 'No'
else 'Yes'
end as Mirrored
from sys.sysdatabases sd JOIN
sys.master_files mf on sd.dbid = mf.database_id
join sys.database_mirroring dm on sd.dbid = dm.database_id
The sp_spaceused procedure does a nice job on it's own giving me what I want (only one db though), plus a bonus allocated space column. How can I combine this sp with my other query, or is there a better way to ad this information?
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Jan 21, 2015
I have to download the files from SFTP server, for which i am using WINSCP and i am able to successfully automate the process to download the files. But it is downloading all the files instead of only current day's files. Ihave searched for WINSCP documentation for time query parameter to pass to the get command. But its not working.
My source file name contains Datefield as "Filenameexample_150120_N001.txt".
Here 150120 mean Jan 20 2015.
Winscp has no functionality to query the files to parse using datefield. how to look for files which are from today's date.
Currently i am downloading files which contain *.* (meaning all files).
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May 4, 2015
I need to find all empty files in the database (SQL Server 2008R2 SP2) The files become empty after the archival of a partitioned tables.
I was trying this:
select f.name, *
from sysfiles f (nolock)
left join sys.filegroups fg (nolock)
on f.name = fg.name
left join sys.indexes i (nolock)
on i.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id
left join sys.all_objects o (nolock)
ON i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
where i.name is NULL and o.name is NULL
Did not work.
My file names are the same as the filgroup names containing the file, this is why I was joining by name.
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Oct 14, 2005
Having small query
How can i able to Export Data from Tables to Specific Local files using Procedures?
Environment Details
OS : Windows 2000 server
Database : MS-SQL Server
Solutions are needed asap.
Thanks in advance
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May 12, 2007
i have a MSsql file wich i want to export information from.
Every post in the database should be exportet to a own single file with all the information about the post.
So from a single question to the database i would like to have a lot of files named by a speciel filed i the post.
I also want to be able to design what the excel file should look like.
How can i do this?
Greatful for help.
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Apr 24, 2014
I have about 1200 sql files in one of my folders. Almost all of these files do data inserts and updates, so they should be run only once. As and when required I have manually ran around 150 of them already. Whenever I ran any of these scripts, I log that file name into a log table in my sql server including the execution time. Since running 1000+ more files takes a lot of time, I want to automate running of these files through a batch file. But I also want to filter the files that are already run.My file list looks like follows.
My log table in the database looks like this.
select * from sqlfileexecutionlog
DeleteDuplicateOrders.sql03/12/2014 14:23:45:091Success
UpdateInventory.sql04/06/2014 08:44:17:176Success
Now I want to create a batch file to run the remaining files from my directory to my sql server. I also want to wrap each of these sql file executions in a transaction and log success/failure along with the runtime and filename into sqlfileexecutionlog table. As I add new sql files into this directory, I should be able to run the same batch file and execute only the sql files that have not bee run.
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May 26, 2015
I have a full backup followed by transaction log every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, how can i restore this file using sql agent to automate restoration of backup files with different file-name.
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Aug 15, 2006
I have used the SSIS import/export wizard to create a transfer from one database to another.
Q1: Why are some files from this wizard stored in the the temp folder ?
Example: C:Documents and SettingspbhLocal SettingsTemp
This is extreemly unuseful when checking in the solution in tfs since these files will not be saved.
Q2: I have tried to move these files and manually edit the location for these file references in the dtsx package file. However: The connection string wants an absolute path for the files..
DTS:Name="ConnectionString">c: mp1EA.tmp
How can I refer to $project$ mp1ea.tmp, a relative path to the project directory instead?
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Dec 21, 2006
Hey guys,,
Well im new at this SSIS stuff and i have something that i am trying to do, but cannot get it to work.. Ill try to explain, and if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction it would be much appriciated..
I have 2 tables, one header table. and one lines table. This is a one - to -many relationship.. ie 1 header, many lines.. This is a Order Header, and Order Lines table setup.. Order header has Order numbers and and email address field that link to the lines table by order number. I also have a view which links all this info together.
I would like to export a excel file (preferable named from the order number column - but that can come later) for each order number in the header table. The excel file will contain the details from the View that was created. I want this to loop through all the header records in the header table and create a excel file for each one..
Down the track i want to add a send mail task to this and pass the email address to a variable so i can use it in the send mail task.. But ill get the main part working first..
Anyhelp would be more than helpful.. I tried to set this up, but i am stuck on the enumerator part..
thanks again, scotty
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Feb 10, 2014
I need to import data to a MSSql table from massive (read: a million and a half rows, every single day) logs that come in .txt format separated in tabs with a ";" symbol and then have some stored procedures analyze that data to generate some reports in an excel file with that info. The text files include the column headers in the first row and the data starts on the second one.
The challenge is that the text files differ in column order and count every single day.
The analysis that I need to do only needs about 15 columns from the nearly 90-120 that those files include, and those columns sadly happen to be in a different order in those files.
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Oct 12, 2015
I am working in an environment where i inherited bad design. I have a column in a table. This col contains huge HTML files. We are mostly reading these files and very little updates.
I am changing this whole architecture and going to using Azure Blob storage. I am stuck right now. I need to extract these html strings and save them into separate files in year/month/day/filename.html format. I have another column in the table which has create date saved in it.
I am planning to import all these files into BLOB storage and save link in the table.
1) How can i extract these strings from the table and save them in the year/month/day/filename.html directory/sub-directory format
2) How to import these files into BLOB storage.
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Feb 28, 2006
I am trying to create a Procedure that will export all the tables present in the database to corresponding flat files. The below procedure builds fine but gives a run-time error as below:
SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unable to open BCP host data-file
What am I missing?
CREATE Procedure BCP_Text_File_5
Declare @table varchar(100)
Declare @FileName varchar(100)
Declare @str varchar(1000)
select name from dbo.sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name = 'TestTable'
open export_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM export_cursor INTO @table
set @FileName = 'D:SqlData' + @table + '.txt'
set @str='Exec Master..xp_Cmdshell ''bcp "Select * from '+ db_name() + '..' + @table + '" queryout "'+ @FileName + '" -U sa -P sa -c'''
EXEC (@str)
FETCH NEXT FROM export_cursor INTO @table
CLOSE export_cursor
DEALLOCATE export_cursor
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